God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
Related Series
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  3. Novels that I have read
  4. mix genre of mc
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364 Reviews sorted by

Occulus rated it
May 25, 2016
Status: c299
Trigger Warning: If you are offended by the following, then you should probably not bother reading any further:
1. Some women are treated as baby factories/tools for s*xual relief and are traded for favors. Although in the author's defense, men and children were also were also traded, albeit for labor (ex: I'll help you wipe out these zombies so give me 1000 men, some children, and pretty women)
2. The majority of foreigners are depicted in a negative light like, ie foreigners try to take advantage of their international status to get what they want. Although once again, there were also other Chinese people who did the same thing; it's just the majority of the foreigners were jerks whereas only the majority of the Chinese leaders were a**holes

Anyways, with that over with:

The Good: It's a post-apocalyptic novel combined with game elements. Kind of like if Gantz/Terror Infinity/The Gamer/etc. Had a baby with something like High School of the Dead/The Walking Dead/etc. However, it's importantly to note that it transitions

into politicking and city management before finally going to full on xuanhuan/xianxia.


The Bad: Characters are very bland and aren't developed at all. It usually ends with MC being thrown to a new area and starting from scratch with a new set of characters rather than the MC's original squad and base being developed. The harem consists entirely of a huge amount of pretty women who usually have less than a single chapter of character development. The gaming aspect become almost irrelevant later on between

how the majority of MC's action in the city arcs are just killing his human enemies within the city (which does not give him exp) and how the game elements are just completely thrown out from the more generic xianxia development later on.


Still, if you're feeling bored and won't get offended by the things I mentioned, feel free to give the novel a shot
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Uggrock rated it
May 20, 2016
Status: c222
Like so many other web/light novels the core concept behind the story, while not necessarily original, sounded fun and interesting. I mean, a story set in a post-apocalyptic, zombie, game-leveling world; what's not to like?

The problem (s) ? After the initial horror of realizing that life as the hero knew it came to an end and the establishment of the beginning of a decent power base the story takes a nose dive for the worse.

Rampant sexism. This is a pervasive problem in most Chinese web/light novels, as far as I... more>> can tell. Though this is the first one that i've come across where women actually seemed to be used as an informal bartering method. (most often i've seen women used as a kind of reward system in other stories). The author just can't stop himself from continuously harping on about how useless the female gender is, repeating himself constantly on that point.

Repetition. I know that for some reason repetition is a big thing in light/web novels. Why this is so I don't know. However, this story stands out as being particularly repetitious. Ad nauseam.

The author can't seem to keep things consistent either. Sometimes mixing up people. Seemingly unable to do simple math. 1+2=5 killed, MC is 7 times faster than a normal human yet still takes 6s to cross 150m, etc.

Clarity. A big problem. The game system is barely really touched on. Skills and jobs seem fairly inconsistent at times. MC's skeleton is at most times ridiculously OP, other times right when the plot calls for it, not so much. Kinda crosses over with consistency.

Some of the more fun and interesting things about the 'new world' are touched on once and then never mentioned again for long, long periods of time. The novice village? The place that should be ridiculously important for most 'players', especially since you can apparently buy food and better equipment there? Forget about it.

Racism. While not quite as bad as some stories, it's made quite clear that chinese are first. Though the class system and sexism are worse.

The one area i'll give the author some props on is that the MC didn't turn into a ridiculously ruthless, sexist, cruel, s*upid bastard within the first few chapters. He only became that a few chapters further in. He also knows his military info.

The author seems obsessed with lolis and harem building. It wasn't a problem at first, but further into the story the MC just starts 'collecting' women left and right for his own personal 'use.'

One things that bugs me, and that isn't restricted to this story, is the utter inability of the authors of web/light novels to deal with the female body and their sexuality. instead they use all sorts of euphemisms to refer to parts of the female body. An example for breasts: ranging from 'jade rabbits' all the way to 'things.' To be fair, as I understand it, a lot of the authors live in countries with pretty broad obscenity and censorship laws so I can understand their reluctance/inability. That however doesn't mean that there isn't a vast gulf of improvement they could cross while still staying within the law.

All of this isn't to say that there aren't points to recommend this story but this review has already gone way longer than I really wanted it to be.

White Bones is pretty awesome though.

