A Girl Who Wants to Be a Beneficial Person to Society


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Su Xiaoxiu failed the college entrance exam and was admitted to a private university instead. Looking at the expensive tuition bill, her whole family was worried about how to pay for it. Should she take a gap year and retake the exam?

Just then, she suddenly got a progress system that gave her money every time she walked somewhere?! Looking at the large amount of money in the system, she was determined to improve herself and contribute something useful to society.

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21 Reviews

New Stardust555
May 25, 2024
Status: c389
True rating: 7-7.5 out of 10.

Tags: Slice of Life, Uplifting, Studying, Student Life, Self-Improvement

This is a novel about a girl who makes step by step progress in bettering herself. Unlike many other novels where the MC turns their life around after setbacks, she's not a genius nor is she instantly very wise and tempered. In fact, at many points in the novel, the MC reflects on herself and her past decisions, even those made during the course of the novel and evaluates herself, her decisions, and her own maturity.

Overall assessment... more>> is that this is a good and positive novel but not particularly mind-blowing. It's very slice of life and good to clear the mind and encourage positive thinking.


The quality is really bad. It starts out ok but devolves into straight up MTL and they mix up the names as well. It's readable, but not good.


There is some uncomfortable racism in the middle of the novel. It's the kind of racism where the author isn't actively trying to be racist (benefit of doubt) but it comes across very racist. I skipped those chapters but kept reading because I didn't feel like the author was trying to be malicious.


MC's Character and Progress

Premise: MC starts out as a girl from a rural remote village who was encouraged to study by her family. She was pretty good at studying so she was able to attend the best high school in the city that's closest to her village. In her final year, the pressure of being the only hope of her parents and a budding situationship with a male classmate distracted her and as a result, she did not score well on the college entrance exam. To be fair, unlike what the summary says, she didn't actually fail, just scored too low to be admitted to a public university, which are ranked higher and cost less to attend. MC thinks about retaking the exam, which would mean repeating her senior year of high school, but her parents tell her that they'll find some way to afford the tuition for the private university that she got into. Her parents are really poor and struggling so MC feels crushed and pressured by this as well as guilt towards her parents. When MC feels like she's at her lowest and is desperately trying to get money to attend university, a progress system suddenly binds to her and rewards her with money for walking a certain amount of steps each day.

This progress system also rewards MC for sincerely studying English after having done the worst on the English section of the exam. With the progress system's incentives, MC begins to set on the path of self-improvement. As she's doing so, she starts to mature and grow in her mentality and goals as well. She becomes more diligent, confident, wise, and assertive. These are all gradual steps though. As she matures and is exposed to more of the world, she reexamines her previous self and her past actions and gleans insight into what lead to her being so shy and insecure and how her growth has changed her and the way people interact with her.

That being said, there are some glow-ups and power-ups that MC gets that are either ridiculous or gained without practice. Most of MC's skills are earned through practice, but some are just imparted to her by the system. For example, her calligraphy is a skill that she already had in its most basic form and regular practice was needed to level up that skill. On the other hand, singing, cooking, and appraisal are skills granted to MC with no practice in order to earn the skills or her skill level in them. While her horse-riding skills are also imparted to her, she does end up training a lot to perfect it. She does get some illogical power-ups too. Her senses are upgraded, her voice becomes sweeter, her skin fairer, her height taller, etc.

Novel Structure

This novel can be broken into three parts. The first involves MC's initial reaction to the progress system and the preparations she makes for university. The second is MC going to university, competing in a marathon, learning to horse ride, and making friends with various people. The third part of the novel starts after MC receives a confession from her future BF. I'd call him a BF and not a ML because he has very little presence until then.


