Beloved Husband


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Yan Jing Ze encountered an accident while escaping with his lover, was accidentally parasitized, and was involved in reincarnations.

He was lost in reincarnation and almost couldn’t wake up, but if he doesn’t wake up again, his dear will be doomed!

So at certain critical moments, the phoenix man who squeezed the bamboo horse, the scumbag who framed the learning God… they all became sober, no, they were “pierced”.

Various scum gong began to spoil their beloved shou crazily.

Story of the amnesiac gong, Yan Jing Ze, transmigrating into multiple worlds as the scum gong of his beloved wife.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sủng Phu - Quyết Tuyệt
Related Series
In Love (Sequel)
Don’t Be a Kept Man (4)
Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (3)
This Quick Transmigration Experience Is a Bit Sweet (3)
I’ve Got this Cannon Fodder’s Back (2)
Holding Onto My Man (2)
Heroic Death System (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. plans to read
  2. Historical Setting TBR
  3. want to read 8
  4. Read *** or ****
  5. Homesteading for Dummies

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09/30/20 A Wandering Potato c40
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129 Reviews sorted by

Geroker rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: c15
You get a world with a horrible original storyline and then an MC smashing the storyline to smithereens, where a lot of the enjoyment is just watching a mistreated person flower, someone getting genuine support and encouragement to improve themselves.

That said, as more chapters come out I feel its kind of one note dog food. It's still a little too early to tell, but at least for the first arc I feel like after maybe 6 chapters the tension fell flat, there was no suspense anymore, just the character... more>> accomplishing everything easily to dote on his lover.

I think, as a QT novel, it deserves an arc or two more to show its chops... <<less
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hacques rated it
April 25, 2024
Status: c257
Thaaaaank youuuuuuu~ for the novel!

I'm adding stars for this book! What a satisfying journey, every arc are wholesome, the character and story development are good. And even though each arc has only few chapters, the pace is not by means slow, it developed nicely and just right for the taste.

The gong is not an OP character, not given cheat or accompanied by any system; the only power he carried through the universe was the trait that he's a fast learner. And that's it. He proves himself afterwards, all while showering... more>> the shou with affection.

I think I will find it hard to move on from this novel~ LOL.

For the translator team, thank you so much for the good work! <<less
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3694 rated it
February 28, 2024
Status: --
At first, I thought I was reading the summary of the arc. But in arc 2 it gets better. Later I found myself skipping some chapters cuz of the first reason, Its feels like im only reading the summary.

Before reading this I was expecting more. Cuz the idea of ML dont have memory in each arc and it was ml's pov. I thought Im going to read ML fell in love with the same person over and over again in diff worlds but instead ML love his husband in diff... more>> world. ML and MC already established their relationship. I guess im looking for the vagueness. For ex: in this world of zombie, ML woke up not knowing anything except for this memory that he's this kind of person. He thought he's like that in that memory, a scum, but then he saw MC, who seems so familiar and something with in him stirred, vague, and then fell in love discover his power and wants to protect MC. What happened was, he and MC are alrdy in a relationship somehow or another and then he tranmigrated and as soon as he saw MC he love at first sight. He remember the plot and he remembered that he's his husband. So in the end ML as the usual being ml, the plot become easy. It become flat.

Do you know why QWTFOTD is so good? The story wasn't that great but it captures the plot of each world. It feels like reading diff plot with the same characters. Even if its boring you cant help but go to the next world. It was quick and enjoyable just like a QT. Im expecting that first phase of falling in love. Or at least make it gradually. Like he fell in love in 1st arc and then again on the 2nd. On 3rd will vaguely felt familiar at 4th he is familiar. At 5th he starts to look for him. 6th and so on would be on arc's focus or some main plot on the og they fell in love

But I like the pacing. Its quick but then author adds something that originally will happened but since ML transmigrated it wont happen. That's a waste. It could just be the summary of what will happen at this moment rather than the future that wont happen. Or the skeleton of the arc. But this dont happen in every arc some of them some are not.

I expected more so now im disappointed 😔 dnf at arc 7. I might go back so let me leave this <<less
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August 4, 2023
Status: c257
Pretty good. I'm usually bored with Quick Transmigration novels because all the story arcs are similar; once you've read one the rest are the same. But I enjoyed this one. The arcs are all short and sweet.
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January 31, 2023
Status: c18
It's so good. I hate scummy partners so it was a bit hard for me to read about the OG gong but I wanted the spoiling! So I made myself keep reading. And it's so sweet! MC (the gong, I love gong protags) fully agrees that OG was scummy tr*sh and he needs to love and pamper his wife. ML is sweet, too and he definitely deserves to be treated well. It's so sweet. Sadly there's no bed scenes or leadups to it. But so much fluff! MC does his... more>> best to clear away anything that might trouble ML. Also interesting intro. Not super informative but enough to get the idea of what lead to their QT situation. MC took care of ML then, too! <<less
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January 10, 2023
Status: --
This is very cute (and very fluffy). Some arcs are better than others - the campus Is a standout for me - but overall, funny with good translation.