Ah well... I think i'll stop here for now. <<less
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Hantosh rated it
April 9, 2016
Status: Completed
Story starts off okay. Zombie apocalypse + video game levelling system. Awesome. Eyebrows start getting raised as the zombie apocalypse setting starts kicking in and people start going from civilized society to rapist racist cannibals too damn quick. As the story progresses, it expands from survival into empire building as well as adventuring. Multiple story settings popup as the author starts throwing everything and the kitchen sink in; post-nuclear apocalypse, prehistoric, sci-fi, mechs, horror, aliens, transforming robots, demons, gods etc. Basically a male power fantasy, don't expect character development or... more>> deep thoughts. MC is a blatant self-insert vehicle; a college student of average looks (emphasized) and zero personality turning from a normal person into a ruthless warlord god with no scruples, a massive harem and zero personality. As for other common Xianxia tropes; expect power creep, a plot that has zero long-term planning, and side characters and plot points being constantly forgotten throughout the story.

The power system is simple to understand. No stat summaries are ever brought up so you're always pretty much guessing where the MC's at. Melee and gun skills are satisfying. MC runs a Gary Stu spec (can do everything).

Beginner village is only revisited once in the entire story. Unfortunately due to price inflation, he can't clean shop with his massive amounts of money earned (lol plot balancing). The gene splicing thing and village upgrade concepts are forgotten. Later on due to power creep, the entire initial system gets tossed out for a standard Xianxia god/soul sea system. Expect lots of commentary of rank vs. Rank comparisons during fights.

The empire building aspect had so much potential, but in the end it's pretty much sidelined. The story ends before he reunites the entirety of China through conquest. The big China vs. Europe vs. USA vs. India (etc) clash never happens.

In the end he becomes a rank 10 god and wills all mutants/monsters/demons/etc on all worlds in the current galaxy into non-existence (except for monster girls, because lol)

The story did made me think of other RPG-type fantasy works where there's villages, monsters and demon lords, and the disparity in atmosphere despite technically similar settings.

So, the racism and sexism.

There's acceptable and unacceptable. Acceptable is using it as a plot vehicle to generate conflict in the story (ie: creating "bad guys" or believable story events). Unacceptable is when the author uses it to slip in awkward social commentary.

- Racist nutjob survivor factions in the post apocalypse gain power, antagonize the MC, commit atrocities, believe/spout nutjob racist ideology.

A bit on the nose, but still believable:
- Foreign nationals receiving preferential treatment by the local government to the detriment of its citizens. Odd seeing it from a local perspective; from an foreigner's point of view of China it appears to be the exact opposite.

- When fighting nationalist factions (ie: racists), the author brings up every Chinese tragedy in history inflicted by said nationality as rationale. Japan gets it the worst, for obvious reasons (google Nanking). Corruption of surviving elites and government institutions is a running theme but it stops short of outright criticizing the Chinese government for any past tragedies (doesn't wanna risk jail I guess, the irony).

The s*upid:

- In Japan, the MC allows a gang-r*pe that includes grade-schoolers to happen in front of him because their strangely detailed and politically hostile views on Sino-Japanese relations roused his ire. Racist and politically savvy 10 year olds, sure why not.

- Also in Japan, after the MC offers to release some Chinese prisoners being held captive, a female exchange student refuses to disavow her Japanese captors who are repeatedly described as abusing, raping and golden showering her (and others), choosing to stay in the prison. The MC comments that Chinese youth being brainwashed with anime/manga culture is a disease in their society, and complains about Chinese females traveling to Japan to find boyfriends (they're takin' our wimmen).

- By the point the MC arrives in Indonesia, the racism has almost become parody. Of course they're all cannibal, racist, torturers that live in mud huts. Even the women, children and old people.

- The video game power system should technically equalize the sexes, but men still hold 99% of the power. IIRC there's 2 instances of the token all-female faction in the story somewhere, but that didn't really go anywhere (1 sexy amazon tribe and 1 chinese dom faction, with all the tropes you'd expect).

- virg*ns are literally used as currency. The MC uses virg*ns to pay his men.


Plot is a trainwreck as the author's writing on the fly from day-to-day without any real structure or endpoint. Try not to roll your eyes every time at the complete lack of subtlety of the MC getting tossed off to a new location to start every new arc. Also expect disappointing plot resolutions and an abrupt ending. If you've read a trainwreck story before (where the author throws every single genre into the mix and changes stuff on the fly) you may want to subtract a star. <<less
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ZhaWarudo rated it
February 19, 2016
Status: --
I'll try to say what hasn't been said in the other reviews, this is a great survival zombie apocalypse story showing a lot of humanities dark side (plenty of r*pe and women submission so if you can't stand that then don't read) also a bit of racism?? It's not really direct, author just gives the feel of being racist. I didn't give it 5 stars because there is no side character development at all the story revolvs purely around our awesome MC, while characters are introduced properly they are tossed... more>> aside after 2 chaps or so, for example his best friend just turns into a follower and just exists there, not interacting with anyone. Lastly to anyone trying this novel, if you don't like it immediately then you won't at all (though early chaps have bad grammar but that's just a few)

Review of the other (negative) reviews : just.. lol, barely speaking english

I bet the author had his girlfriend stolen by a stranger.

