Copper Coins


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It was the twenty-third year of Tianxi*. Rumours traversed the streets that the all-knowing Imperial Advisor suffered a great calamity and could not help but enter seclusion to focus on cultivation. However, the commoners secretly clapped their hands and rejoiced. In the winter of the same year, a young monk appeared in the Hui Zhou Fu’s Ningyang District.

The monk’s monastic title was Xuan Min, his memories all missing, yet was versed in the arts of Feng Shui Kan Yu**. On the very first day arriving in Ningyang, he did not hesitate to take care of a dangerous manor, picking up Xue Xian, who was hidden there, along the way.

Since then, Xue Xian – who had been all-powerful in the first half of his life – gained a new life pursuit: to get this baldy*** who had only a good outer appearance to take his last breath and “smile from his grave”.

Xue Xian: If you are unhappy, then I will be happy. If you die, I’ll laugh my ass off.

Xuan Min: …

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tong Qian Kan Shi
Đồng tiền kham thế
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115 Reviews sorted by

OyaOyaOya96 rated it
June 19, 2022
Status: Completed
I would rank this higher if it had been given more chapters. I absolutely adore Copper Coins, it reminds me of Mo Dao Zu Shi. The main character is a dramatic dragon that you will absolutely grow attached to, and the male lead is a chill monk who likes to indulge the dragon. It is short though, so the story may feel rushed near the end, but all the characters get a happy ending so it's worth it.
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ricoerrr rated it
May 22, 2022
Status: Completed

mc: xue xian

ml: xuanmin

summary: ... more>>

MC is a dragon and during one of his heavenly tribulations he was maimed and his bones scattered across the world. Without a actual body, he makes himself a paperman body and goes to hunt down his remains. He meets ml, a monk who is completely amnesic and doesnt remember who he is, only that he is very powerful. They team up and come across odd arrays and traps, all of which seem to lead them to mc's bones. One by one, MC finds his remains and slowly regenerates his original dragon body. ML has a copper coin pendant, which is actually his sealed powers, and simiarly, he slowly unseals each coin and regains his memories in the process. They uncover a plot by ml's shifu who wanted to use mc's dragon bones as catalyst for a big ambitious spell which can extend his life. When ML realizes that he was partially responsible for mc's demise, he goes to sacrifice himself when taking down his shifu. MC finds ml's soul in limbo, and manages to retrieve his soul and "resurrect" him.



this is the first novel ive read that uses fengshui geomancy as the primary mode of magic and it was very interesting but also very confusing. Lots of esoteric terms that flew over my head. Later in the novel there was a lot of fate switcheroo shenanigans going on and it was kinda hard to keep track.

the romance between the two only starts to develop near the very end. They shared a handjob prior to that but even so it didnt seem to have done much in the big scheme of things lol. Xue xian is hopelessly oblivious and he'll say things like how he'd like to retire in the bamboo recluse with xuanmin and as a reader you know hes domesticated as f*ck. Xuanmin, on the other hand, is very standoffish and hard to tell what hes thinking but its clear that hes fond of xue xian as well. Anyways, the mutual affection does develop but only at the very end. (That said, there was a lot of potential in this novel for heavy misunderstandings and im glad that it didnt go that way).


my understanding of the events: xuanmin and his shifu bound by the mother-son spider, that was xuanmin's neck mole. Once xuanmin died the connection was no more. Xuanmin and xue xian bound by the three fates spider during that time xue xian was unconscious on the beach, that's xuanmins finger mole and xue xian's collarbone mole. Theyre also bound by the mother-son spider that xue xian forced on him when he died, that's xuanmins (new) neck mole, and xue xian's finger mole. (Jfc I cant keep track)

one plot hole (?) that I didnt get was how xue xian was able to bring xuanmin back to life once he was out of the reincarnation cycle, and how that red string was able to materialize him if hes supposed to be in an eternal limbo.