I looked forward to every arc’s “I am a genius!”
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NightFlower1412 rated it
November 27, 2022
Status: Completed
This is lighthearted, dogblood face slapping QT that's pretty easy to read and enjoy. It's like a break novel (especially with the different arcs to pace yourself) from after reading other angst, drama-filled novels.

Idk whether it's because I'm in a good mood when thinking about the characters. The love between MC and ML is always love at first sight, and they're pretty loyal and devoted to each other (MC is seme/top/gong but some roles don't make him seem like the top lol I like the uniqueness).

I think what I liked... more>> most about this is that the characters

aren't so entirely focused on getting revenge and dishing out dog blood. Yeah they show off their skills and turn opinions and face, but it's mostly just spreading dog food everywhere.

Like they even give the bad guys chances to live and far away from them.

Warning tho, the first two arcs were pretty long imo. After that, it's good pacing. Not a big deal breaker. And you know what, I think some novels don't have to be all complicated. I like how simple it is, so I give it a good rating. <<less
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puregarnet rated it
September 1, 2022
Status: Completed
4 Stars


I read the translation by A Wandering Potato. The translation is good. There are some repeated sentences/paragraphs but they are just typos and it doesn't really break the flow of the story. Some sentences are a little bit awkward but they are pretty minor and infrequent, you hardly notice unless you go looking for them. The quality is also very consistent. Overall, I liked it.

... more>> Plot and Pacing

Arc 1: Phoenix Man - 2.5 Stars

It was a really typical poor to rich plot taking place in 16 chapters. The previous stories by this author took over 160 chapters. This one is really rushed and short. There were lots of timeskips. We don't really spend much time with the characters. A lot of things from a long period of time were just narrated very quickly in one shot.

Arc 2: Genius Slacker - 3.9 Stars

Much better than Arc 1. The time skips were far shorter and the long ones only took place right at the very end and in the extras. The number of chapters is slightly longer too. The majority of the story is set during 1 year of school. This time, the arc is far more humorous than in arc 1. The MC is shameless too which gives lots of opportunities for humour. A funny arc, quite enjoyable. The faceslapping is kinda mild and quick but a bit more satisfying than in arc one where there wasn't really a villain except the father but he follows the son's order so who cares lol

Arc 3: The Star - 3.3 Stars

Reaaally short so I didn't really have much time to feel anything for the characters, especially the ML this time. He feels like an expressionless old dude lol. The ending was also quite rushed. At first, when I read the first chapter, I wanted to skip the whole arc because I'm not interested in a showbiz genre when the MC and ML are popular and are there for drama only. But I should have trusted in our favourite MC haha There was a nice plot twist by him hahaha.

Arc 4: Emperor - 3 Stars

This is an Ancient China story but not harem politics but the power struggle kind. I'm not a fan of this because I find it too draggy. But this story was kinda meh. The ML is kinda boring and the MC's character this time isn't really new or interesting. The ML's back story is also unrootable because he's alrd in a position of power and he has good friends in the army. The plot is super simple. There is really only one main villain and he's kinda dumb. Also, all the plotting and palace intrigue were so simple, quickly finished and there was no oomph. There were no feelings of suspense or of any kind of high stakes stakes that should be in this genre because I could feel the protagonist halo from far away lol. Especially since I knew this was a QT story and all the arcs seem to be really short so how bad can it really be. No one would permanently die since there are 200+ chapters to go lol. I really only liked the ending parts after all the villains were dealt with and it was only romance lol.

Arc 5: Little White Face - 3.8 Stars

The beginning half was a bit annoying because the MC transversed into a white face character. Then, he really acted out as one. I find this type of character really annoying so it wasn't nice to read. Luckily, he eventually revealed his strength so there were other more exciting things that happened. This is my first zombie apocalypse CN novel. So it is actually an interesting setting to read about haha. The ML is only okay for this one. For pacing, it was pretty smooth here. There is no timeskip except for the extras and the length of this arc is longer than the previous.

