Ambiguous Relationship


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He is handsome, arrogant and is of the elite class. Being straightforward and brave, she shamelessly pursued him, sending him gifts, flowers and tried to get close to him. She was humiliated when his staff gossiped about her and retreated. Then he rejected her and told her they could only be friends. She avoided him but no matter how much she tried, they frequently cross paths.

Suddenly one day he told her. “I want to be your boyfriend.”

What a mess! ! !

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Recommendation Lists
  1. a little chasing.
  2. Romance novel
  3. 5/5 novels
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69 Reviews sorted by

Sekai_Saesang rated it
December 6, 2019
Status: Completed
This is one of the few novels that I always come back to read, the character development is one of the best I've come across in the modern romance, the characters are realistic, the relationship is realistic, no unnecessary angst... the female lead's growth through the story is amazing.

... more>>

She starts off in a bubble of sorts where she sort of absorbed in her own world, the bubble burst (pretty quickly) and she goes through one of those periods in life where it feels the world is against you and it just seemed like your life is spiraling downwards... she grows exponentially after this and matures a lot, all the while building an interesting friendship with the male lead (Who she pursued and was rejected by at the beginning) which eventually builds into a romance...


The leads are witty, funny, practical and their conversations are just so interesting and hilarious... that I keep coming back. Please Read!!

P.S: I might be a bit biased considering I translated it BUT I just LOVED it that much LOL!??? <<less
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onexspirit rated it
January 4, 2019
Status: Completed
This is such a great book. It’s a comedic romance. I was about to be deterred by a negative review but I am glad I finished it. The story is realistic and emotional. It’s a true love story, depicting how to work hard at compromising and keeping your love because that is how it is in real life. I literally laughed out loud at every chapter. Great translation as well!
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Aniway rated it
October 4, 2018
Status: --
Actually, I was more into

Meng Gu and Sisi. I felt the chemistry even if they only interacted once or twice in the entire book. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

It was an alright read for me and there were times that I was really tired of the verbal pingpong of the main characters....
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thisaintmei rated it
September 3, 2022
Status: Completed
laughing. Crying. Gonna sleepwalk into traffic tonight :D. Y is this novel so sweet. Yyyyyy. Ughhh. I need this in my own life😭. Ugh gonna go shave my head with a fruit peeler now. Im out✌🏻
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Mochibite rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Went in with no expectations and what a surprise to find a thoughtful, funny, romantic story all in one :) ! After binge reading this and finishing in 24 hours lol this has become one of my favorite BG novels. I’ve been trying to find stories with a focus on romance so I wanted the sugar but also wanted more than just artificial sugar; I wanted substance too. For an older novel this holds up pretty well! Many great points but I’m also going to point out some things that... more>> bothered me XD. While the synopsis is true I think it also makes the FL look mildly yandere which is SO NOT the case ( ̄  ̄|||)

Loved our couple together and loved the FL and ML separately (FL more than ML hehe). They are also in their late 20s-early 30s which yay! I’m a pretty picky reader but I just loved FL Chen Ruo Yu!! I can tell the author put a lot of heart and care into crafting her character which is so appreciated. CRY was a relatable and wonderful human being without being a saint. Even with her more exaggerated traits like bad luck following her at the beginning or being a little oblivious, these weren’t blown out of proportion and felt pretty natural in the story.

I LOVED how we weren’t slapped with the standard “she is beautiful, with white dewy skin, a small face and cherry red lips” - in fact we don’t even know what FL looks like. Instead our entire understanding of her character comes from her personality through her inner thoughts and her actions. Chen Ruo Yu is brave, kind, hardworking, and independent. She’s also feisty at times (mostly with the ML lmao), timid at times, stingy at times, and overthinks all the time XD. And readers are given the chance to see how her life experiences have molded her to be the flawed but loveable person she is, and how she allows herself to think and grow throughout the story.

Ngl I was not sold on the ML Meng Gu in the first chapter, or even for the first few chapters, but he and the author proved me wrong. ML is a flawed person as well and he knows it haha. He’s proud, prickly at times, and emotionally immature in certain matters. Nevertheless, Meng Gu is a good doctor (the kind that treats patients with respect not condescension) and a good friend. He is straightforward because he won’t play with people’s emotions and lead them on. Of course the author had to put how handsome he was XD but they certainly balanced that with other traits! ML might sound typical in words but as the FL interacts with him and their relationship grows we are able to see him as a fully-fleshed out character.

