A Filthy Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse


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Little Hamster, “Daddy daddy, I have food! All of it is yours! Even me!!!”

WuYi (May 1) is a little hamster nicknamed ChòuChòu (Stinky). He has a very handsome and charismatic daddy owner and he lived every day happily without worries.

But then suddenly, one day a zombie crisis emerged on earth and the world descended into the dangerous apocalyptic era. However, along with the appearance of zombies, humans, animals, and plants alike also awakened abilities for the first time.

The little hamster fell asleep and woke up to find that he had become the same type of two-legged creature like his daddy and his original small two cheeks for food storage had become extremely huge!

The little hamster rolled about with joy. The first thing he wanted to do was tell his daddy.

After braving endless trials, climbing mountains and conquering seas, the little hamster finally found his daddy under mortal danger. Nie Xiao was then saved from the jaws of a third-grade zombie.

“Daddy, baby found you at last!”

Nie Xiao was completely flabbergasted; “…” What’s going on, xidangpa??? (xidangpa:happy to be a father = mainly used to ridicule the situation in which a man finally catches up with the goddess, but the goddess is pregnant with someone else’s child. In desperation, the man has to take over.)

Everyone from the base started to calculate with their fingers: Holy shit! Sure enough, our Boss’ talent was already abnormal from when he was seven, he already has a child this big!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Being a Hamster in the Apocalypse is a Breeze
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65 Reviews

New EternalMoonl
May 16, 2024
Status: Completed
A very filthy rich hamster in the apocalypse fr. MC really provided for the ML lol. To each their own. You can try and read this. You'll either like it, not much, or just not like it.
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May 23, 2020
Status: Completed
Hamster, bl, apocalypse, complete world setting what's there not to love?

I'm commenting cos there's only negative comments above >___> heck I don't understand.

Really refreshing novel and the humans are mostly nice people, unlike other apocalyptic novels.

And again lots of fluff ?
54 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 22, 2020
Status: Completed
As a professional fluff dealer, I can assure the quality of the product.

Don't expect much plot and logic though. Everything is very cute, just get some rose-tinted glasses and enjoy the show, new readers.
46 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 21, 2020
Status: Completed
I think most people are cringing because of the Dad thingy and I admit that I did too. But it changed a while later. The only thing is, the MC decided to call ML XiaoXiao in the middle and didn't stick to it. There was even no reason given as to why he didn't stick to it. Even if it's just a dad son py between them, it's still weird to do it in front of ppl. But I figured I'll just ignore it and ... more>>

it's later changed to Queen XiaoXiao after they get married so I guess it turned out ok for them?

The average lifespan for them was 500 years. So MC referring to himself as a baby is not loli/shouta but an actual fact. He was literally a baby when considered according his race.

Anyway, the reason I rated it 5 stars is actually because of the plot. I found it quite interesting. The fluff was a bit too much for me. Even the dad son py was too much for me. But the whole cast was great. Everything fit and ended perfectly. Bai Mei was one of my favorite characters. I cried because of his love story. It was very sweet. But the MC turned out to be not effeminate and cute as depicted in the earlier chapters. He sacrificed himself for his beliefs. He was there when needed. He was a driving force for the salvation of humanity. He strangled future problems in the cradle. Even just one of the few things he did silently towards the end would make him a hero. However, just because he refers to himself as a baby and acts cute, that somehow reduces his efforts? I thought the author created a very unique and contradictory character. He is definitely not what he seems. Honestly, I definitely would have goosebumps if I met a guy who acted cute like that. However, this also leads people to lower their vigilance towards someone with so much inhumane, godly power. The author makes a very valid point. And I liked the ML and their bunch of mercenaries too. They are very cute. Haha. So my rating is entirely derived from how satisfied I was after the ending. If I rated it before the halfway mark, it would definitely not exceed 3 stars like the rest. But there really was character development towards the end. The other sides of his character that usually stay dormant are revealed during times of crisis and I liked how thrilling every escape was. There will always be a moment where you think it's over and then the author reveals another move and another one... It was really great for me to read the climax.


