Game Loading


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Xie Xi was someone with luck off the charts! The advantage was that any game could be easily cleared. The disadvantage was that all games were boring! Then one day, the words ‘Game loading’ appeared in front of his eyes and he began to clear real games!

The emperor of luck ran into a bottleneck in the first game.

Game Name: Love to the Left or Right

The vampire prince has invited you to a meal. Will you go?

Xie Xi: I won’t go.

Arrow through the heart. The vampire prince says you can’t leave him and takes your life.

After loading the file, Xie Xi changed the option: I will go.

The housekeeper has cut off your head because of love and hatred.

Xie Xi: ???

Associated Names
One entry per line
Trò chơi đang load
Yóuxì jiāzài zhōng
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Esports danmei lezgoo
  2. Danmei I've read part 1
  3. Apocalyptic/Survival Setting
  4. These Live in My Head Rent Free
  5. Favs Favs

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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06/07/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c218
06/07/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c217
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06/05/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c214
06/04/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c213
06/03/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c212
06/02/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c211
06/01/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c210
05/31/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c209
05/29/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c208
05/28/19 Rainbow Mushroom... c207
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182 Reviews sorted by

M012 rated it
February 10, 2019
Status: c40
I'm only half way through this novel and I'm loving it. I thought it'd be mediocre but it was better than I expected.

The plot is not the most amazing plot ever but it stands out from the others BL novels I've read. MC have to jump between worlds that he has a core mission to complete before leaving it. Each world has one and so far, all of them are very interesting to read through, like a real game, he has choices and save points to use to make sure... more>> he gets through the game just fine. The writing is easy to understand so I can catch up with the situation without having to re-read it a bunch of times. The romance is also pretty well paced imo, which is great.

MC himself isn't those kinds of people that falls in love immediately after interacting with the ML once or twice, which I really like because I can't stand MCs who fall way too quickly. He is very sharp when it comes to details, quiet and smart enough to do what he needs to do. The main comedic parts comes from the MC being calm on the outside, but is constantly cursing others in the inside. Although this is not so funny to the point that I'd roll out of my bed laughing but it was still hilarious enough to keep me entertained. I don't know much about the ML so I'm kinda indifferent towards him, but he seems to like MC before the novel even started.

Overall, I'm very happy with what I've read! Its been a while since I've read something that makes me finish 40 chapters in a day. Thank you for the translations! <<less
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January 19, 2023
Status: --
still waiting for the MC to stop spending all his missions complaining, disliking and repeating the phrase « who wants to [insert action] !! » I want an MC who likes a challenge who likes to play not someone who ruins the fun for me

!!!! Thinking of death thinking of stabbing him to death, nervous to death, is the MC going to stop being so boring? He's a bad player he only remembers it's a game when it's convenient its so depressing that the MC doesn't want to play along... more>> and keeps being negative about absolutely everything he's not cold or smart or calculative he's just a macho angry little man <<less
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Ssonow rated it
January 2, 2023
Status: --
So first of all I ask everyone to PLEASE only read the completed reviews

totally recommended specially if you like QT but it’s not heavy on the game play so be aware

STORY PLOT (FOR going according to logic, being interesting and having good ideas, lack of loop holes, not being boring or giving useless info) 10/10

... more>> there are no absolutely no loopholes every single thing will be answered EVEN SOMETHING LIKE MC’s GOOD LUCK is explained

Some said that is kinda of repetitive I can some what agree as the second half of the novel is the same mission in different worlds but I don’t think it’s boring cause the situations are totally different and so the solutions you won’t see the same thing again and again often times MC surprise you with how he handles the situation and the things he understands about the people psychology and his methods of dealing with them

I really REALLY liked how the story filled the loopholes one by one and how everything had a reason

CHARACTERS (FOR development, thought process, being interesting and lovely) 10/10

MC: is extremely lucky but it’s not his golden finger he is clever and calculates everything before moving he is also kind hearted but he doesn’t care about ungratefuls and is cautious with trust and helping others

ML: really really fun to read he is an extremely unlucky guy which makes their interactions really funny despite this and even because of this he is really strong with a good spirit.