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shuulys rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: Completed
really good ending. The author did not forget about the side characters so basically, almost all of them had a happy ending in their own ways. Super satisfying.

next, honestly, xue xian is a really interesting character like he srsly made me laugh so many times. Then moving on to xuan min, I srsly had no idea he had so much devotion cause he was being portrayed as a cold person. But well, this story has quite a few unexpected situations and characters so it made it much more intriguing. Lastly,... more>> the length of the story is not too long and not too short. I would say it's the perfect length tho I would love to have more extras.

i think this is a novel worth reading. Not too time-consuming but very fulfilling :> <<less
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bookmunchies rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: extra
The ''dragon chasing monk'' in my notes pre read was not accurate but still somehow a good one line explanation. The plot is not romance focused, and as we see things from the POV of a very self involved dragon with a tendency to purposefully blind himself to certain matters, a straight reading has left some ppl confused about the emotional part of things. Their meeting is some parts coincidence some parts fate tho for the most part is is inevitability, to not spoil things too much even tho the... more>> circumstance is rather easy to realize from the beginning. They start off as convenient companions on what seems to be 2 different quests with a clear intersection, and so blooms fondness between someone who lived in isolation and a troublemaker. I can't agree with the opinion that the romance only happens after the dragon spit incident, as it is clear they were attracted to each other before that. Xuanmin having been treated so differently for the first time -memories or no- ended up getting used to accommodating Xue Xian and being swept by his flow, and Xue Xian, for the first time experiencing what it is to have someone to depend on. I won't talk about the 'mystery' because I can't consider it one? I think of it as a quest as neither actually wants to uncover anything and we are already mostly aware of the circumstance.

Will there be tears? Hmm well about this, nothing you'd need to dread or prepare for but there is a little, just a little of it near the end.

Spice? Well, tbo it's a bit of a waste to leave us with this bomb dragon spit setting than only leave a smidge of spice. <<less
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Michelle-08 rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: Completed
The baldy donkey, the vile spawn, the paper ghost, the stone carver and the blind soothsayer...

... more>>

all get their happy ending. Thank goodness!! *clap* *clap*


The arc between the siblings (blind soothsayer and paper ghost) is very beautiful, I love it so much. I cried a lot reading their story.

The funniest thing was: Lord dragon vs the spitting/slapping crow and Shifu vs Lord dragon.

I love the relationship between the protagonists and their friends, although the love arc is too slow for my tatse, but I've seen worst, so this is passable. It's no way perfect but it's still an enjoyable read. There's a lot of funny moments because of the tsundere lord dragon and sweet moments because of our gong who's patience to our shou is immeasurable. <<less
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Ritsuka rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I’m actually surprised that this hasn’t gotten much recognition yet. Its really good! I read it because its from Mu Su Li, the same author as GUEE and A certain someone, and i’m glad to tell you that it didn’t disappoint!

The thing I loved the most in this was the main couple dynamic. Mu Su Li really writes her couples well.I loved how the progression of their relationship went from enemies to someone they could use and then eventually to someone they both could rely unconditionally on! It was done... more>> in such a right pace that i’d say “slow romance done right”! I loved their bantering and comebacks to each other. It was super hilarious reading their interactions! And super heart warming to see them rely on each other and care for the other!I mean I had no intentions of reading it since I didn’t want a bald ML (i know my bad~) but the their dynamic was really just so good from the starting chapters that I loved it!

The plot is adventure, mystery, action, comedy and it had lot of elements of feng shui. Well uh lets be real, I didn’t understand anything about feng shui so that went over my head. Mystery was okayish, I mean if you’ve read/watched enough stuff you can more or less figure it out. But the adventures of the crippled dragon and bald Donkey (our ML xD) as they searched for MC’s bones, the culprit and ML’s past while coming across different people were really interesting! And its hilarious af! I haven’t had such good laughs in a while. As per Mu Su Li’s style there was a dash of angst for some chapters near the end but don’t worry! You’ll be compensated with HE! Sweet flirtings and hot vague snippets of smut (i love how she writes that vague smut) later on! It was an enjoyable plot!

I really like the MC! He’s arrogant, narcissistic, spunky, strong and hilarious xDD! And most importantly he’s a DRAGON! And that just leaves me in awe! I mean just like the top review said most BLs make the MCs into cute animals but seeing our MC as a strong, arrongant dragon was SUPER SATISFYING! Not to mention I just loved his arrogance and narcissism because of he’s a divine dragon! I really loved whatever came out out his mouth xDD his words always being so hilarious and best! The ML is pretty typical but I really liked his indulgence towards the MC tho. It was so good to read that! I loved it when MC was called ML’s dragon! It was so cute to read that! Only ML got the special treatment from our dragon xDD!

