Against the Gods


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Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, the most dangerous of Azure Cloud Continent’s four deadly areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s base is known as the Grim Reaper’s Cemetery.

Over countless years, the number of people that have fallen off this cliff is too high to count. None of them, even three stronger than god masters, whose power could pierce the heavens, have been able to return alive. However, a boy that’s being chased by various people because he alone holds a priceless treasure jumps off the cliff, but instead of dying he wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world!

This is the story of a boy wielding the Sky Poison Pearl, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven and earth, a lord overlooking the world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil God
Heaven-Defying Evil God
Ni Tian Xie Shen
Related Series
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416 Reviews sorted by

LeylinIsOP rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c1120
I won't waste anyone's time so I'll give a brief summary of this long novel

1. It seems a typical reincarnation story at start but the details are much more complicated and revealed later on.

2. The heroines are the main plot devices which keeps us reading... The MC had s*x with a heroine and u want to find what happens next... Too bad either the MC or the girl run away and to see them again you have to wait 600 chapters more. Belive me this happens more than twice and... more>> at this point it's just becoming annoying. Basically the MC puts his d**k in a one in a billion beauty due to some circumstance to save her but can't develop a relationship since the girl is 30 levels higher than him. So he leaves her to become her equal and then take her away.

3. The story is good and a lot of details that are gonna happen in the future are mentioned if u pay attention which tells the author has a specific plot in mind although I'm not so sure about it now since there are hardly 2 chaps/week in the raws as on June of 2018.

4. The harem is good but there are at least 10 confirmed heroines so prepare yourself for that. Also the author himself knows which heroines are the best so he gives them little screentime making us leaving wanting more of them. I say this because reading this every day is a torture if you've caught up so make sure you always leave some chapters for a rainy day or binge read once in 2 months if u have self-control.

5. It is a pretty long novel as I've said before and it'll probably reach 1800+ chaps at how things are going but u won't get bored since the MC is usually with atleast one heroine and as I've said earlier heroines are the main part of this novel.
Lastly Jasmine is the best girl in his harem and I don't care what you think. <<less
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oniisama rated it
November 11, 2016
Status: c672
If you're looking for something similar to Martial God Asura, Battle Through the Heavens or Heavenly Jewel change and haven't read Against the Gods yet, you definitely should! Especially if you're looking for something lengthy to read, or is the 672 chapters at my moment of writing not enough for you?

Against the Gods, or ATG henceforth, is basically a generic self-insert, wish-fulfillment, harem novel that comes with the usual annoyances in Xian/Wu-xia novels, namely the arrogant antagonists who can't see Mount Tai and of course, the peerless, jade-skinned fairies all... more>> around. Don't let these tags and combinations put you off though, as the author, Mars Gravity, perfectly blends them and sums it all up into something awesome, simply put.

One thing which makes ATG interesting is the struggles of the supposedly overpowered main character, Yun Che, through the heart-wrenching hurdles along his way. About how he furiously struggles through each and every one of them and about how he realizes that life is simply unfair at times. The highs and lows of his journey is guaranteed to capture the reader's hearts through the main character's journey, and break them mercilessly at times. It makes one realize and think about how to live and cherish what's present, amazing right? To think that a simple novel managed to teach this fact.

The character development is quite well done as each of the characters have their own ambitions and struggles, his harem members more so. They aren't the usual cookie cutter females which follow the main character aimlessly, compared to other novels. They have their own goals, ambitions and paths to follow. Here's where Mars Gravity's writing skills come to shine. Emotions are perfectly conveyed through the words and actions the characters portray, each interaction is filled with life and feelings. The ambitions, the wishes, the regrets, the pains and fears, and of course, the romance and yearning of each character makes them all endearing. The world-building is aptly written. The background of the novel isn't thrown into the readers face all at the same time but instead is gradually introduced. One cannot find those so-called info-dump chapters where the author just slaps new details and characters and calls that as an introduction. Each part of the world, the characters, the locations is described slowly but vividly through the passing chapters. Combined with the amazing characters and it all makes a great novel. Don't hesitate, procreate-, uh, rather, read it. It's worth your time I assure you. <<less
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ShioCarl rated it
March 22, 2016
Status: --
One of the best novel I've read and I can't wait for more. Did a marathon for continuous 3 days straight to the latest chapters. The rise of the MC to gaining OP powers gradually, climbing up from small scale conflicts to greater heights and exacting revenges/retributions, including gaining reliable friends and relationships.

