I Became a God in a Horror Game


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After losing his job Bai Liu became involved with an unstoppable horror live streaming game full of various monsters and players with killer intent.

Initially, everyone thought Bai Liu was just an ordinary person who strayed into the game.

Later, they realized it was this game that welcomed its god with victory and a laurel crown saying, “Welcome home.”

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Ta Phong Thần Trong Trò Chơi Kinh Dị
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91 Reviews sorted by

Beefy moon
Beefy moon rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: c81
So far this novel is really good. There's good character development and I love the MC.

I don't really know how to describe it but the MC's way of thinking is just too crazy, but you'll love it. It makes you go "HOLY SH- WOW IS HE ACTUALLY GONNA DO THAT?!"

Once you start reading the first arc, you can't stop.


The ML doesn't appear much at first and you might start shipping MC with his friends but he's probably gonna show up more sometime later in the story

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qpzmal rated it
March 20, 2021
Status: c80
really really really good. One of the best IF novel I've read. I really like the characters, plot, instances, and just everything. If you want fluff, there's fluff (but not between the MC and ML). If you want comedy, horror, an amazing plot, and faceslapping, they are all there. A lot of people said that the romance was pretty nonexistent in the beginning, but I actually liked that aspect since the MC does his own stuff without the ML intervening. And all of their little interactions are really cute and... more>> fluffy like


the end of each arc when the MC asks the ML to attack him. And in the second arc the ML bit his lips since that was the only "attack" that wouldn't kill him. Adjsjsadg I died


And there are a bunch of CP moments with all the shous in the MC's harem. Mu Sicheng and Mu Ke are actually the cutest shous ever. Mu Sicheng is the classic lively college student with a little tsundere side and Mu Ke is the classic pretty and delicate rabbit-like shou. And whenever the ML is out of the picture, it really feels like Bai Liu is the gong. There's not enough blatant indicators to tag this as a reverse harem, but the chemistry is there.

And the instances. They really get my adrenaline running and feel like I got a few heart attacks whenever the MC comes close to dying. Which is a lot of times. The side characters aren't 2D and it's pretty funny whenever they get abused by the MC. And I always get excessively riled up whenever the arc reaches the climax, like my uncles during the superbowl. It's really easy to just get swept away in the epicness of the final battle scenes and it feels like you're actually part of the reacting audience.

Overall a cute, thrilling, funny, and dramatic read. <<less
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Aliandro l
Aliandro l rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: c44
So far so good. Good character development, no 2D people who only act a certain way.

Romance is slow coming which is good as it gives plot way to develop rather than the MC being carried in every instance. MC is probably deranged but in a good way, he follows the law and knows his stuff.
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January 27, 2021
Status: Completed
9.5/ 10
Highly intelligent MC

nice plot

most important, I feel hype and thrill during reading the interactions in the this novel

but because im one of international fan so good quality of translation need more time to release so.... *insert cry face and lying on the floor emoji*

Edit : why do I sound like generic reviewer hahahha, , , any more recommended Novel like this (this novel, Maybe card room..., Quickly wear face of devil, game loading, earth is online,

but still I need to increase my brain cell hahaha I feel dull reading other novels hahahaha)

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1Sami rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: c41
I really like this so far. The MCs skill is really fun, and I have a good feeling about the new system. The MC only cares about money and his friends are all really fun to read about. Their personalities are the best! I can wait for more updates.
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Perry_08 rated it
April 25, 2024
Status: --

It really had a lot of potential but I felt like mc's character started to collapse around chapter 400. ML is also quite unnecessary and at times annoying. I also don't really like how MC becomes a completely different person around ml, suddenly he becomes coquettish...? The story is also starting to drag with the evil god smirking all the time and the prophet being a piece of cardboard. What I loved was the mc's character but I don't find any reason to read after it started to collapse.

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April 5, 2024
Status: Completed
It's my first writing a review to any novel. As someone who finished reading the whole novel, l will say it's literally a hidden gem.

For the first few arcs, the MC is definitely playing it cool while being op. But it's not like any other horror novel with op MC becoming a winner in life effortlessly.

I can still remember the sensation of bawling out my eyes while reading it. In the last arcs, our MC starts to have feeling and strong desire to protect his teammate and his lover. When... more>> he is so powerless to even protect his loved ones.

Yes, l know its might sound completely alien compared to the MC personality in the beginning. And what is amazing is how the author blended the MC earlier and later actions so perfectly like l mean there's always a reason behind his actions. None of the reasons does ever contradict with his gambling and money loving crazy desire. He is the best MC ever in horror novel (in my opinion).

A little for those seeking romance and smut, it won't be your cup of tea since the is quite slow paced.

But the world building and the teammates of MC overshadow that fault. They are just more than enough to keep you intrigued all along the journey.