RELATIONSHIP: it’s one of the good ones they’re respectful to each other slowly learn about other one and caring. It’s neither slow nor out of no where even though it looks like ML just fell in love in the first sight it’s not like that and you will know later about his feelings.


it's unique you won’t see something you are used to in the QTs or such every world is a unique and new idea with good structure, logical and fresh

SIDE CHARACTERS (back storys, having a good reason for being there, not just vanishing because Author doesn't want them anymore, having a rational behavior and not just because there is a need for a bad/good guy.) 9, 5/10

the side characters do not always have back stories but those who have, have a good one

The premise of story makes it that there is not so much need for side characters

most of them are encountered acquaintances so there is no need as to inquire about their back storys but every character has clear motives and reasons <<less
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bbyshark rated it
October 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Quite enjoyable read for me. No grand or complex task worlds but still were interesting enough. I saw some reviewers complaining about how ML fell in love like in first sight without any reason and I was having that thought too but it's eventually explained in the end of this novel and so I'd like people to actually complete the novel before reviewing with incomplete knowledge of the plots.

I believe, MC could've been written in a better way. His luck is good I know but every world is just him... more>> trying to collect ML's souls and it can get repetitive and boring to some. But I actually enjoyed most of the arcs. I initially thought this would be a thriller survival but it turned out to be like a comedic harem with a scum? Lmao

Overall, would recommend this to others but don't expect intense problem solving arcs. Just enjoy it casually. <<less
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candylane rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: c309
This novel is fullllll of dog food. It is heavily romance centric and mainly focuses on the main couple’s relationship, which I really don’t mind. I personally really enjoyed it.

But seriously though, the dog food this author provided is amazing. Somehow, they never made their declaration of love to each other boring or too repetitive. Each time it just stabs me right in the heart. Filling that void in my heart cause I’m single af.

I feel each arc is interesting. However, I do want to note, I totally turn off... more>> my brain whenever I read novels and my standards are super low. I am not one to nitpick. Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, and I totally recommend it to anybody just looking for a good romance novel to read. <<less
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diviningknife rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: Completed
I figured I could do my part to give back as the audience and as a reader to determine if this is something you from the future would decide to take a chance on. Since I have completed reading it, here is an initial paragraph of various thoughts I would like to first express.

There is a playful cleverness in this author, how the theme or setting is first introduced before rolling the audience into complications and mysteries that continue to lure. The banter from the two protagonists is sweet and... more>> foolish, I find myself laughing and fondly bemused to celebrate their relationship. The arcs feel consistently rewarding and build up to a natural finish. It is safe to read because the tragedy that will first hit you will also cradle you with care, it almost feels like you are in control as the world building is explored and the characters are extra memorable. I love this book with a worn comfortableness, the favorite that is reread so much it falls apart, a story to carry in my heart through the years. A sacred love that will give me strength, uncomplicated and pure.

Summary of Review

    • At first glance, simple and direct and thus perhaps unremarkable. Until you discover the qualities of water it has; as medium to move you through plot, clear and deep with crystal observations, stabbing with emotions sharper than icicles, warmth to surround, majestic in might.
    • Neat and tidy, characters are introduced when they are needed. But lingering with their own charms, enough to make you wonder how complete their lives are lived outside of what is seen in the story. Interactions between characters hint at full-bodied histories that makes them real.
    • I have a bias, this is from one of my favorite translators and I have only gratitude and appreciation to express. Exceptional and lively, please fight on <3
Writing - Like water brushed onto a canvas, before a singular drop of ink falls and smashes open galaxies of interconnecting spiderwebs. It is a kind of strength to be straightforward on first taste, complex with layers in observations rawly stated, delicately balanced by humor and human nature. The pacing is exquisite in that each chapter has impetuous weight, either around the plot or around the world supported. As someone that suffers to write 3 words where 1 will do, this kind of artistry can only be admired. The dialogue between characters is mostly stripped of adjectives and in such a way, distills a kind of temperament that is elegant. If this was all, I could not write this thesis.

