A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy


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As long as hamster spirit Shu Shu can survive the lightning tribulation, then his cultivation will be able to turn him into a human. In the end, the lightning tribulation strikes him and he arrives in the… future?

In order to avoid people and being mistaken for a monster, Shu Shu decides to dig a hole in the forest to hide and live, and as a result… a very big snake aaaahhhh! Please, don’t eat me!

The crown prince of the beast empire is seriously injured and becomes a beast that could no longer change into human form. He lives alone in the forest. One day, he sees a cute sub beastman deep in the forest. The sub beastman also sees him. At once, the sub beastman’s eyes roll backwards and he faints…. Scared to death?

Shu Shu: I have a unique technique of faking death.

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Hướng Dẫn Chăn Nuôi Thiên Địch
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179 Reviews sorted by

puffiness123 rated it
July 9, 2018
Status: c37
It's not bad so far, pretty cute actually.


Romance between a humanoid hamster and a humanoid snake. The hamster human teaches the snake to cultivate to become human again.

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tina121 rated it
August 2, 2022
Status: Completed
As someone who has read this more than 3 times, I see a lot of people dropping this because the MC is week and dumb and because of his fear of snakes that he doesn't overcome which are all not true, if that is your reason to drop it don't, ... more>>

the MC has always been very smart and he becomes very strong once his nucleus is repaired also he does overcome his fear completely later

so keep reading I will read it again now because it fills my heart with sweetness <<less
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Bibiboki rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: Completed
Amazing story. It was soooooooo cute and fluffy that I felt my heart was melting 🥺🥺🥺. It was really a very sweet and adorable story.
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waiting for it to rain
waiting for it to rain rated it
August 15, 2021
Status: --
disappointed. Ehhh~ I was pretty optimistic abt this novel since all the reviews I saw were pretty good, however, I was extremely disappointed and had to drop it after reading up to around ch60-ish.

the relationship was really really iffy, the personality of the characters and the plot was bland, but like the beginning of the story was actually pretty good! It just kinda went downhill after the ML was found. Then after that it’s just your average rich-ceo-ML scenario where they b*tch-slap everyone; in a super bland way too. The... more>> MC wasn’t interesting either tbh. I usually don’t mind ‘naive’ MCs, if it was done right. This MC is just meh. There wasn’t anything special aside from his ‘cuteness’ and probably perseverance. Again, the way ML and MC came to be was a bit, , um, weird?? Like very not right. It just wasn’t very good. Also that scene on the betrothal banquet of ML and MC’s was really embarrassing LMAO <<less
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alice_animelover rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: c1
I am biased because I love snakes and I cannot comprehend how some people would love Chinese dragons but absolutely fear snakes. Besides the similar physical body shape, both can be very fearsome. This is also one reason why I like Shu Shu’s consistent character in his fear of any snake resemblance creatures and huge predatory creatures.

The only thing I hate is the fact that the beginning was a beautiful slow burn, extremely slow burn, but once Shu Shu see’s anyone’s human form his food-filled brain completely just disregard everything... more>> about how “scary” that beastman can be in his beast form. Perhaps my brain is too human and liberal for this type of genre, and including the fact that I actually don’t like any A/B/O, Beast/Sub-Beastman, and Furry-related genre, that I couldn’t accept the ending of the story.

This is the 4th story I came across where only one issue was resolved for the main storyline but the rest is either explained in an extra or not worked on at all. The moment I reach the ending of the main story I couldn’t find the heart to bother with any of the extras that the story had.


The beginning was beautiful because it was slow burn, the relationship between the main couple was well-built, and because of the slow burn you get to see how their thought process and feelings slowly changed and developed for each other. Magnificent. But then it all quickly spiraled down to, oh snap, he’s hot as a human, I wanna bang him. In the case of even his own child he reacted the same to him too, which hurt me deeply on behalf of the child. At some point, when I read the constant rejection Shu Shu has for his own child in his beast form, this is an extremely psychological trauma (and natural animal instinct) that also needed a resolution to. Blame me for not reading the extras, if it ever gets resolved in the extras, but Shu Shu’s neglect, ignorance, and fear of his own child, along with the Edgar’s weird support for punishment and feeling upset that his child “scared” his beloved will definitely negatively affect how the child grows. I can’t even begin to express how uncomfortable I was for the child when everyone was expressing favoritism towards hoping for the second child to be a “cute and furry” sub-beastman instead. If the author didn’t force a gloss-over for this issue, the baby dragon will most likely grow up with extreme self hate and develop other mental health problems. This was one issue I was most passionate about, but maybe I’m overreacting and it’s not that big of a deal.


