A Will Eternal


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One will to create oceans. One will to summon the mulberry fields.

One will to slaughter countless devils. One will to eradicate innumerable immortals.

Only my will… is eternal.

A Will Eternal tells the tale of Bai Xiaochun, an endearing but exasperating young man who is driven primarily by his fear of death and desire to live forever, but who deeply values friendship and family.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Thought Through Eternity
Nhất niệm vĩnh hằng
Sonsuz Bir Arzu
Una Voluntad Eterna
Yi Nian Yong Heng
Related Series
I Shall Seal the Heavens (Shared Universe)
Renegade Immortal (Shared Universe)
Pursuit of the Truth (Shared Universe)
Against Heaven (Shared Universe)
A World Worth Protecting (Shared Universe)
Outside of Time (Shared Universe)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (36)
World of Cultivation (15)
Renegade Immortal (10)
Heavenly Jewel Change (8)
Pursuit of the Truth (7)
Great Demon King (6)
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01/05/17 Wuxiaworld c14
01/01/17 Wuxiaworld c12
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241 Reviews sorted by

KiroYakushi rated it
August 30, 2018
Status: c49
At first I found the story to be cool, but with the passage of time it got boring. Imagine, the person wants to train to become an "immortal" but soon in the beginning of the story he forgets that, he would stay with the "fat" if not forced to leave the. Another point, I like characters who are strong and show their strength. "Use a missile to hunt a rabbit" and where I live some people talk, but in the case of the protagonist, he uses a shield and 9... more>> more scrolls to defend against the rabbit. In addition, there is a fight, which clearly he was stronger, and yet he took the blow, using several shields, but the blow hit, implied that that girl who forgot the name, had an idea of how a technique worked, but he knew her much more. Even so he took the blow without undoing, the story itself could be good, but the character, and very ridiculous. <<less
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Tekushi rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: c172
The title should be " A Shameless Eternal" hahaha

After reading through ISST, ToDaG and Against the Gods (I really hate this one), I must say that "A Shameless Eter..... I mean A Will Eternal is breath of fresh air for the seriousness of the other Xianxia.

First few chaps a little slow but it gets better chapter by chapter and I can't stop laughing whenever Senior Uncle Bai is strolling through the sect haha.

MC is a mischievous kind of guy even if he really just want to live a... more>> peaceful and long life. Whenever he does something for his cultivation it always cause troubles for other without him knowing.

The villains are also smart and not the usual one dimensional villain you see on other novel where,

"Argh... his strong I better kill him"

"I got defeated on a fair and square match, I better seek revenge and kill him"

"His completely stronger and better than me, I should kill him"

"This junior defeated my disciple in a fair and square match where I was obviously watching, I better kill him"

"His really good and excel in martial arts and cultivation, better side with the villain and kill him".

(I'm looking at you TMW on this one)

MC is smart and value his life dearly... oh, he also value his friends and comrades of the same sect or that one rich disciple from the other sect. where the MC and the rich dude give each other advice, item and what not just for flaunting that they are both rich and knowledgeable.

That part is really funny as a friendship is born over flaunting.

I also read around 200+ chapter of a machine translation but still made me really laugh as Bai Xiaochun become a drug dealer without any intention... You see just that sentence makes you wanna read more and laugh your bu*t out. Er Gen really hit the nail with this one.

I will rate 6 star for this novel.

Really hope someone pick this up and translate it, I read it up until 158 on xianxiaworld but wuxiaworld got the copyrights to translate it but they would release a chapter once every 2 - 4 days. Guess they are kinda busy or just don't feel like translating this yet. <<less
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Ars Roccii
Ars Roccii rated it
June 28, 2016
Status: --
My review could, and has, spoilers:

The unique negative point of translations is it slow after the other group stop. I was favorable in the currently group because the daily chapters, but now... It has a considerable minimum release comparable to before. Two max sponsored chapter in the week not is good :/

About the novel:


So... What I have to say? A sly (weasel) mc? A cheat item about refining any item, opening opportunity to MC be a blacksmith? A alchemist? A Medicine Master[This is sure]?