Perhaps the most crucial aspect, the clarity of vision in this author. I am referring to genre savviness, but even that seems a bit incomplete in scope. There is a giddiness, a glee to which the author targets how the fallout of a situation happens that makes me breathless. For just one example; the confrontation of Jiang Zie and Xie Xi when they first get to the Open World (Arc 4). There are tricks that you expect to see, and they manage to lean into that with a wink of awareness. But the execution is also a step further of merriment, of openly inviting you to experience refreshment because it is new and unexpected. It is a magician's skill of deflection, of wonder and something to luxuriate in. Then, the other weapon in their arsenal; Chekov's Gun. This is a device in writing that simply states; if you mention that a room has a gun then there must also be a follow up scene where the gun goes off. The meaning is that "details within a story will contribute to the overall narrative". We see this expertly applied with how favorability is first introduced and how that folds into future interactions. It's also apparent with the integration of Repair, and the organic way that this author flexibly extends the stakes higher and higher. Well. It has, and always will be, a pleasure to bear witness.

Here follows some quotes that I personally adore!! (Without context, mild spoilers)


"This was indeed a dream but the two of us are real." - Chapter 106

"Love was the most direct beauty." - Chapter 117

"Ve, ry hap, py." - Chapter 159

"These are proof of how good you are. They are your glory alone." - Chapter 166


Characters - Objections might be raised that the main protagonists are too heaven defying, Gary Stus. I think that is 1) too narrow an estimation and 2) unlike the point. If a character's defining trait is only that they are able to escape everything negative because of plot armor, skills bestowed by the author then it doesn't fit because the protagonist pair have flesh and blood invested. There is color in their complexion, there are quirks and tension woven in among the struggle to resolve matters. Additionally, the sum that matters is the story that was told. Even if the focus is on particularly gifted individuals, if the sense of conflict, if the unraveling of words, if the impact is full of texture and meaning then I do not judge it harshly or by measure of wastefulness. But each experience is different and speaks heavily or light to anyone and everyone. All I know is that I am inspired and indelibly touched by this world and these people.

The quiet despair of letting go and becoming lost, of encountering the challenges set forth by Central; finding purpose and progress. Meeting someone fated, supported to follow one's own interpretation. At the core, this is a very thoughtful story about the influence of people and the shape that creates; things both glorious and ghastly. I like Xie Xi's honesty, the way he can see into the heart of a situation and address it. How his love and affection make him vulnerable, but that he embraces and communicates with Jiang Xie. I like Jiang Xie's inner strength to keep going, the c*ckroach tenacity to survive and that he reaches to tease in a stressful situation. How his love and affection makes him vulnerable, but that he waits for an explanation and makes Xie Xi know just how much he is beloved. The side characters that call Xie Xi Boss, the Lonely Males Chat Group, the NPCs in quasi-worlds. All these will live on, brighter and bolder as they touch more.

As a final wrap up, I must confess. I was originally reading this when it was being translated and every day was encouragement because of Rainbow Mushroom. I stopped at 220 for the longest time, because I needed to know there was something waiting for me. I have finished it now, with no regrets and I can only hope this gives as much joy and love to others who are waiting to know such a story. I am continuing on my journey - treat these words as greeting and guidance. You are here, and it matters!!

Arc List by Chapters


Love to the Left or Right (Ch 1-13)

Fairy Tale Town (Ch 17 - 27)

Lost Atlantis (Ch 30 - 71)

Open World (Ch 76 - 115)

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas (Ch 121 - 159)

Broken God (Ch 167 - 196)

Collapsed 12 Realms (Aries | Ch 201 - 212)

Collapsed 11 Realms (Taurus | Ch 213 - 224)

Collapsed 10 Realms (Gemini | Ch 225 - 241)

Collapsed 9 Realms (Cancer | Ch 242 - 256)

Collapsed 8 Realms (Leo, Virgo | Ch 257 - 283)

Can't be Erased (Ch 284 - 303)

