Against the Gods


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Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, the most dangerous of Azure Cloud Continent’s four deadly areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s base is known as the Grim Reaper’s Cemetery.

Over countless years, the number of people that have fallen off this cliff is too high to count. None of them, even three stronger than god masters, whose power could pierce the heavens, have been able to return alive. However, a boy that’s being chased by various people because he alone holds a priceless treasure jumps off the cliff, but instead of dying he wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world!

This is the story of a boy wielding the Sky Poison Pearl, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven and earth, a lord overlooking the world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil God
Heaven-Defying Evil God
Ni Tian Xie Shen
Related Series
Martial God Asura (31)
Martial World (20)
Chaotic Sword God (13)
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True Martial World (12)
Emperor’s Domination (12)
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416 Reviews sorted by

Aruzu rated it
January 18, 2016
Status: --
In a few words....

One of the best novels I've ever read.

Definitely has to give it a try... the building of the story is amazing, the plot keeps geting richer without those random things a lot of xinxia wuxia uses... the story doesn't feel random at all.
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expertsource10 rated it
August 31, 2018
Status: c873
- The hypocrisy in this novel finally repulsed me at around ch 870s.
- The hypocrisy is SO big that I'm disgusted with the MC at this moment.
- The hypocrisy existed long before, from when he destroyed the whole sun-something sect, but I had chosen to avoid it for the sake of the rest of the plot.
- Yet, the hypocrisy has only grown bigger and bigger.
- How? While the MC talks about righteousness, and reprimands all his opponents about justice and all, he, his family, and his wife has finally come to the point of massacring babies and innocent people now.
It's so much disgusting and repulsing that I can't avoid it anymore.

- Option 1) Don't talk about righteousness and don't reprimand your enemies about justice, then kill babies. It's okay because it's consistent, you're an evil person, and it's not a plot hole.
- Option 2) You can talk about justice and beat enemies, you don't destroy whole sects with innocents inside and you don't kill babies. It's okay because it's consistent too, you're a righteous person. And it's not a plot hole too.

However, if you claim and act like a righteous person while killing babies and innocent people, it's inconsistent, it's a plot hole on universal human relationships because this creates a split personality (if you watch the movie split, lol)

We put our shoes at the MC's shoes as he's the main character. We're him, he's us. That's why, either we break ourselves mentally and make our mindset an inconsistent, split one. Or we become repulsed, and disgusted by it (after some avoidance.)

I chose to be disgusted after some avoidance. The MC is incoherent, a mentally broken disgusting hypocrite and far from me.
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Nixarxiddiqui rated it
June 24, 2018
Status: c1129
This novel is a pure GEM, you can't find any other novel which is better or even on equal level as this. And to those all who gave 1* or gave harsh comments, they didn't even read the whole novel and are bullshitting about it. This singular mentality of them (only the novel they like is best) is what causing them to not appreciate a good written novel. Ok that was enough, now let me explain what is best in this novel which none other novel represents.

  1. Story: The gradual update of the story is just too awesome, it is well thought and well depicted. The author, since chapter one has a goal in mind, and the whole story is going in the perfect direction without looking like any gaps or missing links (like other novels where suddenly something happens and the author tried hard to explain about this and that, just to make sure the story doesn't spoil), in this novel every event is always linked or hinted in previously which makes it so awesome to read.
  2. Character Development: I don't think I even need to comment on this, I mean every other novel has good character development, but there are things which none other novel has is, the protogonist of this novel is depicted genius so no other character in the younger generation can compare to him (not like other novels, where suddenly another younger character becomes strong on same level as the hero, I mean if you are a genius then you should be the genius). Well there are a few characters who got sudden powers and became equal to protogonist (but that is also well portrayed, like they got some special veins etc etc)
  3. Harem: No doubt this is strongest point of this novel, he has ever growing harem and he is also sexually active with his harem, not like other novels where the protogonist is either Saint, Monk or Plastic who doesn't has any feelings. And to all those guys who are criticizing his s*x involvement, why the heck are u even reading this novel? It has that ecchi and adult tags, if you don't like these type of novel just stop reading and go ahead.
  4. Arcs: Wow, nothing to say about such beautifully well explained story and interesting Arcs. The arcs are a beauty of this novel, they are well explained.
  5. Fights: ?? The fights are just pure love. The protogonist is shown to have power to fight across the tiers (10 levels = 1 tier, mean he can beat enemies who are higher than him 1 or 2 tiers). The fights are always good, interesting and well explained. To those who say the fights are repetetive (wtf? I mean what other novel doesn't has repetetive fights? If enemy is strong the main character still has to beat him or do u want the main character to die? I have read many novels BTTH, MGA, MW, ISSTH and many other, none of the protogonist in those novel has ever lost a fight... They always clinch to the victory in the very last moment by either getting a power up or always has something prepared for despair moments)
Well thats all from me, I really recommend you guys to read this novel, it is one of the super best novels out there.
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q25t rated it
July 10, 2017
Status: c890
This novel is essentially heroin. You know damn well it's bad for you but it's still addictive.

The good.

World building is actually pretty damn good. Multiple powers and realms with discrepancies in power levels for semi-decent reasons. ... more>>

An overarching conspiracy about the world MC is on right now.


Fights are actually done pretty well. Nothing spectacular, but they're certainly good enough.

The bad.

Practically everything else.

