Inside An Ad**t Game As A Former Hero


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I got pulled into the NTR game I was going to gift to my pure harem lover friend.

The game has already progressed to the middle, and the heroines seem to have been already stolen away from the hero, in which I was transmigrated into.

Now I just deeply crave for a cigarette, but I can’t even smoke in this world…!

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게임에 빙의한 전직 용사
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hose246 rated it
August 15, 2022
Status: c44 part1
Well, before I started writing this review, let me clear some confusions for the earlier chapters. The MC is a former hero who was once isekaied to another world but returned to Earth. This is implied but not directly stated by the author in the earlier chapters, which can cause quite a bit of confusion if you don't know about it.

Alright, down here is the review:

This novel is a perfect power fantasy.

Though, when I say power fantasy, I'm not taking about the MC just slapping around some people for no... more>> reason. Instead, the MC slaps people around in a satisfying and relieving way, which is the way of good power fantasy.

The MC is an absolute gigachad. The first thing he does when he transmigrated to another world is check his own pp size. Yet, that is not all he is. He also have is own backstory with how he used to be a hero in another, which will slowly get unveiled the more we read the story.

The side characters are decent. I think the author did a very good job adding certain characteristics to even one-off side characters that you won't see again. It makes the characters seem more real instead of them just being some boring little third-rate villain when the MC eventually got slapped them around.

The plot is quite interesting. It is basically the MC doing whatever he wants in another world but with good comedy. The first 10 or so chapters may make the novel seem a bit generic. But as you continue reading, you started to realize how enjoyable this novel really is. If you are seeking out for a power fantasy to read, then I suggest you to read this. <<less
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Erzherzog_Charles rated it
September 27, 2022
Status: c107
This is simply not good or even decent.

It does not work as a revenge fantasy or plotline, because the MC hardly gives a crap about what happened to the original owner of the body.

The start is a common plot element. MC starts from a position of absolute weakness, just here it is as the protagonist of an NTR game. The Isekai character is then given every cheat or plot armor that are common. He knows the world from playing the game, and it's sequel, as well as being a massively... more>> OP character because he was already isekaied once into another world and succeeded as an overpowered hero.
His powers are never truly explained and can essentially be called as plot demands. Only a sword master can learn it, well he is one. Only that specific skill would allow that, well he has it. No tension, of any kind, could ever exist.

Adding to that lackluster elements comes that MC is an unlikable scumbag that essentially stepped into the role of the "evil scumbag" in an NTR plot. At the start, during his hunt for gaining the McGaffin to step out of his role as NTR Protagonist, he has some moments that make him appear likeable, but after he gets his "megachad" dick... there is nothing there.
If an act of selfless kindness by a kid has to inspire a massively overpowered main character to step up and save people, that character is human garbage.
He openly cheats on his girlfriend left and right, blackmails, tortures, mu*ders and mutilates people without a second thought. Shirks duties and responsibilities, but has no problem forcing them on others. He treats the heroines and FL like trophies to collect from a game, instead of persons. It does not feel like he has any feelings for them, none at all. It is exemplified when one asks what would have happened when she would have met him first, he just says then she would be his girlfriend instead. No feelings or attachment at all, they are just toys to him that he does not want to share.

The three original heroines that "betrayed" the Original owner of the body are portrayed as sympathetic and you actually hope that things turn better for them. Well, they don't. In a classic example of victim blaming on the lowest level, after suffering horrible for their choice on a physical and emotional level, they just get hammered more. If that is the goal, why make them sympathetic in the first place? Let them be the pink woman that the MC so hated. (Btw, I honestly hoped this prejudiced view would have gotten him into problems just once! Imoen is best girl, a**hole!)

