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One day when, I, Himukai Ren (21) woke up, I was suddenly transferred into a different world called “Alsar” where monsters and elves actually exist! Homos*xual marriage is considered normal and what’s more, they can actually have children together?! What?!

This is a story of how I found myself entangled in this world!

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39 Reviews sorted by

LouMaknae_KPOP rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: c59
(I'm French so sorry for my shitty English) 😅😭

Oh my god ! I love this story so much 😍

Some people might say (and I saw some people actually said that) that it's not a good story, or at least a really boring story, because the characters instantly fall in love with Ren for no reason. 😒
But personally, I must admit that I just really like harem stories where the suitors fall quickly, if not immediately, in love with the protagonist, so I love this story ! 😳
Also, as they say, the heart has its reasons that reason ignores (I don't know how you say that in English or even if this expression exists in that language, but I think it exists) 😋🤔

Some also say that the characters do not have a personality, or in any case not worked enough, I am not enough of this opinion, we learn more and more about the characters, little by little, over the course of the story. 😤

In addition, the characters do not have the same personalities because otherwise we could not have a favorite suitor, and I have the impression that everyone has a little darling. 🥰
Personally, I love them all so much... but... maybe... a little more... Sig... ? 😳🥰🤔
I'm not really sure, the more time goes by and the more I become very attached to all the characters. 😍
I can't wait to read the rest of their adventure and learn more about the characters and their relationship with Ren, and see how much I will continue to bond with all this little world. ❤️

So to finish, if you like sweet and fluffy stories, welcome ! You will be served, my beautiful ! 🥰
So I wish you a very good and delicious reading ! 😘
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SeiraJLoyard rated it
August 8, 2019
Status: Completed
This is a Light and fluffy read. The story itself is surprisingly good, especially considering that this is a smut, it doesn't really read as one. The pacing from chapter to chapter is really well done and it follows a logical timeline of events. Not much world-building involved in this one, however as the story progresses, you learn more about the world's marriage culture/norms. Although, I do find that the typical Japanese characterization of humbleness, self-doubt/modesty, somewhat annoying, it got better near the end (but I don't know if it... more>> was subtlety that was lost through MTL. <<less
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Moontashi rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c54
The plot is light and no drama at all. It's slow pace, and there's no main plot or villain until now so I don't really know where the story will go from here. If you like a lighthearted novel, you'll like this one. I don't really get the feelings from the characters, I guess the author make this novel just for fun.

There's some yummy H scenes here ≥﹏≤


The MC is easy going and slightly dense. He's spoiled rotten by his three ML and adoptive father.
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swatcdi02 rated it
June 18, 2019
Status: c53
Its really cute and fluffy and thankfully barely to no drama. It's really fun to read and I like the story. I has different morals to Earth (which people might not like) but that makes it different and makes it see more fluffy, cute, and full of happiness.
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SiriusShawol rated it
February 3, 2019
Status: c41
It's so fluffy I'm dying of cuteness, and such an adorable harem... and hot woo polyamory!
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Alyltia rated it
July 28, 2023
Status: c64
Genre wise:

    • Harem They are three seme, and they managed to balanced out the relationship.
    • Indecision making, they'll often come up with an agreement, if they can't, they do rock-paper-scissors.
    • Physically, if MC kisses one of them, the other would asked to be kissed as well. They share the MC by taking turns, though for me it sounds daunting that I often worry about our MC stamina.

    • Fantasy Non- human and human existence, monsters. Guilds, subjugation, magic power, party (team). The settings details are rock solid and clarified, like some scene, I

      feel like I'm reading a manual. The concept of transmigration is often mentioned every now and then the author makes it realistic by making the MC not immediately integrate to the culture of Alsar by laying heavy emphasis on cultural difference that affect the values of our main couple.
    • Action The MC overshadow the three seme in this aspect, I get that given MC is new to Alsar, and the other three already build up reputation as one of the 50 A ranked adventurers. So the author is giving more details on how great MC is with his support magic.
    • Power-dynamic, they say MC is considered a female despite being a male, and given he is other worldly, he is relatively weaker and physically smaller even so than the average. But it's too much to make the MC seem clumsy because of this and oftenly got to be tripping or slipping then and there, that he get catched by one of the MLs. The MC underestimate himself by considering he isn't as good looking and appealing as the other three. But the rumors and fame of the MLs really haven't given enough background so it doesn't give justice how low MC think of himself. He is uselessly being pitiful.
    • Smut I loved how this isn't some r*pe victim turn to voluntary manwhore. They didn't force the MC to have s*x with them, I admire the tolerance and the gradual build up leading to the s*xual interc**rse for real, but I still can't shake off the first smut scene with all of them together, and MC dream after meeting the first ML, Chris.
    • Spoiler

