Gold Medal Coach


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There was a legendary player known as Wing who appeared in the pro league for Gun King in the Chinese division.

He landed his shots with deadly precision and absolute confidence. Under his leadership, a third-rate team in the minor league clawed their way to the major league, ultimately winning the annual championship and becoming the strongest dark horse in history.

However, Wing suddenly announced his retirement after winning the championship. Many netizens had speculated on the reasons for his retirement. No one knew that he was an Omega suffering from a “pheromone disorder”.

Five years later, the Chinese national team was eliminated in the first round of the Gun King World Championship. The national team’s coach resigned on the spot under pressure.

In a time of crisis, Jiang Shaoyu, who was once known as Wing, returned to China and was entrusted with the position of the national team’s coach. The national team was a mix of both good and bad players who couldn’t get along with each other at all. This was especially true for certain Alphas who would quarrel the moment they met.

The assistant was full of worries, “These gods can’t be controlled at all!”

Jiang Shaoyu: “It’s fine. Leave their training to me.”

And so, Coach Jiang started his daily sharp tongue mode——

“This is the standard of a player on the national team?”

“Are scripts even needed when playing against you? I can win even when playing casually.”

“Are all of you inters? Giving free kills away one after another?”

“If you can’t defeat the others, just delete the game then.”

The glib-tongued Coach Jiang, who had a tendency to never swear when training others, once scolded the entire team until their mental states had collapsed. That was until one day, they saw the scene of Coach Jiang secretly injecting Omega inhibitors into himself.

Everyone was collectively dazed, “This fierce and savage coach was actually an Omega?”

“Even if he’s an Omega, he’s the boss kind that cannot be defeated even in a team fight!”

A gaming god: “Seeking help. How do I write a 1000-word self-reflection essay?”

A popular streamer: “I’m not streaming today. I’ll face the wall and repent.”

An amateur king: “Who am I? Where am I? Why am I even playing games? I really doubt my life.”

An Alpha youth: “What was the experience of being scolded to tears by an Omega like? As we cried more, we got used to it.”

The netizens: “???”

Why does something feel wrong with this year’s national team?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Our Omega Coach is Gold-Class
Related Series
All-Round Mid Laner (Shared Universe)
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I Can Do It (1)
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God Level Summoner (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. ABO is gold!
  2. Novel 3
  3. Re-Read List
  4. e-sports | gaming
  5. JJWXC top danmei pt. 2

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26 Reviews sorted by

fishfish rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: c119
[Beware: This review is me trying to convince you in 600+ words to read this ongoing novel]

Jiang Shaoyu (our strict coach MC!)

He's a Gun King God who disappeared the year he debuted. Even after 5 years out of the professional scene, he's still super powerful! He's super overpowered in terms of game sense, aim, tactics... all the skills it takes to be an exceptional FPS player.

... more>> His skills lets him recognize the hidden talent within the nation's pro league so he can cultivate them to be even stronger.

Because of this, his methods of polishing these hidden gems are "a bit" harsh. His highest form of praise is "You did OK" while his lowest form of criticism is like shooting at the same bullet wound over and over... and over again.

His style of scolding is so distinct that old ACE teammates were able to recognize JSY from how he scolds them.

However in many cases, you will see how much he cares for the players and how he truly believes in their abilities, hence the reason he's putting them through the wringer.

ACE team (Jiang Shaoyu's old team)


From the summary, I assumed that Jiang Shaoyu just made a team with his high school friends and carried them all the way to the championship, however I am very wrong.

Jiang Shaoyu wasn't just the ACE's founder and captain, he was also the coach. He hand picked each and every team member for their potential and then whipped them into god-level eSports material.

I'm sorry I doubted you God Wing.


Pro League

Let me sum it up

  • China's previous National Gun King Teams were tr*sh (got eliminated in the first round)
  • Why? Major clubs were recommending players to increase their own reputation, not for the player's skills
  • Result? The favored players are praised for nothing and loose the spirit of eSports while the actually good players go unnoticed, overshadowed, or neglected in clubs.
  • Now? Not only does the National Team suck, but most of the Major Clubs in the A-League (Top division) also suck
  • Spoiler

    To put into perspective: There are only 3 strong and stable veteran teams in China's Gun King A-League... out of 8 teams!! The others are either corrupt, mediocre, or just straight up bad. Compare this to any other eSports novel where each top team has their own strengths. It's really poor.

