I Just Want to Be in a Relationship


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In the last life, Movie Emperor Yu listened to the company and listened to his manager in order not to expose his s*xual orientation. Until his death, he never had a relationship.

Yu Qing Huan didn’t want to be a money making machine in his current life. He wanted to travel to the best place, see the best scenery, eat the best food and then find the best man to live a happy life together.

Hou Qu is a genius savant who can easily learn chemical formulas just by glancing at them. One day, he gets lost in the busy streets and Yu Qing Huan helps him.

Little does Yu Qing Huan know that his wish to stay out of the limelight may not ever be granted as he had unknowingly been locked on by a hungry wolf hidden in the shadows because of his single act of kindness…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tôi Chỉ Muốn Nói Chuyện Yêu Đương
Related Series
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  3. Let Me Be Your Backer!!
  4. Actors & Actresses
  5. want to read 7

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221 Reviews sorted by

lighterxx rated it
November 10, 2019
Status: Completed
Honestly, this novel... Is really beautiful, I loved every moment of fluff and their clumsy learning of relationships. One side was overcoming scars of past, other was learning how to be human. I almost wished there were more conflicts so I can see more of their personalities, and more of their cute interactions. Probably my only complaint can be is ending, it was a bit too abrupt and I almost wishes there are more extra stories.

Speaking of extra stories...

... more>>

The last one, where Huo Qu dying because if Qing something's actions... Literally, killed the guy in past life, I wished to see him getting punished for it. The story did not mention that, and only ended the whole novel on a sad note because of such short chapter, they could have add a bit of fluff at least, that death alone was already horrid enough.

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September 18, 2019
Status: --
The translator's are great and the story is so interesting in the beginning. But I just finished raws and god! Is it boring or what! It just dragged on like a broken vegetable on the supermarket floor.

Translation: 4/5

Story so far: 4/5

Rating after reading the whole novel: 2/5

It's not really surprising though. It's so hard to find a novel that can maintain its tempo throughout the story.
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Blueraven rated it
November 13, 2019
Status: Completed
So I read the rest of the story through a really rough translator but this story really touched my heart. It is an incredibly sweet and heartwarming story that opens the hearts of the MC and the ML as they go forward. I absolutely love ML even though he can be a bit much at times but he is just amazing. It is a feel-good series that, while not having a very intricate plot, can still elevate your mood with its content. Greatly enjoyed reading it, will probably re-read with... more>> proper translation. <<less
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Addis rated it
November 18, 2019
Status: c38
This novel didn't start out bad, it had a good premise. However, it went completely downhill once the seme was introduced. I know he's meant to be a savant with a high IQ and zero EQ, but he is way, way, way too childlike for my liking. Especially knowing that this is a yaoi BL novel. Having someone with the emotional intelligence of a three year old being in an 18+ situation really grinded my gears. I just couldn't finish the novel.

The translations were also not that great. I had... more>> to re-read sentences just to understand what the translator was trying to write. The english was sub par, and anyone who paid for this on Flying Lines should never have supported a MTL quality translation. <<less
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Royalsoukoku rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: Completed
I really love this story, no angst just a lot of fluff and a bit of tissues needed every now and then
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Melange rated it
June 1, 2020
Status: Completed
Meh, not really my cup of tea. First, the translation isn't super great which leads to some really awkward prose sometimes (but I mean it's Flying Lines so I guess this is to be expected).

Notwithstanding, the story itself is just really convoluted and not that great. This really reads like an author's-first-YA-novel. By that, I mean unrealistic expectations of relationships. There are many aspects of their romance that are glorified as "cute" that would be truly problematic in a mature relationship. MC and ML aren't even equal partners, it feels... more>> like they're in a father/son relationship. Sure, I get it, ML is on the spectrum. I will admit that I am not on the spectrum and thus cannot empathize with those who are on the spectrum, but I don't think the author's portrayal of autism is even remotely accurate.

Also, does anyone in ML's family actually work? It just seems like they're running around all the time. Honestly. <<less
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frostcrystal rated it
January 5, 2020
Status: c13
I'm reading through the glowing reviews like "Bruh, are we even reading the same story?"

