Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki


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“O, Hero!” With that cliched line, Kazuya Souma found himself summoned to another world and his adventure–-did not begin. After he presents his plan to strengthen the country economically and militarily, the king cedes the throne to him and Souma finds himself saddled with ruling the nation! What’s more, he’s betrothed to the king’s daughter now…?! In order to get the country back on its feet, Souma calls the wise, the talented, and the gifted to his side. Five people gather before the newly crowned Souma. Just what are the many talents and abilities they possess…?! What path will his outlook as a realist take Souma and the people of his country down? A revolutionary transferred-to-another-world administrative fantasy series starts here!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Genjitsushugisha no Oukokusaikenki
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom
Related Series
Release that Witch (35)
Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter (13)
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (8)
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Tales of the Reincarnated Lord (7)
Hail the King (6)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Female Lead Stronger than Male lead
  3. Isekai + Civilization building + Adventure
  4. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  5. Jnovels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/13/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4 interlude 6
03/08/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part5
01/25/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part4
01/25/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part3
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part2
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part1
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4 interlude
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part6
11/29/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part5
11/28/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part4
11/26/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part3
11/02/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part2
10/07/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part1
10/04/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c2 part5
10/03/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c2 part4
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154 Reviews sorted by

Akanome rated it
December 26, 2016
Status: v3c5 part5
An amazing world travel and kingdom building novel!

This series is so amazing with it not including action, but it give you everything else! The style of this novel is so amazing, the reference that the author use to develop the plot is outstanding. It prove that the author Seriusly knowledgeable and really have a great research before writing this novel
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Same rated it
October 29, 2016
Status: v3c3
I was just looking for a smart MC. I hope there will be more of those. A great novel. This is one of the few novels I found on this site that is not a waste of time, as you should actually use your head reading it, and not the skimp through underestimated - op- harem builder novel
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cyndor rated it
September 18, 2016
Status: v3c3 part1
I almost 100% agree with dusk. While this novel is a good read, I won't be voting on it to get any awards. I did like how the characters that would obviously no longer get exposure had their future explained. It doesn't really harm the story, since obviously the MC country would not get destroyed.

Again, I agree with most of what dusk said, so read his review and if you can put up with the cons he said, then this is a decent read. I will continue reading but I... more>> won't be waiting for it like a junkie waiting for his next fix. <<less
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Jokasan rated it
October 3, 2023
Status: v8
I understand that it is a king's responsibility to establish a harem in order to maximize the number of heirs, but at a certain point, the harem started to be disturbingly unnatural. However, it is important to note that the focus of this discussion is not solely on the harem here, but I am noticing an overreliance on Machiavellian principles in Souma's words. It begs the question: is our protagonist truly the one in control of the country, or is he governed by Machiavelli's principles? To add into insult to... more>> injury, I discovered that the author had introduced a new antagonist. However, this villain's character was so poorly developed and milked so hard that we, as readers, were aware that by assisting Fuuga, our protagonist's kindness would inevitably come back to bite him in the ass. Unfortunately, it became true in the latest few volumes. <<less
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nightmarch rated it
April 5, 2023
Status: v10
It was okay, a somewhat decent read but the MC just does too much busywork. We don't need it to be action packed all the time, but some action makes it feel like reading a boring documentary. And the author is gay for Fuuga. The moment he was introduced, he just ruined the story. And in the later novel, I really disliked what they did to Maria Euphoria. They made her look like an uglier copycat of Roroa. Yes, I dislike short hair Maria. She lost all sense of that... more>> regal elegance about her and just looks like a ret*rd. Fugly.

