I Reincarnated as a White Pig Noble’s Daughter from a Shoujo Manga


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I recalled memories of my past life after Grandfather told me my engagement was annulled. At the same time, I realized this world was the same world as in my favorite shoujo manga. The villainess who exhausted every method possible to bully the heroine… I reincarnated as that villainess’ chubby follower. I shook upon remembering the future lined up for her. When the villainess’ evil deeds came to light, she pinned all her crimes on Britney. I was a character that gets executed.

To reliably avoid this, I must not become the villainess’ follower. As this villainess only keeps those who are exceptionally uglier than her by her side, I may be able to do something if I slim up. For now, let’s go on a diet!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tensei Saki ga Shoujo Manga no Shiro Buta Reijou datta
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Female MC (japanese) second part
  2. Female MC : Kingdom building
  3. Other
  4. Novel 3
  5. Liked Female Protagonist (JN)

Latest Release

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77 Reviews sorted by

mw_mw_chan rated it
May 30, 2023
Status: c196
Excellent characters and fast paced plot that is interesting and engaging.

Many reviewers don’t seem to understand Japanese culture very well and fail to see that the plot and characters are both realistic and everyone’s choices and actions are reasonable.

If you are looking for more dramatic fantasy, this is not for you.

This is a lighthearted and comedic story full of lovable characters.

Looking forward to the translations picking up again.
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April 17, 2022
Status: c196
In the first 10 chapters, Britany, the MC, is really harsh on herself. Mostly because, while she gained some confidence from regaining her past memories, she is still Britany and has lived for a long time as Britany. Habits are really hard to change, especially a pessimistic mentality.

Around 50 chapters, she starts to be more self-confident. Of course, it does not last as she will keep falling into depression and stress binge-eating due to all the things she is worried about (such as execution and some things I will not... more>> spoil) and being hurtled by abusive words.

Sometime later, she is affirmed by someone (and later reciprocates their feelings) and starts to care less about what others think. However, as a noble, especially as a girl, with a medieval conservative timeline, her duty is to be mindful of her manners and appearance; plus her Korean memories/habits, make her excessively polite which could add to the frustration as a reader.

Along the way, she tries to promote self-care to others.

Finally, the plot moves away from that and onto a typical shoujo fantasy plot (as far as I can tell). <<less
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July 10, 2021
Status: v1c10
So I was reading the manga of this and unfortunately after waiting for so long I just read that the manga is dropped but the story is really great so If you guys got curios of this just read the novel not the manga truthfully I really want to read the manga of this but it seems like they're really not planning on picking this up anymore...I really love the plot so I sincerely recommend the novel I promise it's great!😁

But I'm still hoping that someone or the previous artist... more>> of the manga will pick this up again...😣 <<less
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TripleBaka rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: --
I tried to really get into this novel because I don't mind reading isekai otomes sometimes and the artwork looks nice. But I couldn't get myself to read any more after a certain point that I don't even recall. I'm not sure where I stopped

... more>>

but I believe it was when Brittney was either 14 or 15 and when her cousin started to fall in love with her. Thus making a love triangle so far.


I don't mind the spoiler of who was involved but the whole concept of otomes having a ton of guys going after the MC is lame and I'm tired of it. I know that many isekai otomes are supposed to be shoujo but it's a tiring and boring concept to do for plot purposes. Like make it so that the MC and the ML fall in love and their trials are dealing with a relationship or whatever other stuff (like if she's a princess, how to deal with interacting with people in the castle while keeping the ML happy as well and not being stressed or overwhelmed.) Too real I guess? It's still better than a ton of guys that fall in love with the MC and only one ends up with her.

So the whole story is about a girl being isekai into a fat side character who gets killed off. The MC, who is disgusted with both the personality and weight of the body she inhabited, decided to change herself. That isn't a problem but the problem is she keeps putting herself down, etc. Despite the fact that she's currently Brittney, she can't magically go back to Earth and be in her own body, so after 80-100 chapters (I'm guessing,) wh are you still putting yourself down like chapter 1? This is literally your life and you now. And the story so far is usually just:


lose weight, some event happens, people are surprised, magically gains some weight again, repeat.


I understand that losing weight is something that people struggle with but that's literally this story for the most part in the spoiler. There are other characters but they seem flat. There are love interests but why be invested in cliched characters when it's obvious who is going to win?