      First smut scene, although they didn't go all the way, they promised to just do a little touching, inserting the finger in is really not little.

    • MC is a straight uke, yes? So how come after he met Chris, he could used him as a fap material and get turned on with his voice?
    • This sudden change in behavior I admit could ease up the fact of the s*xual interaction being done consensually, leading up to more smut scenes, but damn. I just hope it doesn't feel like it was rushed so the first smut scene could seem to happen naturally.
    • [collapse]
      The three ML is really scheming. Or was it that the MC is a natural pushover? As Fer-san said (one of the ML) "
    he is to kind for his own good"
    • Adventure The length of time to travel really sounds nice, all the out camping and the break in between.
    • The outdoer scenes

      are nice, and I like how they were certain spots for rest and some tourist attraction.
    • I also like the grasp of the author in the geography of Alsar (if I'm not mistaken) , by pointing out places the MC haven't gone to and how wide it actually is. Like aside from the main town, the guild, and his house. They were a jewelry shop, a restaurant, an open space for gathering herbs, land plot, renting houses and red light district. Or maybe because Alsar is not just a town in outskirts, but actually a major town.
    • Food
    • The cooking skills and details are really interesting though I'm not familiar with cooking, through the providence of the actual meal pictures I get to see what the author was actually describing.
    • Food here is really a major part of the whole story. Like literally of half the scenes focused on romance the other half is about food. It was fun at first but eventually I got bored of it.
    • Since it become like a mukbang show describing what they are gulping. Every know and then, I just hope the author integrate like the fantasy aspect to food or something, since it do felt like I'm just learning and reading about food menus.
  • Length- wise
  • It's a long read each chapter, though it doesn't seem that long, and the cut to the next chapter often happen when the POV is gonna shift.

    Each chapter is worth to be called a chapter. For time wise, I really feel like I read it for so long I'm just 1/3 out of the translated version of the original and it's already more than 12 hours. I don't even read that slow. But I don't know. It feels lengthy.


    I gonna get give quick impression to our MC, Ren, and the three ML, Chris, Fer, Sig.

    • Ren
He is really like a 21 year old, given that he used to live on his own and had become independent at a young age. His maturity is really amazing in the aspect of not wanting to rely on someone. It is also his weakness, because he doesn't want to be a burden to others he oftenly see himself as someone not worthy or not doing enough.

As he are not exposed to social relationship, he often got pushed around, becoming inexcessively tolerant. It's like he still doesn't have a clear grasp of his bottom line.

Yes, given he transmigrated to a world different to his own it's natural to be at straw at first but pleeeease, he knows that in the end

he just gives

in to the request of the other three and that could is a disadvantage for him but he doesn't do anything about it.

It makes sense given he is the younger one in the relationship, that he gets to be lead on,

but given its a polygamous relationship, and he is the center given he is the bottom, it do seems like that after he was drag down, he is pushed and then step on. Each ML is a complete entity, and MC just let them give him each 100 percent sense of pressure.

Although this is really a hard thing to consider, it's really a personal preference, I hope he have had a certain time where before he got engage to them, individually.
    • Chris
It's not an understatement to say he is the official Playboy of the group, he is also often on the lead on leading on MC sexually (given he has more experience handling male- female), he literally is like he is on top.

He is an ex- noble, who gives up his inheritance to his younger brother, and then pursue the life of being an adventurer


Being the youngest of the male lead, he gives off the energy of wanting to be spoiled, he often expressed this in a childish way.

He do seems mischievous too. Like teasing MC every chance he gets, or poaching on him with a smirk or something.

