I Reincarnated as a White Pig Noble’s Daughter from a Shoujo Manga


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I recalled memories of my past life after Grandfather told me my engagement was annulled. At the same time, I realized this world was the same world as in my favorite shoujo manga. The villainess who exhausted every method possible to bully the heroine… I reincarnated as that villainess’ chubby follower. I shook upon remembering the future lined up for her. When the villainess’ evil deeds came to light, she pinned all her crimes on Britney. I was a character that gets executed.

To reliably avoid this, I must not become the villainess’ follower. As this villainess only keeps those who are exceptionally uglier than her by her side, I may be able to do something if I slim up. For now, let’s go on a diet!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tensei Saki ga Shoujo Manga no Shiro Buta Reijou datta
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Female MC (japanese) second part
  2. Female MC : Kingdom building
  3. Other
  4. Novel 3
  5. Liked Female Protagonist (JN)

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This is a fluffy slice-of-life/historical/romance series that's a light, easy read. A young Japanese university student gets her memories of her past life and realizes she's living in a world similar to her favorite shoujo manga. It's implied she's only a teenager when she died. Regaining memories of her past life and seeing how everything has gone out of control to the point where she's bullied by her own servants and constantly eats for comfort, she resolves to regain control of her life however she can. She invents things she... more>> likes and is familiar with, such as soap, which she had a hobby of making in her previous life. My dad also makes his own soap, so I can vouch that this is a legitimate hobby. She also fights to lose weight and struggles with it. Like many people, she is one who regains lost weight much more quickly than other people, but she's become obsessed with it.

She is not a Mary Sue and laments her many short-comings. Fortunately, her efforts in skin care and beauty products help her earn an income with the support of her grandfather and cousin. She's definitely not someone who could do things on her own, which is refreshing. Although she's innovative in that world, it's within the realm of being believable.

Although some reviews have complained about a Mary Sue, I think they're referring to

the manga protagonist, who is a standard oblivious shoujo protagonist who gets in trouble everywhere she goes. Sure, women hate her, but that's because she keeps flirting with their men.


A few characters demonstrate selective amounts of depth and character growth, but there are many who are shallow or inconsistent as well. Part of this may be attributed to the translations.

The romance develops naturally with all of its doubts and imperfect meetings, which is a major plus for this series. It's definitely not a harem, and the MC is firm in her choice and turns down anyone who tries to change her mind about her man. They have a great trusting and faithful partnership.

Throughout the series, the writing is vague with a prominent lack of description and details, but this is common in Japanese writings. Later on, in the 180s, drama really kicks it up, but the writing is fairly weak regarding it.


The novel writer transmigrates into the story and develops opioids and drugs, which later result in people going into withdrawal. The drug trade feels like it just comes out of nowhere. The mangaka's temperament is inconsistent and comes across as fairly dumb, but part of this may be due to the rough translations.


TRIGGER WARNING: As a teenager girl--worse yet, a Japanese teenager girl--who awakens in an obese body, she naturally freaks out about her body size. That's not all--her body is the middle of puberty for a girl in middle school, which is just about as harsh as things could possibly be. Although this is a perfectly natural reaction for someone who grew up in the culture that promotes underweight figures as healthy or beautiful, the MC hates herself and her body intensely. She hates herself so intensely, she harps on it several times a chapter for the first dozen or so chapters. It's so bad, I almost dropped the series in the beginning. If you have ever experienced any issues regarding your body size and shape or know anyone who has, these chapters can be very upsetting. Her self-esteem regarding her body size is so weak it's as though she feels like she can only survive by losing weight. Take note that she has a history of abandonment, and she could literally die from this if the world follows the progression of the manga. She doesn't bully anyone else regarding their weight and only holds herself to this image. I would argue this issue is much more self-hate rather than pure fat-shaming. She grows to accept others wanting to be chubby and learns not to push her views on anyone else. Hopefully, her character continues to develop in this direction, and she learns to love her chubby self as much as her fiance does.


At one point, she is hired by a third party to help another chubby girl slim down, but that girl likes her weight and intentionally keeps it on. After this, she accepts it as something that's perfectly satisfying and continues to grow as a character.