There's not much romance in this novel. Even in the last part of the novel, the romance is simply stated not demonstrated, meaning that the narration tells us about the romantic aspects, but there are not many romantic scenes. I didn't mind it because I thought the focus on MC's self-cultivation was worth it. That being said, there are sprinkles throughout the novel of people being interested in MC. There's really not a sense of CP or romance until the last part of the novel. There are a total of seven men who have romantic involvement or interest in MC, including the male classmate that she had a situationship with up until he did way better than her in the college entrance exams. The BF is not immediately obvious and while there is a moment of love triangle (these really should be called corners instead!), it's resolved very quickly. All in all, this is a very drama free novel.

If it matters, here are the seven men:

    • Liu Shaowei- male classmate. He's kinda scummy. He thought MC was cute and flirted with her but never DTR'd (defined the relationship) and strung MC along.
    • Lin Man- her aunt's neighbor's son. He has strong ML vibes and seemed like he'd be the ML in the beginning. He's just like every blackening!ML.
    • Qi Wei- very very brief involvement. He was at the library when MC came in, thought she was really pretty so he recorded her studying and put it on social media. He did get MC's number and tried to message her but she was too busy with studying and tutoring so she unintentionally ghosted him.
    • Li Weijin- very pretty, very stylish, very rich boy in MC's class at university. He's nice. He didn't like to study until he met MC. Very funny/weird family.
    • Xiao Yu- the student union president's young uncle, in his 20s, playboy. He dates around. He was very attracted by MC but warned off of her. He was continuously in relationships, though, so not particularly attached to MC.
    • Xiao Shengzhou- "heroic" (?) looking president of the university's student union. Very rich. He owns the horse ranch that MC goes to do part time work at before becoming an equestrian. Helps MC with a lot of things. Has a hilarious younger sister.

Out of these, the BF is this one

Li Weijin

. I was a little disappointed because there was another character who I liked better but the novel does explain why BF is better for MC. <<less
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New sitowo
May 09, 2024
Status: c389
What do you mean IT'S Completed?! the original work is not completed, it's on hiatus!!!

As MC graduated Uni with bachler's degree, time skips and if there are no more story then it's completed even if the end is bad.

but there's new story starts with she enters the best Uni of country to study master's degree with her boyfriend and suddenly there's no more work and said the work is completed...

I give one star review for that, even if I read the novel not so bad. because if I knew I... more>> wouldn't have started reading it from the start. I don't read abandoned novels!!! <<less
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Nov 24, 2023
Status: c72
Normally don't write a review unless it's special or good but the low ratings irritated me. The story is about a girl who didn't do well in the GaoKao exam. She felt guilty as her parents who are poor and plus from the countryside sacrificed a lot to support her in her studies in town.
She has low self esteem and regrets plus feeling depressed. She was also distracted due to puppy love. All the angst from that plus physiological issues caused her to not do well and she only tested to an average university.
Anyway, she 'received' a system that rewards her with money (for walking) and later memory and skill buffs.
It's an interesting story of self worth and care. The protagonist is very self-aware, actually too much so at times in the past causing the issues that affected her. But, she's stepping up and being pragmatic and practical. Make the best out of the situation and educating herself the best she can in order to be a productive citizen.
I'm enjoying the story and can't wait for further chapters. Want to thank the translator for their work. Hope the work is not dropped.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 22, 2024
Status: Completed
The story is great but near the end it kinda became bland, and tbh the ending was rushed. At around chapter 340, the story were just fillers, not much of a content.

Self growth is properly executed along with the system (it sometimes brings me back to reality that people who have average IQ would work 10 times harder than the MC), and this is fiction so I've already accepted that not all things here are applicable to reality, just the moral lessons. The story gave me a huge boost to... more>> properly make time to study. Overall the story is nice, and not all vain side characters are given much time, solely focusing on the MCs growth (which I like, cuz I don't wanna stress too much on their twisted mindsets).

It's a good read, hopefully you won't end up like me skipping at chp 340+. It's a must read if you're someone struggling with your studies or your purpose in life, this story can somewhat guide you to a clear direction.