Arc 6: President - 4 Stars

I liked this arc! It was a simple ceo story haha. I love the ML this time, very cute, lovable and innocent! So straightforward just aww The villain here is also the best one so far. He's the constant one making trouble so he built up enmity from me. As a result, the faceslapping feels more satisfying haha.I only wish the author hadn't made him go crazy in the end, it feels like a copout. I also wish there were more detail in the management of the company or in the investing but what can I expect in such a short story sigh

Arc 7: Rogue Scholar - 4 Stars

I liked it! Of course, I really love those poor to rich tropes so that's why I am alrd partial to this arc haha. I haven't read many scholar stories before, so it was interesting to read how they made money to take the exams. I really wish that part was longer and had more detail though. Since these arcs are all so short, there is only like 1 thing they work hard on to make money instead of a slow escalation to hit the big bucks which is more interesting, believable and cathartic. The villains were also the kinds I like, family haha. The feeling is deeper because it feels more personal, which makes the faceslapping more satisfying. It's too bad they don't really appear all that often really.

The pacing is pretty good except for the romance. In the beginning, there wasn't much buildup until after the exams when it became seeex lol

Arc 8: Mine Owner - 3.9 Stars

This was a new setting for me so I was alrd interested. The setup especially because it was like learning about cool planets and stuff haha Too bad it was so short. Based on the author's previous works, I feel like it could have been super cool. I found the Stone Age Raising Husband Journal's setting quite vivid (maybe because I really love nature settings haha) with dinosaurs so this interstellar one could have also been really interesting. Alas, it was pretty short and quickly moved on to the climax lol. It felt like all the interesting plots and schemes and action happened before the story and the story now is really all the aftermath.

For characters, the MC and ML are a bit so so but I found the almighty Alan Butler a nice and funny touch haha. The villains here feel more personal and more annoying because they are family to the ML, which makes me feel more invested. I only wish the Xia family really felt the burn. I feel like it wasn't as satisfying for their end. And the antagonist couple, their bad ending is just basically them fighting each other until old age which feels kinda lukewarm lol

Arc 9: Rich Second Generation - 4.25 Stars

I really liked it! Not only is this one of the longest arc, the focus this time is on the romance! The ML is arguably the most developed one so far. We get into his head a lot and watch him accept himself and the MC from his pov way more than in previous arcs. Also, the ML now feels more like a real character than before. There were very little schemes but more of romance development which I prefer in these really short stories very much. Since the arcs are so short, I liked that the focus is on the characters so I don't care if the action or plot is very little. Another reason why this arc really worked for me is because while there is insta-love, the ML and MC didn't get together immediately and in fact, had love obstructions inside and outside haha So they had to work to properly be together so there was actual development than in previous arcs I feel.

Arc 10: Demon Sect Leader - 4.25 Stars

I really liked it! The ML isn't as prevalent as in the previous arc this time but the overall setting and plot combined all of my favourites! Setting up a restaurant, saving the MC's downtrodden people (tortured? Ens*aved?), raising them to have a better life, adopting kids, hehe All things I like. It's just way too bad that it was all skimmed over at the end. All the teaching and making their lives better was detailed a bit at the beginning but then it got skimmed over in favour of some action. But I would have preferred the heartwarming slice of life parts more haha

Arc 11: Educated Youth - 4 Stars

I really like the 70s trope! It's full of slice of life, personal opportunities to cultivate heartwarming feelings everywhere haha. This arc is sadly one of the shorter arcs so the money making/food making part is really quite short. The studying part was kinda skimmed over and we should just assume they all studied hard. As for the characters, I really love that, for once, the villains turned good at the end haha. As for the ML this time, ahh, his situation is really sad! I really like how he was so moved when someone was there to finally give him a bit of support. He cried. Ah, my heart. As for pacing, same issues as all the other arcs, the info dump at the beginning and the end is very rushed and tell not show.

Arc 12: Senior Brother - 4 Stars

We finally see the conclusion of this story. The whole memories of the future, the rebirth of random villains, the transmigrated into a book etc etc are all explained here. Pretty nice explanation too, just that it was explained so short and simply lol The prolong at the beginning was all explained too. I just felt like the red ball of light having no mind felt like a copout though.

Themes/What Story Tried to Achieve

Each arc was waaaay too short. The setting and the original plot of that world are always info dumped at the beginning of each arc. Then the ending is usually also summarised in an info dumpy way at the end. The annoying thing is that the main characters have amnesia and don't remember at the beginning of each arc so every time both the ML and the MC are like new characters to me. The development or anything that doesn't carry through. The only good things are that the MC's name is the same at least and that his inner personality is similar. But the ML is very different from arc to arc. This Quick Transmigration trope, I just don't understand the allure of it, why is the trope so popular it even became a trope? The arcs are so short you don't get much from them. The plot beats are all the same. And for the majority of the story, there isn't an overarching story because the MC has amnesia each world so we, the reader, want to know what is going on but the MC just wants to love the ML anew each arc. Maybe in other QT stories it's different hurm.

