Four O’Clock Flower


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Life is mysterious. Even when the difference is as vast as that between the sky and the earth, a relationship can be formed and a love can come into existence.

University teacher x Hairdresser

Zheng Siqi x Qiao Fengtian

Associated Names
One entry per line
4 O'Clock Flower
Mirabilis Jalapa
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  3. Summery seems interesting
  4. Modern danmei that I binged read
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57 Reviews sorted by

achatea rated it
January 31, 2022
Status: c8
I want what ZSQ and QFT have!!! Such a lovely cp and the story is just so heartwarming and with a good pinch of angst to get your feels going. You can't help but root for QFT and also protect him.

The translator is doing such a good job and I'm eagerly waiting for the new updates (even though I've already mtl-ed the whole thing myself lol)
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lazyyhunk rated it
November 25, 2023
Status: --
Never written a review before. But I want to express that this was a story which was captivating enough to make you cry, heartwarming enough to feel mushy, educational enough to build your mindset and so lovely that I could feel all the emotions the writer tried to express through this beautiful piece. So so so much love and respect to the author and of course to these characters that strived through and attained a love story that was so different from the masses of characters. Their mature yet childish,... more>> pleasant yet such careful antucs and decisions, how both of them could understand each other so deeply. I just feel it is the kind of story which I would like to forget and read again and experience these emotions again. Such a pyaaaraa piece. &Lt;3<3<3 <<less
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yellauraya rated it
November 20, 2023
Status: Completed
➺ 5/5 🌟

Content warnings: h*mophobia, slurs, gender stereotyping, forced coming out (past event), s*xual acts done to a minor (past event, brief mention), self harm/attempted su*cide (past event), financial troubles, severe injuries to close family, bullying (past event), offhand comments on skin tone and body weight. (copied from the translator's note)

There's an intense h*mophobia in here and the story's main obstacle revolved around this specific aspect. I have to say that this novel is quite heavy and so realistic that it's a hard for me to read sometimes. Considering... more>> that I am not homos*xual myself and I don't dare put myself in the shoes of these characters and says something insensitive, but for me to specially feel the pain and trauma of these characters, I couldn't imagine the impact this novel would make the people who experienced this firsthand feel.

I definitely cried more than once reading this. Both Qiao Fengtian and Zheng Siqi are undoubtedly flawed but they are so fleshed out as well that made it hard for me to think that they're just fictional characters. They felt so real that I can feel how they courageously struggled through their lives and how they handled it so bravely. They have a very strong heart to be able to face twice the hardship of a 'normal' person and still able to love and care so genuinely and passionately. They're definitely each other's anchor and pillar of support.

I love their mature way of handling their relationship even before they've confessed to each other, the proper communication that they've put into their relationship, them considering the pros and cons before making decisions. They're not impulsive in their actions, especially knowing that they have to put more careful effort in every actions they make. They're not those typical hot-blooded, passionate lovers that put their emotions in front of everything and think that their love can solve anything. That notion is a wishful thinking and it couldn't always apply in reality, specially in their case. I love the realistic approach to it. It's not that they not love each other enough that they couldn't put each other as their first and only priority, but it's because they love each other so genuinely that they have to think not just about their feelings for each other but also their extra baggage and responsibilities in order to make their relationship work without sacrificing important things. Maybe it's the beauty of having a couple of their age (29 y/o QFT and 35 y/o ZSQ) that I witnessed such a mature love and relationship that I really admired and it makes me want to fall in love. Also, the way it ended, it's a happy ending but it also showed that it was not exactly the ending. Not everything is resolved but it can't be considered as loopholes in the plot, which is more realistic. Both families on each side didn't exactly agree with their relationship even until the end, but they didn't exactly do anything to break them up. There's at least a vague compromise. And that's even more real than ending it with their families suddenly giving them consent. I loved it because it's more authentic that way.

I actually want to recommend this novel to everyone but I also know that the heavy topic on this would make a lot of people uncomfortable. Please read at your own discretion. You just have to know that I love this novel so much and this definitely entered my favorite danmei list. <<less
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aelin12 rated it
September 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Really good...