Enter: Jiang Shaoyu.

We get to see all the nitty gritty operations of the many different eSport clubs. His role as the Head Coach not only makes him responsible for the National Team representing China, but also allows him to meddle with the clubs of the nation's professional league in general.

He adopts the role of "a strict school dean that comes to evaluate the student's performance" and rakes through the professional scene with a fine tooth comb to spot the hidden/misplaced talents among the tr*sh. And boy does he find some gems!


He basically sneaks into every major club unexpected to watch how each one operates. Everything is evaluated: from the player's training mentality, to the coach's player data. His evaluation squad even brings a signal blocker so that they can get an authentic peek at the day in a life of an eSports player.


Pace and Plot

It took me a couple of chapters to figure out why the tone is so familiar. It's because it's written by Die Zhiling!! Author of the (iconic) God Level Summoner series and many other wonderful novels!

This novel's pace is very similar to God Level Summoner, so expect a long story! I would best describe the pace to be like waves.

[Either lots of action out of game + little action in game or little action out of game + lots of action in game.]

In terms of plot, this story follows Jiang Shaoyu scrapping the previous National Team and building a new one from the ground up.

Expect game-centric plots, player rankings, technical skill and strategies, training arcs, the "strong gets stronger", character development, and of course the competitions!

As someone who loves eSports novels with many strong players from different teams, this novel is so exciting for me to read! Although it's bound to be a long novel, the plot was so interesting, it made me want to keep reading and reading... until I caught up with the RAWs TT

I have high hopes for this novel, and the translators are doing an amazing job, so definitely give this a read!

I'll come back and update as the story progresses ^^

Happy reading ☆ <<less
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pawsofacat rated it
May 31, 2022
Status: c89
Regret reading this when it's still ongoing since I have a tendency to binge read novels and I can't wait.

Have read the translations by White Moonlight Novels till chapter 7, which are not bad. Thereafter, I couldn't wait for translations and thus, I read till the latest chapter (89) in Chinese (which is my 2nd language). Review below is accurate as of chapter 89.

Story: The story mainly surrounds around MC, the ex-captain/coach who once led his grassroot team to win the national championship amongst professional e-sports teams, who is invited... more>> to help coach and lead the national team who have terrible and worsening results in the international competition. He develops the team by selecting and finding suitable team members and staff etc and as he goes about it, he also helps to improve the worsening national e-sports atmosphere (due to money-focused investors and celebrity star players who is overly confident and not hardworking due to their big fan base and their fans' rainbow farts, leading teams to not focus on results and professionalism as an e-sports player but on money and fame instead, ie. Investor and teams spending money to sponsor and send their famed (but not that great) players into the national team) by changing things up. As in the story's jjwxc summary, story focuses on how MC, as a coach, develops the national team, and is counted as a light feel-good read (爽文).



He is an omega who have a pheromone disorder that causes his pheromones to act/smell aggressively like an alpha's and its so aggressive that it actually scares alphas away. He is a calm, cold and indifferent person with a poisonous tongue. He's resolute, stubborn and proud, in that he doesn't show his weakness to people (ie his disorder). As a coach, he's strict and commands respect (and maybe some fear from some haha) .

But as you read on, you'll discover he's also a very gentle, considerate and respectful person (gentle especially to those younger or more introverted). As example, in chapter 19,


he doesn't want to let his disciple know about him coaching the team because he doesn't want to moral kidnap or put pressure on his disciple to come back to e-sports since his disciple is doing great in his high-paying, more relaxed livesteaming job, even though his disciple would be a great addition to the team. I was attracted to him even more due to this.


And, I also like that he's fair and not narrow minded. During inspection of the professional teams, a team and their members f* up


for acting out their practice/training matches to leave a good impression to try to get their famed member into the national team. He gets a bad impression from this incident but he recognises that the main person at fault is the coach and the members are not the main culprit (especially since they may not have a say in things and are young to be influenced) and thus are willing to give a second chance to see how competent the player actually is during actual matches in chapter 88.


His poisonous tongue is also hilarious. Some excerpts:

MC playing with a noob player:


Noobish player in-game: Maybe I'm too vegetable (菜 cai in chinese) (meaning not good at the game)

MC: Be more confident, remove the 'maybe".

Noobish player : ???