As for the romance, this author has a nice tendency to make the couple non traditional haha There is a top and bottom but the corresponding personalities get mixed up in interesting ways which is nice and refreshing. I love how different the couple's personalities are compared to other danmei. Also, the MC is the gong XD Only, after reading so many of them in such short arcs back to back from binge reading, the novelty wore off a bit in the 70% mark. Ah, but the next arcs until the end, the arcs picked right back up haha.


Really, the main character you see the most is the MC. Although he forgets everything from arc to arc, his personality is 70% the same and the only difference is that he will take some references from the "body" he takes over. So there is some connection that can be felt from arc to arc. The ML from each arc, though, is all very different. I can't imagine them as each other even though they are the same soul so take that as you will.

Random Comments

I notice that this author has a tendency to make their MCs lie and deceive the ML at the beginning and then later on, the pretending gets exposed and everything is solved with a happy ending pretty quickly. I just don't like that this type of advancing the story is even present. Like, I wish the MC would find other ways to accomplish his goals. It's a bit unpleasant to read about.

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated haha
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Northern Snow
Northern Snow rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: --
My first seme protag ♪~ (´ε`)

I read this months ago and now I already read this twice. At first, this novel was on my reading list because I was hesitant to read novel where the seme being the protagonist. But, you know at that time I've encountered countless novels where the MC (shou) being tsundere/in-denial/hate being touchy/dense af/etc. So, I give this novel a chance. Mainly because I want to read from the seme POV while being worried that the shou would be too cold.

But no! It's mutual! (^∇^)... more>> ノ♪ Both of them love each other

And with it I began my journey searching for more seme protag novel!

Please read this If you want something fluffy and sweet. <<less
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Beccablue rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: Completed
This is pure floof. Each arc is a happy ending.

... more>>

These are short love stories where the same ML and MC are reborn over and over again. The MC enters each world a blank slate until they see the ML and that is when the memories of who they are appear. Always a scum that arrives at the crucial moment to change the direction of the story. You will always know what is going to happen, there are no surprises until you get to the last arc and then there is just a whopper of a reveal


There is no spice. You have "they kissed" and "he was eaten". That is it. So this is a very pg story. It's just sweet and wholesome.

The translator did a great job and it's an easy read.

This is the perfect story to read when you want a break between more serious and dramatic stories or you had a bad day and want some dog food and aww sweetness. Since each arc is only connected by the MC, its also one that you can come back to between arcs and you dont need to remember plot points or anything else really. So if you like jumping between stories and themes, this is great one since you won't get lost coming back to it after a break.

The final ending is very clever and explains everything in such a wonderful and unique way and just wraps everything up so there are no unanswered questions. <<less
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December 3, 2021
Status: c1
The plot of this story is so adorable. Total maxed out loyal dog wife chasing husband. ML and MC interactions are so sweet. I feel my teeth rotting from the amount of honey glazed dog food the main couple feeds the readers. Lots of Meng, fluff, and great plots.
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En-Jay99 rated it
November 21, 2021
Status: Completed
First Arc was super boring but it gets better and better.
Really glad the author had an actual reason for the reincarnating! And a really interesting one too.

Yan Jing Ze calling himself a genius and so amazing will never stop being funny. Yeah you are amazing! Cute.

More fluff than angst but some of the arcs have a pretty good balance between the two.
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Juju641 rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Gosh this novel is just WONDERFUL!

Can’t believe I’ve only read this now. This just heals my soul from reading stories and plots with exaggerated simple misunderstandings 😌 because NO CONLICTTOO 😍. Pure Fluff! Best arc for me is the interstellar one hehe. Luvvv it!! It may seem tiring given the repetitive situation of MC in every world BUT Every premises are uniquely different and the way problems are resolved are simply way too cute and fluffy 🥰. I may have to read this again for uhmm 3x? Or till I... more>> get tired hehe. One thing’s for sure, I NEED MORE STORIES SIMILAR TO THIS!!! I need more fwa fwa Gongs who’s silly, powerful and devoted to their shou 🥺. I need more of that sweet suspense the author provided in every worlds in this novel 😭.

