Insensitive Bocchi-kun ~Reluctantly Heading to School Today~


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Kento Mamia, a high school student who is lonely and unremarkable, is at the bottom of his class. 

He is just another background character, silently going about his school life.

However, he has yet to realize that he is actually the most outstanding person in the school… and that his greatest time to shine is about to begin…

Associated Names
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Donkan Bocchi-kun
鈍感ぼっちくん ~今日も嫌々学校へ向かう~
鈍感ぼっちくん ~今日も嫌々学校へ向かう~(改定版)
Related Series
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  1. Harem Novels I have read

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Date Group Release
09/04/23 Zetro Translation c66
09/04/23 Zetro Translation c65
08/31/23 Zetro Translation c64
08/28/23 Zetro Translation c63
08/24/23 Zetro Translation c62
08/19/23 Zetro Translation c61
08/19/23 Zetro Translation c60
08/12/23 Zetro Translation c59
08/12/23 Zetro Translation c58
08/08/23 Zetro Translation c57
08/08/23 Zetro Translation c56
08/05/23 Zetro Translation c55
08/05/23 Zetro Translation c54
08/05/23 Zetro Translation c53
08/02/23 Zetro Translation c52
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7 Reviews

Jul 11, 2023
Status: c55
aPizza is just straight up wrong. Chapter 11 was pretty early, to be fair, but this is exactly like every other 'secretly turbo awesome but prefers to be a loner' kind of novel. MC has absolutely zero confidence, and whenever anyone compliments him, he either thinks the other party is flattering him or he's simply being scammed. There's another novel that was floating around here recently. I believe it was something like "My classmates ridicule me and call me a gloomy loner, but I'm actually a popular voice actor". This... more>> novel and that one are essentially the same. Just switch around the specs of the protagonist a bit. They're both equally infuriating, and for almost exactly the same reasons.

Edit: So I decided to catch up to the most recent chapters to see if just maybe things had changed; and of course they didn't. I know it was only 13 chapters since my review, but I was hopeful that the author would start to give Kento some much needed confidence by chapter 50. At this point, this just needs to be removed from the romance genre, since there's absolutely none in site. No, 1-sided love does not count as romance. Apparently, this went on hiatus at 141 chapters, and I bet the reason is because the author still hadn't even started to boost Kento's self esteem by that point, and simply didn't know how to achieve it. I refuse to read the raws for this insufferable story, so maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I'm dropping it from here. <<less
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Aug 13, 2023
Status: c141
It was fun while it last🥲

Hear me out.

The MC is as the name of the novel insensitive. He is Handsome, Strong and Smart that a fact but except for him knowing he is strong he remains oblivious to his surrounding and doesn't even realise he is handsome?Instead of insensitive he is Dumb😑 but as the plot goes on it isn't much of a problem. He severely lacked common sense but its the normal Dense MC type so it works out.

The MC is the type that will try his best to... more>> not MISUNDERSTOOD anything and likes to be a background character due to his loner days but the story is pretty enjoyable.


MC will finally realise around ch 90+

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May 25, 2023
Status: c11
It's a good read. Though it does feel like a self-insert kind of story. It's your loner but he's secretly strong, handsome, and smart type of MC. But this is better than the one's I've read.

MC is not a super wimp. Well, he's not social because he gave up trying to get friends. He's more or less minding his own business most of the time. Not stuttering or blushing everytime someone notices his coolness.

Anyways, definitely a good read if you like this type of story of super cool loner who... more>> does stuff that eventually gets noticed by the super cute girls and stuff. <<less
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Sep 03, 2023
Status: c20
Honestly, pathetic.

The protagonist, the heroines, the side characters, the plot, basically everything.

I can't connect to any character, nor do the interactions between the characters entertain me in some way. In fact, it rubs me the wrong way. I didn't know what it was in the beginning, but later I realised it was due to the poor levels of communication between the characters.

I hate that. No, I despise that.

To be honest, it was a waste of time.
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Aug 15, 2023
Status: c59
MC is a loner but was actually an ex-boxer with high athletic ability and obviously handsome. But so far, we haven't got into why he has REALLY LOW self-esteem and confidence. I really hope it was for a good reason rather than

... more>>

Being abandoned by your classmates because of your poor style


Initially he doesn't care about the girls advances as he still doesn't believe in himself, so he just blurted whatever comes to his mind without any care for the girls. Well, he didn't think too much of it since he thinks he just do what normal good person does, helping people. But that's how the snowball gets rolling.

TBH, his no-filter talk in with the first girl is really good.

It's definitely a fun read. The only annoying part is that he sighs too much, and if he keeps continuing this act for the next 50 chaps without realizing his worth, it's an auto 2 star down the line. <<less
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Sep 24, 2023
Status: c77
When I started reading this I realized quickly that this is not a gem by any means. It is your standard insensitive protagonist/ harem novel. That is fine for some laughs but the protagonists internal thought process is painful to read because of... so many reasons. To call it a thought process is already giving it too much. It does not extend beyond the repetitious "I don't know what's going on" "This is incomprehensible" "I don't understand" "I am not involved".

There is no progression in relationship, character development, etc. (I... more>> literally mean time is the only thing supposably doing something) and like any bad harem novel a member of the harem gets introduced and is involved in the story for a little and then proceeds to chase the protagonist and assert her presence every 10 to 20 chapters just to remind the reader that this is a suppose to be a harem novel.

So, I would up it to 2 stars as of 102. Some character development is occurring and Tanaka's chapters are amusing but general quality and the expectations of depth remain the same. <<less
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Dec 08, 2023
Status: c115
This was an ok time-waster. The story is comically dumb and nonsensical but quite alright nonetheless.

Trigger Warning:

Some of the female leads were sexually harassed and were almost r*ped.

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