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March 4, 2020
Status: --
I lot of reviews I've read about this are too biased by the fact of bodyshaming. Bodyshaming is not a good thing. But at the same time, overeating and being obese are evn worse. Those are serious health issues. If you want to see some reviews about this novel before reading it, I advice to totally ignore those who talks about bodyshaming because most of their opinions are terribly biased. Also this is a web novel, not a light novel, meaning it's written by an amateur. Don't expect Shakspear level... more>> writing from this. <<less
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Advon rated it
February 22, 2020
Status: c134
Major Male Characters Before Chapter 100 (ie The Good Parts) (4/5 stars) :

... more>>

Ricardo: Despite an initial incredibly poor start, my growth in relationship with Britney coincides with my growing emotional maturity. We're not quite to the level of romantic, but I'm a top contender for the romantic lead. I'm not quite as shallow as I appear though!

Ryuze: I'm a surprisingly complicated person, hiding quite the devilish side beneath a benign demeanor. Over the hundred chapters, Britney changes from an irritating leech to a trusted family member, while I change from cold to a reliable older brother figure.

Marlow: I don't have much chance to interact with Britney, but she's amusing. Our friendship isn't deep, but is good. We mostly interact with each other in regards to art, where I find interesting aesthetics in what she regards as a poor showing.

Britney spends these chapters tirelessly seeking self improvement, while also finding others similarly wounded by this incredibly superficial society, and works to slowly heal their traumas. Additionally, relatively realistic "Bringing in new technology", even if the idea that a medieval society hadn't even invented soap yet is... mindboggling, as soap for personal hygeine dates back to the Roman Empire (And soap in general 2000 years earlier). Her self-loathing is caustic at times, which, depending on your viewpoint, is either the author fatshaming or a spot-on portrayal of the self-flagellation someone with poor self body-image puts themselves through.


After Chapter 100 (ie the Bad Part, 2/5) :


Ricardo: Still putting in work to earn that top spot Romantic Lead, despite everyone around him desperately trying to ruin it. Is the only one Britney actually loves in a romantic sense. Actually cares about Britney's ability to choose who to marry.

Ryuze: Slowly becomes more and more possessive of Britney, intentionally denying her wishes in an attempt to bind her to him. Is perfectly aware of her desire to be engaged to Ricardo. Doesn't care. Is aware she's not into in*est. Doesn't care. Is aware that Britney would rather not decide her romantic future through a rigged bet he unilaterally forced on her. Doesn't care.

Marlow: Claims to love Britney because she doesn't judge him and try to change him. Not that he returns the same courtesy. Even though he has no actual romantic chance with her, even though it's painfully obvious the emotional trauma and physical suffering being overweight inflicts on her, he's still perfectly willing to abuse social pressures to get her to eat her way back to a body shape she hates. Because nothing says love like "I have a fetish you don't like, but you're going to participate in anyways because you aren't allowed to say no."

Britney: Now stuck in a cycle of authorial bullshit.


Despite a strong initial showing, too much of the drama boils down to "Suddenly, this (90% chance male) character was replaced by a piece of garbage! And it's now Britney's problem!" <<less
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cosmicpeach rated it
January 3, 2020
Status: --
I write this review because I saw so many people give a negative reviews and low rating for this story...

ACTUALLY, this novel has an intersting story. It's slow but not that so slow paced.

If you want to read this but you have doubious because of the bad reviews, please, I recommend you to read the manga first. Maybe you like it there, just like me. This story is indeed enjoy-able and waste my time, but I'm not complaining. It's an easy reading.

So people, if you decided to read this story,... more>> you have to read the manga first and then coming back here.

It's worth more than 3 Stars. <<less
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Lynkaster rated it
October 2, 2019
Status: c150
story : 3.5/5

characters : 3/5

world building : 3.5/5

... more>> (translation : 5/5 till around 140 then 2/5)

The setting wasn't anything new but still interesting, the FL has some nice character and the guys aren't so bad either. But that's about it, it's... lukewarm. It felt like the author were navigating between his ideas without never really going all out on them. There's the diet, the romance, the territory management, the initial plot from the novel with the "villainess" then comes the heroine later on. I think it was good till around that point.

The heroine is your usual hothead-full-of-justice who run into troubles everywhere. It isn't so bad when it's the MC, but when it's a side character, it's just annoying.

the ships weren't going astray either, there's no plot twist on that side, you easily get that the author will do so or so rather quickly.

after thinking back about it, I had more bad things to say about this novel than I thought x'D

tldr : looking for a novel with a passive FL with a lots of different themes between arcs, go for it. can take you half a day of not too bad a read. to read if you don't have much else to do <<less
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DendragonSan rated it
August 9, 2019
Status: c147
My grammar may have issues, you were warned.