When I read this novel....I couldn't put it down. It's not because of extreme dog blood or drama or something but it was just so realistic, so relatable, I couldn't treat it as just a novel. Nowadays we read many BLs light hearted or grim but when I read a novel, all characters are predefined be it cannon fodder, villain or others. I know ultimately MC and ML will get what they want and the world revolves around these two. Nothing wrong with that, it's just fiction.

But when I... more>> read this novel, MC and ML are just two people living an ordinary life which we see around us all the time. The other characters, friends and family are not just tools to propagate the story or add elements but real breathing people who matter to MC and ML.

The relationships told are beautiful and realistic. Especially MC and his mother, how they are always in conflict but when viewed from others pov, they are so similar it's heartbreaking.

It's a slow burn but you will feel the progression so natural. MC has his flaws and so does ML. There many dark sides touched upon and you will see the cruelty of the society but you will also see gentleness and kindness. I loved MC and ML both as well as other characters.

Give it a try. <<less
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damnmei rated it
September 17, 2023
Status: Completed
A very mundane and calming story, which makes it that much more beautiful in execution. This novel tells the story of a young man who has been shamed for his very existence by his entire village, who left for a larger city and literally pulled himself up to success through hard work and perseverance. Qiao Fengtian is truly one of the most incredible protagonists, he's not perfect by any means, and he struggles like anyone else, and yet he remains steadfast in his morals and loves so deeply, at the... more>> cost of even himself.

As he meets the ML, a university professor, through a series of coincidences that are both believable and also seemingly fated, our MC is able to let someone else into his world, both physically and emotionally, and the character development is so subtle yet so genuine. He stops trying to hide his feelings and learns to open up, trusting that his heart will be held tenderly by the ML.

I also really love how the ML is characterized, he's kind, considerate, poised, and gentle, but he also has a bit of a wild side, and a hidden delinquent side to him. For a character that seems so put together, he shows a lot of surprising depth, and is as well fleshed out of a character as you can get. He has more personality traits than "obsessed with MC" as I feel a lot of ML characters tend to boil down to, and he clearly has his own goals and motivations in life.

This is one of those novels where nothing transformational happens, and it only takes us through the hardships of life and the judgement of society, but the aftertaste is so warm, and the emotions so heartfelt. The love between the two leads, as well as the love they have for their children, is both ordinary and sublime. There's no huge dramatic moment to shake up the relationship, but it's really not necessary to prove their love. The relationship between them is one of unconditional support and true appreciation of each other, regardless of what society may think of them. They're just two ordinary men who fell in love, and it's so, so beautiful.

This is the kind of love that seems so simple, and yet, is so hard to find. There's really nothing quite like this novel. Though it's very mundane and speaks to the day to day life of ordinary people, there's something really special about it, something about the characters themselves that makes it wonderful. I loved every moment, from the quiet support through difficult times, to the loud and heartfelt declarations of love.

This isn't a love story of sacrifice or cliches, it's a very real and heartfelt love, a love that you can come home to and feel safe with. Out of all the stories I've read, this is the love that feels most true to life, attainable yes, but also difficult to find.

I will also mention that the side characters in this are multi layered and well written as well, especially MC's mother, who I despised and could also sympathize with. She's very much your standard older generation parent, and I at times really understood where she was coming from- she's in some ways a terrible mother, while a good one in others. It's very complex, and hard to understand unless you've experienced a family relationship like that. Though she rejects her son at his core, she stands by him in the end. An unconditional love, but with expectation and judgement. Really well done. <<less
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CCXYZ rated it
August 13, 2023
Status: c32
I have to start off with 2 key points to this review: 1. I’ve never felt compelled to write a review for a novel before. 2. I generally don’t find myself enjoying or seeking out BL content.

I think those 2 key points paired with a 5 star rating should be more than enough as a novel review. But to further elaborate how I got here, it was totally by accident.

As one does, I found myself searching for something worth reading. I happened to click on this novel which seemed to... more>> have a decent rating, skipped straight to skim the reviews and one sentence stood out to me in @RajaAntara’s review “But this is the only novel that manifested the kind of love I want for myself.” Wow. Sold.

Fast forward a bit into reading and I’m starting to feel confused. This is actually a BL novel? Huh?? How did I miss that???