Writing. Everything in this entire universe is composed of jade. No female mentioned in the novel that I can even recall isn't a peerless beauty, which is a bit of an oxymoron since there are about 8 of them. The whole idea of expanding your horizons and finding stronger people is fine but it's happened maybe 9 times thus far. From his branch family in a small town to a slightly larger town to the capital to the overwhelmingly stronger other country to sacred grounds to divine realm people. I'm probably missing some.


I'm almost positive that the only reason YC killed the whole f*cking burning heaven clan was just to develop Fen Juechen as a villain. This whole novel actually has a weird habit of acting like it's virtuous to drag thousands or even millions of unrelated people into your own personal problems. In the war with Phoenix nation and blue wind, the empress doesn't surrender, thus resulting in millions of casualties for some reason? She expected no reinforcements, had not a chance in hell of even denting the enemy, and had no particular reason for resisting except for face.


Everyone is this novel is ret*rded at all times except when YC does some face smacking. YC has on likely more than 10 occasions walked by choice into situations that without plot armor would kill him in two seconds. If the protagonist of the novel goes into a situation willingly without current powers to resolve it, you don't get to call him smart. He's an idiot.

Phoenix nation has a war over a mine. Really big mine even so the superpowers above them would even be interested. Must mine discreetly. How is this accomplished? Launch a full scale war out of the blue on the nation who has said mine and then station troops there whose entire job is to pound the ground to cover up the noise of mining. I have no words for how preposterously dumb of an idea that is.

The romance. The first few of YC's harem had fairly normal reasons and were acceptable. Cang Yue was saved by him a few times and spent a decent amount of time together with him in a perilous situation. Sure. His aunt is weird in the in*est sense

but they're not actually related so...

but The relationship is actually normal. The ice fairy he got pregnant in the weird I need to r*pe you to save your life situation. O.o The demon empress I honestly don't have any idea why she likes him. Effectively he ends up blackmailing her into not killing him for his bloodline and they fall in love because she's goddamn emotionally scarred and broken. Real nice. Princess #2 of Phoenix nation falls in love with him because he is literally the only option she has had. She grew up seeing apparently no one and just sort of stayed sheltered because her dad and brothers are all kinds of f*cked up about her.

This is the only novel in all of my life that I've rooted for the main character to die. This includes multiple anti-hero protagonists and just straight up villains. The combination of being a raging as*hole and also being so unbelievably s*upid just makes me root for his death. It might help him learn a motherf*cking lesson for once. And because he has OP as f*ck artifacts, he'd just reincarnate again at this point so the novel wouldn't even end. <<less
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alphaGulp rated it
August 21, 2016
Status: c150
This novel is the perfect example of the disappointing limits of a cunning mind.

A cunning person will want to do bad things for the short-term benefits, even though the long-term consequences are bad. Like a child, they become obsessive about immediately obtaining the object of their desire (ex: s*x, wealth, power, etc.) and so they will do ANYTHING and everything to attain it, without sufficiently considering the consequences of their actions.

So in this case, we have an MC who is a self-centered, abusive as*hole who wants the world to be... more>> all about him, without a thought to the consequences *even if he is successful in making the world be all about himself*. In his own personal fantasy, he can easily accomplish all this just by way of his lowly cunning means (ex: he simply mu*ders all the 'fools' who dare step in his way and all the babes fall for him) - BUT THEN WHAT?

LOL. For example, his imaginary harem obviously DOES NOT WORK. What exactly is he offering his women, other than safety and medical care? It is pathetic to watch the MC flail about and obviously NOT SATISFY his women's needs!!!

Women need way more than just what he offers to be happy and thriving, and the best women are not only good-looking - they are also THEMSELVES inspiring and fun to be with. Yun Che's girls are all boring and a billion times past insipid. In real-life, at best they are the type you learn to move on from quickly, even if they are pretty.

In fact, his chicks' main attractive factor, aside from being 'desired by all', is them being extremely hard to approach and interact with (ie: terrible social skills and attitude), as well as bringing HUGE BAGGAGE (ex: a s*upid princess caught in a power struggle) - all red flags, in reality, but the MC sees these as positives since that way the chicks get so indebted to him that he can try to coast on the fact that he dealt with their crap. Then there is the MC's aunt, whose freaking in*estUOUS LOVE is disgusting but conversely so easy and all-forgiving that I guess that makes it tempting for people with abysmally low self-esteem?

As well, if you look at the MC's professional goals in life, you realize that he has none other than being strong enough to bully everyone. What kind of world does he want to create with his power? Well, the bully world he lives in is ALREADY his perfect world to be a reactionary bully in (ie: he gets his easy excuse for being abusive from the fact that everyone else is a hateful bully like himself), so he has nothing to do! Everything is already perfect: just wait for the next ret*rded bully and then use plot armor to win in a lazy, uninspired way, AGAIN. And then repeat FOREVER (since he has even cursed himself with immortality in hell, that f'ing moron).

So it isn't surprising that ONCE AGAIN, a cunning author is able to create a beginning that is fairly interesting and seemingly full of potential, but you just have to let him try to elaborate on that beginning to have his s*upidly cunning mind show just how bad his ideas are, given enough time. <<less
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Subsinexus rated it
October 7, 2022
Status: c1925
This novel is an extremely unique gem among this entire genre. Despite seemingly being a very typical xianxia novel with common tropes, a hot-blooded MC and no especially unique cultivation system, it somehow became popular enough to spawn multiple communities in discord, MTL sites and other places that revolved around it. In the LNMTL site, it likely takes the grand record for the most comments in a single chapter at an absurd 10389 comments for chapter 1210. Why? How in the world did this get so popular, and why do... more>> I also keep coming back to it 7 years later, despite the author's slow updates?

