God of Music


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A minus’ hand that fails every singer he put his hands on, Kang Yoon.

After being chased by loan sharks, he meets his death, losing his beloved sister and his everyday life.

However, with those 10 years earned through coincidence…

In his new life, he will walk the path to the best planner.

3rd rate or 1st rate, through his hands, they will become legends!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
음악의 신
Related Series
Top Management (19)
God of Cooking (14)
I’m Really a Superstar (7)
God’s Song (5)
I’m in Hollywood (4)
Game Market 1983 (4)
Recommendation Lists
  2. koren
  3. IDOL/ACTOR (male protagonist)
  4. Authors/ Artists
  5. want read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/25/18 Chamber’s Cleanup... c82
02/25/18 Chamber’s Cleanup... c81
01/31/18 Chamber’s Cleanup... c80
01/15/18 Chamber’s Cleanup... c79
01/14/18 Chamber’s Cleanup... c78
12/27/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c77
12/26/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c76
12/25/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c75
12/24/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c74
12/23/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c73
12/14/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c72
12/13/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c71
11/02/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c70
10/18/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c69
10/17/17 Chamber’s Cleanup... c68
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49 Reviews sorted by

yamikage rated it
August 18, 2016
Status: c26
A do over with cheat story that is light and entertaining. The characters are interesting so it's worth to read.
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I like this MC better than the MC from top management. So yes, they kinda have the same ability to know what the future will hold, but MC used it and make it better. Who cares about butterfly effects.
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Tintl rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: c5
illogical (spoilers) :

the Chairman of the company decides to make MC team leader after an interview despite MC hvaing no credentials. In the meeting of the staff, MC portrayed as capable for bringing the staff to cooperate with each others opposing views. But. If they were really in the industry for that long working in the same team with JooAh they would already know how to cooperate, not just present completely opposing views.

JooAh's manager has been w her for a very long time and is said to know everything about her. So how come MC can suddenly come in and know her better than the manager by deciding to loosen company restrictions to help her relax? How does he know she's the type of person to have strong self control with dieting more than the manager?


after reading top management I cant enjoy other entertainment novels anymore 😞
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slovino rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: --
It's a mediocre comeback to life novel.

You gave the homeless 10k Won and your wish came true, you were back 10 years ago, you got a unique ability as a gift together with it, but that was it.

The MC personality is weird I can't even put it into word, a few head chapters already made me feel so annoyed about him because you got the gift you raised your voice and taught people how to live and act like human.

Despite being come back to past without knowing detail of every... more>> event, even the drop of water motion could cause a Tsunami in time flow, they called it "Butterfly effect" but this man however, kept stick his nose to the past or future or what's over happened in that life of his. <<less
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kdsamalio rated it
June 18, 2019
Status: c88
I like the plot. I love how the story advances while the MC still uses his ability. Some stories like this just straight up forget that the MC has abilities. They probably want character dev. And make the ability disappear but, for me it's what make the novel like this more "believable".
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Shana94 rated it
May 17, 2019
Status: c111
This is the first Korean novel that I read and I really enjoyed it very very much. Although the MC has time-travel and gain a unique ability after, he doesn't appear to be OP. All his success is thanks to his hard work and ability to manage well. I was really disappointed that the translation stop in 2018. Really hope for someone to pick this up.
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Vanshearphin rated it
April 23, 2018
Status: c98
Enjoyable read. I fell in love with this novel, also TM (Top Management). If you read TM, you will realize God of Music (GoM) have a better concept than TM. Why? Simple, in (GoM) MC power is clear, he can see the sound, whether its white, gray, golden, etc. Meanwhile in TM there is no such a thing. MC just randomly dive into the future without further ado (at least for now there is no explanation).

The character itself pretty good, with real development (not too much and not too light).... more>> The side character feels alive.

The MC itself also like that, he grew up from someone who only wanna cure his sister and have a decent live to become a CEO of a company. I never though he will make his own company. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
August 18, 2017
Status: c95
Fun and enjoyable novel, though there are a few places that made me roll my eyes a little.

My biggest gripe is that the author gives us a rebirth story and then seems to forget about it fairly quickly in favor of his unique ability. Its used a little at the beginning of the story and rarely ever mentioned after. He never uses his knowledge of the future in the later chapters, even when trying to scout new talent, instead relying only on his ability. His advantage will only last ten... more>> years and he wastes it when he should be making use of both his knowledge and his ability at the same time. I find it frustrating.

Over all, though, this is a good story. <<less
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