The love interests can be summed up as clingy, tsundere, and blackened. Well, there's a term for a 'realistic' guy but I can't think of the dere term typing this so blackened it is! There's probably another love interest but I didn't get that far. Clingy is the most interesting and the less jerk-ish while tsundere is the worse one

I don't know what happens with the other characters but from reading the spoilers they don't get much better.


Clingly doesn't care if Brittney is fat or not, which is why he's the best one and isn't the typical prince. He likes sewing and doing stuff, not like a prince. From what other people said, he has a fetish for fat people but I didn't get that far. Tsundere is a jerk and the main love interest (no surprise,) who ditched Brittney at first and was the reason behind the cousin having it so that Brittney needed to be engaged after she reached a certain age. He kept flip-flopping and the only reason why he bothered to be with her is that she lost weight. He didn't accept her for the way she was and was really narrow-minded and selfish. He does get better but I'm still stuck on the fact that he treated her like crap in the past. The cousin wasn't so bad but he's blackened due to so many issues (involving the family) but then suddenly gets sort of possessive and it made me wonder why didn't he just marry Britteny himself? I mean what was the point of doing the engagement thing if he falls in love with her? It seems pointless and unnecessary drama. Like seriously.


Bad guys are boring and not really exciting. I heard it gets worse after a certain arc but I don't know.

The good points about this story? It's kind of refreshing to see an MC that talks about skincare and hair care products rather than random stuff that shouldn't exist in an isekai world despite it being her hack. <<less
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HelloHound rated it
January 9, 2021
Status: c139
I'll be the first to admit that due to the fact that I read the manga version first I had a few expectations for how some of the story and the characters would go. However, the place where the manga ends and where I spent the last few days reading had such a marked difference of enjoyablity that I honestly wish that it did end when it did- all the parts about her that were likable were pushed out of the way so I could see some self-hating damsel in... more>> distress pingpong between gorging herself and working out to the point where she practically collapses. I hate, genuinely and with all my heart, every single love interest that author has spat out in the path of the protagonist (who honestly should just stay as a mob considering how boring and circular her thinking is) ; Like!


Also what is with the chubby chaser prince and the increasingly r*pey-vibes ricardo


Protagonist just wilts like a goddamn daisy whenever a slightly stressful situation comes across and then I have to suffer through YET AGAIN another workout montage? She should find a backbone and stop! EATING! EVERY! DESSERT! GIVEN TO HER!! Is her willpower genuinely that weak? If so then why doesnt she just stay chubby? Or leave the country from her controlling ass cousin <<less
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aitakm1 rated it
August 27, 2020
Status: c114
At the beginning, I found it really interesting. Planning to lose weight and all (and fair warning, she does hate on her body a lot so some may be bothered by it). There was even the typical reincarnator buff where they have certain knowledge in their past life that would be considered innovative where they lived in. (which I personally don't mind bc I got used to it lol there is a limit I have and this didn't break it)

But the antagonists were all dumb af and too easily... more>> dealt with. It seemed as though the author took the easy way out in regards to this which was really disappointing.

there was literally a big mouth that exposed everything each time, but tbh it's not like they were necessary since the antagonists are dumb enough to do that on their own. There were conflicts, but they weren't as damaging/serious as they could've been bc dumb antagonist. That's all.


this story was something where I expected too much from it but.... it is alright to pass the time when you're really bored and not as sensitive to these types of things. I might come back to it one day...

Oh and another thing


Britney/MC's first cousin falls in 'love' with her and wants to be engaged with her. Seeing how closely related they are, it makes me uncomfortable. ESPECIALLY how he becomes controlling of her life and how she can't get engaged with anyone but him (basically). UGH this was another thing I was disappointed in. Why couldn't her have stayed her dear, yet a bit crazy, Onii-sama...I would've been fine if he became caring and overprotective (which is cute), but why you gotta make him a love interest author... At the very least make it would've been better if he were adopted, to reduce this uncomfortable feeling of mine even by just a little.


—and that was where I stopped btw <<less
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Luna5309 rated it
August 26, 2020
Status: c113
Personally, I find it lighthearted with interesting conflicts. I understand the need to lose weight, but I don’t think she’s being pessimistic to herself. There are some common tropes you find in villainess stories like the annulled engagement, harsh princess, and unlikable main character (not our MC) from the past life series. I like the genre, and this story has enough more uncommon factors to keep me interested. I find her humble, a little naive, but also determined and creative in her experiments.
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February 27, 2020
Status: c135
It's good but I can't completely go for it. The author writes ok but is both inconsistent and rather irrational with her choices of characters. It's cute but the main character is also too harsh on her weight sometimes is intentionally dense, changes into a damsel in distress despite her abilities and has horrible taste in men. That is all.

