Dragon-Marked War God


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The once greatest Saint underneath the heavens has been reborn after one hundred years. He cultivates with mighty skills, and he fights to once again reach the top of the world!

Don’t compete with me when it comes to concocting pills, 100% effectiveness means nothing to me.

Don’t compete with me when it comes to cultivation speed, I won’t be responsible when you die from embarrassment.

Don’t compete with me when it comes to experience, as I’m an ancient ancestor.

The existence of Jiang Chen is destined to ridicule thousands of geniuses……

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Dragon Marked War God
Long Văn Chiến Thần
Long Wen Zhan Shen
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163 Reviews sorted by

morli rated it
May 2, 2016
Status: --
Simple novel with simple plot. Travel to different region, some arrogant as*hole appear, MC power up, then killing time. Rinse and repeat. Really, if you like MC who use force against force like MGA or PMG, then this story is for you.
90 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sae rated it
October 9, 2016
Status: c137
Things that make me cringe (so far) :

1. The ugly girl who has a good heart (she cried seeing her supposed husband dead) is considered 'not only an eating machine but also there is something wrong with her mind' like wow so if she's not pretty then she can't even feel sad? And then MC saw the incredibly pretty girl his heart immediately moved and he felt sad seeing her sad, like just seconds after they just met. Regarding judge people by appearances, MC is not so different from those villains and side characters (who also judge him from his appearance).

2. Past MC was a cultivation maniac with no love whatsoever now he saw the pretty girl and fell for her right away, to justify it author dropped a line 'now this life he wanted a normal life'. Umm please take a good look back and tell me what's normal about anything you've done so far.

3. Formulaic 'get OP magical pet and heavenly OP beauty' before the real adventure.

4. Rinse and repeat nonsensical offended enemies who conveniently throw themselves at MC for the tiniest trivial (or none at all) reason just to be turned into blood and gore.

5. Passerbys, watchers and villains blabber long and nonstop how MC is too reckless arrogant fated to doom (even monsters mock him with their eyes orz) then after he wins they either praise him or regard him as genius/demon with charisma. Everyone blabbers the exact same thing over and over and over. Also too much 'you dare to hurt/kill me?' and then 'please don't kill me' 'u can't kill me'.

6. Treasures fall a little too conveniently into MC's party. They are tailored for his party members to lv up like waaay up up and exist in wherever MC goes when they actually don't have any reason to be there at all.


Other than that, so far the story is pretty fast paced with decent cultivation technique. MC regards friends, enemies and innocent people clearly and deal with them accordingly not just kill kill kill no matter who accidentally get involved. His mindset has been firm and fairly consistent.

After reading a bunch of novels with awkward and immature writing, I have to add that this novel has better story telling than many (minus the repetitive tr*sh talks from crowds+villains), with a good amount of humor as well as fun sass from the main character troupe.
62 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
FallenStar rated it
April 18, 2016
Status: --
I love this MC. Ruthless, wise and somewhat fun with his schemes.
58 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
ReadThisToo rated it
August 17, 2018
Status: c913
I don't know why this novel is so highly rated.

It's repetitive in all aspects. Here's the plot of 900+ chapters

  1. MC is OP
  2. MC kills geniuses from sect X, Y and Z
  3. Everyone wants to kill MC.
  4. MC kills everyone.
  5. MC moves to next zone. Repeat steps 1-4
  6. Every battle is summarized by
    1. Arrogant genius performs skill X
    2. MC performs skill Y
    3. Arrogant genius is astonished and ashamed that MC is stronger and wasn't OHOK'ed.
    4. Genius is killed. His elders want to kill MC. Eventually MC kills whole sect. Repeat with another sect.
This is basically the list that author uses... more>> to write every arc, just changes the names of sects and characters. <<less
46 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Raine rated it
April 7, 2016
Status: --
Great novel overall, but like most xianxia it has the same problem, author introduces main characters then discards them after a few hundred chapters later, MC travels and somehow forgets everything about his life, family, and friends that were once his fighting team. Why do xianxia novels do this, I mean they once helped you but after you get powerful they just leave/ascend and never look back its pretty damn annoying, the author could have wasted 10-20 chapters and focus on the lower beings after MC became super OP.

I swear... more>> I have never read a xianxia that makes the MC look back at his beginner days and come back and make some sort of heritage before leaving the world, every single xianxia just decides to throw away all the character that have been used and can be used no longer, never mention ever again. <<less
45 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
novelbrah rated it
August 17, 2016
Status: c205
Hmm, it only gets worse? I don't know what the reviews saying it only gets better are talking about. There is no story here and all characters are 1-dimensional. It's just a powerup story. I'd say Martial God Asura is a better novel than this.

If you're bored, then definitely read it. I skimmed most chapters. You can skip a lot of descriptions since they're repeated every single chapter. Dialogue is always the same. The only things that change in this webnovel are the villains and territories. Oh and cultivation levels.
39 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
godlogin rated it
March 27, 2016
Status: --
MC is like:
*Ruthless like Jun Mo Xie from OEM
*Knowledgeable like Jiang Chen from SOTR

There are few points that looked the same as OEM and SOTR, but still it is a good novel to read. If you like reincarnation theme, with knowledgeable MC, ruthless MC, and so on. You should read this novel.

