At the Northern Fort


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Paw pads wrapped in white fur. Fluffiness around the neck. A bushy tail. A rounded figure that was the very definition of furball! ――――A certain Japanese girl had been reincarnated into such a fox cub; Milfiria.

Milfiria was told to watch the house by her mother, as the mother left for the capital. However, unable to bear with the loneliness and deciding to chase her mother to the capital, Milfiria became lost in a fort protected by strong knights.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kita no Toride Nite
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigration/ Reincarnation #2
  2. Ranking of novels i have read
  3. (NoRO) Japanese novels
  4. Non-Human MCs and the MLs who love them anyway
  5. Animals/Beastmen

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/09/25 Kiriko Translations v5md2
02/02/25 Kiriko Translations v5md1
01/27/25 Kiriko Translations v5c27
01/07/25 Kiriko Translations v5c26
12/30/24 Kiriko Translations v5c25
12/26/24 Kiriko Translations v5c24
12/16/24 Kiriko Translations v5c23
12/09/24 Kiriko Translations v5c22
11/22/24 Kiriko Translations v5c21
11/11/24 Kiriko Translations v5c20
10/19/24 Kiriko Translations v5c19
10/14/24 Kiriko Translations v5c18
09/01/24 Kiriko Translations v5c17
08/11/24 Kiriko Translations v5c16
07/28/24 Kiriko Translations v5c15
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20 Reviews sorted by

dim100 rated it
April 26, 2016
Status: --
Fear the uber cute.

The whole series gives off a fluffy small animal feeling that makes you wish for a hug, and the narration by our tiny hero makes her actions seem adorable from a "aaaahh how cute." Screw major fights or uber cheat, or political intrigue who needs that when you have small animal cuteness and curiosity.
27 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nerodith rated it
May 17, 2017
Status: c9
I'm usually not into slice of life, but this one is an exception. The plot is nothing exceptionnal, it's just the cute story of a fluffy baby fox, but for some reason, I can't stop reading it.

It's just that addicting.
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 25, 2016
Status: --
It's interesting.

It's cute.

It's smooth.

It's fluffy.

It's funny.

I like it. The MC is so cute (not that I didn't expect that) I don't have much to say that wasn't in the summary or in some other review, but the story floes and connects.

11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Noir Paw
Noir Paw rated it
March 12, 2017
Status: c9
I love this story, it's so cute! I really enjoy reading stories where the MC is Non-Human and this is definitely one of my favorites (I also love the reincarnated stories so this is like killing two birds with one stone). It's also kind of easy to get addicted to reading this particular story, in my opinion, just another reason to love it!!!
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Ruyi rated it
November 25, 2016
Status: c8
This story is so cute and soft, just like its protagonist. I love seeing the world from her baby fox eyes and how she treats the humans around her. It's also refreshing to have the main supporting cast be a group of battle-grizzled knights rather than typical Girl A or Boy B--this makes the story feel new and interesting. Can't wait for more chapters. ≪3
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joshan rated it
November 21, 2016
Status: c89
A certain Japanese girl reincarnated into long-lived snow fox spirit: Milfiria. Solves everything with fluffiness, formed a fluffiness religion (mainly knights and some other spirits) her mother is Spartan when it comes to raising her but her father is a chill out guy. When dealing with everything she has to control her fox instincts which she gets better at while growing, which she does pretty fast too... start out very very weak and get stronger as she ages (Adult at 100 tho) The serie is based on the interactions between... more>> people and spirits and how human society uses them or destroy their environment. Doesn't have a main plot, every volume has its own that increases tension towards its end but doesn't end in tragedies (at least til this ch) <<less
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mavsynchroid rated it
June 7, 2018
Status: c10
What the s*upid?... I'm all for stories being cute and fluffy and what not, but I'm sorry.. This is just s*upid. It's like the author tried to think up every cute thing they could and jammed it down the throat of this novel. Obviously there's not too much to speak on concerning the story as there aren't many chapters out, but the way it's going... I don't think I'll ever be coming back to it.
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Chibidere rated it
September 13, 2017
Status: --
It's cute, but the dumbness of the MC makes it really bad. She's 18, but acts like she's 3. I think the author tried to solve this loophole by saying while the MC is 18 mentally, her body's biological functions make her react more animalistically/childishly. However, even so, the MC would catch herself acting too childishly and become embarrassed. If that's the case, this instinct of her to do animal things will eventually be negated by her mind. Yet in the beginning, when her mother left her home for a... more>> month, she decided to s*upidly follow her mother even though her mother gave her clear reasons why she couldn't come along (e.g. Human greed), which the MC should know about from her previous life.

I don't mind oblivious MCs (like Ayrin from Destroyer of Ice and Fire), but this MC is just s*upid. 18 and acting like she's 3, it's kind of annoying. However, the chapters are short and other than the s*upidity of the MC, it's a cute story. <<less
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LazyFatCat rated it
October 30, 2018
Status: c13
Very cute, as the description states. Though wouldve woul better if the author omit the reincarnation part. Apparently the MC being a reincarnator is supposed to help with her understanding everything around her ever since she's still a baby, but clearly her problem solving skill is that of a baby as well. With her being a spirit, and supposedly understands human interaction since she can transform to humanoid form too, the reincarnation part is actually became useless. My 1 star reduction is actually because of that. Make the MC a... more>> normal baby fox spirit and this would've been perfect. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
BlancFrost rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c9
This novel is a very enjoyable read, so cute and sweet. Seeing the world from the baby fox eyes is really adorable. It is definitely a recommended read for those who want something fluffy to read that is heartwarming. Just having her around brightens up the day for the war hardened soldiers! I look forward to reading more chapters!
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Ohems rated it
December 22, 2017
Status: c13
"The stories of a fox, as told by a human." That could very well be the title of this novel. The MC is basically a long lived spirit fox cub and has all of the instincts and actions of a normal fox cub. However, since the MC is a reincarnated human, she can narrate the actions from a familiar viewpoint.