In short, the whole interstellar spin on the apocalypse domain was quite interesting for me to read. I would've enjoyed it if there was an extra about the babies tho.

23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 18, 2020
Status: --

I think they should add 'sci-fi' and 'interstellar' tags to it since it involves elements in a futuristic setting.


It was quite good actually, I just couldn't rate it 4* or higher mainly because of the shou's effeminate character. Well, if you like fluff this will hit your spot right until your teeth rot. A good break from reading too much strife and bitterness of other novels.

But looking at it from another angle, it's cringy as f_ck.

At first, I was conflicted as to why it had plenty of low ratings despite the lightness of the plot. You can barely find an apocalypse novel where there are still plenty of good people left. Now I know.

Why the author managed to make such a s*upidly weird/cute rodent shou is beyond me. I like fluff, and meng-selling characters but it has to be cute for all the good reasons. I feel like the shou can cry at a drop of a hat... like total silkflower borderline white lotus minus the vicious mind... I dunno. Too much of it is not a good thing, there was no character growth for the MC. Still a baby. Still a candidate for the Saint of The Century. Still addressing himself as a 3rd person like a loli/shouta... so I gave up a few chapters from the finale to end my torture. Haha.
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 03, 2020
Status: Completed
It's all fluff

I really liked it in the beginning but the fact that the MC doesn't change how he calls himself and the ML makes me cringe af.

He regained his memory and still calls himself baby in third person poinf of view and calls the ML "daddy" geez man. That's effin cringy af

... more>> Rated it flat 3 stars, for the fluff and for the other sane characters and good background of world setting.

I'm sure many will like this, full of fluff. Buf it's not my cup of tea, I forced my self to finished this because I wanted to change my mind regarding the endearment of the protagonists. But I just can't <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 20, 2020
Status: Completed
This one has a cool plot story line and apocalypse concept.

It's more like the war head pet hamster.

The reason being for the zombie virus is much more reasonable than just having a coincidental meteorite slamming down on earth or a virus evolving to a more dangerous Level after being experimented.

More so, our MC is very cute and fluffy.

(人*´∀`) 。*゚+
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 10, 2021
Status: c40

A cute and strong MC is very welcome and all but where the character development at?

The innocence and naivety was very adorable at first but then it just gets bland and boring, even a little cringe and weird, when overused.

He never really learned nor did anyone teach him how to be a "proper human". Nie Xiao and friends already said it themselves in the earlier chapters; its now the apocalypse, people need to learn to fend for themselves. Theres also the unexpected sharpshooter skill of the MC. It was... more>> so b*d*ss but its suddenly forgotten.

Aside from that, the overall novel is like a big mishmash of everything random.

Thor hammer? Tiger mist?? Alien prince??? The author really said 'its the apocalypse what else could be strange' But the tiger just appeared outta nowhere and inexplicably like and revere the MC?? Tiger like and revere hamster??? Like literally all in one night. Tho I did have some expectations on tiger. Like maybe he'll be a human too or other powerful uses but he was just a mount for the MC 😭 Bro was just used for the "fierce and cute" contrast even tho its long overused in the story 😭🕯🕯🕯

Also, the Thor hammer not being lifted by anyone except The One was such a rip off too BUT thats not even the worse part. Ability users can transform to whatever the h*ll is their ability 😭 Be a f*cken giant fireball and bulldozer your way anywhere— How f*cken OP is that??!?😭😭 I haven't even complained how they instantly knew to use their abilities 😭😭😭

Unexpectedly, alien prince MC was not as much of a surprise as these.


Long story short, other mary sue apocalypse may make more sense than this. 🕯 But if you're fine with nonsensical fluff then this fine. <<less
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 23, 2021
Status: c9
To all those expecting a normal love relationship between the MC (hamster pet) and the ML (owner), I am shocked that you are thinking this way.

To all previous reviews who thought this way and was disappointed of the lack of hot romance, I am disappointed of you too.