Anyway, (tl;dr) this story had a great start. I didn’t like the rest of the story after the baby came out of the egg and the ending. <<less
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Annahita1slo rated it
October 3, 2020
Status: Completed
I had a really great time reading this story. It's very enjoyable😸

Shu Shu is very sweet, I love Shu Shu♡♡\ (^ _ ^) /♡♡

And many other characters whom you'll get to know when you read the story, are also very lovely.I'm happy I got to know them all.

Thank you to the wonderful translator who made it possible for me to read this story in english💖❤💜💙💚💛♥.

and thank you to the wonderful author.I'm definitely gonna read this story in Chinese too.😇
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SublimiSomnium rated it
December 20, 2018
Status: Completed
Very cute and nice for a short read. Extremely similar to In the Future My Whole Body is a treasure, though the internal struggle against MC's phobia of snakes makes this story much more amusing IMO.

Side characters feel like after thoughts and are used to make things more convenient. Don't get attached because there are quite a few loose ends that won't be tied up.
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trash_generalist rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Comedic Slice of Life story about a Hamster Spirit that cultivated into a human only to end up being transported into the future where Beastmen are a thing. Coincidentally, he’s not the only person that was transported to the forest his failed lighting tribulation threw him into. There’s also a Fallen Beastman (ML) that was unable to turn himself back to a human. This ML mistakes the MC for a sub-Beastman and doesn’t hesitate to dote on him. Only... the MC is deathly afraid of the ML’s Beast form —... more>> which is a snake 😂.

Starts off as a primitive survival story since the main CP are stuck in that forest. Gradually, however, they find themselves back to humanity. It’s a slow development, where the author shows off how different the setting is from modern society. Making the story very much a slice of life type~! I liked it very much! There are clumsy points, but it’s easy to make light of them since the tone of the story isn’t particularly serious.


I found that I liked the characters a fair bit! I think some could have been explored more. But they were plenty charming.

Shu Shu (MC)

He’s the soft and oblivious!Shou type. Innocent to the point of s*upidity, but it’s charming rather than annoying 😂.

Edgar (ML)

From the outside looking in, he appears to be your usual gong — Facial Paralysis and all. But I found that he was a lot more charming because of his idiotic and doting side! He’s a great match for the MC.


Although the main CP are definitely a good match and their start-up story was plenty charming. Their get-together was a bit meh. They also lack my favorite type of couple!banter 🤧! Still! If you’re looking for an uncomplicated relationship, this is pretty good. The initial buildup, as mentioned, was really cute too.


The main story setting starts off pretty primitive. But as mentioned, more and more technology and people are introduced as the story goes on. There’s also the nature of the MC’s cultivation and how it affects Fallen Beastmen (who have lost their Beast core and are unable to shift). As well as Beastmen and Sub-Beastmen biology (especially related to pregnancy). So there’s lots to focus on!

Overall! Although there are actually plenty of inconsistencies in the plot, I liked the slow introduction of details in the story. There’s no denying that the setting here was not forgotten like in other stories. The author mobilized the different elements well.

PLOT: 7.5/10

The plot is fairly simple. It’s uncomplicated and pretty relaxing to read as a result. If you’re interested in seeing the life of a Hamster Spirit MC and a Beastman ML, then you’re good to go! Don’t expect any complicated plots and just enjoy the laughs 😂


An overall good read in my eyes! I was very resistant to it at first, but I enjoyed the initial primitive survival aspect and by the time that ended, I was charmed enough by the MC and ML that the rest of the story felt like a good investment. Definitely would not say no to reading it again one day.


