I Heard That I Am Poor


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Cold tyrant lord President Xie You has a one ton heavy weibo focus on Yu Nian, the new singer. Yu Nian participated in a singing variety show and became popular overnight, and his singing voice was called the sound of nature.

Xie You: Oh, it must be a tuner, how could it be so good!

Yu Nian’s GIF with a smile while singing swept the whole internet and he was praised for his looks.

Xie You: Oh, must have been a plastic surgery, how could it be so beautiful!

A few months later, President Xie, the antifan leader, updated his Weibo: Hello everyone, we are together @YuNian

Sunspots & Netizens: Joking with us?

Yu Nian was invited to be a guest on a treasure appraisal program. Yu Nian only glanced at it and concluded that an ancient painting worth 70 million yuan was fake.

After the show was broadcast, many netizens started the group mocking mode. They were addicted to mocking Yu Nian crazily, looking forward to slapping him in the face.

When Xie You knew: “No, no, no, NianNian, listen to me, this time it really wasn’t me who brought the water army!”

Soon after, Yu Nian’s life experience was picked up…

After all the netizens had fallen silent, they entered the collapse mode: “Painting is indeed false, because the authentic one has been in his house for three hundred years!”

“The point is, this is the same person who can not afford to takeout, why are you so good? Been trained, trained, trained – do we still have a chance to call you laoji?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Nghe Nói Tôi Rất Nghèo
They Say I'm Broke (manhua)
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rhianirory rated it
September 6, 2020
Status: Completed
this is one of the few times the "shy, pure, and innocent" label fell on the ML (gong) rather than the MC, which was different (his IQ dipped distressingly low for a while there and I almost dropped it). Of course, the ML is still overbearing, cold and taciturn in the rest of his life but at least this one isn't suffering from "a cleansing habit" like most of them.

the MC is clever and knows what he wants. Each time he's blacked (and he's blacked A LOT), there is face-slapping... more>> in the next 1-2 chapters. I like how the ML and MC progressed and that any misunderstanding were cleared up quickly and not left to fester for 50 or more chapters. The way the ML handled his guilt from 'blacking' the MC was pretty funny, too.

this isn't a melodrama; there were many diabetic-inducing moments and I enjoyed it for what it was. The MC isn't so OP that it's boring and the face-slapping is good. The ML is interesting and has a lot of character growth as they both grow as a couple and face things together.

the preservation and repatriation of cultural artifacts is right and necessary, but the author does tend to go on and on and over and over again, talking about how wonderful China is to the point where I started to wonder who they were trying to convince. If not for the constant heightened nationalism and blatant political propaganda this would be a 4.5, as it is, it's a 4. <<less
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Soteee rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: --
This novel gives me life! Yu Nian and Xie You are just so perfect for each other. I have zero complaints whatsoever.
It doesn't have any unnecessary angst and is so fluffy. Every chapter makes me happy and I pray that it would be translated completely and uploaded fast enough. I can't wait!

Also, I am surprised at some people complaining that the novel is too boring because the MC overcomes his obstacles rather quickly. Uhm, hellooo! Would you rather he suffer and be in pain for a long time so you can swoop in and rescue him yourself? Finally, we get a BL novel that is not plagued with unnecessary misunderstandings and obstacles are overcome fairly quickly yet you have a problem with it. If it were your own life, would you prefer to suffer for years before finding a solution to your small problems?

I love this story so much. Villains do not get away with their evil or just a slap on the wrist. They get their due punishment and justice is rather swift. If you don't like it, by all means, there are a lot of novels with hardships so many, you would be lucky to get a happy ending. Go read those and stop discouraging people from reading this great novel.

I am a sucker for happy endings. I love justice and hate people being in undue pain and suffering. This novel makes me very happy because it's like an escape from the evils and injustices of the world. By all means, if you need some certainty and happiness in your life, read it and you will not regret it.
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ylial rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: c118
The MC is really educated and is brought up well. Whereas the ML is OOC in the first few chapters. Only when ML's greedy relatives stare at MC did the ML lay low. After a few chapters, the ML came into his chara (oppressed by relative and couldn't pursue the person he likes) and I eventually get to like him. I'm just wondering why is her mother not his weakness, and only MC is??

A little boring near end so will probably drop
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fameyreads rated it
September 4, 2023
I have mixed feelings about this novel. Just to sum it up, the earlier part of the story was great. But the latter parts I didn’t enjoy as much.

It was refreshing for me to read about a levelheaded protagonist that knows what to say and what they’re doing, and doesn’t take insults laying down. And the ML character design is also good. While he is the aloof and cold president type, I like how he supports the MC in his career (and in everything that he does really) and wants... more>> him to be as popular as possible and not getting possessive over girlfriend fans.

I actually feel bad writing this review because at this point I could no longer remember much of the things that made me feel joy, but rather the things that made me annoyed. Which sucks because I really liked the way it started. I guess while I enjoy the typical face slapping in novels, I became numb to it and just felt it became too much. Although I think it’s also realistic for so many issues to come up when you’re a celebrity, it just frustrates me when I read about it too much. Also I skimmed through the parts about the historical relics because it doesn’t mean anything to me given I am not from their country anyways. It felt like reading a textbook sometimes, and it has become a chore.