I very much like the main character of this story, and was kind of hoping for more with him and his acting career. But I just cannot get behind the ML. He's so high on the autism spectrum he can't even change his clothes, I feel vaguely disturbed just knowing that the two of them are gonna get together. How on earth did he latch on so quick to the MC, when he won't even touch... more>> his family, who have taken care of him ever since he was a kid? <<less
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cox55758 rated it
November 25, 2019
Status: c110
A perfect match couple as they say. They really try to understand each other. The other one tried to respect the other and the other tried to change for the betterment of their relationship. A cute and fluffy story. A story worth reading. A story of two different world people who found love and comfort with each other! So touching!
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gryffinpuff rated it
November 26, 2019
Status: c60
Story starts out pretty strong. MC reincarnated but has zero interest in acting career but is forced due to circumstances. The situation was initially comedic, but later MC shows growth and realizes there's always something to learn...

Don't like the ML too much. If he's autistic, he should be same with everyone - MC isn't a wizard with magic potion to treat ML's ailments that have been following him since birth... I can take an autistic genius, but someone who can't even eat properly knows how to kiss and have s3x... more>> (that too r@pey kinds) is a bit hard to swallow... the ML character setting is just not right...

Dunno about the various 5star ratings, but for me, it's 3 star - belonging to the MC! <<less
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rhianirory rated it
March 13, 2019
Status: Completed
this is a very sweet novel with little melodrama. The Asperger angle was new to me so it was interesting and I like that he wasn't suddenly magically "cured" by love, though he does improve greatly over time. The only thing I found a little unbelievable was his continuous physical closeness with the MC; most people with autism don't like touching or having people invade their personal space for long periods of time no matter how much they love the other person.
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HoloSol rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: c70

Story is dull. ML is very, very high on the autism spectrum. He can’t even boil water or open a can. I don’t find this fluffy. It’s just weird. After 50+ chapters of him being a complete child, he’s actually capable of using a spoon now. I do like the romance is only now just picking up as he is becoming more functional. It would have been weird if the main protagonist was sexually attracted to a toddler.
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 27, 2023
Status: c192
I’m going to go against the trend and at the risk of being totally Un-PC, I have to admit that I could not get into the relationship between MC and ML. I did not find it sweet or fluffy, just immensely cringey, and finally couldn’t take it anymore and dropped it at chp 192, so can’t say that I didn't give this novel my best shot.

ML is a child, and his obsession with MC is like that of a child with his favorite toy. MC is lucky, talented and handsome.... more>> It’s absurd to think he couldn’t find anyone to love him wholeheartedly when he has so many friends and even that Qingzeng guy that seemed to match him in every way. ML continually acts like a caveman, mauling him until MC winces in pain and tells him to stop, only to be completely ignored because he doesn’t have the sophistication to know when no means no, and when no might mean yes. MC just wants to do whatever he wants whenever he wants, totally immature. And yes, he learns slowly to become more independent but it’s just excruciating to watch him grow from the equivalent of a 2 yr old to whatever semblance of an adult he becomes and believably believe that MC would fall in love with him in the process. I know this is an unpopular opinion and I’m glad others loved their love story. I just couldn’t take it. It did not feel like a relationship between 2 strong equals and the extreme disparity just killed it for me. Having ML be so clingy, desperate and insecure all the time, with the MC being his whole entire world. That is not healthy dynamics and unfair pressure on an MC who just wanted an easy, carefree life but got saddled with an infant that needs constant supervision and care, cannot handle any social situations or interactions with others, and whose extreme jealousy makes him irrational and violently possessive towards MC. Thats the set up for I die and will take you with me situation. That’s not romantic. That’s just creepy.
I tried hard to find the romance but just couldn’t find it. Will stay away from these unbalanced relationship in the future. But it seems to come up often in BL novels. No idea why the lovemaking always seems barely consensual, with a whole lot of resistance and pain, where MC can’t move the next day and aches everywhere and no where does he seem to enjoy it AT ALL and in fact is angry and wants to run away from ML after. Wow that’s so romantic. I was just annoyed by their whole interaction.

