I Reincarnated as a White Pig Noble’s Daughter from a Shoujo Manga


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I recalled memories of my past life after Grandfather told me my engagement was annulled. At the same time, I realized this world was the same world as in my favorite shoujo manga. The villainess who exhausted every method possible to bully the heroine… I reincarnated as that villainess’ chubby follower. I shook upon remembering the future lined up for her. When the villainess’ evil deeds came to light, she pinned all her crimes on Britney. I was a character that gets executed.

To reliably avoid this, I must not become the villainess’ follower. As this villainess only keeps those who are exceptionally uglier than her by her side, I may be able to do something if I slim up. For now, let’s go on a diet!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tensei Saki ga Shoujo Manga no Shiro Buta Reijou datta
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Female MC (japanese) second part
  2. Female MC : Kingdom building
  3. Other
  4. Novel 3
  5. Liked Female Protagonist (JN)

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77 Reviews sorted by

Croc rated it
February 7, 2018
Status: c45
I really like how the author describes all the types of oils and their benefits. Who knew that you could learn so much from reading a novel. The story is a bit slow, however, I like that it describes how she’s slowly accomplishing her goal of changing her appearance. It’s a lot more realistic than most other stories. The slow pace and the peacefulness of this story is also a nice change from all the other novels I’m reading. I also like the contrast in the characters from the game... more>> she played to the actual people she’s meeting. <<less
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duderus rated it
May 19, 2020
Status: c172
The further you get into this series... the more unbearable it becomes.

Our girl becomes more and more gullible and s*upid...

Over half the cast lacks a personality and are just unlikeable... I should have dropped this earlier so it wouldn't have left a bad aftertaste. It was enjoyable at the beginning...
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Lilliah rated it
July 27, 2019
Status: c116
Well... How I start...

After reading for a short time I realized what a waste of time it's this novel, I mean (without saying any spoiler), the protagonist it's seems clever, and she has a useful inteligece from his past life, she is supposed to have a mentally to a young adult at lats! ~well, it's my common problem Whit the transmigrate protagonist ~ the author didn't use that skills that she has!!

... And the recently way of act and thinking from Britney it's annoying, it doesn't suit her mental age!... more>> For my own health, I drop this novel, at lats, this is me and my secretly complain about that my ship sank... Prince sama and Ryuze, I have no hopes that u will be sailing :' (~

The protagonist is really an idiot girl in social aspects or any time of inteligece that differs from his knowledge of plants and that kind of things... And the fact that the author seems to have any idea of what's he's doing to his main character makes me hate this story a bit...

If u like simple and superficial stories, u maybe like it... But I don't really recommend this one, it's not funny at all tho ~ <<less
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SunsetChaos rated it
October 19, 2018
Status: c130
The heroine of the otome game is the typical s*upid naive SJW mary sue that doesn't listen to people and pushes her values on others. Despite warnings, still risk danger to save even a single person no matter how tr*sh they are. The heroine is probably protected by plot armor, so the risk goes to everyone else who have to clean up her mess.

The MC, despite all her efforts to survive and shet, is still willing to sacrifice herself for the heroine, literally fell off a cliff for her. But... more>> plot armor for the second mary sue.

Stay out of the capital? Still went there often.

Avoid the villainess? Still became close to her.

Fat and ugly? Not fat anymore for the most part, certainly not ugly.

Broken engagement? Gets back with the same guy a third time.

Everything is moot and seems pointless. What's the point of this story again? <<less
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wintia_blue08 rated it
April 17, 2018
Status: c11
Haha, I'm almost the same as the former Brittany; a fat, lazy shut-in.

That's about it, but I still feel bad.
But as for me... man, I want to eat that bag of chips; but I want to get thinner. Just please don't be too harsh on me, Brittany.