The author is really fond of Ricardo and so is super focused on him but he gets no character development and is the least interests ML ever. He follows her everywhere and has no ambition wants or cares of his own.

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Magireve rated it
July 3, 2019
Status: c82
(Ok so take this review from an average non english reader. I'm a casual reader that don't analyse stuff like chara dev; I could read anything and still appreciate it so I'm not the best at reviewing stories...)

General thoughts / For me, this is good enough. It's a nice and classic story with the isekai and villainess trope, so nothing surprising here. Definitively fun to read and pass time during a too warm summer day, but probably not the revolution of the genre. I wasn't expecting to... more>> find a masterpiece with a complicated plot or deep characters. What I got was a simple, cute and straight forward story, and it's what I came for. (It may bold of me to say this, but I do think that's the general vibe from this trope.)

MC -- fat shaming ? / It seems that a lot of people are uncomfortable with the way the author is protraying the overweight MC. While I don't feel that way, I have to admit that I'm quite naïve and dumb. The MC uses a lot of degrading terms that people might not be ok with, yeah. But I took it from someone who didn't like herselft and just wanted to feel better in her own body. It was a character's self hatred, if you ask me, but I would understand some people would see it in a different light.

MLs / I like her cousin, their relationship is interesting. I wouldn't call him a good person, but he has some warmth that show in later chapters, I guess. I would have shipped them if not for their blood ties. (What a pity, ah.) Ricardo is a sweet boy. Not my favorite type of ML, but pathetic characters have a charm and he is doing his best to protect the MC. I ship them. The prince character is funny and a bit different from the usual archetype, it's kind a refreshing, but again, it's nothing new.

Well, that's it, sorry for the length. If you are worried about the weight stuff in this, my best advice is to give it a try. The first chapters have very "mean" descriptions and you will see very early if this upset you or not. <<less
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blazingash rated it
May 18, 2019
Status: c74
I'm so glad that the author could write about a new idea in this genre like this! It's pretty good and interesting to see the main character's interactions with characters and the development of those mentioned relationships!

There may be some unexplained points...... more>>

how she somehow knows about beauty stuff and etc. when it comes to cosmetics, the soap, the shampoo, and the shampoo. It's not common sense, after all. It's not known whether she studied it or pursues it as a job or something in her past life. It leaves the readers to think she researched a lot of it on her own (or even on the internet). There's also the part of how her cousin has gone so far to trust her for a long time about her sudden knowledge of beauty and change of character (until he eventually learned the truth after confronting to her about it). His reason to hold back to talk about it should not really be about his desire to get the mones quick and be ignorant to his suddenly-beauty-smart 12-yr-old cousin. It's quite strange that he held back until the family's affairs were at a good, crucial spot. There's more, but ah well.


... but, besides that! The LN has some good points that COULD just, just override the bad ones.

    • The main character isn't annoying (to me, at least) but she has a tad bit of denseness (where it doesn't drive you insane or become comical)
    • Quirky moments with people around her
    • Doesn't leave you with just cookie-cutter little stories, stories connect and build their way up
    • (Connected with above point) Leaves you wanting more in hopes and in expectation of what the main character will do and how she will interact with future characters
    • Leaves you with info (you learn, haha :>) and shows a business/selling stuff side, if y'all like it
    • It focuses more onto the main character herself and her development; her interactions with others also makes it seem like she's developing more and more as a character
    • Characters are not over-the-top, nor too bland; leaves you either liking them, being okay with them, or disliking them
    • Potential friendship development with people that could just make you smile
The ship is kinda on loose (not a lot of moments and moments doesn't cause you to ship them, ship them), and the content is slightly bland. Everything is progressing well, yet there's nothing that's extreme (in that, I mean, VERY INTERESTING and adds some, yenno, UMPH, into the story and moves it along!!!) that pops up.


WARNING! What the author writes in Britney's POV may trigger you. Britney (MC) fat-shames herself and says stuff like how Britney (her old self) made herself that way (and it looks like she blames Britney for her fatness, rather than embraces it and agrees that she herself is Britney, if ya get what I mean).

She even agrees with Ricardo (ex-fiance) that she wouldn't marry a "something fatty" either.

It's quite sad. My hopes is that the author will correct her way of thinking through her future development or through a character.