Are you really expecting a hot and sexy romance between a pet who was raised like their own child by the owner? Imagining my cat turning into a human then having a s*xual relationship with them or thinking about them as a love... more>> partner interest already makes me feel I'm committing a crime worthy of lifetime imprisonment.

I won't be surprised if the romantic development of the main couple stops at a father-child relationship with mix of actual love. I also won't be surprised if the MC is treated like an accessory or being always protected because let's be honest, the MC is way to childlike, and his thinking was like of a pet in the beginning so of course his persona would be as such through and through.

If you're here for a zombie apocalyptic style, OP but adorable MC, with daddy-like ML, and pure fluff,

this one is for you. ;) <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 04, 2020
Status: Completed
The quest for their reunion was adorable, 10/10 would re-read that part.

But after, when the focus was on the MC's real identity and things relating to that

including the source of the virus

was just... weird? Not as interesting?

Would suggest you give it a go though, it is still adorable and good to pass the time.
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 09, 2020
Status: c60
The MC is very cute

The ML is very doting

The family is OP

The story is fluffy

Imma dead of cuteness

The End
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 23, 2021
Status: c55
(3, 6)

Initially it seemed like a pretty interesting story to me, and the premise made me think of the spore novel: Same post-apocalyptic world, same living-non-human being evolving and taking human form, with an MC with very OP characteristics... but I wasn't able to keep it. It's the kind of story I read when I'm bored and I don't know what else to read.

So what am I complaining about?

  • The dynamic between Gong and shou is nice, but I find it tremendously uncomfortable to read; it's really cringe how their verbal demeanor remains a parent-child relationship, despite their mutual desire.
  • The treatment of others towards WuYi. I don't understand. I feel like there is a similarity to "lord of the end of the world" in how others act in regards to the MC.
    It bothers me how the other characters consider him a child and act to make him feel comfortable, when the only childish thing that he has shown is his daddy complex and his low EQ. Yes, I understand that he is a hamster and I do not plan to demand mature behavior from him, but Hello! The people who accompanied him in search of his daddy does not know him. What need do you have to act like this? Let's be honest, in real life, if you see a person being cared for like this by others (And he shows no need for care), even though those others does not know him, the only thing u can think of is that those people have problems.
  • Spoiler

    I was so confused that I had to read the chapter that mentions other worlds several times.

    It felt like the author wanted to do a lot of things, and decided to put it all on one plate. It is even confusing at the beginning.
Now, what things did I like?

  • As I said before, I like the relationship between the gong and the shou. I have always liked relationships formed by strong people, in which even with the strength of the two, there is a need to take care of each other. Plus the idea of ​​someone in charge of someone else is adorable. The gong spoils the shou too much. It's the kind of relationship that says "I can survive without you, and I've already shown it, but really all I want is to stay with you."
  • As I said before, it serves to read something when you can't find anything else. It's not an endearing story, but it's not really bad. It has its charm if you like dense protagonists and short and fast stories.
In the end, the story is fluff on fluff. If you like that kind of story, go ahead. Enjoy.
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 20, 2021
Status: c65
The fluffiest apocalypse story you will ever read.

I did mtl to the end, so this is about the whole story.

The story starts out as a "normal" end of the world story and slides to an ... more>>


story in the end. I kinda like that twist. The MC and ML are really cute together and sell a lot of meng. As much as I like that, it's also one of the points that irritated me. The MC is basically a cute little spoiled hamster and sees the ML as his daddy. I miss the part of the transition to lovers... well it is somewhat there but the lines are too blurred cause he keeps calling him daddy till the end.... that makes it kinda awkward.

The storyline is planned out well and keeps in contrast to the theme an easy flow. Don't expect an slice of life or heavy zombie story. It really revolves around the fluff.

I rate it 4.5 Stars.

One star missing cause of the mentioned awkwardness and giving half a star back cause it really left me smile and cry.

You should read it if you like fluff. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 27, 2020
Status: c30
It's really fluffy. Teeth rotting fluffy. It's cringy, unrealistic, and short. But it fits with my aesthetics, so I like it.
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Aug 06, 2022
Status: Completed
It was really fluff and cute. I was shocked about how the genre suddenly changed.