By far the best parts of the story are the search for power-ups and the cure for the MC's small wiener problem. There is karmic justice, interesting side-plots and some humanizing moments for the MC, which get all thrown out the window when he gets his cure. Afterwards, it goes downhill as fast as possible. <<less
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Glacierice rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: c160
MC is proper Chad. He isn't a psychopath like those cn novel MC's or a dude without balls like those jp novel MC's. He doesn't think with his dick, he knows how to comfort women and make them fall for him.

Story has layers to it and the MC himself has layers to his character. He has his own hidden past.

Pretty fantastic novel, the author was able to bring out emotions and desperations of characters.

This is actually a complicated story and things are still unfolding, not your typical transmigration story. All... more>> the characters have their own depth, they ain't 2dimensional.


Currently MC slept with around :

5 women - 2 milfs (both maybe pregnant, one of them is scummy hero's mother),

An angel, other scummy hero 's sister, part member (formal girlfriend)

These are only women with whom MC actually slept with, their other female members too with romantic interest

The harem isn't harmonious, there is tension between them.


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pomoli rated it
June 25, 2022
Status: c26
I'm actually surprised it's ok (EDIT : Read the last paragraph, highly disappointed). After reading the many "cuck this" or "chad that" reviews, I expected something really low level, but it's not.


    • MC seems to hide a deeper complex character with a mask of a funny carefree person, so there is more to him than I expected. Overall he is interesting, very powerful, but not a total psychopath nor a hot headed angry simpleton.
    • The story has more layers than I expected, especially with mc's past.
    • All characters seem to be developed at least a little. The (ex) heroines who betrayed the MC seem to only be there a few chapters before disappearing from the story, but maybe they'll appear again later. Interestingly they look like the pawns of a game between powerful people, who used the person the MC took over, who was weak and not up to the task. Their betrayal was both expected and making sense given the manipulation of others, the former hero's inadequacies, and their own weak mind.
    • The hinted heroines (not the ex ones), seem to be developed very slowly, which is good. And as far as of now, still no romance.

    • The first chapter (prologue) was rough and honestly it looked like the rest of the story would just be basic not very good smut. Thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case but, while I understand the intro's idea since it's an "adult game", I think there would have been ways to write betrayal or even erotica better than this.
    • While I can infer the (ex) heroine motivation for betraying the hero through the points I've underlined above, I think it would have helped to set things up with why they decided to betray the hero before he was taken over, because just the prologue was kinda abrupt. Especially as the author jumps through pov, so one chapter on why they decided to deceive the hero would have been made their logic... make more sense.
    • MC seems to be obsessed by the size of his penis, hopefully the idea isn't to make him some kind of skirt chasing pe*vert when he can pitch a tent again, because that would kill the LN imo. Edit : MC turns to be a skirt chaser sadly as I feared, and the story into smut later, and cheating one too. Maybe the whole "harem seeking" thing appeals to some, and if so more power to them, but I'm not into that, minus 2 star.
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SilverDawn41 rated it
June 29, 2023
Status: c122
It had a good start, nothing amazing but was quite fun to read, MC had a reasonable response to his new situation, his personality was decent and there were some fun interactions e.g. With the best character Frillite. But oh boy it starts getting awful, MC starts acting like scum, constantly guilt-tripping the same characters, and boring bland arcs that ended with either conclusions that made little to no sense or just were resolved off-screen without any further mention.

TLDR: Starts decent, falls off hard mid-way.
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phuonglong003 rated it
February 18, 2023
Status: Completed
It's decent, although there were some questionable choices, don't think too hard about it.

MC makes a lot of weird decisions and seems thoughtless but once you realize that he's mentally broken from his past and was once a playboy as a consequence, the women around him helped heal him gradually towards the end.

And no, I'm not talking about being NTR'd. The body of the character that the MC possessed is the one who got the cuckold stick, MC doesn't care much about those women and never got together with them. All of his harem members are new characters that you meet later.

The author did give one of those women (who NTR'd the body that he possessed) a sort of redemption and I felt it was quite fitting. It was seemingly tragic for her and bittersweet; but I feel it actually ended out pretty good for her after her redemption arc.