The writing and the translation (superb) really got to me here. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t generally look for BL content. It’s just not something I’m excited by. But I think this novel is more than just a typical BL novel. At it’s core, it’s a story of 2 people from very different walks of life with their own baggage who slowly find themselves intertwined into each others lives, to the point that their individual existences are defined by the other person. They heal each other, grow together, become better versions of themselves together.

So, my happiest accident ever, stumbling across this little gem. <<less
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Nariena rated it
June 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I dare say that this is the best webnovel that I've read so far. This is also the first review that I have written in this site. I will try to not divulge much of the story, because you definitely should experience this story yourself.

First of all, the diction and translation is just top notch. I love how meticulously the author expose the setting, from the grand description of mountains in Lu'er to the minute details, like the trees growing along the streets or the blades of grass standing and... more>> swaying. I especially love how the author is knowledgeable in plants and that knowledge is embodied in the protagonist, Qiao Fengtian. When an author is thoroughly familiar with the nooks and crannies of the world they're writing, you would also be swept away into that very scene, witnessing the flow of the story.

I agree with one of the reviews saying that this story is a literary masterpiece because IT IS. The style and vibes at some parts kind of reminded me to Ocean Vuong's "On Earth We're Briefly Beautiful". Perhaps, due to the beauty found in the bleakness and helplessness of life when seen closely.

The author also included lots of literature references, some I understand, some I wish I could understand more. I really love all the poem excerpts included in the story.

Next, I enjoy reading every social customs woven into this story, the good and the bad. Anywhere, the fear and disdain towards those who society judges to be straying from the normal course of life seems to be uniform. We could simplify it into a few words. In this story, we see injustice towards a boy, a kid. How by fearing something the mass deems as morally corrupt and abrasive, they have crushed someone who they should have protected, who they claim to be protecting. You can be perfect from all angles possible, but the moment that you're different in the way you love someone, suddenly you're someone even worse than scum on earth.

Every character and relationships are fleshed out, Qiao Fengtian and Du Dong, Zheng Siqi and his daughter. The story shows different kinds of relationships bound by duty, gratitude, or even differing kinds of love.

What I found the most interesting and complex is the protagonist's relationship with his mother. It's painful, yes; I don't agree with her abusive behaviour, yes. However, if you put down your device a bit and imagine the pressure put on the protagonist's mother in such patriarchal society, perhaps, you would understand or forgive her a little. It's not uncommon for women to bear the burnt and blame when something went 'wrong' in her household. Moreover, poverty doesn't give you the luxury of thinking broadly beyond what you've known and taught your entire life.

Last but not least, I adore the relationship between the protagonist and the male lead. How they met, their progress, and the stability of their love.

You will be brought into the buzzing, yet seemingly uncaring city of Linan. There, despite the uncertainty and bleak nature of the future, Qiao Fengtian met Zheng Siqi.

Qiao Fengtian's life is hard, yes, misfortune after misfortune. However, he's stronger, tougher, more tenacious than anyone else, like how the title suggest. You might expect for him to be a damsel-in-distress, but he's capable of lifting himself up from the mud.

Zheng Siqi might have help him through his hard times. The thing is, this help could come from anyone else and, even without his help, Qiao Fengtian would still manage through his life.

Zheng Siqi made Qiao Fengtian's life a bit easier and comfortable, because he wants to, because he adores Qiao Fengtian. It's not a situation where the only person who could save the MC from their sufferings is the ML.

Qiao Fengtian is his own independent entity and Zheng Siqi knows that and respects that fact.

Qiao Fengtian also gives his best for the relationship and Zheng Siqi appreciates every bits of it.

They continue to meet due to coincidence. Nevertheless, they're together because they're attracted to each other and want the other. They work together to keep being together. At this point, we can just say that they are fated for each other.