  • Personal Enjoyment: The humor in this story hit the right spots for me. I laughed aloud several times~ It’s definitely a bit silly, but as long as I didn’t think too hard on it, I found the story very enjoyable. 4/5
  • Literary Level: The author did well keeping things interesting 3.75/5! Translation is pretty good too!
  • Heat Level: There are some scenes with heavy groping (?) involved LOL. But it’s all taken lightly and is not overly explicit. So, 1/5.
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Vansiee rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: Completed
I rate this 4.8 absolutely amazing fluffiness and cute couple stuff all round.

The writing and scenes are so adorable, characters are consisent and written thoroughly. But most of all the diagou is amazing, there are some really funny brash stuff the shou says and it's hilarious.

My only.2 concerns are somethimes they over explain and repeat stuff (which may be translations error) and also this is pg13 so just skips over the tusle time between main CP which I was kind of looking forward to.

I really like how

... more>>

shushus trama with snakes was not just a one off and shows how it has to be worked on and doesn't just disappear. I esspecially like how he notices it and knows how it could effect how Edgar and baby snake feels and thus feels regret.

(But poor xiabao 🥲)


Tdlr recommend of u like cute animals, cute couples and families.

Aso this story has soooo many similarities with

"In the future my whole body is a treasure" which I also rate highly, but is written slightly worse, if u like either read the other👌👌👌. <<less
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JuneV rated it
March 2, 2022
Status: Completed

This is a complete story. ML and MC's meeting each other to falling in love and their children life, everything is in story deep. I love ML the most. He is such a character who loves with no qualms. He accepted MC as he is no matter how different he is. And their children are the cutest.

Sometimes MC's fear for ML's beast form will be frustrating but that's alright. And MC is bit dense but once he realizes no one can take ML away from him.

The love story of... more>> their children is also so cute especially their second son. His story is itself a mini novel with 17 chapters.

I told this novel is complete because ML and MC start from strangers to acquaintances to lovers to couples to parents to grandparents. Everything feels warm.


And the one who gave 1 star, is there any problem with your aesthetics, this is a comfort story alright? What characterless and plot lacking, I think all characters here are good, side characters also. And the plot doesn't mean including all tropes and dog-blood scenes. The story goes smooth with their love grows. <<less
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remyrem rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: --
Essentially, the MC is a hamster that gained human intelligence and the ML is a human stuck as a snake, and I think most of my enjoyment comes from how this is a twist on the common trope of "an animal/MC's pet becomes human and falls in love with the human MC". The mental image of a snake seeing a human and its biggest concern is the human not wearing underwear is hilarious to me.

That said, it's not without its flaws. This is definitely a "don't think about it too... more>> much" kind of story. There's some logical inconsistencies, like MC knowing how to MacGuyver cooking necessities despite only recently becoming human and having been previously just a pet hamster. There's also not really any justifiable reason for ML to suddenly be so attached to MC (and a little dumb despite not actually being a real animal).

Speaking of hamsters, c3 made me research hamster feeding habits and TIL hamsters can actually eat meat and dog food. <<less
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Pezwitch rated it
August 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I have been in a very sad mood recently and it's been hard for me to find a story that keeps my attention. I finished reading this story in two days and even smiled a lot

Some people have called it a Mary Sue novel, and it is, but not to the extent that I found annoying. Shu Shu is an ancient, in hamster terms, spirit (he has lived 10x longer than a normal hamster), so his being smart and quick to learn new things isn't strange

This is a cute story... more>> with very little conflict between the lovers, all the conflict comes from outside the relationship. It was a refreshing read and I recommend it if you need some mindless, happy, entertainment <<less
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marsGF rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: Completed
Adorable. Beautiful. The sugar is plentiful!

This novel is just too sweet. I love their interactions and how loving they are. Edgar (the ML) is a really really really great person. It doesn't matter if they're living the hard times nor would it matter if he had to really make an effort, because he wants to protect Shu Shu (our MC) even if he had to almost die to do it.

and he doesn't even know much about Shu Shu back then! ♥

Edgar's inner thoughts really struck my heart when his... more>> beast core was shattered. You know how protagonists go all "it doesn't matter if I became like this, as long as I can do this"... yeah, that trope? I'm a sucker for that 😂. But really, he was so pitiful that he would sacrifice his own desires/happiness just to protect Shu Shu.