MC scolding a member who overslept and was late to training:


MC: Lazing around doing nothing everyday, sleeping during training hours, next time during competition, how about you move a bed to the stage and lying down in it to compete instead?



He's MC's disciple and fan who is an alpha and my first impression of him is that he's like a big golden retriever. He's also a gentle and considerate person, and he shows it in his actions and thinking. His gentleness and considerate character is different from MC in that he expresses it openly and that feels like his main personality trait.

He's a very loyal person where in chapter 18-19, it is shown that


he rather not be an e-sports player than to go to other teams even with a extremely high pay to compete against ACE and his past teammates due to his promise to MC to lead ACE as the next captain


Their relationship:

ML's setting feel more like the typical MC in e-sports novel (the one that's so talented that he's able to play the different positions well + is a famous livestreamer) whereas MC feels like the typical ML who has a cold and indifferent personality, is also great at the game and are of a higher position (as ML's master (shifu) and main coach of the team and ex-captain). For example, in chapter 36,


ML got blackened and spammed by black fans and internet water army in his livestream and MC is the one that smashes money on gifts to divert attention away from the black fans.


Age-wise, MC was 18 when he was captain and is 23 at the current point of time while ML was 15 and is now 20, it's a 3-years age difference.

ML is clingy to MC and in the beginning I thought the novel will go down the "ML: its been 5 years since you left me, now you're back I'm going to pursue you I love you so much" trope but nope, they have a very pure master-disciple relationship with no romantic thoughts. ML have absolute trust and respect for MC and he thought of MC as his idol, his god and thus never once thought that MC is one to be affected or "defiled" by mortal romantic relationship. Hence, his reaction was pretty hilarious in chapter 32 when


he almost found out his shifu is an omega where he saw his shifu injecting the omega inhibitor and by instinct denied the thought that MC is an omega and instead thought its an injection for MC's stomach problems leading MC to be speechless and thinking "this is an inhibitor you dumbass"


IMO, ML is not overshadowed by MC despite their master-disciple and coach-member relationship and instead he balances MC out and aids him in things that MC is not familiar with ie public relations (ML is more familiar with netizens and PR due to him being a famous livestreamer who climbed to the top from zero).


The previous team (ACE) :

After MC left, they split up due to investors trying to profit off them. In chapter 12/13 he met most of his past teammates.

All his teammates do not blame MC for the split up and are not in a bad relationship with MC, even though they do not know of the reason why MC left the team (the reason is implied to be due to his disorder).


As of now, I love love love all the characters, especially MC and ML, and their relationship. I look forward to how MC develops the national team and improve the e-sports atmosphere/community as a whole and how their relationship develops (and pray that it won't go down the possessive ML trope). This novel is penned by the same author who wrote Accidental Mark, All-Round Mid Laner and God Level Summoner series, so I have hopes for a equal and healthy romantic relationship. <<less
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 1, 2022
Status: c113
I can't really judge the plot because I'm not an e-sports person, but for a layman, it's quite interesting. The MC, ML and their teammates are all 👍


The soft and shy medic baby Chenchen is a treasure that must be protected at all costs. He alone is enough reason to give this novel 10 stars out of 5. I swear, if the author abuses him one more time, hands will fly.

I know it's not an informative review, I binge-read this novel till 3AM and my brain doesn't brain anymore.... more>> But I really recommend you to read this novel. And join the soft medic boy protection club, while you're at it.

Edit at chapter 73: The novel is still amazing, but why does the author like to abuse soft medics? And they both are so sweet, polite and hard-working!

Edit at chapter 103: the plot is still interesting. I rarely follow ongoing novels, but for this novel, I just can't help refreshing the page every morning. The author has a godly pace of 2 chapters per day, so every day the plot progresses quite a bit. <<less
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RaiLi rated it
May 28, 2022
Status: c19
Altho Ive only read few of the chapters, and this seems to have potential. I’m excited since this is the same author as “All-round Mid Laner” and “Accidental Mark.”

The MC is cold and aloof omega with a very sharp tongue, already retired and is now a coach. Short spoiler of ML: ... more>>

for all people out there who’s curious who the ML is. Its Mc’s only direct apprentice, Pei Feng.