Iteresting premise but horrible execution. To be quick: in this story we are dealing with worst kind of Mary Sue. Only redeeming quality she posses is her knowledge about cosmetics. And it would be interesting story if it focused on this aspect. Strugles of ugly cast met with "heroine" of the novel is present in the story, but it is just litle part used to make MC look better. But you know, all people, events and problems are here to make MC look... more>> good. And at times situations are completly cotradictionary, even in span of few episodes. For egzample: Britney can defeat men assaulting Princess, but have to be protected by her cousin during attack of her fiance brother. All men flock to the MC despite fact she is fat because of her "inner beauty". But she is such flat character that I would refuse her even if she was pretty. End if one man show that he dont enjoy her "plumpness" he is probably the villan. And Ryuze POV, the festival of cringe. Written in such a way that is so plastic and unnatural that I cant even read continuosly. It is worth 1 star if not less.

But I had som 3 star lvl fun at begginer stages of story so 2 star it is. <<less
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MasterPannya rated it
May 13, 2019
Status: c134
This was on-hold, thinking that this is just your normal otome isekai but after reading some since I had a time, I just can't put down my phone. The characters are great, there is fluff for the Fluff God and our love interest isn't r*pey for once.

I've been finding stories like this, just seeing two people in-love in the most natural way. Its two best friends/accomplice who had this thing going on for 4 years and the cathartic release of seeing them open up and confessing was just the best... more>> feeling ever. <<less
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May 10, 2019
Status: --
I want to thank the translator for taking the time for this story.

The story is fluffy and hilarious. It has the fat to fit tripe, and the side characters are amazing. Sadly, I had to drop the story because, although adorable, it had a few elements I, personally, couldn't stand.


... more>>

Surprisingly, I survived through every other sentence being "white pig". The cousin of the MC creeped me out. He's logically controlling to unhealthy levels. He sabotaged the MC's engagement -the third time -because he likes her. He is the head of the family, and can control her marriage if he wants to. However, he knows she's in love with her fiancè twice removed. He just doesn't care, and is the typical annoying yandere (even though yandere can be adorable too)




The MC's "love" is weak and pathetic. She claims she'll wait, but the first instance of his family being in a bad position, and she starts to contemplate abandoning him and marrying someone else. Even though her "love" rejected his proposals when she was overweight and even after she lost weight.




There seriously needs to be a harem tag because there are five (from when I left off) guys who like her, and she doesn't exactly reject them... Like at all...

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January 7, 2019
Status: c126
This novel could have been really good; if not for the extreeeeeme fat shaming. Even so; I read on. The premise of the novel is pretty much the same as any other otome isekai where you're reincarnated on the wrong side with an impending death looming over your future. The MC, aside from her habit of constantly body shaming herself, was pretty light hearted and just did what she wanted and enjoyed while trying to stay far away from any flags. ... more>>

(And trying not to get run out of her family.)

but that's personal preference. <<less
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dytabytes rated it
October 10, 2018
Status: c101
Okay, so if you have an eating disorder or something related, probably best to give this a skip, since it's obvious from the title that there's fat shaming. That said, if you can handle the MC's major body image issues (and the fact that, for better or worse, society enforces certain body image standards on women), it's not a bad series. There's some honestly funny parts, and the romance plot is really cute imo. The politics also get pretty good, although the most recent twists involving the foreign kingdoms are... more>> a little weird to me? I think they might just need time to properly bloom, though, so take that with a grain of salt <<less
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Mon2 rated it
September 6, 2018
Status: c103
The novel so so. Story is alright but lack of interesting events. MC also only focus to lost weight which not really interesting in my opinion. Out of 10, I will give 5 points. Edible to read but will forgotten quickly. Good for passing time but lack of strong foundation that found in good novel.
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PhoenixVII rated it
August 20, 2018
Status: c85
This has become one of my favorite web novels despite (or perhaps because) some of the reasons that other people have criticized it. The MC isn't OP (she does become a decent fighter and a very successful businesswoman but she can't just tell royals and higher nobles that it's her way or the highway), she has to work on her relationships with other nobles including the villainess (she wanted to just avoid her, but, turns out that isn't really an option), she has to work hard to keep her weight... more>> under control which I can relate to as some of us just have crappy metabolisms (she was 30-40 kgs overweight at the start of the story which is very unhealthy), and she has to deal with political marriage. Also, I know that some people don't like it that she just doesn't fight against being married, but I disagree with them. Again, Britney isn't an OP character, and since she isn't an OP character she has to meet the medieval way of life at least half way... which she does, she's not passive in this matter, she actively searches for the most worthwhile fiance for herself and has a clear favorite that she's working towards to. And if spoilers don't drive you crazy:


Eventually her economic successes reach the point that Ryuze doesn't want the territory to lose her and ceases to pressure her to find a marriage partner. By this point however, she has fallen in love with Ricardo and wants to marry him regardless of pressure.


