Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki


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“O, Hero!” With that cliched line, Kazuya Souma found himself summoned to another world and his adventure–-did not begin. After he presents his plan to strengthen the country economically and militarily, the king cedes the throne to him and Souma finds himself saddled with ruling the nation! What’s more, he’s betrothed to the king’s daughter now…?! In order to get the country back on its feet, Souma calls the wise, the talented, and the gifted to his side. Five people gather before the newly crowned Souma. Just what are the many talents and abilities they possess…?! What path will his outlook as a realist take Souma and the people of his country down? A revolutionary transferred-to-another-world administrative fantasy series starts here!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Genjitsushugisha no Oukokusaikenki
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom
Related Series
Release that Witch (35)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Female Lead Stronger than Male lead
  3. Isekai + Civilization building + Adventure
  4. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  5. Jnovels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/13/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4 interlude 6
03/08/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part5
01/25/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part4
01/25/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part3
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part2
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part1
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4 interlude
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part6
11/29/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part5
11/28/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part4
11/26/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part3
11/02/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part2
10/07/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part1
10/04/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c2 part5
10/03/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c2 part4
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154 Reviews sorted by

Grarg rated it
June 16, 2018
Status: v6
The series takes a unique spin on the isekai genre by making the MC not an OP combat hero, but rather an intelligent OP office hero, with OP powers of doing paperwork. As a result, we get a true blue kingdom building series, in which the development of the world actually matters, since the MC can't simply punch problems away.

The first three volumes were amazing. Tons action and plot development that sees the MC adjusting to being a king and resolving a pseudo civil war and a real war with... more>> his neighbor.

The fourth to sixth volumes were okay, but less good than the first three, as they seem to have the series treading water. Nothing really significant happens and each novel felt episodic, rather than part of a larger narrative.

If I have one criticism regarding the series, it's how the author invents reasons to add women to the MC's harem. From the getgo, the MC has expressed discomfort with polygamy, yet somehow he gains a harem of 5 by the end of volume 6, often for weak reasons. It's as if MC is incapable of working with women in a strictly professional sense and must marry them to acquire their help.

All in all, it's a good series and much better than the numerous wish-fulfillment tr*sh out there. <<less
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tornberry rated it
June 13, 2018
Status: v6 epilogue
The light novel version was very well written and the English officially translated version was very satisfying to read. This is mostly a slice of life series with lots of politics and some kingdom building, similiar to Release that Witch, but with less technical terms, less kingdom building, and much more politics because the protagonist himself admitted that he isn't an engineer, but a humanity specialist with a dream to become a government employee someday.

It was definitely an enjoyment to read this series for me, and if you're the type... more>> who loves slice of life then you ought to try this series as well!

oh yeah, the MC is our standard balless Japanese light novel protagonist, so that might be a turn off for some people. But the 'plot' did happen somewhere at vol 5~6, albeit he only laid his hands on the first heroine for now <<less
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The_Most_Generic_Name rated it
June 9, 2018
Status: --
This novel is pretty amazing. I found little to no reasons to not like it. The MC is likeable, the characters are likeable and the plot is likeable. But it has problems too. Two main ones would be that the MC progresses too easily and the over foreshadowing to the point that it becomes a spoiler. I love foreshadowing but this novel uses way too much of it and spoils quite a lot. Although I do not mind spoilers, so while reading this I didn’t mind it much. But still... more>> I think it’s still an issue regardless of wether or not I had problems with it.

There is not much to say about it though. It’s just good <<less
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Skipshark rated it
March 31, 2018
Status: v4c2 part5
A lot of broken links, or it was taken down due to licensing... However, it's a solid LN. A bit slow at first with a great deal of explanation of things. It picks up though as the plot progresses, and the actual premise is a bit refreshing. The protagonist is in no way OP, except in his knowledge and application of political philosophy, economics, bureaucracy, and governance. So physically weak but ahead of the game mentally. It's harem but the harem plot is wholly secondary/tertiary in terms of importance, and... more>> in keeping it that way, the overall plot quality doesn't suffer. I just wish the links weren't discontinued. Btw if you're looking for ecchi isekai harem tropes, this probably isn't for you. <<less
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August 21, 2016
Status: c5
"It is because of destroyer or cruiser escorts that battleships and carriers can show their power. Just a single battleship is a paper tiger, a scarecrow."

