Emperor’s Domination


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A boy that was imprisoned for millions of years has regained a mortal body.

He became a disciple of the declining Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect where its patriarch used to be his disciple. Now he will bring this sect back to its former glory.

This is his journey to reach the apex and take revenge on those who had imprisoned him.

This is his story of meeting old friends and making new companions.

This is his path of traversing the Nine Worlds and becoming the next ruler of the Heavens.

Several millennia have passed and the golden age of experts has passed. A master whose disciples once were the most exalted Immortals among the 9 worlds had all left him. With his mortal body, mortal physique and mortal life wheel… he shall sweep the 9 worlds and take what is rightfully his.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Di Ba
Emperor’s Domination
Đế Bá
İmparatorun Hükmü
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  4. all of my 5/5 novels
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

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332 Reviews sorted by

November 16, 2019
Status: c640
I don’t often write reviews and I have read dozens of books on here. I enjoy a lot of different genres and was introduced to this through “I Shall Seal The Heavens”. I often see people claim a plot is repetitive but usually it’s not too bad. This series Emperors Domination is so repetitive that it’s insane. Insult someone > “you don’t know the difference between heavens and earth > I’m Li Qiye > Kills everyone this happens in the 600+ chapters I have read atleast 20 times and this... more>> is a lower guess. It’s unreal intact I believe that there are over a dozen chapters named “massacre” this is such a disappointment. <<less
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UndeFR rated it
July 8, 2019
Status: c2299
Unplug brain and enjoy... Excellent world building. MC is omniscient and knowledge being power... almost omnipotent. It's junkfood and I like it. Repetiveness was expected and the MC is arrogant.
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flying_horse rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: c1810
The begining was fine. A consistent story with well defined characters and plot. Guy goes to a sect meets femalle companion... nothing new there. But as the chapters went on things didn't really change. Every now and then there would be a new location with a comlytely new cast of characters, often without the prevous story being comleted. Eventually there are so many females that it'somposible to rememer any of them (and really it's not even neccessary as they get replaced pretty aften)

... more>>

After the MC leaves the first world he leaves behind the first two companions and they are not mentioned again until 1000 chaptes later when he returns. But even after he returns he doesn't stay for long and what do you=y know next chaper another female is introdused


Also, an this is the thing that broke the deal for me, comletely rendom events happen, and it's played out as if it was all part of the plan


For example during the second ark, an island sudenly teleports away and goes into a grave. After findin that the island is into the grave, he goes there and after a lot of nothing happenig it's actully revealed the the grave was his target all along as there is a tiger in sealed there that must be defeted. The tige's existanse is revealed in the five last chapters of the ark, it is defeated in maybe two chapters and fter that MC goes to another world for the next part


Also also MC just keeps doing things that would be considered s*upid. That includes but is not not limited to taking the blame for something he didn't do 'just because he has seen this senario play out hundrents of times", getting involved in situations that don't include him etc


He is at one point drinking wine in a bar. Some rundom mother-daugher is geting "harashed" (actually asked very politely to return home with the guards) and the daugher goes to MC and is like Protect me papa and MC without any prior indication goes Yes I am your papa and I will protect you WTF?

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jeganz rated it
September 9, 2018
Status: --
This novel has some of the things that I like in a story.

The bad things in this novel for me

  • The side characters seem underdeveloped. They are mentioned for some a few chapters then forgotten, then some appear again in future chapters only to be relevant for a few chapters again and disappear again.
  • How they cultivate isn't properly explained or maybe I forgot. It's just a mess really. The only thing that matters are the 3 talents, the physique you are cultivating and the imperial skills or something. If you forget the hierarchy of cultivation it does not matter, the novel reminds every few chapters.
  • Everyone and everything is not enough to reach the apex. This is a weird one for me since the apex isn't really properly defined. The first thought I get here was that the apex was being an Immortal Emperor, but apparently being an Immortal Emperor is just the beginning.
  • There are so much skills, this is also a good thing but most of the time they do not matter since MC will just crush it. (Basically I don't really like it when everyone throws stuff at the invincible MC since the hype is a lot only to be countered by something better from the MC)
Now for the things that like in this novel