Characterization: I believe the top strength of this novel might just be its characterization. I don't understand how the author does it, but the characters here somehow feel far, far more real and tangible than those in most other novels. Other similar series like Emperor's Domination, Martial God Azura, Nine Hegemon Body Art - I've read through all of them, and currently only remember the names of the protagonists, and at most one heroine name. MGA in particular, I don't remember any heroine names. However, ATG? I haven't read new chapters from this novel in a year or so, but still can easily list off even the main heroines of the earliest arcs that no longer have plot relevance - Cang Yue, Xue'er, Caiyi, Chu Yuechan, Ling'er, etc. The author absolutely nailed the characterization, to imprint these characters, their personalities, their growth and their history in my brain so thoroughly. Even long-irrelevant side characters like Xuanyuan Yufeng, Ling Jie, Yuanba, Xiao Yun, Fen Juechen, etc. - I actually remember them, so many years later! Please rest assured, many of these characters are far from static. As arcs go by, fearsome enemies can become reliable allies, while once-respected friends may become bloodcurdling foes.

Plot and Writing: Precisely because the characters feel so vivid, the reader can't help but care about what happens with them. The plot of ATG does have some ingenious twists at times, but other times there are cliché scenes like tournaments, faceslapping, arrogant young masters, etc - especially in the earliest arcs. Only after reaching the Illusory Demon arc did the plot start to get unique, and the really impressive twists come far later, long after entering the divine realm. However, whether the plot was fresh or something overused, it still felt interesting to read - the author simply knew how to write well, and even the bland plot of the first few hundred chaps could become engrossing in his hands. Later when the plot became genuinely GOOD and major cliffhangers arrived, the majority of readers were left desperate for more. This is the synergistic effect of epic plot, quality writing and beloved, fleshed-out characters.

Romance: ATG focuses upon action, but absolutely does not lose out in romance. The well-flaunted characterization leaves every heroine with their own fleshed-out background, personality and motivations, making the romance far more enjoyable to read than in most other novels. The MC's horndog nature led to him attracting quite the impressive harem as time went by, and it's a grand feat of writing that most readers can remember them all quite well.

Luck and Deus ex Machina: Only here must readers employ suspension of disbelief. The MC enjoys absurd luck and plot armor, far beyond what most novels can get away with. The reason for this luck appears as a major plot point later on, but at least in earlier chapters, readers can only shake their heads in front of that unbelievable good fortune. <<less
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Mamasere rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c1700
Against the Gods is a hilarious novel for all the wrong reasons. It's filled with a plethora of mentally handicapped young masters and elders, peerless jade beauties, boring plot that doesn't even matter when you think about it, and one of the most (in) famous MCs ever, Yun Che, or as I like to call him, Scum Che.

The first major problem comes up immediately: the overuse of the word profound. It's EVERYWHERE, in each realm of cultivation's name, in each of the currency names, in school names, used as an... more>> adjective... It's annoying.

Secondly, all major problems in the story are being brought on by the s*upidity of the protagonist and main characters we are supposed to like.

And finally, the protagonist himself. If I were to describe him in a single sentence, it would be "a tantrum-throwing h**ny genocidal misogynistic hypocritical bipolar man-child who has a knack for dieing every so often". This MC is a clown among the clowns, and I find it hilarious. He's described as smart and cunning but in reality he is a moron who thinks with his dick. The only reason why he seems smart is because everyone else has a negative IQ, while he has a single digit IQ.

MC constantly picks pointless fights, gets chased by an elder, runs away and gets some plot armor, comes back and genocides an entire sect.

Except that he also spares the one guy who was a credible threat to him. And later on that same guy comes back for revenge but also keeps saving MC's little aunt from being r*ped of killed or worse. And you know what MC was doing in the meantime? He was busy being dead or course!


MC is also a genuine s*x pest and a rapist, attacking innocent women with an excuse of "saving" them.


The first woman that he r*pes is someone from his first wife's sect. She was dieing from a su*cide attack and instead of letting her die with her dignity intact, our honorable MC r*pes her and takes her v**ginity with an excuse of saving her by using some method that a spirit suggested. MC showed no guilt over what he did and even praised the spirit for providing him an excuse to r*pe her.

The next woman that he r*pes is his master in the God realm, who was affected by an aphrodisiac. MC r*pes her, acts guilty at first, then notices that the aphrodisiac hadn't worn off yet and r*pes her AGAIN. After that he runs away from the sect in fear for his life. Such a good MC, such bravery, such sacrifice! I'm truly left in awe! (sarcasm)


Personally, the time I was most repulsed by MC was when he

Became a sect master of Frozen Cloud Asgard, the sect which the first woman he r*ped belonged to. He uses his authority to go around playing doctor and mol*st women (it's a women only sect). Since some women know his true intentions, he avoids them and goes for the shy and innocent ones that are easy to deceive. How disgusting, this is a guy I'm supposed to root for?


Also, get used to women being forced to have s*x with MC to save his life, the author likes that stuff.

It's also funny how MC constantly sacrifices himself for some random women even though he still has a family and wives behind to protect and the fact that Jasmine is also connected to him, so she'll die as well, but who cares, MC need that puss! He also never leaves a soul crystal behind for his family to let them know that he isn't actually dead, so all of them constantly keep falling into despair over his myriad deaths.

Every woman if already not part of the family joins the harem even if there's an incorrigible fued between the new woman and the old ones.

Qianye Ying'er

Author likes to twist the story to add more and more women and s*upidity to the plot.