I guess it’s all just a matter of personal preference. Many would like this novel really, and at some point I did. But it just didn’t make me happy towards the end. 3 stars for the initial enjoyment and because I like the MC and ML character designs. <<less
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Likalily rated it
October 31, 2020
Status: Completed
the main framework of this novel is actually good but when it is extended it is not good. There are absolutely no difficulties experienced by the MCs all solved in the same chapter. And why is there always so many people rushing to the MC? Lots of plot holes and untidy cut scenes. And the author is so unfair! Why did the MCs go through so much misfortune ?! His mother died when he was born and did not experience parental love, his grandparents died and he met his father... more>> but his father was dying and died. Please make sense! Why does he only feel sad for only a few moments?

Actually I want to give 3 stars, but because I like the ML character, I was forgiven. <<less
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ryrdgx rated it
December 23, 2023
Status: c10
Show not tell. The manner of writing feels more like stating things rather than weaving a story together. It makes the flow choppy and unimmersive. I’m typically okay with fast plots, but again, with the author telling instead of showing, it just feels more like a summary than an actual body of writing. I’ll probably only reread if I’m desperate.
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December 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm glad I didn't pay attention to the summary.

The story was very fun, smooth sailing and without regrets. It felt like there were faceslappings in every other chapter and it felt quite satisfying.

The couple MC and ML are very lovely, the ML is a cute little thing introverted and shy but knows how to speak his feelings when he is with the MC. The MC is 21 and the ML is 23 it felt refreshing, both of them are young and is not a school life setting.

Lovely, light and worth... more>> reading. <<less
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Soanthana rated it
September 26, 2023
Status: Completed
4.0 our of 5.

This is more like a reminder for myself if I get to reread it again.

The beginning was kinda slow for me. I almost dropped the novel since the ML did not spark any charm or chemistry with the MC at first. As the story progresses, ML's character came alive not just the cold CEO persona initially portrayed.

There were some parts in the novel that got repetitive like how MC gets bashed or criticized online by sunspots but then will be faceslapped by MC thus giving him more... more>> fame. I also noticed that there was a certain side character introduced in the beginning of the story that did not show up afterwards. Idk if the author forget about him since MC and that character were quite close. Then out of now where family drama gets introduced, with MC's father. Yunnian and his Dad is too pitiful in those chapters that I did shed some tears.

The intimate scenes were funny. Now I can't see spoons the same way given how the author used feeding as a metaphor for s*x.

All in all, it is a pretty good read to past time. The face slapping of the villains were satisfying but gets too repetitive (but I love it when karma hits them back for doing wrong). <<less
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December 4, 2022
Status: Completed
I came from the manhua (Bilibili version) and since it's not finish yet, I stumbled upon it's novel which I'm surprised the manhua was adapted from it.

The novel is actually very nice and the scenes from the manhua are consistent with the novel. We love something like that when they adapt novels, the consistency. Xie You (ML) and NianNian (MC) are so sweet! I love them, they're so cute together. They're just a matched well.

And I like how NianNian's family reached a conclusion. At least he still have his lover,... more>> his cousin/sister, his manager and assistant, and other more people.

Overall, it's a 5/5 for me! I actually recommend both the manhua and the novel, they're so nice! So worth the read! <<less
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solivagantsoul rated it
December 7, 2020
Status: Completed
the novel is a very light read, so for those who are looking for something with exciting and blood-boiling moments this is not it. Its just a relaxing read about how a young adult decides to join the entertainment industry as a way to make quick money not to mention that singing seems to be a hobby so it was a plus. In the very first chapter or so we can see that he was attracted by the ML's looks and they slowly develop into a relationship. Tbh the best... more>> thing about this novel for me was the ML really, his story, his character and just how he loves the MC.

i dont really have much to say about this. Its not particularly memorable or hilarious, its just easy going with a bit of sweetness. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
March 2, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel is a 4; however, the translation is very good and after reading several novels with atrocious translations recently, I couldn't help but overindex on the translation, making it worth the read.

A very steady and sweet entertainment novel. It's refreshing because:

    • MC doesn't endure or wait to retaliate, he immediately counters, which often reduces the annoyance level of cannon fodder villains, making it a more bearable read
    • The romance is very stable: There's no sudden epiphanies, rejections, extra drama, so on. ML and MC straightforwardly fall in love and slowly get together. It's super cute that MC often takes initiative.
Some negatives:

    • All the face-slapping is very formulaic. Some cannon fodder buys negative press on the MC, MC proves it wrong through just "being better"
    • What do I mean by that?

      MC is accused of having ghostwritten songs, he reveals his secret identity as a top songwriter nobody could contact. MC is accused of being an illegitimate child, he just found out his father's identity and his father never remarried after 20 years despite not knowing he had a child.

    • Its kinda like, the author doesn't know how to handle negative press except to disprove it with facts. The MC has to remain absolutely spotless in the author's writing. Dude is an angel who can do no wrong. Everyone else is wrong.
    • The plot armor is strong in this one --Yoda
    • And yes, it does drag. Author took a slow pace. But with a good translation, it wasn't as painful to get thru.
Otherwise, I really enjoyed it.