I rarely post negative reviews, and must give translator kudos for doing a fabulous job, but someone should warn potential readers like me that it may not be their cup of tea if they want a strong, equal relationship between 2 strong leads. I have nothing against mentally disabled ppl. I just couldn’t continue reading about a ML who needs help to feed himself, can’t find his way out of a shoe box and is utterly helpless in every way, but wants to cling onto MC and have MC devote himself to him, not have any friends or look at anyone but him, regardless of what MC might want, when MC has everything and then some going for him. ML is often referred as a beast and well, that says it all. <<less
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Sophiethebunny rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: --
I don’t know why this novel got such high rating. I mean what kind of person is a genius and don’t even know how to do the simplest of the simplest shit. I’m talking about crossing the damn road but he has the understanding of much much higher knowledge? I’m sorry it’s just too cringy this whole genius having to rely on male lead coz I can’t do simple little things blah blah blah
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NightFlower1412 rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: Completed
MTL-ed instead of reading translations, which are blocked behind a paywall and requires you to actually use their app (get white screen on browser).

I didn't mind downloading the app, but it was terrible to navigate and the chapters are ch 6 are locked behind currency (which you can earn by leveling up your rank slowly or mainly by paying IRL money). I get translations are services, but I'd rather the option to donate (patron or ko-fis) once in a while than having to actually pay to read translations. Oh, and... more>> they have the paid VIP membership/subscription for app, and this novel apparently isn't included. Better start earning points or paying to read then. I just found it shameless.

Story was decent. MC was super lucky, and that a lot of the stuff for him is only believable because it's fiction. He was a cutie though. ML has really low EQ, and very high IQ, but he's really childish (not petty, but like a child). It felt so weird at times, so the relationship between him and MC isn't very satisfying.

Not one of my favs, but I only wrote a review bc I wanted to warn people about the paid translations.



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tkkaine rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I loved the MC, I thought he really deserved to just be happy and I'm glad he got that chance. I loved the friendships he made, and the view he had of the entertainment world and his job. Unfortunately, I could not get to like the ML. He just didn't feel like a lead to me. I didn't get enough of a feel of his intelligence, and really only his disabilities stood in the forefront. I didn't like how he was so possessive and obsessed over MC to the point... more>> where he'd chase away his friends because the MC deserves all his friends. I kept reading for the MC, but I really wanted to drop it numerous times because of the ML. Loved all the fluff tho <<less
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MadCC rated it
May 2, 2020
Status: Completed
The story as a whole is pretty good, nothing to say about the MC or the story settings.

My main problen is the MC's and ML's relationship.

Don't mind having an autistic ML, could have been quite interesting, however he is way too high on the spectrum.

... more>> He has the mind of a three year old, he can't cross the road, can't eat properly, can't handle his emotions, etc...

While his IQ is high it doesn't make up for the fact that the relationship seems very kinda creepy in a way, like MC is an average dude and ML is this childlike individual which creates a feeling of him being taken advantage of.

While the author attempts to justify it by showing us the ML's thoughts and proving he likes MC as well, it just feels very forced.

Had they just been friends and MC slowly brings him out of his shell that would have been fine, however getting intimate with someone with the mind of a child? Yeah, no thanks, not my cup of tea. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 16, 2023
Status: c1
I can't finish this novel. After going through so many reviews that talked about how cute and lovely this novel was I'm really beginning to question how many people only like bl novels simply because it's bl and between 2 men rather than actually focusing on the characters and their story.

This novel really shouldn't be this highly rated. I won't even claim to know about asperger's and the autism spectrum, but I will say I genuinely don't think it's accurate.

This is such a sensitive topic and yet, the way this... more>> person is portrayed bothered me from the very start.

I've said this before, but I really wish these authors would stop using psychological disorder and other disabilities that they have no real understanding for on these bl novels. All it does it push these false narratives and stereotypes onto people that may really suffer from these difficulties and while it may seem minor since it's only in these bl novels, real people read them and real people apparently think stuff like this is cute or acceptable. It's really disturbing.