Every male if not incompetent is an evil enemy of the noble and brave MC lol seriously! My favorite was the Dragon Monarch who

Offered MC protection and even wanted him as a son in law (he's the strongest dude in the God Realm, any smart MC would go for it), MC refuses and f*cks his wife, imp**gnates her with his child, and now the Dragon Monarch hates his guts. Dude even killed every family surnamed Yun out of anger.

What's worse, before they f*cked, the Dragon Empress said that MC should only do so if he has the guts to go against the Dragon Monarch. MC says "no problem!" but is too preoccupied chasing skirts to notice that Dragon Monarch hates him now and joins hands to kill his master and destroy his planet. And then MC cries like it isn't his fault that Dragon Monarch became his enemy in the first place.

But the funny thing is that Dragons have insane libidos, but the Dragon Monarch never touched another woman because he wants to do it with the Dragon Queen but can't because she's a spirit or whatever. So he basically became Buddha for 300 000 years only to be cucked by a brat who is 36 years old hahahahahaha 😂


Our dumb MC then hates another woman who

Destroyed his home planet (she didn't but our clown MC thinks she destroyed it) so that MC would learn the cruelty of the world, which is dumb because MC already learned that lesson in his second life. I guess he forgot and needed to be reminded?


Another example of MC's s*upidity:

MC partially cripples a young master, pretends to be a doctor and earns the trust of the sect master, secretly completely cripples the young master, empties the sect treasury and instead of leaving, he carves a message on a wall and signs his name as well. *facepalm*

"That’s right, Yun Che directly signed his own name. Actually, if he had not left this name, Xiao Tiannan will never link it to him. However he left it there... This was a kind of arrogance, a kind of confidence and conceit, and even more, a kind of humiliation."

Calling this guy cunning is an insult to actual cunning MCs. He's a complete idiot. And of course, he gets chased around by the sect after this...


Overall, it's just not worth it. Everything revolves around jade beauties and nothing really matters in the end. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. <<less
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Daresan rated it
August 29, 2020
Status: c1200
Another mga dont bother reading if you are fellow man of culture. Or just read it for the memes.

This novel is for begginers if you have already read lots of novels then this sh*t will make you puke if you havent then like the 5 star reviews here you will think this is best drug in the world. This novel is for edgy teenagers with "ideals" aka chunnibyou

More about the novel itself, it is a novel with edgy teenager, socio-path, Rapist, hypocrite MC. No dont mistake him with the likes of leylin and fang yuan he is not worthy of even kissing their boots. This novel is extremely repitative I dont know its just bad overall. If you havent read cultivation novels then give it a try you will love it or else dont bother.
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KaveeHana rated it
August 6, 2020
Status: c1673

    • If you have something against harems that actually has romance.
    • If you have something against plot armor.
    • If you have something against a protagonist that time and time again saves damsels in distress by irrationally risking his life.
    • If you have something against a protagonist who wants to become strong just so he can live happily with his loved ones.
    • If you have something against mysteries.
    • If you have read to somewhere between 150 to 1518 chapters and don't feel the burning need to read the rest of the story.
This is my first review. Anyway the main reason why I decided that I needed to write this here is, because I wanted to reduce the people that could end up disliking this story from reading it. And hopefully make people that actually will end up liking this story to read the story. Some people might hate it, but there certainly many people (myself included) who love it. This is the first cultivation novel I read and I still couldn't find any other novel that has 1000+ chapters that I could read with the same enthusiasm.

Protagonist and his girls

I'll be honest here many of the most exceptional girls ends up in his harem. (Just like many other harem, cultivation novels.) But it happens with good reasoning. For the most part it happens because/after protagonist risks his life to save them. But the great thing is even though this cycle is repeated again and again it always happens in unpredictable refreshing manner.

THE r*pe TAG

Ok they are two situations where the protagonist had to engage in non-consensual s*x. In both scenarios he did it in order to help the girls. He definitely would have avoided the situation if he could have helped it. And he is definitely prepared to take the responsibility afterwards.


Chu Yuechan at the dragon god trials - in order to recover her crippled cultivation.

Mu Xuanyin at the God Burying Inferno Prison - in order save Mu Xuanyin from dying from the overdose of the potent aphrodisiac - horned dragon blood.

Then there is the event where he adamantly restrained himself from raping Mu Feixue, when Mu Xuanyin gave him the ok to do so and obtain her ice phoenix vital yin. Mu Xuanyin even injected him with the horned dragon blood but he still restraint him self. So Protagonist knows how to properly restrain himself.


Plot armor

What cultivation novel doesn't have plot armor. All the ones I like has it.


The important thing is, in this novel they actually give a good enough reason for the protagonist's luck with the heavenly prophecy. So as the child of the havens it is justifiable that havens will favors him.


The protagonist


After remembering the memories from the life he spent on Azure Cloud Continent which he spent seeking revenge for his master and loosing his lover in the process he understands the futility of revenge and yearns to start a new in this life. This time he gains strength in order to repay his debt to Jasmine for giving him the evil god immortal blood and to live happy life with his newfound loved ones. His cultivation path although powerful was in no way an easy one to follow. Right from the beginning of the rebirth of his profound veins each major break through he had was accompanied with great deal of pain in the beginning.


After Chapter 1518


Now even I have mixed feelings about the story from here on out. But from the betrayal that happened to the protagonist after he saved the entire Primal Chaos at the hand of some of the most trusted people he had, It's quite obvious that his personality is going to change staggeringly. And I believe that he has earned the right to be as unreasonable as he wishes and slaughter anyone that gets in his way because they all owe there lives to him anyway.