I actually have so much thoughts while reading this story. Nonetheless, blaming my limited brain capacity, I could only churn out this much words for my review. Therefore, like I said, you should definitely experience this story yourself. You won't regret it, I promise. <<less
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mjanickova rated it
March 19, 2023
Status: c34
My most favorite bl novel -- and I am a picky adult who strayed into the world of danmei. A must read for "mature" readers -- a bit of one's own serious life experience makes the story -- the life journey of the two main characters -- very relatable. Must be read with patience, with breaks to digest the rich content. I would frequently stopped at descriptions of nature because I found that all those "fancy words" actually put together a beautiful "painting". They were not gratuitous. Maybe the last... more>> 3 chapters dragged a bit but so be it. Overall evaluation: excellent. <<less
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vicky12 rated it
March 1, 2023
Status: c1-3
A story with such realistic content. So painful that my heart ached terribly. Sometimes bittersweet. But at the end of it all, I can't help but say that it is a beautiful story. I really loved getting to know the Zheng Siqi and Qiao Fengtian love story. I will keep it in my memory for a long long time...
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quillanoxxcenirp rated it
February 5, 2023
Status: Completed
AHHHHHH such a healthy couple! I love them so much, also all the characters in this novel is so we'll written that I can't help but to love them! That's why you should read this!!!
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Tokka rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: Completed
I can say so many things but that'll not be enough. Just read it and you'll know. The only thing I want to give head's up about it is the premise is really realistic like really this is as Chinese (like the environment and society) as it can get. It's beautiful yet bittersweet the difficulty of the people not accepting them is quite sad and there are other few very emotional scenes so get ready. Not in a way that'll make you cry but in a way that'll make you... more>> feel aggrieved about the our society and family yet it's really sweet. I hate that it ended. It was so beautifully written and translated. I'm really thankful to the translators. Such a gem. I'll forever remember it. <<less
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maevalily rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: extra 1-3
This novel is beyond words, the translation amazing.

Beautiful and full of love and suffering but not over the top and exaggerated. This is basically about life and all the good and bad, written in words so beautiful you can’t help but truly feel every moment. I don’t like stories with tragedy for the sake of tragedy so this was refreshing. All about overcoming your past, living with yourself and being better because of everything. I think anyone can find places to deeply connect with this book and in the end... more>> it truly gave me hope. Hope for a world beautiful in both its simplicity and complexity where no fantastical embellishments are needed to be happy. <<less
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cylmpj rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a very realistic novel about two men who love each other and who have their own responsibilities and burdens just like anyone else. That is what the novel focuses on, a theme that the author knew how to handle to make this novel one of the best I have read in my life.

I have read all kinds of relationships in the danmei, the most toxic, moving, healthy, any type you think I have read. It is true that they were good and some made me think "how beautiful... more>> love" but not beyond that, however, like other reviewers, I realized that this novel shows the most common love in the world and the one that we want to have so much.

I think that after reading so many novels about fantastic love, one ends up wanting a common one, like any other, but for life. That is what this novel shows, two people who, even when they meet, remain the same and do not change for the other, but heal and show confidence to share their true being with the other.

Talking about the characters I would say that I love how the author gave each one their own personality outside of the bl mold and turned them into ordinary people that anyone can relate to. The MC is a person who went through a lot when the novel begins and still went through a lot after, he has a big heart that still loves without barriers after all and a strength that not everyone can replicate. I love how at first he is seen as strong inside and out so that later, throughout the novel, we see his hidden weaknesses and notice each one little by little. It's like real life, when you meet a person you always keep the first impression to learn more about them later, that's what the author implemented for both the MC and the ML.

The ML is a person full of infinite layers that unfold over the course of the novel so that we can really see how he is, and I am impressed by how the author managed to give us an ML outside of all stereotypes and made him the person he is. I'm not going to say too much about what it's like because it would definitely be a spoiler and it's too good a read for one, but this man is a 10/10 as a person and as a lover. He never disrespected the MC, he respects his decisions as well as his autonomy, he doesn't have any sign of "ML stronger than in MC" and he also loves the MC in the cutest possible way. I'm not saying he doesn't have flaws but it's those flaws and qualities that make his character so good.

I could say more about both of them but I feel that the review would take too long.

