Advent of the Archmage


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Link was the top Archmage in the entire server. He had just defeated the strongest boss, the Lord of The Deep, Nozama with his party. However, instead of going back to town, he was transported to a secret location with pixelated CG.

It sort of felt like a vacuum, and within it came a glorious and commanding voice that calls himself the God of Light.

“Link, would you be willing to be the saviour who will pull the World of Firuman out from the churning abyss?”

What a huge mission! If it was in the real world, Link would have rejected it immediately. However, he was bent on being the hero in game.

“Bring it on!” Link answered confidently.

“Then, best of luck.”

And so began Link’s journey of magic, friendship, betrayal, love and despair in the ever changing World of Firuman.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Descent of the God of Magic
Related Series
The Amber Sword (7)
Night Ranger (7)
Warlock of the Magus World (3)
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The King of the Battlefield (2)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. game-affiliated novels
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  4. novls
  5. Read and Ratings.

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/11/18 Isohungry Translations c62
04/10/18 Isohungry Translations c61
04/09/18 Isohungry Translations c60
04/06/18 Isohungry Translations c59
04/05/18 Isohungry Translations c58
04/04/18 Isohungry Translations c57
04/03/18 Isohungry Translations c56
04/04/18 Isohungry Translations c56
03/19/18 Isohungry Translations c55
03/17/18 Isohungry Translations c54
03/15/18 Isohungry Translations c53
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03/12/18 Isohungry Translations c50
03/11/18 Isohungry Translations c49
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59 Reviews sorted by

eyosi rated it
October 7, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the first novels I have read and loved. I can say that this novel is one of the reasons I still read novels to this day.

I loved the MC well most of the time there were times he was wimpy which threw me off but other than that great novel with a very short and great story telling.
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DimaShishandra rated it
June 20, 2020
Status: c29
It's a refreshing story with nice world and decent plot. MC grows and other characters also grow. Magic is not just about learning formula or spell - author tries to explain magic. Same about world. Harem is not superficial - you understand why girls like MC. That's a big plus in comparison with standard jap stories

Problem is how MC is too great. Let's be frank - he is a gamer. Looking on MC story he is even game addict. But what we see in story? Nice, smart guy, with hardworking... more>> character, amazing stress resistance and bravery, s*upidly good concentration, and Musk's level of communication and leadership skills. So yes, I kinda think Jap MCs who can't kill serial mu*derer are more believable.

To sum up it's nice story if you can close an eye on MC 1 meter thick adamantine plot armor :)

Ps: I've read around 250 chapters already. <<less
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Lord Cryptic
Lord Cryptic rated it
March 14, 2020
Status: c267
great novel


  1. humans are not potrayed simply as greedy and selfish but wise and with good foresight unlike most novels.
  2. no arrogant young masters no face slapping
  3. cheat system is not perfect/ deus ex but simply a kickstarter and it gives very little support as the story moves
  4. there are no r*pes, unequal treatment of female etc. So its quite pleasant to read for a feminist like me