For anyone worrying about why the second review gave 3 stars, let me just add some things:


Judging by how she was ranting I thought the dragon spit will make them have a one night stand or something directly and then they will start being conscious and awkward about each other just like some broken hentai or ecchi plot and I actually avoided reading this novel due to that but colour me surprised! She was just making a fuss! Like bruh! The dragon spit just helped them be conscious of each other while making them realise that they held romantic thoughts towards each other and they are okay to do such things with each other and not with anyone else. Because I think it might have just taken like a century of more banterings for them to realise otherwise! This just acted as a catalyst. It didn’t ruin any progress and couple dynamic at all! Idk if I’m explaining well but you guys can check it out for yourself!


I definitely think everyone should give it a try if you like hilarious comedy with slow romance, great couple dynamics! <<less
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Kaur00 rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: Completed
4.6 💫

A must read novel with interesting story and characters.

Love both Xue Xian and Xuanmin🤗♥️💫
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August 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved it enough to read the rest in MTL at first. The humor is so good, omg, specially in the beginning. I kept grinning like a lunatic. The leads are mature and competent. I like such people.
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Yume_Midori rated it
July 30, 2021
Status: --
If we could give half points, I would probably get this novel a 4.5/5.

In the beginning of the novel, I found that some aspects of the mystery solving were uselessly complicated and didn't add much to the plot advancement or the suspense holding. Whatsoever, it rendered the pace a bit slow so it took me some time to get fully invested in the novel. But as I continued reading and things started to link together and make sense I got really engrossed in the story. The romance also takes some... more>> time to really start but once it's there, it is very sweet and heart-throbbing.

Another aspect of the story I enjoyed is that I found every side character's story to be interesting and emotional, as well as very cathartic in their own ways.

So overall even if it may take some time for you to really get hooked by the story, once you get into it, you won't regret having started this read. I thus very much recommend this novel. <<less
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MangaMoose rated it
July 12, 2021
Status: Completed
This is really underrated. It's a quick read, very light smut (censorship obviously kills the smut), and I found the smut bit actually very mature/understandable (he isn't a full monk guys! And the dragon isn't shy to be responsible for his aphordesiac).

This was witty, mature, fun to read and had a feel good ending for everyone. The side characters were loveable and very human. Both leads very relatable.

Maybe they aren't particularly special as they are a variant of typical Yin/Yang partnerships but both have strengths and weaknesses that balance out.

I... more>> liked their bonded connection. Perhaps the author could show more than tell for some people with meg reviews here but I thought it was perfect for a light novel romance/thriller. I can excuse the obviously vague/censored smut. Was s sweet enough. Sometimes too much icing spoils the treat. This had just enough.

This isn't HoB or MDZS or it would be A LOT longer obviously and sometimes you just want a cupcake and to count your calories, not the entire cake. Diets can also be good for you!

Still delicious! <<less
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May 18, 2021
Status: Completed
This is the second story I have read written by this author, and I enjoyed both of them. (The other one was Global University Entrance Examination.) This is definitely a slow burn romance, however, you can see the sweet and small things early in the story, so you really do get to enjoy "watching" their love for eachother grow.

The ML (the dragon) is hilariously dramatic, and often ends up biting his own tongue with his ridiculous behavior, in fact one of the comments mentioned him being the embodiment of chaos,... more>> and I would have to strongly agree with that. However, it's completely lovable, and helps keep a slghtly lighter side to this story, that might otherwise be a bit morose at times.

The MC and ML are obviously OP, but there isn't a ton of major battles so it's not overwhelming.


One's a dragon and the other is a mystic fake monk, of course they are OP. Would you believe me if I told you they were weak?


Lot's of ghosts and references to ghosts, but in a very mystical way. Not in the trying to scare you way, more in the these are real people that lived real lives, how did this happen to them way. It was nicely woven into the story and helped you understand the temperaments of the MC and ML, since they were both a little aloof at times.