Refining the body in the start, althought the ideia of this novel is the eternity of mind? Hunm... Very suspicious ;D


P.S. I'm sorry, but english is not my native language. Then forgive me for mistakes.
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expertsource10 rated it
June 16, 2018
Status: c300
The first 100 chapters are uniquely funny.

However, after 100, it's full of repetitiveness and forced comedy. Chapters after chapters the author tries to make something funny out of nothing again, again and again. Which is plainly boring.
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oulu rated it
April 29, 2018
Status: c576
Honestly this novel is the worst novel written by Er Gen. At the beginning it was fun and had a good pace but after around chapter 200 it becomes repetitive, boring and predictable which pretty much ruined this for me. Now I'm just skimming through the chapters and my God it gets worse and worse.
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young glow
young glow rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c456
I wonder how people rate this novel under 3 star. If this novel is bad then how the other novel would live.

It has good story, and you can see the character from it's title, to live forever.

Good humour, not too much blood but still there's awesome fighting scene.

Recommended for people who wants enjoy reading.
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Daoist bashful
Daoist bashful rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: c56
One of the best xianxia novels I have read. MC is not arrogant or constantly going around offending people. His fear of death is more relatable and understandable than some revenge against random 5-chapter antagonist who whacks the MC a little. Funny character who possesses more than one discerning trait as compared to normal MCs (a more substantial character-not superficial).
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carlosamegos rated it
December 27, 2017
Status: c301
Fairly straight forward Xianxia novel. Cultivation methods (magical and physical), beasts, items, legends, sects, flight, etc.

I really wanted to like this book, but I just can't read it anymore and I feel frustrated at having tried to stick with it for so long waiting for it to get better. A couple of times I was just about to put the book down, and then there was a surprise which made me hope maybe it could change for the better, but it didn't and the fundamental problems remained the same to... more>> me.

Things I don't like about this book:

  • Too predictable... eg. any whiff of a legend you can bet the MC will get it.
  • Too powerful... eg. somehow the MC's cultivation method beats everybody and he has incredible combat experience despite not having avoided fighting his whole life.
  • Lots of glaring plotholes... eg. a sect that has been around for tens of thousands of years isn't even aware of how great a common cultivation method is for them.
  • Lots of absurd scaling just to make the MC seem amazing... eg. he somehow spoke 4 words a second for hours?
  • Despite being really dumb is somehow incredible at everything... eg. after only trying for a couple of months basically beats all records in a 10 thousand year history but still absurd things happen when he puts skills to use.
  • MC always arrives just in the nick of time... eg. a battle has been raging for months and he will arrive just in time to save everybody.
  • Too many dumb and predictable things keep happening... eg. lightning, diarrhea, hallucinations, explosion, basically the most ridiculous thing the author can come up with will happen.
  • Everything is pretty much easy-mode for the MC
  • Too much try-hard at humor
Things I like about this book:

  • The translation job is really good
  • Scratches the itch of xianxia success
  • Has one particularly awesome moment where the first case of "veins of steel" shows up
Most likely this book is just not for me. I remember reading "I Shall Seal The Heavens" and had to stop reading for similar reasons... just too many ridiculous things happening, it doesn't really have the effort factor I was hoping for. You might as well just write something along the lines of "There was a boy, he joined a sect, he cultivated for a bit using some old scroll, then god came down and said 'you win!' and gave him every single power of the world then whisked him away to join the other gods and be the best ever". <<less
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November 22, 2017
Status: c260
The comedy of this novel is legendary. It is the only novel I have not been able to read during my lectures as I cannot contain my laughter when reading it. Ignore the few plot holes and flaws as it is very unlikely that you would find a novel being written at such fast pace without having these issues. A Masterpiece Novel in my opinion and having Deathblade translating the novel at fast pace makes it even more enjoyable.
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umair rated it
October 1, 2017
Status: c1314
The story is awesome. The MC is a shrewd rogue with an extreme fear towards death. Thus there are no flashy moves or intense fights rather witty use of defensive cultivation and items. He utilizes anything from deceit to robberies and going to any low to pursue his ultimate goal of living forever.

Initially the cultivation is geared towards alchemy and herbalism. But the most awesome part about the story is that there are literally no repetitions or filler content. The story is fast paced and you almost never have to... more>> skim the chapters.