  • There are so much skills, this is may also be a bad thing but it really feels like people had made a lot of effort in their own understanding of the dao (or something).
  • The world feels like there are so much there or so much has happened and the story explains the events that happens in the past (Though most are irrelevant in the story it feels that the MC has been through a lot). The sacrifices of many in the past, the slaughters that occurred, the bonds the MC shared, and how MC must continue on his destination.
  • The Overpowered MC is okay for me since he has lived for generations and has a "Grand Plan" or something. Plus I do not really like life and death battles since obviously the MC is not gonna die.
And that is it for me. Not much, but for me the world really feels rich so I keep on reading. Though I would have liked it if the supporting characters were relevant since they can really make things more exciting. But oh well.
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JackofXTrades rated it
August 25, 2018
Status: c376
First of all the first chapter is not that clear as it sets up this mystical realm saying that a demon residing in a cursed land puts the MC's soul into a immortal dark crow so that the crow could be sent out to scout out all the mysteries of the land for this so called demon, obviously the demon wants all the "knowledge, " but doesn't want to do the work or risk it's life in doing so, so he captures the MC, puts his soul into a immortal... more>> crow to do it for him. It then skips right to the part where he gets his physical body back and honestly that just confuses the reader on what is even going on. It implies soon after that the MC has a time gap of tens of thousands of years and that the world he used to know has changed.

The picture is not really clear until you get to the later chapters where you start making sense of some things and learn what happened to the MC while he was a dark crow which is showed bit by bit in pieces throughout the later chapters.

Despite how I hate the intro, the revelations of what has happened to the MC while he was an immortal crow is honestly the best world building setting I have ever seen from a novel. Some of the revelations are shocking or even heart breakingly sad and it just makes the novel so much better, of course there's the typical revelation every 3rd or so where it's just there for the plot, not every single story is as magical as the next, some just need to be simply put. If the intro was honestly changed in anyway and simply implied he learned the mystery's of the world when he was a dark crow and just left it as that it would of ruined the reader's experience of exploring the mysteries of the world with the MC.

Now the story is the typical one where the MC is reborn, begins his journey to being the number one in all of the land, meets beauties, acts tyrannical and arrogant because he can be and not because he just is, also fights other geniuses of his generation and beats overconfident elders that underestimated him because of his young appearance and obviously don't know his history. I could go on and on and on of the stereotypes of this genre of novels but if you're obviously reading these types of novel then you should know what you are getting into, just pray that the killing makes sense and is not just nonsensical and in this novel I would say that it is 100% justifiable and not just total BS.

Characters have depth and are not just simply there to be a mob, although it's obvious that characters introduced early on are not as signficant as the ones in later arcs, the characters do stick around showing their progress. None are thrown out entirely and forgotten about as you might hear about a minor character of a specific arc every once in a while, obviously the major characters of the specific arcs are kept around by the MC and progress alongside him.

At this point I would say the story is generic of it's genre obviously having it's own uniqueness like any story should that sets itself apart from others making it a 4/5 for me however, because the world building setting is just so good that I have to make this novel be a 5/5 rating from me. It's honestly one of those stories where it is implied that a location exists but is not explored right away and is left for a later time. However it is also obvious that the author does a great job of presenting the mysteries of the realm in the most magical of ways. This sets you up waiting for the times that the MC will go to these lands and the adventure that awaits him there. The only way I can describe without giving spoilers is by comparing it to the fishman of the One Piece world. Arlong is the fishman that Luffy fights really early on in the manga/anime however they don't even go to Fishman Island until a couple of arcs have passed. If you remember the journey from when Luffy met Arlong all the way until he and his crew got to Fishman Island then in my opinion this novel is somewhat similar and if I have to say is just as magical. <<less
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BadMaSh rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c1544
Hahahaha absolutely love this one. I didnt want to read this before coz of the reviews saying the MC is too arrogant and the story is repetitive.

Well on the arrogant part after reading 1500 chapters I can say he has a reason to be arrogant and also the blatant killing of people sects or kingdoms it might appear that he does it pointlessly but after thinking and knowing the mc's circumstances I can safely say he does not kill without reason and doesnt offend people without reason.

He demands respect which... more>> if he doesnt get he wipes them out and well he deserves respect so I dont find anything wrong with him provoking people all the time.

The timeline of the story is a bit disproportionate so some things dont make sense sometimes.

The world setting is quite good but there are always some confusions regarding that coz MC or author never really explains abouy the world much. They just say "i have to go to 'that' place.

You will never know what 'that' place is.... =/

One of the best things is his past. Very very relevant even in his current life and it actually feels amazing when the other characters talk about his history (believe me in one of the chapters it actually sent shivers down my spine when they talked about him).

Not much of love life since he doesnt have time for that and well it doesnt really feel bad not having any relationship either.

Only drawback is it is getting kind of repetitive but I think it will end soon after 1700 chaps since I read some spoilers.