P.S. If this story is still not complete when you stumble upon this review, try MTL (that's what I did) because the words, pronouns, grammar, and names aren't overly switched. You can easily read through it without autocorrecting the grammar (with your brain) and make sense out of the paragraph. That's all, ciao! <<less
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Dec 08, 2023
Status: Completed

There is a softness to this novel. A kind of fresh sweetness that I've never found in other novels. I don't how to describe the feeling properly.


We get to read about the growth of our MC. The person that MC was at the end of the novel is vastly different from the person she was at the start of the novel. Whether it be her self confidence, her dedication to study, her wealth, her character, everything had changed about her by the end.I enjoyed reading about her progress. I've... more>> read many fantasy novels as such but it's my first time reading about personal growth set in the modern world.

MC hasn't changed bodies or anything at the start of the novel. It's the same soul but with a system. That's rare nowadays.

MC may become OP as she progresses in life but I mean, there is so many novels where MCs become gods. Why is that more believable than someone learning English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Korean, Portuguese and so on in 2 years? So I take it as pro in the novel. At least she is still a human by the end.

Love the ML, I wasn't expecting him to be the ML but I like him a lot more than the other male characters. He is infinitely more cuter. So is his family.

Love how this novel treated its foreign characters compared to other Chinese novels. Iykyk.


There was quite a few plotholes here and there and many parts were kinda mentioned once and never brought up again but overall they didn't makes the novel too jarring to read.

Some characters in the novel whom I thought would have a significant role in the novel was just mentioned for a few pages and kind of overlooked. Like that neighbour guy, I thought he would be the ML by the way he was introduced but he just kind of faded to the background after MC started college.

Petty people in the novel had no retribution but I guess that's the type of novel this is. It tells the readers to rise above.

Overall, it was quite motivational, surprisingly, telling us readers to do something with our lives. It gave me some well needed positive energy and I have the author to thank for that. <<less
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sea pearl anklet
sea pearl an
Dec 25, 2023
Status: c48
Because of the low ratings, I did not have high hopes for this novel but it's really hard to find a slice of life with a female lead that is not centred around being a damsel in distress. However, I had to drop this novel because I hated the fact that people took pictures and videos of the female lead without her permission and this is somehow ok. It is not acceptable behaviour.

All in all, a motivating piece of prose that can have a positive influence on the reader as... more>> long as they can ignore that blatant violation of privacy going on by the people who ' supposedly ' admire the MC. <<less
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Dec 12, 2023
Status: Completed
4.5 stars

I mtl it. This book is quite enjoyable and the mtl is very readable.

The story is a feel good type, with no real antagonist. Simply about the protagonist's growth. The beginning was on the slow side, yet the ending felt slightly rushed.

I wanted to know how her life went after she was completely finished with school. Like did she get married? Have kids? How was her life after.

Those unaswered questions left me a bit unsatisfied. Overall a very good read.
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Feb 15, 2024
Status: c204
Decent start. The MC's system doesn't get too crazy in power, but it is pretty damned random. In fact I think the biggest weakness of this story is a lack of consistency with the system and pacing issues. I've passed the halfway mark in the story and she's only a few weeks into the first year of college. Either there's going to be big time skips incoming, or the ending with be rushed. Well assuming this story at least goes until she graduates from university.

... more>>

I'm not sure if I agree with this romance tag. She was 'dumped' before the story started (though it was one sided on her part) and for the rest of the story she avoids boys in general. Her school bans dating. Between getting dumped and having a 'best friend' that was merely using her, she's hellbent on focusing on studying. There's plenty of guys that fall in love with her, but no one has managed to even ask her out at this point. Honestly the student council president's young uncle (or cousin? they keep switching) is pretty creepy. He's already a working adult with his own business but he falls in love with the MC despite playing around with a bunch of women (some his employees by the sounds of it). Not sure his age, but I can't help but think he's a borderline predator.