So yeah, I'm really liking this story so far. Only complaints I have is that I think she might've had too easy of a time making a couple of the friends she did and, while you won't see it in the translated chapters yet, I got the impression from machine translated raws that her enemies aren't as smart or dangerous as they could be. Granted, it's still early in the story and I don't think these flaws are taken to an absurd degree. And yeah, she probably spent too much of her time when she was fat tr*shing her body image (losing weight when you're fat is good, but I don''t think tr*shing your body over and over is mentally healthy in any context). Otherwise, the story has been solid to me and the main cast of characters have well-developed personalities.

TL;DR, Good story of a non-OP character facing the challenges of medieval life. We need more of this and less of the OP MC fantasy wank that so many Japanese novels love these days. <<less
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September 23, 2022
Status: c196
The focus on slimming down was a bit off-putting, and although it peters down drastically throughout the story, mentions of it remain. The same goes for fat discrimination so people who are sensitive to this, think twice about reading it. Passing on this now or partway through is acceptable.

That aside, I enjoyed the story. I think the characters were real enough. The constraints they have felt realistic, without eliciting a hopelessly frustrated feeling. The romance also felt fresh, ... more>>

with a childhood friends to lovers slow burn.


Also, when the MC said she'd avoid danger, she actually sticks to her word.

But since she got stronger now, I think that's defenestrating...

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JimSilver rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: c139
Starts well, but should have closed the MC love story with Riccardo before moving on to other kingdoms... because at that point the plot just drops and drops in quality to a snarled mess that looses any built up happy vibes or fluff credit 😥
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ArguingApples rated it
February 10, 2020
Status: c85
I enjoyed it at first. The plot seems solid and it's not that uninteresting. The story flows smoothly.

It's just that, the constant "Oh, I'm fat.", "Oh, they're never gonna like me.", "Oh, my bu*t is too big and I smell so bad, I feel bad for the people who get close to me."- sh*t became too much to bear.
The male love interest's motives for liking her are shady at best. The cliche route just went on and on and on and the story just became flat.

I'll probably pick this up again if I'm too bored. Anyways, Imma drop this for now
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Meph rated it
January 13, 2020
Status: --
It's easy to read and quite frankly, adorable in itself. I haven't read the manga but I will after I finish this. Hope it's even better that this already awesome novel.

(ノ°∀°) ノ⌒・*:.。..。.:*・゜゚・*☆
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Sieqiii rated it
December 30, 2019
Status: c192
Awwww I love this so much, it’s so cute and fluffy?. I couldn’t help cheer our little MC on. Ik there’s a ton of critics and negative opinions, but honestly give it a read, u won’t what’s true or not until u read it?. What’s the worst that could happen, u waste a few hours. Idk bout u but that’s what I’m here for, wasting time on a good read.
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yuroko rated it
May 17, 2019
Status: c134
This is so cute!! I ship Britney X Ricardo all the way! I hope the MC is loyal to her feelings though.. She's too realistic. I truly hope the translator continue to translate this...
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sound7 rated it
August 9, 2018
Status: c145
Even thou this series might lack originality, the MC is very relatable having problem, she faces constant body weight issues and has a being fat complex. She tries to solve the problems of everyone around her including even her enemies making you want to cheer for her. Her love interests include a childhood friend, prince, and cousin each of which has a very distinct personality. The only draw back is that the WN has been stuck at chapter 145 for awhile and novel updates have slowed down considerably this year.
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March 14, 2024
Status: --
One thing that urks me the most about this manga / novel is that the main character drops to 40 kg at the age of 13 and like, dude, that is not over weight even a tiny bit unless she's like 6 inches shorter than the average girl her age, which she clearly isn't.

The average weight for a 13 year old girl is between 35kg and 65kg, FAT doesn't even come into the vocabulary of a dietitian/ doctor until 70+ kg This means she's actually closer to under-weight than she... more>> is over-weight for her age like holy f*cking hell man.

I personally f*cking hate fat people making excuses for their being fat, but even I have the f*cking decency to actually know WHAT being fat really is. <<less
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