Author certainly created quite the twist in the novel here. He could have ended it in a happily ever after, but he didn't. And even though the story is far darker right now, author certainly didn't mess the story up yet. And as it possibly can't get any darker than this it is reasonable to believe that the protagonist will gradually recover his former personality.



There quite lot of mysteries that you can't wrap your head around as the story progresses.


There are all connected to the era of gods and the ancestral god. The first great mystery is the function of the mirror of samsara. Well they are few more mysterious points though I'm not going spoil the fun anymore. They are enough mysteries to create another great twist in the story.

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August 27, 2017
Status: c180
Read at risk of your own sanity.

The writing in this series is dreadful. The author will constantly pull asspulls to continue the plot, even if it makes the MC seem completely idiotic.

Contradictions like having some higher-powered character than the MC not being able to catch a bird significantly weaker than them so they can end up in some life or death nonsense.

It seems like for some reason the "Harem" tag is missing, but it should be there since the MC tries to have s*x with anything with a pulse.... more>> Not in the bard-like "Oh my true love" false bravado kind of way, but in the "I'm really in love with all of you but constantly get you killed and treat you like crap written for wish-fulfillment" kind of way.

5 stars? 60%? What?

The whole story is filled with exposition dumps and horrible, unneeded side character conversations that go on too damn long. Here's a "fan fiction" example:


"I will defeat you with my vibrating red fist of resplendent cheddar grating!"

"Oh, as expected, he reached the 15th level of Cheddar mastery, what a legendary cultivator who will shake up the world!"

"He will make General Tsao so proud, the Tsao dynasty will surely rise to the top with him in charge.

The vibrating cheddar fist exuded a fragrant smell of absolute power. The swinging fist swung at the character. The character, surprised, attempted to dodge it. The character used his Dragon Pulsing Constipation Medium Expert Technique, and then he suddenly remembered his master.

"Go Fungus, I will beat you into waterfalls!"


Do you understand? There are infinite amounts of words put in these chapters, but no substance or meaning. Why is this popular?

It's the kids overrating it, 100%. <<less
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Narutolvr rated it
January 5, 2017
Status: c715
Pretty much how everyone has described it: repetitive, over-lucky, hound dog MC who just miraculously gets through every life threatening event because... MC correction I guess? But his action of going after every pretty girl is ridiculously irritating, especially his hypocrisy in attempting to sacrifice himself for every single pretty girl he meets despite claiming he can't afford to die as each one of his million wives is waiting for him. Don't even mention him trying to woo the girl he was raised with as an aunt.

Also, I'm really... more>> getting annoyed by the author's description of beauties. If I see another "Jade like skin" I'm going to throw up. What does it even mean any way?!

I just want something interesting to happen. I'm tired of the MC being the lowest cultivation only to pull out a miraculous turn around and win only for everyone to realize they underestimated him, MC enters some realm/land he's not supposed to and is trapped by the people who want to kill him *Yuanba screams in the distance* only to escape, enter another realm/world/planet/jade store where he miraculously stumbles across another tournament so the cycle can begin anew. The one decent story line (grandfather arc) has already come to a conclusion in the same manner as all the others and I'm really starting to lose interest.

This is just a disappointment of a novel; not because of the harem, or the pettiness of the MC, but the fact that the author can't seem to stick to a personality trait longer than half an arc (excluding MC's horndog ways). Author describes MC as careful? 3 chapters later MC does something idiotic. Author praises MC for forethought? MC literally jumps into any dangerous situation for little to no reason without thinking about the consequences, scrapes by by the skin of his teeth, then does it again. Honestly, it's headache inducing.

And to those who say 'this is what WX/XX novels are!', I call BS. There are WX/XX novels that make an op MC with a harem but still manage to keep a consistent characterization for the MC. Martial World, for example, is one of them. At the very least, that MC is actually has to work hard to get stronger, rather than being wrapped in plot armor whose thickness is only second to his face like Yun Che. I mean come on-

he made up some bs name that just so happened to be the name of a famous Empyrean legend? Seriously??? Of the infinite possibilities of names?

That's so illogical and unnecessary; even with all my disbelief suspended, no one should be that lucky.

Overall, the Illusionary Demon Realm arc was awful- possibly the worst arc so far (though I enjoyed it the most-contradictory, I know :P). At the very least, it required the most suspension of disbelief; regardless of how little sense the story made, the author shoved that plot line down readers' throats in a borderline aggressive way. But, from the start, I just wanted to know what was going down with his parents, which is the only reason I read through 700 chapters of him f***ing every beauty and plundering every lucky break he saw.

Honestly, I don't even know how this universe still exists seeing as the MC comes across a "world-shattering beauty" in every town. You'd think all the planets would have turned into dust by now. My suggestion for a plot twist: the "gods" are actually a legion of jade-skinned beauties set out to kidnap men with talent from every planet before destroying it. And Jasmine is one of their main comrades, dispatched to get close to Yun Che, seeing as he only has to breathe to find another miraculous, only eight-in-the-world treasure. <<less
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TheHungryScrub rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: c300
I read through 300 chapter in a month and it safe to say I can finally drop it. This author is really a mix baggage... like his other work Shura Wrath both novel start with a strong beginning but then for some reason completely lost track of where it going.

It had a plot, interesting characters (not villain), risk/stakes, and actual MC+side character flaw which can be developed.

But all that went down the drain when author decide to rush and simplify it. Hell, there are even some chapter where... more>> author explain why this and that happen for the reader rather then actually writing a story chapter.