Three words to describe the MC –

Cool as Fxck!
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no222 rated it
February 20, 2016
Status: --
The start was good. But later, the sperm head MC is too boring, he only knows 1 kind of relationship between him and beauty, sexual. I don't mind harem with a few wives but this this guy is too much. He cannot just have female friends, little sister, senior sister, young elder, or aunt because all he knows are kill and s*x.
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Rwings rated it
February 15, 2016
Status: --
Review for up to Chapter 184. Rating 2/5

Against the Gods has hints of promise but is weighed down by bad story telling. Most of which can be boiled down to its three main flaws.

The first being the lack of substance that makes up the DNA of the main character. Its clear the authors goal is to have a main character the reader wish's they were, but the problem is how obvious its made that's the goal. The main character is the most attractive, smartest, has the strongest of wills, etc...... more>> but at no point is that used well in the story. Your told these things about the character instead of discovering them yourself. He uses none of his assets to advance the plot. Instead plot armor is used to get out of situations.

He obtains things not through character development or interesting story telling but because the plot dictates he gets or has it. He's got the mind of a twenty-four year old in the body of a sixteen year old, but aside from medical knowledge which make sense he has, he also the knowledge of a Casanova with zero experience for it. His moral center is he punish's bad people or people that wrong him, but uses the same tactics as the people he fights so he has no moral high ground.

His actions and goals come from a hallow foundation. Which is highlighted every time he sets off to help a women in his life. The girls he sets off to help are lucky to be remembered a chapters after he leaves before the next female distraction comes into view. All of which leads into the second main problem with the story.

This story wants to be a harem, but only in the sense to have the main character sleep with them before throwing them away. Which is fine in some sense if the author wants a womanizing character, but he tries to set-up the main character to be this larger then life good guy towards them. Each girl he is suppose to love and want to be with, but aside from the author telling you that with the main character actually saying it, its not actually true. The main character has zero attachments to any of them and doesn't even show a hint of caring about them.

Sure he will protect them, but that's the biggest problem in the harem. The story setting shows that the girls can be and in almost every case are stronger then him, but if they don't have a man in their life, their life will amount to nothing. He makes this speech to one of the strongest girls, but at that point he's already made a power up breakthrough by realizing that the world revolves around him so I guess it would make sense why he think's that.

If only he believed it but was wrong it would be fine, but it of course works. Girls throw away their pride and the very things they believe in to be with him. Every girl regardless of what backstory they are given walk away each time from the main character with him being the most important thing to them. They have no will's or ego's becoming very one-dimensional m*sturbation material.

Finally from a story writing stand point there is way to much redundancy. Not knowing when to stop there is always one to many mob characters, fights, power-ups, and reckless actions in an arc. Any time the main character does something 'impossible' several people will have to comment on it in the exact same way. (He's this strong and only sixteen). Every encounter has to drag out and repeat the same thing before it can end. (Last arc I read he used up the last of his strength and had nothing left at least four different times). Wearing out the same plot point is very common in this story.

There is some alright things in this story, but given all the above problems not enough to make it worth reading. <<less
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ArgosYesu rated it
October 29, 2015
Status: --
I initially liked this cause of the beginning and the MC and his interactions with his wife, but the story is just getting awfully repetitive. How many times does the author wish him to go all "Strong beaten by Weak" until he actually comes up with a plot for the MC? Did he need to set a fricken 3 year timeline for the MC to crush a clan whose strongest can be beaten with a flick of the MC's pinky?

I like it, but I think it needs to improve. MGA... more>> still sucks in general. <<less
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unseen_hz rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: c1780
A story full of ups and downs. A roller-coaster of emotion. When reading this your feelings will vary from bored to anticipation to full of tension. You'll range from cheering for our MC in a tournament to smirking when our smooth MC smooth-talks a harem member to face-palming at our dumb MC's actions. Nevertheless, this novel is like the phrase "when riding a tiger, you can't get off", it's full of build ups and pay-offs. Though its not all great however, there are certain arcs that feel quite boring and... more>> drawn out but otherwise it's great Xianxia fare. I highly recommend to trudge through the whole novel even if you don't enjoy it until 1500+, because that's where things get really really good, where it approaches 5* territory.