All in all one of the best I hv read yet.

Give it a try if u like an OP MC with actually having a reason for his OPness and he is very smart... well Even I would look down on him if he didnt get smart after living for millions of years... <<less
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chromewyvern rated it
May 1, 2018
Status: --
Before I start, I really wanted to press fourth star but my hand accidentally pressed the third star. My original score for this is 3.5/5 but I am a nice guy so I round it to 4.

The whole plot is not boring but it is neither good. The side character are blant and the sometimes the conflict is horribly written for the climax. The only good part is our protagonist which has the attitude which is unique in wuxia. If there is a thing, I don't like about the MC... more>> that is he is a hypocrite. Though I like harem, this novel just freaking s*upid, for me, in this department. <<less
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April 21, 2018
Status: c828
It's fair to say that I've read a fair bit now and so I decided to write this review.

First thing- This story has a really great and dedicated translator. This is not me commenting on the english syntax and grammar, but rather the eye to detail and all the considerations given to the names and explanations. Truly a splendid job.

The idea of the plot is that a human boy was trapped in the form of a crow for millennia upon millennia. To escape, he started a grand plan of training... more>> as many capable people as possible to over time, slowly lessen the control of this mysterious being over him. The story starts with him just having escaped and picks up from there...

In a sense, this is a very common plot. OP character that does OP things with the ambition of ruling the world. Yet, it's not the same.. The MC isn't the usual type of genius (technically). While it's sometimes easy to overlook, he's been through millions of years of self-development and that much experience is bound to make one smarter. I do enjoy how at almost any given time, all that is happening is in the palm of his hands- partially because I have a bias for such OP-ness.

The MC himself surprises me sometimes. His character is quite contradictory but over the chapters you understand his stances better. While he can't be called very emotionally charged he is very sentimental. The whole, "the passage of time can be so cruel, " idea is prevalent throughout but in a way, it can be rationalised or even empathised with. It makes him more human.

The harem- oh the harem... Most females at his side start the same way- arrogant at first until 'tamed' by him. I do find his interactions with any female characters that are loyal to him or friendly with him quite nice- it has a certain tranquility around it because it's usually his 'ephemeral moment of peace'. Especially since I am not a fan of polygamy-themed stories, I found this very surprising. The horn-dog type of personality is missing. That doesn't mean there is no male chauvinism, tho. There are times when the modern woman in you wants to beat him.

All in all- a great OP story for all the OP fanatics out there. Especially those who dislike polygamy and r*pe tagged stories... Cause while he may have his sexist moments, he still is respectful... <<less
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Reached_The_Apex rated it
April 14, 2018
Status: c1411
I'd say its a pretty good novel, however author screws it up quite a bit in my opinion, why?

Author portrays LQ as indomitable, fearless, strong, ruthless, doesn't give second chances to people who screw him over. However every spin he makes author has him fighting pointless battles with poor plot fodder. Novel is drastically expanded due to plot fodder, I mean sure every novel has some worthless parts, but truly there hasn't been any worthwhile events in this novel that I can remember.
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wiltheavatar rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c1800
I liked the book and premise and the fact that the MC is somewhat different from most other story. Unlike many books of the same genre, the MC focuses less on fighting but more on gathering specific counters for specific situations which I found interesting. Fighting seems to be his last solution probably because his cultivation level focuses on perfection rather than on speed, he is still quite fast though compared to others of the same generation. It might be because his interactions with other characters tend to be people... more>> of another generation who had way longer to cultivate and amass their strength.

World building is nothing too special, you got the generic multiverse like world and a rather cliche storyline. However, the book is a lot better in Chinese maybe because the idioms and humor is better understood in the original language? I'll be honest, I kind of forgot where I stopped but I believe its about 1800 or so at the end of an story arc.

There are some parts the story that connects to something really late for example:

during the funeral ship? Ghost ship? Part the story it introduces the woman he picks a ship for that at the time seems irrelevant except for getting an item, however, she becomes extremely relevant like 1000 chapters later


One thing I really disliked is the fact that many characters that are important to the story at one area is completely discarded and basically never mentioned in the next area. Feels bad they are basically abandoned.

Overall, I enjoyed the story, personally I'd give it a 3.5 but I feel bad giving it a 3 cause I liked it so I gave it a 4. Would recommend, but slightly on the long side. <<less
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Mavsynchroid rated it
March 6, 2018
Status: c1300
I actually really enjoy this novel. Of course it's absolutely full of face slapping cliches, but I think it goes all out in the RIGHT way. The main character is ridiculously arrogant, but it feels more believable due to his backstory. I mean, most of the legends the world talk about were trained by him! He's lived for a ridiculously long time too. That makes other main characters who act incredibly arrogant because they're living a second life or re- living their life seem like clowns jumping around.