  1. besides MC the character development of others is unsatisfactory, we can only see the growth of MC and other characters like love interests are simply treated as invisibles.
  2. irresponsible MC : neglects his disciples, other ladies who likes him
  3. exciting scenes like faceslapping, dramatic entrance, arriving to save damsel in distress are too few
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auroraRMC rated it
December 3, 2018
Status: c131
3rd dropped Qidian novel of the day. For the second one I didn't even stop to write a review. This story... was probably better than the previous two (Shadow Hack and Super Gene) bc the MC should have been an expert in the game and thus should have a lot more knowledge. And in the beginning, this was quite true. He combined his knowledge of the plot and key characters and his new soul+brain to become quite strong and aware. He also seemed like his IQ was not nonzero, so... more>> he took quite reasonable actions and made strategies, and I was like wow this MC might be a little smart! And then I think as time went on so did his IQ. I find it quite unreasonable that the MC, literally starting from zero, is forced to basically attempt to destroy literally an entire immensely strong organization by himself. As time went on, I found that the people around him were getting more and more useless. That one Angel of Light sent down to help him is already basically weaker than their enemies and she also doesn't seem to know very much. All of the humans seem to be arrogant and dumb and very vulnerable to infiltration and just being killed. Humans betray left and right, elves are cooking up sinister schemes and basically everyone is helpless. And the only dude who seems to be smart, the MC, is getting dumber and less aware of what's happening, and even though he is getting stronger he's still very easily going to get killed. There's potential harem members left and right but apparently they're all going to get swerved by the MC, and his one true love apparently is never going to show up in the near future. Not even romance to come distract me from the s*upidity and ineptness of this society. Dropped. <<less
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kublikhan rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c217
This novel has a nice balance between combat and non-combat. Some novels have the character go from one battle to the next ad infinitum. I would find myself getting bored with the same crap over and over and start to skim over the battles. While other novels would end up as a boring slice of life. That is not the case here. The combat scenes are riveting and unique. And the MC often is faced with enemies he cannot defeat himself. So at some times you will find the MC... more>> stealthing his way through an enemy army trying to escape. Other times he is buying time for allies to arrive. Other times his allies are dying while they buy time for him to take take out some tough SOB. The first arc is a combat arc and is particularly well done. Although I feel some of the fights in later arcs were more meh.

Things slow down in the academy arc. I was ok with this as the first arc was almost nonstop action and I could use a break. I'm all caught up with the translation and there hasn't been any romance as of yet. I guess that comes later. Another part of this story I liked was where the MC is building up his territory after the academy arc. The MC puts in some serious cash and elbow grease to improve his lands. <<less
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Deathrose rated it
June 30, 2018
Status: c215
Okay so far I've been impressed and that's rare as of currently it's led me experience a interesting adventure and I've yet to be dissapointed and by ch9 I was like oh yeah he's got skill and by ch100 I was amazed because the author knows how to build up the characters strength gradually and that takes effort and when the author started to establish the characters territory I was surprised because some times the best way to improve a characters strength is through their living conditions so as of... more>> yet I'll wait and see what comes but I hope it's good <<less
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booitsjwu rated it
May 16, 2018
Status: c149
One of the best magical system novels out there. The filler is kept to a minimum and the MC isn't an idiot or a psychopath.
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Navarog rated it
May 4, 2022
Status: c85
TLDR; there was no planning that went into this novel. The magic system and power curve lack any consistency. All the characters feel flat and their relationships are nearly nonexistent. The protagonist lacks any true emotions and even his character lacks consistency. He automatically wins in all situations, removing any and all suspense or emotions the reader might have. Its utterly soulless, I wouldn't recommend reading it to anyone, under any circumstances

This setting and general story structure is right up my alley, so I tried to like it, I really... more>> did.

But it's just too awful. The power curve wildly fluctuates constantly, the magic system is irreparably inconsistent, even his game system is inconsistent. In the span of 10 chapters, level 0 magic goes from being a useless party trick, to can easily kill high leveled people if used right, to back to being useless, to its only useful in his hands, no one elses. Its extremely apparent that no planning was put into building a solid magic system, and the author is just playing it by ear.

Additionally, it is quite clear that no planning went into constructing the protagonist either. The novel tries to build him up as this hero of the light that will protect the weak, yet all of this is undermined by random meaningless interactions where he takes advantage of the weak and kills them. There's no reason given, he doesn't feel anything from it, and he just moves on guiltlessly. Literally the first thing he does upon entering the world is put his RA and classmate into a magically induced coma, lock them in their rooms, and leave them to be slaughtered by assassins. He's supposed to be a hero, yet he's just a flat, soulless husk, devoid of any meaning or purpose.