I feel like those were written by naive children or women disturbed by lack of dignity of their s*x in this novel, get real people are not so nice when in need and if you knew your history then you would know women's position in such order is pretty low, much how the author described it.

Not enough zombie fights... what have you been reading boy?

Too little of RPG system, or bad leveling system? who cares boy, this is not the focus of the novel, plenty of tr*sh VMMORPG novels out there, go read those

Edit: you can't see it but I've dropped it to 2 stars, why? Uh it's been a while but basically it's this : very repetitive, sidetracking, harem of already 10 girls? and red flowers on the bed, lolis... racism, cliches and sidetracking, lots of sidetracking. Ah and lots of characters you won't remember which sometimes appear much later in the story and you're like supposed to know who they are lol. <<less
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Aigberth rated it
December 2, 2015
Status: --
I can say it is interesting at first, post apocalyps rpg world (wow, looks good), but you will find later on that this is not a story about rpg world. A big no. Its about author's BS. Harem. Sexism. Conquest. Kill or to be killed. Blind nationalism. Racism.

You will find author's subjective POV & blabbering about japan, vietnam, indonesia, & more countries

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AkeShiro rated it
November 8, 2015
Status: --
Great start but becoming more shitty as more chap out. The biggest problem is the moral in the story n the ret*rd like char. If the author more focus on fighting zombie n RPG like system maybe I will give it 4.5/5 (if the moral not so mess up)


i read the raw n the author moral still questionable? Well the point is dont get ur hopes up.

Read at ur super own risk! I would recommend this novel for those who like to see women as less than a cattle (s*x toys?) or super racism MC or many more n if u read ahead u will see less RPG like system
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FeiShen rated it
July 16, 2021
Status: c959
It's actually disturbing and disgusting that majority voted for 5 star. I'm very neutral when it comes to opinion, but seeing this votes it made me think of the readers mentality and moral values.

Here's what to expect;

The novel is extremely nationalistic extending to being a racist regardless of characters, Any foreign group to the MC is a "Bad" person that would treat any person worse than torture. Same for the MC, if meeting person's not Chinese, they are evil and rapist, to justify the killing of these evil characters, somehow... more>> every other countries "captive/ s*x s*ave" is a Chinese. Other than the MC and his lackies, everyone is a racist to China Or Evil.

Sexism, it goes like this, MC meets a group (every group), sees a woman who's about to be r*pe, tortured, or eaten. He saves them, then the woman (a little girl as well) will become his s*ave because if not they die. This would repeat many times (well everything is recycled) You would not see "hey a male is in need of help." The role of females to this novel is basically MC's women his s*ave and females to be r*pe regardless of age. If there's a "beauty" word then expect that sooner or later that female would become his s*ave and if not....

Simple summary of PLOT, MC meets evil leader, gets provoke, kills leader, become leader of the place (loots place), beast/zombie horde comes, defend place, gets transferred to another location, And repeat. Every lines are recycled even when I'm in chp 959. This is basically the way of the novel to progress.

One dimensional characters.

One of my complaints is, how the hell are still the people fighting each other when there's a global disaster? Sure it's acceptable if it's a small group, but realistically each countries remaining government would contact each other to unite.

Anyway, my mind is lost cause of how much I want to type all negatives of this novel. little to none positive.

Treat this novel as a junk food, I know that this novel is in "FACT" tr*sh it doesn't need a person with the right mind to say that this is a bad novel, If you want an OP MC in an apocalypse I recommend Dark King, Oracle Paths, World's Apocalypse Online, it's at least better than this.

Here's My favorite Novel, Grand Master Strategist and Kingdoms Bloodline. (it might be too heavy for your taste) <<less
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Celes rated it
November 21, 2020
Status: Completed
If you don't even get what what will happen after the apocalypse then DON'T READ THIS NOVEL. This is R18

The MC Yue Zhong - In the first chapters, he tried to survive at all cost. His character development is UNDERSTANDABLE (TO ME, idk for others) When he join a settlement called Stone Horse Village. He understand that he cant protect himself and the others who "rely" or with him, because there is no more ORDER (the others survivors who are strong enough will do everything they want because there is... more>> no more order to contain them, they are FREE to do what they want to do) He started building his own forces then take over others places and so on. He matured faster and accumulated experience. The MC is not lolicon or so (well author keep pushing him as lolicon and he deny it) he just ACCEPT them because they CHOOSE him so the MC take full responsibility.