All in all, the novel consists more than half of a thousand chapter. So, the story is more than you can imagine. <<less
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September 8, 2023
Status: c236
I marked this as reading, and couldn't remember until I opened the first chapter... yes, I was reading it! I dropped because I didn't think it would ever be updated again. Now that it is, I'll pick up reading again.

I love Bai Liu xD He is a very understandable character. Money above all else!

I like how the mysteries are slowly resolved. Mysteries about Bai Liu, that is. I don't think there was any arc so far I particularly disliked either, so those are also good.

I don't like Tang Erda,... more>> though to the author's credit, I do understand his motivations. I just still don't like him.

This is, however, very, very slow romance. So do not read it for the romance first. <<less
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blues86 rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: Completed
Seeing the rating I was expecting more. I didn't read the reviews cuz I wanted to enjoy reading with no spoiler. But it was such a big let down. I was kinda bored. The MC was indeed smart, but that's just because the author made the side characters looked dumb. I could actually guess where it was going in every arc. Although there are some good plot twist here and there, so that's a plus. Overall, there's nothing stand out in this novel. Just like one of other danmei novel... more>> out there. <<less
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LonelyReader_7 rated it
April 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Alert. English is not my first language.

I just don't know how to start writing about this novel. It's just like words aren't enough for describe the incredible novel is. Obviously this novel isn't perfect. It have his mistakes but just the characters and the plot are enough to forget about them.

First, for start here aren't "good" or "bad" characters. There is only people who takes decisions and act according to them even if they are wrong of bad. People with their own interesses and morality. People you can love as... more>> much as hate.

Bai Liu in a few words is a monster. He can't understand emotions or feel empaty to others. For him money is such the only thing matters in this world. He would risk and do everything for it. Even then he use the chains of morality even if he don't understand it or respect them. Is a travel for him, a "bad" person trying to be a "good" person.


Especially in a world controlled by the Evil God where the good persons only suffer.


If I have to said it one (the best) point of this novel is the found family. Along the novel with all the tears and a broken heart the found family is just what you need. There aren't perfect chacarters in any way and in some moments you can hate them but later all the fluff and the understanding is just perfect.

The found family:


Bai Liu, Muke, Mu Sicheng, Liu Jiayi and Tang Erda.

You can add Lu Yizhan and Fang Dian. Maybe ML also.


Romance is an important part of the story. Or in different words: ML is an important part of the story. Later is crucial for the plot evolution. At the beginning he doesn't appear much and is mysterious but his role is one of the most important. His relashionship with Bai Liu is unique. Their interactions are amazing and just shake my heart (in many ways).

ML has three important identyties that difficult everything but you just get in love with.


Tavel, Xie Ta and Spades.

I just love Spades that clingy dog lizard.


Romance hurts as much as it's sweet. It's a difficult and painful travel. They can't be together no matter how many both want to. Even so suffer worth it. I promisse.

Arcs are long between 40-60 chapters. They are just crazy and bloody. Wait fear and memorable characters.

Some arcs and phrases that I have liked:

    • Love Welfare Home - "Protecting the child is to protect yourself, and killing the child is also to protect yourself, how will you choose in the end? Will you choose to be a child or stay a dirty adult..."
    • The Rose Factory - "Only a true perfumer can discover the secrets hidden deep within the pistil and know how to extract more fragrance from the wilted one.
      The human heart weighs 250g, do you know how much a rose weighs?"
    • The Ice Age - "I always thought it was the side as a human that identified the side of the monster, but it wasn't really like that, it was the side as a monster that couldn't give back the special emotions that the human side wanted."
    • Dense Woodside Town - "Bai Liu is a player made for the game of the evil god, who has carefully prepared everything in the game, war, destruction, death, souls, to celebrate his coming. God favoured him and was willing to die for him. Both the last one, who fell long ago, and this one, who is full of expectation."
    • The Evil God Festival - "The moment you looked at me with those eyes, I was endowed with your soul and developed feeling. It's becasuse of you that I have a soul"
    • The Witch Trials - "The first child to cry for me and heal me was a witch. She is one of the most valuable friends I have in this world, she is someone I would trust with my life, my victory and my trust. If she is the one who is sinful in God's setting, the one who is wrong, the one who has to atone for her birth all the time--
      Then I will kill God for her."
    • The Drowning Man from the Future - "Without hope, there is no pain, without ever having gained, the loss is numb."
      "He has deceived you, and derivatives are not the key at all. Bai six has been cheating from the start. As long as the game exists, as long as this system exists in the background, you can never win against him."
    • The Temple of Nightmares - "But I remember. I won't forget. I will never forget it. It is these things that have transformed me from a derivative of you, to Bai Liu."

Some change of "scene" or introduction of characters need work and information for be more credible and not forced so please be patient everything has sense.


Yes, I'm talking about you, Tang Erda. The author just introduce time travel and I was like wtf?