The relationship between the CP and how it develops and changes throughout the story was so great to read about too. It’s healthy and mature while also immature at the same time XD. Not too much of a spoiler but just to clarify about the FL pursuing the ML at the beginning:

Honestly she had feelings for him but the choice to chase him was quite logical lol! He checked the boxes of what she thought would be a suitable partner and even while pursuing him she never did anything crazy or out of line. And as soon as she realized he wasn’t interested she immediately stopped. Chen Ruo Yu felt sad of course but she didn’t mope and didn’t get angry that Meng Gu wasn’t interested at the time.

The fact that we get to see them become good friends is so nice. And the story actually shows it instead of just mentioning how they were friends before romance happened. THERE IS COMMUNICATION. THE FL AND ML ACTUALLY HAVE MANY MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS. How rare is that?? And from these we see both of them actually consider what the other said and think about it. I just- so satisfying! The FL will express her opinions (not in a rude way) and will stand up for herself. I really respect how she and the ML were able to become the type of friends that could vent to each other and become the person they want to talk to at the end of a long day. Their dry, sarcastic banter was golden and so funny to read; they keep each other on their toes HA! And when romance happened it felt so natural and normal.

There are sexy-times written, and not just the fade to black that we usually get in BG novels. In addition, the author doesn’t make it super dreamy and perfect like other works have which was really nice! There’s a good balance of the emotions of the moment, the physicality of it, as well as little details that add some nice spice in. The only things I really disliked about it was

lack of lube. Why is there always so little lube? And also Meng Gu just freaking shoving it up when they discovered they forgot to prepare cond*ms. Like hello?? Did you ask CRY if that was ok, especially since this was her first-time? Protection is important and it always annoys me when novels just say “and then they pulled out” like that’s the best and only way of protection (`ー´)


I also really loved how there were many well-written female characters and female friendships in the drama. Most of the ladies were given some background and had different personalities. When we first meet Liang Sisi she seems like your typical sexy, laid-back friend/roomie character, however, she is given time and development that really allows readers to get to know her with more depth. She and CRY are there for each other like true friends uwu.

At first the author has you thinking she’s chasing ML and it’s going to be awkward with FL but then it’s revealed she was “chasing” ML to see if he was decent enough for FL lolol! I also appreciated how the story didn’t shame her for her decision to get married super fast; instead it felt like the novel was just showing you different ways to love and enter relationships/marriage

Gao Yu Lan was also another great female friend! I loved how she and CRY had in-depth talks that they both reflected on. Girls help girls need to be written more in novels!!

I did feel sad that Chen Ruo Yun’s mom was relegated to the evil mom trope >_<. I know irl there are definitely parents that are like her mom, but I still felt disappointed that mom was always portrayed as demeaning, overbearing, and pretty two-dimensional. Every time she was in the story I wanted to slap her and give CRY a hug oof. Nevertheless I appreciated how the author used the mom’s character to highlight the greater social issues and cultural expectations of what modern women in China (and by extension the world) need to face. The problems that CRY faced like moving and making a place for herself in the big city, working overtime with no self-care, the intense pressure to find a suitable partner, needing to package yourself to please in-laws and family, and “saving face” are all very realistic problems that millions of people face in everyday life. The way the novel wrote about these problems allowed readers to feel and see themselves within the story, but weren’t written to be so depressing to read.

Another kind of random point I really appreciated was how later on FL works in the

cond*m sales business

It’s all matter-of-fact and treated just like any other regular job! Woohoo!~

I’m so glad I read this novel after the synopsis made me pass on it multiple times. It’s not perfect, but it’s a nicely written story with a lot of heart! Yes to well-written characters and relationships! Hoping this story gets more love hehe!! Thank you to Ming Yue Ting Feng for a wonderful story and cheers to more of your novels getting translations!! Thank you MiraiSaesang for the amazing translation! Your translation added so much personality to the story and made it all flow so smoothly! Hugs and flower petals!! (♡˙︶˙♡) <<less
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Rogue01 rated it
December 12, 2021
Status: --
This novel is good and well thought too.