-Story Item Luck= MC walk in one straight line and every item he need will be -infront of him as long as the story/author demand it.

-Plot-armored= MC get in impossible situation where the only way to get out is author.

-No Consequence for MC= MC screw up, he get op stuff in return. Any prior character flaw development in the first c100 became null after.

-Regressive Harem= Before the girls has some character but the author revert them into 1 dimension damsel in distress or damsel to impress.

-Harem focus story= The whole story is overshadowed by the harem girl story.


Overall it 2/5

For me it good for time killing.

Despite my scrubby review give it go and see for yourselves. After all, there are many who like it for it fast pace, op MC, harem aspect, or again like me for time killing. <<less
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zozzythebeast rated it
January 10, 2020
Status: c1800
It's a good story and all. The only problem which is a big one almost destroying the novel, being the main character. Who is basically suicidal always trying to die for everyone he sees. Though the worst thing is a MC whos mindset is that of a mentally handicap, hyper emotional, bipolar schoolgirl and there whole goal in life for 1550 chapters is to be a god damb loser. A nobody from nowhere who wants to achieve nothing. In chapter 1390 or so he says he's going to get stronger... more>> to be on top of the god realm. But of course he doesn't do jack and is exactly the same wanting to stay on his tinny home planet where he can't even cultivate anymore. A MC main goal should not be to die in someone's place and to be a pathetic loser. I can almost hear some fat chinese guy in the propoganda department saying "for those born at the bottom like a farmer all they should ever want to be is a farmer. No mater how much power they have or how high they go they will always be a farmer. That is the only place they belong and can be happy." later on in the novel something bad happens because the MC is an idiot who does everything without thinking all the while people he cares about try to give him advice that will help him but he never listens. Then you think great now the MC should lean his lesson and stop being such an idiot. Well to bad the author doesn't change the worst parts about the MC one bit. He just makes him more suicidal. Making the mc's mindset a deeply suicidal, mentally handicap, hyper emotional, bipolar schoolgirl. Another thing is one of the cores of the novel is the author trying to show how much he cares about his loved ones and how great a guy he is to them. In reality he is a piece of sh*t who values there wants and desires even less than the dirt beneath his feet. He is the worst emotionally abusive and selfish MC I've encountered. I could deal with that except for the fact the author thinks that he is the perfect lover singing his praises the whole novel when he is so bad there isn't a phrase to adeqetly describe him. It drives me nuts to where I've dropped this novel a couple of times because I hate Yun Che so so much. <<less
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Ssjgkazama rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: c1560
Good novel absolutely ruined by inconsistent MC and mysognystic fetish from the author. I agree the early chapters are the best the novel has to offer even though it has a kinda slow start. But once it hits first gear MC actually goes hard.


once he reaches higher realms and the higher he goes. Oh my Lord literally he actually had surgery and got his brains removed and placed his private parts inside. Literally every woman in his life dictates what he can and cannot do. He is so proud of... more>> his dignity as a man but he treats every beautiful woman as his owner.


there was a woman named Qiangye Ying'er who tortured the MC for months on end by placing a spell on him. This spell makes him wish for death every second of his life. He begged for death 10 seconds in despite his amazing will power. Anyways after promising to r*pe her 10, 000 times and rip her into pieces he eventually gets her as a s*ave but doesn't do anything to her because he fears her. What a LOL. After she gets her s*ave seal removed she promises to slaughter him once again. Then she gets hunted by her planet and runs to daddy Yun che. There we have been told he has to search for a woman to sleep with that has amazing talent. Ironically the only woman that is around him is her. The one he hates the most. Now mind you r*pe is a form of torture. But when the one you r*pe is benefitting even more than you then it is no longer torture. I'm absolutely pissed off that this woman has been let off lightly and will be allowed in the harem. Mind you she was last boss villain worthy but she ended up getting f*cked over.



So my predictions were correct, but also slightly off. This time Qiangye Ying'er came to Yun che and offered him her body. LOL Yun che's reply was, out of everyone I want to kill. I wish to kill you the most. But we know he is lying because she stripped naked and now he will r*pe her. ANd now devil che will be like. OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE. I HAVE TAINTED SUCH A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. I MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER, EVEN THOUGH SHE IS MY WORST ENEMY AND MY WIVES WORST ENEMY.


mars always has pity for women and any women who commits evil will be redeemed by the story. Oh this woman is evil but wait her dad is more evil and killed her mom so let's allow her to be evil and torture anyone to near death.

But a man who risks his life to save you makes ONE mistake and then the relationship is cut off immediately and no longer friends. The men and women are treated completely different, like women are all his wives and men are all his enemies. This is mysogynistc because MC believes female beauty can't exist with evil <<less
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Oz-kun rated it
May 25, 2019
Status: --
ATG is a good read novel.

But why did I rated it 2 stars?

Because of disappointment.

... more>> Why?

Ex you have a dough and baked it perfectly well. Until you messed up with flavor coating.

It same goes from the plot.

Because the author is addicted from "Drama" "Action" and repeated "Plot"

Now for the new chapters idk how many times I have encountered "Face palm" chapters.

Basically the MC is a c*ck roach.

Because of the force "Drama" of the author keeps bringing up.

Even today.

I don't know why he is rushing those "Drama" plot and keeps the relationship of the MC women to became "Long time separation" And suddenly knowing that there is a seed left in their time. Then another "Drama" begins (repeated cycle) Then revenge also begins. While the author change the MC foundation (Characteristics) That he build up until he became an idiot... Nah calling him an idiot is quite still a compliment. He basically became a "ret*rd".