Many times reading this novel I found myself thinking about how the MC did what he did, how he supported all the weight of the load he carried on his shoulders, how, how and how. Those deep reflections that entered my mind while I saw everything happen, while I read the problems that the MC had, other characters, while I saw everything made me realize how little I lived in life and things that I did not know how to value in his moment and I still don't know. I empathized a lot with the characters, with their thoughts and with their ways of being that the reading felt very vivid and enjoyable, I have cried in certain parts when I could not bear the sadness for a certain scene and I have also cried with happiness when I read something that Although they didn't show the MC's reaction, I thought it would make him happy because even though he didn't say it, it was something that weighed on his heart, and I laughed and blushed for certain scenes. All emotions, good and bad, I was lucky to be able to experience on this trip. It's funny how in the sad scenes, even if I empathized with that, it didn't make me cry, but it did make my heart hurt, and how one in particular broke my soul and made me cry. Because it wasn't something that wasn't present, rather it was being said all the time and when it happens nothing happened to me but when the MC finally breaks down and lets out his tears, I inevitably let mine out.

This is a reading that I hope you all have the pleasure of experiencing and I also hope that when you read it you will take it seriously and read each word carefully until you get the meaning. This is because, as many readers said, the author has more "flowery" writing so to speak or poetic in other words more difficult to grasp the true meaning. This does not lower the quality of the work and, on the contrary, raises it because it feels so beautifully written and planned that the author's meticulousness to make this novel good is a pleasure.

Also an important point is that there may be certain "unclosed points" in the novel, but they are not plot holes because as this novel leans towards the realistic I think that those "unclosed points" also in real life may never be resolved. They close or they may. The uncertainties of these facts are too many for the author to close them, I think.

As a final point I think that when you want to read this novel you can read it but you have to prepare your heart to read it with him and understand why it is so worth reading.

Zheng Siqi and Qiao Fengtian, two people who have different personalities, different jobs and different social status but who by coincidence of fate (or the author) met and saw that life without each other was no longer possible and that the love they were waiting for never meet in their lifes came at that time in their lives (and perhaps never would have come if they had not met), thank you for making this novel a good memory that will last in my heart.

I am not a native English speaker so please use the translator for this review, even if there are grammatical errors I hope my sincerity towards this novel has been conveyed ;). <<less
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Angel_wx rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Highly recommended!!!!

The way the novel is written is so different from the others but ofc in a good way. There's just something special in it.

I loved the MC and ML. Their relationship is very beautiful and mature. The way they handle their love for each other while dealing with the prejudice from society make it even better.
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MagBlueRoses rated it
January 5, 2023
Status: Completed
A non-negotiable, unreserved, and truly deserved 5-star rating is what this novel is worth.

To be able to read a love develop so naturally, and to be able to live another life just through words written by this author is a blessing, and I cannot begin to describe how heavy my heart feels now that I have completed it. I don't think I've ever ran to grab my laptop to rate and review a work as fast as I did for Four O'Clock Flower.

Starting from the magnificent imagery that the reader... more>> will be a part of, to the reader's experience as they witness a romance blossom between two of the most mundane yet lovable characters written, every single word, every single letter of this book will be worth every second of your time.

In simple words, this is nothing but a slow and pure love story of two beautiful souls as they face the world ahead of them with a few tears and a lot of smiles. <<less
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glitteryjoon rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: --
My, Oh My. Where do I even begin.

I’ll start by saying this novel was breathtaking. Truly, it made me experience so many emotions all of which led to tears in one form or another.

I agree with one comment that said reading this would make you wish for a love like this. I completely agree. This novel showed love in all its different forms in the most beautiful, realistic and healthy way.

I’d like to touch on is the realism in this. I felt almost every part of this can be relatable... more>> in some way. Not only that, the characters felt so real, I felt like I could see Du Dong and LiLi as I read and my heart aches for LZ and I hope he ends up meeting with our MC again but I truly was happy to see he was at least doing well in the extras

For me, personally, I related with many of the situations. For one, I’m pansexual. My lean towards woman or femininity as a whole would be utterly terrifying if my family ever found out. Growing up in a strict religious household, even the mere conversation of someone being different ends up with lectures on why it’s wrong how it’s unnatural etc etc.

Reading the MCs past and how he had to navigate some of his relationships, was very painful because it felt like looking through the window of what’s to come if my family were to find out. It’s terrifying to think about.

The novel really poked at a lot of different relationships and feelings. It was very interesting to read and even more of a change considering how most novels just seem to have the same template with different characters.