EDIT: I already disliked Fuuga, Souma's later s*upidity, but the way they downgraded how Maria Europhia looks just because oh wow, she's not a princess anymore so she has to be ugly as possible, no, sorry but short hair wanna be gay copyact is in no matter cute at all, makes me downgrade it a star. <<less
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LoliconAkuma rated it
October 5, 2022
Status: v4c6
This is a review made in response to some idiotic comments. First of all the author is not some idiot that know zero to nothing about the concepts he's talking about this is because-

... more>>
  1. The comments about how the author does not understand concepts like basic supply and demand is completely wrong. If anything those that commented about this issue are the ones that don't understand the concept at all and only know it by its theoretical definition. The authorbused the concept of supply and demand butbalso added in a few snips of how it needs to be interpreted differently based on outside factors such as laws, gocernance, supply chain and information. Those that tr*shed the author for being s*upid did not consider the setting of: medieval era technology, corrupt and irresposible nobles and bad governance (it was literally pointed out how most of the more decent nobles worked in the capital as top brass and those on the ground were corrupt and lazy provincial novels). The source of a lot of issues were boiled down to basic concepts but the author put into consideration all outside factors he could to allow for a more realistic flow of events rather than simply saying, when supply of cotton rises, the demand goes down and the demand for grain rises and people grow grain. This is all well and good in an isolated scenario but the problem in the story was that a war is happening and overproduction of cotton in the country caused a famine since grains were being funneled to the war effort alongside cotton. Because of this prices of both products rised and sonce there was little to no local production of grain the famine occured because of the rising food prices due to war. There are plenty more examples of this kind of know ot all reviews. They did not consider the context and situation certain concepts were used and claim that the concept was misused or used without proper knowledge when in fact those commenters were simply looking at things in a theoretical view and claiming it as realistic. Simply the ramblings of know it all scum who want to out down others.
  2. Then the people who say that a lot of characters are 2 dimensional or cardboard cutouts. I mean there are a ton of characters in this book but at least the important ones are properly fleshed out. You can't give 100 characters backstories now can you? Even the bigger series such as Naruto and One Piece with their huge pool of characters only expound on the backstories of important characters. Moreover this is a novel not a manga so exposition really comes with a lot of drawbacks. In reality the author did a fairly decent job at exposition. Though some characters were handled quite poorly, at leadt majority of them had good characyer development.

Finally those that comment on how this novel is dumbed down. In all honesty it really is dumbed down but this move does jot make it bad. In fact this made the novel better, there are a lot of people claiming to be mature and have mature taste calling this childish but in reality they are the childish ones. After all this novel was made for entertainment, want deep political in intrigue and drama? Read autobiographies, research politics or f*cking study politics! Dumbed down you say? Well it was done so readers could ENJOY reading this for ENTERTAINMENT. If reading hyper realistic things is what you want read political novels based on TRUE STORIES for godsake. People coming to FICTION sections and calling stuff unrealistic are just plain childish and immature. There is a fine line between fiction and realism and good novels of fiction for young adults/seinen stay on that thin line. If you want a fiction that isn't unrealistic then don't ppick isekai for crying out loud. You sound like a f*cking hypocrite, there are novels that are worse ofnthan this that should have tue shounen tag and you chose to tr*sh on one of the better novels. FFS stop being salty that your favorite realistic isekai did not get an anime or manga adaptation.


Thats basically all the pent up frustration I have on this review section.

TLDR: If you are into FICTIONAL stories then this is a decent read. It has a lot of tropes and cliches and even some predictable developments but the writing is good enough and the plotpoints are not oversaturated with clichés.

There are some inconceivable things that occur but most of it occur in good fun and is quite enjoyable to read.

P. S if you're looking for something to challenge you braincells pick up a textbook and not a FICTIONAL work made for ENTERTAINMENT, or you could also take a look at the mystery section. <<less
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nototect rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: --
The novel sets its focus on the wrong things. You have an isekai with the stand-out feature of "realistic" politics/economics. Instead of focusing on that, you have 100+ chapters, where the MC goes out to have a picnic with his harem. The slice-of-life/comedy aspect is so overwhelming in later volumes, that the novel transforms into the most generic "comedy" harem novel possible, with "funny" Japanese slap-stick "humor" on the side.

Even the "realistic" political aspect just gets hand-waved away, by the author quoting Machiavelli or the MC getting a new waifu... more>> to fix a problem for him, simply by existing. After that thing is fixed, the MC "wins" another generic entry for his harem. <<less
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LN Enthusiast
LN Enthusiast rated it
May 10, 2022
Status: v11
If you thought the first few volumes was bad or mediocre, don't worry it gets worse. Aside from what other reviewers have said about the s*upidity of Souma or the other characters in an attempt to make Souma look smart, there is a particular scene in this novel that actually makes me want to blow my brains out.

