Game Loading


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Xie Xi was someone with luck off the charts! The advantage was that any game could be easily cleared. The disadvantage was that all games were boring! Then one day, the words ‘Game loading’ appeared in front of his eyes and he began to clear real games!

The emperor of luck ran into a bottleneck in the first game.

Game Name: Love to the Left or Right

The vampire prince has invited you to a meal. Will you go?

Xie Xi: I won’t go.

Arrow through the heart. The vampire prince says you can’t leave him and takes your life.

After loading the file, Xie Xi changed the option: I will go.

The housekeeper has cut off your head because of love and hatred.

Xie Xi: ???

Associated Names
One entry per line
Trò chơi đang load
Yóuxì jiāzài zhōng
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Recommendation Lists
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182 Reviews sorted by

ylial rated it
March 29, 2019
Status: c139
One of my favorite danmei!!! I love the plot. Though it's not a world hopping but each game will give you a different and exciting feeling!! ? Also love the interactions between MC and ML. ML isn't not overbearing but really hilarious and narcissistic ?? And the MC, I really like him- he knows when to help and to kill (not killing for his own benefit).

Thanks for translating!
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Resplendor rated it
March 2, 2019
Status: c71
This is really really good.

I might be a little premature on my evaluation, but so far it's really really good.

I've read many hundreds of light novels now, and very few have made it onto my best list. Less than 10. This one is a contender.

... more>> It's funny in a terrible way, but the MC is super relatable. The world building is amazing, which, considering it's quick transmigration style, is quite the feat. Each arc so far has been its own little gem of a world.

The plot is unique to its genre and super exciting. I literally had sweat rolling down my back in excitement and anxiety at the climax of the merman arc.
If the backstory of the ML is everything that has been hinted at, it's for sure going to be an absolute delight to read.

Can't wait to read more! <<less
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Sarsanilla rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: c45
I like it. It's funny. Chapter 13 is my favourite (so far).

MC is believable. He doesn't faint into the ML's arms, or go "W-what is this strange feeling?!?" After meeting ML. MC is smart. Very smart. Makes me feel like a complete moron, yet he makes little mistakes that I am able to catch onto, which makes me feel like a 2000 IQ genius. Either way, he's smart as f*ck and learns quickly. A+
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spod rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Rating- (4.5/5)

I'm gonna keep this short and simple.

I really recommend you to read this story if you're the type of person to like more romance focused stories.

... more>> I personally really enjoyed this story.

Plot:- (4.4/5)

Arcs:- It's hard to give an exact rating of the arcs, as there are some amazing and some decent/eh arcs. But I would say about (4.4/5) for this one also.

The Best Arc is definitely the Open World Arc. (Or Lost Atlantis)

Characters:- Mc:- (4.7/5) Ml:- (4.7/5)

Side charcters:- (4.5/5)

MC and ML are great.

Side characters are nice, but, they don't really have as much as depth as I would like them to. (This is just my personal preference).

MC &ML:- The best part of this whole story.

I'm not gonna say anymore as I always accidently spoil too much :))

Overall:- I recommend you to read this!! If you're more of a plot kinda person, this story is fine for you. If you're not into romance this isn't for you. If you're into romance this is for you. If you're okay with anything and everything, this is great for you.

Happy Reading! <<less
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November 26, 2021
Status: Completed
A fun, light novel to consume.

Quite enjoyable; personally, I did not think it dragged.

It was quite touching at parts too.

However, it gets a 4 star rating because the translation is kind of crappy (as a Chinese translator myself, it almost seemed like cleaned up MTL to me at times) and the author didn't really address some of the plot holes. Also, it tried to be deep, but kind of failed (maybe that's the translation's fault though).
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starstarbee rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: Completed
i almost feel like I wronged myself reading all 309 chapters of this.

i went into this thinking it would be a more serious/thrilling horror unlimited flow novel a la Kaleidoscope of Death or even Escape the Infinite Chamber, just purely based on its rating, summary, and name, but it's definitely /not/.

the positives:

    • its a romantic comedy at its core. Read for a good laugh at the ML's expense.
the negatives:

    • shallow world building

      "loads" are only used in like 2 arcs

    • some props/skills/minor characters are completely glossed over

      Zhong Jin who (??), the pet cat only really has a role in the atlantis arc, and what happened to the refreshable side quests after the atlantis arc????

    • arcs are repetitive and there are constantly /long/ "mini arcs" within arcs; losing my attention and the momentum of the plotline.
    • if you've read the author's other pseudo-harem novels before, then don't be surprised, there is a lot of

      time isn't fixed; the past is the present, the present is the past, the future is the past, etc. Etc.