Going part by part:


Chpt 1 to ~900+: Blue Pole Star

Your standard Xianxia fare, the MC travels with or meets with a girl with a problem and solves their problem making them fall for him. While doing that, he meets with many different characters some more relevant than the other while slowly progressing in his cultivation. It's better than it sounds, it has very satisfying parts like the Illusory Demon Continent arc and also some what terrible parts like the Divine Phoenix Sect arc. Overall, quite enjoyable, 4 stars.




Chpt 1000 to ~1300+: Realm of God

Enjoyable at first with fan-favourite waifu Mu Xuanyin and other characters of the Ice Phoenix Sect then to a tournament with more interactions with plot important characters. Somewhat goes downhill at the tournament arc at first before MC stops being a loser and goes back up in enjoyment. The next arc then is a transition arc where the MC then "dies" and returns to the Blue Pole Star, where things get good again. With our MC's dwindling IQ this part is full of ups and downs but still enjoyable, between 3.5-4 stars.



Chpt 1300+ to 1499: Slice of Life arc (Build-up arc)

Filled with wholesome moments when MC realized that he had been a useless husband/father etc. Kind of boring but very heart-warming at times. Filled with foreshadowing and build-up, calm before the storm feel. Slice of life, 3.5 stars.



Chpt 1500 to current: Dark Lord Yun Che

Amazing. After the quality of writing has been steadily falling and the pace of the story and cultivation progression has been stalling for 200 or so chapters things pick up and they pick up fast. The build-up for over a hundred chapters live up to its lengthy process and MC changes to become amazing. A previously-hated female character was completely redeemed into one of the most likable ones and things go to sh*t in an amazing way. It's absolutely worth reading the novel just for this part but without the earlier parts establishing the relationships between characters it would not have been as good as it has been. 5 stars, the novel is worth reading just for this part.

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Aethas rated it
July 19, 2020
Status: c1759
I generally don't bother writing reviews for LN, as I think everyone's tastes are very different when it comes to LN, and some very small details may make some feel disgusted while others will be ecstatic. Thus, it does not make much sense to downrate or uprate novels in the end. But, reading some of the comments being posted here, I feel like I have to write one because I just can't stand seeing how s*upid some people are.

The author is definitely one of the best out there concerning LN.... more>> Whether you love or hate this kind of LN, it does not matter as the plot of the story is EXTREMELY consistent and well written. For example, details from the 100 first chapters may seem like they are just what they are, details, while actually the main plot of a thousand chapters later has already just been laid down. And you will not be able to see it coming, you will be so surprised that you won't believe you missed that, but you will also feel like it just makes so much sense once the author has decided to reveal it. People don't understand how hard it is to keep a consistent story over thousands of chapters, but the author somehow managed to do so.

I have read the novel thrice, and every single time, I managed to find new details I missed the previous times, just because I believed them unimportant, but they revealed themselves to be what helped me to slightly anticipate later events, but also to better understand some of the events which happened later on. As the bookworm I am, I have read hundreds of books, novels, manga,... But I still think the author, Mars, is one the best I have seen. This is why I think this novel is worth nothing less than a 5 stars review. Because what I judge here is not the type of this LN, but the quality of its story.

However, this does not mean that anyone who reads this novel will like it. This is where come tastes of everyone. Some, like me, just love this kind of LN, while others will just hate it. Indeed, sometimes the main character will react s*upidly, he will sometimes do things you would feel like just a monster or a tr*sh would do. But, personally, were I to be in his shoes, I don't think I would react that much differently. This is because the era the story takes place is a world where the strongs rule, where there is no things like social status or benevolence. The strongs eat the weaks and that's it. And this is normal, because even now, when someone manage to stand above others, there is no way he will let go of that power. So try to imagine if this were to happen in a world where people have powers and thousands years of life expectancy. Maybe what would happen would be even worse than what is sometimes depicted in the novel. This is why the events of the story are sometimes very hard to accept, but still remain somewhat acceptable, because I definitely believe it would happen in the real world too.