Honestly the MC's characterization is a bit iffy. Sometimes she acts her age, but a lot of times she acts like an adult that regressed and wants to address their regrets. In short a little too much self insert on a character in which it doesn't make sense to according to the setting.


I also think it's a bit weird that she was seemingly forced to major in a subject she has no exposure to, and the school's teaching in the subject have been pretty lack luster thus far. Not sure if this is a thing with Chinese universities? Do they actually railroad you into a major right from the entrance exam? Anyways, I have some suspicion the author wrote that as part of her background and then later regretted it. Either not knowing much on the subject or feeling that it was too much of a hassle to write about. She's supposed to be in information technology and spends 75% of her efforts learning languages...



Her money situation is a plot hole that hasn't really been addressed. She buys an apartment, a car, and donates to charity... but there's no clear source of this money. In fact they're not really clear how the money even comes out of her system. It's not in the form of hard currency as she's shown swiping or paying with her phone. Yet she was worried about how to explain to her parents where the money came from. Not expecting realism in a story with some magical system, but it would have been nice if they at least lampshaded it or explained it away as deposits into her account. Maybe gifts that the system induced some entity to give her?



I've always thought webnovels get a bit silly when it comes to horses. They either ignore the details or get some things wrong. At least this story doesn't have horses galloping for days at a time without rest. But the MC does take a horse out to wash/brush it and then instantly jumps up on the horse to ride it into a gallop. Why groom a horse and then run it to get it sweaty (and potentially dusty, muddy hooves, etc) ? Never mind the fact there shouldn't have been any tackle on the horse? (mentions stirrups and reins) I suppose you could say that wasn't an important detail, but they bothered giving a step by step of everything before... /shrug. Oh, I know in this setting horses are born with saddles and bridles!

6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 07, 2024
Status: c50
Given a fantasy tag sure the story was unrealistic..

At first I was captivated with the beginning.. how the author wrote it beautifully and how the author potrayed vividly the MC pain and struggle..

As the story goes.. I like how the MC gain more characther development..

But it's just there was some point that keep bothering me.. like-

  • How MC student liang jiajia, the girl neighbor beside her aunt dormitory and the boy who's secretly record MC on library... All 3 of them secretly record the MC and upload it on social media wich I found it disturbing and direspect... As for liang jiajia.. event tho she got the permission to record her teacher but that doesn't mean she can upload it and make her teacher as the source of her content.
  • As the story keep going.. I find it I can't feel sympathy anymore towards the MC.. everything went too smooth even she gain unnecessary buff.. like photography, beauty upgrades, etc.. to the point if she get everything and doing everything perfect.. then she's more than Mary sue.. she's goddess! 🤦
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 05, 2023
Status: c198
This story starts out really great, but does have the common pitfalls of similar chinese novels. Initially it's inspiring to read about how the MC is improving her life and how even after the buffs are gone she's able to have better habits. The problem is the system does just give her money, it keeps giving her skills that should take hundreds if not thousands of hours to attain. So by the time she's in college she's ridiculously OP. The system becomes a Mary Sue maker. The MC can do... more>> no wrong and everyone admires her for every little thing she does.

She's only supposed to be an entry level bamboo basket maker yet everyone is amazed at her skill. When I was in college there was always some freakishly talented people around. But generally you'd just look at their work and go "oh, that's cool." and move on with your day. The constant admiring of her beauty is also really annoying too.

I'm also sad that her parents' situation isn't really touched on much after the early part of the story. Maybe later on? But where I'm at they're basically forgotten.

What was an initially really inspiring novel became a depressing one as the MC is beyond a level that a normal 17 year old can achieve. Hell, I'm not sure many people can pick up that many skills by 40. It's still worth a read, but don't force yourself to finish it if you find yourself losing interest. It doesn't really get better as you go. There are the positives of the MC avoiding boys and the uplifting bits about her roommates. But the constant focus on how great MC is gets boring. <<less
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Vanilla Panda
Vanilla Pand
Dec 02, 2023
Status: c199
Good vibes only!