With that said, I've decided to look forward to the progress and life of the main character, and hopefully she would reach a happy ending.
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eremedy rated it
March 28, 2018
Status: c48
One of the more realistic trasmigration stories, MC is cute and tries hard. Romance isn't really there yet. Fun to read. Will check back when complete
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vampirenelf rated it
February 1, 2018
Status: c41
Good translation and the story line is pretty relaxing and more realistic. I like how the author cares for details and there is no excessive time skip where *boom* three years later the MC is now fit and slim. Itakes me cringe so much on thinking who the MC is gonna end up with.

I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for slow pace novel and where the MC gradually builds her place in the new world.

The translator did a great job and I really love it when they... more>> put in pictures of the things explained in the novels, like how the dress looks like among other stuffs. It really gives us a good grasp on what the story is trying to portray. <<less
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eyenheart rated it
January 23, 2018
Status: c40
I'm really enjoying the concept of the protagonist using her knowledge of beauty and health products to her advantage. It is a unique and enjoyable skill in a transmitigation novel. The protagonist herself is a bit self-deprecating but she is slowly developing and making friends. I really enjoy that the side characters are not always what they seem. I really enjoy the perspective that they provide on the events in the original manga. They help you to truly sympathize with the protagonist and dread the fate that she fears.


It is a slight transmitigation cliche that the protagonist fears the inevitability of her fate even though she has done so much to change herself. I think that part of the reason she is so afraid of her future is because she experienced it while reading the manga. But it is nonetheless a little annoying that she continues to see herself as that ugly and evil minion. Even though she can see that the villainess and her companion are not as they were in the manga.

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Mystic_Penguin rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: c142
While reading over 100 chapters, I personally think that this villainess light novel gets quite repetitive and boring as it goes on in the later chapters. Don't get me wrong, there are lots villainess light novels with the same storyline and tropes (It's not bad reading those kind of books. I also read it to kill time and well, I still enjoy it XD), but this one in particular executed the main plot very poorly and the characters themselves aren't that like-able or just don't have the traits and motives... more>> good characters usually need in my opinion.

All the characters are very shallow and there wasn't any major character developments to help them either especially the fact that the plot reached many passing chapters. Britney is a character that was given a set of traits and skills whenever the plotted needed her to be (basically a mary sue).

Take for example when the princess was attacked while she was in a search for Britney. The MC being the MC just comes out to save the day and uses the skills of martial arts she learned from her grandfather. But what happens in the later story was that the skill was just discarded, it was no longer needed in the story. T <<less
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HentMas rated it
March 8, 2020
Status: c192
Huuuuuuuu... I had dropped this but decided to continue it because it advanced a bit more and I wanted to see... I really liked the MC and her attempts of improving herself and the lighthearted humor that was in this work.

First of all, the premise and the first chapters are quite well put together, there is character growth on everyone involved and it's well written and cohesive, even the side character "Nora" is interesting and enjoyable given that she appears only a few times in the work.

But as things progress...... more>> it really feels like the Author simply didn't have a "plan" and started using "Deus Ex Machina" characters to create conflict (which is the proper way of using a "Deus Ex Machina"... but the lack of experience and tact make it bothersome, not exiting or intriguing or even interesting)

My biggest problem with the later chapters is that everyone's character stopped growing and MC got shoved to the side because she's just not important anymore for the "kingdom" plot... yes she "knows" a few things but she's a far cry from the original MC that did a lot of things with her wits alone.

I'm not saying she's supposed to do everything alone but since she's the main POV on this work, and she turned into a device to get "exposition dumped" for the sake of the reader because the world is still being built and the author lacks the common sense of doing it organically, the Author failed the main rule of world building "Show, don't tell"

We didn't "need" chapters where everything is told plainly to the MC and then she discovers in surprise that everything they told her is true. (no sh*t Sherlock)

The thin and obvious "lies" were incredibly shoehorned to create conflict that was ultimately non-existent... and it wasn't because our MC was "smart" it was just another exposition dump given by another side character who exposed the lies... which grows confusing... and tiresome, why waste time with the first exposition dump just to have someone else counter exposition dump the former???

