Ancient Strengthening Technique


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A human warrior cultivating the Ancient Strengthening Technique has transcended dimensions and arrived on Kyushu. Together with twelve ravishing beauties with looks that were unmatched in their generation, will he be able to stand on the summit of this world?

This novel is about the main character, named Qing Shui, who transcended dimensions and arrived in the Kyushu continent. Storms of blood and wind, resulting in corpses and bones strewn about are extremely common here. The young warrior Qing Shui forged ahead in his path to cultivate, using 10 years to train himself, only to seek vengeance for the one who had forsaken his mother!

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One entry per line
Portraits of Beauty
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  5. Op Mc / simulation systems

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146 Reviews sorted by

VvvV1225 rated it
May 15, 2018
Status: c1200
It's just as the description say, omitting the plot hole, (and a lot).

if you are a harem lover, you may give this novel a try, tough you may deterred by the fact that after a woman join the harem, she become like a zombie mindlessly following her man (meaning: all women in the harem become the same person, just with different name).
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thasian rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: Completed

Contrary to the reviews and ratings, the novel itself is captivating. There are parts of the novel where the author could improve on such as the lack of suspense; but overall, the story is like a vat of wine - as the story progresses, the more you want to read. Although there is a lack of elements that appear early in the story that influence the protagonist later on in the story, except for the 12 portraits, this isn't a bad thing, in a sense. Treat the... more>> novel as an adventure. The protagonist does have faults in his character at times, ahem, r*pe.

PS addressing the problem a lot of people find with the novel, the amount of chapters cultivation in the realm of immortal jade takes up, it's not as exaggerated as some people state - 90% of the novel. At best, it's 30-40%.

EDIT: I Mtl'd the entire novel and I've changed my entire view of the book around. I can't change my rating but I'd give it a 1/5 right now. The ending was really rushed and so many plot holes were never discussed. What was the significance of the 12 portraits? What about the 12 heavenly meridians? Even in the end, he never cleared all of them, only 11. The author never even mentioned all his women in the end. QS never reached the peak of martial arts either. <<less
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VeryForgetful rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c1516
I'll give this 3.5, but to boost the rating by just a unnoticable bit, a 4 it is.

First off, I want just want to put this out : Take every review with a pinch of salt. If you read any novel you will have your own view of it and please read an actual fair amount. Spoilers below, dont read if you want none of it.

Since I saw most of the reviewers have problems with the MC i'll start with him. Most of the review at the top are pretty... more>> misleading with the main problem lies in MC is into in*est. This is false, while MC finds his mother beautiful his is not sexually attractive to her. Another thing is that MC is really lustful, which is true, at first atleast. The MC actually grows through as the story progressed. At the start, he flirts with any woman he finds attractive, then later on when he has wives and even children, he stops actively looking for more relationship (but he won't deny any woman who loves him). With these out of the way, let's talk about his character.
    • His way of thinking is the closest to our modern world out of all the character I have seen in these types of chinese novel. He doesn't go around looking for trouble, he doesn't kill anyone he meets but actually kills the ones who are responsible and leaves out the innocents. There are several occasions where he learns and try to be more ruthless but eventually reverts back. This shows even in the way he treat and teach his children, he let them pursuit and learn what profession they want.
    • He's rather selfless. He has a lot of goals but none of them so far are actually his own but from his loved ones.
    • He has a really serious case inferiority complex which while relatable also the hell out of me. This is huge reason why a lot of his relationship progresses slowly. He does gain more confidence later on thankfully.
    • The MC is knowledgable about everything so it makes thing easier. Most of his fight are easier when comapre to other novel, that is true. However the MC has his share of losses and there was one time where he has a huge actual setback even though the author later on gives him a get out of jail free card which ruins there sense danger for later events.
One thing to note is that the pace of the novel is slow, really slow, which I personally enjoy. Instead of nonstop battle and killing we have actual off time where characters would take the time to rest.

I too sleepy now so I will continue at a later time. What a terrible review this has been :I <<less
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Shoryaz rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel is kinda between interesting and just sh*t load crap (leaning more towards later) the Author remained inconsistent through the whole story till the end which feel more like work in progress and is just worse. The MC just remain that ret*rded dumb pe*vert always in heat without any shred of courage even in the end and the new women just keep on coming with a very little focus on the intial ones.

All negative side apart it was still able to intrigued me enough that I still finished whole... more>> novel through machine translation when the translation was still around chapter 600~ so that's really something. <<less
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zefipalu rated it
February 19, 2018
Status: c1273
This was never an outstanding great novel, but it somehow kept going. There was an adversary of sorts, and the story kept teasing with new continents one would travel to later. Now as is often the case with webnovels, the big enemy turned out altogether too easy to beat, because the MC has become so powerful. Okay, okay. Whatever. New continents, here we go. Or so I thought.