There is no romance yet but at least the MC is attracted to females unlike many other Xianxia MCs. Also the MC is very good with his friends. The main side characters are also fleshed out appropriately.

The humor is also very good and sometimes I find myself roaring with laughter. Author also tends to get earlier mentioned side characters involved through running gags and one line jokes.

The fact alone that there are no info dumps, repetitions of a particular fact spread over chapters and that the MC is a witty weasel is enough for me to rate it 5 stars.

Edit at C297:

The novel is still great but now it has more stability. It still has those occasional bouts of rolling on the floor laughter. The MC got a taste of romance and frightening woman's jealousy. The latest plot is even better with a shamelessly slandering character which is giving the MC a taste of his own medicine...

Edit at End:

Well it was marvelous till the first half and then everything went downhill. The plots went haywire, the logic went out the door. The comedy remained the same but all else was replaced with a darker tone. Though I didn't regret reading it but felt extremely disappointed instead. <<less
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4myzelf rated it
January 3, 2017
Status: c12
Has your standard cultivation, big sect, arrogant antagonists etc.

Difference is, the MC, despite being more powerful than some opponents, has absolutely no interest in fighting if he can avoid it, he has only 1 goal for cultivating at that is to live forever and he's not going to let anyone or anything stand in his way in reaching immortality.

So how does he even make enemies? Basically, he tries to not get in anyone's way or goes about his own business, but somehow, whatever he does, either he does more mischief... more>> than intended or just by being to engross in his activities (which doesn't really break any rules) unintentionally pisses someone off and it leads to multiple hilarious situations. <<less
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beddedOtaku rated it
July 8, 2020
Status: c916
I think... I might be done. Honestly.

For the main character of a novel to undergo so few changes that are barely noticeable within 900 chapters is... it's just insane. This is not the case as in ED, with Qi already being bajilion years old -- this is a 16 year old kid at the start of the novel that is now somewhere in his 50s or 60s, I didn't count, yet behaves and has the same mentality he had right at the start of the novel. A lot of other... more>> bad things about the novel could have been excused had Bai changed in any sort of a remarkable way, but because he hadn't, all other bad things are simply compounded. Whether that's insane levels of plot holes, somewhat underwhelming world building for xiania novels, woefully subpar side characters, or generic and predictable story, all these things are just made far worse than they should have been because of the MC.

First 180~ish chapters is probably the peak of the novel, and, well, if I'm being honest, that's all you'll ever keep seeing. From thereon, those 180 chapters repeat on an infinite loop, just with different decorations and codes of color. Whatever happens in the first book is the thing that will happen in every other book, and even if you've never read another xiania novel in your life, you'll easily be able to predict what will happen. Since it's difficult for me to go any further without spoilers, read on with caution as I'll be spoiling major plot elements up to chapter 916. Just know that if you do intend to read the novel, read the first book and then ask yourself: will I be able to go through another 1000+ chapters that will repeat this same plot that involve an MC that never changes, and the story that just keeps getting worse and worse with an increasing number of plot holes? If not, then read those first 180ish chapters because they really are quite decent (especially comedy-wise), and then stop. Anyway, onto the spoilers.


MC is just... he's way too dumb. He's so dumb, as a matter of fact, that I guarantee there is no way in hell he would have survived this novel had it not been for massive-ass plot armor that even makes that MC from Dragon-Marked War blush. The worst part is that despite the continuous disaster he causes because of his s*upidity, he never reflects. Not once in the entire novel did he sit his ass down, look into the mirror and realized "hey, I'm pretty dumb! I should probably think at least twice before repeating the same mistakes over and over again!" -- zero times. Truth is, though, he doesn't need to change. Plot just gives him sh*t regardless of how he behaves. Though throughout the first book his s*upidity can be excused as he's really young and has just entered the world of cultivators, by the second book you'd think, YOU'D think his mentality would change at least slightly. Nope.