Finally, the last thing I want to address is something which was often criticized in most negative reviews, the harem. You have to remember that this is a harem novel, so if you thought the character would end up with one wife and two children, then I think you should check another kind of LN. Indeed, the main character has many wives. Some would say it is too much, some would think otherwise. However, it is completely wrong when people say the main character thinks with his ****. Every single one of his wives is a character whose personality has been developed over tens of chapters. Not a single time has one of those relationship been created the same way, each wife is completely different from another, has a rich personality, and the importance of each of them is crucial for the story. So there is nothing like "fu**ing some woman because it is time to have some s*x in the story" like most are saying. On the contrary, there is either a major reason for that, or there is just love stronger than death behind it. As for the times when there are major reasons for it but no love, there is one thing to remember about it: the main character, and this is emphasized all along the novel, is someone who values relationships and his family more than anything else. This is definitely the main trait of the character. And this is why in the end, everything he does ends up to be acceptable or understandable. And even if I sometimes did not approve his decisions, in the end I always ended up glad that things happened this way. But the only way to understand this without spoilers is by reading the story.

So there it is, this is my review on this extraordinary LN. I did not want to speak of the events happening in the story because taking events out of their context is the best way to destroy the plot the author has spent so much time to create, this is why I did not make use of examples in this review. In the end, I think people should just try and read the novel, and if they find it bad, then it is just that its style does not fit them. But never ever will that be because the LN is badly written, because this is definitely not the case. <<less
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Hungshue rated it
October 30, 2019
Status: --
At first this novel is really good, one of best chinese novel I had read

However MC personality is a problem, he just flirt with all girl he met, as long as her is beauty

He to reckless, and his 2 life exp didn't seem to help except he got some skill from 2nd life

Last He got dumper and dumper when he got stronger WTH, if you just come back to read first 1-200 chapter you will see how MC change so much, I just fell like at first MAR really put... more>> heart to write this, but later he just keep write this for money without much thought <<less
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flower4 rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c249
This is the kind of story that's exactly what you would expect it to be. I will say that it's weirdly addicting, the kind of thing that's easy to binge- not that I would necessarily call it incredible though.

The MC is unbelievably powerful and even only 250 chapters in he's already collected a bunch of miraculous ancient powers. At the very least, I enjoyed how he starts off weak, but then he catches up to everyone basically immediately anyway.

The harem in this is particularly overbearing, even for this genre of... more>> wish-fulfillment story. I like the MC's original wife, but most of the other girls aren't that memorable. All of them are basically the same 'jade'-skinned, innocent beauties. This is oddly specific but I almost find it humorous when the author writes in cold, proud women who reject all men. Unlike other harem members where the relationship can progress naturally, the author is forced to last-minute throw in some absurd reason to justify them sleeping together.

Despite all that, I can see how people enjoy it. If you think about anything in the story for too long, cracks start to show in the convenient plot and characters. I wouldn't really recommend it, but it's like the novel equivalent of tr*shy reality shows- addictive but better to turn your brain off before consuming. <<less
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DekuHero rated it
February 21, 2019
Status: --
This girl named Jasmine just confessed that she had killed over 1 million people after he saved her from death and the MC's response is so f*cking childish and disgusting.

“But those are all not important. The reason why I was so desperate to save Jasmine, is because Jasmine is a very... very beautiful girl; as beautiful as an angel.”

“Besides, for cute and beautiful girls, no matter how big of a mistake was made, they can still be forgiven."

This is the kind of tr*sh that is in this story. The MC... more>> sounds like a cringey "Nice guy" when he talks to women and although women in real life would back away from a guy spouting lines like this, for some reason in this story these kinds of lines have women swooning over him left and right. This isn't the first time this gross sh*t has been spouted either. I made it pretty far before I just found myself grossed out. The Author is for sure a virg*n that doesn't understand women and the readers that liked this sh*t are probably just as cringey.

If you skip over all the poor romance in this story it's not that bad, but later even the good parts of the story get fairly repetitive. <<less
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Haas rated it
August 26, 2018
Status: c1166
I feel like a proper review needs to be written for this novel. The majority of reviews are either uninformed (by not having read far enough in) and giving it a 1/5 or biased and giving it a 5/5.

Giving it 1 star if you've not read all of it is understandable because honestly the first half of this novel is not very good.
What is good about the first half of the series though is the beginning. I feel like the first 30 or so chapters are actually excellent. They do a good job of setting up the world and establishing the main character, his personality and his abilities.
After the main character leaves his home town though, the series gets incredibly repetitive. Every male character of an age with Yun Che either worships him or hates his guts (mostly the latter to be honest), and basically every female character shows romantic interest in him. Other than that the story is just a series of tournaments (or tournament style events) he can win, or trials by ancient gods so he can inherit some legacy from them. Add unto that that Yun Che has questionable morals and I honestly don't blame people for finding this series offputting. One redeeming feature of this first half of the story is his wife. I honestly find relationship between Yun Che and Xia Qingyue to be unique and kinda interesting, though it is a shame that the scenes with the two of them only happens sporadically.