    • Fer

Fifth prince, and has given up his right to succession


The image he is portrayed as is someone always have his head above the water and the intellectual one on their party. He is acts as one with high standing. His speech is the most formal among the three. He supposed to be a trundere at first but he suddenly turned yandere.

    • Sig
There's always that muscle head in the party right? Although in this situation as Ren stated, he is one who acts on first and the thinking just follows.

Among the three, I prefer him, it's more of that because of his beast quality, and his build and him being the only commoner among the three.

He is orphaned at the age of eight, by his mother and three father that is also adventurers. The way he fell in love to MC makes most sense to, he falln in love at first smell


He have the highest sensitivity with regards to smell given he is of wolf descent. And he is the tallest. He also feels like as the most care-free and the first to throw his fist in any situation. I like this quality as he seems more natural and not as scheming. The way he dictate his desire feels the most raw, too.


I would say with it's

, it do deserve a higher rating for sure, it's just that that goodness of MC kinda rub me the wrong way. He is just that too kind and tolerant!

Another aspect is that, the emphasis on food. We get it, MC is a foodie, I'm a foodie took, the food and the picture makes my mouth watery too, but that's pulling me off from the rest of the story that the food aspect and the romance feels contradicting. I can't feel the butterflies and satisfaction from being fed visually at the same time, it just doesn't work out.


Honestly, although it wasn't completely translated and the translator said it their first translation job or something, it's praise worthy enough.

Honestly one of the things that pulled me through those intricate details of food recipe are the pictures of the food itself.

The flow of the translation is good too, that I need not to read twice, or that my comprehension feels like it's on the verge of not wanting to understand.

I can't see other translated version of this work aside from the foxholic one so I'm really really grateful for the effort of the translator. Good job! Really, really, well done!

Honest to goodness, I might delay on finishing this one but up to where I cut off, its a worthwhile read.
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miles_morales rated it
April 19, 2022
Status: c14
When I tell you I tried, I really did try to read this. I have come back multiple times to see if maybe I’ll be able to get even a decent way through it. Unfortunately the writing is so poor that I can’t. I haven’t even managed to get to chapter 20 and I’m bored out of my mind. Nothing has happened and the author is so overly descriptive that is drags the story. Things that could be progressed in a single paragraph somehow get stretched across chapters. While being... more>> descriptive is necessary to help build the world, the author’s descriptions add nothing. The writing is almost like “We are walking on this street, to meet _____ because we agreed to meet _____ on this street.” Then like a paragraph later reiterates the same thing over again. The MC is so flat and unlikable, his only qualities are being cute and cooking. His inner thoughts are always of the Mary Sue variety, always along the lines of “there’s no way I could let you do this for me, it’s too much🥺” The only ML introduced so far, Chris, is equally unlikable. The author tries to write him like a player, but he comes off sleazy, shallow, and tr*shy. Overall this story offers nothing new to the troupe and is so poorly written it’s not worth trying to continue. <<less
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priest1drago rated it
November 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Slow-paced adventuring + smutty episodes. Very cool. It’s a light read with no concrete plot. As for mpreg, I read until the end and found out that

the MC did not explicitly became pregnant, but did discuss pregnancy and children throughout.

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Anurupa Roy
Anurupa Roy rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c69
Ok so to all those who will be reading this I just wanna say that this is not a bad story nor is it a good one. It's like one of those stories that you just binge read cuz you're bored or maybe you just want something easy on the brain. Say you are reading MDZS or 2ha or just anything with a huge (and good) plot and now you wanna take your mind off with something, this is the closest choice you have.

Plot: There is no actually plot I... more>> guess it is all about the MC just entered into a new world and you know he is your basic Gary stu who can steal all the ML's hearts at once and now he has 3 finances and I guess they will have kids or whatever and live happily together. Yea that's all!