Every time he causes disasters for others (be it through his s*upid-ass medicine concocting or intentionally through some other action), he's always "scowling" and "crying" inside over how unfair it is and how he didn't mean for it to happen. And he always gets confused when other people get angry with him 'cause he's causing repeated disasters for them. Is it funny? Yeah, kind of, I guess. But it is also remarkably ret*rded, and it never changes. Whether it's in the Blood Sect that he infiltrated and where a single mistake can get him killed, whether it's in the Fallen Sword BS before that, whether it's when he reaches the middle parts of the world and decides to piss off every single one of their best juniors (yea, yea, they bullied him, so what? your sect has no Deva, it's weak as all hell, and you decide to piss everyone off? very smart!), or whether it's when he reaches the top sect, nothing ever f*cking changes. And then he goes to the Wildlands, and it's literally the exact same story... with the exception that cultivators are now called soul cultivators and necromancers. How riveting!

However, as of ch916, his s*upidity... is really, really, really too much. As a matter of fact, I might genuinely just drop this sh*t and be done with it. Celestial is looking for an apprentice (let's also forget about how it was only supposed to be Nascent cultivators, and then suddenly changed to Nascent and above when author realized his MC otherwise wouldn't be able to participate), and is offering longevity pills for anyone who doesn't win 1st place. Forget the fact that MC has literal thousands of years to live and will have literally no problems reaching higher realms, this dumbass still for some reason decides to go. Excuse me, what?! You know, FOR A MATTER OF FACT, that the ghost-thingy that's been chasing you for hundreds of chapters is with the Celestial, and that they KNOW WHO THE f*ck YOU ARE! This isn't even a 'trap', this is like a guy who tried to kill you calling you up and asking you to come to his house and promising it's just for a cup of tea. It's just... it's just insane. It doesn't help that this 'decision' comes at the heels of remarkably s*upid and boring filler chapters of him concocting nothing except word vomit, so it's even worse than it otherwise would have been.

As for the plot holes... holy god. That Du chick and that Mayonnaise chick have statuses so high that even by now they're AT THE TOP, yet both, for some ungodly reason, decided to work their way back to the literal bottom of the world... why? To have fun? I'm sure author will toss in some 'we sensed the aura of Emperor and wanted his abilities', but I know for a fact that he never had that plan for them when he introduced them. They were just to be 'mysterious girls that fall in love with MC and now MC has to figure out how to uncloak them and reach their status so they can be in love forever' or whatever. A daughter of Celestial, a man who has one side of the world virtually ens*aved, has to be sent to piss-poor sects to infiltrate? Just go over there and take shit. Who's going to say anything to you? Nobody, that's who.

Every other side character in the novel is just as dumb as MC. Every time MC does something s*upid, they're all 'smiling wryly with odd looks on their faces' -- no, you sit that s*upid motherf*cker down and you beat that s*upid-ass behavior out of him by any means necessary. You don't go 'ah that's just who he is'. Furthermore, as with every other xiania novel ever in the existence of everything, every side character by MC's side turns into resource-sucking drone no matter how 'talented' they used to be when MC first met them. By the end, they all need MC to look after them and take care of them, and this dumbass can't even do that properly. To say nothing of the fact that side characters keep abandoning him despite having clearly witnessed the insane levels of plot armor that surround him time and again.

Then there's the fact that once his sect got to middle reaches, and once he was gone for a while... there's a 'subtle acceptance' that it needs to be destroyed? Wut? Are you tickling my balls with this nonsense? This was literally written only so MC can arrive in time to be a hero, and to have a couple of wishy-washy chapters where he sobs around lamenting how everyone is only fighting and killing despite the fact that it's literally what he has been doing as well since the day he stepped into the world of cultivation. Miss me with that shit, please.

As with Er's other work I've read to some degree, I shall seal it, there are waaaay too many body-snatching geezers, and waaaaaaay too many mysterious people appearing from ninth dimension to save MC's ass just as his s*upidity is about to cost him dearly. One of the reasons why I got tired with sealing is because MC kept running around and fighting and being saved for literally dozens of chapters on end without a break, and AWE is just that on steroids.

Right now in the story, he's at the top of the world. He can sit his ass down and get any resource he wants without moving a finger, and instead of cultivating more freely than ever before, he of course 'gets bored' and goes off to do yet another dumb thing in a codex of s*upidity that is his life.

