Empress Running Away with the Ball!


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On the wedding night, she was tied to his bed.

“Woman, you dare marry another man!”

He was like a wolf as he devoured her until nothing was left.

“So the person forcing me into bed was you! You beast in human skin!” She clenched her teeth as she pushed against the wall to stand out of the bed.

She, a king from modern times, was reborn. All those that owed her had to pay blood debts.

But this king of evildoers, she had obviously not seen him before. Yet, she had to repay him with her body every night……

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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

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02/11/18 Alyschu c430
02/10/18 Alyschu c429
02/08/18 Alyschu c428
02/07/18 Alyschu c427
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02/06/18 Alyschu c425
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02/01/18 Alyschu c421
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01/28/18 Alyschu c414-417
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27 Reviews sorted by

breadroll rated it
October 28, 2018
Status: c470
I do enjoy this Novel, it’s full of witts and she’s not op and only relies on her memory and cleverness, a quite realistic portrait of a transmigratior.

Only thing that got me confused was the fact that description so far has nothing to do with the Novel. Like null zero nada and I’m closing in on ch.500 already.

But time passes by when you read it and it’s cute at times and frustrating at times, but most of the time you just wanna choked her husband *coughpsychopathcough*.

All in all I still... more>> recommend giving this a try, only bad thing is the fact that she’s been stuck in the same spot since the beginning and it just keeps getting worse. It’s sad reading about it. <<less
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RannSy rated it
June 14, 2017
Status: c93
The start of the story was good but as it progresses, the hype and interest decreases. So far, the story hadn't given me a reason to continue reading this till the raws. The goals aren't that clear and strategies are messed up. Anyways, I guess I'll read the raws if I really had no light novels to read anymore.
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Aris12 rated it
May 1, 2017
Status: c200
This novel is good comedy funny I like MC she is smart. In this novel there is worst annoying villian and cheap fake Step sister. There is also lot of funny moments that make you laugh. I like MC she is clever cunning use her ability to deceive people. And ML is emperor she meet when going out to play.

this worth to read
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jakala rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: c1000
Actually this is my first time to give the lowest rating (1) here. I read this novel because lately I'm interested on Female Protagonist + Revenge theme of novel.

Actually the first 100 chapters are not bad, but after read 500+ chapters I nearly gonna puke and feel wasting too much time for this novel. So after speed up reading till chapter 1000+ using Ctrl F with word: Regret or Too Late, here are my comments:

  • I better watch some lousy soap opera/drama than reading this novel
  • Author is doing a great job to prolonged this novel up to 4000+ chapters.
  • Read this novel if you are really boring and has nothing to do.
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RabiezMonkey rated it
February 10, 2019
Status: c300

not because of the story.

the concept, is actually good, BUT the author, I dunno, kinda gives this feeling of exagerating the story. I mean, this can be a simple and heart warming romance story, but for the sake of words counting (maybe...?) author then decides to make it complex.

... more>> This is literally a never ending circle. You wont reach the tail even in another 10 years, so it's okay to read if you have too much leisure times...

WARNING!! Readers with heart disease or high blood preasure DONT EVER TRY TO READ THIS. <<less
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_eamkie rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: c400
I rated this 4 because I don't think it deserves to have this low rating. It is a messed up novel, but I had fun while reading this.

But I'm going to stop reading now at chapter 400.

I hate how the story is going, and I feel like though the ML is the emperor who can literally do anything, he won't do it. He literally can just selfishly divorce the s*upid husband and the MC right when he found out the mc's circumstances, but he didn't do it. It's annoying.

And now... more>> a empress dowager is surely going to make it more hard for them. The emperor is higher than his mom, but I guess he'll still act dumb. So I'll just stop wasting my time.

This is a fun but annoying story. If you don't have anything to do, it's a good book to read when bored. <<less
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kwanjai rated it
November 24, 2017
Status: c309
Wait, the ML is the mysterious guy? There's barely any chemistry between him and the main girl! I seriously don't like reading about him nor did I care to read about him at all, same with Xiao Bai. They're sooo boring to read about. How disappointing. The husband has more moments in the whole novel compare to that boring mysterious guy. I literally read up to chapter 309, the latest chapter, only to find this out. I really enjoy the the husband and main girl's bickering moments together. I like... more>> how he is starting to do things for her without realizing it even though he still despite her. If the husband is not the main lead then what is the point of the sister? Main girl is suppose to get the husband to fall in love with her and devote his whole self to her in order to win against her evil sister. At least I think that would've been better. If the mysterious guy is the main guy then how is main girl suppose to win against her evil sister? I'm so disappointed now that I know this. T_T <<less
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