All in all, I'd like to see more interesting things. It may need to add more spice as the chapters keep increasing. Although, I'm in chapter 74, unbeknownst of me to see anything that's leading to a climax or a period/arc that could spark a lot of interest and excitement, and a lot of changes/major plot points. I may have to edit this soon, once I read up 'till the updated chapters. Let's see if I can change my mind!

This light novel still has good potential as the arc of when she finally JOINS THE SCHOOL (I'm hoping, but if she doesn't...._.) hasn't arrived yet (from where I am reading, chpt. 74). It also still has good potential by how it's progressing well (not slow, nor too fast) and adds more foreshadowing potential in characters that she'll likely interact a lot with in her future once she's in school by 15-16.

So PEEPS! Reply to me if it's going good. I'll probably take a break from this LN. <<less
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shafiqae rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: c123
overall setting it's your normal transmigrassion story and all. the ML in this story I wished for it to be someone else as there is a lot of other supporting character that I think suits with the MC... but overall I would say the novel is not that bad...
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sakurra rated it
January 16, 2019
Status: c131
I like it! :D

I really like the MC and the ex-fiancee. I hope they finally got together. Other characters are very charming too.

I really hope the translation continue until the end. I was really curious how the future hold for the cute MC.

To be honest, I don't really like the heroine character very much. Even tough she doesn't mean any ill will, her action is too reckless and she doesn't think much about how her action affect others. It says that she will reflect her action and become better. I... more>> very much hope that is coming soon.

Because of that I at least want to see the MC defeated the Heroine and realize her action has been wrong. I wonder if I am too harsh to the heroine.

Well I Just want to see the MC reach happy ending. And I hope she achieve that with her ex-fiancee who love her very much! <<less
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X-blade_Tyreil rated it
January 10, 2019
Status: c131
This novel is so far one of the most interesting of it's genre in my opinion. The setting is starting to turn into cliche (what with the hole awaken as a villainess) but I love these so no real proplems there. I do have some criticisms but they are nitpicks at best. I do love this novel to the point of checking for updates every day.
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Ritu rated it
September 15, 2018
Status: c112
Really enjoyed reading it so far. Its uncomfortable to see how the MC is harsh on herself and thinks of herself as useless but idk that makes her more real than all those super confident MCs out there.

This is a light read. Simple and easy to follow
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himeka07 rated it
August 31, 2018
Status: c92
At first this may looks like ordinary isekai otome game who MC is reincarnated into villain and then change it by making beauty product and become pretty. But this story have good development plot where every character have their own story. This development is good and unpredictable.
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IrregularPerson rated it
August 6, 2018
Status: c69
In the beginning the plot seems pretty typical for a "reincarnated villainess novel" with the protagonist wanting to escaping a predictable death, but as fate has it her environment eventually manipulates her to trek a certain path.

Binge-reading the novel, the heroine is relatable when it comes to hygiene and is displays a incredible amount of dedication in order to change. Also he amount of information concerning hygiene inserted into the story is brief and informative but it is recurring. There is also a certain amount of logical loopholes in this... more>> story early on but up to the current chapter, all of it has been resolved. Go at your own risk but I highly recommend this work because it is well written, it also brings up the importance of body image and fashion coordination. <<less
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Renaxan rated it
July 18, 2018
Status: c50
.. Story is about usual otome reincarnation.. Unlike inside game, she is reborn in manga world, again as villain. Start with very usual way, remember memories from past life due something triggering, her target would likely avoid bad ending from manga (isnt it?).. And et cetera..

Likely others isekai otome, something would be invested by MC knowledge of previous world. In this case, MC mostly has beauty product knowledge, maybe she is healthy manager or something else before.

MC is diligent and passionable. Others also has their own personality, but shallow.. Well... more>> atleast they have. Certainly world building is there, but since its focussed on beautification tech side tbh I didnt get them clearly (is there magic, gun, sword only? Isnt even archery not found yet? Style country? Knight? Altho they said noble there. Idk, maybe I just didnt catch word about it).

I find not much feel when read this honestly.. So plain. May likely, the main target of this novel are woman. Didnt find things MC invented (or stole) are interesting, but I cant complaint about it. Aside that, its an okay read.

And also since its beautification product we are talking about, not food that can people tastimg directly. No one doubt about MC invented is safe or not and her opinion about others, if we talk about real world, something like that invented for first time would be likely has opposition. <<less
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