I Don’t Want To Inherit A Feudal Estate So I’ll Just Throw Everything On My Brother And Live As I Please


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Roland was born as the eldest son of a nobleman in a feudal estate. When he regained his memory of his previous life, he realizes that a dark future awaited him as the heir to a poor feudal estate.

As a result, he came to the conclusion that he must do something about it.

“Yes! I’ll just force Mark to do it!”

Roland’s never-ending battle to educate his younger brother as an excellent lord and to gain his own freedom began.

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I Don't Want To Inherit A Poor Territory, So I'll Just Throw Everything To My Brother And Live As I Please.
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Recommendation Lists
  1. difficult famille et romance
  2. Try it out
  3. Harem novels

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Date Group Release
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12/22/22 Story Seedling c107
12/19/22 Story Seedling c106
12/16/22 Story Seedling c105 part2
12/13/22 Story Seedling c105 part1
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13 Reviews sorted by

Snowman256 rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: c86
The novel started off strongly, with an MC with clear motivations, some hint of a harem but not too emphasized, and straightforward growth dynamics. However, IMO the novel started to drop off after ~c60, becoming more monotonous and using the same plot cliches in order to progress the story. After c72, the author posted a long article about how some of the negative feedback that they've been receiving has been stressing them out, and that if people have negative feedback they should just keep it to themselves. IMO, the story... more>> became more unhinged after that point, perhaps because author was simply getting less input from their community.


As an example of some of the pitfalls I found in later chapters:

  • There are an absurd number of people who harass the MC. Shopkeepers won't let him buy things from their stores, guild staff try to rip him off when buying his goods, well-educated knights start shouting at him if he takes more than a second to response to a question, adventurers try to mug him several times a week, or nobles try to pressure him into being their servant. And this is all within a month or so to this 12 year old boy. I get that with the MC's personality, he wouldn't act unless he was forced into these troublesome situations, but it doesn't make sense logically why so many people are independently trying to harass him.
  • The MC gets stronger at an absurd rate in later chapters. In the first arc, he took ~7 years to grow to C or B rank in his all his stats. In the second arc, he goes from B to A in two days, and from A to S (or higher) in a week or so. The MC also starts learning skills conveniently instead of working hard to master them, such as light or dark magic. I'm not sure why the author replaced the MC's hard work with this spontaneous growth, but it really breaks the flow of the MC's development IMO.
  • The MC is kinda a jerk? I mean, I guess I'd be annoyed to if every second person I met was trying to scam me, but the MC is really callous even to the people who're trying to look out for him or be nice to him.

Overall, I like how the novel started and the TL is great, but I don't feel like continuing past c86. Maybe give it a try! <<less
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Raestloz rated it
August 27, 2022
Status: c72
There's a limit to being too OP, and the author messed it up

The story begins with the would-be adventurer doing everything he can to get disinherited. This arc is actually quite okay, he had to learn from tutors and in turn teach his brother. The shenanigans he pulled in order to get disinherited is pretty fun

Right after that the author jumped shark. MC gains power at astounding rate, ranking up in mere days, and gaining OP skills and spells that he didn't even know he got until he used a... more>> rare skill to check, which conveniently shows him his MMORPG stats and skills

It'd be one thing if he knows he's leveling up, or if he has a skill he wants to learn and made an effort to it. He didn't. All he did was do some "training", which is really just muscle training and casting spells repeatedly to cycle his mana or something, and he levels up, in so doing he automatically gains all sorts of skills.

It's a lazy style of writing. Author tried to explain all sorts of awesome sh*t MC does, but skipped the entire part of how he can even do it in the first place. One day MC was kicked out of the house, about one month later he could sustain an AoE spell covering an entire goddamned forest, all in the body of a 12 year old, surpassing adventurers ranking far above him.

What was a good old fun shenanigans turned into "hmmm I see there's a dangerous enemy, thankfully when I leveled up this morning I was given a few skills that are perfect for this occasion". He didn't even specifically pick the skills he wanted, he just... got them <<less
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SonicWizard rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: --
The beginning starts ok, an old corporate s*ave gets the isekai and wants to live free, pretty standard stuff. But it was fun with MC trying to ditch the burden of becoming the heir to a poor low ranked noble family by ruining his reputation and foisting the responsibility onto his younger brother so he can go be an adventurer.

Unfortunately it just gets very boring as soon as he goes on his "adventure" since he refuses to do anything interesting and seems content creeping on older ladies and doing the... more>> absolute bare minimum to scr*pe by.

Honestly I had low expectations but as soon as the author decided to just throw in a status system with a hand wave after finishing the opening act I knew it was all downhill from there. <<less
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LevelTryHard rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: c11
It's alright honestly. There's nothing game ending about this and nothing to write home about either, this is pretty pretty stock I guess.

Premise is the title more of the specifics being plot relevant so minor spoilers ... more>>

the way he utilizes his brother to throw away the estate is by teaching him magic and other tasks related to running an estate whilst ruining his own public image


The protagonist has a goal so that's pretty unique although I wish that weren't case but it is so I can guarantee a 2 star experience

from that alone.