One other relationship I found soothing was between his brother and nephew. I loved how soft the novel would become with the mention of the kids, I’ve always been a fan of novels with childcare in them. Maybe it’s because it’s rare to see a man take care of their kid and do so well and with love and compassion, with patience and care, but it’s one of the tags I eat up.

Reading how the MC took care of his nephew and step daughter and how loving he was really made me smile. On that same vein, I really enjoyed the relationship with the brother, but was pained halfway through


the accident with the MC and his brother was relatable, granted I wasn’t close with my father, I still remember how it felt finding out he was in an accident and paralyzed. Reading through that entire couple chapters was very difficult.

There were moments I had to pause because it felt like I was having a panic attack so I’d definitely recommend you be careful if you have similar traumas


Overall, I’d highly recommend this novel to anyone in need of something deep and tender.

5/5 <<less
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ricoerrr rated it
December 18, 2022
Status: Completed

mc: qiao fengtian

ml: zheng siqi

... more>> summary:

MC comes from the countryside and was forcibly outed in the past, making him the outcast of the village. He and his mother had a falling out and so he moved to the city and makes his living as a hairdresser. He comes across ml, a widowed professor with a daughter, a couple times by sheer chance and the two develop an unlikely friendship. When mc's brother meets an accident and MC becomes straddled with debt and stress, ML becomes his pillar of support. They dance around each other as they slowly come to terms with their feelings, and in the face of scrutiny from family and society, they become lovers. Its a candid tale of homosexuality in china; though MC and ML do get their happy ever after, the lingering bitterness of struggling to find acceptance in their society is ever present.


i love this story so so much its a literary masterpiece I love the writing the prose the dialogue the characters the metaphors and the way the author evokes emotions is GOD TIER. Icb it took me a month (??) from start to finish but imo its a story best digested in small bits because some parts were too raw for me to handle and everything felt so candid to the point where it hurts. Its so easy to superimpose the events of the story into real life and remember that what fengtian went thru is incredibly common and the story isnt just angst for angst's sake.

qiao fengtian is written SO BEAUTIFULLY you can truly tell how much of a tenacious character he is. The story goes narrates his pain and struggles (very painfully so during his emotional breakdown when qiao liang was first hospitalized) but also his perseverence and strong will; jumping straight into liquidating his finances and selling his house and taking care of his brother - hes the type of person who shoulder everything by himself and never bend nor break. Its incredible but also terribly bittersweet to read. Hes one to give back tenfold after receiving a drop of kindness; one to give good news and keep the bad to himself; one to be incredibly attentive to others but never expecting the same in return. Hes such a lovely character and its a shame how his virtues arent appreciated. The few who do (his brother, nephew, dudong and li li, and ofc zheng siqi) are shown to be his supports and comforts in a novel setting where everyone else around him is critical of his choices, his labels, and his standing in society.

as for zheng siqi? I know the story is mainly in fengtians pov but the amount of growth siqi received was tremendous as well. I loved the juxtaposition he gave about his past - a rascallion high schooler with a middle finger to the world, to a university student whos so intent on blending into the crowd and never stepping out of bounds, to finally someone who would risk his genteel image and his hard-earned stability, and who would later on brave against his family and shield his beloved against the world, just so he could be by fengtian's side and see the person he loves thrive. He is incredibly brave and its this bravery to show his compassionate side that can shed fengtian's defenses and allow fengtian to shine in the face of so much pain and suffering.

and the relationship that came out of that was SO tender and loving. The way that not only was fengtian hesitated to show his feelings but zheng siqi also had to dance around their relationship at the start because he was questioning his sexuality. But once the floodgates opened, their dynamic blossomed into the most precious thing ever. Zheng siqi's mushy love lines and his overt displays of affections has me absolutely swooning. I absolutely love how he reverts back to almost childish enthuasiasm when hes around fengtian. My favourite scene is one when they were making love and siqi almost breaks, asking how is it possible that he loves fengtian so much? To the point where hes at a lost on how he should show the magnitude of his love? My god, his overflowing love was simply palpable through the screen. And the love letter siqi wrote at the end? Perfectly encapsulates this feeling. And while fengtian isnt timid by any means he is a lot more lowkey. But his love language is being attentive to siqi's health, being attentive to siqi's everything, putting his love into the food he makes, bringing another layer of life into siqi's house, gifting siqi the chance to finally experience the beauty of a first love even at the age of thirty six.