By the end of the novel, MC didn't dislike Neria anymore and admitted that he viewed this world through the lens of the game and so he was heavily prejudiced based on the game and its twisted creator. But the characters once became reality was vastly different from what he imagined, and he admitted that after seeing her tragic fate. Those 2D characters no longer have weird 2D personality but someone with actual emotions and depths. It was revealed that Neria (the main heroine of the game who was love interest to the character of the body he possessed) was forced to do what she did and not out of her own will. She spent the rest of the novel extremely depressed, especially when she found out that the original character committed su*cide because of her before she could explain things.

It was heavily implied that the MC used his soul powers to re-unite her with the soul of the body who he possessed and very likely gave them reincarnation so that they re-united with each other.

(Before she died, she finally uttered what she was holding back to the MC even though she knew it wasn't the original character but just out of guilt and for herself since she was dying, once she finally died MC used a mysterious power and said "say that to him yourself, idiot".)

Reincarnation is said to be a thing in this novel by the 'gods' and the souls enter reincarnation cycle. MC's original ego Holy sword (Leah) has the power to trap, absorb, and transfer souls at will.


The other 2 original companions of the original body's soul didn't as much attention as the aforementioned girl and I guess one of them (the Saintess candidate) went through a "mini"-redemption arc but it wasn't fully explored; it was only revealed that


She subconsciously lost faith in the original goddess and became the first believer of the MC, who later (as expected of Korean power protag novels) became a god. This is implied when she was saved, a new divine power within her was born and its color (pure white) was different from the color of the OG goddess that other priests radiate (gold). When the Archbishop found out he almost got her burned on a stake and called her a heretic but was forcefully suppressed by MC to keep quiet.


I feel like there were some plot points that were opened but ultimately left abandoned.


What happened to the girl he met in the first 20-30 chapters that can make carbonated water?????

Does he finally recall the face and figure of the woman he originally loved in the first world he was transmigrated to as the hero before this one?? He forgot her face because it was traumatic and his defensive mechanism subconsciously made him forget about her appearance but he still remembers her name, the events with her and his love for her at a deeper level. That was why he captured the Succubus Queen because she can enter his memory and re-made it so vividly, yet everyone else that entered his dream was able to see and view that woman's appearance, except the rope where she hanged herself with was empty in his perception. WE NEED CLOSURE FOR THIS! : (


Also for those who have read Chapter 179+ and wondered why that woman 'committed su*cide' after the battle.


[Chapter 179+] Why did that Einar committed su*cide? (She was MC's 2nd lover that looked like Ash - MC's first lover, who was also a Paladin or Saintess from the Church. I don't count Yuriel as his lover (the strict woman who helped him trained that was revealed earlier in his dream) because she died when they were both only interested in each other before becoming formal lovers.

I'm not sure, but I can take a guess. If you read my Spoiler above about the priest who became MC's first believer, that may not be a true theory. Because in the flashback dream when we explored the MC's past in the first world where he transmigrated, and it eventually comes to a point where him and this original woman he loved was ambushed and surrounded by Demon Corps Commanders and was going to be met with a tragic end, the woman (who also loved him) began to buff him with a weird buff that was also white in color (described as pure white light, similar to the Saintess candidate's color that I mentioned above) and he overturned the situation and killed most of them, the rest fled.

However it was noted that her face visibly paled and became unnatural after that, and the day after that he found her committed su*cide in her room.

I can theorize why, because she was ultimately a Saintess who blasphemed her original god/goddess by switching the divine power of her belief in someone else (MC), which means she no longer believes in the OG god and her faith (love) for the MC was higher. It may be (actually subtly implied) that it was the god/goddess of that world who made her commit su*cide, because it was later revealed by the end of the novel that the MC came to the heaven of that first world and slaughtered all of the gods.

So Einar was actually the MC's first devout believer, Ophelia 2nd.