For now, its pretty fun and entertaining. The pacing’s all right. I’m really curious on how the players development and they’ve been already scolded by the MC already lol. The translation is actually pretty good! I’m now waiting for the chapters to increase!!! ╰ (*´︶`*) ╯ <<less
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asampe_tae rated it
October 11, 2022
Status: Completed
This would have easily been 4.5 stars if not for the romance because the esports aspect is well-written and exciting. But I am rating it 3stars because of the romance.

I'm surprised this doesn't get recommended a lot because I have never heard of it in esports recommendation sites/forums. It was a very enjoyable read. I liked the systematic rebuilding of the esports industry. This has to be the esports novel with the worst teams because others tend to have healthy competition and are generally really strong. I didn't exactly understand... more>> the gameplay but I enjoyed reading about it. I also liked reading about how strong Pei Feng is. Another broad statement but most other novels (that I've read) with the two leads involved in esports has one weaker than the other. They may be strong but not quite at the level of the other. But Pei Feng was really strong and I just adored that.

The only downside to me was the romance. I didn't feel it in the slightest. It felt too forced and Die Zhiling did the whole boring ass and forced romance moving trope of Jiang Shaoyu going into estrus and Pei Feng being the only one that can help him. I don't understand why authors still do all that mess. Is it so hard to build the romance slowly and actually put in effort to make the romance work instead of taking the easy way out? I got so angry when I got to that part of the book and my eyes nearly fell out from how hard I rolled it. I also didn't feel attached to any of the characters. I didn't care much what happened to them as long as the plot was moving. Their family story was also not explained properly.

Do I still recommend? YES but don't go in expecting good romance. <<less
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Hadhira rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: Completed
I read this at White moonlight novels and Wattpad

Now onto how I felt while reading this novel:

... more>>

I love the cold and soft on the inside shous x golden retriever yet extremely talented gongs 😍

I love very talented people, Pei Feng (PF), the ML, is so OP! I LOVE ITTTT, so is the MC, JS.


Pei feng is usually a genius but when it’s something to do with Jiang shaoyu being an omega, he’s blank 😂


These f*ckers degrading ChenChen even tho he basically saving their dumbasses EVERYTIME... Pleaseeeeeeeeeee they deserve a beating

s*upid Lu... Being rude to ChenChen

The audacity to scold Su Chen...

Ye qingming reminds me of that one lazy yet cool uncle that everyone in the family loves

MC raiding all the teams to grab the best players and coaches 😂😂



It’s truly lacking romance 🥲, the slow burn is burning me alive... I can survive if they just gave eachother a peck or somethinggggg GIVE ME SOMERHING PLEASEEEEE

Guys... This mentally hurts to wait for them to do something cute 😭😭




I’m genuinely so happy rn 😭


The Gourd babies squad are so cute 🥹




Ye Qingming is so coollllll! ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE SO COOL

Bro my guy (JSY) already fancies PF but doesn’t realise it, chapter 196 rn

200 - 201 🥹, they’re so cuteeeeee they travelling

Chapter 201 -204 FEELS LIKE A REWARD


I feel blessed to be alive, the extra chapters 🥹🥹 THEY SHEGDIBEUDVEJ SO FRICKING CUTEEGSE IR IDVIRBDNEIRGEK

When I tell you, these last few chapters are eveyrthing! The last 4 chapters and the extras! YOU MUST READ AGAIN - NOTE TO YOURSELF


I’m smiling ear to ear right now at 1 am while it thunders and rains outside

Big bad wolf brother came hehehehe 😂😂, he got yelled at by JSY 😂




The extras of this novel really warms my heart 10/10. Plot was good, game was good, I understood the game and quite liked it. The competition was good. I’d prefer more cute parts in between everything but still very happy with this novel 🙈

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bluedrop rated it
February 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Quite an enjoyable and fun read. This is an e-sports centric story with a romantic subplot. The ABO factor plays its part but isn't a huge deal in the story and blends pretty negligible in the background and world building of the story.

Also, warning for slow burn lol that's why I consider this more of having a romantic subplot. Still very enjoyable and well written and translated.

Its ends very very sweetly when it finally gets to the romance. Barely any drama. Most of the tears, action and character development and... more>> story occurs in the e-sports section. The romance is just the dessert to end it in sweet fluff. <<less
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AriaSoul16 rated it
August 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I am a huge fan of eSports BL stories even though I don't follow eSports so I can't criticize the strategies, techniques and skills, etc. I don't think the setting/premise is unique but it was well-written. I love the characters and the ending.