Yet even that is less sinful than the plot armor. The author uses the cop out of the god of light "fortifying his soul" to make him a superman and cover any future plotholes. He has insane reflexes, an eidetic memory, and an iq of over 260, and the list just goes on. None of this is earned, none of it is explained, nothing is carried over from his previous life. It's all just tied up into a single sentence that's never repeated or explained later, just that "the God of Light fortified his soul". He literally can't fail. There's no setbacks, literally nothing to hinder him. The second he faces the slightest bit of adversity, he just buys a new spell that perfectly solves the situation and moves on; it just makes everything feel so artificial. There's no suspense, no heart pounding action, just a soulless power trip lacking any and all inspiration.

The best selling point of the novel is the translation. It's almost flawless, but there's roughly five sentences per chapter that make absolutely no sense (e.g. The Mighty Hawk spell transports you at the speed of a wild goose). However, seeing how much of a shitshow the rest of the novel is, it's most likely that the author f*cked up and the translator is translating as is. <<less
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Niketchup rated it
August 16, 2021
Status: c726
Novel to pass the time, nothing too crazy. There were a few errors the author had with the world building, aside from that the novel is entertaining enough. The end of the novel was a bit rushed and not very detailed in my opinion but the first half of the novel already had me hooked.

I'd recommend it to anyone who likes the usual isekai genre.
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smyr rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: c1
An average novel...

Some events may feel forced or unreasonable.
For example the protagonist's and Celine's meeting and separation. That just changed the story's flow out of nowhere.
The way he deals or let go of his enemies oftentimes. This just dragging the story for nothing.

I guess being too coolheaded is not good either.
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Jofausto rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: c477
Not a good novel but not a bad one either, it's just average in every aspect, nothing new.

Go ahead if you have time to spare, there's a few plot holes but it's consistent most of the time.
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MacB rated it
November 1, 2020
Status: Completed
The beginning of the novel was interesting, but as the story went on, I don't think I saw any character development on the MC. I love novels where I can feel as if the characters were alive, where the feelings of the characters are transmitted to the readers. But this novel was definitely not one of those novels with good character development. The author gave the character all the good traits in order to be a good mage and fighter in the novel, but he didnt give him a "soul".... more>> I personally felt like the MC was a robot with no feelings. The author just focused on all the action scenes and never thought of developing the characters. Some of the characters were introduced just for the sake of it, and then discarded after a few chapters, only being mentioned just to rekind the readers that they still exist (Dorias, Lucy, Jacker, Gildern, Herrera and a whole lot more). To put it simply, the novel just revolved around the MC, and never highlighted his companions. As the reader, I even felt closer to the f*cking game system than Celine. There are even times that the author puts some small development in a character, and then decide to discard that character for some f*cking reason


Example is Milda. The author develops her character a little bit by showing her romantic interests in the MC. But just after having a romp with the MC, author decides to leave Milda behind in another realm, and only gets under the spotlight after who knows how many chapters (I think it was after 200 chapters), and then she just dies when she did get under the spotlight. Poor Milda.


After the issues with the character development is the plot armors. When the MC gets into deep shit, the author introduces a spell, person, or thing that the MC experienced previously in the game world, and then boom, MC is out of that deep shit. And the author gives consequences to the MC in exchange for that spell or thing just to make it look reasonable.

After the issue with the plot armors comes the plot itself. I think the first 200 or so chapters is decent, but then it turned for the worse. The plot was all over the place. The last 100 chapters felt so rushed that it felt really disappointing. The story flowed really fast it felt like reading a history book, only showing tje important parts and disregarding everyting else.

I still have a lot of misgivings about his novel, but I guess the only thing that kept me going is the action and the fight scenes. <<less
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Master10K rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: Completed
I feel like the best way to describe this is Chinese "Overlord", unfortunately the way this WN handles its initial premise makes it feel much less believable than Overlord. Where in Overlord the MC was sent to a similar yet different fantasy world and not sent back to the same game world like here. This is a WN that has a lot of elements that tick the right boxes for me; be it the establishment of one's own domain, the intricate crafting or the LitRPG mechanics that remain consistent throughout.

