After My Dead Ending


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As death approaches,

I realized that this world was just someone else’s work.

My family died, and my life was not easy.

All were devices for the awakening of the female protagonist and her splendid ending.

Isn’t it too much to say that everyone except me becomes happy?

‘Don’t make me laugh. Who died?’

It was none of my business whatever happened to the novel.

Far from the original, I did not die and survived persistently.

By the way… A romance that has never happened with the male lead’s older brother began.

“Do you like me?”

“It is precisely love. Aisa, please put me next to you.”


“Please, make me happy.”

You love me? That’s your s*upid mistake.

But I’m not going to correct you for being mistaken.

You are a person of great value.

“You chose it.”

Saying so, I reached out and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer.

He was meekly drawn to me.

“If you hold my hand and leave this room, I’ll be happy for the rest of my life.”

I know many things will change if I hold his hand.

Nevertheless, that night, I held the hands of Norma Diazi, the most handsome man in the empire.

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One entry per line
Rewriting My Tragic Ending
나의 데드 엔딩 후에
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  2. Came for the cover
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