The worst character, and the one that ultimately ruined the book for me, is the villain of the current arch, I won't go into detail because I try to avoid spoiling any particulars of the story when I'm writing a review, but there is something to be said from an Author that haves thrown out the window caution and mystery in favor of confusing the readers with so much exposition dumping... from the mouth of said villain...

I don't know where the Author is going, and it feels like the author doesn't know either... it feels like the work lost track of what was supposed to be and is becoming something else...

Long gone is the humor of the first chapters, only to be replaced by exposition dump after another... and no one is doing ANYTHING important everyone is just getting dumped on over and over again...

dump dump dump dump...

uuugh... I wish someone gave the Author a class in world building...

A bit about myself: I am a writer, and I love reading, since I'm improving my self by reading others I tend to be overly critical on technique, especially when such technique is basic common sense in story writing, I understand LN and WN and stuff like that are made by amateurs like myself, but the problem with that is that this stories aren't incredibly complex or deep or meaningful, which make the mistakes on basic technique blatantly obvious... I can gloss over plot holes or lack of character growth which are abundant on this kind of works, but I came to read "stories" not get exposition dumped because the author doesn't know how to portray the world it's trying to build...

my reviews focus on technique, not plot points or story, it's hard for me to dislike a story because I ultimately love reading every and each story, but technique is what makes them unique and interesting, that's why I focus on those things <<less
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LazyLuong rated it
November 4, 2019
Status: c109
I decided to read this out of boredom and found that it was not as bad as expected base on the extreme poor ratings reviews. I rate the novel between 3.5 and 4.0.

The novel is shallow in that every treatment towards female is very superficial. If you look good, you will be treated as such, and vice versa if you look bad or fat. This is especially the cause for the nobility circle, causing inferior complex and warping their attitude. Males also suffer from inferior complex from their siblings, putting... more>> them in dispair.

From the shallowness, you get a decent story of their struggles, what cause them to be that way, and whether or not they overcome it before it is too late.

I also like the fact that even though characters tries to reflect on their own problem, they don't automatically make a 180 change in personality. Their internal conflict and attitude problems still exist, but they are gradually trying to get better.

The story is more of a light hearted vibe overall. Personally imo, this novel would definitely work better if is darker and detail when focusing on each character's struggle and PoV, while knowing when to make it light hearted at other timesto add more depth. <<less
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Sesrin rated it
September 11, 2019
Status: c162
Honestly this series had a mildly interesting premise for me. I enjoyed that the MC took a different approach to changing her fate versus the typical "get handsy in the drama" types.

... more>>

What I mean by that is that honestly she just makes soap and convinient things for herself and her territory and it ends up basically being the thing to change her future. She doesn't have to go along with the exact same story line with some minor changes and a mind of her own unlike some other series out there. She's not held down by the story she's in and that was refreshing to me.


The MC is a little silly and the series is comedic but some points get a little overused for my taste.


like we get that its basically called the white pig and it makes fun of her weight being a side character but to have her work so damn hard to lose the weight and then have her blow up to be massive like every other 15 chapters or so just because she ate a freaking doughnut gets overplayed and loses the funny factor they're going for


In terms of romance she had plenty of options vying for her affection but honestly reading through it makes you feel like she only ever really had one choice


Putting it plainly I dont like that she basically gets attached to Ricardo. He breaks off their engagement twice and then they have a happy friendship. That's where I wish they would've left them. But oh no all of a sudden he sees her in a different light once she starts loses weight and is cute and all of a sudden he can "recognize her hardwork" and falls in love with her? Really? And then she relapses on her weight and gets plump and starts to like him all because he tells her she's still pretty when she's a little round when he called her a fatty and a pig when they officially met for the first time. Forced much???



personally I really wanted her to end up with Ryuze since he actually saw her as a human being with more merits than just "being cute" and "puts forth efforts". I feel like Ricardo sees a surface version of the person she is and puts his own definition of her being onto her. I could support Ryuze and her since they relied on eachother and supported eachother. They saw one another for who they really were under the surface and I felt like the author took that point a squashed it in favor of the teenage boy who thought she was cute and told her she was pretty even when she gained weight again ughh.