There are complaints about how the MC doesn't act like an adult despite mentally being one, but the whole point of the novel seems to be to narrate the life of... more>> a fox cub, and the MC is a reincarnated human only to make this possible in a reasonable way. So the decision to make the MC act like a small animal is very deliberate and coincidentally also very well done.

Very cute, fluffy and light-hearted. I'm just as curious to see where this story goes as the MC was when she found a bottle of ink and some important documents. I hope the story doesn't go like that scene did. <<less
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yellingbrian2 rated it
October 9, 2017
Status: c13
The author needs to write a research paper on the nature of 'cute'.

Truly an expert in the field of cuteness, much fluff, so very very cute.

You'll need insulin for the sugar overdose, the fuzzball is too dam adorable!
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Shadowdrop rated it
January 20, 2018
Status: c13
This is BEYOND adorable! Uuu, I want to hug MC so badly... though, she definitely wouldn't let me.

Contrary to the description, though, it's not a girl in a fox cub's body. It's a fox cub with the memories of a girl.

The adorable fox part of her holds the reins, and the reincarnated girl part only tries to find excuses for what was done.

And this is one of the best parts about the story. It protects her from falling into those overused tropes for reincarnated people, and even though

... more>>

she might be OP when she grows up (spirit, daughter of the OP spirit)


she definitely won't be saving nations or introducing crop rotation and every kind of cake to the ignorant masses anytime soon (I hope?) <<less
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DeanRae rated it
April 26, 2016
Status: --
Whenever I see releases for this, I always shout for joy. It's like a conditioned reflex I have no control over. Hahha anyways, so far the story is quite cute - especially the reactions of the little snow spirit baby and the people around her. Good for a nice fluffy read
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
uavgas rated it
September 7, 2016
Status: c5
A very cute and fluffy read. The main character, as a baby fox spirit, is super adorable, and this novel has much potential to give you diabetes with it's cuteness. I always look forward to the next chapter, and I urge anyone who may be interested in the slightest bit to read it and give it a chance.
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Tully rated it
August 7, 2016
Status: --
This is one of the novels I'm always waiting for an update. I will just go and directly rate it 5 because I have no doubt that it has great potential. The lead is soooooooooo cute and adorable that I want to reach out and squish her inside my laptop screen. The the flow of the story is so smooth that you can easily visualize everything that is written. The translation is also good. The downside is the slow translation which I can't bring myself to complain since I'm following... more>> the light novels that the translator is focused on translating first which are "I'll Live My Second Life!" and "Kenkyo. Kenjitsu O Motto Ikite Orimasu"--both very good novels.

This is a very good light and feel good read :) <<less
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Bluestone rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: v3
This is sooooooooo good! The mtl is very easy to read and I'm glad I did it. I just can't wait for the author to continue it. I love the hoodie spirit and I can smell something off about it muhehehehe
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CluelessClover rated it
March 29, 2018
Status: c118
Super super cute! I'm at the latest chapter from the raws and I'm dying to read volume 4. The writer hasn't updated since 2017. The translation is slow and I think its been put on hold. Honestly, the best parts for me haven't been translated yet. Trust me, the cuteness gets better! The fluffiness and "cutesy-ness" is tripled once the MC gets joined by ... more>>

another baby fire spirit (in the raws his name was"Kugargue"), her father (yes! she has a dad!), AND again Kugargue!!!


The cutest interactions for me happens in the various side chapters (or volume extras) so if those don't get translated, then you'll be missing almost half of the fun! After all, her interactions with

Kugargue, the baby fire spirit, is mostly detailed in the side chapters called "picture book".


I can't explain anymore. Just that, this story is light, cute, fluffy... For those who likes major plots, then you might get bored BUT this story also has a bit of a plot anyway so its not random. Think of Gakuen Babysitters cuteness except without pictures and not long. <<less
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YoriMei rated it
January 24, 2024
Status: v2c31
Extremely cute story about a baby fox and her daily life, with a focus more on just cuteness and her friends/family interacting with her. It's a nice story that's very relaxing but the pros and cons of the story is one and the same.

the "problem" with this story and every other story like this is that nothing really happens. There's little to no drama, no terrible villain, not a single bit of tension in the entire story. If you're into it then the story is very comfy, if you're not... more>> then the story is plain boring. Every chapter has the same story/ending, Mil (the mc) is cute, watching a baby fox move is cute and refreshing, end chapter, rinse repeat.

if you're looking for something easy to read with no drama or real plot other than "baby animals are cute, everyone around basks in her cuteness." then rejoice because you've found it. On the other hand if you want something with a little more depth or excitement then steer clear. <<less
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Silver_Moon789 rated it
April 20, 2020
Status: v2c9
It's an adorable novel, it's honestly mostly just fluff with occasional bits of character development and plot but that's what I was looking for in this novel anyway because it knows what it is. An enjoyable read and I even read ahead in the raws to see what happens and the story mostly just makes me soft and want to UwU. While not frequent, the plot that does develop is interesting that I want to know what happens next (but I think I've suffered MTLing this enough for now). Basically... more>> if you want to just enjoy a very fluff filled novel this is for you. If you're looking for plot heavy, character development heavy story, please search elsewhere. <<less
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