Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times


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Yang Anyu, he is the general’s personal bodyguard. In the end, his soul transmigrated into a second-generation young master from the modern world, and after that, he once again encountered his “General” Yi Chenyan.

The great general he especially respected and revered, actually became an actor? (And is in fact, the popular Film Emperor)

What made Yang Anyu more shocked——he was already “married” to Yi Chenyan.

Several years later——

Fan A: Our Little Yu’s face-quality is high, acting ability is good, can sing and dance, when filming action scenes he is even more handsome, handsome to the point of collapse! Completely is a capitalized Su word!

Fan B: If I cannot sleep with Yang Anyu in this life is there still any meaning to it?

Fan C: But I heard he’s already married, his wife must have saved the whole world in her last life ah!

Yi Chenyan: ……

Big Film Emperor Yi looked at a certain Yang Someone under his body, recently he’s been becoming more and more possessive towards him, what to do?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. danmei ive read part 2
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  3. From ancient times to the future
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  5. Entertainment industry goldmine

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January 4, 2024
Status: Completed
The translation from Chrysanthemym Garden is excellent and complete.

As the title mentions, the MC is from ancient China who transmigrates into modern times and meets his true love. I thought it would be just some cute romance but it has more depth than I expected. I love MC's optimistic personality and joyful temperament, and his interactions with ML, his new friends and his big bro. His personality is in direct contrast to the original body and this is immediately noticed by nearly all his entourage, which leads everyone to also... more>> change and also draw their own ideas and conclusions about the new MC. It was a real pleasure following such a lively, smiling, brave, enthusiastic and communicative MC. ML's painful past brings a little angst and sadness at some point in the story, but nothing melodramatic. The side couples were also very interesting... interesting enough that I wanted more chapters of them.

This novel is also quite a good, matter-of-fact, portrayal of the chinese showbiz, showing both the glamour and the dark, dirty underbelly. The protags and friends essentially accept that the showbiz is full of uglies and that they not only have to be vigilant but also have to be sharks in this sea of sharks. <<less
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November 30, 2023
Status: Completed
4.5 ⭐️ lighthearted cute and fluffy. There are some parts that are a little angsty but overall not too bad. Yang Anyu is super cute tbh!! He's like a positive ball of sunshine but at the same he's not naive or overly trustful (mainly cause of his experience in the historical times). Whereas for the ML, I like that he didn't immediately fall in live with the MC but slowly got to know him. Also, some might blame the ML for the og MC and whatever happened to him but... more>> to be fair the fault is on both sides? The ML shouldn't have agreed to the og MC's proposal and the og MC shouldn't have constantly 'forced' the ML as well. Though I did feel bad for the og MC because it felt like no onw truly loved him in the modern world except for his mom. (But it's definitely not the MC and ML's fault so dont blame them guyss) <<less
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Tee jay
Tee jay rated it
November 22, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a nice fluffy read with a little angst mostly between the ML and the original MC.

I started off disliking the ML because of his coldness towards Da Yu making him depressed and leading him to want to commit su*cide. We see him thaw towards Xiao Yu later in the story and I understood that betrayals made him that way and also, you like who you like. You just can't force a feeling like love.

I also like the gradual unveiling of the backstory for the ML.

I feel the story is... more>> incomplete 'cos it doesn't go into when the couple disclose their status to the world.

Too many side CPs! And they are all same s*x. That's not realistic.

Still it was an ok read. <<less
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October 29, 2023
Status: --
Was hopeful about this, but as mentioned in one of the chapters, the higher the expectation, the bigger the disappointment.

I gave it 20 chapters but could not get myself to like ML. I also felt a bit sad for the original owner of MC's body.

Also, my biggest turn off was that we already get hints of the secondary couple and other side gay couples early on in the story. I already disliked MC's bro upon introduction and then we keep meeting this sad beautiful precious artist singer who becomes friends... more>> with the MC. Can I at least get more development with the MC and ML first before building up the side characters' own relationship drama??

Anyway, good translations from CG as always. Just not my cup of tea despite having a special place in my heart for showbiz stories <<less
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Rainy_Roo rated it
August 28, 2023
Status: c40
Story was cute for what it was worth, but now that the CP has gotten together and their arc has been completed, there’s no pull to continue reading. All in all, nice but not substantial.


Main CP got together chapter 36 and finished the filming, now a new “bad guy” has shown up and a new arc has begun with a tv/variety show theme.

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shiroykumo rated it
August 15, 2023
Status: c1
So to be fair, this story has so much potential. I’ll tell you what I like.

Reincarnation. Face slapping. Transmigration sort of thing. Possessive and black bellied top.

Now they all sound good right? Here come the negatives which mostly spoiler so:

... more>>

1. Reading so many showbiz novel before, I feel this one a bit lacking in so many ways. The MC is a 16-year old who studied martial art previously. Okay that he was good with that and be double-stunt or so, but then after? It wasn’t explained clearly too of how good the acting was. Just suddenly that despite everything, suddenly MC is good at acting.