Also other characters like Armand that just appeared and the author give us they story life at the half of something.


Towards the last one hundred chapters the story felts a little bit lazy. Arcs have a maximum of 30 chapters and instead of be centered in the games it's more centered in the story characters. It's not bad but watching that the novel is in the last chapters I would have liked more action.

The story with all his angst and tragedy has his happy ending. Just read it. <<less
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April 29, 2023
Status: c131
Sure enough, pulled another all nighter for this novel. While the main character may have been the one to initially draw me in, the side characters are what's keeping me from leaving.

... more>>

The relationship between Mu Shicheng and Liu Huai touched me especially because we're introduced to Mu Shicheng as God Mu, while Liu Huai was this cannon-fodder-like puppet. But over the course of the two instances, we see Liu Huai being developed as a real, 3-dimensional character who has his own pain and emotions, while God Mu is less of a high-ranker but more of someone who was betrayed deeply. And in the end, Liu Huai died for his own beliefs, which can be considered a thoughtful ending for him.

Mu Shicheng and Liu Huai really motivated me to continue reading this novel, and I'm excited to see how the plot is furthered by their plot line.

Also, we see Wang Shun being a solid supporter in the beginning.

I thought he was going to turn into one of those loyal-type supporting characters for the MC, but then he goes and turns around to be the informant of the Queen of Hearts.

Pretty good plot twists ngl <<less
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reia.krr rated it
January 9, 2023
Status: Completed
Overall the plot of the story and characters are well developed. The only problem with the story should be the structure/organization of events? Mainly like the chapters where the backgrounds of side characters were explained seemed like info dumps and a bit out of place. But I wouldn’t know where else to put it. But I really loved all the characters so I didn’t care about it that much.

All the “villans” in the story are so pitiful and you just can’t even hate them because you understand why they make... more>> those choices. I’m glad that they were able to have the ending they wanted.

There are a few things I wish this story wrapped up. Like what happened later with Mu Sicheng and Armand? And did Phoebe’s mother ever wake up?

It’s a beautiful story and some parts made me really sad. I’m glad our scheming MC has his silly lizard to give him a warm hug when he’s all alone. Two beings that have no idea what love is or how to love slowly learn and it’s so precious. <<less
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fxxch rated it
November 17, 2022
Status: c589
It's really good. On the end I think author kinda rush the story a bit. I can't wait for the translation here to finish. The story is really a rollercoaster
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tsukareru rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: c217
I adore this so so much, it’s amazing!! At first I didn’t like the romance, thought it was totally unnecessary but now? I’m sold, I have so many emotions, highly recommend!
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urpapi rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: Completed
First of all I just wanna say that,

No ones born a Villain/Criminal but Fate force some people to become one.

I hate the Author, I need extra chapters TwT.

Overall, the novel is good it even left me stuck for days, ughhhh. Can't even reread some novels I already finished.

... more>>
White willow and White six... smh, have nothing to say, their personalities r same but not same cuz of their diff experience. Bai Six really need someone to guide him in early days like the prophet did to White Willow. If Bai Six have smn to guide him, what would happnd? it can be seen at the end of chapters, if he isn't a god, if he didn't start a bet/game.
I hate but also love ML but love him more. At first I really bet that monkey was ML cuz like he's famous, some ppl scared of him, that playful attitude, really thought of him as ML at first but then some god npc bug appeared it instantly dissolve my speculation that the monkey was ML and then, I stumble upon a review that said ML would be rarely appear in early chapters like the Author would forget abt him so on.
That's not true at all, he's like everywhere tell 'ya. <<less
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The eggplant is long and hard again rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: Completed
I was supposed to write the whole summary of every arc but someone already did it.

But the question is... Do I look like someone who would make a long ass review? Normally, no— I mean, I would make a review and give a 5 star but not give a review that is long. And it's 2 in the f*cking morning. But my ghad. This story... This story is just.... *Proceeds to punch the table while barely holding back from screaming*

[System prompt: Warning! Warning! Further ahead is a long review with... more>> spoilers]

[System prompt: if you don't want to be spoiled please stop]


THE f*ckING ENDING DUDE! THE f*ckING ENDING! I f*ckING CRIED WHEN THE MC HANDLED MUKE'S AND MU SICHENG'S FUNERAL! I f*ckING CRIED WHEN MC CRIED WHEN HE WAS FIGHTING AGAINST LU YIZHEN AT THE ENDING! I f*ckING CRIED WHEN HE CLOSED THE f*ckING DOOR. (But I also think the ML deserve to suffer too. He's always leaving poor MC behind, let him get a taste of his own medicine.) Honhonhon~ P.S I actually didn't mind Hearts or (spoiler alert) "Zao Muchi" to get together with MC. At least he's 5 times better than Xieta, Sheeta (according to MTL) or spades. But meh. He's also good... I guess.