He... more>> also doesn't solve everything using his own brute force. A lot of the times, he'll use his unbelievable knowledge to face slap. It seems right that he knows prety much everything, as opposed to other main characters who died in their first life at like 40 yet somehow have the same god like knowledge.

Another thing I admire is that he's not a stereotypical horn dog, even when surrounded by good looking women. It does feel as though a harem is going to be set up eventually, but he's not sleeping with women left and right without pause.

If you're looking for a realistic down to earth main character, then this won't be your cup of tea. However, if you go in knowing he's going to be ridiculously overpowered (and rightly so), I think you'd enjoy binge reading this novel. It's just a shame that it's going to take forever for this to be completely translated. Heck, the author is still writing it at about 3, 000 chapters and not even half of that has been translated at the time of this review.

EDIT: Around chapter 1790 or so, there's a change in either translator or editor. I'm thinking editor. It's still not bad, but after reading thousands of pages of absolutely perfect editing, the s*upid mistakes made later on are glaring. Using the word "are" instead of "is" for example and straight up missing words in sentences due to carelessness. If there hasn't been any changes to either the translator or editor, then someone just turned lazy, as it becomes a common occurrence. Really disappointing when a translation changes it's translator/editor after a long run. Dropping a star due to that. <<less
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GDLiZy rated it
September 28, 2017
Status: c963
If you like Incredible MC steamrolled everyone every single time and feel satisfied with it, then this is the novel for you.

If you like extremely long world building and arrogant cannon fodder look down on MC every single time, then this is the novel for you.


Powersclaing in this novel is way Over The Top with every fight the worlds are destroyed all the time.

The minor completion of one of the best physique, make MC fist weight 1000 mountains. This is without any Qi or any skill to back it up, just pure Brute Force



Also, MC arrogant pierce the heaven, if he can change it to power, he will instantly become the strongest for all eternity.

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jootsie rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c970
Read this if you like an OP MC that is confident because he has actually has the skills and knowledge. EDIT: Re-reading again after reaching to the current chapters and honestly its full of "fillers" from now but I still want to read it because its pretty damn entertaining and interesting due to the fact that there are still alot I want to know about the MC.



    1. Intersting lore
    1. MC is not one dimensional (cough cough MGA)
    1. Like the aspect of "bit*h slapping moments" ? This novel have alot of this.
    1. Not a cringy 14 year old kid whenever he interacts with females.


    1. The amount of information gathers up after hundreds of chapter that makes you want to make a list on the things he acquired/met/history. It gets confusing when he suddenly pulls out an item from his spatial pouch that he got a couple of chapters ago.
    1. It becomes more of a "Oh yeah I forgot I have something in this place" then something happens and he goes again "oh yeah I forgot this thing too exists in this place might as well go". The main point of his "mission" gets pushed backward again and again after a couple of this scenarios (ex. The Nether World arc and that freakin island)
    1. After hundreds of chapters the author just went full blown MGA peanut gallery writing where 90% of chapters consist of people talking how strong someone is or what kind of backing this guy has. A simple fight can last around 5 chapters to resolve because the author just packs so much redundant stuff (Past information from earlier chapters).
    1. Cultivation is really really confusing and hard to remember (I gave up remembering different levels after 100+ chapters). Also kinda useless to MC where he just jumps on higher tier enemies because of his OP "physique".
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LordGrim102 rated it
September 2, 2017
Status: c894
LOL the only problem of this novel is that everytime the MC talks arrogantly the crowd always reacts negatively only to find out that the MC has unfathomable strength, vast knowledge, many secrets etc. Then awkwardly silent after knowing. This kind of scene goes on to the 3rd world he's in I don't know if this kind of scene will go on until the novel ends damn! It's really tiring to read those fillers that the author makes so I skip some convo of the crowd and some description that... more>> becomes redundant on and on until I read the important part of the story. <<less
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July 14, 2017
Status: --
I give this 5 stars just because people around the main character aren't dense they understand the MC is insane and the MC isn't pretending to be a saint. This guy actually fits the domineering personality he isn't like the MC from ATG, arrogant without any plan. This guy knows what hes doing he always has some form of defense against his enemies but his fights are usually very brutal. I just hate the hundreds of MC explained in an arc, the explanations are sometimes dense.
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Jamond Aroth
Jamond Aroth rated it
July 13, 2017
Status: c342
Emperor's Domination has some major problems. Normally I'd try to list those but, frankly, I'm too lazy to go through each one. Instead, I'll try to keep things short. Aside from the world building, this story, in three hundred and forty-two chapters, failed to garner any real interest from me. That's right, the reason I read as much as I did was purely because I liked the setting. That was Emperor's Domination's only redeeming quality in my eyes.
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readingdigest rated it
May 28, 2017
Status: c1808