... more>>

it was the apocalypse then boom, it became interstellar. But I can't say I was really shocked. After all there's already zombies and ability users, an alien wouldn't be that weird


The daddy baby part is funny at first but it kinda got cringe when it was used until the end but I just ignored it 😅. There really wasn't any thrill and I wasn't shocked about the plot twist. But it was cute, fluffy and funny.

It's a four star for me because I can re read it and still feel entertained. Give it a go if you like fluff and op MC.

And a little sidenote, since I found this review


the tiger wasn't only a mount and he did become a handsome uncle.

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 29, 2022
Status: Completed

Story (4.2*) seems underrated. And title of this novel is misleading. It has nothing to do with MC hamster engaging in business or something alike to make lots of money, it's not a 'from poor to rich' story. MC didn't sell anything at all.

Most of the reviews seems to mention fluff as the key word, so I totally thought this was another typical, formulaic interstellar kind of story with OP MC that has special world saving abilities and rise... more>> to the top without effort,... Well, it was so much more than that.
I was rather fed up with these typical smooth sailing interstellar story as many times in these stories in the end it became less and less a novel, but more of a quick summary of MC's achievement without fleshing out any scenes.

This story starts as an apocalypse novel but becomes an interstellar story too. Usually, I'm not a big fan of mixing genres. Because it is often not well executed and instead distorts the whole world building and feel of a story. That isn't the case here. The shift to interstellar is part of the main trope and the fusion was excellent.

Many reviews led me believe it is all about fluff. It makes me wonder if I read the same story?? Yes, cp was fluffy, but there was a lot of action and the storyline and scenes were fleshed out. The author did very well describing how ALL characters, and there were LOTS of great side characters, worked together to rebuild earth and fight the big villain. The action scenes were fleshed out, vivid and exciting. The author didn't take shortcuts here

The big villain was a real big villain worthy to be scared of, not those dumb passerby/cannon fodder villains I see majority of times in these OP interstellar stories that make an appearance in 3-5 chapters and are dealt with just by waving a hand. Nope, it's a worthy psychopath lunatic.

CP was fluffy. MC is fierce, super cute, silly but smart. He is very OP yes, but he was lowkey and rather keeps it a secret. ML was respectful and very doting. No smut or any indication of s*x further than french kisses, and I don't miss it. Maybe because their relationship is indeed very of a father/son kind of doting feeling. It didn't annoy me either.

My only complaint in this story was the huge amount of putting '!!!' after each sentence. It was almost as if the text wasn't properly edited. <<less
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Fujoshi Next Door
Fujoshi Next
Jan 18, 2022
Status: c27
I was very excited about this... went into it expecting a good balance of fluff and apocalyptic madness. I can only say I’m extremely disappointed. For those who need common sense or just looking for something smooth to pass time, I wouldn’t recommend. You actually need to concentrate on not thinking about anything else when reading, it had a nice beginning but when the actual apocalypse came, the story became riddled with holes. It’s not just a problem with the plot but also the personalities of these characters. You could... more>> argue that this is just a fluff dump and there’s no point in anything else. But even then, there should still be a sense of reality, especially when your trying to write about the apocalypse and cultivation. The only redeemable point was the translation. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Totally Absolutely One of the Best Zombie Apocalypse Danmei Novel Ever!!! Also Another Apocalypse Danmei Novel with some Unique plots. It also has totally different reason why the Zombie Apocalypse happen compared to other novel.

This Novel has sooooo Many Fluff. It also has so many Amazing Actions scenes. But seriously, the FLUFF Conquer the Story!

This Novel also shows lots of Great Characters. Most, if not EVERYONE (who is not MC and ML), is a GOOD PEOPLE!!! The annoying people easily Ignored, the Evil; they will defeat!

This is a novel... more>> about everyone who works together and protect each other and believe in each other. Not as Dramatic, but almost Everyone was like that in here. This Novel shows lots of Good people rather than the Bad. Rare and Very Good!

