The Issue of Why I’m Frequently Mentioned in Conversations Among S-Class Beauties ~Please Stop Fabricating Things I Have No Memory Of~


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“The kind of guy super gorgeous girls seem to be looking for- it makes me cry.”

On holidays, he puts on a fashionable exterior— his true self. 

On weekdays, he looks plain and unremarkable— his public facade. 

One Sunday, Haruya Akasaki, a high school boy with a dual personality, comes to the rescue of a beautiful girl who is being harassed by a man. 

But from that day onwards, he finds himself helping troubled girls every Sunday, resulting in him becoming the topic of conversation among the S-class beauties in his class.

“… Hmm? Where have I heard that story before?”

This is a story about Haruya, who unwittingly helped the S-class beauties and gained their admiration, eventually leading to the creation of his own harem.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Naze ka S-kyuu Bijo-tachi no Wadai ni Ore ga Agaru ken
なぜかS級美女達の話題に俺があがる件(new title)
何故かS級美女達の話題に俺がよくあがるようになった件〜身に覚えがない捏造はやめてください〜 (old title)
Related Series
Naze ka S-kyuu Bijo-tachi no Wadai ni Ore ga Agaru ken (Light Novel)
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/22/23 Zetro Translation c45
06/22/23 Zetro Translation c44
06/20/23 Zetro Translation c43
06/20/23 Zetro Translation c42
06/18/23 Zetro Translation c41
06/16/23 Zetro Translation c40
06/16/23 Zetro Translation c39
06/16/23 Zetro Translation c38
06/13/23 Zetro Translation c37
06/11/23 Zetro Translation c36
06/06/23 Zetro Translation c35
06/04/23 Zetro Translation c34
06/02/23 Zetro Translation c33
06/02/23 Zetro Translation c32
05/31/23 Zetro Translation c31
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2 Reviews sorted by

aPizza rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: c45
It's pretty good. The description really tells us what's this is about. A loner MC dresses up and meets the three girl one by one by chance and befriends them one way or another. Then, in school, the girls are curious to who it was and the people who were eavesdropping began to spread rumors while loner MC remains clueless. There isn't really much tension or suspense, maybe just a little sugar when MC interacts with them in his outings (but chapters are short so it's somewhat little).

Good read if... more>> you like loner MC's hidden persona raises flags with the heroines and they try to find him. <<less
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Coldfanai rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: --
Well the plot is basically MC trying to be a alone/=Loner. But still like enjoying a company of like minded people/shoujo lovers, Definitely not my favorite but not hated as its kinda refreshing. The author doesn't describe how the MC suddenly became attractive enough to be like by the heriones as what he basically did is style his hair and put on earrings, dress add charms but how do no one notice him??

Contrary to his love for shoujo he is typically a mud head to reading expressions like many Mc😑.... more>> But not gonna lie the whole plot is fixed with the heriones being in a girls only middle school thats makes them quite innocent.

Well as mentioned the MC is not very described but the heriones characters are enough reasons that keep me reading this novel. They are cute <<less
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