Felt like I was reading a JP novel not CN novel. Because our MC who is cunning turned into a ret*rd, Prideful to wuss/wimp. Basically our MC that we know is already dead at this point. Because of the sudden change personality.

From the new chapter says the MC has no ambition.

But that is utterly ridiculous because from the early chapters his hunger from power is no less than to those people in divine realm.

The author may fool himself but he cannot fool his readers unless all of them are idiots that became addicted from the cliché "Drama"

I don't know why the author is forcing those "Drama" maybe he thinks it is a brilliant plot?

Or maybe because his novel is dying.

Well I know those readers and fans knows this as well. It felt like the author suddenly changed. Or has multiple writer. That the plot felt weird to the point you are questioning their sanity.

This type of plot is painful if you are reading it in novel. Because of the time and devotion you gives.

But if it is a manhwa. Then it is quite acceptable because you just scrolling it down if you were bored and few short lines.

But if it is in the novel you have to gritted your teeth to bypass those ridiculous plot lines and arc. You might as well use your innate skill to turn off your "Logic" just to bypass those storms. If not you might get lost on track and wouldn't know the reason behind those sh*t and stuff.

So things you need to watch out before reading this are:

Romance from this story is crap.

MC super plot armor.

Antagonist force plot "Armor"

Suddenly a force "Drama" out of nowhere.

Broken dialogs.

Ridiculous plot line. Like child vs child conversation.

Best ex.

They became keyboard warriors cultivator.

And so on.

If I am going to list all of the plot holes.

This might turn into whining rather than a review.

So that is all.

It is quite good read. The only reason why you'll be hating this novel because of disappointment/dissatisfaction

Because there is a fine route that can be open but... The author likes to add more seasonings while not even tasting the broth he made. Which leading to a disaster.

So if recommendation?

Go ahead read it.

It is quite addicted at the same time irritating.

Meaning there is some part of the "Good side" and some "Bad side"

Which is common in any novels.

For the sake of the good parts you might as well keeps hanging on.

So it is up to you.

BTW my most hated character so far within the harem is.

Xiao Linxi - Without her background as a little aunt there is nothing more life saving grace for her.

To be frank if it is not for the author plot protection.

She is the type of character that will die if you left her within five minutes.

Her naively is unreasonable.

Judging she grows at a clan her temperance is like she grew up watching butterfly and flowers 24/7 as if her brain suddenly shutoff when it comes from making a judgment.

She is the most unrealistic character so far.

Some points she is fine after another seconds the author turns her to a ret*rd character again. <<less
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
June 18, 2018
Status: c1128
Hands down the best xianxia novel out there. Ignore the reviewers who give this novel 1s as they trolls who think Martial God Asura is an amazing piece of literature.

The story is not complete but even reading the first "part" of the story (900+ chapters) will leave you incredibly satisfied and wanting more. Here are the major points worth noting in the story.

  1. The story is in a self contained world, the MC is reincarnated but within the same world. No bullsh*t loser male from Earth reincarnating into another world with some unexplained power that has nothing to do with the world he is in. The MC's OP powers are intricately tied to the story and the world that the author creates.
  2. The story is driven by emotion. The MC is not a cultivating robot who only cares about cultivating, he is not a monk that can't get a girl to save his life, he is not a saint. The MC is cultivating to protect his family and to protect his women. He is willing to go to hell and back to save them and/or avenge them.
  3. The powers the MC has are really really interesting, his powers are very OP but it actually does not detriment the story because he is constantly risking it all in life or death battles against opponents 1 or 2 realms higher than himself.
  4. The plot doesn't make you want to punch the screen like many other novels.
  5. The female characters are not useless, the harem members each have their unique strengths and they often help the MC instead of just serve as "decoration".
  6. Very active community of followers and supporters of the novel, including a wiki community.
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sersafir rated it
September 5, 2016
Status: c602
It starts off a bit slow, but picks up. And the author obviously tried his hardest to make his novel stand out in the beginning.

And after 30-40 chapters you'll likely be addicted, ready for the next chapter at a moment's notice. The power-ups are handled well. I've seen anime/light-novels where the author gives the MC a super-power-up, then he's still basically 5-10% stronger, almost as tr*sh as he normally is. This guy makes power-ups matter.

But something changed the past 100 chapters. The author ran out of ideas.

Do you remember Dragon... more>> Ball Z? Remember when the anime caught up to the manga? They began dragging things out. They didn't know what would happen, so they had no choice but to lazily sit back and let Goku have flashbacks to slow things down. This author does the same thing, but he controls the canon so he doesn't have much of an excuse.

I am literally shocked beyond all measure of just how lazy and exploitative the author is being. There is absolutely no reason for someone to do what he's currently doing unless he has lost all inspiration. This man clearly has talent for good writing, but he's no longer using it. You can sum up a chapter in a 1-2 sentences, because literally nothing is happening in them except excessive dialogue and repeating the same things over and over and over again to no end.

He is being paid to meet a specific number of words in his story. Every chapter he'll fit in oh so much words. Then that's the end, next chapter later. The author seemed to have been procrastinating on what exactly is supposed to happen next. As a result, we get these chapters where almost absolutely nothing happens. The entire chapter is spent filling in information about long-winded descriptions of the exact past two chapters. The chapter I stopped at just now to write this review was probably the worst I've ever read. The author has begun to ignore the main story to explain what's going on in a different location. That would be ok, I'd have no issue with this if there was information that was WORTH knowing. He once again, starts a predictable, boring, over-descriptive, unimaginative arc.