I recommend it to the readers, so I declare!
39 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
yuki12342 rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: c157
The novel is fast paced and exciting to read. The MC is talented and is also ruthless as well. This, however, is pretty refreshing to those with MCs that are half assed with their killings. He eliminates all his troubles in one go. I don't think that "ugly people" are being bullied in this novel. Most of the enemies are pretty good looking. This is not for the weak hearted, and definitely not for those who thinks castration can't be a punishment for being rude.
37 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Night rated it
May 26, 2016
Status: c285
Mm just same like another xianxia. Talk with fist than brain. MC was not Smart type, and for the plot. 90% you can guess what will be happen next. Bad guys dead, new bad guys come. And on this novel MC always right. Even MC commit a bad thing. One thing that make me read this novel til c285 is the cultivation of MC, it easy to understand. Ex:if he can get 100 mark then he levelup.

Go ahead. Maybe you will like or maybe not.
35 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mkill rated it
July 6, 2016
Status: c10
Why this novel has a 4.3 avarage vote is completely beyond me.

It makes absolutely no sense. I'm not one to write reviews being overly critical of novels, and usually I do it just to support it, but this score made me feel cheated.

Here are some of the stuff that completely bothered me, there are a couple of spoilers till chapter 6-7 I think

... more>>

MC reincarnates and in 3 days goes from lvl 1 basic sh*t to lvl 8 basic sh*t that can even defeat lvl 1 of the slightly better than basic sh*t realm.

To that, there's also basically no description at all to any characters - besides an ugly girl that is so poorly narrated that I only thought of her as troll rather than a human.

Also, MC makes a bet with a random young master and the wage is that if young master refuses to fulfill the bet (carry a casket home), then that would be admitting his whole family was "bastard".

Novel makes absolutely no sense and not even in my wildest dreams would I imagine that this novel got a 4.3 score on NU.
I mean, I don't even think it deserves a 3.

This novel is on par with CCM. Hell, I managed to read even more of CCM (200s). At least the premise was interesting.

30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
TokenZero rated it
December 22, 2015
Status: --
Same type of MC like TDG and SOTR in that he is a reincarnated person that knows far more things about everything than the other characters do, knows how to get under others skins and destroy them. However he is also quite ruthless and if he wants you dead then you will die sooner or later but you can't really hate him for it. So far it just gets better with every chapter leaving you wanting more.
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Seraphic rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: c1024
Edit: Down to one star because this novel is just so extremely s*upid. Otherwise, everything I've written previously still holds true.

Recommended: If you've got a ton of time and have read all the interesting novels, well, DMWG is probably not the absolute WORST novel on the site.

This is one of the most bog-standard cultivation novels being translated. Hypocritical MC, swooning ice-cold beauties, flat arrogant young masters, shameless comedic wingmen, disbelieving peanut gallery, casual misogyny; you name it, this novel has it, often repeated ad nauseam. If you've read Emperor's Domination,... more>> DMWG is basically that with everything distinctive and interesting taken away from it.

On the other hand, like fast food, even though I know it's utter crap, I still find myself returning for more because it's convenient and I know exactly what I'm getting. If you're just looking to waste time and you don't mind the same generic xianxia plot being repeated over and over again, this will deliver exactly that. <<less
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Crimefridge rated it
February 16, 2017
Status: c408
This series is the stereotypical xianxia tr*sh most of us ordain ourselves to read when we're scouring for long series to kill time.

> MC is basically a sociopath who kills anyone who pisses him off, and not in some "Sin City" cool kind of way, but the cringey teenager god-complex power trip kind of way. And for some reason, I'm not sure if this is a translation issue or not, but the characters describe his ruthlessness as "brave", and not just when he's following the series' formula of "fight some... more>> random dude, random dude is backed by strong person, power up, kill them, move on" that the entire thing is written as. I mean, that's typical-ass xianxia, so that's fine really.

>Overly convenient plot points.

Main character's girl gets attacked at his sect after making friends with the sect leader and another dude, but instead showing gratitude they both f*ck off on cultivating at the same time to allow the kid villain of the arc to basically try to r*pe her, so she ends up near death... and the sect leader doesn't punish anybody for this when he comes, doesn't give a f*ck. It's all a convenient plot point because the author lacks the creativity to write for the female character so he drafted one of the two lazy excuses used for the female love interest to go away: they need some miracle medicine in a coma, or they are just phased out because they can't compare to the power level. And this most recent chapter? 278, with the Flood Dragon. In what f*cking world does it make sense that the protagonist somehow thinks its a good idea to let the newly transformed Flood Dragon go? He has no qualm mass mu*dering random demons to eat their cores, and by essentially taking this Flood Dragon's blood essence, it's like the mortal equivalent of taking someone's cultivation away (which is considered worse than killing them) all for this arbitrary excuse of "we're both fighting against the heavens", which is just bullshit. The author just didn't want the protagonist to get a power jump too high so he made this bullsh*t excuse.