The novel is like an RPG game with good lore but boring, repetitive gameplay--if you can get past the superfluous and tedious passages, this story actually has an interesting plot framework and world building. I'd recommend this novel, but I can't rate it as more than 3 stars because it would be a disservice to other authors who actually puts a lot more effort into their story. There's not a lot of depth to the characters as most of the enemies are as cookie-cutter as they come.

There are over 2400+ chapters in this ongoing series yet there's only maybe enough actual story for 1100 chapters. I think that speaks a lot of how much the author runs up the word count for the sake of word count. As the story progress, you see the author recycling passages and sometimes close to entire chapters--almost literally word for word--just to increase the word count.

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J7tn rated it
May 28, 2017
Status: c619
Best Xianxia I've read up to date. All these bad reviews summarized in few points:

MC is millions of years old and acts so arrogant? It can't be because I personally know how a million year old guy would act and it wouldn't be like this.

The plot is too repetitive. People talk badly about MC and then get tr*shed. thats it. Basically almost every Xianxia but hey still got to hate on this trope because its a Xianxia not being original *facepalm*

I dislike Xianxia novels anyways but I still review it... more>> just because I can.

Too little detail on cultivation.

Characters too flat (which I have to agree on)


Do you know why people read Xianxia? FOR THE DOMINATION TROPE. And this novel does it in the best way. Sure its repetitive. Sure the characters are flat. But when the MC slaps people in the face, I am pretty sure you will be going "f*ck yeah." <<less
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kurudesu rated it
April 13, 2017
Status: c203
2/5 stars not 3

The story had promise. I liked the premise initially but I'm not a fan of this author's writing style. The MC is arrogant which makes sense given he is an almighty god pretty much but most of the trouble gets into is because he is arrogant. Side characters are all 1 dimensional and boring, no depth at all. All the villains are copy paste that I can't remember who is who because they all act the same. The only good about this Story is the MC and... more>> that's not even that great.

One thing that really bothers me is this authors use of description. Sometimes half his chapters are filled with a bunch of BS that I had to skip because I got tired of reading it. Now don't get me wrong I love world building but his style of writing made it a hassle to read.


I also have an issue with how s*upid the side characters are. Obviously there is allot of stuff this supposed 15 year old kid should not know but they are always suprised and never do suspect anything. I mean the topic of reincarnation or living longer comes up plenty of times so you would think maybe this "kid" isn't really 15. And the author always inserts it after every situation ie. everyone else is suprised but Li Shuangyan having spent time with Li Qiyi was not surprised... OK I GET IT why does it mention it every single time without fail.


TLDR: Arrogant MC (has pros and cons), Crap Side Characters, Interesting plot bad execution, Confusing writing style, Bad habits, Crappy Villains (copy and paste), Bad Cultivation structure (confusing) <<less
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Kreeaation rated it
April 3, 2017
Status: c513
Reasons why you should definitely read this novel:

1. It's action packed! Lots of bloody scenes, battles, and adventures. Makes you want to kick ass too.
2. The MC is OP. Most of the time the MC is calm and composed but when challenged r.i.p to thy enemies! (*Cough cough* Regarding others views on the MC being too arrogant >>> MC has tons of knowledge and secrets therefore wouldn't you act c*cky too? It's reasonable for him to act that way. Yet he isn't c*cky to the point were he kills innocent people just for his amus**ent.)
3. There isn't much romance so far (a big plus for me). There is a harem of maids tho.
4. Translation is amazing! 5/5

Reasons why you might not like this novel:

1. MC is really dense when it comes to romance.

He gets kissed once in the lips after like 450 chapters later and it was the girl who had the guts to act first. Nothing much happened after that.


2. Along the MC's adventures he meets beautiful women. Some end up liking him. They get annoying pretty fast especially the ones that were arrogant towards the MC before they find out that the MC is freaking badass.
3. So many characters. Can't remember who was who any more. Need to have a list of names with info besides me to remember who they were.
4. Alot of info on laws is sometimes repeated. I tend to skip chunks of that stuff.
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