A journey filled with positivity, maturing, aspirations and self improvement ᕙ⁠ ⁠ (⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠) ⁠ᕗ

Fighting against poverty, confronting reality and overcoming limitations, MC is the kind of person that deserves the system fr. After a setback, she wishes to change her life and the presence of system is the support she needed.

It's lovely when the people in the surrounding absorbing her good energy and regain their spirits. I also can relate with her about a lot of things. And when she bought things for her parents... more>> or got skills due to good deeds, I couldnt help but to be touched (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠) ⁠♡

She meets a lot of diverse and fun characters, which are quite endearing especially her roommates and lecturers :D

Updated review: As story progress to the end, its dissappointing because it feels like a summary and the sense of accomplishment is gone which what hooked me before. It still felt the plot didnt match the title because I feel its better the timeline to stretch out for the 'beneficial to society' effect instead of only less than a year. The plot getting very unrealistic and cut short for her supposely non stop seeking knowledge life journey. <<less
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Feb 11, 2024
Status: c389
Although this novel isn't completely translated yet (the OG work is on hiatus), I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I like how the author describes how the MC calms themself by doing activities that they've learned like calligraphy and running. The author really describes well the feeling of accomplishment you get from learning a skill, even if it's hard or difficult at first.
Complaints? Well, these descriptions are so day by day that it's taking forever! Plus, she's becoming such a super everything that it's a bit silly. Romance - well, the dudes are all pretty foolish. Sigh.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 24, 2023
Status: c5
I have only read five chapters. This novel has potential. MC has system but his system force her to study and exercise (walking). There is a lot of things unknown. MC is normal girl with average intelligence who failed exam. Her family is very very poor but her family treats her like jewel in the family. The advantage of this novel is its description. It show how reality as it is. I am thankful for the author, because he/she writes this novel. The most important thing that I want to... more>> write is this sentences. If I meet this novel's author, I will give him/her a few pieces of my mind. I will beat the author up because he/she makes me cry so much. <<less
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Apr 16, 2024
Status: Completed
If you're the kind of person, like me, who can't drop things if you've read for a long time you'll probably hate this. It really starts dropping off after the author decides it would probably waste about a hundred more chapter on romance. Which could be fine, but really slows things down something fierce. Unless you enjoy fillers and the least climactic kind of ending possible: just at a random place in the story after a few short time skips. "Time flew by". The end. But not even "The End"... more>> but just no more word. I don't think it even classifies as a spoiler because of how nothing it is and I'm really just trying to save you, because I hate this kind of ending. Very frustrating.

Also if you're going to write an absolutely perfect human being at all, you might as well not stop with the achievements she has in sports and singing karaoke so well it basically cures cancer and have her go all out entering multiple fields in the Olympics and release top charting albums. She's certainly at that level anyway. And if that didn't turn you off enough, the translation is just barely edited MTL, especially after a while when it just stops caring altogether and changes peoples names not just between chapters or paragraphs but even in the middle of sentences while never managing to guess the gender of the character correctly even once. It's more likely to guess incorrectly. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 14, 2024
Status: Completed
Daily slice of life of a young rural student who used to be gloomy, petty, and lovesick and did badly on her college entrance examinations. Then she gets a system that rewards her for walking, and through a lot of hard work and random buffs, she slowly grows in her self-awareness, introspection, and broadens her horizons.