the author's depictions of the society they live in is incredibly dour. Its guaranteed that the struggle to find acceptance will be a forever struggle, and it doesnt end when the story finishes. But theres some silver lining, and I have a feeling that fengtian and siqi still manages to find comfort in those. For instance, fengtian's mother is too old to change her ways but the hate and disgust she displayed at the start of the novel is no longer there. Siqi's sister is also unbending in her ways but she can maintain cordiality when talking with fengtian. Its bottom of the barrel stuff but at least its enough for our couple. Theyll still have to meander in public and hide their sexuality and shows of affections from others. Its bittersweet but thats how it is.

and last thing - I love how the author writes children. Both zao'er and xiao wu'zi were protrayed realistically and age appropriate. Its a breath of fresh air to see these two be wholly accepting of fengtian's and siqi's relationship, even tho we know that, between the lines, they probably also had to endure the probing and prejudice against their peers. I thought fengtian wouldve assumed a motherly figure (?) for zao'er, but I also like how siqi insists that hes not there as a replacement mother, but as his own person and as siqi's lover first and foremost.

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Purpleland citizen
Purpleland citizen rated it
December 13, 2022
Status: extra 1-3
There is truly something really special about this novel. The many reviews already point out some of the thing that make it great. To me, I have a University lecturer partner and a six year old daughter, so that’s one of the things that I find relatable; but you might find the relationship between the brothers, or brother and sister, parents, friends, relatable. Or the way they are described, the way the feel, what they need, what they’ve been through. The truth is they all feel like something any human... more>> can relate to.

The main couple is indeed outstanding, not boring when they get together, their taunts are not childish but witty repartee, their worries make one worried. They speak earnestly and without thinking how cringeworthy their words might be, why should the right person think your being “cringy” when your speaking your mind?

There was one character I had problems with, a sister I found suffocating but I find myself redeeming everyone appearing in this novel.

Yes there is h*mophobia, endless sadness and many other things that the translator warns about when reading but all of it gets to be dissected and digested.

And the translator... oh wonderful translator. He, she or they add a big sprinkle of soul to the novel. It was quite a read and I’m grateful for the translator for picking something that this author had done so beautifully. <<less
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shuulys rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: Completed
BEAUTIFUL! No other words to explain this novel. It really hit home run for me because it felt so real. It was so realistic and touching that I couldn't help but cry when our dear MC felt sad or was scolded by the public. He didn't deserve any of that.

I really love the MC of this novel. Despite all of the disgusting moments and people in life, he managed to grow up well and kind. Despite showing others a hard and tough front, he's rather soft and warm on the... more>> inside. No one considered his feelings (well... except for those few) and I really wanted to give him a hug. He says that the nasty words no long hurt him but can you imagine why it did not hurt anymore? It's cause he heard them too many times ever since he was young. I WANNA GIVE HIM A HUG N A HOME 🥲

Moving on to our dear ML, he's so witty and endearing. He already doted on our MC before he realised that he was in love with him :> He takes good care of our MC, ensures that our MC knows that he is being loved and that is honestly the part I love most about him. Because our MC had a tough past, I hope that he would be doted on and loved deeply by someone else.

The start of the novel mentioned that it was a slow burn but tbh it didn't really felt like a slow burn at all. This is because ignoring the sad and angry parts (mostly cause of MC's mom and those villagers), the other parts were sweet and endearing. I really loved the slow building romance between the MC and ML. It didn't happen all of a sudden but only because they got to know more about each other that they fell in love. It was a sweet but angsty journey if I have to describe it.

BUTBUT overall it's super worth it! I would probably reread this one day :3 <<less
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September 25, 2022
Status: Completed
all I can say is, this is a must read. I'm an adult who is past her age of enjoying high school romances. Imagine my sheer pleasure when I read the characters age who are over 25. This novel felt quite close to heart, quite close to home. If you are looking for a trope that's not cliche but realistic, this one's for you.
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