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waiting for it to rain
waiting for it to rain rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: --
its okay... I dropped it though. dont get me wrong, the first 2 arcs were exceptional!! they were so fun to read and it was super entertaining. sadly, things become boring. the MC doesnt develop or become any better. when the leads get together, the novel just becomes a boring rom novel. I guess some people would enjoy it? but I wouldnt recommend it. kinda a bad sign when the novel goes downhill after the cp gets together isnt it? LOLOL, , a bit sad cuz long qi is one... more>> of my fav authors. the novel just falls short half way. <<less
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realrinya rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: --
Wowwww. I loved it I seriously can’t think of a single thing I didn’t like about this novel. Every arc is a masterpiece there is a great message in every one of them. I love the trope "you are the only one for me we are soulmates" it is sooo romantic. Our MC is seriously the best he is not OP struggled a lot but is intelligent and really deserves it all. The ML is so romantic so thoughtful I loved how we learned about this through his souls his... more>> past his hidden lonely self... the way all the players are the ones who had no one apart from themselves but our Xie Xie couple found each other was so beautiful. While it is really emotional and thought provoking it was also really funny. I can’t believe how some people who haven’t read it all can say that it was cheating? I mean the whole point is the way MC can love ML in every form in every identity and he had to do it since the souls loved him and the task became to coax them all anyway loved every part of it really enjoyed it it is a really beautiful and complex story with beautiful messages totally recommendeddddd💯💯💯 <<less
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secondthots rated it
January 2, 2021
Status: Completed

The fact that I'm already jotting down my thoughts halfway through could be considered a good or bad thing- unfortunately, it's the latter this time. This isn't my first QT novel & considering that I usually fly through novels pretty quickly, I am surprised to see myself already TIRED halfway through this. A bit disappointing tbh. I don't know if it's because the instances aren't as incredibly captivating as the others I've read prior or because the world-building feels shoddily explained. I like the main CP. As of now, they... more>> are my strongest link to the story. But as far as plot goes, I think it's quite lacklustre...

Seeing that I have another 100+ chapters to go, we'll see how it'll fare in the end


I'm soooo close gdi & my mind is utterly exhausted. No it's not New Years fatigue, but more from the sense of dread that the story is not shaping up the way I hoped it would. Now I don't push expectations on novels; I try to have a blank slate (& I confess that I do a great job in blanking out) when I begin a story. BUT AH PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!

Ok some pros: I like how the instances give more dimension to the two main characters. It's emotional, thought-provoking, & multifaceted. The ML especially is given a lot of depth. MC experiences different layers of ML's personality based off the latter's past experiences, yearnings, & regrets. It's heavy loaded with angst & I enjoy that quality in regards to the instances. With that in mind, MC seems to be given the shorter stick. Sure, he's lonely, traumatized, etc. but I can barely sense his character & personality during any of the instances. It seems that ML is the one holding the reins in this entire show. Idk about this relationship man... & moreso about this ending


To be honest, the story is like a 3.5-4/5 kind of novel. The plot holes were just too glaringly noticeable for me to avoid. I'm curious about SO many things. I wanted to know more about Yugen & the other organizations if any! Or more about Xie Xi's past! Sure, we get a gist of what he went through, but the details were pretty scarce in comparison to Jiang Xie's many allegorical instances. Considering the length that it had (303 chapters is pretty long), I'm rather surprised that it fell short. The fluff was nice. I enjoyed the shamelessness (a quality that I find endearing nowadays lol), the ceaseless flirtations, the longing gazes, the whispers of love, the endless romancing- I LOVED THAT ASPECT. But pedaling too many boats simultaneously gets a tad old if I have to see it in every instance. I get that it's plot, but my heart isn't built for this constant game of "capture-my-boyfriend" or boyfriends to be more specific.

I can definitely see why people enjoy this novel. It's heartfelt, full of action & crazy situations, & there's substantial world-building. Unfortunately, it just narrows down to preference & taste. It feels mediocre to me. The world-building is subpar & it's a shame because it should be a primal focus (aside from the main CP). I swear Misplacement Game had me more entertained & I daresay it had a shoddier plot.

TL;DR If you like it, good for you! <<less
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XianYiXi rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5

I really enjoyed the overall story. Every world was intriguing and better than the previous one (except the last one). It is quite funny and hilarious at first with some dog blood drama, full of vinegar MLs, some onion slicing Ninja and more dog blood shit.

This is my 2nd novel with multiple world plot (1st is FOD, all time fav) and I really like all the arcs and the different world but ... more>>

Every World was very different but their plot were pretty much similar. At the end, it was all solved with ML and MC loving and accepting each other fully.