I really liked her character growth, as she learns to set aside petty trivial problems and focus on improving herself. It's a very positive and heartwarming novel. It's like a villainous cannon fodder NPC discovering... more>> how to be a good person, and how the change in her views and beliefs affects her own self esteem and character and her interactions with the world. The FL can seem too OP in random areas, there's some uploaded video recording without her permission, and some of the female characters are the typical c-novel shallow jealous types, but it was just really nice to read about a hardworking student succeeding despite the odds. It wasn't as boring as other student-studying novels, because the FL's buffs are really random. Towards the end, the ML and his family become more like comic relief, but overall a nice fluffy read. <<less
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Apr 05, 2024
Status: c250
I didn't like how the author adds a million admirers going after the MC. And somehow she doesn't find it odd that the men look at her, I dropped it at the scene where she is in the elevator with the student president's uncle, it was so disgusting, he was literally lusting after her. She felt like a Mary Sue tbh and there is rare mentions of her family too. Honestly got boring at the end. I got sick of all the male "admirers" (literally just after her beauty), and... more>> even in the last chapter she has random dudes after her??? I honestly found all the admirers annoying cuz it didn't have anything to do with her development and I don't want to know what stalker like stuff they were doing. Honestly the start of the novel was good but as soon as she entered the uni that's when I got sick of it, the blatant descriptions of her roommates and how they are "uglier" than her without make up and the make up she put on them makes them pretty.

So that's why I gave it 1 star. <<less
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Dec 19, 2023
Status: c85
I've really been enjoying this novel, it's very much a slow paced slice of life story that moves at its own pace.

The writing is extremely laid back and the main character is always moving forward and improving her life and the lives of people who interact with her.

The translation has been acceptable without noticeable issues.

... more>> My only real complaint and I don't know if it's an issue with the story itself or the translation, but from chapter 73 onward it feels like chapters are missing big chunks of story.

One chapter will set up an interaction and then the next chapter just starts as if it already happened.

This didn't happen in chapters 1 - 72 so I don't know what's going on. <<less
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Apr 07, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a hidden gem!!! This novel is totally my cup of tea, although the ending is quite abrupt, I feel like there's more to write. The plot is really different with other novel I've read before. It focused on improving one self by discipline. As someone who is learning to be discipline, doing what I should be doing everyday little by little, I feel satisfaction from reading how the FL become better day by day. It's not easy to constantly do the same thing daily and build a routine, I... more>> have been there and still trying. I believe this story is a great way to learn how to be discipline for those who try to achieve their goal. You can do it! <<less
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Apr 04, 2024
Status: c334
Very slow paced slice of life. This story starts out great with the MC determined to improve herself, but at some point she becomes a tool to inspire others to improve themselves, kind of losing the character of the MC. I hope it will go back to being about the MC, but the middle is a bit of a slog.
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Mar 23, 2024
Status: c116
It wasn't bad at first but the author doesnt know how to write other female characters, they end up being the same vain and golddiggers and the MC is a pick me, she does no wrong, is beautiful naturally, and other women are plastic or have seven layers of makeup, if she is gonna be good to society maybe she needs to prioritize her gender especially considering that china, japan or korea have low births because people are mysoginist, that's my main concern but otherwise this is pretty good.
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Apr 14, 2024
Status: c190
The female lead becomes all too powerful. That's the most annoying thing about the story. It started out pretty decent, simple story with simple logic but then the author gives the female lead too much of plot armour. When I read that she earns money by walking certain number of steps each day - I thought okay maybe she will do something with it, but then she keeps getting random learning card which teaches her calligraphy, photography, singing.. Okay fine cause the author does states that the card / ability... more>> has an expiry date so she has to improve herself otherwise her skill will go away. But then she gets a card every few days and also gets enough skills to actually win something with it. It's fine once or twice but by chapter 190 it's irritating. Specially when you realize that she earns money just by walking 30000 steps daily, it's like she is earning money through stocks or investment by doing essentially nothing.

I feel even worse dropping the story cause there are some good elements to the story and she does work hard to improve herself. Some insights like not every athlete / artist can achieve great success because the competition is tougher at the top are very good to read but then at the same time, the author makes our MC win a provisional swimming competition over a girl who is acting as a reserve for national team, like come on have some respect for those athletes. It's a good story but it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore her buff specially when she was able to buy a house by simply walking / running and learning some extra things. <<less
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