I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?


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Arakawa Kouki is reincarnated to a Japan with a different history than the Japan he knows with the memories of his previous life still intact. Kouki was discouraged, “Aren’t reincarnation stories supposed to be at some fantasy world filled with swords, magic and elves?!”

But one day, his random scribbles leads (his mom) to the discovery of a certain formula, which as a result, leads him to be mistaken as a genius by the entire world.

For that achievement he is sent to the school of prodigies, the State Technology Academy, where he meets the Canadian girl, Alice, and the robot engineering genius, Shingo. And even at such a place, he is still mistaken as a genius?! Every time Kouki shows his knowledge from his previous life, he is mistaken as a genius, and everywhere he goes irregularity follows.

This is the comedic life of a genius reincarnation loaded with misunderstandings.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Isekai ni Tensei Shitandakedo Ore, Tensai tte Kanchigai Saretenai?
Me, a Genius? I Was Reborn into Another World and I Think They've Got the Wrong Idea!
Ore nanka kanchigai saretenai? (old title before the author changed it)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Comedy recommended
  2. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  3. Interesting reads for me
  4. Other World-Easy Going
  5. Novels I like

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84 Reviews sorted by

SAimNE rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: c2
Review subject to change, but first impression is... It's great and funny. One thing I don't get is how some people are overlooking some obvious queues as to why his ideas are "mistaken" as genius.

... more>>

he supposedly had highschool level knowledge, but that was his own impression. It seemed like he wasn't sure it was actually that level, if all he had was highschool knowledge how likely would it be for him to pick out a foreign language that is less than commonly taught, and even harp on its pronunciation.

2 chaps in and I'm already seeing some glaringly obvious signs that he wasn't as average as the story implies.

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May 2, 2018
Status: --
The first few chapters are on point, but it sadly starts to fall after that.

Misunderstanding stories are something I do enjoy, because it doesn't require as much skill from the writer to make it into something enjoyble to read.

Mostly all of what is needed is to stick to the construct and pile up the misunderstandings, and you can even pad the content with 2+ viewpoints of the same scene without having readers come complaining about wasted space.

Of course, it does mean that those stories should be kept somewhat short in... more>> order to end them properly before everything falls appart, but it can be an enjoyable ride for the readers and a good way for a writer to gain experience in writing.

Sadly, what we have here is an author that bases his short stories off comments, even admitting having no idea about a gobal trame.

The first few chapters follow the usual construct, a protagonist that has a view of the world very different from how the rest of the world sees it, with both sides having no clue that there is a misunderstanding (and one side blowing things out of proportions).

Sadly, it quickly enters a phase where it becomes a collection of mosty disconnected short stories, each taking at most a few chapters, and a serious tone creeps in even though this genre is made for comedy.

We also lost most of the misunderstanding along the way and it became a more standard "no comon sense" protagonist that is obviously trying to make his own gundam happen (through his mother and friends), and everything going swimmingly because plot.

The worst part is that the author doesn't seem to understand that he did this switch as he continues to try and put bits of misunderstandings here and there.

I am not saying that you should skip this at all cost, but it would be good to be aware that the misunderstanding style only lasts for the first few chapters. <<less
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FatalStrings rated it
March 24, 2018
Status: c25
Imagine if Rick and Morty is made in Japan for people with lower IQ, and the MC is a fusion, Rick, and Morty.

if you are expecting hard sci-fi this is not the place to look as the story only plays with scientific concepts to place the MC in absurd situations, further explanations are mostly handwaved for the sake of comedy and pacing.

even though it contains copious amounts handwaving, the story still pretty entertaining just to see the MC and his gangs next shenanigans will be.
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Anduin rated it
April 29, 2017
Status: c3

When I see the MC's mother taking credit for his work I get angry for the MC. It's disgusting behavior from a mother. The MC's rightful place in history has been stolen, and he does not even care. The MC's lack of caring or even understanding how amazing his work is, is even worse than his mother's behavior.


The MC and his mother ruin this novel for me.
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Iris Lazuli rated it
December 25, 2016
Status: c12
This story is superb the MC doesn't even have the inclination that he's a genius and that most of the things that he do are usually out of the norm and that it innovates the technology to further improve. The POV's of the other characters is a riot it's pretty hilarious that the person that they're reacting to is unaware and in contradiction to what they're thinking. The Misunderstanding tag really fits this novel
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Artemis1990 rated it
December 10, 2016
Status: c11
This novel is totally brilliant, at least as a misunderstanding comedy novel alone it deserves full mark.