Also Side CPs, there's aLOT but their existence as a CP was only small but enough, BUT, all, and I mean it; ALL SIDE CPs are SOOOOOO FCKING GOOD we All LIKE THEM SOOOO MUCH!!! I'm talking about both the Characters and their Relationship.

Seriously, this Novel is Absolutely Precious and Refreshing. I was eager for this novel since months ago, and when I finally read it, it gave a lots! Beyond any Expectations in the Most Wonderful way ever possible.

I'm Loving it Sooooo Much with All my Heart and my Soul and my Eternal Love for the Eternity and Beyond!!!


Also it's one of VERY VERY VERY RARE Zombie Apocalypse Novel where the Zombie problem is Actually SOLVED!!! And Even in LESS THAN A DECADE!!! QT NOVEL DOESN'T COUNT!!!

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 04, 2022
Status: Completed
There were lots of issues but everything aside, I must praise the ability of author to write fluff.

It became very cringe at times but still can't give up on fluff.

So fluff readers give a go for it and ignore the plot and cringe moments. If you mind them, it'll only put you off.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 22, 2024
Status: c47
I tried. I really did. I hate not finishing stories, especially if it's completely translated... I HAVE FAILED MYSELF!

AHEM. Moving on.

I will not rate this. I have only read half of the novel. If I had to place a rating on this, it would be a 2.5... ish. That's generous. I even turned off my brain for this. I still could not push through.

... more>> Why couldn't I finish this? It's not the diabetic-inducing moments between the CPs. It's not the sudden genre-change. It wasn't even the whole baby/daddy thing.

The author kept. Adding. New characters!!!!!! 😫

We are halfway through the novel. I already had trouble keeping up with the amount of characters already there, and then the author not only adds new characters...


They add a whole other galaxy!! That's right. It went from apocalyptic to interstellar.

Honestly, the whole abilities based on alien races and the zombie plague actually being the effect of a mad instellar villain, made for an interesting concept.

If. It was was executed better.


At this point it felt like the new characters are added just to pair up existing characters... <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 29, 2023
Status: c73
(3.2 / 5) Honestly I'm surprised by how I managed to read this much..

Now don't get me wrong, I liked the story in the beginning. It was everything I expected in this story. But as it went on, it became messier and slightly more confusing. First of all, let's start with the things I've liked so far in this novel:

    • It's a cute, fluffy, and lighthearted novel where barely anything goes wrong.
    • The interaction between the characters are cute
    • The side couples + side characters are also great
    • I liked that the MC and ML are both powerful and MC doesn't need to be saved by ML.
Now for the dislikes (WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS) :

    • MC and ML have a father & son relationship ("daddy" for the gong and "baby" for the shou). I didn't mind it at first because; 1. They haven't established a (love) relationship yet 2. It is hard to change how you call someone when you're already use to it and 3. (As a former hamster owner) why wouldn't you treat your pet as your own child? But as it went on, I got more and more uncomfortable and started cringing, HARD. They've already established a relationship at around chapter 50ish but they still somehow call eachother "daddy" & "baby"..? The side characters also didn't mind this behavior which I found.. quite strange...
    • Speaking of side characters, some of the side couples' relationship felt forced. A few examples I can list when I think about it are: Wu Wenyu (?) x that hammer guy, Bai Mei x that one soldier, and merman x Jiang Qui (?). Like HUH?? I felt that I missed some of the developments of the first couple while as the rest... it's just love at first sight.
    • If you expect any character developmen- don't. Just don't.
    • As the story went on, it suddenly changed? It wasn't very apocalyptic as before and now it's full of interstellar / intergalactic stuff. Idk... not sure what happened. Me personally, I wanted to read a short apocalyptic BL novel. So the change of setting wasn't really my cup of tea.
    • Me, personally, I found that the way this story was formatted is similar to the random stories I made up as a kid. MC is super cute, but super duper strong, everyone's nice except for like a few villains, one of the side kick of the villain realizes what they're doing is bad, so they get a bad redemption arc, and so on. Super cliche.
All in all, it isn't something that I truly enjoyed reading.
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