Thank you author-san and translator-chan for this wonderful work, job well done! <<less
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Mayuri801 rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
That was so perfect. My only regret is that I read too fast. I loved almost all the arcs, sure, there were some arcs that I didn't like the start at all, but the later part of everyone gets only better and better. MC is such a cutie, reasonable and overpower person. And ML a cutie too, such a precious cinnamon roll. And the end, it was pretty logical and was well explained, not rushed at all.

When there is an arc that you don't like that much you can just... more>> skip, they don't connect on with another and will not affect the plot (of course I have read all of them, every arc is 10/10). All of them have the same trope, overpowered MC, doting gong, scum being whitewashed, and the best one, shou being active, ML never is being forced and he properly shows how much he loves MC, and MC too shows a lots of love for ML; but the novel don't gets boring, only better.

It's an novel full of PDA, dog food, sweet talk and little to nothing angst.

MC 10/10

ML 10/10

Side characters 9/10

Dog food 999/10 (I'd like to eat more again please.) <<less
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freezy bee
freezy bee rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: Completed
loooveeee thisssss <3

the sweetness in here is too much, less drama, and the characters are not infuriating for me.

dogfood: 5/5


the plot: 4.5/5


... more>>

because I do have a lil bit of complain. trust me it's just a lil bit. I don't really like that the shou always having somekind of a 'miserable life' before meeting our gong MC... it just hurts my soft heart, I know that's the reason for mc's transmigration. yes, to save, pamper, and dotes on our cute and adorable shou. BUT IT STILL HURTS A LIL BIT YOU KNOW T^T


best bl qt that i've read. <3 <3 <3 <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
September 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I didn’t know what to expect, but this was surprisingly interesting. The MC becomes a scum gong who wakes up right before they can cause irreparable damage to the shou. His personality is rather carefree and only becomes truly angry when the shou is threatened. A defining characteristic/golden finger would be his highly retentive memory from his strong soul. On the other hand, the shou is someone who suffered for the first part of his (many) lives and becomes a ‘lovebrain’ as soon as he sees the ML. His behaviour... more>> once he likes the MC differs based on his personality in each arc.

One of the interesting parts of this story (that others might actually dislike) is that the beginning of each arc has a formulatic echo to them. The author has a few sentences that are repeated near the beginning of every arc, usually within the first chapter, as the MC adapts to the new setting. Our MC has amnesia so his similar reactions to the same stimuli (waking up after transmigrating, seeing MC, etc) make a lot of sense. The brilliance of this method is shown later when the author goes off script to give hints that certain arcs will be different.

The ending is a twist, but not an unexpected one. There was enough build up in the plot to support it. The story never explains why the red energy ball from chapter 1 exists or it’s inexplicable hostility towards the MC, but it doesn’t have to. The author opted for a well done open-ended conclusion that hints at even more adventures to come. <<less
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Chazion rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: --
I binged this over a week, and I'm so sad it ended. It really is a very sweet story. MC and ML have like the cutest relationship. MC is super respectful and caring. Definitely give this a try. Each arc of the story, 12 in total, is cute and a blast to read. The face slapping is minimal but satisfying.
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August 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this book! The start of every arc may be repetitive and too boring for some, but I just got used to it lol. And I love how the author wrapped the story. It made everything make sense and so sweet! I love the stickiness of this power couple
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RedKed rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: Completed
This is my first review, and I am proud to say that both the story and the translator are beyond amazing.

I cannot thank A Wandering Potato enough, the story really came to life for me due to the high quality translation, not to mention the sheer speed of the updates 💜

I started reading this story due to the gong MC, and I have no regrets!

I do admit that some arcs were not really it for me, but I can safely say that I never wished to skip an entire arc.... more>> I like that everything was very reasonable, and the autor really had a plan on how to end the story and tie the QT together.


I think someone mentioned that there's another story with their honeymoon, and I will try to look for it! More fluff and dog food is always welcomed.


This raises my expectations for future MC's and ML's, because they were both respectful and I always felt confident in the strength of their feelings for each other.

I understand some may think it's insta-love, but please try to read the whole story, because it has an explanation at the end.

Overall, I would 100% recommend to others, and if you (like me) want to try reading about a loving Gong!MC and a fluffy QT story, without much angst, this is the perfect story for you. <<less
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The_yiling_patriach rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I didn't expect this book to be sooooo gooodddd and now it became my 2nd favt QT novel btw 1st always will be qwfod and the reasons are

... more>>

1. Love at first sight thank god because of this there will be no dogblood drama after the MC transversed

2. Seme MC and jing ze is one of the best gong I have ever read

3. No repetitive plot like other QT

4. Each and every world is awesome at first u may feel bored but after that u ll get hooked


Now I want more chapters 😭😭😭 <<less
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