I'd rate this first half 2 out of 5 stars.

When we get about half way through the series, it changes. The plot moves onto a global scale and actually gets really tense. Old characters return to relevance and a proper villain is introduced. Events that have been set up for the past hundreds of chapters all of the sudden reach culmination, plot lines gets tied up and everything explodes. I won't say too much about the latter half of the series in order to avoid accidental spoilers, but believe me when I say that it is really good!
I am convinced that this latter half of the series is what the 5 out of 5 star reviews are basing their reviews on, and if they are the 5 stars are absolutely justified!

There are various other quirks in this series that arn't really worth mentioning in this review, but are definitely noticable when you're reading it. If you don't mind the mediocre first half of the series then you should absolutely read this for the second half.
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MondSemmel rated it
July 29, 2018
Status: --
Cultivation story about a protagonist Gary Stu who's a terrible hypocrite, and a rapist. I'm amazed how anyone could write a protagonist who so obviously does the same or worse things than the antagonists, all the while acting like he's the exemplar of virtue. Like crippling or killing people whose only fault is looking down at the protagonist's strength, which the protagonist intentionally hides. Or killing people who covet his absurd harem, while he's a lecher and a rapist himself. Or taking over-the-top revenge on whole clans because a single... more>> member of them harmed him. Etc.

Even if you specifically enjoy cultivation stories, there are much better stories out there. For instance, Tales of Herding Gods also has an overpowered protagonist, but with a much more amusing and easy-going (though exceedingly mischievous) personality; and the story is not a moral disaster. Or My Disciple Died Yet Again, which is a satiric take on cultivation stories, and also clearly illustrates the absurd hypocrisy of typical cultivation story protagonists like the one featured here. <<less
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CaptainNuja rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: c830
Firstly the pros of the series:

1. Interesting storyline that leads to a bigger world with Jasmine's bloodline and what not.

2. Reincarnation in this novel isn't forgotten like with Tang San. The reincarnation plays an important role in the MC's decisions and personality.

... more>> 3. Good goals for the main characters. They have something clear cut that they want to achieve and they work their way towards it.

Now for the Cons:

1. Generic character personalities. MC is typical ruthless CN protagonist. He is petty, irritating, hypocritical, and basically has no redeeming qualities outside of combat. Jasmine is more of an interesting character than he is due to the mystery shrouding her.

2. Repetitive conflicts. This is a problem for most CN novels but ATG takes it to another level. Young master pisses Yun Che off. He humiliates Young master. Everyone goes wild. Tournament arc. Everyone underestimates Yun Che. He wins tournament or it gets interrupted. Rinse and repeat. Of course, there are exceptions in the novel but the sheer amount of rinse and repeat does not make up for it.

3. Harem. It's a different time period so the reader's morals and the story character's morale may not align. I'd have no problem with it if it was written well. But it's NOT. Generic side waifus with no personality other than being loyal and loving towards MC. They all are "world shatteringly beautiful" with "skin of Jade." The author uses these words to DESCRIBE EVERY GIRL. Like really? I enjoy a hot chick but when you start spamming that it gets annoying. MC says "I love you the most" to each girl separately.

4. Poorly written. The author writes like a high schooler who had some pent up desires. His fight scenes are lackluster with the same sentence being used over and over again. The only good part is the brutality of the fights. Other than that, it's just him shouting his skills out loud like a generic DBZ character. The dialogue is atrocious. It starts out good but starts to slip and fall, crushing itself underneath its own pile of shit.