And... more>> yet this WN failed to excite me.

May have something to do with the way the author continuously forced this extremely guarded & meticulous MC, to leave obvious threats alone to fester. But one thing I did particularly enjoy about the story was the huge focal shift in the 2nd half. As I liked how it affected other aspects of the story; making this one of the few WN where the seemingly OP MC takes the time to set up various systems for a solid foundation, not just constantly adventuring. <<less
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Alztec24 rated it
June 15, 2020
Status: c726
An excellent find. Not perfect in design or execution, but entertaining and witty.

Read for humor and enjoyment. Do not force yourself to read it if the first 30 chapters don't catch you.
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July 17, 2019
Status: Completed
I would truly suggest reading this Novel. It is not perfect by far, a lot of details is either left or forgotten along the way, but the action is very well written and the ending is satisfying albeit rushed.

The story starts with a solid arc that gives us a reason to cheer for the MC, and tells us in what way the characters is going to surpass his peers. It is followed by another very good arc, but the one after that is a bit disappointing. And that's what I... more>> felt like while reading this novel, it has very good highs, and somewhat annoying and boring lows.

The biggest issue with this series is, however, the progression system of the MC. Multiple times throughout the novel the Protagonist encounters a setback that either slows down or sets back his power progression, and while this is fine, it becomes problematic near the end where the Author decides to power-creep his character to the point that he advances more in the last 100 chapters than he did in the previous 600+. It does not feel extremely cheap and the reason given for it are somewhat satisfying, but it devalues the previous "set-backs" the Protagonist encountered, as it makes it feel like they are useless and without them the progression would've felt much more natural.

Overall I really enoyed reading this, even though it is locked behind a pay-wall as of now, and I truly feel like the pros outweigh the cons in the long run, and almost everyone will get a good read out of this. <<less
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Eldernut rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: Completed
The Advent of the Archmage had a good start and a solid middle but the ending was weaker. The ending felt like the author just wanted to end the novel and so decided to rush through what, in the middle of the story, would have been whole arcs in just a hundred or so chapters. Despite this the ending was still an ending unlike what is often the case when an ending is rushed, although it failed to live up to the standard of the rest of the novel but... more>> did give closure. <<less
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lophis rated it
January 24, 2019
Status: c500
Went down the rabbit hole with this one, read more than 500+ plus chapters. What does series does well is its combat, none of that bs Wuxia dragonball bs typical in Chinese novels or at least he did in the earlier chapters. The first fight with the dark elves was great. However as the MC Link becomes more powerful, the fights and techniques become more and more nonsensical. Unfortunately the other aspect of the series can't carry the novel. The MC stays the typical immoral hero and in fact gets... more>> worse in many ways as the series progresses and the side character beside the hilarious Lich (who become boring later on) are cutouts. <<less
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wait321 rated it
December 2, 2018
Status: c357
The first arc with the dark elves is amazing. Lots of suspense, plot, character development, and creative solutions to problems. Then it became mediocre. There was no longer a clear goal, like avoiding their invasion, and the main character was so strong every fight became pointless. A parade of harem girls came along with a series of cookie-cutter villains who were just excuses for the main character to learn a more powerful spell.
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singlespace rated it
May 17, 2018
Status: c150
The premise of the story is a common trope of being reincarnated to a game world with a wealth of knowledge of the game and future, but what's different about Advent of the Archmage is the execution. The setting, characters, and events are all things you've seen before but way in which magic and the world is presented is unique, the characters, even though they fit various tropes, are are fleshed out in interesting ways.

150 chapters of a 769 chapter web novel is too soon to say whether or not... more>> the story and characters will remain interesting and the quality of writing decent, but for now, it's a decent read. <<less
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