-Some readers don't like this novel due to being a "RACISM". Well, its apocalypse duh, full of danger and you are free to do what you want as long as you have a power.

-Some readers don't like this novel due to having "HAREM". Well again.. Its apocalypse duh, full of danger and anytime you could be get killed or be a plaything to others. So, if you can't fight and don't want to fight.. Then you know what you gonna do to survive.. Right? Some MC's harem can fight, others are not.

-Some readers don't like this novel because MC is "OP". In the first place. MC is not OP. He fought battles and survived on his own and uses his skill appropriately (well can't deny about the MC luck is the most OP, right?). He got the most advantage of being a skilled and high level due the fact that he keep fighting zombies and mutated and he is always in the FRONTLINE.

Moving to Kingdom Building. Pretty good actually but I would like to read more in detailed. Why? Because MC's faction are not just fighting in 2 way battle, His Faction are fighting in multiple places (against zombies, mutated and even human faction)

-Ji Qingwu's romance was not properly explained.

-MC's family doesn't have screening properly.

-The Ending is rush.

This novel is one of my favorite. I read this novel 4 times already and I never got bored.

Once again, This novel is only for those know what will happen after the apocalypse when order falls down. This is not R15 or some Goody MC. The MC here is an antihero. He will do what it needs to be done to survive. He doesn't care if he is labeled as a Tyrant. He is fighting to survive.

I rate this novel 5/5

I read this novel 4 times already and never got bored. One of the best novel I read and favorite. (Too bad I forgot to leave a review here years ago)

I would like to read if there is a sequel of this novel that the MC is moving to the other planet to fulfilled his promise with the God.

To Summarize

I recommended this novel, If you're looking for a MC being antihero, a decisive MC and not a BETA MC. This novel is for YOU. <<less
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Darkvsx rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c703
I've been reading this novel years ago and I remember barely getting bothered by the high quantity of racism, sexism and whatnot.

Honestly, yes, it's good but that's only valable up to when MC encounter Vietnam people (I think that's after his first "MC get whooped by a eagle like mutant" moment)

Lots of things are repeated, introduced then gave up on then re-introducted only to be forgotten or simply left there with nothing explained or no clear effects.

New cities w/ ability to purchase skills and buffs and classes ? Yeah,... more>> let's do that once then another time hundreds of chapters later on. Oh wait, let's scratch that, only MC and a few selected got classes, others are weak and unnecessary anyway.

Let's get a villain, yeah, he's against china so he's foreigner, r*pes our womans, hate us because we're better, hate us because this or that.

Let's get a new girl, oh right, she's female so she's weak and only useful for s*x.

Hey, I'm a big pedo, let's add a few lolis, yeah, right, 10-12 years old, MC's main b*tches. Yeah let's describe s*x with 'em.

Honestly, this novel is garbage, author basically keep going with the same idea over & over again even when he encounters the devils and otherworld people ; they hate china and chinese, they still r*pe and that and that.

Like wtf ? <<less
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sieben_elf rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: Completed
For me the plot of the novel is promising BUT it just goes downhill.

At the start it was good but after 50+ chapters, it just goes downhill. I just read it past that 50+ chapters because there's some part of the novel that is promising, like how it shows the dark and deepest desires of humanity.

Alright, to the concept of the novel.

God and Devil world had a decent start and the story itself is quite interesting, hooking me in only a few chapters. Long story short, "god" decides to kill... more>> of a large majority of the population, turning the now deceased into what is described to be Zombies, along with turning most of the animals, birds,

reptiles, fishes, and insects into Mutated beasts. The leftover folks are now stuck in a world where they must fight and overcome to survive.

Good part:

    • It shows the dark and deepest desires of humans, it shows how ugly humans can be: which is filled with hate, corruption, unfairness, lust, greed, violence, selfishness and everthing else.
    • It shows the corrupt government officials, the greedy bastards, the arrogant/despotic sons and daughters of wealthy families, etc.
    • It shows how s*upid humanity can be. For example, the apocalypse had already happened and the old world had ended and danger lurks everywhere, but most humans in this novel just try to pull at each others legs or they try to undermine each others power.
Bad part:

    • Almost every survivor base he goes to there's always a, , corrupt government official, arrogant/despotic sons and daughters of wealthy families, high caliber guns/tanks, womens always prostitute themselves for only a bun or a noddle, womens lives are always at the hands of men.
    • There's almost no stop in battles, its like, after 4-5 paragraphs of battle there's only a few relax scene then battle again, like hello can human handle that stress?
    • Almost every place he goes to, there is someone who will challenge/ridicule him and he will tr*sh them (the typical chinese novel), there is always someone who just hates him (REALLY??), there is a woman who will become part of his harem, chinese is discriminated, taken as s*aves and put in a cage, chinese are the lowest of the low.
    • Every character is just a 1d character, a cut out cupboard piece, a piece that just makes the MC brighter.
    • Every character is just there to make the MC brighter, after their appearance they just goes poof, and out of nowhere they came back again and they didn't change, only the MC change.
    • Most of the time, There isn't anyone that just helps people just because they want to, like there is no one like the MC that wants to better the world, it makes it like only the MC cares, its like, every human on earth became extremely selfish and only thinking of themself
    • The author always says that "women are only good for reproduction/for giving birth" (but almost all his women that he f*cks never gets pregnant, WOW ), that only men can do fighting/many things (like, REALLY AUTHOR??). In this date and age many women had already proven them wrong.
    • The author is BIAS, he mostly says the good side of china but almost not the badside, like, the vietnamese cannot win the vietnam war if they didn't have the support of china (hello, its not the only reason why the vietnamese won the war) and he elaborates it and repeated it again and again in vietnam arc, like, the reason why the vietnamese is angry to chinese men is because china take their seas but he didn't elaborate and repeat it.
    • So much info dump, like cares if that character is like that, don't interrupt the story for so many info that it breaks the mood.
    • There's so much plot holes, like he already have this ability but he didn't use it to the enemy to make it more easy, like, all his ability have been upgraded but the info that eye of perception shows is to short and most of the time he didn't use it (it's just s*upid), like the author portrays that only this level can defeat this level one on one without using anything deceitful, but the MC that has a lower level than his enemy can defeat him upfront, and he goes "he's to strong I can't defeat him" but afterwards he won by some miraculous chance. f*cking shit!!!
    • There's so much plot armor, like I said earlier, the author portrays that only this level can defeat this level one on one without using anything deceitful, but the MC that has a lower level than his enemy can defeat him upfront, and he goes "he's to strong I can't defeat him" but afterwards he won by some f*cking miraculous chance. Like his a type 9 expert and Im only a type 8 but I can still kill him.
    • Only the MC gets a heaven defying miraculous encounter .
    • Only in 1 - 500+ chapters do human level matters (ex, lvl 20) but after that it just goes poof and become type 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 divine divine warrior, what matters now is type and not level.
    • Most of the character names is chinese, like is the nationality of all the characters is chinese, yeah?
    • Most of the time in every city/village/county that he clean off the zombies, there's always a survivor even after 1 year, they only look emaciated but they didn't die of salvation in that 1 year (They are f*cking tenacious).
For me,

All in all its just bad, and goes to the tr*sh bin


Haa... So much for the rant.

TL, I hope you read it all

Hope this helps you guys... <<less
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Quasator rated it
March 16, 2020
Status: c479
This novel is decent for the first 250 chapters if you like the zombie apocalyptic scenario. MC changes from naive student to a coldblooded warlord. Well, that would be fine but then it goes on until he is a psychopathic mu*derer, rapist, racist and pe*ophile at chapter 400 - no fun.

Other big problems in this novel:

  • Game system has no depth and is only used as an (bad) excuse for power levels. Also important parts of it get discarded all the time.
  • Racism. Later parts of this novel read like a manifest from an amok runner just disgusting. Some reviews claim it isn't that bad but I guess they dropped this novel early.
  • Racism. Let's put it here again, just to tell you how bad it is.
  • Women are objects and property. FFS, I know no one who would treat his/her property that badly.
  • The genera is unclear. Fighting, kingdom building or cultivation. It's just all over the place.
  • The writing and repetition. I don't want to read about a "waving axe" ever again.
Total 2/5 for the beginning. Don't force yourself to continue if you start to get annoyed. It's going to get worse with each additional chapter.
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Bushido rated it
January 24, 2019
Status: c690
The novel is pretty good... at the start...

i like the story in the first few hundreds chapter, like how decisive he is, how to survive, the brotherhood, and getting a skeleton. I cant stop my self to read next chapter and next and next...


... more>> when the story getting further, its getting boring and boring. I just skip reading it... now I just to lazy to read each word, I just read the part of the conversation hoping that it will be geting interesting...

there are many part of the story that I dont like...