Furthermore, I've considered dropping the novel dozens of times before, and one of those reasons was a ghost girl. She's entirely pointless to the story. She's just there to be mysterious and to have MC react in comedic ways toward her. MC randomly concocts a pill that can awaken a soul when he was some Foundation Establishment piss-ass, yet has to devote bajilion of resources to do LITERALLY THE SAME THING when he's a Nascent? Oh. My. God.

In addition, for some reason Er frequently likes to write horror chapters. Why? What's the point? If you want to write a horror story, write a horror story. Don't just randomly stop the story to a crawl and introduce s*upidity just to have some horror elements. Why the hell were those things inside that labyrinth? It is literally never explained and we are just supposed to accept that, well, they're there and that's it. As a matter of fact, the same can be explained for virtually every other time he goes to a place where that's 'ancient ancient and full of rewards'. It's always stonked with enemies that have no business being there through pure logic of things.

Ugh, I'm done. The more I'm writing, the more disappointed I get with the whole ordeal. I have a feeling if I keep at it more I literally won't have any more motivation to go back to it to finish it. I haven't even mentioned MC's luck in treasure finding, repetitive comedy that just destroys the story eventually like it did with White Emperor, his battle prowess that has no business being as good as it is since he "avoids" fighting like a plague, the whole Wildlands arc that makes just about as much sense as, well, there's really nothing as nonsensical to compare it to, I'm afraid. I'm just done. Finished. Kaput.

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luckymorris rated it
May 6, 2019
Status: --
So, the first 600 chapters are great, witty humor, great characters, good universe, cultivation system on point, nothing bad to be said. But as usual with er gen, he can't keep up, he is like a sprinter that has a great start, the audience get worked up, using every ressource that he has but in the end, he dissapoint the audience because he is out of breath in the end, having no energy left. The universe gets boring, the side characters become less and less revelant (much less than ISSTH... more>> tho) and lose all of their personnality to become worshipper of the MC, the humor is the same running gag again and again becoming frustrating in the end. The end is even worse than ISSTH, where in this case it was only the conclusion of the story that was garbage, in AWE it's when the MC get to another world.

I'm not going to bother with Er gen story anymore, I much rather like reading something like against the god that manage to maintain the same level of quality (which is meh) than getting utterly dissapointed and frustrated to see a good story ending in garbage. <<less
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Js storm
Js storm rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: c230
Mc's personality is the worst in the all novels I read. MC is like those petty unimportant villains we can see in other novels. Hungry for life & death, a freaking attention wh**e, narcissistic, always causing trouble for others for no reasons, hell he even always convince himself of his innocence thinking everything is a accident and he has nothing to do with him and other is bulling him no reason when they want to kill him, he doesn't think own action consequences on others, a self centered jackass. And... more>> every action of his has a excuse for the sec of living forever I mean come on really. All in all he is like a naive pathetic 5 year old with no maturity at all.


specially the despicable way he deals with song jubwan using her emotions but author somehow making it seem like MC doesn't understand what he is doing that's just pathetic

Though at first it seems amusing but as story progesses a mature MC should be seen but it has no sign as of yet.I hope author fixed MC characters in the oncoming chapters that way it will be one of best novel I've read so far. <<less
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r0sen4y rated it
May 31, 2018
Status: c600
Meh, not one of the better Er Gen novels. Little Bai remains childish in the worst kind of way. He is not playfull, but childish in an immature way. He is always thinking like a spoiled brat and I see no progression in his character in 600 chapters. I just can't pin point it but something seems off with him. While Su Ming and Wang Lin lived a life of bitterness and Meng Hao for the most part made his own trail by himself, little Bai is always being fawned... more>> over by the sect elders wherever he goes and his is indeed a smooth journey. I rly hope he meets the Devil, Demon and God somewhere in the Universe and gets his ass handed to him. <<less
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Timid rated it
December 25, 2017
Status: c326
Best story on this site, hands down. Has both my favorite main character, the best world building and the most authentic comedic moments of any Chinese novel. This is the only story I actually follow chapter by chapter rather than wait until a large backlog of releases builds up.

Situations frequently spiral out of control in ways that I can't predict and it makes this authors past work (which is pretty great) look dull by comparison.