They have twins. A boy and girl. I was thinking that it will be good to have twins and the author did write it. 😆


I also hoped that some characters have a relationship like

Hua Ran and Shu Chen, Mo Hantian and Shi Xiaobin

3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 30, 2023
Status: c205
It has a really good start. It catches your attention and keeps you reading but midway, it becomes bland because the MC and his team is too OP.

A new coach who can predict everything, not a single veteran coach gave him a difficult time. A game that didn't change much in 5 yrs that a team that played together for a year can be in sync without much practice? And those exact members did not improve or regress at all or find different tactics? A team trainee that can immediately sub the team captain without prior practice with the team? I'd appreciate if there was a mention that he practiced with ACE members before for coordination but all that was mentioned were 1v1 abuse.


The ending just keeps you hanging. There are so many unanswered questions. I'm not sure if this has a next installation but if it doesn't, good luck answering those questions on your own.

The author can still explore how they will go public with their relationship, how the coach shifts to becoming a player in all stars, how the families and the team take their relationship, how they manage their professional and personal relationships.

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Kyaaaaaaaaa rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a solid story, with a good plot (and obviously predictable ending, but enjoyable nevertheless). It's cool to see an E-Sports novel focus on the Coach—really makes you understand how necessary it is to have a Coach that pushes players beyond their limits, has good tactical awareness, and is open to new ideas. ML is quite OP and so is the MC—cool to see a Coach that keeps in contact with the game and can do everything the players do. A little OP but also respectable as a Coach.

Usually these... more>> types of novels have a lot of nationalism and hate against other countries (all other countries hate China and will have racist under stones in their behavior) but it was nice to see the noble had none of that. The games were thought out (very in depth with gameplay, couldn't focus on all the games haha) but they weren't mind blowing in tactics—just let your brain loose and believe in the main protagonist aura.

The ABO world barely has focus and when it does, it is light and not too heavy. Most of the novel focuses on the gameplay, and when the novel does focus on ABO, it's mostly with the MC and ML and their relationship progression. Also the dynamic between MC and ML was fresh!! A mutually respecting relationship where both partners hold each other as number one in their heart (though I do wish the romance wasn't built out of ABO circumstances). ML is also quite mature and caring. Our ML falls first haha and it was quite cute to see all the former ACE members attack him like they were the old hens of the MC.

Overall, recommend! <<less
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pjanmax rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: --
This was actually really good. I loved every bits of it, I really liked how the MC was being fair and actually gave a chance to those who was worthy of it.


The thing I was a bit dissatisfied with was that we didn't really see the MC's and ML's romantic life more, it was a bit of a bummer nevertheless, it was good.

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luhyung rated it
April 4, 2024
Status: c33
Currently at chapter 16. Will update later.

First impression is that the novel isn't that good? It reads like the author is living vicariously through MC who has chuunibyou syndrome.

At 17/18 years old, MC debuted as a pro player in Gun King and as the team leader and chief strategist/sub-coach, he took his ragtag squad of visual kings to become world champs (going off vibes can't remember the exact wording). With the season MVP in his pocket, he retired gloriously with no explanation, but nobody will blame MC because he's the... more>> author's son. And 5 years later, when the China National team is at its lowest, they approach MC begging him to take up the role as National coach. And even though he promised an unknown who that he'll never return to the pro scene, MC is just too goddamn patriotic that he has no choice but to break his promise and take this new ragtag team to the top. And of course, like any other OP, extremely handsome, cold Gaolin flower, he has to show off his extreme charm and skill at every opportunity by spouting mockery as he abuses the entire National team (in game). The Nation's most beloved omega, our MC!

Update: dropped. MC and his teammates reached the peak of esports in 1 year then faded into semi-obscurity (since for some reason their fans are unusually loyal even after 5 years). And the novel follows MC, ML and their new and old teammates as they climb back up to the top. At some point in time, it feels like the ACE team knows that they're the best and they can take out strategies that stopped working 5 years ago to win. And even after 5 years, the ACE team is still better than all the old and new generation of pros. It's unrealistic, and frankly feels like they're just showing off and acting cool. It's disappointing since I really liked All-round mid-laner from the same author. <<less
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sbob rated it
March 21, 2024
Status: Completed
As an e-sports novel, I’d give it a 4.5/5, but as a romance novel it would be a 2.5/5. My preference is still romance led novels.