2. Time skip. Too many time skips that it makes the story lack the depths and the connection. Suddenly out of nowhere it was cut off like that. I even felt like, “Oh what? We changed place already?”

3. The building of the story for the film/movie etc is too much details when the author is not going to let us see how MC portrayed it...

4. I hate ML. I dislike how he was such a scum to marry Da Yu (OGMC) knowing the other love him. He even said clearly to ML that he liked the face. Apparently ML somehow had a piece of past memory so maybe that was why he was okay with the marriage. But come on, the OGMC was young? And when he tried to kill himself 3 times, it’s not that you agreed to the marriage? GO FIND A PSYCHIATRIST Psychologist!!! (Sorry I put both cause I’m not sure). It’s not like OGMC is any good but I can relate to his depression more. Btw there’s thing called indifference there’s this thing called scum and tr*sh. ML is more scum and tr*sh to me than any other.

5. Everyone is gay, nice. Then every girl is fujoshi. Yeah cool, but like too many side characters that are mentioned and thrown. Like that Gu Xin’s older brother etc etc.

6. The finalization? Such a turn off. Everything is so anticlimatic to the point that I just skipped everything. I’m only giving it extra star (it should be 2) mostly cause there’s extra for OGMC, I wish that he’s now happier eventho the extra is not too much anyway.


In summary, great story for the first half, goes downhill afterwards as it gets boring. Saved by the last extra. <<less
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May 17, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't know why this novel has only rating of 4... it deserves so much more... its a light hearted and funny read... I loved how everyone gets their own HE.... we need stories like these to take off the edge of serious ones and this is a perfect story in all sense... I loved the characters... loved the storyline... I would re read it again... thanking the author and the translator (Chrysanthemum Garden group) for bringing us this piece of gem....🙏💎
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Melon eating bystander
Melon eating bystander
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
It doesn't have a heavy plot so maybe that's the reason why some reader find this novel draggy and so so..

I'm not very good at words so I will only let you know what I like the most about this novel..

What surprised me was the interaction between the original soul of the body (Da Yu) and our MC (xiao yu) and the little extra was totally unexpected.. This part makes this novel unique for me, as this is the first time I read transmigration with a closure... more>> on both sides.. I'm happy for both of them they can't get what they wanted in their lifetime but they found happiness after death. <<less
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June 21, 2021
Status: Completed
The only thing that I didn't like here was that they were to soft to their enemy and also they didn't clarified things between them like Yang Anyu being a dog, accompanying the ML to sleep and so on while he was a lost soul.
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June 13, 2021
Status: Completed
The fluff and the smut was fine and teeth aching and all, but the ending of the main plot was so abrupt and anticlimactic, that I wish I just didn't read those particular chapter, and it would even change anything at all! Aiyaa😩
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crownprince rated it
June 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Almost forgot how the story went, this is a review that is 10 days late. Another reincarnation novel that is simple and filled with plenty of fluffy romance and interaction between the MC & ML. Not much to say about the plot and development. Debatable if it is worth a read, but considering that it's less than 100 chapters, why not read it? It's another one of a brainless read.
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fakeluff rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: Completed
Really well done transmigration novel, and while love kinda comes too easy, the complications are interesting and sometimes truly poignant.
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mxdberries rated it
May 2, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a nice read and well translated. This did unexpectedly go into a dark direction with the original goods suffering from depression and other mental issues that got exposed in the later chapters (CW there is a bit of self harm and sui/cide intention in it.) ML's past was also a bit dark and sad but I think the OG had the more emotional part. It's a simple story over all, it focused on the entertainment industry (there are interesting parts I wanted more of that were simply glossed over... more>> for some petty canon fodder tricks) and the romance (which they didn't have to work for, for the most part). Edit: I forgot to say there is a dog death in the novel, it's not explicit but I know some people don't want to read, it's during in later chapters but it's not the corgi they adopt. MC was a real joy an absolute cutie but I got to admit his personality could be a bit annoying (like he's too optimistic). ML was kind of a jerk at first and became nicer, though his reasoning for being a jerk was understandable. ML had a bit of a tragic background but he's not really darkened by it despite my initial expectation. They fell in love and were a bit naughty heheh. Just know I kept calling MC a puppy and it came true in two different ways. I just feel just a bit disappointed with the past life resolution and wanted more for the OG.

MC confessed about not being the original goods, but didn't tell that they knew each other in a past life and that that's were his affection (initially platonic) sprouted. Also they kept referencing the ML remembering MC's death scene in his dream, which in turn is why he married the OG for his looks despite hating his personality and his family. It doesn't really go anywhere though!! MC never says the truth (since ML knows he's different but not the past) nor does ML tell about his dream, I kept expecting him to remember his past life and for them to reunite considering his past life probably loved MC.

The original goods has such a pitiful backstory, he's an illegitimate child who's mom died and his dad doesn't feel anything but guilt. The guy is just an awful father in general to both sons, good thing he's dead. OG fell in love at first sight but it didn't help at all since it was unreciprocated. He was just very sad, he does get a happy ending in the extras though I wasn't really satisfied if I'm honest.

also MC has an accident and ends up spiritually accompanying the OG during this time (he actually caused some of the blackening of OG's reputation by trying to be helpful to others lol) until he remembered his own past. For a good minute I thought that the OG was his reincarnation but that his soul hadn't been complete and that was why it happened but nope. Just two different souls.