Well, at first It was fun to see MC work hard to please ML's different souls and also trying to balance the N-Boat. It was hilarious at first but seeing same dog blood drama again and again, it can be quite annoying (a bit), especially when you like MC and don't want to see him as a slag (even though all the people are actually the same person). It would have been great if there were different plot and task for different ML's world (like the open world and the D-class world).


Well, My favorite world in this novel was Collapse God World. Its plot was unique and different from other world. Even the task was different unlike other ML's world. Also it was most emotional world for me

I can't stop crying when in the 1st life, when ML was dying, MC told ML to not leave him...... I just couldn't stop myself. After that everything was so sad.


I really like the ML in here. It's the first time I have seen such thick skin shameless seme ever exist in novel (not complaining). He is the kind of guy most people would want..... you'll know as you read this novel. #BoyfriendGoal #HusbandoMaterial

Love the relationship between MC and ML. Love how ML always fall in love at first sight. What ML did for MC sounds quite romantic but really on serious matter, if MC didn't have fallen for ML then ~

MC would have been forced to go to ML world (if he don't want to die) and then forced to play as a b*tch/slag and have affairs with multiple ML souls (who he doesn't even love) again and again. Now that can be traumatizing...... sorry I can't stop myself having negative thows sometimes..... like what if?


The ending was kind of rush for me, like Seriously ~

I really loved the last arc, 12 zodiac sign concept and also different story of different zodiac and Tarus story was my favorite so far (i really like how it end up being ML trying to heal MC end up healing himself. Plus the way he returned back just being happy with MC finally being a little concern about him..... it really hit different. bro how can you just be satisfy with that) followed by Aries.

I was expecting a lot from others too but at the end the Author just converted the remaining 6 zodiac (from libra to pieces) into one world/story. It's not fair...... like Why? Other zodiac too deserve to have their own story and single time with MC. I know this sound selfish and I know it's really hard to think of so many different theme for world in one novel but I was really so excited too see my Scorpio version story but......


As For Extra~

It was atleast good that we got to see MC repaired N's world.

It sad that we won't get to see MC god of wisdom journey, leveling from beginner level to the original one.

And also why bring MC's dad but not reveal his identity.


Lastly...... once again another good yaoi tagged novel with great chemistry couple doesn't have s*x scene. Although I was prepared for it.......... it still hurt. I am off to feed myself with some yaoi manga. <<less
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erujitsukki rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Personal and objective rating: 5/5

Game Loading was... quite a trip!

I haven't read The Earth is Online (will do it, I promise!) so I don't have much novels to base my review on. Keeping that in mind, I found this novel to be enjoyable with arcs that were interesting and amusing. Old Jiang keeps on drinking vinegar, and I know the monotonous routine of Jiang Xie's souls (idk if this is a spoiler, this is a frequent trope in infinite flow novels...) drinking vinegar could be tiresome, but I still... more>> found them amusing, as the author keeps them interesting through the premise of the worlds, the situations and missions that Xie Xi finds himself in and the reactions of the characters.

309 chapters were quite steep for me at times, but the author manages to keep things spicy! I found the worlds to be interesting and they were actually tied in a neat bow that made me feel satisfied. There was a clear end goal that made the pacing and hopping onto different worlds meaningful, and it didn't really feel repetitive when you get to it, because every arc is very different... except for Old Jiang constantly drinking vinegar. I think that it makes sense though because the actual person is super devoted to Xie Xi, so it makes sense why his souls are like that.

My favorite arc is still The Lost Atlantis because it's the most CHAOTIC, and my least is the fairy tale village one. Really boring, but it had some funny moments.

Anyways, it's really good, no complaints, 309 chapters well spent! The pacing is great, the arcs are interesting and the main couple is pretty cute! There is actual depth to the narrative that shocked me. However, if you like a main lead with more depth aside from loving the main character (he does have more depth but it will appear late in the game) and found the routine boring, maybe reconsider and skip this, because 309 chapters are pretty long... <<less
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blrblrb rated it
August 26, 2020
Status: c136
This started off really good until you find out that the MLs are ... more>>

all the same person in multiple bodies (each a soul fragment)


and each world is focused on "eliminating" one ML from the harem. It gets really repetitive because there are so many MLs. What's worse is that

even though the MLs are the same person, they still get crazy jealous of each other! And the actual real ML has to compete with them/himself! Like what the heck!! And MC has to obtain the love of all the MLs in each world, so he's constantly doing crazy sh*t like exploding himself to prevent the MLs from discovering each other!