Unfortunately the story just goes further downhill. MC arrives in the new area, which is an immense downgrade in his strength (in relation... more>> to whatever powers there), but... instead of slowly building up another new story arc, few chapters later he's back at the top. I don't think he ever had any serious trouble, or lost a single battle, since he arrived in the new place.

So by now it always follows the same pattern... get some free strength updates, have *** with one of the ladies, kill someone. Get some free strength upgrade, have *** with another of the ladies, kill someone else. Get some free strength amplification, have *** with another lady, kill.

Extremely repetitive (even for webnovel standards), extremely boring to read. <<less
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Trolugy rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c1200
I loved this novel at some point. Reading for second time, because first time I droped it (not sure where). I feel like this novel was good like first 300 charper's. After that it was repetive, and MC got too much girl's

and kid's.


And novel got kinda repetive too. I give it 3 points because it had great start I really liked it. (Few hundred chap's)
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Kagutsuchi rated it
February 1, 2018
Status: c1285
"Kill him and leave the girls behind."

-Young Masters

That can describe the "save the beauty" situations in this novel (2+/100 chaps)

The fight scenes are repetitive and boring.

You can skip the moments when he enters his cheat-space (to train) and you won't lose the track of the story.

Besides that, I like this novel. MC interacting with his children is very warm.
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Gigel rated it
November 22, 2017
Status: c1219
Ancient Strengthening Technique... definitely not a masterpiece. The more this story advance the more it feels shallow. I get the feeling that it's more about quantity then quality and that's not necessarily a bad thing but when it's too much it will start to flow out of the glass and make a mess of the whole experience. The story, sometimes, feels forced to progress in a specific direction, and can get quite repetitive at moments, which can be quite frustrating. Our MC "feels" a lot more than... more>> he should. He "feels" that some bad ppl can be good ppl so he becomes friends for no reason while 20 chapters earlier he just killed a whole clan in a similar situation. He "feels" when he can do things and when he can't.

The action is disappointing, the fighting scenes are boring, and poorly described. The harem is there but it fails to blend with the overall story, and once that female arc is completed she is somehow put on the shelf and left there to await new companions.

Disappointing. Acceptable to some point but derailed somewhere in the middle. <<less
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September 23, 2017
Status: Completed

First of all sorry and thanks to the translators who gave their time...

In summary this story is like many concept stuck together and doesn't care about the appearance... literally it's a disaster.... it's even worse than a draft (i say it's a passable draft)

Mind you the last 400chap are really rushed and personally I say it's disappointing... it's like the flow of the story is really not good and then BANG!!! [author: Oks. it's time to end this!] I mean seriously there so many loose ends... and you want to rush it (popping convenient things on the way and what's more it's very rough). I say again the last arc is very rushed

So here is the thing. well don't know if this is a spoiler but it's about the ladies


There are more than 20 in his harem


The beginning arc is acceptable, in the middle its a little bit unstable, mid to late is where it started to spiral down the drain. The epilogue is disappointing...

Mind you again the ending is rushed....

The MC character is a bit confusing (an aggressive pe*vert who purposely do things that the girl will fall in love and then he describes himself as a passive guy regarding relationship [that's what I understand its really confusing and blurry I mean the trait of the character is not solid well its for me])


-at least the author knows how to describe a married life?

-the ecchi scenes? well its sub par actually for the connoisseur

-this is the only two redeeming things in this novel from what I see


-F**k the system (the power system of the MC is a bug/irregular/abnormal/disabled) I don't get a thing how the MC power's up (there so many confusing math... if only the author format it like a game status I think the chapters will shrink) also I doubt you will understand the power level especially in the mid to late parts (i really can't understand the power of the MC its like a very abnormal disabled measurement)

-the MC has so many cheat codes especially at the middle part of the beginning arcs [What's irritating is MC has photographic memory but says (MC: oh, I forgot) well...]

-MC has many skills and items but the WORST part and DISAPPOINTING part is the MC will use it, IF it's convenient to the FORCED plot and DISAPPEAR if it will destroy the FORCED PLOT....


-MC has blink boots that makes him travel thousands of miles (i don't know if the MC is dumb but) well it seems like he don't know how to use it (well at least he used it for travels), also a ring with a blink skill (i think it's dumbly not being used), also the main equipment like the card in Stellar Transformation (in the mid part he's strong enough to survive and protect the item but he still idiotically fights head on. this card it is also dumbly used)

-there is almost no fight scenes (except for the beginning arcs)... it's like some old games where it just spell the skills (like -"throw dagger!" next -"lightning" next "heal") it's just literally describing the skills

-there is a login reward chest suddenly popping out at the late chaps it's inserted forcefully (really)

-there are so many minor errors and the transition of the story is jumpy

-i think all the girls in the story are all BEAUTIFUL (there no such thing as ugly) and the descriptive of the girls (reality the description is useless...[like the moonlight], [like the calm pond] if you read carefully there is little to no physical description it's like all are the same, I can say they are beautiful and it describes all) the only unique description is the aura, from what I see (the atmosphere they bring[defined in the story]).