A lot of situations had me groaning from the torment of just how shojo convenient they were but it wasn't too terrible I guess if you're into that kind of thing.

Ultimately I'm dropping this series because:


All the ships I was interested in were sunk in favor for the one that felt like pulling teeth. Honestly she could've been with Ryuze or the Prince since both of them look past "she's pretty" and actually encourage her efforts to improve the world they live in. Whereas this series has finished yet I can't get myself to read past MC and Ricardo getting engaged for the 3rd time.


I guess someone ping me if the love interest for the MC changes past chapter 163 haha <<less
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SnZ rated it
August 2, 2019
Status: c132
While I think it's a bit better than average isekai novel but it's this story oftenly becomes frustrating to read especially later chapters.

Many characters lack of common sense that cause them to endanger everyone around. Some characters can't even predict a pretty obvious outcome of their own actions. The plot is practically driven by terrible decisions made by random characters.

The protagonist has no control over her life, majority of events happen because she forced to do something by other characters that usually don't even care about her opinion.

The whole story... more>> goes like a see-saw:

MC saves the day, MC becomes passive and gets involved in a trouble, MC saves the day, MC is dragged in another trouble.

MC losses weight then gains it back because of s*upid brother, she losses weight again and gets forcefully fed by a prince (like +30kg in 4 days, magic).

After 100 chapter with appearing of the heroine it becomes even more exhausting. <<less
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Fiory rated it
July 4, 2019
Status: c144
It is one of the best novels that I have read so far. The MC is very likeable. She is funny, thoughtful, and hardworking. Personally, I can relate to her as she worked hard to become a better version of herself. And I like how the author portrays the MC not as a perfect ojou-sama with stunning figure who is adored by everyone, but instead she is portrayed as a normal person with her limitations who kept trying her best to support herself and her friends.

... more>>

I also think the author did a great job in providing the background stories for the villainesses (princess and her entourages). It was explained that the villainesses were acting arrogant was because they were trying to protect themselves as they were struggling with their confidence issue. Unfortunately, since nobody bothered to understand their feeling and corrected them, they end up raising their own death flag.

After MC recalled her past memories as an adult, she was able to overcome her inferiority by working hard. In her case, firstly she accepted her own body then continued to boost her confidence by exercising, wearing cosmetic products, and studying. There was an event when the MC tried to teach the princess and her friends about make up and dresses, she mentioned that each people will have different type of make up style and dress that suitable for them. It doesn't mean that the one with thicker make up is less beautiful than the one with lesser make up. So on and so on.. Go ahead try to read to know more =) I find the messages are quite meaningful.


This novel also has interesting story plot, a lot of actions and the MC played an active role in those events. Girl power!!


I find the interaction between MC and ML is also very sweet. Although the ML is not the typical perfect prince type, but I think his personality is suitable as the ML for this novel. Again, the author spent time to develop the ML character from weak and childish to become strong (through hard work) and humble. And what I like from their relationship is when they were trying to solve their engagement issue together. They are honest with each other and try to solve problems together.


To be honest I didn't plan to write this long but I really want to share some positive review on this novel. Some people may like this novel and some people don't, but it doesn't do justice if only those who doesn't whose the only one writing review. So as one of those who like this novel, I want to encourage people to try to read it first then decide whether this is your cup of tea rather than decided not to read it because of the poor review. Love and peace ;) <<less
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littlelily rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: c98
Hah...I don't really know what to write, just that as of now, I'm going to drop this novel from my reading list.

I'm not particularly against fat women and even in the novel, I find the MC's changing body weight (fat to thin, thin to fat) not that bothersome. It's just that I can't accept the romance part... why? just why? uhh! I'm not sure if there will be changes in future chapters, but as of chapter 98, I think the ML is pretty much decided to be 'that'. I know... more>> there's not much to choose from but even so I don't like the ML. I mean his character is not that of an ML but rather that of a follower.. so disappointing <<less
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unclebebby rated it
August 10, 2018
Status: c78
It's reincarnation with makeup and no magic. That's something relatively new. the character interactions are charming and the MC, Britney, is genuinely likable. Recommended for anyone interested in a lighthearted sweet story that might involve a reverse harem...