    1. MC - Ren Himukai: Like I already mentioned he is your typical Gary Stu kind a character. He cooks and cleans and just looks cute ya know. He steals all the ML's hearts at once. For some reason he always acts nervous and just lets the Ml's do whatever they want. And the fact that he just can't speak up for himself

      Like that one chapter where the guild receptionist of Calleah literally calls him the ML's who*e and that just cuz he is F ranked they bought him along to have s*x with him. Or that one chap where the same receptionist tells him that he is a brat and he feels bad for the ML's for having to baby sit him.

      just gets to me like boy you are 21 act like it. Like if the author hadn't mentioned that he was 21 I would have thought the he is like 14 or 15 at most by the way he acts. Plus he has this otherworldly appearance that makes every body lust for him even tho they are old as hell. He has been called 'cute' so many time like I'm annoyed now cuz that fellow is 21 not 12.
    1. 1st ML - Chris: He is your typical play boy ML who changes his heart for the MC and falls in love. Pretty cliche tbh. He is apparently a noble and honestly he gives me the vibes of that character that always acts coquettishly cuz the author always puts that weird wave sign ( ) every time he talks so I just get those vibes. Overall yea you typical otome game character. Don't know about his family cuz there are only 69 chaps till now so whatever. He slept around with anybody who caught his eye. Typical playboy cliche.
    1. 2nd ML - Fer (I forgot his full name) : Your typical prince. Was cold at first and then melted when saw the MC. Cliche. He is those typical cold princes who say "I don't think I will like you" but in the end they fall in love. Meh, Anyways........ He has nothing special about him as well. His mother is like Ren an otherworlder. Other than that I don't know anything about his family. He isn't virg*n either. Like his name is Ice prince so shouldn't he be the cold character who doesn't sleep around? Nope he has a history of sleeping around too
    1. 3rd ML - Sig (I forgot his full name as well) : Your typical half human half wolf meathead guy. Again nothing special. He is violently cliche man. He knew Ren had to be his partner because of his smell like ain't that f*cking cliche. Hahaha I'm not even angry while typing this lol. My boy sig........ is a non virg*n too. He should have kept his v**ginity keeping in mind with all the 'We find perfect partners through smell' shit.
    1. Malik: He took Ren in. Yea that's all. Overprotective dad cliche is being used here. And that's all. He is your typical otome dad that keeps the Ml's in check.
    1. Zhanna: Ugh....... Like this woman is so f*cking cliche I can't even describe it. She is shameless

      She tells Chris to join her party cuz he is hot. She also tries to lure Fer and Sig to her party cuz Chris won't join her. Basically she won't leave until the hot guys are all her manservant. Lol

      yea that's all I have to say about her.
    1. Others: Meh background characters. What did you expect? Nothing special, They all think Ren is cute.
So yea. There is no Character development at all. Then again all of them are so perfect they don't need any character development. The s*x (where they actually f*ck him) is not yet there so have to wait I guess. So basically speaking this is that kinda book that's in your library but like you only read it when you have no work like literally no work to do and are bored as f*ck but also don't have the energy to read a book with a huge plot in it. It is violently cliche and honestly the cliche is not even written properly (I love a good cliche written properly) but overall it is fluffy and a easy on the tired brain. So 3 stars over all. HAVE A NICE DAY READER! <<less
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fluffy gangster
fluffy gangster rated it
March 3, 2021
Status: c66
The story isn't really that great. The author doesn't know any adjective beside cute. Like hell there's a limit to which readers can tolerate the same description numerous times. The smut was repeated and boring. The ml's description of doing it with other woman before getting together with MC is seriously putted off. The mc's innocence may soon reach the sky.
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: c53
This is a series following food and 4P s*x with minimal detail and imagery. The beginning was more interesting since it delved into the fantasy world itself, but the plotline after that just keeps repeating itself. Food, s*x, food, s*x, etc. Like many harem series, the harem members who start out with more distinct personalities all become incredibly flat and spend all of their time whining for the MC's attention and clinging onto him. This is not a romance series but a lust series--they start copulating shortly after meeting each... more>> other without taking any time to get to know each other, even though the MC says he only wants to kiss at first. Instead, the MLs go straight to having s*x with him. Everyone is supportive of this relationship without any disagreements or anyone to advise the MC against it, even though he's still unfamiliar with this world and its customs.

A lot of things don't make sense or break away from the plot settings. Why are there sweat pants and jeans in this fantasy medieval world? How is the MC getting all of these ingredients for all of these elaborate meals? How is he able to cook things so well without the proper tools or utensils? Why does one of the harem members wash his hair while still keeping it in a ponytail?