- you cant feel the feel of SECTS in general (the MC is just like walking from sect to another sect)

-the MC don't cut the roots of trouble (i don't agree with the MC's principle its wimpy not decisive enough) it's a minus

-the ending is disappointing (i repeat)

In the end...[i suggest don't read this it's a waste of time] this is a like a DRAFT of a story.

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August 9, 2017
Status: c409
Started this novel without reading reviews. Giving it a chance. Plot was decent in the start. Had some laughs here and there and some chapter can make you cry. But was disgusted at the MC decision making skills. Of all the novels I have read. This is the only one that made me feel the MC is spineless (not in a good way, other novel MC is spineless but in a smart way.)

... more>>

The break point for me was one of his harems husband came to take her back. MC is like "Oh no, he's from a powerful sect! His sect is scary, that sect will wage war because that dude said so. And he is the original husband. I better not do anything for now" (Dude, Really? Seriously? You even kicked the balls of someone who just bumped into you.)

Additionally MC was saved TWICE on battles HE initiated. Once is negligible but, twice? And the same person? One battle after another? And the only reason is intuition? <<less
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PringleStorian rated it
July 17, 2017
Status: --
Ah... AST how I regretted thinking you're a good Xianxia.... but because I'm a just person I'm gonna give 7reasons why you're so boring

  1. No consistence plot AT ALL: yeah.. the bane of Xianxia consistence plot.. but the core problem here is that the MC always said things that contradicting to his previous statement (said that cultivation might take decades or even centuries but ALWAYS. SOMEHOW got around it)
  2. NO DEPTH for the character: The character in most Xianxia is interesting (Duolou Dalu for me idk bout you) but in this just.. just no....
  3. unnecesarry skill (f*ckers get cooking skill for no apparent reason)
  4. interaction between character : I admit I read Highschool dxd and to some extent love the interaction why? well because it's provided depth to character sure you might say this should be in number 2 but meh interaction is getting it's own number
  5. the Villains: what can I say? it's basically the same guy with different name and apparance seriously does china have a place specifically to create this type of character?
  6. Harems: Harems.. done right awesome but one wrong step and you're DONE example: as you may know I LOVE the Interaction between character and specifically because it created depth between character and to make a harem novel you need just a little more than that of course some novel created it beutifully
  7. PLOT: the short answer version of Novel is that Prologue->Character Introduction->Deepening the character->Conflict->Climax->Reveal (can be switched to make it in between Conflict and Climax) ->Epilogue it's need to be condense, consistence and clear (our class call it the 3C)
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DeeOH rated it
May 7, 2017
Status: c694
I've got to admit: this story just makes me feel uncomfortable. The way the author depicts characters, especially women and antagonists, is very one dimensional and all feel the same. I'm a 21 year-old male and the way women are depicted in this story as objects, even for the genre, makes me ashamed that I am still reading this. I enjoy the constant progression the MC has in multiple fields, but the plot feels templated like a lot of other works. Conflict, progress, loss, sudden strength gain, screw the current... more>> girl, reach the top of the current region, mix and repeat.

The MC really has too much 'Karmic Luck'. At the current point of the story he is around 28 and including his time dilation treasure and his previous life, he should be between 1200-1500 years old, and still acts like a teenager with many impulsive decisions and is very wishy-washy with relationships. While the author tries to make the MC likable, personally, I find him to be rather horrible as a person. And like most other works I've read in the genre, like IET's works, he's an absentee father which I can't get over. He speaks about claiming responsibility with all his actions, but spends very little time with his kids for their first year then leaves to get into the pants of another chick.

While I have a lot of criticism for Ancient Strengthening Technique, if I didn't at least enjoy it a little; I would have dropped it ages ago. Just like many other works in the genre there are glaring plot holes and awkward scenes (omg the s*x scenes *Hurl*), but is still worth a read; even is you end up dropping it. <<less
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Destrucfor rated it
April 24, 2017
Status: c474
I rather enjoyed the beginnings of the story. The character growth, his silly amount of luck, as well as his dedication. What really got me excited was his chosen style/method of growth.

training montage (x infinity) almost dragonball z esque


However, character growth stagnates rapidly, and his common sense deteriorates faster than a Mr Clean sponge against pavement..

His love interests degrade into pokemon, yet he won't catch new ones?... I fail to understand the logic in such a decision..
Just like Pokemon, the girls have one dimension. One problem and then they're forgotten. - even worse than Renegade Immortal's "collection" and Desolate Era's "hoarding". Looking at; ATG, Invincible demon king and long live summons, these stories have such a caring and sincere MCs in comparison.