FL and Ml's good and bad qualities completes each other.

No overdrama scene and events.

... more>> Didn't cause me any headache.

And others may hate ml's personality but I love it as well the fl's too

I love how they work out their differences instead of just stopping and breaking up and the faith that they have for each other and their hope that they will be together in the end is what makes their love beautiful.

If you read and analyze each of their character then you will know that ML and FL truly love each other.

FL is straightforward with her feelings but she tends to overthink a lot which will make her hesitate with her action, but she's a consistent person one she love a person she will love it for a long time and it's actually hard for her to move on.

ML on the other hand may be straightforward with his words but not with his feelings he needs to analyze it to the point that his feelings needs to have a certain reason why he was feeling that, but if he reached to a conclusion he won't hesitate to act on. <<less
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studyingpurin rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: --
I looove!!love love this novel very much. I consider this one of my classics that I go back to occasionally :) Now onto review! I will be writing this review based on memory

I am very impressed by how unusual and realistic the characters are set up. Our MC is in no way special: no beauty, outstanding genes, skills or lavish backgrounds--very average. Meanwhile, our ML, the average "pot-belly" or however you describe it, can't also be described as perfect. He's got a good career (very envious!), good health, good family... more>> and even an outstanding, potential lover (his ex.) But he lacks in the gentleman department in that he's brute, straightforward and prideful of himself. As such, this allows for disagreement between our MC and our overly haughty ML. You'd think that with so many arguments and bickering, they'd get sick of each other, but they don't. While some people might not see the practicality in this relationship, I am completely head over heels. Not all love is expressed into colorful words.

What I loved even more was the struggles our MC had to go through at the beginning of the story. The author did not mess around! I really did feel sympathy for her, and if I were in her place, I'd respond in the same way. MC's bitter relationship with her mother (and family) was relatable to me. Her response, "you made yourself feel embarrassed, " was one of the most interesting insights that you can hear from her, and it seems the ML is in agreement.

I get a lot of the criticisms on our ML. I do feel some skepticism in his love for the MC (it feels as if he had to love her just because she was around and he was too prideful to welcome his ex back,) but by the way he sees CRY interact with himself and their group of friends, I can say that this might not be the case.

Overall, I loved the push-and-pull relationship between the main characters. They both have interesting insights to share. My favorite, and probably one thing from this novel that'll stick to me permanently, is CRY's idea of a Garden Restaurant. Very funny! And maybe something I'll do one day :) <<less
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Lynkaster rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: Completed
story : 4/5

characters : 5/5

writing style : 4.5/5

... more>> if you want a romance Cnovel with some comedy, give this a chance for at least 30 chapters.

The FL may be a bit foolish and the ML is sharp tongue but after giving us the setting in the first 30 chapters, you start to like the main couple and getting to know their past, how they deal with any issues and their interaction.

after around 40 chapters, I was laughing so hard with their push pull conversations x'D

it is not perfect, some characters like sisi are hard to understand but the different perspective on relationship are nice.

tldr : recommended for anyone wanting a chinese romance with some great comedy. 4.5/5 <<less
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March 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Can I give it a 4.5 rating. I love the story, but sometimes the push and pull plot can be a little frustrating. I know it's the driving force of the story, there's actually no misunderstandings here, they just argue all the time, and they unwittingly became harmonious (and often lend each other's shoulders). These two people grew to love each other deeply but they are naturally arguing all the time, although not deep arguments. The FL feels some insecurity due to their economic and social differences but after they... more>> got together formally, she became more sure of them. I like that although there is an old flame who reappeared, although the ML felt angsty at first, it was not because he's still in love with her, but was hurt a lot by the experience, and didn't let this old flame disrupt his romance with the FL, and the FL as well, she didn't let her insecurities cloud her mind to be jealous and maintained a happy relationship with the ML. I read this story after reading "Hey, Don't be Unruly" which was really fun. This is a little funny too, and the author included the ML's point of view and the ending is so sweet, esp the proposal and side stories. <<less
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Dayang_Dyan rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: Completed
Before I read the novel, I first looked at the review of other readers and it gave me dilemma. To read or not to read. But against my curiosity, I read it.