By the way in case you haven't noticed, my review is the same quality as his writing. I just described the same thing, OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Congratulations if you got to the bottom of this review, as you have fundamentally just read a single chapter of his quality. Outside of the long-winded over-descriptions of crap he does to elongate the story, one thing I don't like is the Loli. The #1 beauties of every land are all around 13-200 years old, but they all have a body that's on par with a 13 year old. I think the only exception is the main character's first wife, who consistently, confirmed by the events of the immediate previous chapter, appears to be a 16-17 year old girl despite being about 23-24. A handful of women are described as beautiful girls, but apparently they aren't divine-13-year-old-appearing beauties.

It's a passing grade, it's mostly worth reading. But the author's lazy writing REALLY, REALLY makes some arcs pure awful. <<less
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Uggrock rated it
May 26, 2016
Status: c336
It started out much better than a lot of Xuanhuan web novels and even kept the momentum going for longer but then quickly starts nosediving into the same ridiculous problems that the other stories run into.

Too many free power-ups for this type of story. It's ridiculous. A couple, sure, no problem, but come on.

Sky Poison Perl
Samsra Mirror (could, I suppose, not really be seen as a power up, but come on...)
Genius Doctor Knowledge (this point I'm willing to concede that he worked and studied for since it was under a master in a past life)
Evil God veins (hax much!)
Phoenix Blood and Soul
Dragon God Blood, Marrow, Soul
Emperor level free weapon upgrade
Previously Unheard of Super Arts and Techniques
Ultra-Powerful goddess Loli sealed in his SPP
Profound Handle
Power up from emperor dragon corpse flesh

I know that some might argue that he worked for the Phoenix and Dragon rewards, but I'd still say that they're free power ups attained because of previous free power ups

I don't particularly care if a MC becomes a gary stu character but the least an author could do is put a little effort into the growing process and make it a little believable. At least give him a setback or two, or make it take some time, something other than this ridiculousness.

Like practically any other story in this genre, especially with chinese authors, women are treated as objects to be possessed at best, the worst, well, it get's very bad in some of these stories. Thankfully, relative to other stories of this genre, the sexism is relatively mild in AtG.

My main gripe with this story is that the MC starts out fairly smart, but the moment he gets even a modicum of power, brains go out the window and it's all about making sure to pay back a hundred fold any offenses committed against him, with violence. He practically challenges everybody and everything, creating huge future troubles for himself, when with just a little bit of smarts he could save himself a lot of trouble.

His ego is enormous and he pretty much expects any pretty girl to fall for him; he's building quite a harem of strong but pitiful women. let's not forget he can't stand being the less powerful one in a relationship.

Sigh, for all that is wrong with this story, most of the adventures are still pretty entertaining and some of the schemes quite fun, even if they are presented very straight forward and without suspense.
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R-gel rated it
July 5, 2020
Status: c1744
As certain comment said "many of the commentators (including the top liked) here don't do justice to this series".

If you noticed, ATG, despite the numerous "1" star rating, is often at the top of the charts for the ranking. This should tell new reader a lot about this series:

1. There are haters who don't really read the series nor tried to understand the series and proceed to write comments like they had read the whole series.

2. For new readers to wuxia genre, you don't simply compare a wuxia novels with... more>> other novels genre out there. ATG is a WUXIA, not romance, not comedy, not isekai-trope, not just an action novel, not pure-love, not mystery, etc. If you read comments mentioning something along the line "it get repetitive fast with 1 dimensional characters replacing each other in the repeat", "repeat damsel in distress", "harem", "dragonball", "power-levelling" and the commentators giving them abyssmal rating. I need to mention, ignore them, they clearly don't understand what is "WUXIA"

3. Continuing from point 2, reader new to wuxia need to know, those things are normal occurence and part of what makes wuxia a wuxia. And ATG does indeed have those points to them, but does it make ATG bad? My answer is no. As mentioned, those are common points in wuxia, sure some wuxia don't have them, but those points is soooo general in wuxia, that it is already the norm one expect when reading a wuxia. Therefore, new reader to wuxia need to know, not everyone can come to like wuxia, you either get hooked to it, or hate it. Those haters most likely come from readres whom can't appreciate a wuxia.

4. Explaining more on "is ATG bad?" you have to compare ATG with other wuxia novel. ATG had most of the above mentioned cliche points one can expect in a wuxia novel, however ATG succesfully dished them to readers in interesting way, which makes ATG stands above many of other wuxia novels. Fans of wuxia can pick ATG and can have all those cliche they hoped for. New to wuxia readers can enjoy the the wuxia aspect in ATG without being forced to understand hardcore level of wuxia novel aspect.

For example: "1 dimensional villain" this is VERY common in wuxia, and personally I do indeed hate them, but if ATG are to be fared with other wuxia novels on the same point, I would give ATG 3~4* rating, simply because the villain in ATG are better than many wuxia novels out there. And the villain gets better as the series goes.

5. I noticed some peeps mentioning "harem" and criticizing the novel because ATG had it.. This is very funny, clearly the tag "harem" exist. Please peeps don't read polygamy novel carrying a monogamy mindset and attacking the novel because you don't agree with the novel. And most important to mention, this is FICTIONAL, not REAL LIFE, why bother argue. <<less
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Picklebandos rated it
October 23, 2019
Status: c1540
As a person who has read this book 2 times through to where the current chapter is. I will say that with 100% certainty that this is a great novel. (Despite all the complains and bullsh*t of the guys who are giving it 1 star)

I.E. Sectelder
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