MC's emotional moment with dad was very well done.

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Magz84 rated it
December 5, 2023
Status: c101
I am being generous giving it a 3 since I dropped it. For most part it was an OK read but the plot is simply boring. Nothing rly happens. No plot twists. The characters are boring and uninteresting. I can't rly understand why people are giving it a 5.

If it was shorter it would have been still OK. But seeing the events are like on repeat throughout the whole plot it is just too boring to read all 130 chapters..

I appreciate the translators work tho. I guess some people will... more>> like it and others not so much. <<less
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sweet164ever rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: Completed
soooo good!

the MC & ML are OP, but their OPness has its story.

many things happened in 137 chapters, the pacing is fast but complete.

only complaint:

i wasn't prepared for those tearjerking moments 😅

also, I was hoping that in the end bit of the story, qing-jie's mom would be alive and found somewhere since there was no body found when she died. Just my wishful thinking, though 😅
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Infinitymidnight rated it
October 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I CRIED UGLY TEARS!!! This novel is super sweet. If you’re tired of reading the same, family hates the mc/ml, everyone opposes them, brain dead people attacking them randomly, this is the novel to use as bleach.

Super supporting family. Everything goes smoothly. The author didn’t write MC to be the standard kicked out of family rise from the ashes type of character. From the beginning MC has always been OP but in a reasonable way. Not overbearing at all.

I also looove the relationship between the MC and ml. It’s super... more>> wholesome and consensual. ML does not give off any r*pey vibes at all. Mutually respectful of one another and the fluff is so sweet.

10/10 I love everything about it <<less
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underthetealeaves rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: c44
I especially like the relationship between the MC and the ML. It's very soft and mellow. It isn't the forced or exaggerated, in your face fluff. I suppose it shows more than it tells? So you're more able to appreciate their relationship progression. The personality of the leads isn't too stereotypical, the plot isn't very in your face either (maybe I've been reading too many of the same type of stories that this novel feels quite toned down).

MC has a very tempered and calm personality. He feels good-natured, and natural... more>> in how he treats others and situations that he is in. The ML too I suppose? The way the author wrote them in feels like true people with traits rather than traits making up people, if that makes sense. I appreciate that.

After binging on tons of junk food-type, instant gratification novels, this story is a great pallet-cleanser of sorts.

My standards aren't too high for plot LOL so 5 stars! <<less
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Rhiech rated it
September 20, 2023
Status: --
Dear translator,

First, I want to thank you for translating this novel. I have been enjoying it very much. However, I noticed that there are some repetitive paragraphs in Chapter 12.

I understand that it can be difficult to avoid repetition when translating a long and complex work, but I would appreciate it if you could take a look at Chapter 12 and make any necessary changes. I am sure that this would only improve the overall quality of your translation.

Again, thank you for your hard work. I look forward to... more>> reading the rest of the novel. <<less
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Yumeru rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: Completed
finished ittt!!ahhhh our MC had a sad past with his love ones leaving him despite this he made a goal himself to keep living and finally met ml. ML also had a tough past and some lil twist on their very 1st encounter (jus read it) !!mc's vest falling as the story goes on hahah anyways MC a talented person of course he is very hardworking too. Some parts will touch your heartstring, ready your tissuess! Salute to ml's bestfriend ahahah very supportive. MC and ML are very good to... more>> each other, it's like they are the oasis for each other. The novel also gives significance on how life is very fragile, happy ending and some secrets were out~ <<less
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Qiaoyishanren rated it
November 27, 2023
Status: Completed

I'd like to thank all the sons of the heaven for gifting me care of stumbling upon this magnificent novel. I'm a history addict and I really appreciate this novel, my heart is full of warmth and my thirst when it comes to China's history was served perfectly, not to mention the romance aspect of the story, no unnecessary drama, just right for a very nice read during the weekend, 谢谢你
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Fisukisuki rated it
October 15, 2023
Status: Completed
The summary did scare me, but I'm glad when I'm finally chose to read this, the story end up intriguing me to continue.

Our MC was Calm and Confident and I Love this personality he has. Btw, the Cute Protagonist tag match for the ML. But he's definitely the Cute one in the relationship 🤭❤️ Cold President and yet totally Cute for MC.

Love how both MC and ML has so many Supportive people around them. MC has very good Manager and Assistant. Also good Family member and many good Elders. ML... more>> has Wonderful Best Childhood friend ever and good Mother.

For the plot, MC's story is Smooth Sailing almost OP like, while ML's was the one with Intense setting.

But I'm glad in the end everything is Well and Good.

This Novel is Truly Wonderful. Sure I won't call it Perfect, but in a way their story ended Happily Ever After that was Perfect for their Settings. So it's well Satisfying!

So yeah, the Rating was well deserved and I'm Absolutely LOVING IT!!! <<less
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Bbsnugs rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: Completed
Really enjoyed this novel. The MC is a smart and strong character while the ML is cold on the outside but super adorable on the inside with the MC. He’s like the cutest bf. The side characters are great as well. Definitely recommended.
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