... more>>

The part that does it for me is the scene where they were in a literal war, with two factions fighting. This damn pathetic excuse of an author actually had the audacity to write about characters flirting on the battlefield, while people are literally fighting for their life. Nooooooo, they can't do it when the fighting is over. Of course they had to do it while in the middle of a battlefield. I mean where else could they possible have done it?


That really took me out of the story and made me facepalm so damn bloody hard. Probably gonna drop this sorry excuse of a novel. <<less
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PQA rated it
May 7, 2022
Status: v13
This is basically a fanfic of The Prince, which is referenced over and over again. It's out of order but basically each volume covers a chapter from the book. Then add on Harem and throw in a couple fantasy tropes and you get the current story.

The Anime for this story ended at the perfect time. There were 2 more volumes, but the wedding arc marks off where everything goes downhill from there.

Basically, they introduced a little girl with wings on her back and the story is never good again
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May 6, 2021
Status: v13
Let me tell you something, I f*cking love this novel. Kingdom building novels are not my favorites but I love political affairs and there are a lot of elements to enjoy in this novel. By all means, MC is average and a little bit of Beta but the plot is interesting for me to invest in this novel.

MC is idealistic but at the same time, realistic. MC is so far interesting compared to others jp's Beta MC. (MC already has three kids by far) .

The biggest weakness of this... more>> novel is author always tries to present as a smart MC but that isn't.

This novel is like ' Road to Kingdom ' normal version with Beta MC and a little bit smarter MC, improved Plot.

For me this novel is worthy to read. <<less
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RM rated it
December 27, 2020
Status: v1c4
First of all, I write this just for people, who say that it is what causes the famine is cash crops. Lets just think about it, the north collapses under the yolk of Demons, the north probably was region to produce the crops for clothing, therefore, making the prices of cotton rise. Immigration of the people from north collapses the economies of bordering countries, therefore destroying any potential to change the crops in bordering countries. The Kingdom sees the gap and starts production of the cash crops. If the... more>> farms are magically run and standard farm is a big and overall percentage of population of farmers is low, the farmers get rich. They have money to buy from this large market because the price of cotton is climbing or is higher the basic food for a family of farmers or they are just rising enough crops for themselves, therefore they do not suffer from shortages of food, but basic populace suffers. Bam a famine. This basically means the farmers are dicks but hey they have money so damm the rest. He swoops in with executive power and makes the farmers grow enough food. It is realistic, just people must understand a little bit of market economy and basic human behavior, they are more markets then one, the people maximize the income and do not look at other people. <<less
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Master10K rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: v11c140
My thoughts on the Official LN release.

As a fan of "Kingdom Building", I've been meaning to check this one out. Besides the repetitious walls of text, piss poor illustrations and the general lack of thrill; the story it tells is one I can easily enjoy. Like reading a world's history in the making. It certainly feels like the story peaks real early (around vol. 2), with story beats barely reaching that level again but the rest is still really well thought out. It's just never as deep as non-Japanese Kingdom... more>> Builders like "Release that Witch". However for what it's worth, I really like King Souma's thoughtful nature, not remaining celibate or relying on an OP "cheat skill". But what he does rely on is a sh*t ton of references to Machiavelli's "The Prince" and Sun Tzu's "The Art of War".

Unfortunately once all members of the harem have been acquired and external threats have been handled, the story ends up in a long lull, with only a few appealing chapters of World Building & Domestic Affairs. Just waiting for some early plot point to develop. <<less
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March 1, 2020
Status: --
Started out good ended badly.

Problem was how hard it was to start the book. None of the chapters starts never connected to each other so it was like trying to figure out the fate fandom. Then, it was the mass amount of harem I was gonna expect and should have checked the tags first.

Liked the story, hated the harem, and like how do you even start this book?
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Nimda rated it
February 20, 2020
Status: v10
Notice: Consider this as a review that is roughly made as a note for myself to re-do and for any others who would desire to read this - this isn't everything.