And that makes him a 10/10 male lead. That is Love. Right. There.

Of course, there's more supporting evidence of Edgar being a 10/10 male lead but you'll just have to read it to know what they are~

Oh Shu Shu, this darling. 😂 How many times have I laughed at your silly antics.

The tumor, the diarrhea... Those are the best parts in the humor-category in my opinion.

And the children... enough said. The bonus is that we get to see how they grew up!! ♥

Onto the Antagonists... Like the typical CN Novel's, you really wanna strangle them. Roast them in the fire, probably, and just grind them to paste. They aren't present that much but when you get to the extras...

God, I wanna do the stuff above to them.

Basically, this is 90% fluffy and adorable with 10% of action and drama. Enough to keep your happy-hormones up and running. Recommended and the high-ratings are evidence of how good it is. <<less
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nurcerise rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Pulled two all-nighters to finish this, and my eyes’ sacrifice aren't in vain.

I LOVE IT. The only thing I hate is having to part with them. I love how the beastmen are wife-s*aves (lol), and the hamster supremacy is so funny (way to go, Shu Shu!).

I rarely finish a novel in one go, which means that this certainly piqued my interest. I won't spoil anything, so just read everything by yourself. I don't think it'll replace my (current) favorites but I would certainly remember Edgar and Shu Shu. Though the... more>> couple I liked the most is Jones and Reynolds (GOD, I CAN'T STOP SMILING LIKE A FOOL WHEN THEY *FINALLY* GOT REUNITED). And Reynolds acting a puppy despite being a wolf... sigh. Love will really change a person. He was so protective of his son too ♡

**I'm still not happy about the sub-beastman favoritism, but oh well, it seems it won't be corrected at all. I'm glad non-hamster children (aka children inheriting their father's genes) aren't completely discarded or unfavored by the father (Edgar) like in Beastman Forcefully Raising His Wife (glad the treatment got kinda better). In here, beastmen are considered as "strong" even babies/children and were unfavored and not taken care of, so I'm glad Shu Shu did not follow their example. I'm absolutely against favoritism. That's all I have to say.

Please read this; don't be like me who was dispirited after reading the reviews but turns out this is actually a nice novel :DD <<less
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April 4, 2021
Status: c1
I’m not gonna lie, I feel somewhat cheated. After reading the comments I was convinced that this would be the most interesting fluffy novel I’d read in a while. Yet, the truth is that this novel is so jumpy. The first almost 20 chapters bored the hell out of me and had me stop and start this novel almost 5 times on 5 separate occasions before finally deciding to suck it up and get into it (mainly because I had nothing else to read and I was bored.)

But as... more>> I continued to read, the story was so bland and basic that I couldn’t even decide if reading it was worth it or not. The hamster is dumb ass hell and honestly, I’m not usually one to get annoyed at dumb mc’s because they have their cute, charming sides to them. (In disabled tyrant pet, the MC was a little slower than most, but he was still charming and had his own abilities that stood out in the novel) this MC adds nothing to the plot at all. He’s almost too dumb. Even if you try to excuse it by saying he doesn’t know the world, he’s not used to it. Blah blah blah, the fact that he was clearly into reading all about the world and the genders when he first arrived should have meant that he also read about the bead.

Not to mention, that whole misunderstanding of the bead and tumor was one of the most — drastically s*upid misunderstanding ever. It’s a tumor, but for some reason they felt attached to it and some reason it was getting bigger and bigger and some reason they were sad to part with it. Like honestly?

Don’t get me started on the romance between them. ML pretty much fell in love but it was more like a savior complex. MC saved him at his worse, and he fell in love with him. MC barely even really had any real love for him. He was quite literally just attached to him because he’s all that he knew. Like I had thought maybe the MCs charming point was that although he needed and wanted money to live, he’d stand his ground and not enjoy the prince throwing his weight in gold around like it was nothing and he’d stand firm that he could also take care of himself or contribute in some way. Instead, his thought to become great, find a job and do well lasted 1 chapter, then it disappeared with a poor. Instead, he more than anything had a fear of leaving ML, the only person he’s know since coming into a new world, would terrify anyone, but how does that equate to love. I feel like author was really just trying to smash a whole lot of tropes together to hope it fit.

it didn’t fit.

cultivation, turned into interstellar, turned into mpreg, turned into revenge plot. It’s all very jumpy and it barely makes sense and now I’m on chapter 60-something mad that I wasted most of my time trying to read this, hoping it would get better. Instead, this crude barely charming MC just shat out an egg and his fear for snakes is still very much present even after “falling in love” and having a kid.

what exactly has everyone else been reading this whole time that this novel has such a high rating?