  1. as far as I know there are no specific story that tell the background past of the MC... how he become decisive, how he doesnt have girlfriend, how he interact with chi yang and huyi in the past.. how they become brother... and how he know how to fight...
  2. there are 2 pattern in the story.. 1st is while he face against mediocre/third rate gang/clan/faction he always fight head on and eventualy win... after the MC beat certain faction, another faction or reinforcement or horde zombi will immeadiatly attack without any second to breath... the 2nd pattern is when MC is facing bigger faction or survivor base.. the MC will very luckily miraculously getting from their own internal problem and strive.. the example is guining city, one of the two leader of guining city kill the other and the hero of the city and plan to control the city for himself, and that create the trouble and diaorder inthe military that the MC didnt have the power to face head on, later the MC absorb the military faction one by one and obtain the city without much sacrifice and the other exsample is Vietnam...
  3. the novel is racism, when the MC acidentally get to vietnam and japanese the citizen and the MC will curse and kill each other...
  4. the harem, most of the harem of the MC is one time harem, one the women come to surface in the story we will may not get to hear them again later... only few one that MC bring, all of the harem of the MC doesnt have background story except a little bit story of zhuo yatong.. how she become a young mother at young age, how her family exhale her, I like this kind of background story of the harem, the example of masterpiece of this is "My Wife Is Beautiful CEO".
  5. the romance... the story didnt tell specially how the MC and ji qing wu loved each other, its like she is a cheap heroine that MC so easily to get... on the later part of the story in the brink of death ji qing wu and MC confess each other without any hint in the past that both of them like each other...
  6. the story lack details, for example is how the writer describe the women, its just describe that they are beauty or top beauty with how pure their skin and how long their hair... it dosnt describe their clothes or their behaviour, it is mainly tell how the look of the secondary character but I can still differentiate some of his harem... and another is his parent, only apear at some few chapter and then it disapear immediatly
  7. i dont know who is the lolicon but many of the women around MC is under age while the MC keep denying that he is not...
  8. the MC is too ordinary... I dont see any special trait of the hidden job with any other like the one in "Shuras Wrath" Ling Tian..... the MC is always getting coutered... for example when he get new weapon its getting counter by level 3 mutant hide, or when he upgrade his wepon falcon sniper, its imediatly useless against level 3 mutant hide, the simplest thing of advancement is when we get hold of new weapon or upgraded wepon we want to see its might, not to easily getting countered... the only thing that the MC is better than any other is his extraordinary high leveling speed, the other thing the MC is always outdated,.... for example when he get order 1 skill the enemy already get order 2 skill, or when he only have level 2 mutant hide armor the enemy already had level 3 mutant hide armor and many others....
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Reached_The_Apex rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c990
The novel intially started really well, the first 600 chapters i'd arguably state that these were the author's best work in this novel. From actually him remembering the plot development and story characteristics.


In the later chapters the author starts doing contradictory things of the main characters views, from being ruthless to everyone other than his people to saving strangers, from stating that grade 5 warriors were the cream of the crop in majority of worlds, that earth will be never be prepared for the disaster to come as they will be restricted to being unable to fight grade 5 and above.

In the late 900's the author returns from a hellish journey from the 2nd and 3rd world, by fighting for his life and piece of cake each arcs. He begins to waste time when he had 24hours prior warning to the joining of the 2nd world and earth. He deicides its time to pickup a new waifu and conqueror a new country. While conquering this country he comes accross peak tier 4 and tier 5's like cabbages. He even kills some zombies and levels up to like 93, he gains a ridiculously low amount of stat points compared to the 3rd world (meaning its better to kill than to level up as its basically useless to use levels as a guidance for strength), the author has also forgotten loot boxes, and common strengths of the MC, we have no heard of many of the main characters wives or much less any of his bases, he is struggling pointlessly when he has mech tech from world 2 and 3 to help him.

also in the late 900's the author randomly mentions the Dao of the blade, like honestly? The Main character has barely developed one country or world as the author has a fear of settlement, each time he kills and conquerors a settlement, the author makes him get kidnapped by a giant bird, or some odd and useless plot convenient. I realised that the author gets carried away transporting the main character so much that he ended up transporting him into a new genre.