For the 10 volumes that I've read, I think that the main points that you should take note of are:

  • There's a lack of war or details regarding towards it - this novel is relatively peaceful in a way whereas there aren't many 'fighting scenes' seen in the novel.
  • Quite a lot of the content of the novel is purely the interaction of the protagonist and the harem members, like a good 30-40% of it, this is quite off-putting when you want to see a good novel to read that is a bit more balanced.
  • Spoiler

    The current ending so far for volume 10 is the end of the coronation of the protagonist.

  • Don't expect there to be a lot of technological breakthroughs that happen during the novel. Sure, there are some that are useful and some that aren't (in all honesty), things that are mostly seen are technological breakthroughs that aren't what we would call the building blocks of technology that could define an era or make major changes to the world. These things seem a bit lopsided because whilst we have a relatively decent looking medical system, we are lacking in the basic building blocks of mechanics and physics.
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Nafizlatan rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: --
What the hell is author trying to do? Lmao

MC never makes rash decision even forgives the one who was trying to cause a civil war in the kingdom lol wth?

After that he says "that's what it takes to become a king loved by people" I mean wth! How do you know it? Were you a king in our past life? You weren't even a politician. How can you take such a risk thinking you were enough convincing?

if youre planning to read this bear with the dumbness of the author lol
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HyuninAfrica rated it
November 13, 2019
Status: --
I really enjoy how he quotes the prince by machiavelli and Art of War to justify his actions and reasoning behind them.

The author has done his homework, quite well.

I found this to be really interesting, definitely worth the read.
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Tyras rated it
July 6, 2019
Status: v5c1
I wish these translations didn't stop. I don't mind the slower pace, and the way the MC uses historical and philosophical, political, and societal knowledge to effect change is more interesting to me than an MC that just brings in the knowledge of guns and other modern day weapons to make themselves powerful.

The slower pace didn't bother me, although I wish the coronation and wedding would happen already, it's gotten to the "get it over with" stage for me. I'd like to see more of this nation building series, and... more>> with the royal relationships being what they are the family dynamic that comes from it would be interesting as well. <<less
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VesperNyan rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: v5c1
I have to admit that the quality of the plot has decreased over the chapters. I really enjoyed that he is not a typical isekai protagonist. Even though he is a king it was a circumstance that was placed upon him and has to deal with huge amount of tr*sh that goes with the job. The character is weak compared to other MC and uses his brains instead of brawn so he has to rely on other people.

Pro- Good MC and plot

Con- I really hate the dungeon arc later on... more>> the story.

Overall its a good read.~nyan <<less
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DemonofRazgriz rated it
May 15, 2019
Status: v5
I mean... this is a sh*t novel if you expecting somekind of hero slashing or demon lords killing or something

in fact, this is a perfect novel for you if you wanted to learn The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli in fast track, also The Art of War by Sun Tzu because lot of quotation came from there and I actually enjoyed it (Seriously my High School Civics teacher gave us the assignment to read them but I never did read and also this is 6 years ago)

Its not about guy... more>> killing demon lords, although there will be some little part but not a lot. its about politics and politics.. which kinda refreshing to me reading those cliche isekai novels out there and found something rare like this.

also yes

this is harem manga but all the girls a totally likable, unlike arifureta where only 1 is likable.. The best still the imouto type wife with a strange accent with good knacks on business


So if you looking for some action, turn your back now because this is shit. But if you are looking for something boorish such as Politics and how to f*ck some viscount territorial because he f*cked up on leading a country.. this is perfect for you <<less
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clmbheat rated it
April 6, 2019
Status: v8
Ok so I'm caught up with the novel and I do love it. The characters feel programmed to be the way they are and for things to basically move in the best possible outcome to the MC but I think that has to do with ... more>>

the fact that the dragon mother knows what is driving the world form behind the scenes and that certain things, like the lunaria religion and the cube that attacked the Dragons, seemed to be related to "our" world. As if the world is a sort of game or VR


I do think the novel is good and if you are willing to read through a lot of political fiction and overthinking from the MC, it's pretty good. <<less
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