Read it.
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mrttao rated it
November 14, 2017
Status: c244
This is a comedy xianxia story. The author intentionally decided to make this a comedy and has firmly stuck to that. Even in cases where you would think there would be a turning point into a serious xianxia it did not happen.

In most xianxia stories, the MC has no motivations other that cultivating. Which is usually due to a pathological fear of dying. Er gen has not only given the MC a few other amusing motivations, but he has managed to take that notion and turn it fresh and amusing... more>> by taking that fear of death and dialing it up to 11 and making it comedic.

MC watched his family die from a horrible disease at a young age (becoming an orphan) and as such has a pathological fear of dying to the point where it both motivates him to excel in cultivation, but also makes his "fights" generally amusing (he would turtle behind a ridiculous amount of magic shields, and run away screaming for help. Even against people he should be able to beat easily with his advanced cultivation).

He eventually grows a bit to realize that sometimes he must fight, but those chapters are the weakest part of the story as they seem to both undermine his personality and just be written badly. (Ch53-61). Despite what I feared, those chapters did not indicate a shift in tone. Rather, the MC simply became the trope of "beware the quiet ones" or just the hulk.

Where he is normally cowardly but if pushed he will hulk out and kill some people before going back to his normal hilarious self. Also, those 8 chapters were the longest hulking out sequence of the MC thus far as of c244, subsequent hulking occurs about once every 50ish chapters and usually lasts 1-2 chapters. Hulking out is fairly rare for him so there is no shift in tone, the vast majority of chapters are focused on the humor. A large part of the humor comes from him being a mad scientist alchemist with little regards to safety or consequences. His pill furnaces consistently explode into extremely hazardous toxic waste (he throws them out of his cave first for others to deal with) because he keeps on trying to cram too much power in them, create exotic toxic fumes with ridiculous effects (which he just fans out of the cave instead of proper disposal), or transform animals into bizarre and wondrous beasts which he then throws out of his cave instead of proper disposal.

Be warned though, that among the various types of jokes that happen in this story, there is also animal r*pe (animals raping each other, or animals raping humans) which is played for laughs by the story. If this offends you then do not read it.

Another aspect of the humor is the MC's personality. The MC is generally very people's savvy in some aspects, but he has some glaring blind spots in social situations. No, this is not the "dense about romance" trope, MC is actually pretty reasonable in terms of romance. Rather, the MC is ridiculously narcissistic to the point where he will waste months of cultivation just to strut around and force lower ranked people to compliment him for hours at a time.

MC narcissism also results in him spending the effort to slowly construct ever more elaborate excuses to himself such that nothing is ever his own fault, and then he comes to believe his own excuses. And he cannot fathom people actually not thinking he is awesome. Combined with his thieving (which is also done humorously) and mad science (and its negative results for everyone else) and you get some amusing situations.

His faults are all specifically designed to give the author a wide toolbox for various humorous situations. At its core this is a humor story. And despite some opportunities to change, it seems to stick to that formula. With your typical xianxia style action being a rare break from the jokes.

I personally still find it funny after 244 chapters, even though I binged them. <<less
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AutumnSnowz rated it
November 1, 2017
Status: c950
This novel is very well written beside the main charater being one of the most annoying person I ever had the displeasure of reading about. At first it's funny but after 900+ chapter it gets annoying and dumb.

... more>>

He keeps making pill at the most incovience place knowing he would probably cause trouble which he does but because he the main character somehow it works out. Another thing is the author keep making him say the enemy has gone to far in bullying and trying to kill him but he's the biggest bully I met in the novel not to mention sometime he would try to kill the enemy a moment ago but now they trying to kill him and he would still say the same phrase.


The MC still does the dumbest things sometime that would end up killing him but because he the main character we have plot armor to save him.

As I mention already the story itself is very interesting to read but the MC personality is making me drop it at around 950 or so because he barely had any progress personality wise and does the same BS he did 900 chapters ago but because of plot armor it's okay he'll some how make it and get even stronger. <<less
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Sought rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: c1017
First of all: There is a main plot. Many authors forget about giving their stories a plot. (Ex: PMG, Invincible, etc)

Second: The main character is (almost) original. Almost all main characters nowadays are about "oh I'm the best, and if you don't like it I'll kill you". The downside is that the main character takes maybe a little too much from Meng Hao.