I'm not going to go into much detail on the story as I stopped pretty early on, but I will say I feel like this novel was trying to take on a comedic aspect but I felt like it fell short and felt more Gary sue and annoying with how often and easily he was lucky. I felt like the luck should have been more well paced and spaced out, happening in the most random ways when he's least expecting it. <<less
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orztodaempress rated it
December 20, 2021
Status: c39
This is only the second time I have encountered a situation where the TL is so tr*shy, yet I can't bear to stop reading it because the novel is too good. I am seriously frustrated with this translation quality. I can tell that it's not entirely machine translations (from experience and because T/N's are present) but its quality and how much confusion and the amount of headaches I got from reading this me is akin to a MTL. I can actually feel my IQ decreasing from reading this treasure trove... more>> of inaccurate grammar and literacy.

But... this novel is definitely very refreshing for a rebirth novel. The author takes a step out of the norm because the MC doesn't want to use his knowledge of the future selfishly (like buying stocks) but also doesn't pretend to be "normal" (like pretending to relearn a certain skill). The ML's character is also so unique and refreshing. He is a genius, but also unbelievably naive and innocent (you'll understand when you read it). So I'm really enjoying the novel so far... if not for the translations *-*

Edit: I just realized Chrysanthemum Garden is re-translating this!! I'm so excited because they always do such a good job!! But... I want to finish reading it now and can't bear waiting to binge it in a few months T^T

Edit 2: Yeah, after comparing the TL's of the first chapter, the difference in quality is strikingly clear. The former translator didn't even translate the TITLE correctly... For goodness sake!! Ugh, I rarely curse the translators but the former translator would've done the world a favour by leaving this novel untouched, thank you very much. Chrysanthemum Garden's translations are so beautifully written and in comparison, the former translator basically slaughtered the author's work. It's basically slander to call the former writings a translation of "I Just Want To Be In A Relationship". It's such a shame their uploads to this novel can't be removed entirely.

Edit 3: After consideration, I think I would rather wait a couple months for Chrysanthemum Garden's full translations to binge than waste my brain cells away trying to understand the former so-called "translations". And if you want to read this work as the author intended it, I suggest you do the same. <<less
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chaoticket rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: c108
The plot is interesting enough, and the characters are likeable, but the romance is written for children and the ML is very inconsistent.

ML (apparently?) has autism but it just ~conveniently goes away~ which is really annoying and dismissive. It doesn't just go away because you fall in ~love~ (which, imo, really just feels like a nonsensical infatuation to the first person he spoke to because the ML is extremely isolated...). The ML's personality is not stable at all - he flips between absolutely incapable, lacking in common sense autistic... more>> genius professor to literal 5 year old puppy to dark possessive and domineering CEO, like he's just not consistent and it's hard to get interested in him being jealous when you know he's going to flip moods, start crying, force the MC into a kiss, then act baby-like again within the same chapter. He's all over the place.

The romance as a whole feels like it's just pandering to those who love senseless fluff and cuteness, which, yeah, is cute, but it gets boring REAL quick. I only read this far because of the plot and even that is really predictable and cliche. It's not cute, it feels bizarre and forced -- like its pandering too hard. There's no real conflict.

In a sentence, the author tried so hard to make the romance cute and fluffy that they forgot to make it interesting.

The best aspects about this work are the friendships between Zhao Qingyuan and MC, and Qing Zheng and MC. Both of them had a more interesting dynamic with the MC than the ML, imo.

I'm not sure if the 2nd couple gets more development, but it's a gross relationship that I have no interest in.

Overall, 2.5/5. It's not bad, the MC's personality is likeable enough and I'm mildly interested in his career trajectory, but there's still no real conflict. It's not bad, but I feel like I wasted my time. <<less
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October 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I wish it was translated better. It was lowkey very MTL-ish and took away from the quality of the story a lot. But my brain adjusted to it. Even a bad translation can't cover up a great story. I still recommend you guys to read it, I just wish it was translated better.
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