Holy crap, did a JAPANESE guy just quote Mao Zedong?!!

Anyways, interesting story. I like what I've read so far, and everything is pretty nicely explained. In fact, as somebody who's interested in politics, I've actually found the problems and solutions quite interesting.
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March 31, 2016
Status: --
Super Epic series. Although I have only read till end of Part 1, story seems to be very good.
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pondernyaissa rated it
August 17, 2023
Status: v6
It was fine, until it was not.

The first 4 volumes covers the first arc and plus the 5th volume that covers the actual rebuilding and epilogue of the first arc were actually great. I thoroughly enjoyed them.
I won’t go too much into details but I gotta note some complains about cheezytrees and his take on the underlying political attitude of the MC in the novel.

You have to remember, the MC isn’t in the modern world where freedom is on everyone’s lips. He was thrown in a world reigns with absolute monarchy and autocracy is the norm, do not confuse appointments into office for meritocracy. It’s a real cutthroat world of politic, literally. If you couldn’t strong arm your way to secure your political power you can say goodbye to your position very quickly.
Rant end.

I stopped at volume 6 because holy f*cking shit, the last thing I need in a kingdom building light novel is another sh*t harem building arc. It’s so off putting and it sucks all the enjoyment and anticipation away from the core of the story.
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-KnightXFuturePrincess- rated it
August 3, 2023
Status: --
I just want to say something to the guy who said the author doesn't understand rudimentary supply and demand.

The historical example of the cotton famine during the American Civil War clearly demonstrates that the application of standard supply and demand principles can be complicated and disrupted during times of war and crisis.

The cotton famine of the 1860s is a concrete illustration of how war can lead to shifts in agricultural practices and have severe repercussions on food production. As the demand for cotton increased due to disruptions in global supply... more>> during the war, many farmers indeed shifted their focus to cotton cultivation, leaving less land available for growing food crops. This shift in agricultural priorities resulted in food shortages and famine in the affected regions.

In this context, the argument that supply and demand would naturally lead to an increase in grain prices and a decrease in cotton prices, and thereby farmers switching back to grain production, doesn't fully account for the complexities of real-world situations, particularly during times of conflict and crisis.

The historical cotton famine exemplifies that war and its consequences can disrupt traditional economic principles, leading to drastic changes in agricultural practices and exacerbating food scarcity. It highlights the interplay of various factors, including market forces, government policies, and the impact of conflict on resource allocation.

Therefore, it is reasonable to argue that the novel's depiction of a famine resulting from farmers shifting to cotton production due to the demon king's invasion is plausible within the context of its fictional world. The author's portrayal of how war can drive changes in supply and demand dynamics aligns with historical precedents, challenging the notion that standard economic principles will always apply in extraordinary circumstances. <<less
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cheezieTrees rated it
February 22, 2023
Status: v4c1
It's an interesting story, if you ignore the horrible pro-communist/Machiavellianism propaganda spewed out by the author in the form of massive internal monologues from the MC. Author clearly never studied history, because they blatantly praise Machiavellianism as a political means, which has been globally recognized as a WAR CRIME because of the horrific atrocities wrought by psychotic tyrants putting it to practical use. It is literally classified as a mental disorder in psychology, and is part of the "Dark Triad" personality disorder characteristic to the most evil, psychotic, ruthless criminals... more>> on Earth.

