Game Loading


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Xie Xi was someone with luck off the charts! The advantage was that any game could be easily cleared. The disadvantage was that all games were boring! Then one day, the words ‘Game loading’ appeared in front of his eyes and he began to clear real games!

The emperor of luck ran into a bottleneck in the first game.

Game Name: Love to the Left or Right

The vampire prince has invited you to a meal. Will you go?

Xie Xi: I won’t go.

Arrow through the heart. The vampire prince says you can’t leave him and takes your life.

After loading the file, Xie Xi changed the option: I will go.

The housekeeper has cut off your head because of love and hatred.

Xie Xi: ???

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Trò chơi đang load
Yóuxì jiāzài zhōng
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182 Reviews sorted by

AnAutumnViolet rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed this romance, but the second half of the novel dragged on so long!!!! My negatives aren't too spoilery, but they're just spoilery enough that I've put them in a box. Basically, I feel like one thing gets resolved way too early, and other things never get resolved at all.

... more>>

The negatives: Without specifics, there's a certain 'game world' where the main romance issues get resolved. Everything after that starts to feel more and more repetitive, without a good pay off at the end for the non-romantic issues. Subsequent game worlds end up feeling like AU fanfic of the main story. It gets sluggish because it's the same thing over and over, just with different coats of paint (some worlds are fantasy, another is sci-fi, etc).

Some of the world-building introduces really interesting concepts and a few mysteries with the characters, but these are never explained in a satisfactory way. Many of the novels mysteries are ultimately dismissed as 'it doesn't matter / person with answer doesn't remember'.

I think that you could read to the resolution of the romance arc and then just stop, without missing anything. Consider the stuff after that to be a really generous helping of 'extras', and you'll enjoy it a lot more. It can be fun! Especially if you like the characters by that point. You get to spend more time with them that way. Just don't expect any of your questions about the world or the side characters to get answered, or you'll set yourself up for disappointment.


For the positives- this novel involves a sort of transmigration through different 'game worlds'. Some of the game worlds, particularly at the beginning, seem very high stakes and the MC is in real danger. The MC has to be clever, and the system structure actively prevents the overpowered love interest from simply handwaving away all the danger.

And, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed the love interest trying so hard to win the MC over and the funny misunderstandings that occur. If you enjoy the tropes of the Mysterious Powerful Person falling in love with someone who doesn't respect them at all (lol), definitely give this one a try.

Ultimately, it's a great story that I'm glad I read. It could have been edited down to half the size, but as is, think of it as a buffet of one particular kind of romance. If you find you like it, read on! There's a lot!

But, if you get through the 'chase' phase of the romance and don't want any more? Save yourself the time and stop there. You'll only get bitter with the experience if you expect the story to evolve into something that it isn't. <<less
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January 7, 2020
Status: Completed
This is another one of OP MC and OP ML in a space where they have to solve puzzles and clear worlds (cause that’s the story). A similar story would be the earth is online. This story is more focused on the romance, compared to earth is online.

The plot is smooth flowing (can be understood), and can be seen that the author planned ahead. It can be cliched at some parts (some worlds) but I guess to be expected.

If I were to rate this compared to other bl world hopping,... more>> I’d say this is above average.

Read it and you’ll find out. <<less
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PyonYan rated it
December 26, 2019
Status: Completed
This is really a novel that feels like it's way too short and finishes way too fast despite the 300 chapters. It's absolutely captivating from start to end and I just finished it and am already missing it.

The author is really good at making plot twists and having a tight plot, so far I can only really think of one loophole/dropped plot thread. The love between the cp is also sweet and super lovey-dovey.

This are harem parts but the mls are all the same guy and the arcs are seperated... more>> by other arcs so it's not super prominent. <<less
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alamerysl rated it
December 12, 2019
Status: Completed
This was a really satisfying novel to read. The pace of the plot was fast and didn't lag, there was great character development, and good, interesting plots that were not presented as info dumps. Since it's already all translated, you can read it all in one go instead of waiting for long periods of time between each update. Other people have already summarized the plot and setting up better than I ever could, so I'll just urge everyone to read this novel! :D
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cas_ciel21 rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: Completed
This is an amazing read, I highly recommend this just for the interesting plot and world creations.