In the end I realised this author just writes as a he pleases, theres no direction until the author catches a feeling of plot armour and convenience, I wouldn't recommend this novel to anyone that expects logic and a steady novel writing.
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WildMagnolia rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: c67
I dropped this novel as I couldn't take it anymore with all the sexist and racist stuff in it. I give it 2/5 as I liked it very much at first. In the beginning of the novel we see the MC dealing with the situation quite well when the zombie outbreak starts and he kill the zombies and save some of his friends and other people (strangers). Later on, we see a world with s*x s*aves and the ugly nature of humans. And he does nothing to stop it or... more>> take remotely care of his group, which made me dispirited and finally dropped this. Not worth it! <<less
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eyy bb
eyy bb rated it
February 25, 2018
Status: c553
Ahhhhh another novel that suffers from repetition. It started out really exciting, MC fights zombies, save a lot of people, create a safe place for others with around 100k people until his protection, andddddddddddd plot device comes in. Our MC is suddenly transported to a new area and he has to restart all that he has built all over again. Fight zombie, find survivors, and create a new stronghold for his new group of people. Now, I don't mind the author doing this maybe once or twice, but he's... more>> doing it EVERY SINGLE TIME! Our MC is always being transported somewhere after he is finally able to settle down.

The author is also a racist and lolicon, but it doesn't really bother me that much since 1) racism in Chinese novels are a common theme. 2) It's a zombie apocalypse, there's bound to be some sick bastards whose into kinky stuff. However, I do feel that the author takes the racism too far to the point that it's ruining his MC. The racism is making the MC less intelligent because there are so many things he could have done if he wasn't such a nationalist. Some might be wondering, "oh how can there be so much racism if the novel sets place in China?" Well, thanks to the plot device, he literally gets transported to Japan. Yes, the place that Chinese people seemly despise. Now we have one super nationalist boi vs one small island, who wins?

The thing that really makes me irritates me about this novel is the romance aspect. Now I'm not gonna lie for me, romance plays a big role in whether I like a novel or not. I really dislike reading mindless action/conflict/battle novels where it's literally just the MC going around killing things. Romance gives novels a breather from everything else and really keeps the story from not being stale. The problem with this novel is that while romance does exist, it's very poorly done. All the girls in this novel are thots and hoes that can't be rid off. They climb onto the MC like c*ckroaches just because he's so strong and being with him means safety in a zombie apocalypse. That is still okay in my book, but the worst part of it all is the fact that our MC likes these thots. WHY? You know they just playing around, they don't like your average looking ass. There is no plot development between MC and his girls. The girls are just flocking to him like mosquitoes and he's accepting them like it's a damn bargain sale.

Overall, 4/5. <<less
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Fireball365 rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c450
So right off the bat let me say the story alone was okay, the concept was good and the plot has merit. The problem for me lies in 3 things.
1. It was mostly at the beginning, but it still persists throughout the book, the authors description of events was bland and repetitive. He did get better as the story went on but after 200 chapters I was ready to punch a hole through my monitor every time I read "shot forth like an arrow" or "as their head was cut from their body" or "blood flower on the sheets (dude is obsessed with loli's and virg*ns to a weird level) ". Very repetitive descriptions.

2. This guy is racist, straight up racist. It was like an Chinese version of donald trump wrote this book. The Vietnamese and Japanese are almost universally depicted as rapists and racists and the white people are all nazis, literally. The only few times he wrote in white people they talked about "their Aryan superiority" and called the Asian's monkeys. It doesn't matter what race they were, if they weren't Asian they were depicted as racist monster who committed hate crimes left and right. Kinda disturbing.

And 3. Before I start this one let me just say I'm not one of those like overly feminist people, but I like female characters that have, well, character. He is sexist to a crazy level. Like, I've met some sexist guy's in my life but damn does this guy take the taco. He writes women as weak and fragile subservient creatures that are only good for cooking, stress relief and breeding. There are like 10 female characters in the book that fight throughout what I read and they only did because they're the main characters women. I mean I get the idea in the story about needing to keep the human race populated during the apocalypse but he wrote, and I'm paraphrasing here, "men are the best warriors and women are needed for making babies". That may be a bit different than what was there but I assure you it's damn close.

Anyway, I wouldn't say it's terrible, the plot has potential, but I'd only recommend reading it if you can completely ignore at least one of the 3 things I wrote about.
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OfficePony rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: --
Initial translations are pretty bad. The writing style is pretty cut and dry, no personality really shines through unless the author throws it in your face by explaining someone is some way instead of showing it. Very rarely do conversations extend farther than "You do this! I'll do that! Go!". The story started off promising, though the stability of time perspective is very skewed in quite a few instances it isn't too bad. Abilities, scores, and the use of said abilities seems to be horribly effed. A person has so... more>> many points, fighting consumes so much stamina, but then suddenly they are able to use an ability that would consume almost the entire stamina pool despite not having recovered enough stamina, this situation is prevalent throughout the story.