If I had to give criticism it would be that I think the author used the phrase 蜻蜓点水 (the dragonfly touches the water lightly) about 20 times too many. In fact even the translator at various points couldn't help but point it out. I have read this phrase in many Chinese stories, however never seen it used so many times in a single story.

All in all though I am happy that I got to read this novel, and plan on reading more novels from this author in the future, once they are translated.


Side Note: There is no real NSFW in this story, there are a couple brief mentions that hedge around it, but nothing explicit or detailed. Good or bad, you can decide.

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The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Really one of the best novels out there.

Great ploy, awesome phasing and character development.

I like how the MC could be both smart and s*upidly funny at the same time. The chemistry of the aloof and quiet ML is really sweet. Specially after the've confirmed each others feelings. 😊 This is truly a worthy of binge read novel 🙂
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April 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Strong, intelligent characters. Very nice to read.
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maevalily rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: Completed
There should be a tag for drama queen 🤣🤣🤣

This was a lovely story to read; mysterious, touching, sad at times but the MC is just so extra and the comedic effect brings an adorable and refreshing touch to the sometimes sorrowful atmosphere (in the best ways of course). All in all, if something’s gonna make you sad, it won’t last long 😅🤣
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Angel921 rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Omg I've got to say this was such a difficult read in the beginning. I had to keep the faith that the story will make more sense and the characters relationship will get better. And satisfyingly, it really did. Even by ch 80, you will scratch your head and think, can everything be solved by the end? I mean we only have 20 or so more chapters to go and we really know nothing concrete about what's going on? But the author really did tie everything together. And between the... more>> MC and ML, their fluffiness was overflowing mostly at the end of the book. It was a very slow burn. But I was so happy with their loving each other and cuteness. It was one of the most satisfying ending of a relationship for me. <<less
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mogupi_upi rated it
March 20, 2021
Status: c102
I'm happy that I've encountered this novel.. The story is really beautiful. I used to hate slow burns romance, but I like this one. Just completed the novel and the happiness effect is still lingered in me 😄
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Akito_79 rated it
March 3, 2021
Status: c102
A light romantic novel, very well written, and no loose ends. The dynamic between the characters is very interesting and unique.
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helix1s rated it
March 1, 2021
Status: c35
I've just read 35 chapter and yet the side characters story has touched me multiple times.
Let me share you some memorable parts


The blur of soft, light snow fell half on the fresh grave on the mountain and half on the awning of their boat, half in the afterlife and half in the red dust of the living realm, bidding a quiet farewell to that nameless ghost and the travellers both.

How to tell someone you miss them, that you can't let them go? Perhaps the most tender way is to say, You're gone, but it's okay, I will become you, I will take you with me.

Time was no longer a concern. Regardless of the season or the age, they would remain together, to walk every path, to cross every river.


The early chapter hook you for it's adventurous and supernatural vibes but along the way we will find rich emotion and humbleness as we will look a glimpse into the inside of humanity. You will laugh, you will snickers and you'll cry.

The translation is done beautifully, I can't imagine how emotional it is to read in the original text. If there's another story with similar tone please recommend me one!

*I've read little mushroom already
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Missah rated it
February 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Another wonderful read. The translation was really well done, so the flow and romance in the words was quite good.
It is however another slow burn romance and there were times I had to go back to this page to check if it was a shounen ai or a yaoi.
The relationship between the ML and MC felt incredibly realistic, especially how their relationship developed. They are really quite perfect for each other; they complement each other. The side characters were also well written and interesting.
The plot was confusing at times however the translator does explain a bit in the comments so if you feel lost, just refer to the comments. However I do acknowledge with this type of novel (feng shui, mystics etc) there will be times where for those without previous knowledge, the plot may go over our heads, at least it did for me but it didn’t make my enjoyment of this novel decrease.
I would highly recommend this novel.
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consulting_the_illustration rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: Completed
The best thing about this work is No Loose Ends. If I had a question about what happened to that character or this plot twist, eventually it was explained in the following chapters. This story was very well written and thought through, and the translation was great from start to finish. The main character's antics and attitude were hilarious and endearing, the romance between two equals was slow and believable, there was plenty of action with just enough anx, and the side characters had touching stories that made me tear... more>> up a little. This story popped up out of nowhere as a recommendation, and it turned out to have everything I wanted in a good read. <<less
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