If you want to read, I suggest you skip any of MCs internal monologues, they're pure sycophant ravings to justify mu*dering thousands of people. If MC was actually the super genius the author claims him to be, he could easily trap his adversaries economically or through the exposure of corruption. BUT, the MC is actually re**rted, so he just mu*ders anyone that opposes him, claiming it is "for the greater good". <<less
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Glassman rated it
October 4, 2022
Status: v7c1
I'm writing after reading all the negative comments I've seen and seeing that people have read the first 2 volumes or so,

I am not a pure LN reader, I picked this series up thx to the manga, and I enjoyed it, the anime adaption made me enjoy it even further.

(For reference the anime covers until volume 4 of the LN)

... more>> At first I read the manga and I was like huh this is a typical OP MC that can't go wrong but I'll give it a shot.

I kinda enjoyed it anyway because it was a good way to waste time,

But know I'm super hooked on it thx to chapter 5 and 6 of the LN.

I have read many stories but this is the second one that gave me goosebumps.

- Never judge a book by it's cover, judge it by its anime/manga adaptation. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: v16
Overall this is one of the better isekai novels but the way the author makes the natives of the world far more idiotic than the MC rubs me in the wrong way.

Also the MC is suddenly made King and there's literally no world building before that so it comes off as weird.

Though in the later volumes this issue is resolved a bit and the characters also get some time to develop.

For the most part the story is fun to read and it has decent planning and pacing so it's enjoyable... more>> thus 3 stars <<less
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Passionate_Reader rated it
July 21, 2022
Status: v10
Its starts out good. Different from a fighting hero, we have a administrating hero, a fresh concept. World building, characters and plot are pretty satisfactory. It is a good kingdom building novel.

Again, like many other light novels, it goes on to become a harem. But, I like the MC who isn't a beta. He properly gives time to every girl and even has kids with some of them. Harem is an instant turnoff for me. At least, it feels somewhat realistic here.
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fmma4 rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: --
İn the novels I think not many things gonna be realistic because of author not wanting some characters die so nope there no realistic kingdom here nope few things happens like famine or hungry people who want food or war but still even that things not realistic because in the reality kings not gonna give own title the no one even with plan not gonna happen that easy still there some negative things here but I can give least 4 for this novel.

... more>>

For cotton thing yes if farmers hear cotton sells well and makes really good profit they gonna throw away other crops to plants cotton that realistic that what happens in real world too like people plant for money without any research later they regret because everybody doing same thing if no one plants grain and others no idea for that that kingdom gonna be really in bad sh*t for a time and others not gonna pay high for grain because that a grain not a cotton like you eat grain then gone but you can buy cotton then make something then sell for high price but for grain ? Even you make really good bread or something like that thats not gonna be expensive sadly (like you can sell cotton for 100g but you cant sell grain for 100g) I can say that author realistic with kingdom food problem but other than that meh.



For characters well you know what always happens one guy xx number girls nothing more male characters just sidekick nothing more MC gonna give it you all of them %100 he gonna conquer world with his mighty MAGNUM still MC brain person than fighting person so you gonna see always schemes.



Author rush start of this novel without anything happening then baam king gives title to MC then goes long vacation then princess comes like wtf dad then goes to MC then falls in love for me this is really cheap and sadly not original.


For last hmm I can say I like it feel little original idea not like first one for me but still good for reading yeah there not gonna be big adventure for MC sadly because he is schemer if you like brain MC than fighting op MC this is for you. <<less
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shinanigans rated it
February 15, 2019
Status: v5 part3
Well I enjoyed this series my only issue is the translation speed but well if it get translated I don't care that much about it this is not a dark series kingdom building more like the pressure of this MC trying to support it there are some legit problems and I can understand some people giving it three stars but the one about the MC not wanting to do anything I dont beleve he really read the novel without some prejudice against it others compare it with release the witch... more>> and that's also a good novel but it lose me for some writing decisions that were odd and amount to fanservice for my point of view. This was the series that introduced me and modern weapons cheat in another world to semi kingdom building so that takes a place in first enjoyable novels for me and I hope it also introduces you and makes you want to read more politics related novels. <<less
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