Every Confession Leads to Death


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He Xing’s life seems to be stuck in the same day. Her every confession to Jiang YingJing would be rejected, she’d be killed only to be wake up and repeat the same day. She can confess her countless times until he agrees. But it’s useless to agree, no matter how much effort she makes, the male god will forget her. DAMN! Which wretch always kills her? He Xing and he are never over?

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  3. Serial Reincarnator
  4. CKJs fav school love

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08/05/21 Otaku translation c44
07/29/21 Otaku translation c43
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07/15/21 Otaku translation c41
07/08/21 Otaku translation c40
07/01/21 Otaku translation c39
06/24/21 Otaku translation c38
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06/10/21 Otaku translation c36
06/03/21 Otaku translation c35
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5 Reviews sorted by

CKJnovelFANatic rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: c25
I think this is an interesting take on the reincarnation trope, where the MC has to figure out who her mu*derer is and why so she can save her life. (😉I have 2 candidates in mind)

The characters are not shallow and are believable, the dialogue is straightforward (it suits them because they’re high schoolers after all), sometimes clever, and funny which is sadly ironic considering the tragedy she knows she’s trying to prevent each day.

I look forward to reading to the end. Thanks translator-sama for sharing this with us... more>> 🙏 <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
November 21, 2020
Status: c18
Uh... well first of all it feels childish. The plot, the characters, the conversations are all very simple. How did she even reach the conclusions she did? How is there no trauma?

Not utterly terrible, but cringe-y, boring and a waste of an interesting premise tbh.
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MusicFromMiles rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: c17
Hmm... It has an interesting plot and I agree the way it was presented is a bit childish. Especially the romance part, I'm reluctant to continue because I'm not sure who the male lead is. If it's the former then no, but if it's the latter then I would continue. There's nothing much interesting going on except the scenes with possible male lead no. 2 on it.
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June 9, 2022
Status: c44
The writing is very simplistic, but since I've been looking for a 'light-hearted' yandere story, it was very easy to read. I think the MC is charming. She isn't super smart, and by all means she's just a high school student forcefully stuck in a time loop on the day her crush rejects her. It's one of the worst days to be stuck in, but due to exactly this, she's only able to deal with the situation in her immature, teenage ways. Namely, compartmentalizing her many savage deaths by assuming... more>> that the way to get out of this time loop is to be accepted, when there is no precedent to this kind of solution.

At first, her confessions are normal, but with her every Thursday, I've started to feel the weight of it all. Her crush is her light—because he steadies her, even if he doesn't know it. Her situation is traumatic, and if she doesn't focus on one thing, I feel like she would fall apart. If she doesn't persistently hope that ending up with her crush would (spoilers below)


make the stalker of Male Lead 2 realize that MC really doesn't like ML 2,


she would be stuck with unjustified deaths. She would then be forced to confront that this situation isn't a boon for her (to be able to be closer to her crush), but is akin to an unreasonable punishment. While I would have been very interested if the chapters I read so far focused on her interacting with the lynchpin of the situation, to figure out how the time loop works, I still was engaged reading about the small decisions that show her character.

If there's one thing I hope to read, it's that I wish she snaps from the stress at some point. I still believe that instead of dismissing it all entirely, her trauma is being covered up by a veil of denial and a small dose of 'If I don't think about it, it's not real'. These are all just suppositions though; up till this chapter I read, I haven't encountered an in depth break down on how f*cked up it is to repeat your Thursdays. <<less
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I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler rated it
August 21, 2020
Status: c3
It's very interesting. But the suspects are kind of obvious, I mean I've only read till Ch3 and each time it's interesting.
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