Aside from the mechanics of the story, as is noted by many people, the MC is rather hypocritical in nature. Yes, situations would change people, but there is no sign of how these changes come about in the MC before he suddenly starts acting like a different person. People don't just suddenly change, they adapt over time or because of different situations, they don't transform instantly into another person without reason be it mental instability or some catastrophic stimuli. <<less
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Shebby rated it
November 9, 2017
Status: c546
It was exteremely good at first. The begining was a good start, but somehow, someway, it just dropped like a missle to the ground. The morals, the prinples, who you are has changed so much in the story. You still are bais to your own people (Nationalism), you accept women who doesn't even hold your heart, and multiple at that. Just what are you aiming for. You have fallen in the concept of the world that leaves me speechless. What is it that you want. Power! Fame! Wealth! Yes, of... more>> course the world is insanely cruel, others what kill you for a can, A CAN of food. Yet why let it destory who you ARE in the first place. The world doesn't like it, screw it and focus on something else; The world tries to change you, CHANGE it; If it denies you, then deny it by creating a Santuary to savalge yourelf and people that not only understand you, but raises you to be who you want be or who you TRULY are. And lastly, if the world tries to destroy you, fight it to the death. Because it does not define you. <<less
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raifan rated it
August 23, 2017
Status: --
The MC is so selfish. It is a wonder how his party seems to be stronger than other parties and government run cities. It is amazing to me how he has any followers.

... more>>

My biggest gripe with the MC is that he keeps all the dropped items that other people get. If anyone is found to be keeping/hiding their loot, they are sentenced to death. Weapons are to be given out when they go out and collected when they come back. I wouldn't care as much if he decided to give skill/weapons to people who could use them better, or gave them so sort of compensation where they could use it to buy skills and weapons. One of his soldiers got his first skill when he reached level 10. The MC and most other players got their first skill between level 1-2. These skill improve the survivability by leaps. Not to mention it would help the elite level up faster. I would understand if he wanted to keep the best skills, but every single one? And everyone is ok with it? It is not like he can use them either because he can only have 3 before he gets to level 30. Then he meets a woman he bangs and decides to give her skills.

What ever happened to the town/village that he found? He could actually buy things like weapons and skills. He can get people to get jobs. Jobs that could help people, and not all of them were for fighting. Doctors, weapon smiths and who knows what else. It is crazy to me that they didn't go to another city to find another one. The fact that he had a female companion who was at level 9, and he didn't decide to help reach level 10 so that she could go an get a job/upgrade weapons is the dumbest thing that has happened. Yes, they had 24-48hr before the zombies started to evolve, but that is more than enough time to help her kill enough. Only the last kill counts, so the group could have easily disabled a lot and let her get kill.

Another gripe is that a freaking 13yr old can figure out to use the skin of monsters to make armor but the government can't. His group is the only group that uses the skin of monsters to to make armor. The government is crying for food, but his group is the only group that seems to use monsters for meat. It is mystery why the government can't figure that out when they have far more people and resources.


So besides the MC being a tyrant of a leader, the biggest issue I have is that the author makes women so weak in this story. They learn that there is a direct way to get stronger, yet they would rather be at the mercy of men and treated as sexy s*aves. It is not like genes plays that much of a difference. Kills zombies and you can enhance your strength, agility or whatever. I'm sure that some would rather be safe and not take the risk, but the fact that there is so many. <<less
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Immortal Emperor Zhie
Immortal Emperor Zhie rated it
June 16, 2017
Status: c585
I loved this novel before YZ transported to another country. Honestly this novel is good. The author can properly describe the situation on the apocalypse where chaos happen anywhere, human morality degraded, and of course lot's of evolved creature to fight. I have no problem with disgusting nature of humanity and the act of crime (Rape, Robbery, Killing, etc). Since this is the truth that cannot be erased since the ancient time. But the extreme "nationalism" of author is bothering me to continue read it. At first I think that... more>> this novel can still improve and this will be the only time this happen. But this happen repeatedly twice till the current translated chapters and I honestly disappointed to get my hope on author to change his view on extreme racial dispute. I know that racial dispute sometimes can happen and the author him/herself describe the racial hatred is mutual and they kill each other for it. But this is too much, In apocalypse when humanity don't even care about anything so they can survive moreover someone like YZ who is logical and smart still thinking about such something like racial dispute. Of course I know YZ is not a hero of justice. Since I hate the hypocrisy of that kind of heroes itself. If the conflict arise because of greed and different way of thinking/goals I can handle it. But conflict because of extreme view of racial dispute? It feels forced in the state when various country declined and destroyed. Remember this is apocalypse novel not the action novel where every country is still exist very well. My logic can't take it anymore I need to rest my brain and wait for hundred of translated chapter so I can skip read it. But if you can handle the extreme view of racial dispute I recommend you to read it. This novel is good. <<less
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