The e-sports part was very engaging and exciting, with sufficient continuous build up to the next higher peak that kept pace. The ‘side’ character (not really side because most had a pretty developed back story and individual personality) players had me invested and tearing in happiness when they got their wins. The game and mechanics were described well and I could follow and be immersed... more>> in the game and the different maps and tactics. The mixed tactic plays also had a high level of intelligence that was not boring, with just the right amount of detail and skips before it got a bit draggy. I binge read through most of it, from building the team to the world championships.

My only wish: Instead of what felt like an OP MC with a ‘tactician team’ that was like a small support that hardly contributed, where he was able to basically command the flow and predict everything super smoothly throughout—I wanted more game related challenges, like an actual strong challenger that was introduced that defeated MC’s team and helped enrich their tactics, not just via watching videos and getting underestimated. Most challenges were external and the OPness of MC’s tactics felt too easy at some points. That being said, it was still enjoyable, but was just shy of being a top tier gaming novel for me.

For the romance part, very high and dry, lol. Some moments early on to sustain you throughout almost 200 chapters before some progress. It fits their characters; MC being less emotionally affected, super focused on his task, which is attractive in a way, but where are my tingles (sobs). ML puppy gong is also a super understanding and caring type so he follows along with MC’s focus. In other words, hardly any romance bits in a large chunk of the middle.

It had some potential to be butterflies inducing, but failed to deliver for me. The gap between the two was not really bridged, and I was not really convinced of the chemistry between the two. Was more invested in the potential side CPs in the team.


If only there’s some unfortunate omega related incident at some key part of the competition to bring them closer and cross that line or something, aiye. Make use of the ABO setting!!


Even the ‘steamy’ parts in the HE felt like lukewarm water, teasing me with few details but frustrating me with what could have been.

Would recommend if you’re looking for an e-sports novel, it’s one of the better ones. But not as a romance novel. <<less
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October 26, 2023
Status: c33
Fun concept, but I wonder if this isnt for me. It takes me so long to finish a chapter and there's so much information and small details that I wonder if 1. If it's all really necessary and 2. If I'm even going to remember it all, and there's still 180ish chapters left

I pushed through 30 chapters telling myself that this was just setting it up, and I think it is picking up the pace now? I'm just burnt out that I need a break. And it's not that... more>> I can't read 100s of chapters of a novel, I've done it many times before, but it could be because the reason I stated earlier that it's harder for me orz so putting this on hold for now o7 <<less
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anjellyfeesh rated it
September 30, 2023
Status: Completed
I like King's Avatar so seeing this novel made me really excited, especially after reading the author's All-Round Mid Laner. Like King's Avatar, this novel also has an older and wiser protagonist but instead of playing on the field again, he instead focuses on the next generation of players since he wants to spread the passion for the game and e-Sports in his country. While it's ABO and has romance, it doesn't completely take away the main focus of the story, which is to create a good national team for... more>> the game.

I love how the MC doesn't care about the members' personalities as long as they're passionate and hardworking. He also gives them second chances and time to improve instead of rushing them. And the ML, while he can get jealous sometimes, respects the MC's goals and boundaries.

It's really good that I might re-read it again in the future. <<less
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syla rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: Completed
I found this through All Around Mid-Laners and just love both! Even to the point frying my brain by reading the MTLs.

The story more focused on how our MC set the foundation of the national team, and the team's growth. The romance is not that much, but every moments are precious!

... more>>

No one expect the ML have the guts to mark the MC, except MC's big bro. They thought the shipping is very baseless and could not happen. Their reaction was very funny when the couple clarify the rumor 🤣

And the ML was bullied by the rest of the national team lol

The extra also have ML play the game through World All Star. And all viewers/players are shocked at how MC become the big boss. For ML, of course he continue to give countless praises for MC 🤭

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Onyo.onyo rated it
September 14, 2022
Status: undefined
I really liked this novel. The story of the struggle to win the championship made my blood boil and I was excited! The author's way of telling the match was very exciting, it made me imagine the scene dramatically. The love story isn't sickening either, it's actually more like the author puts it at the end after all the competitions and championships are over, and this is really my favorite type of story. Jiang Shaoyu makes me want to watch the e-sport match live
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heartlessbambi rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: Completed
Recommended to read!!!