    • the main story dragged on and on
TLDR: this is a novel about

a wife crazy OP vinegar jar gong and an increasingly world weary and OP shou who constantly has to romance the gong's split souls so that the gong can be 100% again.

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AltaFujoshi rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: c309
Well, I can't understand why so much people are saying this is repetitive.

This has nothing repetitive, every world is a hole new thing with so much detail in every plot. Seriously, the author shine in this one. Her/his creativity is in a hole new level. The characters are so charismatic and every single chapter has no waste.

I have to say one thing, I dont think I can get over Jiang Xie in the time being. Such a good character and how I feel like I can emphatize with the MC.... more>> Only good things to say, definitely one of my favorites danmeis gaming. If you're struggling in starting this, I only have one thing to say, its worth it the 309 chapters.

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DewDropsOnMellons rated it
June 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel has many reviews and my addition really isn't necessary but I'll still put my thoughts here.

Your experience with this novels really depends on what you think you're getting into when you pick it up. Don't go into this expecting an infinite flow strategy story full of heavy non-romance related plot. This is a romance through and through; there's really no plot beyond that. The name is misleading.

The setting is pretty interesting, the stakes are high and there's lots of mystery. It's built well but the way the story... more>> goes you would think it's a cutesy system QT novel.

The initial setting:

    • The people there are people who were abandoned by everyone and gave up on everyone.
    • They get transmitted into this world were they have to complete randomly assigned worlds every 2 days or they will no longer exist.
    • If they happen to die in these world they really die unless the world they got happens to have a reload function which most of them don't or they have a revival item (all limited use).
    • The difficulty of they world is linked directly to it's level but the points and rewards are also linked to this and the level you get is completely random and only depends on your luck.
    • You get experience points if you clear the world and if you reach a certain level you get a promotion and you can rest a bit more in between missions however if you can't complete the mission you are permanently stuck in said world until you die.

The MC:


Not my type but not too annoying either. This character is smarter than your average person but not as smart as an infinite flow player so it's a good thing he isn't actually one.

This guy is lucky and very much so to the point that it's ridiculous and it really became stale and dissatisfying after a while.

In the end we get told that if it were not for the desperate measures the the ML took, he really would have died early on which makes it clear that his skills and luck alone weren't enough for that kind of setting and that is apparent from the beginning.

After we find out what others go through in that universe and how comparatively easy the MC had it, relying so much on the ML and his luck, everything the MC has by the end feels very unearned and therefore the story became kind of hollow for me.


The ML:


He's kind of annoying but isn't that bad. At least he isn't a domineering CEO who is exceedingly controlling. He's possessive and stuff but he isn't yandere-ish which is a plus for me. He's a huge golden finger for the MC though and I honestly didn't like him much.


The relationship:


It's okay I guess but how it happened kind of disturbs me.

In the 4th arc the MC and ML go to a zombie world and there the MC starts to slowly have a better impression of the ML which is okay but then they get stuck in a dream together where they live for 60 year (in the dream. In reality only one day passes). In that dream, they have no clue about the game world or any of that, the MC is back in a very vulnerable and desperate point in his life with no recollection or impression of the ML who is his uni teacher in this dream. This teacher helps him which is fine but then he grooms him. He gets him to work for him at his house, then live with him, all with the intention of slowly seducing him and he proceeds to grooms him and after that the MC falls for him completely.

The ML falls for the MC because their souls are compatible. He looks into the various future routs, decides he doesn't likes them, sees MC who is essentially his soulmate, sees that he dies in all those futures so he starts making worlds to be with him.

I personally hate that "love at first sight, soulmate" trope so personally I didn't like it much but their relationship was still leaps and bounds healthier than many other QT novels.


The senarios:



The MC essentially just had to maintain a harem most of the time (all the people in the harem are ML, or his soul shards to be exact), even the heart taking missions didn't actually require him to seduce or put in much effort, the ML's soul shard all fall naturally by themselves.

The worlds and character personalities differ but still it get repetitive and starts to feel very cheap very quickly.


The side characters are interesting but they just disappear after their brief period of existence and we never hear from them again. There are also tons of loose ends by the end that just get dropped.

Also don't expect any description of their intimate moments, while the references to it come up all the time the acts themselves aren't described. <<less
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endel rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: c110
this novel was a chore to read. I really couldn't bring myself to finish it. Maybe I'll try again in the future, but rn I really don't have the energy for it.