Overall: I'll keep on reading in hopes that the author doesn't destroy this novel any further. Read if you like ruthless MC, good revenge, Gore, harems and op power ups. Avoid if you think anything I mentioned is a red flag. <<less
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Ebtrill rated it
July 16, 2016
Status: c452
I enjoyed it for the first 400 or so chapters. But then I realized that it's the same plot over and over again, same arrogant antagonists over and over again. Nothing changes except the names of the characters. I believe the first big moment was his fight in the small city where the Nascent level cultivator was the top talent? (Read it months ago, so memory is extremely hazy). That's basically the plot of every single arc. And Yun Che's a terrible person. There's no way you can justify slaughtering... more>> 70000 people because they might come for revenge. And in the end there was no point anyway because he left that one last guy alive. Well most xianxias have protags like Yun Che so that point isn't so much a big deal for me as the repetitive storyline. But all you need to do is finish the first tournament/battle arc and you basically read the entire thing. <<less
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Zackarotto rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c1340
ATG draws mixed opinions, but there's a reason it's so popular. I'm someone who dislikes drawn-out fight scenes where every sword exchange is described in detail, characters who blather out exposition or deliberate for several dense back-to-back chapters, and undeserving protagonists with weak moral compasses, all of which are in this series. So why do I like it so much?

For a start, it's extremely fun, and easy to binge-read. I savor it every time Yun Che steals everything that isn't nailed down from the treasure vault of a stuck-up rich... more>> bastard, or does some over-the-top illness diagnosing that would make Dr. House look like he got his diploma from clown school.

And while it is a junk popcorn-filler novel lacking in nutrition, like 99% of webnovels, you know what you're here for, and most of the time, ATG is perfectly-executed junk food. Progress always feels real. When Yun Che learns something, it isn't an arbitrary, interchangeable set of sword moves that we're told are better, to replace his old ones. It will be something that properly makes a difference in his life, like becoming immune to the effects of all fire and heat, or learning how to hide his presence. They're situational, but have enough general-purpose value that you can expect them to last forever.

Comparing ATG to some of the other most popular xianxia stories (like the I Eat Tomatoes novels), I have to say that ATG is far better planned.

Sometimes things do go far too conveniently, where a better novelist would not have had its hero rely on divinely good luck, or would have had the guts to force Yun Che into more trying circumstances. It's not just that treasures fall into his lap, but that he is not forced to make vile choices that every other character in the story would. For instance -- avoiding spoiling any specifics here -- look at how it goes when he needs a wood spirit orb. If the golden hand of the author hadn't lobbed it carefully into his arms, Yun Che still would have needed to get it, or else would've had to give up on his dreams. But if he'd obtained it the normal way, he'd have become more of a selfish villain than every Xiao clan idiot he was raging against at the beginning of the series. If that's the kind of convenience package you get for being a main character, I feel bad for the actual antagonists, who are only bad guys in the first place because they don't get the same opportunities.

Battles occasionally drag on too long (as does some of the bickering in conferences between guardian families or sacred grounds), but it's not written (or translated) amateurishly. While I sometimes wish a fight would wrap up sooner, I never get as frustrated as I would in some other series. The key thing here is that it's never total filler; when there is a protracted battle, the story is also taking clear steps forward. Yun Che's not getting new one-use moves all the time, and doesn't rely on talismans and consumable objects. A battle is often focused more on the reactions and consequences of Yun Che being forced to publicly reveal some hidden move he'd been keeping up his sleeve for five hundred chapters, instead of having long chapters describing the color of some random disposable villain's sword energy. Once he's revealed a trick, he can't just hide it again. It's out there.

I have high praise for the world-building here. In this universe, time waits for no man, even if that man is Yun Che. The universe doesn't just exist in a static state, awaiting the ripples he makes. He can't just hide in a cave and cultivate, or bad things would happen in his absence: there are always events and deadlines. In many of these novels, the hero starts off as a small fish in a big pond, but grows larger and larger while the pond stays the same size, and thus keeps switching out for bigger and bigger ponds, throwing away everything that had previously been built up. Yun Che is still always going to be the most important and coolest guy all the time who gets everything he wants, but there's enough going on to make the setting actually seem as big as it is described. Not only that, but the upper realm factors into the story before Yun Che ever visits it, and the lower realm still remains relevant once he leaves, so they don't just feel like a big reset button to deal with power-creep.

Yun Che's romances are fun at least at first, and I enjoy his very s*upid encounters with women. But it's quite sad to see him marry (and knock up) women he's fated to neglect for years while traveling and training. The author does try to plan things out, though, so in most cases they tend to have some special physique that keeps them from falling into irrelevance, or some other plot device keeps them in play. The bigger issue is that while the women have fun character traits, they aren't really developed characters. They tend to look at him with big shiny doe eyes even when he's killing every last man, woman and child tangentially related to someone who once pissed him off, and they think everything Yun Che has ever done is fine, if only because it's him who has done it. This does bother me sometimes.