But I also cried when spades wanted to be an independent soul/body and wanted MC's love. f*ck Bai Lou (6) saying he occupied the magpie's nest (or something...) Spades deserve love too! Omg. (Well he did when he visited the 18 year old MC as... puppy line? (according to MTL). In the past but was erased because of LU YIZHEN!

I can talk about this story all day or all night cause I just finished it and I'm still trying to get over the fact that a few chapters before the ending, Mc's friends died one by one! And he was crying and he was sad and he was angry. f*ck you daniel (jk! I also like him. If only Bai Lou (6) didn't merge his memories with his evil self from the different timelines).

Anyways, I also thought that the ending was rushed. I checked many times to see if there's any more chapters but meh. Now I'm gonna sunk in this fandom/abyss... Forever.

[System prompt: player Eggplant is so long and hard successfully finished the novel "I became a God in a horror game" (589/589) ] <<less
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Wonzu rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: c355
I'm a sucker for cool protagonists! The MC in this novel give me the same vibes of the MC from "don't pick up from tr*shbin" and "mdzs". Simply because those two novels has Shou MC, but are extremely cool and charismatic one!

Another point I like this Novel is that this is the real Shounen-ai! More plot given compared to the romance written.

The kind of novel where the romance of MC and ML is a conclusion rather than a too much described journey is my cup of tea when it comes... more>> to Shounen ai.

Disregarding that this novel has a gay couple, this novel is comparable if not better than some of the top tier infinite flow in Qidian with thousands of chapters in their story. <<less
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conniefightsback rated it
May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
The writing is very good. But it is extremely plot driven so if you want romance most of it will be from your imagination until later chapters. MC is cool, smart, and ruthless even towards himself but it’s refreshing. TBH I shipped MC w the side characters cuz the romance is sooo slow burn and there are plenty of moments that make you think “yea they’d be good together”.
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April 30, 2022
Status: c78
This is one that stayed with me due to the rage-inducing first arc:

(this spoils the entire pay-off for the first arc)

... more>>

So he buys the alcohol and the water bubble or whatever when it's super cheap, right? And then he uses it the most efficient, effective and incredibly innovative way later, right? BUT HOW DID HE KNOW THAT HE WOULD BE ABLE TO DO ANY OF THAT???

It makes LITERALLY NO SENSE when you stop and think about it. Unless he could predict the future, he would have NO WAY to know that he would end up on the lifeboat or whatever at night surrounded by the fish creatures who fear fire and hence buying the alcohol would be useful. The water bubble is somewhat more forgivable because at least it was recommended as a useful item, but everything else?

The author wanted him to pull a clever one but forgot that it's not clever if it's literally just the hand of the author.


Likewise, his "plans" in later arcs are mapped out to an impossible degree - he predicts what everyone is going to do down to the slightest action and then... the characters do exactly what he predicts. Again, it's not clever - it just feels like the hand of the author. High Energy QR Code suffers from this a little, but it's pulled off much better and the MC in that has to adapt his plans due to unforeseen circumstances etc.

The mystery of how the game world and reality are connected is what kept me reading this - the arcs are fun to read if you disengage your brain and don't think too hard (or you'll have a melt down about the wonky logic - see above).

Overall, a series that's easy to get swept away in while you're reading it, but if you stop to think, you'll find the flaws very quickly. <<less
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January 26, 2022
Status: c144
In-progress rating: 4.3/5 (144 chapters in)

Story Setting: Infinite flow suspense. MC is a cold, indifferent, and smart person. ML is a mystery (but is about to be involved in story a lot more.) As of date, a lot of deus ex machina. I would consider this a novel which starts off shaky (where it seems like the author is trying to find their direction) and then progressively gets better.

Arc 1, the novel is introduced explicitly as an infinite flow horror game. Arc 1 was definitely spooky, and I enjoyed... more>> it.

Arc 2 and onwards, the story was definitely shifted to be more suspense + action.

Arc 3 and onwards, I feel that the writing has gotten better. I liked Arc 3 and am enjoying Arc 4 a lot more than the first 2 Arcs. The main story line appears to just be starting at 144 chapters in in Arc 4.

I quite enjoy the arcs that the author has come up with. They're pretty unique, and I can't tell what the outcome is until the very end of the arc. Towards the end of arcs, I'm kept sitting at the edge of my seat. I do recommend waiting for an arc to be finished before reading it all in one go.

On the other hand, I am finding that there is no point in trying to figure out how the game is going to go or be won because MC's plans and logic are pretty far-fetched + risky + has always involved a deus ex machina so far. It's still very fun to read along for the ride, but you can basically turn your brain off.

My in-progress conclusion is that this is a solid infinite flow series. It's not going to knock you off the rockers, but as a fan of this genre, this series generally has what I'm looking for. <<less
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