MC was extremely likeable and only for him I even read the 100 something chapters I did. He was smart and cool and I really enjoyed his inner dialogue.

ML was meh. He had no real character, only shown as possessive and a genius, which is not a great combination tbh. But he was at least a bit... more>> more likeable than all his soul pieces he left in the worlds. Those were simply bland and uninteresting.

setting & plot:

the setting was really cool! ML is a game/world designer, MC is a sort of beta tester before those new worlds go "online". That was a completely new setting for me and I really enjoyed that. Too bad all the really interesting worlds got ruined by the s*upid tasks MC got.

His task was always to romance the soul splinters of ML in each world. Which was a problem bc there were always more than one, so he always had to cheat on all of them basically. MC hated it, I hated it, it was no fun and just super stressful to read.

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March 20, 2021
Status: c111
Ok, so my real rating is 3.5

I was excited to read this novel because I thought the concept for this novel was a little different from what I usually read. It was going well and we have Sein Hall and the mansion. I liked this part since there was mystery and the supposedly impossible options were nice since it was entertaining to watch how the MC solved it and went through the problems and he was slightly unpredictable. It was fun to read with the different characters going after him... more>> and then this arc ended. So then there was the second game, which was still quite interesting with the different characters and the new seemingly impossible mission. Then came the next part. It wasn't as good as I thought.


Ok, so the MC got to meet X and everything and got to summon him and everything but... it was a little anticlimactic.


However, even though I didn't like that very much, I didn't pay too much mind to it and kept on reading. I was excited to see how the MC would fall in love with the ML but then the MC started relying a little too much on the ML... and it started being quite predictable. The plot became progressively less interesting and at this point it's their relationship which is carrying the story and the problem is that I was never interested in the relationship in the first place. The build up and execution of the romance was weirdly placed and then stuff kinda got weird... like...


There was a dream in which they fell in love, lived together for 60 years and then they woke up? I mean I get this was meant to be a progression in their relationship but it was really not what I was expecting and didn't seem realistic at all. A 30 year old man that treated a 19 year old student like a pet and coaxed him into living with him and they ended up falling in love? Idk if it was meant to be romantic but it didn't feel like it to me.


Anyways, I'm a little confused and not interested nor invested in this novel anymore. I tried, I really did, I started losing interest around chapter 70 but I kept reading and it just didn't redeem itself in my eyes. I didn't like the progression of their relationship and it just got boring.

There were some really good plot points but they just got wasted and the relationship was really weird with some build up that wasn't that good and since the relationship was the only thing going for the plot at this point for me, I just dropped it. But if you liked the progression of the relationship onto chapter 60-70 or so, then I think that it would be fine. This just wasn't for me. <<less
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Sakamaki Sitaara
Sakamaki Sitaara rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: Completed
I remember reading it when I first started to read bl novels and it was also my very first qt ? Anyway, this novel is really good and rather different from your usual qts. I've not found any other that follows this trait. So, this novel is one of its kind. Give it a try, as a picky bl addict l recommend this, really worth of your time.
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darkelf01 rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: Completed
What a trip. Hoo-boy.

Great novel and I enjoyed every world. You couldn't guess what'll happen next and the author is masterful enough to make you not feeling bored even for a second. Definitely a recommended one.

PS: I added the tags 'Gore' and 'Dark' and also the 'Psychological' genre for this novel since some of the worlds might be rated Mature.
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kcNeko rated it
October 24, 2020
Status: Completed
I like this! 5⭐

A couple of months ago I actually dropped this after the 2nd quasi world. But hey, I was intrigued about the high ratings so I tried to give this another shot. And guess what? I liked it and went binge read this!

Since this is about world hopping, every plot was actually interesting and fun to read, not to mention there is no smut here! The only repetitive in every world was our MC trying to coax ML but each has it's own uniqueness and it is actually... more>> sweet.
I really admire the author's imagination!

MC: This lucky boatman is the sweetest thing in the whole story. I began to love him when he went to Atlantis quasi world. I also love how he truly fall inlove with ML despite of having a negative first impression about him. Their romance was slow but great! I also love the Dream Come True Arc.
ML: This unlucky guy is a M and loves to fight with himself. He's basically OP but useless in his own world. The wife always works!
The other gods of central: Boy, they were interesting as well but they didn't have enough screentime! I was happy about them when they showed up in Can't be Erased Arc. It was hilarious!
Settings: About the origin centrals and some laws etc. Wasn't explained thoroughly. The information is all over the place so I can't get a clear gist of it. For me, the quasi worlds were more interesting than the central.