Issues I've noticed is that my eyes seem to glaze over while reading this and my thoughts themselves seem to wither away becoming decrepit. In other words the plot development is yeah okay buddy.

sister wants to s*x him at like 8 or something and I hate it but, there is no but this development sucks asss

upon reading chapter twelve in pretty sure the MC is a

Gary Stue I added emphasis to show I dislike that

Who do I reccomend this for

    • People who need a good enough filler story
    • People who already like this trope you know who you are
    • People who haven't read this trope this is probably as good as it gets
    • Spoiler

      people who want to in*est their sibling (I hate you)

    • the translator you probably like this since your translating it
    • Your mom
    • My dad
This isn't 3 star more a 2.5 star but in good faith I'll round up. <<less
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Syokool rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: c161
This one is fun, amusing even.


Rolland just wants to be an adventurer, travel around the world, etc.

His father's territory is tr*sh. Its place, its people, etc. His family, except for the other 2 siblings, is pretty dumb.


It's amusing how many people is just plainly s*upid. His family, his servants, etc.

A pretty awesome read about noble siblings helping each other, and a reincarnated guy that just wants to have adventures.
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Dobber1k rated it
December 16, 2022
Status: c65
This is all you have to know. The author. The translator. Someone called a template the "Joey template". And at the end of the ch. it explains it. As the nurse from pokemon... THE f*ckING NURSE FROM POKÉMON JOEY. After that I was pretty much finished.

novel starts out. We learn very little from what the MC was at and before 6 before his inheritance of memories. We learn more about his life from before than now.

MC turns into a grade A d*ck to push off his responsibilities onto his brother.... more>> For some unknown reason his younger sister becomes infatuated with him. We don't understand why. Or why his brother accepts his absurd want to delegate the position to him. From there it honestly never gets better

we rarely learn key information. Unless it has to do with the MC wanting to shrug off any. And I mean any responsibility of being a good person, food, or b**bs. Not much else. Which is honestly about up to par for isekai harem manga/novels.

Sometimes we learn about his power as an MC isekai reincarnated into a different world, but it's pretty much the same. Everytime he appraises himself his stats go up a level.

the MC will complain about responsibility and pretty much fix things then push it off onto others non stop.

the whole series will have 48 chapters of internal dialogue and useless information and about 2 chapters full of things that matter.

there's a string of females, so let's count. Maybe 10. I think we're up to 10 if we count females he has had contact with that's beyond a friendly disposition. 3 nobles. 4. Guild members. 1 adventurer. 2. Inn daughters not to mention in the chapter previous to where I stopped he saved someone I'm sure it was a girl. But he didn't even meet her. Just bam and left. She's gotta be a princess right? Has to be. The first 2 we havnt seen since what chapter 5. After that it just idk. The novel went directly from the title to this.

it's just not interesting. If we're not avid readers of iseaki's harem genres or fantasy aspects then sure it might be exciting. But instead of following all the templates it did something different sure (but it did follow some and it does it hard. The pick a fight, the damsel in distress falls in love, the MC not wanting to be noticed). But honestly. Even if it's different it doesn't make it good. Which is disappointing because it's structure is well written and the translation is pretty decent.

the end- <<less
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Game Cube
Game Cube rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c60
To be honest with this novel, At first it was good, except the part where the little sister is too obsessed without reason, but it went, downhill as he finally left the land of his family and it became a Diary of an adventurer.

So in short this novel should have ended when he left.
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TimeVoid rated it
December 8, 2022
Status: c101
At first, it was interesting and it goes down hill. The MC was trying avoid responsibility and avoiding the usual isekai template occur on every novel. Yet, the result seems inevitable and he encounters many people along the journey which the isekai template always goes on. The Downside or the decrease of quality is that the MC was too quickly being (OP). Many heroines were fell in love with him which is okay but he always avoid and act arrogant as he can be. Not to mention the current chapter... more>> was about him going to build his financial wealth which was too predictable on how his OP skill were used on creating so called "Fantasy" items. <<less
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Singsiam rated it
October 2, 2022
Status: c83

This story is really good and interesting...

Until you get past what the title says. Then it turns bad. Read the first.. arc? And when he gets to the first town read it then when he leaves.

... more>> Think.

Would you read the same arc multiple times with Barely any differences and also the girls being Like "he is nice/smart/strong so I love him even though he's like 15 and I'm 25 ish"

The arc structure is basically like this.

Get to town, meet some people who look the same as the people in the last town. Twist in the middle like dungeons or adventuring or disciples (done badly). Then the "big battle" where MC barely struggles and nothing goes wrong. Almost no tension.

I know that the MC tries to be low key but in the town where he gets disciples the man literally let a town destroying amount of orcs go to the town, kill possible hundreds of civilians or adventures and let's his disciples handle the boss which was already half dead and BTW 1 of the lady disiples later says "i still havent given him my body yet" not verbatim.