To explain the core of the story, it is a complete exageration of the coincidence of a monkey taught to type nonstop would accidentally type a phrase from hamlet. Now imagine the MC as the monkey... and that coincidence happen 1000 times out of 100 (no, not a typo. It IS that ridiculous) and you get this novel.
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Kaede Nika Suvorsky
Kaede Nika Suvorsky rated it
November 18, 2016
Status: c9
The story is good, the MC in this novel is really funny, the misunderstanding is really hilarious, the other think he a genius while himself think he just a normal person. I always wondering if the MC is just really as average as he think he is or if he actually a real genius without even knowing it. So far I found this an enjoyable series.
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Awesome Sauce
Awesome Sauce rated it
July 9, 2016
Status: --
[2/3/17] Updated Review, at ch.15:
Oh my god you guys, this novel is so fun to read! If you decide to pick this up, please try not to judge it with a serious plot in mind and just enjoy the

Let's start with a little bit of analysis. Our protagonist is dense to his own genius, it's disbelief worthy. Let's just assume that his common sense has warped a little due to his slight amnesia and regression in age. Rather than saying that Kouki was a person who came from another world, it might be more accurate to say that Kouki is a boy who was born with certain information and knowledge from his past life that was in a parallel universe. Now the fun parts. The misunderstandings. Everyone assumes him to be an evil genius; they tiptoe carefully around our poor, oblivious boy when they speak to him and behind their cramped smiles they're sweating bullets. It's so enjoyable to read since we know that the reality of the situation is that Kouki is innocent and far from the cruel persona they presume him to be. What I love the most is his interaction with his mom. She's the most awesome, most loving mom ever. She's actually not an idiot and realizes that her son's intellectual abilities can harm his life (as in end it) as well as his emotional mentality, using herself to shield him while he's still young.
"That’s right. I’m a mother. I don’t care if he is a demon or not, but Kouki is still my son." I cri.

A little rant, bear with me. I must admit, I really was about to throw in the towel at around the school arc. My excitement cooled pretty fast and I never warmed up to his friends, they ended up using him and he was such a pushover about it (though I can slightly forgive him since he has no immunity to people given his sheltered circumstances or met kids his age before). The disgusting bug episode was so random, it further pushed me away from the novel but thankfully, it was over after a chapter or two.

His friends redeemed themselves because I realized the author portrayed them as the people who aren't worshipping the protagonist but aren't blind to his genius. They treat him like an equal, well, as a friend. And that's what he needs.


The reason why I updated my review after chapter 15 was the big reveal. It seemed so random I was about to wallow in disappointment at how the novel had progressed, but the author was so clever I need to give a well-deserved round of applause. Major spoilers below. Don't read it if you can help it. You've been warned.

He gets teleported to a different world, again. *Facepalms* At this point, I was thinking, "Really Author-san?? This is the direction you're going to?" It was so random, I really thought it was gonna become another one of those summoned hero to defeat the demon king novels. I was actually a little pissed.

But his visit to the magical world was just that: a visit. We spend one chapter in it, and the author throws a curveball at us. Kouki lends the kingdom some of the futuristic weapons and robots he helped develop, and they send them back to him after cleaning up the remaining demons. But they accidentally send them back too early in the timeline, thus speeding up the development in technology. THAT'S why Kouki's new world had a different history with a more advance world. Good job Author-san for being original and catching me off guard!


In conclusion, I'm adding half a point to my previous rating. (4.5/5)


[Old Review]
Super excited for this one, I love the selfless mom and the obliviousness of the MC. Too early to rate, since new characters are about to be introduced and we've yet to see a plot. Nevertheless, it's pretty good right now.
Something I do like is how this alternate universe has it's own history (keep in mind it's still earth), and it's kinda interesting to learn about it. (4/5)
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July 1, 2016
Status: c4
The story is good, the difference of thought between each people in the story is quite funny, and the MC's actions however small is quite funny when the PoV is of another person
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Psy0 rated it
May 31, 2021
Status: --
The story has an interesting start but the problem with writing a novel about intelligence is that the author has to be intelligent as well. After a few ideas at the beginning, the author ran out of “intelligent” ideas and so here we have a novel on hiatus.
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ErikHarrison rated it
February 28, 2021
Status: --
This Light Novel is an equivalent of a Saturday morning cartoon.

Cartoonish-ly bad parents, wacky misunderstandings and crazy scenarios. You know what you're in for when all the World Leaders all start freaking out over an angry mother. Our MC is a super genius and mentally damaged at the same time. "Let's teach him ethics" they say and then proceed to only treat him differently and limit social interactions. It works as a spoof, fun, light read (I felt it could be 5 stars not due to greatness but from how... more>> they executed a gag novel).