Overall, I totally recommend this! <<less
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August 2, 2020
Status: c140
I like the story but it is getting repetitive with the same thing over and over just that the number of boats the MC has the peddle seem to get larger. It would be nice if the MC always wasn't forced to be a slag, and I understand that

... more>>

all the men he has to romance are part of the mls soul


it's just I don't like harems, I know it's not but it just feels like it and the repetitiveness is boring, my favourite arks was the first and the Zombieland one as they were more intense and didn't just focus on romancing different people.

I'm gonna drop it for the time being but I might pick it back up later. I had really high hopes for this. <<less
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carminex3 rated it
June 24, 2020
Status: Completed
The beginning was really good, it got me interested since the premise reminded me of Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil. However, the plot just keeps going on slag worlds. There wasn't really a sense of different and new trials but of repetitive ones of trying to appease the ML in different bodies which are all the same soul. It got boring quickly. I wish they fast fowarded those parts. I did think about dropping it but I wanted to know what was going to happen. Highlights would be... more>>

the Open World since that was gamelike and Love to the Right or Left

I'm hoping to find something that can grab me like Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil or Heaven's Official Blessing. <<less
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Kokoro Mugen
Kokoro Mugen rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: --
This novel had potential and some good point to it.


... more>>

I simply loved the "favourable-impression system" that the ML has on MC (The MC's level of favourability to ML) and how the ML had to keep on watching it go into the negative while MC kept on smiling and pretending that he was friendly to ML


Unfortunately, despite I liked the premise of the story, I just got so annoyed with MC's tasks and had to dropped it in the 3rd arc/game.


He basically had to raise the favourability of MULTIPLE targets at the same time. The targets are all parts of ML, but it was still annoying. It is not like a harem where multiple targets like one person. The MC had to be pretend to be multiple people in order to get all the target's favourability. I felt like this arc could be split into more games instead of cramming it all into one. I felt so bad and tired for the MC.


I already got annoyed with harem genre, but this just takes the cake for me. <<less
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yueer rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed reading this one. I actually came here from "I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games". The premise is quite similar actually. But I still enjoyed the other novel more. But don't get me wrong, this novel is very good too. I really enjoyed the world building and the plot. However, as many comments have said, most of the arcs was honestly too repetitive. If this had been shorter it would've have been nicer. To be honest, the last hundred of chapter was super tough to get... more>> through cause it was mostly rinse and repeat action.

If you would like a light, mindless read, go ahead and give this one a try <<less
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April 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Very simply, If you like QT stories, BL and adventure, you will like this book.

MC and ML are a very good match, their personalities are top notch also. No annoying choices or scummy actions.

309 chapters long but I managed to binge in less than a week. If you are looking for a casual read its good also.
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Awesome Sauce
Awesome Sauce
April 7, 2020
Status: Completed
If QWFOD is debatedly the King of QTs, then I would nominate to crown Game Loading as the Queen.

Rather than face slaps and revenge, through and through, this novel is a love story between the Xie Xi and Jiang Xie. It may not seem like it at first, but I promise that the way their relationship develops does not seem forced, I dare say it’s even organic (especially considering the setting of a QT). You can see how the MC’s grudging affections become a growing love, and the ML’s infatuation become more concrete and treasuring. It’s fun to witness how they grow as a couple and as a person as their feelings for each other mature.


Rather than say Xie Xi is a genius gamer, he’s actually just an ordinary young man who’s pretty smart but also ridiculously lucky. Basically don’t expect him to hack into a satellite or something, it’s more likely the solution would fall out of the sky instead.

As the ML, Jiang Xie is possessive but not forceful and he’s so very considerate. He’s a clingy lover and perfect for our lonely MC.

!!!Super spoiler!!! What I absolutely adore the most about this novel is their relationship. It’s so healthy; they communicate and validate each other’s insecurities and would always reassure each other of their love. They are each other’s support, and in turn that dependency actually becomes their own independent strength.


I cannot stress this enough: Each Arc Is Better Than The Last.

I also very much appreciate how the author keeps explanations for how the world works cryptic but at the same time it.. Makes sense. As previously mentioned, this is a romance tale told with romance stories. You’ll find that you won’t focus too much on that anyway as you’ll be too busy being stuffed with dog food.

As always the translations by Rainbow Turtle is phenomenal, and the author is worthy to be called an author. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reread this. I was absorbed enough in her world that I didn’t miss not having explicit scenes between Xie Xi and Jiang Xie (well.. Almost because that’d be amazing).