There's even a chapter where the author indirectly states that the readers should stop complaining because he has to put in much effort into the novel.

Another reviewer says things I don't even want to touch on so read his.

What a piece of work

I suggest you read the first part and when he gets to leave drop it. The only reason why I'm still paying attention to this series is so that I can see the interactions of when the MC returns and sees his brother.

Also if you didn't know you can change your ratings by going to the bottom and clicking the rating you want <<less
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Jesters Epilogue
Jesters Epilogue rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: c91
It had a great start. MC regained his memories and then decided what he want to do in the future. He then succeeded years later. He then started on his journey and became an adventurer. He acquired strength and fought monsters, traveling from town to town. It was a great read.

... more>>

Until he came to the labyrinth city. Sh*t started crumbling like I don't know what came to the author's mind. He came to the labyrinth city to train because he felt humiliated by his defeat against the demon. Then what? He started crafting and selling accessories! Then another downward spiral and he found a weak and malnourished woman on the 13th floor trying to steal from bandits. You would start wondering how tf did she get to the 13th floor. Then the next chapters are just a bunch of events about business. I don't even know why he kept pursuing the art of craft when he got a lot of money.

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September 18, 2022
Status: c19
NOTE: My review has more to do this with general isekai/harem genre as a whole than just this novel. If you read this for specific criticism of like/dislike of the whole story, you'd be wasting your time. I've just taken a issue that i've had with this story and elaborated on it. It doesn't by no means represent story as whole, how I liked it and how others might like.


Well it is good story... But the premise is kind of bad, he does things to make his family (except siblings)... more>> hate him. Which I really don't like.

First his parents lost their child in a sense. Although he is their son, he still has all the memories and stuff from previous life, so he is only their child in blood. They've already lost all the paternal privelages, to teach him, dote on him and play with him like a regular child.

On top of that, he goes out of his way to make himself hated, which in their eyes is just their son turning out to be a s*upid, incompetent person. They weren't even given a chance to have him as a good kid, just forced to accept of him as tr*sh. And his actions and words really were that of a tr*sh (when something involves his father). Who'd blame the parents for making his younger brother the next head.

And the way story is written, it's supposed to be more of the circumstances fault that he has to do that. Nope, you discuss stuff like that with those under influences of your actions. They atleast had their right to know the truth, for all that matters at the end resort they could just publically announce of his death or something else, and still have healthy relations with him. But MC just, in a sense, decided that his parents no longer deserve their first-born has their heir and even as their child.

I know that it's just a premise that author wanted to write, but atleast elaborate and build-up upon it more. I'd want to see more struggle justifying that there were more complicated reasons, than just accept that it's just simple 'MC good, others who not on MC side, bad' story.

In the first place not many readers even realise that MC is doing something bad... on the contrary it's fed to them that mc's family is in the wrong... for example: @Syokool wrote family and territory's people are dumb and tr*sh. And that might as well be the case after 180 or so chapters he has read. That just goes to prove the story premise of those who aren't on mc's side for whatever reason will be made out to be tr*sh kind of characters with certain developments.

Hereafter starts my general rant about things, that don't have much to do with my review of story but it'd give you insight at what I'm getting at to leave such odd reveiw.

In the end it's a good story if you don't think much of it and just accept things as is. It's the case with most jp isekai, harem / kr novels. cn wuxia, etc novels are on another level that they would even justify


as long as it's the MC who did it (example: Villian is the bodyguard of heroine's poisonous stepmother) . It's just whatever goes. I don't want to read wattpad stories as they are mostly weird.

Only a fraction of novels actually have a reasonable things happening in them. I'm not saying I don't link reading novels like this, infact i've read more than I can remember or count. It's just that I yearn for that one novel where there's reasonableness. and not like Dungeon defence, where there are many f*cked up things and pretentious 'smart protagonist' stuff. It's always one extreme to another with novels.

I think Hyouka (which wasn't even supposed to be a light novel initially) would be an accurate example to describe of what I say as 'reasonableness'. If you've read Hyouka and like it, you must know what I'm talking about. It's not extreme things, it's just basic things and premises that are well explained. Not like taking something really grand and describing it in a few sentences of premise.

It might be wrong to expect something out of harem/isekai genre... as these 'unreasonableness' might just be how these genre are based around. But I still hope that there comes a day where I can read a 'reasonable' harem/isekai genre. <<less
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gegehehe8686 rated it
December 15, 2023
Status: c90
I like the premise and the first bit. I like/hate the rest of it. The MC keeps claiming they want to be low key but they act high key without disguising themselves at all. They're harsh with cutting ties with their father, but weirdly tolerant of other people forcing unwanted connections with them. The MC feels very inconsistent to me.

I like the strength of the MC though, and I find the writing decent other than the issues above.
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November 1, 2022
Status: c67
It was good at start him teaching his brother to become strong and shit, but he didn't necessarily to act like some kind of third rate noble villain, he can be disinherited by acting lazy and rolling around.
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