Other than these kinds of semi-rare primary events where sh*t happens that makes no sense to progress the plot, it is standard xianxia fare so it'll work for most people looking for a mindless read.

> You want characters with depth? Other than the main character, who is the psychotic wish fulfillment character who fails to act as a blank slate to the world, the only real character that shines is

a divine beast talking dog-like creature that apparently has Dragon Horse bloodlines?


Basically the epitome of Id; unrepressed hunger, lust, possessiveness, and so on as a character. Now frankly, this isn't my first rodeo, so this isn't the first time I've seen this kind of character before. Despite how it might be a little bit too much of copy+paste in a paraphrased format, overall it's probably the best character? I mean, is that compliment that the best character is basically stolen..? Ahh...

>Like most page-view based series, there's way too much bullsh*t repeated context. "The red blade, which as you know last chapter, was from Edwin's son, who was r*ped by a chimpanzee, echoed loudly the sonorous skills of a deflated balloon. The deflated balloon emotionally shook the consciousness. With a high scream, the blade goes towards the enemy. 'No you don't!' 'Break for me!' He grits his teeth while he shits himself thinking of scat p*rn." This is all one f*cking move of a fight. Thankfully the bullsh*t elongation of scenes may be consistent, but each scene isn't Dragonball Z level of making a fight 30 chapters. Not that this series couldn't be compressed to 1/10th the length if you cut out the filler-level context and repeated subtext.

So overall, yeah it's mediocre. But you're probably going to read it if you've gotten to this point. It's not going to kill your brain, but it's also not going to encourage a single novel thought. <<less
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
BlackBlade rated it
January 11, 2017
Status: c396
The main character is extremely consistent. No getting nerfed or doing dumb stuff for plot/tension reasons. He was the greatest saint and he acts like it. Big Yellow is also the funniest character I've seen in an ln. The fight scenes are good and the magic/cultivation is well explained. The world building/history is fairly interesting, although not to complicated. The writing and plot aren't the most amazing thing ever but this novel isn't trying to be a masterpiece, it's an easy reading, kickass and often times funny kind of ln.... more>> Take it for what it is and it's highly enjoyable. In fact, its the best ln I've seen in the easy reading genre, hence my rating of 5.

Also the translator is exceptionally fast and will sometimes release 50+ chapters all on the same day. <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
strixflash rated it
October 16, 2016
Status: c320
Honestly speaking this novel is rather good provided you're reading for what it is rather than hoping for something it doesn't promises. It's a better version of PMG and SOTR combined with less s*upid enemies and no focus on minor character who gets dozens of cvapters for their monologues (SOTR ~_~).

I don't get why the most popular review complain about torture and jade skin. That's a common theme in Chinese novels and the novel offers plenty of reasons for why MC tortures the enemies in that way. The fight scenes... more>> are exciting enough and the MC is fun. Sure most of the plot is repetitive with s*upid enemies but honestly that was rather expected from the synopsis. MC has the advantage of his reincarnation like other novels but it doesn't means he knows everything. Sure he knows most of the stuffs in Saint Continent but he's totally unaware of things about Immortal realm so it makes things interesting. Besides even the land he knows has changed due to his actions from previous life so it's exciting. <<less
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
mmsupreme rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c97
This is a fun novel. The MC is an arrogant unapologetic soab who kills if you cross him the wrong way. His first 2 enemy families are the only ones who he deliberately pissed off. The rest of the time he is just getting screwed over by a yellow dog that has lord fifth as his teacher. This story is about the journey to the center from the fringes of the world.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
blackgold rated it
December 18, 2015
Status: --
different perspective set on the xianxia themes with slight modifications to the subset branch, interesting persona of characters.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
ScirusOne rated it
July 9, 2016
Status: c133
This is one of my favorites!! Entertaining on so many levels, I always end up laughing about the interactions between our MC and Big Yellow!!
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Liamrodhudson331 rated it
June 14, 2017
Status: c378
I tried... I really tried but reading this is more painful than having my face ripped apart by my cat.

1. s*upid, very one-dimensional antagonists.

2. No relationship development whatsoever. Many times I wonder why some characters were so attached to the MC, but in the end the author would only give vague explanations.

... more>> 3. The MC is an a--hole.

4. Very annoying fight scenes... For f**k's sake author! You do realize that there are more than punch and palm attacks to martial arts, right? Also what's with those annoying side-characters commenting every time a fight breaks out? <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
tede rated it
April 16, 2018
Status: --
Novel is horrible. MC's cultivation is nonsense. He was even able to increase his cultivation by several levels simply by walking while in a rage of anger. There's pointless fighting throughout. MC is quite pathetic as well, he always acting arrogant and once claimed that he would never bow before the villainous emperor who is a Combat King (cultivation level), He ended up bowing anyway after acting all high and mighty.

The synopsis is misleading. The MC even in his past life was just a small fish.
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