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Rasselon rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: c38 part2
Usually, if I just like the novel and don't have much to say, I'll wait till finishing it to write the review, but here I'll do an early one, even if it's empty.

10/10, read it. It is great.

Don't look at the title, there wasn't any explicit scenes after the prologue, this is just an amazing adventure series.

MC is amazing, especially his motivation, lol. "Former hero" tag at its best.
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Masqore rated it
July 25, 2022
Status: --
The story is really good if you like munchkin stories, I won't go too much into detail of the story since everyone's probably already talked about it. Honestly, the most disappointing fact about this novel is that the translator stopped and you have to pay and read it in raw korean. I feel like too many gems like these are kept hidden from most because of this. Still, if you have a wallet then a highly recommend it.
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Yjchong rated it
December 16, 2022
Status: c85.2
Surprisingly good. No masterpiece of fiction mind you.

I like the MC. He's quite chill and nonchalant, he's not over or underconfident, and his speaking is just amazing. The dialogue from him is great, I think he really just conveys his feelings so well that the other person in the conversation will understand clearly what he is trying to say.

Characters are a dime a dozen. Frillite, Katarina and Mars were the few notables, with the MC having enjoyable dialogue and experiences together. I am interested in how his original party develops... more>> in the future, they're already getting some but the final push isn't there yet. The other heroes are dickheads unconditionally, and I can't remember anyone else.

Story is great as well, interactions with characters mentioned above, character levelling and killing monsters, travelling. It doesn't overstay any of those and character interaction is probably the strongest point of this Webnovel.

A few issues tho. 1st, MCs stronger than his level and it's never really explained.

2. Whenever the other 2 heroes show up, abuse and insults will be throw own MCs way, and it gets annoying after abit.

3rd. Pink hair gag, gets annoying real quick.

4. Not enough damn chapters I wanna see more Katarina

Overall, 7.5 - 8 (enjoyable read) <<less
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June 4, 2023
Status: c118
you know a novel is tr*sh when the writer makes you hate the MC guts.

the writer is so engross in making the main cast pay for the betrayal that he spent half of the story shitting on them even I start feeling bad for them.

MC knows about their suffering but does nothing because after all they where the previse cloud comrades not his.

and don't get me starting on the MC being a 2 timing bit*h latterly having an affair with another girl and he keeps telling his lover that he... more>> would never sheet on her and that he cares about her consent under the pre text of trying to fool the other hero.

good start but the writer refused to get out of his comfort zone (making the main cast suffer as source of entertainment for the reader) so it became shit <<less
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RedCube rated it
November 30, 2022
Status: c80 part2
I wish those that read this actually think and act like an adult, since this novel is fairly smut, readers shouldn't act like teenagers when reading it.

First of all, the there is only NTR at the prologue, and it doesn't even happen to the "mc" but to the body of the MC instead. The hero of a party gets NTR'd and betrayed so he commits su*cide by summoning another soul to live in his body. The world/goddess f*cks with the destiny of the hero and is destined to be cucked... more>> or not have s*x since his d*ck is small, so the new gigachad MC goes on a quest to get stronger and get a bigger c*ck.

The world of the plot follows an NTR game, so it's conflicting on the readers on what to feel against the NTR b*tches since compared to the original plot of the game, they technically haven't done much harm to the former MC, but we and the gigachad MC knows what will happen and what is the real story behind their actions. Not everything is black and white so many readers are conflicted on whether to hate the girls or not since they grow very clearly in love with the MC.

I would say that this is a 10/10 since it brings out a strong feeling of betrayal in the beginning, but is solved with a large amount of satisfaction along the way. Again, the gigachad MC never gets cucked, so readers don't need to be scared by that. He even tries to steal women from those that cucked the previous hero. The novel pivots and turns into a smut harem novel after he gets a bigger c*ck. Give it a try. <<less
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Catofdoom rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: c84
Good powerfantasy.