Translations are alright, some misses but readable. <<less
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Eshya06 rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: c60
Starting from a misunderstanding of the people closest to MC who think that MC is a genius. But the plot is getting serious and the creativity of MC makes the people around him amazed. So far so much fun to read and MC isn't the typical harem protagonist that makes me sick. Romance is passable but the love emphasis of her family is quite inspiring. I Love it. If you like manga " Eminence of shadow" with addition romance development I recommend it
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Centrophy rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: --
It's the same joke over and over again. That's fine if you don't mind that (It's the only explanation I have for the 5/5s on NU) but the whole misunderstandings thing has been done to death in other novels and in this novel it's done to undeath.
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tewified rated it
September 13, 2019
Status: v3
Misunderstanding comedy with one or two chapter focused on the romance. No harem tag which is true.

Genre is sci-fi + fantasy (vol 2) which make the world interesting.

The MC is what you call a genius. His thought process is basically devoid of common sense by their parents standard but by no means he's an average wimpy MC. So I liked it very much. For example he think a rocket assembly guide as a firework assembly guide and as comedic as it gets, no one corrected him.

Lastly multiple pov chapters. This... more>> stuff is a staple in a misunderstanding trope and the author did good job with it. It doesnt repeat a scene, the story still flow but it still show other peoples pov. If I'm not mistaken, half of the content are basically non MC.

It was a great ride. I was happy when I checked the WN and the author resuming the story. <<less
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JokerXY rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: c5
It seems interesting until they started trying to add a bunch of extra politics and nonsense that doesn’t really have a place in the story it literally gets to a point where they state “this kid could destroy the world”. Normally I’m fine with an overpowered MC but this one just kind of gets out of hand with him being this super genius that no one in existence can keep up with also his dad is the leader of some super soldier unit that can take on nations the size... more>> of the u.s or Russia apparently (sure keep telling yourself that author) anyway I’ll see if it goes anywhere in the school arc but I’m on the edge of dropping it out of disinterest. <<less
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Trata Miento04
Trata Miento04 rated it
March 18, 2019
Status: v3 epilogue
What make this Novel isnt Perfect for me is because there's no harem (Personal opinion), I mean that aikawa girl is the first girl to communicate with the MC and then she end up with that bastard shingo (ugh I'm glad this guy did not have much appreance on vol 2 and 3) and also at vol 2 the demon lord is dating cote/coat (Wtf was that!?) and MC himself is dating alice which make me kinda dissatisfied with this outcome because I personally never really like a blonde... more>> heroines. Again it's just my personal opinion, if you never really care with harem and such, and like a novel about Misunderstandings, Multiple POV and comedy, you prabably will like this one.


I the end vol 3, the war arc is still going on for some reason which make thirsty for the next story, I mean I really wanted to see every Charachter's reaction when they see kouki die (dont worry it's kouki's plan to fake his own death to trick the new world organization to reveal their true objective)


and it's been 1/2 years now and there's still no update for the wn, but I hope the author is still writing the LN at least (I HOPE) <<less
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korneliswicaksono rated it
February 26, 2019
Status: c60
The main premise that a person is reincarnated into the future is fresh. But the story is poorly written and the amount of 'misunderstanding' is very troublesome that I think it represent the author inability to convey and/or receive information with other human being.
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GronkJuice rated it
December 13, 2018
Status: c54
I have to say that the best parts of this novel is the misunderstandings, or the non MC POVs. If it would emphasize those and shorten the MC parts I believe this novel would be perfect for what it is trying to accomplish. However the parts of the MC are too long, and the main premise of his intelligence (science) is almost non-existent.

Well the best part of many novels is the middle, but this one is the start (early years before school) goes downhill after that.
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Alucard V. Hellsing
Alucard V. Hellsing rated it
June 28, 2018
Status: c36
I like this novel beacuse the Misunderstanding is Funny & continued to pile up just because the MC Dense action toward a Problem that make it Worse.

Until here the Story is getting more & more Interesting & I can't wait for the Next Chapter.
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666888000 rated it
May 27, 2018
Status: c20
This series is really charming at first and has a lot of positives, but it quickly become apparent that there isn't much else here. This is referring to the web novel version that is currently undergoing translation. I'll explain my issues that I've had after reading this for a while.

There isn't really a story or a plot. Each chapter is either a story of its own or a part of a smaller multi-chapter story. It really all ends up with the same miraculous ending that we all expect with everyone... more>> believing that the MC is a genius. Some things are incorporated rather awkwardly and suddenly and feel like they've only been added to have the event happen. Examples of this would be like:


Aikawa falling in love with Saitou.

The sudden get-together of the MC and Alice.


I feel like it loses its vision of what it was in the first few chapters. <<less
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