I stopped reading it at this point in the story because I had finally gotten fed up with the changes to the MC's psychological state..

It's not that he's suddenly changed, yet at this point I've grown bored from his idiocy, his sense of collection; while never evolving anything... It's exhausting. Unlike; Kumo desu ga nani ka? or Re:Monster or Slime Datta Ken


I truly found the beginning as well as the first section of this novel very well done in many aspects. Which is why if I were to rate the start I wouldn't hesitate to rate it 4 or even 4.5/5. However I feel that the character quickly devolved into something I was unable to read about. Maybe the story is like The Poisonwood bible where the unscrupulous characters are only in passing. Or maybe this has turned into WDQK with a pokemon fetish..
I hope the story improves, but it will be some time before picking this up again to finish the story.

Mainly complaining about the rapid shift from a compassionate, (slightly self deprecating) and caring MC, to a passive aggressive, pigheaded and vindictive one.. I feel that once a story's hero becomes a B rated movie villain who continues through 200 chapters as such.. That behavior can no longer even be considered to have anti-hero charm.

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world is wide
world is wide rated it
March 21, 2017
Status: c317
There are fights and killing, and occasionally even some strong enemies that he has to avoid or seek allies for.

Expect lots of training with so many OP resources and techniques that he can just ignore half.

Expect lots of jade like beauties that slowly get some characterization. Just as they seem most interesting they are shuffled off to the background so a new jade like beauty can be developed
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vkg313 rated it
March 20, 2017
Status: c197
Its a decent novel when it comes to the relationships, however, its still a harem story, and at least 80% of the story seems to revolve around women, so it only gets 3 stars from me, and that is being generous. It gets hard to read about a h**ny guy continuously. If you can't handle that, then it's better to skip this novel.

Also, this story has an incredible amount of "text walls", so beware before reading.
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Gaara rated it
December 15, 2016
Status: v5c23
The reincarnation part at the start is really not needed in this story as it has no link whatsoever with the future story. The main protagonist literally walks around with a tent pole in his pants. Every single female falls for him at first sight and exist to serve him. He considers himself noble and humble but constantly looks down on the "arrogant young master of rich clans". He despises lecherous people when he himself ties to mol*st very girl he comes across. There is no romance in this novel,... more>> woman just bow to his whims.
The MC has a goal but always gets distracted or detracked by one thing or the other and these things always have something to do with a woman most of the time <<less
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September 18, 2016
Status: c239
This story is all about the romance and interaction. Between the MC and his girls. After a certain point all the males just become background characters and are easily determined to be good or bad depending on how they have a relationship. It is different from the endless battle novels and strength is hard to determine since MC doesn't even know how strong He is most of the time. This is more of a slice of life novel with weak drama and a lot of romance
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June 26, 2016
Status: c129
Good novel. If you are like me, and dont rly understand novels, where main character are just cultivating for the no real reason, with no goal to accomplish, just dumb cultivation for the sake of cultivation - this novel is not like this. As saing goes, if u can become immortal, but must not smoke, not drink, forget about women and live ascetical life, who the f**k need such immortality?

MC has clear goal to accomplish, and he isnt some divine creature who dont care about mortal affairs, and also he... more>> behave in the way, in which young guy rly should, not like some old sage.

If you liked Against the Gods - you can give this novel a try. Altrough plot there is somethimes not rly reasonable, and girl characters are somewhat undeveloped, its still good.

P.S. Pls bear with my English. <<less
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makenai89 rated it
April 16, 2016
Status: c71
Reviewed after 71 chapters, rated 3.5 -> rounded up to 4.

Ancient Strengthening Technique took on the old recipes of xianxia/xuanhuan. A crippled MC found miracle and turned into his clan’s topmost genius; then with his completely "broken" skills, he sought ways to improve his strength to get justice for his family. Not only the plot and hooks was the same old cliches, the narrative and world building was also not exceptional, even a bit awkward at some points.

What really stood out in this novel was actually the MC... after all,... more>> where else would you see a cultivation novel MC who is also mother complex and straight out preferring MILF types? Well, here’s one. The lack of mother figure that seemingly glaring in its peers was more than compensated here. Too, he doesn’t seem to be the type to restrain himself in the romance quarter just to be stronger in martial arts; a complete opposite to some other known MC in this genre.

The author’s regard about women in this novel feels rather disturbing for me, but for now I’ll continue reading this just to know more about how the MC will be developed in the future. Will be back to re-review later. <<less
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sleib rated it
April 15, 2016
Status: --
The story itself does not seem bad, I do not understand why there are so many bad reviews. If you like xianxia you should this, but start reading gravity translations, they are much better quality.
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