It was a fun read. The banter between the two protagonists are enjoyable. I laughed many times and I laughed too much.

And somehow, I understood why people hated the ML.

... more>>

He was too straightforward and arrogant that you will wonder if he really did love the FL. He is the type that will bully the person he likes. And that kind of guy will make you insecure.


And as for the FL, she deserve to be called as a strong female lead. She is indeed not a push over, sensible and strong. She only acts as a person who is inlove.


and I must say, he did say he loves her

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xuexin rated it
November 4, 2019
Status: Completed
I enjoyed this. FL and ML had a push and pull relationship. Towards the latter it became a bit more on the comedy side. It's light hearted and not too heavy. Although once in awhile it gets your heart strings pulling. It's also nice that the author included a few chapters on the ML's point of view on how he became interested in the FL. I like it because in this case, FL actually tried to give up on ML and avoid/forget about him when he showed that he was... more>> not interested. <<less
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October 10, 2019
Status: Completed
I like this.


The Peach Blossom painting and the Wedding dress were really touching


ML was so sincere and loyal after he fell in love with her. OTL!!

I like how realistic this slice of life story is.

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aovel rated it
October 28, 2018
Status: c83
This was cute and fluffy. The path towards mutual love for the main characters was filled with a lot fun moments. I like how both of the main characters have flaws and those same flaws seemed to be the cause that brought them together. It was intense, in a cute way, before they got together but it all worked out beautifully. This is good for fun read, or when you need a little love in your life.",)
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October 27, 2018
Status: Completed
This one is simple golden. No mellow drama (maybe romcom) but their battle of wits is superb! Their unclothed mouth battle is pure comedy and give your sense of humour an upgrade lah.

Its light reading. Just give it a try and you'll know what I mean lol
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ElianaDiana rated it
September 23, 2018
Status: c85
You just have to read this till epilogue! The epilogue were so sweet, fluffy and funny that I swear imma read it again today.

Rogue ML, clumsy but self opinionated FL, their interactions were so funny!

It's a more gradual mutual love and I adore how they fall in love.

Thank you to translator for this gem! ❤️❤️❤️
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spygen0707 rated it
November 14, 2023
Status: --
Initially I dislike ML, also FL but not really, until I realised I can easily portrayed them as real people with flaws.

I like that both of them tried to compromise each other after confirming their relationship. Tried as in not always successful and I still want to smack ML on his back and head and want to pinch FL on her waist. But it's okay. The story is too smooth to be in real life but more realistic than many wife/husband chasing story.
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itsyaho rated it
April 17, 2023
Status: Completed
Super fluffy, cute and fun.

Really enjoyed the bickering, back and forth between the two leads. While FL is a bit of an airhead, the moments of clarity and sharp wit she has are really good.
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maxi1111 rated it
March 2, 2023
Status: epilogue 2
Battle of wits between MC and ML. No boring chapters, light plot with no heavy drama and villains.

There are few cliché moments but it was presented tastefully, not too over the top.

ML is different from the other ML Cdramas I've read so far. Frustrating but okay, better than other overly toxic MLs. FL is a breath of fresh air as well and she's very relatable. She's not overly talented and she doesn't have striking capabilities but she's trying her best to live well and move forward with her life. Can... more>> also relate to her having Elder Phobia.

Their couple moments are very endearing. 😆 No dirty talks and overly detailed snu but ML being a rogue made me blush as hell.

Overall, it's a fun read. <<less
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MoM101 rated it
December 22, 2022
Status: --
I love this🥰🥰🥰🥰 funny and sweet, some might say the guy is c*cky and narcissistic, but I enjoyed reading it😂
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November 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Hello everyone,

for me this was a ok novel, the male lead was a little bit too c*cky for me. I don't like how he judged and disrespect the FL; She has her own struggles, she did bad things (like she lied) but she is not a bad person no one is perfect. She just want to have a good life. I'm not saying lie is a good thing, lie bring more harm than anything.

She want to have a family, someone to lean on. She was really realistic for... more>> me. She could be anyone around me. People may criticize you, but never stop trying and don't mold yourself in order to please people. That is what I learnt through this novel. You should change to improve yourself in a positive way.

The overall was funny, some embarrassing moment, some sad part. But I love how refreshing this story was. <<less
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