Both study medicines, both do pills, both take a particular point of their personality to the extreme: Meng Hao was avaricious whereas Bai Xiaochun is so scared... more>> of dying he sends himself to death's doors.

Third: The developpement of the plot, although really funny, gets somewhat hindered by the same repitive actions. Wherever Bai Xiaochun goes, the same scheme applies: Do badass twisted pills that cause physical or mental dysfunctions, create events that almost destroy his dwelling and the next 3 to 4 km, then breakthrough. All that while getting protected by someone.

Fourth: The plot itself is great, many points are uncertain, and you can't really be sure of who is unsing who until new elements get revealed to the MC. It isn't like in most novels where we know exactly what will happen 100 chapters prior, but MC is dense and s*upid and can't get what a clue means ("ughh, a clue, is that something you eat? Seems tasty.").

Fifth: Still, way too many things fall from the sky into Bai's mouth.

Breakthrough to Nascent Soul/Divinity stage:


MC needs 5 celestail souls (1 of each element) to have a celestial Nascent Soul. He starts by thinking about only getting a 5 elements Heavenly Beast nascent soul, because his sect has given him a celestial soul and he can then exchange it for 5 heavenly beast souls.

Then, someone else gave him another celestial soul out of concern for his well being (both are ok). He ends up in a labyrinth where he earns another soul (that one wasn't that bad either, as he almost died getting it). But then? THEN? He gets stranded in a fereign territory alongside another man he choses to impersonate. Guess what? The clan of that guy owns a celestial soul. Then? He saves the leader of the city and gets another celestial soul (his 5th and final soul, no doubles). I get that the author was not willing to spend too much time in that realm as the plot was quickly moving forward (MC needed to get stronger). But it was too easy.


Finally, even if the MC is an alternate version of Meng Hao, he still has a certain deepness to his character. Tho' he sometimes quickly forget about how many things could kill him. The storyline is nice. MC powerups are too easy (and comparing his powerups to Meng Hao's pains me even more).

So I'd rate this novel like this:

5 Because I like starting from the top and the good elements are worth 5 points

-1 Power ups too easy that fall from the sky in front of the mc

-1 Repeating scheme.


(Edit: I'm not including chapters


in there, because doing so would make me want to remove another point from the score) <<less
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Incompetence Hunter
Incompetence Hunter rated it
December 18, 2020
Status: --
MC fumbles his way to greatness, filled with cringe, eyerolls, and some humor. Quite interesting the first time. The MC then proceeds to a whole new place, then repeats. Then repeats again. The author seem to be on able to write an underdog to the top story, and repeats the same thing 7-8 times. Each time might as well be a separate story, with how unconnected they are. By the end, you'd have stopped caring about how it all started.

Then when the MC is near the top of the whole... more>> world, the whole world shatters. The process then repeats, except in a brand new world, with all of the world building beforehand scrapped. Then, at the end, none of the new world-building matters either. He fights a giant space flea out of nowhere (and the fight is done outside of the new world), wins, gets philosophical, recreates the universe. The story ends.

Apparently, this boss has to do with other Er Gen books. However, he has little to do with this story. I'd rather the last 20 chapters of a 1300 chapter story be about this story, rather than the ending to another 1300 chapter story.

The first "book" is worth reading if you can stand the MC, who is really annoying. After that, it just repeats.

Some other points. Out of the harem, there is one girl I like, and who actually has some decent interactions with the MC. Their story reaches a climax right when the world breaks. It is then never resolved, and nothing happens between them again in the last part. The other girls have basically no friendly interactions with him. Often, they've met with each other twice or three times at most.

The MC is outright annoying, unrelatable, and cringeworthy. His character is not funny, though what he does often is.

The translation is quite good. However, "All of this takes some time to describe, but happened faster than a flash of light!" is a phrase that will seriously annoy you by the end of the story. This seems to be the generic way Er Gen says "everything was super quick", and this seems to almost be meme-level, as it appears in comments in all his stories. <<less
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