This novel is not much different from other e-sport novels, but it has great humour and interesting characters settings. The flow is good, no matter how long the novel is, and also this is a bit addicting actually. MC has a cold look on his face and seems to be aloof. Under his guidance the country wins the e-sport championship. The ML is his little fan and also his apprentice who always wags his tail to whatever the master says. This novel has very late romance. But when... more>> it finally comes around, it is very sweet.

There were some incidents and decisions made by ML and MC which did not make sense in real life. Except for that, the novel was actually pretty good. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
April 26, 2024
Status: Completed
I have complicated feelings about this novel. As an e-sports novel, it's a 5 star. As a romance/BL... 3 stars? I would say the novel is like 80% e-sports, 15% BL, and 5% ABO dynamics. Also, this is like the slowest of burns. Don't expect any romance until the e-sports tournament is over lol. It felt like an e-sports novel with a side of BL extras XD. The romance was also kinda mid when it finally occurred.

Tbh, I don't even like e-sports, but it was really good and the best... more>> part of the novel. Well, what makes the novel really shine imo is the cast of side characters. The MC and ML aren't that interesting; they're a bit too perfect. I was really bored at the start all the way until the side characters started showing up (almost dropped it, but things got good after MC started collecting team members. The MC has some personality, but he was a bit boring imo. I appreciate how the ML isn't toxic though. He's sweet, but I'm not that interested in him.

The side characters aren't the most developed, but they do get character arcs and some growth. I swear, the novel would be a 3 star without them since the MC & ML are kinda too perfect and therefore a little dull. My favorite side character started out as an arrogant young master type, but his character development made me happy. Also, the side characters each got some special moments, so that was nice.

One thing I liked was how there wasn't racism towards other competing countries lol. Like, at most one group was called silly (though the coach was silly lol). There was also the "villain" from another country, but there was no explicit racism, just a bad nut lol.

The MC and ML are OP. MC is probably the strongest player internationally, but he has reasons for becoming a coach instead of a team captain. I was debating whether I would count them as Gary Stus... kinda? Like, they're super OP (through hard work + talent), but their victories do come from interesting strategies and feel reasonable. I really liked the e-sports (surprisingly) because the strategies were creative and the fights were entertaining. The MC and ML also get praised A TON. A bit too much for my tastes. Still, it's interesting and has creative e-sports. The e-sports matches felt like chess games? Coach A creates a strategy, players execute it, and the other team loses a round. Coach B creates a strategy to counter, players execute it, they win a round. It sounds simple, but it was entertaining to read because of all the details / epic plays required to execute the strategies.

My understanding of the e-sports game:


5 team members in a gun game. Player categories are assaulter (like a DPS), charger (like a tank? charging barbarian?), medic (healer/shielder/can revive), sniper, and scout (assassin/scout/rogue). 2 teams fight matches, and there are like 3? modes of gameplay. One is straight up kill the entire opposing team, another is be the first to reach 50 kills of the other team (people respawn until one team reaches 50 kills), and another is planting bombs vs. defusing and defending against bombs


The novel overall is very feel-good imo. The underdog rising up basically. Tbh, you might think it's unrealistic how good the team got after the MC became coach, but the players themselves were already high-level. They were basically being held back by corruption/politics in the CN e-sports circle. The novel says it clearly early on, but you really don't realize until how true it is until you see how good the players get with a proper coach. They don't suddenly become strong; it's the MC actually coaching properly. I think the most interesting thing about him is the psychological warfare he does lol.

Basically, if you can stand an OP MC & ML in a feel-good faceslapping novel, try it and see. Overall, I would compare this to high quality junk food. <<less
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April 4, 2024
Status: Completed
E-sports narration: 10/10

This novel never failed me!! I mean, the author is the same as Accidental Mark (which is one of my favorite ABO-Entertainment novels). So, for the competition, the narration was superb. It explains the game in great detail, and I, reader, couldn't help but to read and read. I binge read this novel and good thing, I did!! If you're looking for an E-sports novel with a good pacing, this one is good! Good thing, the author tossed some 'losses' to the national team to grow.

I love gourd... more>> babies 2.0! Good to see the ACE 2.0, as well.

Romance: 3/5

The ABO-setting was not utilized fully during the competition. But after the world competition, the extras are so sweet! It was worth reading. The author built the pace TOO SLOW (and I love it). Also, the extra CP didn't have any extra chapters. (I plan to find it if it has novel).

Anyways, this one is a good read! <<less
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