There's just a few things that annoyed me here's some but not all. Like how did they know it was MC was the stuntman, did the editors somehow mess up and leave a long shot of MC's face when it should have the actor?? Also the author isn't very clear on time, at one point I thought they dropped a plotline and skipped two year because of how she phrased it (or maybe that the translation). The stuff I mentioned in the spoilers leads to MC acting strangely yet it's never really addressed and was more to stimulate the reader, I just wish it had a clearer resolution. The final villain was a bait and switch but you kinda expected it. Like there was hints but for the most part the cannon fodder villain had more to do than the actual main villain. I just hated that almost all the villainous characters basically got away with what they did and some even got on friendly terms with MC & his friends, like work hard for it at least! Only two actually did work for it.

One last note yes there are a bunch of side pairings, some more flesh out than others, I did like them. You see some character growth for them. There's just one possible CP that annoyed me. Like the author could have let the guy be a single dog and not just throw him a pity date. I almost felt insulted on his behalf and I didn't even like his character.
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bunnydesuuu rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Pretty nice showbiz story with past reincarnation elements. Does get a touch on some heavy topics at a later point so trigger warning (translation gives pre-warning tho so no worries) ! MC and ML relationship developed slowly but steadily which was pretty sweet, and even MC and his brother's relationship repair was kind of touching too. ML doesnt remember MC but MC was reincarnated with past memories of his pervious life. He was overly optimistic towards ML who was originally pretty cold and dismissive. Later, ML took notice of how... more>> cute (?) MC was and started paying attention.

The relationship overall was pretty mild and the overall story is pretty meh-ish normal. Side character relationships were cute too but overall nothing overly memorable. <<less
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yueer rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Painfully mediocre

I think I kind of went in with really high expectation. Which is justified, considering this novel is really rather famous in China's Tiktok. I'm not saying that it's bad, but I'm definitely saying that it's not good as I was expecting it to be.

The plot is honestly really basic. It's all honestly generic entertainment world novel, with a dose of reincarnation. There's nothing new to see here, and nothing that sets it apart from any other novel of its kind. Plot was moving a bit too slowly for... more>> my liking, and all the more suspenseful stuff happens in the last 10 chapters. I would like to say that it's a feel good novel, but I don't feel good reading this. To be honest it's more of a feel bored novel more than anything. (If you really want feel good entertainment world novel I'd recommend reading Very Happy instead of this).

All the characters feel two dimensional and really generic, which makes it hard to relate to them. This makes all the romance feels flat and super bland. Honestly if this was longer than it was, I probably would have dropped it.

There are a lot of really amazing entertainment world novel out there, and I'm afraid to tell you that this definitely isn't one of them <<less
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jedden12 rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: c69
I really enjoyed the novel, it's been so long since I've read a good novel with smut (10/10 smut)
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Melange rated it
March 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I will give this a 3.5/5. It's short, it's sweet, it's got smut. Perfect for assuaging my tired brain when I didn't want to think too hard.

The plot isn't anything extraordinary, and there are some pretty cliche tropes, but it's passable I guess. I just really wished there was more substance to this novel. It kinda just felt like fanboy MC fell for his biggest idol, and then they did the do. And ML had nobody else to rely on, so he just naturally fell for MC who happened to... more>> be in the right place at the right time.

There's a few cameos from the author's other work 总裁注定孤独一生 (The President is Destined to be Alone) and an introduction to the main CP of their subsequent novel 饲养人鱼影帝的99法 (99 Ways to Raise the Mermaid Film Emperor). <<less
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Kaylee rated it
March 20, 2021
Status: Completed
It was very fluffy, sweet, and all that tooth aching scenes between MC and ml.

And we also presented with reason for MC being... er reincarnated?rebirthed? into his current body.

The mistery and trouble from enemy were not that big actually. A bit disappointed that MC didnt involve much with face slapping his family's company enemy that was his uncles, actually there was no revenge plot to be read.

... more>> Do I want to read this again? No.

It's a good story without delaying and prolonging chapters.

I think there're a lot of cameos from author other works. <<less
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Jasmine94 rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: Completed
It was a wonderful read. I especially liked the side characters. Wished there's more of this novel. It's kinda funny too. Give it a try if you like fluff.
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Akri rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Expected more shock from this transmigration honestly, a Lot more, it a Nice fluffy story, but it's just so so amongst all the entreteiment novels out there, for me, it lost tons of good opotunities, like the shock from past to modern, or the súper powerful bodyguard qualityes of MC (Made me miss some of the kill the lights hales' Bad luck) it is stated that MC has a gold finger, but it's just bearly needed really, and also, ML hates MC like for for ever... What happened there?

But still,... more>> not the worst i've read, prob wouldnt read again but it was a fun pass-time <<less
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