The novel might feel a little dragging and over the top, sometimes the characters feel OOC but the concept of Time and the Creation of the World is very intriguing.

This is not a Gaming Trope novel in my opinion. This leans more on transmigration.

The imperfections of this novel is what makes it a special read for me. I know Im going to back read it again.
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Icycle rated it
November 9, 2019
Status: Completed
What a wonderful novel. I almost gave up on it (it took 20 chapters to get into), and I'm so glad I didn't. There is a great deal of depth in this book, something I wasn't expecting based on the title. It explores love, loneliness, companionship, fate, life, etc in a refreshing way. There are countless amusing moments and characters, but it also made me cry at times. It is very much a fantasy novel, but even if that's not your thing, the concepts are relatable to anyone.

... more>>

No smut FYI, but still some spicy scenes

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dusticc rated it
November 6, 2019
Status: Completed
The only bad thing about this novel is that it ended. Seriously, this is the type of story that could go on for more than a thousand chapters and I would enjoy every single one!

This is about a guy, Xie Xi, who had already given up on life (basically) when he entered a game. The game, at first glance, it's just a wicked dating sim, but oh... The twist at the end! Ends up he's at the central, and so he continues clearing those games, all designed by the same... more>> dude — Jiang Xie. Every game is so interesting! The plots are amazing and at the end of each, the author always had a surprise ready!

Anyways, Xie Xi picks the interest of the designer of those games, and so Xie Xi continues clearing his games and collecting the lost souls of Jiang Xie.

Now, the story is amazing. The author's style is absolutely gorgeous, each sentance is beautifully worded, and the translation was impeccable. The plot is so complete, I have nothing to complain about — the author created a whole new world, and managed to pull us into it.

And, seriously, I think this has the best romance I have ever read. Xie Xi slowly warms up to Jiang Xie and, even though the reader might think Jiang Xie is only attracted to Xie Xi's beauty (I loved how the MC is so much of a pretty boy btw haha), the reality of their relationship is so much deeper! They spend more than a hundred years together inside the games, and by the end, you feel so warm due to their love. It was the kind of romance that saved two people, without being forced or looking like one party loved the other more, as we see in many novels — here, they gave love as much as they received, they were made for each other, truly soulmates! Oh, this made me believe in romance.

Basically, the BEST novel I've read! Please, please, give it a go! <<less
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Shybreeze rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: Completed
MC has golden finger which is SUPER LUCK and ML has BAD LUCK but gain OP because of it.. My favorite game is the mermaid world and the world where MC becomes a CAT. I just.. Love it
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Honefuusen rated it
October 23, 2019
Status: c309
The MC is amazing. I love the MC. You can read this novel simply for the MC. ML of novel is once again the type of ML that will be lost in the sea of OP ML cliche,

Recommend it. MC is amazing. Translation is also superb.
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October 4, 2019
Status: c309
Really funny and well written story. I love both characters and different worlds that are part of this story. The plot is really well written and full of interesting situations. Totally worth reading!
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Flowers rated it
August 28, 2019
Status: Completed
Lots of amazing twists and turns in the story line! And the pure romance is so sweet!
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MrMuda rated it
August 27, 2019
Status: Completed
Very poetic and lyrical writing even though it has its drawn out moments. I'm glad I stayed until the end. Thank you writer, translators and editors for bringing this story to us.
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August 23, 2019
Status: c309
Idealized romance, but it's one of the best to read. Complex and full of hype, GL is an awesome novel to read. The MC's witty and intelligent, although the author never fails to praise his beauty lmao.

The worlds are unique and interesting, and watching the MC balance so many people is extremely entertaining.

If I were to sum up the novel's type, I'd say it's angst with a happy ending.