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karwasama rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Hmmm. It's hard to say how I feel about this novel.

Overall, I enjoyed it. There were many things that were executed well, such as:

  • translation - was EXCELLENT! I just want to thank the translator for their hard work and their awesome translations!
  • the MC and his character development - he starts off as someone who has given up on the world and rather apathetic, but as the story progresses he reveals his innate kind nature that he never had a chance to explore because no one ever gave him a chance. He grows stronger and is able to cast off the rejection and depression of his life before transmigrating, and I was cheering for him throughout the entire journey.
  • the setting - the combination of a RPG-esque game universe and transmigration was a breath of fresh air and a rather novel concept (to me, at least). I really liked the fact that there was no "System" and no block of text introducing each world. The MC was thrown blind and so are we, which ramped up the mystery and intrigue aspect.
  • the twists/backstory in each world - kind of going off what I said above, but the fact that there was no introductory descriptions for any of the new worlds the MC transmigrated into allowed for some crazy twists and foreshadowing that I loved. It was probably the highlight of this novel and what is carrying this rating.
  • the dogblood drama - listen, I just like dog blood drama, so of course I liked the dog blood drama that was part of this novel. There's a lot and it's written very well - need I say more?
  • the "harem" aspect - it's not really a harem because each of the potential love interests are part of the same soul and essentially just the ML, but the MC doesn't know that (at first) and then has to continue acting as if he doesn't know when he finds out. Basically, it gives you all the pros of a harem/love triangle (at times a hexagon, yes it kind of gets crazy) without any of the pity for the second male lead (as in, because they're all the ML and the ML and the MC are together). Just like with the dog blood drama, this trope is my guilty pleasure so yeah, I enjoyed reading.
  • the slight repetition - as other reviewers have stated, this novel does get a bit repetitive but I didn't mind it. While the dog blood drama and harem aspects were always present, each world became increasingly more complex and carried deeper motifs, so it sort of worked for me, I guess. However, I do see why it could be a downside for others so really it's up to each reader how they perceive it.
  • the Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas arc - holy shit, I just LOVED this arc. So much so that I need to single it out and gush about it in this review. The world building, each of the ML's souls, the backstory, the TWIST (Houqing and the rose.... I was full on SOBBING), the ending... everything about it was perfect. Nothing else in the novel came even remotely close to this world.
  • other arcs I liked - the Collapsed God arc, the Succubus arc, and the Taurus arc
However, the major faults in the novel would have to be:

  • the relationship between the MC and the ML/just the ML in general - this might be more of a personal problem than anything (so perhaps take this as a grain of salt), but I just didn't vibe with the ML. Other than the times the MC is interacting with his souls in the different worlds, he's always joking around and h**ny. I get that this is a comedy novel in parts and that the author may have done this to balance out the seriousness of the worlds, but it just comes off as immature, especially considering how the ML is supposed to be thousands of years older than the MC. Which also happens to be what I didn't like about their relationship. This is hardly the first novel I've read with an age difference this severe, but it is the first novel where I felt acutely uncomfortable with it. The gap in experience and power just felt off between the two, and I really didn't like how the ML was sort of all-knowing and just "teaching" the MC. I'm not sure how to articulate it -- like other times where there is an age difference between two characters it's usually balanced out by something, you know? Like when one person is older but the other is stronger. Or it's not something that actively defines the dynamic of a relationship. Here, however, the ML references to the MC as a "child" and the disparity in their age is a somewhat crucial part of how they interact with each other (it's hard to explain, you'll see when you read the novel). That being said, other than this their romance was pretty cute, and I didn't fully hate their relationship.
  • the ending - the novel really did start declining in the last thirty chapters or so. The ending of the last world was like ???? and even after I reread it a couple of time I was still confused.

    Changing the mission from properly loving the souls to just letting the souls protect him felt like a cop out. I was so god damn confused about the whole "creating a new Central" too like what the hell? How does that work? It literally felt like it came out of nowhere, and it was explained for like a paragraph before the MC and the ML were like "well I guess that happened" and then they returned to the "old" Central.