The MC himself is a dumb, naive, Gary Stu who is the best at support magic and cooking. He has the dream appearance that makes him super appealing to both men and women in this world, even though he's so small, it makes them all feel like they're lusting after a child. The term "cute" is used to describe him multiple times in a chapter and becomes annoying pretty quickly.

As for the harem members, one is a sl*t carrying around who-knows-how-many venereal diseases. Another is an ice prince (I kid you not--that is literally his title). The third is a wolf beastman. Even though they all lust for the protagonist at first sight, none of them are virg*ns and all of them have a history of sleeping around. Even the beastman, whose culture treasures finding their other halves (or other fourth in this case), didn't save himself for this person. All three of them are magic swordsmen who all fight the same way and do the same things.

Everything is perfect in this wish-fulfilling fantasy, and there's nothing remotely interesting about it. There isn't much variety or depth at all. Like some other reviewers, I have to agree that reading this series is not recommended. It doesn't have any good points. Even the smut and cooking aren't written well. <<less
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savvysister91 rated it
May 22, 2020
Status: c26
In a word, adorable. Squee inducing adorability around every corner. The transition is quite fluid and nice as well!
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Emily Vorst
Emily Vorst rated it
February 1, 2019
Status: c41
I love this novel because the story is fluffy & cute! I couldn't get enough of this & the translation is pretty good!
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January 29, 2019
Status: Completed
Slice of life at its fluffiest. No face slapping or tumultuous drama. Just plain sweet and fluffy leaving you feeling good.
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yuukiouji rated it
December 23, 2018
Status: c24
Fluffy cute happiness with an adorable MC and lovely MLs - it's harem! Enjoy something light and yummy~

And thank you translator luukia very much for your hard work~
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Blithe rated it
September 13, 2022
Status: c20
The story itself isn't bad but the reason for the bad review is because.... I don't like how the story is portraying women. The villainess Zhanna is a bad guy for sure but don't think other women are like her. You know, people like her is very uncommon. So when the author wrote something like women are scary creatures, just with her as an example..... for a second the MC sounded like a pick me.

I will continue reading but I hope this is a one time occurrence in the story
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Couldnt_Tell_Ya rated it
August 2, 2022
Status: c20
I can't tell if the MC is dumb or something but he's got literally nothing good bout him. He just apologizes nonstop, looks down on himself. And basically turns into a weak housewife that can heal. There's no reason the other characters should be attracted to him other than him looking cute. The quintessential Mary Sue

The love interest literally fall for him at first sight and since he got no personality, when it's the love interests pov, they only say "he's so cute, he's so cute" but not even... more>> in an interesting way of writing it.

Also the writing is really weak too. The characters constantly talk out loud to themselves and "whisper" about what's on their mind for the world to hear even if it's unnecessary topics like what they're gonna do that day, or what secret scene they got, instead of maybe showing it through other means like actions.

Everything in this story feels like kinda forced. Like the father sets our MC up with the guys, the MC is gaslit to think he has to date guys cause he's cute, our MC is given everything he needs, the love is kinda fast and awkward (not the sexy kind), even the love rivals/obstacles feel forced and fast-paced.

So far the single smut/masterb scene was pretty boring too.

the main character sits in his room touching himself and he's like, I can't get hard trying to top these big people and bc I've been gaslit, let's try imagining being the bottom/being dominated for a guy. And so he jerks himself while spirit-Chris come and whisper in his ear. And not even questioning it, the MC is like, damn that was the best jerkoff in a while. ????

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December 19, 2023
Status: --
To put it bluntly, there are too many plot holes. A lot of things don't make sense and it's not explained clearly.

The MC is also bland with no prominent personalities other then cooking and being cute. There seems to be no other reason for the MLs to fall in love at first sight other than MC being cute.

The reasonings are really forced and everything is over simplified.
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November 2, 2022
Status: c146
Good so far. Calm but also the smut scenes when they happen are nice. No real heavy drama outside some minor family ones and some jelly crazys for the male leads. Like the approach of consent and love with the four of them a lot. The consistency of lube is just a bonus. Kek.
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