If you need something that has a sickeningly sweet yet warm couple, that has amusing exchanges and unconventional arcs, please give this a try. It is 300+ chapters so have some patience and enjoy the journey, it’ll be so rewarding. (5/5)
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reikaxs rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: Completed
looking for something similar to "the Earth is online" or "Card room" and you don't want something else; get out of here, this as much as it may seem has nothing to do with it.
In terms of quality I have to say that it is a pretty good read to pass the time but there are some things that subtract points and can leave you empty; especially in terms of the end.



The MC; if you are looking for an MC that suffers difficulties and solves them with his superior intellect... this is not what you are looking for. Do not misunderstand, the MC is quite calm and intelligent is more than the situation and the configuration of the world that does not give place for us to observe this after the first 50 chapters or so, as he himself says, near the end, the worlds Those who enter possess part of the soul of the creator, the ML, who incidentally is actually what I would call a hopeless romantic, are technically on their side; souls recognize that they are the person who is waiting and are predisposed to leave them; most of their missions are accomplished or have more to do with keeping the parts of the ML happy and the rest will flow naturally; The only difficult thing is that there is more than one part of the soul of the ML in the worlds, so it is not about keeping someone in love with him happy, but two or three, or six as you can see, poor MC.

The ML: hopeless romantic Do I need to explain this? from the beginning of the story he knows that the MC is for him and not only because the MC can enter his worlds, why it is revealed almost at the end, besides this the ML, of course, is terribly shameless and therefore which can be seen in some of the worlds in its parts of the soul, quite insecure. What I liked about this ML is that, unlike others that I have read recently, it makes the effort and recognizes when its way of treating the MC has gone too far; At the slightest hint of anger from the MC or if it seems that he really doesn't want to do something, he sometimes stops changing his attitude so abruptly that it almost makes you dizzy.

The supporting characters: here is one of my problems, it is not that the supporting characters are not good; the problem is that they appear very little; the MC support group, or at least the people who should be, appear at first and then only in passing; As for those of the ML their group appears more often and especially at the end but their appearances are very few and especially as an element of humor; I find it quite annoying.

The world: I am not really bothered by the configuration of the world, in a sense it is like a quick transmigration and their world would be like a "stop" until they have to enter another world; Although at the beginning certain things are hinted that would suggest that there is something else in this world, it is totally left out at the end.

The plot: at the beginning as I said, it is hinted that the plot will have something to do with challenging the world as such, but in the end this is left aside and if this bothers me in any way; the plot was basically centered on the MC looking for the pieces of the soul of the ML and now; being completely honest this leaves me a little empty, I feel that there are many wasted elements; We do not explore the past of the MC or the ML although the opportunities are given, I feel that this is quite superficial and perhaps it is my own fault seeing that I was looking for something similar to the earth is online or card room.

I especially bother:


In the end the MC discovers that the father who abandoned him is such a player, this bothers me for several reasons; First it is assumed that those chosen to come to central are those who were "abandoned" in their world and no longer have anything to tie them there, so we assume then that the father left and left the MC with his mother and no longer had nothing, central I classify it as abandoned and take it there; This sounds awful starting to me.
I am going to suppose that what he sees as "abandoned" is when a person is left with no reason to live and nothing that ties him to the world; human beings want to live and more absurd reasons have been used to cling to life; God, that almost instinctively we see a child and if he is in danger we try to take care of him, a person who feels abandoned will cling to a child of his as if, literally, his life would end in it.

Ok, let's suppose again that MC's father did not know that he existed, he felt abandoned and ended up in the center, or dont really care about MC and for God know whats reason end like a a player there, which lead to the second reason for bothering me; the portagonista learns that his father is a player and... nothing, absolutely nothing happens; He says it's the past and I don't care. What about emotional closure? nobody cares it, is not as if we have not seen that in several of the worlds the ML, who knows how long he has been in central, still wants to have a family or be recognized for it.

(I add; the MC at the beginning of the story cannot see his father's name in his profile and later they find out that this is because of an ability that the father used and this is how they find out that he is or was a central)
So the MC has the opportunity, he is smart enough to think, why my father, the one who abandoned me and who supposedly didn't care, had enough foresight to think that I would end up here and prepare to hide from me? This is such an obvious gap that it bothers me a lot, especially since it was added almost at the end, if you weren't going to do anything with it, why add it?
Apart from that it just occurred to me that there is a rather mysterious character that appears in a couple of world at first and then... nothing. Author please give us a little mercy


Well with everything and the aforementioned I still have to say that it is a good read, light and fun, but stop to think too much.

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