    The ending as a whole was just sort of unsatisfactory - not enough to ruin the novel or anything but I still was left wishing for something better.
  • the extras - um, yeah. The style of writing really suffered here, and the author just started summarizing events instead of writing them out. Also, the world in of itself was just weak, and I saw the twist coming from a mile away.
  • the arcs I DIDN'T like: the Lost Atlantis arc (this honestly just went on for WAY too long), the Dream arc (I know this was the part where their relationship underwent a crucial change but honestly? It was a bit boring and touched upon an aspect of their romance I really didn't like) the Bird Arc, and the Cat Arc (both of the animal names aren't the official arc names but I was too lazy to go back and check)
The novel as a whole wasn't perfect, but it was entertaining and a fun read for when I was bored. I rate it a 3.5/5.0 stars.
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May 14, 2020
Status: c71
Starting out really strong and engaging. I enjoyed the second arc a lot, gave a lot of insight to the mechanics of the quasi-world and how the designers and players influence the world.

The third arc however was super torturous to read. It was unnecessarily draggy (42 chapters) and the plot was cliche and melodramatic like a soap opera. It made me question if it was written by the same author. I really wanted to give up many times, but I trough through as I was really invested in the overall... more>> plot.... <<less
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Xian-laoshi rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: Completed
I just finished GL a few minutes ago and I don't feel satisfied that it's done. Finished. Ended. It is somehow comparable to QWTFOTD, but their differences are QWTFOTD has serious atmosphere but more profound and in-depth characterization (refers to other characters other than MC & ML) while GL contains hilarious adventure and in a sense, contains more twists.

I used QWTFOTD as reference to this review.

~ Character (Relationship) Development ~

MC is a game player who was transported to different worlds, starting as a beginner player who collected "platinum" fingers with... more>> ridiculous luck. His most noticeable development are his ability to pedal multiple boats (aka X-timing the Male Lead/s) and coaxing them. His intelligence and cleverness were already evident from the start. Meanwhile, the ML is an unlucky veteran and powerful player/designer who fell in love with MC at first glance. That's all I can say about his character. From what I read, the most obvious development in this novel is the relationship between the MC and ML. It mostly contains bloody love story and cheesy lines that I, half of the time, enjoyed. But seriously, I missed the shameless Zhou Yun Sheng from QWTFOTD every time the MC get teased by the ML. If it was ZYS, the ML might already be suffering domestic violence. Hahahaha.

Anyway, they were both a broken glass which completely complement each other. They repaired each others' pasts and brought sweetness to their present. However, I quietly liked the first couple of arcs where the MC cursed the ML for bringing unimaginable hardships to him– resulting to the fall of "goodwill" and ML's panic everytime it happened. That's just satisfying.

~ Plot ~

I half like it, half don't. There arcs that are really good at first but the latter half are rushed, well, most endings of the arcs have clumsy endings.

Overall, it's 4 stars over 5. <<less
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October 16, 2019
Status: Completed
I really, really liked this book. This book combines 2 web novel tropes (gaming stories and world hopping stories), and does it well. For such a long book, it surprisingly never drags or becomes repetitive the way that some of these world hopping books might.

I felt that each arc was pretty unique and had their own interesting concepts. They sometimes tackle serious concepts, like environmental degradation, the cost of war, or the addictive quality of a good dream when reality feels bleak.

... more>>

Overall, the book also advocates for the idea that people can determine their own destinies, despite innate (un) luckiness or what seems like a predetermined future. I also thought the idea that worlds are created after being tested as quasi-worlds, in a tessellation of 'Centers', was beautifully elegant.


Some might argue the "love" cheat or the main protagonist's "luck" made the worlds a bit too easy, but they still encountered a remarkable range of situations and twists that had to be resolved through guessing at solutions, like in a real mystery video game.


The only arc that I felt was shallow was the extra. I wish the author had taken the opportunity to pair up some of the friends, or tell the story of what they went through in the repair world.


I guess the main negative for this book is that the side characters aren't super well developed. The most fleshed out one is the healer, but his story only comes in flashes.