The world is really well written in how it integrates the ottome elements into its world. Where people just fundamentally don't make much sense. Which makes really really nice understandible punching bags for the protagonist. Very satisfying to read, good arc from being a weak pathetic cloud to a strong pathetic cloud.

Main issue does spoil a fun direction the novel is taking

... more>>

My main issue is about how it turns into a smut novel halfway through. It's the ultimate NTR novel. It's NTRing you from a good story and now your lached into the ride. And like any good NTR there was many hints left around that this was where they were going to take it.

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grenfunkel rated it
June 3, 2022
Status: --
No ntr here. Title too misleading haisssssh. Just plain old strong otherworlder replacing the soul of the weaker person then wrecking havoc in another world. What perplexes me though is that the MC was described as a shut-in otaku in the initial chapters. Later on though it is said that he was a soldier/fighter or something. Weird background story but I'll take it I guess. Do soldiers become otaku after leaving the military?
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MrCents_04 rated it
May 28, 2023
Status: --
I have never seen a scumbag like this!

The MC is a scumbag and sociopath. He doesnt like to be cheated, but he does the opposite.

He cheats on his lover named Katrina, and he doesnt really care about the consequences since he is an overpowered human being.

... more>> I understand the cause and effect, but this MC is the most disgusting MC I ever read thus far.

I dont understand why some people likes it, but nevertheless, I respect their opinions.

For me, this is a no-no.

If this is a p*rn, maybe it will pass.

Recommended for Hentai series. <<less
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RealityMaker rated it
May 24, 2023
Status: c120 part2
The beginning was interesting, but eventually it becomes evident that the first few girls will never get any redemption arc. The Main Character also becomes the epitome of power self-fulfillment for the author -- it's completely wrong for the girls to cheat while the main character can do it without any repercussions.
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April 19, 2023
Status: c118 part2
This novel feel pretty good to read for a couple of dozen chapters, it was refreshing to see a sigma protagonist who genuinely does not give a shit, but what started off as an intriguing story about his journey started to go down after he get that dammed herb. While all the girls seem to have an actual interesting characters, our MC now is nothing more than a barbaric guy, always looking to drill someone with his ding dong, going so far as cheating. Why the hell do we have... more>> to follow him on his journey to make his girlfriend sucking on his c*ck? <<less
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JoeMama15 rated it
March 22, 2023
Status: c95
It is awesome. Kinda sad that there are only 238 chapter because it means I'm already half-way through the novel.

I have been trying to look for similar novels but to no avail

Also be careful, some guy gave a lot of spoliers in his review but only censored some of them. So I got spoiled a bit
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Nitpicking Reader
Nitpicking Reader rated it
December 25, 2022
Status: c151
This is a good novel, the only thing I don't like is how the 3 ex-heroines, the ones the original hero teamed up with, are still virg*ns, which make no sense, it's something contradictory with the story and logic. Guess the author didn't want to chase those with NTR-phobia (I'm one of them), it's just that even if it happened it wouldn't be considered NTR since it was the previous owner of the body that got cucked and not the protagonist that transmigrated later.

Everything else is good, I highly recommend.... more>> <<less
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ShawonH rated it
September 23, 2022
Status: c209
It was pretty good read and the novel is actually shows realistic side of the characters and story development according to impacts that was made by various events. MC has a good head on his neck. And other characters also plays their rules according to story development. No cliche.


A girl died and I felt some contradicting emotions -_-


Give it a try!
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Purps rated it
August 13, 2022
Status: c44.1
why does novel updates censor Adult?

anyway, good novel

long story short

MC is OP so expect it to be a "MC Never Loses" type novel

unless you count the OG body

though alot of "Mystery" because MC thinks something bad will happen if he uses his "Real Strength"

so thats why -1 star, because its almost the definition of a Chunni, "UHG I cant use the power in my left arm or it will destroy everything I care about!"

also if you care for revenge it happens in like, the first 44 chapters
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