My short review doesn't do this novel justice, so just go read it! I'd say it at least rivals Quickly Wear the... more>> Face of the Devil in quality. <<less
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Breads rated it
August 18, 2019
Status: Completed
One of my favorite novel, this novel will make you cry and yet laugh at the same time, the ML and MC are so caring and loving towards one another, especially after the Dream Come True arc.

Each world was unique in a way, the supporting characters were hilariously funny too! Whenever the MC had to act like a slag shou was also pretty dang funny, I've always felt so anxious for the MC during the Atlantis arc and but the MC manages to handle the 12 ML harem swiftly!

... more>>

For those who don't like harems, don't worry the harem in each world are the same ML, though I don't think its really a spoiler since its been said beforehand.


The more you read, the more the story will feed you so much dog food with how sweet they are! Plus some hilarious dog blood drama, although the MC may seem to dislike the ML at first, he will slowly grow fonder of him with each world he ventures in, the MC will also learn more things about the ML as well too.

What I like about the novel is that unlike in other transmigration/world-hopping novels, there was always a system that tells the backstory of the characters beforehand, however in this novel, the MC goes in blind not knowing the backstory, which makes it even more interesting to read, as you'll try to guess the story along with the MC.

After reading the ending and extras, it just gives me wholesome feelings about their relationship and it will show you how the ML's feelings came to be, which was one of the sweetest chapter in the novel.

Do give this a try if you enjoy a dog food inducing couple! <<less
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August 18, 2019
Status: c309
I did read the entire thing but I have to say that beside the middle arc ... more>>

where they entered the open world and completely fell in love

it was rather disappointing. I really just feel that it couldve been a fuller story with more dynamic characters if the author let xie xi enter more worlds and make more friends and had jiang xie as less of a vinegar jar.

It was a really cool idea but the execution just left me wanted more. There were so many things left unexplored that I'm still curious about so I'm sad it ended the way it did. <<less
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IsabellaLight rated it
August 15, 2019
Status: c305
Beautiful story! I laughed, cried, was anxious and excited throughout this roller coaster of a novel! Xie xie and Jiang Xie are truly meant to be together!

Now it's time to read the juicy extras~

10/10 would definitely recommend!
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e1ysian rated it
June 30, 2019
Status: c74
I stopped reading this after a while because the ending of each arc seemed rushed as if the author wanted to quickly start a new arc each time although the plot seems nicely done. For once, the MC is not a innocent white lotus who is so naive to the ppint of s*upidity. The ML is also not overbearing to the point of me wanting to call 911 for r*pe or s*xual harrassment. The only reason I gave 3 stars instead of 5 is because the chapters are dragging on... more>> suuuuper long and I am quite picky with the novels I read. Would definitely recommend this to people who liked reading Earth Online though.

No romance between ML and MC (at least in the first 70+ chapters or so), MC seems to dislike the ML.

I don't really like novels that drag on the romance between the main characters but all in all, this novel was ok. <<less
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thatpinkfact rated it
June 12, 2019
Status: c223
Love this! There is romance (the ML is just too much! feeding dog food to everyone!!) and adventure. The MC is OP

but it's cause he goes to ML's worlds where all the souls are just dying to cater to him, not to mention the ML himself is keeping an eye over everything

I like the ML too... so cant wait for more of this !
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Gremoire Moon
Gremoire Moon rated it
June 8, 2019
Status: --
Love this!

It gives me the feeling of reading multiple isekai story at once. Instead of focusing in one world with one ser of rules, this story takes us to multiple worlds! It's fun and fascinating. It's multiple stories in one.

The characters also balance each other. One is of disaster and the other is of luck.
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RaYs123 rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: c175
There is so much potential, the novel, settings, plot never gets old or repetitive. The romance is sweet as honey and the comedy is funny due to shamelessness of the world settings and so forth. So far, the novel has been amazing, intriguing, mysterious, lovely, funny, and creative. I love how fleshed out the characters are in each settings and hope the novel continues this amazing progress.

I also have to let a shout out to the translator, who is dedicated and brings out beautifully translated chapters at a constant and... more>> steady pace (which is rare).

Take a chance to read this gem and who knows if you'll fall in love with the characters and/or novel writing <<less
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