By the way is there a better word for "reverse harem"? Can we call it himrem?
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Klaruza rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c-- --
The character development is there and the plot is clear too... I like this novel than the other one (burriko villains)

Might contain spoiler:

The earlier chapters is about her trying to lose weight (80kg when she's 12 is not healthy) and helping her closed (?) ones

Kudos to the translator
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RINrin rated it
May 16, 2018
Status: c40
I personally love this series and I wonder why some people find this offensive. The MC was fat and overweight in any way, furthermore she was just 13 and it's not healthy. That being said, she understood that she needed to change her unhealthy lifestyle by exercising and cut down sugar. I don't think it is that bad.

Now for the review, the story was fine, with some draggy part but I already expected from the synopsis. It's typical reincarnation-villain-noble things, but the interesting part was the MC suffers from overweight... more>> and she has limited knowledge from her previous life. And also! She reacted funnily and the translator able to catch any jokes here.

I am pleased that translator also includes some pictures, one of the made me laugh like crazy. I believe a lot of you will experience the same thing when you read it. All in all, this is really worthy work and I encourage you to start reading. <<less
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Snowman256 rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: c75
The novel started off pretty strongly, with a realistic weight loss plan, a reasonable plan for personal growth and regaining her surroundings' trust, and overall shippable relationships. The novel unfortunately became more simplistic beyond ~c40, with the MC getting thrown into random romantic or social events that realistically shouldn't ever happen.

... more>>

Everything from

  • drunk noblemen trying to r*pe the princess
  • one of the princesses getting up close and personal every time they (like full on body contact distance, and not in a light hug kind of way)
  • another prince stalking whatever room she's in just waiting to talk to her
  • her prospective lover (at this point in time) seeming running all the way across a dance hall to publicly castigate and humiliate someone who said something mean to the MC instead of letting the MC show independence and denounce the guy herself

By c74, it's feeling painfully evident that none of the men take the MC seriously. They break promises to her at their own convenience. They disregard her wishes and tell her "you need to go there, you need to live here for a year and I have enough power to make you do so". Her engagement request gets rejected by her own brother/cousin despite his prior approval because he thinks he can milk more money out of her. None of the characters seem to look at the MC as a person, and the MC's stress from her low social and political position is just painful to watch - her cousin sees her as a money making scheme, the prince sees her as a talking companion/loveable monkey/a puppet who'll come whenever he beckons and stay whenever he commands it, and the princess just sees her as a tool/a foil to improve her own standing. The rejected fiance is the only person I consider decent, but the author seems to be forever relegating him to the puppy love reject position. Maybe some people might like novels like this, but IMO the novel is really pitiful on the MC side. <<less
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rienayen019 rated it
June 7, 2020
Status: c134
Honestly, the characters are so extremely lovable. They make me feel so giddy while reading this. That's why, even though this may feel like your typical "reincarnated-as" novel, it's still pretty memorable. You'd enjoy reading through the MC's struggles and how she'd resolve it. There is a manga, as well, that's why I decided to read the novel.

Though, the reason why I only gave a 4-star (it's supposedly 4.5) is because while I understand that it's not normal for a person of her age to be overweight (it IS still... more>> dangerous, it's a good thing she does work out since while it's not good to body-shame, it's really not healthy for a young girl her age to have a high BMI), the way the author writes those struggles as "too-into-the-face" for the reader. Like, I have a huge amount of patience, but it comes to point where it nerves me a bit. I understand why they'd do that, especially since they wrote this for a completely different audience, but it bums me out just a tad bit.

Overall, though. This is a good novel. I like it, for sure, and I'm waiting for more <3 <<less
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