The author probably has some issues to work out, but to this day, it's still one of the best-planned and most engaging xianxia stories I've discovered. Turn off your higher brain functions, pretend there's nothing wrong with killing seas of people or treating girls like collectable trading cards, and enjoy the ride. If you can't, this won't be for you. <<less
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bagharz rated it
March 9, 2016
Status: --
I have to say I used to really like this ln first 250 chapters were grat with big potential to be one of the best xianxia I read but from that point on I think author just run out of ideas.

Again and again opponents with higher lvl look down on MC and he kills or cripples them, make another girl fell in love in him etc. Also I find it annoying how female characters are build in here all flat and s*upid filled with only admiration for MC and some... more>> puny goals to justify their presence in the novel, well except for maybe one I found his little fairy quite likable.

The only reason I don’t give it 1 is because main character wasn’t some sort of crazy overpowered lunatic but rather quite intelligent young man who could use his brain and strategy unfortunately not anymore (left it on ch 365)

if you liked btth then your gonna love it for the beginning as for later there are better things to read <<less
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@bhebykris rated it
February 10, 2020
Status: c1628
The depth was well planned, people might claim thats its repeatable but if look more into the plot, each character are interesting in their own... Minor villains has little variation but the real villains has their own depth and character... The main characters setting and behaviour is very reasonable, as the world isn't bound by rules of earth... Isn't it very reasonable that moral values would too change...

The novel itself is amazing
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RajSanthosh rated it
December 8, 2019
Status: --
Yes 5 stars, . (The are repeatatives, but its ok, they are not part of real stories and I just mind them as fillers)

Real review

Add a little heavenly stars... more>>

r*pe a girl, make her pregnent, find her after 1000 chapters later


And little evil dragon against the heaven

A biggest well known good guy in whole realm, betrays the MC who saves the whole realm, just because he has dark energy


And mix with shura's wrath

MC's main girl will become a villianous just because she wants to manipulate MC, so he can become stronger enough to save everyone


Well the shura's wrath part is most irritaing one in this atg novel.

Most of the readers will hate that b*tch, even if she is a saviour or a self-sacrificer... I really want that bit*h suffers even lot


Short review

A dumb MC, who goes to die, every time he steps outside his house. <<less
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Storminy rated it
March 31, 2019
Status: c1350
Great novel ruined by inconsistencies and excessive plot armor. Plot armor should not appear every single moment for every character that is close to the MC. I swear some people need to watch game of thrones to start getting over plot armor. If there was no plot armor these Xuanhuan and wuxia novels could be far greater than what they currently are. Literally MC does not lose and when he does it was either on purpose or he gained some enormous benefit because of it.

... more>>
For example during the worst arc possible in the novel which made me temporarily drop the novel. Yes you guessed it the tr*sh tournament: where it was repeatedly stated that Yun Che stands literally no chance at all but continuously rebutted the authors previous sentence. The difference between the two is like heavens and earth. And then Yun Che has surpassed an elephant while being an ant. It’s impossible impossible. Yeah but if he didn’t have that plot armor which is extremely excessive this fool would be done for. He also became a ret*rd maybe the air pressure is too high. All for the sake of seeing jasmine he ditches all his women and runs to her. Argh such a disappointment tbh the latest chapters he literally does for jasmine knowing that he abandoned his other women for her sake. But the plot armor kicked in and he somehow revived even though his entire body was burnt to ashes and his ashes obliterated. When you have this type of plot armor it practically means the MC cannot die and will somehow come back to bite the enemies back after death. He literally haunts them as a ghost which is unfair to say the least. It’s like another novel where after death the MC respawns to a previous moment of time knowing what happens later. However that plot armor is extremely rare and the MC of that novel can and will die if someone more powerful or I should say someone the author says is far more powerful than the current MC goes against them and catches them lacking. In this novel the MC doesn’t go against anyone that is far more powerful than him. And when he did he died brutally due to s*upidity tbh. He abandoned everything knowing well that it was beyond s*upid. But I get it all for the sake of love. I’m not mad about him dying I’m mad about the fact that the author just kills the MC without the MC having any knowledge of him surviving. I hate hay plot armor the most. The one where the MC doesn’t plan it. Argh such a good novel ruined by a broken overpowered ret*rded MC. He turns regarded so yeah. He thinks that him and jasmine are so clean hearted when they continuously brag about killing millions of people. <<less
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