There's a huge plot hole for N, why he started his organization, what he is striving for with the worlds he fails to create, if any of his worlds end up succeeding. I wonder if N is a version of what J would have been if he hadn't forged an unknown future for himself in hopes of meeting Xi Xie, or what J might have been like if his luck had been better day - to - day. Maybe J really did exchange all his luck for one chance at love. Some readers also hypothesize that N is Xi Xie's father, which I find a really fascinating idea. I think the author intends Xi Xie to really not have family though.

The author also hints at a backstory for the character that originally betrays Xi Xie (J Xi?), but this plot hole is even patchier than N's. We just know he had a (best?) friend who falls so in love with the world he creates that he becomes a dragon in it, but the authors kept hinting that there was more to the story. Too bad we never find out this story.

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BillionJellyfish rated it
September 29, 2019
Status: Completed
As expected of Rainbow Turtle's picks! This book is another gem and a highly recommended read!

After reading the Earth is Online, I've always been looking for another similar plot of thrilling mystery and intrigue. This novel perfectly interprets the idea of a system/mission genre in a new light, reducing the clichés that almost always pops up in system/world hopping novels.

Summary: Xie Xi (the MC), is transported to a world of players that require each player to complete missions issued by the central system in order to live. Not only can... more>> players complete missions in different worlds, but players can also eventually design worlds. Xie Xi's missions are always in the ML's designed worlds, beginning an unforgettable love story!

The MC and ML are a perfect match for each other. Coupled with all the sweet moments and the ML's godly friends, the ending is naturally a happy one! But at the same time, the ending leaves me wanting more. I want to know what happens after the MC and ML resolve all their problems. I want more side stories on the ML's friends. The ending is a happy ending, but it doesn't really make me satisfied. I require more extras!!! <<less
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mariaflora1208 rated it
June 27, 2019
Status: Completed
[2nd EDIT]

I just had the urge to update my review since I saw a LOT of comments that were dissatisfied just because it's not like QWFOTD. Well, the premise is LIKE FOTD cause this is also a QT story but that's it. They're different stories. Both are QT but have different contents.

If you don't like it because the story doesn't appeal to you that's fine, we all have different taste. But, if your reason is because this is not like FOTD then go back and reread FOTD. Don't get me... more>> wrong, I love FOTD but I'm getting tired of people dissing other novels just because "it's different than FOTD". *******

[EDIT] I've just completed it, and this is really one of my favorite! The ending touched my heart, and now everything else made sense. I've playfully thought of that possibility but wow, so it was really like that. I just want my own ML lol. And those who hated this because MC is too OP, well, there's a reason for that. But really, now I want to reread it T.T


The story is so good and refreshing and full of twist and turns. I actually remembered having an urge to go into the novel just to beat up the creator of the world because of the extremity of the setting for MC. Some scenes just makes me want to pull my hair out of frustration haha.

This story is really enjoyable for me though this is full of vinegar

Can't help but compare it to FOD when I first picked it up, as FOD was the first multiple world novel I've read. But I didn't expect that I'll love this more than FOD. <<less
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CookieMonster rated it
June 14, 2019
Status: c227
I didn't think I would, but I like it more than even Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil!

To be honest, I found the romance weird during the 1st two arcs, but it made sense and got sweeter later on. ≪3 <3 ML and his worlds have been lonely for tens of thousands of years, so when MC comes along and catches his heart, it has a really big impact on him.

Each arc has a reveal and a beautifully woven plot. My personal favorite was this arc that was the... more>> perfect blend of romance, sci-fi, and mystery.


In this arc, the world's genders were more of a mental classification of rational/emotional instead of male/female. The conflict was that the emotional ML thought the rational MC never loved/could never love him because rationals don't understand love. But at the same time, the universe was collapsing and as the president, MC had to quickly find a solution. The ending and twist in this arc alone was already so nice.

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beaugardinee rated it
April 4, 2019
Status: c127
The storry is really good. Hilarious at best. The world building for each arc are so detailed and original.

I love all the world that ML built so far, the main theme for each one of them has a social standpoint on different issue human kind is facing.

The love story is unique and so endeering. I so love the progression between main couple. ML is so charming and funny.

I Look forward for the new chapter. The translation is really great and consistant. I really enjoyed every books they have on their... more>> website. Keeps the good work guys! <<less
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