To read or not to read the remainder, that is the question <<less
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July 6, 2020
Status: c115
This novel is sweet. If you just want to relax and want to read something fluffy without much complications, you can go for it. It won't stretch unnecessarily just enough to resolve everything.

The story mostly revolves around a hamster which cultivated into human and got thrown into another universe and a humanoid snake/dragon who was plotted against and can't regain his human form.

The funniest thing is hamster is deathly afraid of snake and this continues the whole story that he is sometimes even afraid of his own kid. But he... more>> does try to overcome and mostly succeeds. Though I must say I pity Edgar (ML) but I applaud him to be so understanding and loving. He just loves Shu Shu (MC) to death.

Their interactions are funny and cute. MC can be considered adorably s*upid like something that you would expect from an animal who suddenly became human. But he is not really a pushover.

Both are quite straightforward once they realize their feelings. There are a few side CPs though not much attention was paid to them.

It involves cultivation but nothing deeper. There is no third party or anything like that. The world building is not deep but enough to get the point across and make you understand what's happening.

All in all it is quite a satisfying read. <<less
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Aachiin0914 rated it
April 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel take a lot of self control not to drop when I first read it.

The first few chapters is boring, because of the slow everyday life of MC and ML in the cave. They can't communicate very well too 'cause they did not speak the same language. But it's funny how MC is scared of ML though.

It's my first time to read a novel where MC is innately scared of their partner. Usually, in other novels, the MC is so s*upid/ dense that they did not have any instinct... more>> in their bones. Like even if it's a ferocious beast leep out of nowhere they still go on with their curiosity and touch it.

After MC and ML went to the capital star, everything became funny and exciting. Though there is no major drama or action. But the best part is when the live broadcast MC admitting that he was at fault for selling. ML beast bead. And the fact that they thought that their baby was a tumor. Poor Fred (MC was completely afraid of his beast type too, even dreamed of being followed by a group of snake shouting mother. Hahaha)

What I like the best was the extras. Mc's second child story is cute. He was very decisive.

I thought I able to read a three generation hamster family. But I guess it ends there.

I like the royal family's attitude towards the position of being a king. They treat is as a job.

Over all, the novel is very well recommended. <<less
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Kleep rated it
December 24, 2018
Status: c49
This novel is one of my favourites to read. It is very sweet and fluffy so far, and I’m always excited to see an update.

Our MC is a hamster that cultivated a human form, while our ML is a snake beastman. Some major predator/prey struggles to overcome there!

Their interactions are quite nice, and the development has followed a great pace so far.

The world setting is very interesting as well. I like the concept of the beastman/sub-beast setting and the dynamic it has brought to the novel thus far.
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April 25, 2018
Status: c5
While still a bit too early to really tell, I find that I'm enjoying this so far.

From what little I have already read it seems like a lite anf fluffy story with potential to be a rather fun read.

I am looking forward to further updates.
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whateverusername rated it
March 13, 2024
Status: --
This is a Shu Shu defence post. Everyone is like he’s s*upid and can’t do anything but for a hamster he’s doing pretty great! Imagine if someone told you to envision that you’re gonna live for 5000 years? Pretty hard to comprehend right? Someone told you that you’d have to do this task for this many years and there’s still no guarantee of success? Hamsters live for what, a year? Shu Shu was so diligent that he cultivated for 200x of his average lifespan. Whatever he’s achieved, he did it... more>> because he was hardworking. That the author had a raging hard on for the ML does NOT diminish what Shu Shu accomplished. I say, he was doing pretty well. Better than most would’ve in his place. <<less
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