Half Prince


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During one of our arguments, my younger brother taunted me, claiming that I only knew how to depend on guys to get me through MMOs. In a fit of anger, I was spurred on by his words and decided to defeat my brother without depending on anyone else. By some coincidence, a new game called “Second Life” was about to go on the market and thus I started from scratch as a player. What’s more, I was the first person ever to log onto the game. The beautiful GM told me that I could have one wish granted… HumphI. Want. To. Become. A. Guy!

Shit, I accidentally became too super-ultra-incredibly handsome, now there’s a beautiful GM with designs on my virtue, waaaaah…!

… OH MY GOD! A girl wants to make me her trophy husband!

Heavens, what a hottie… Wait, what? He’s actually GAY and he’s hitting on me?! Go to hell! When I’m a girl you’re not interested, so why the hell do you want me now?

With an incredibly hilarious main character, incredibly bizarre companions, and an incredible journey of growing up and self-discovery, how will things pan out? Even God is playing a guessing game…

Associated Names
One entry per line
1/2 Prince
1/2 Wang Zi
1/2 王子
½ Prince
Related Series
Kill No More VS ½ Prince (Spin-Off)
Dominion’s End (3)
The Legend of Sun Knight (2)
Pivot of the Sky (2)
Only Sense Online (LN) (1)
God Rank Hero (1)
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Hall of Comedy
  2. Gender Bender (Female MC)
  3. Stories that ignited my passion
  4. Books I did/do Not Want to End
  5. Best of Female MCs

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/01/21 Prince Revolution! ss part3
06/30/17 Prince Revolution! ss part2
05/01/17 Prince Revolution! ss part1
08/22/13 Prince Revolution! v9c8
07/28/13 Prince Revolution! v9c7
06/15/13 Prince Revolution! v9c6
05/23/13 Prince Revolution! v9c5
04/23/13 Prince Revolution! v9c4
03/26/13 Prince Revolution! v9c3
02/25/13 Prince Revolution! v9c2
01/28/13 Prince Revolution! v9c1
12/31/12 Prince Revolution! v8 extra
12/30/12 Prince Revolution! v8c7
11/21/12 Prince Revolution! v8c6
10/24/12 Prince Revolution! v8c5
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26 Reviews

Dream Seeker
May 19, 2016
Status: --
Let it not be forgotten this was one of great ones even before F5 was a thing. Years later, people will ask why do you look at meatbun so oddly, and they won't understand why you smile. It's not perfect, nor is it something to be taken seriously, but it certainly is special.
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Mar 19, 2016
Status: --
Eh, this was fun... but then it got really weird...

Let’s just say that everything up till the MC gets his own city was awesome, then it went downhill as plot was introduced...

If you’re expecting LMS type experience in a VR, this does kind of have it... until, as I said, the city is given to the MC...

While I do like the Bloody Prince, it gets really cringy just trying to continue reading... I do like the after-story side chapters though...
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Nana (ノ◕
Jul 15, 2016
Status: v9v8
MC, skilled as chef, go and play the latest VR called second life, being the first ever to logged in, she can get a cheat, normal people might want secret job, or powerful weapon/skill, our heroine wants to be a male character. Orz. Don't forget to apply +20% beautification. Lot of comedy, lots of bishie, and lots of love.

my beloved WN! The first that teach me there are a better way to learn english rather than burying your face on dictionary. But I got to agree that the ending isn't... more>> satisfactory. It's like wonderful date, but at the end it's become awkward. <<less
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Nov 16, 2015
Status: --
Half prince is... funny. Actually, the best way to know whether you will like 1/2 prince is simple. Read 1-2 chapter, drop it if you didn’t found the comedy to fit your taste. Because the comedy, style, character, they all will remain the same for the whole 9 fvolumes. Prepare for some deus ex machina and a lot of plot armor. I didn’t think of it as the absolute best novel in universe, but I find several scenes to be funny. Quite a decent one to pass time.
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Apr 15, 2019
Status: v9c8
In my heart, the story is truly 4 stars, but with nostalgia filter on, its 5 stars. It's one, if not the original VRMMO stories, grandfather (mother?) of things like Sword Art Online.

Now, does it stand the age of time? Yes and no. If you were younger and/or starting out with novels, I think half prince is a great story to start out. Now if you're older and/or read a lot of stories and light novels? It's a snooze fest unless you're feeling for something kinda niche or you've... more>> read the manga and wanna feel the nostalgia.

Half Prince was written in 2004 and feels like it. Reactions are overblown, the kind of "beat you to up for angering me, hyperspace weaponry (for visual effect), :3 faces, OMG kawaii!"-esque feel you get from early 2000's manga/anime. We're talking full body faceplants, glomping, spittakes/spraying mouthfuls of liquids at shocking facts and actions. Honestly depending on who you are, this might work in your favor (nostalgia) or against it. Those who are sensitive, "woke" or touchy with gender/sexuality issues, you might have a hard time. It's a bit rife with "gay humor" situations (so either I look like a homo (guyxguy avatar played by a girl) or I actually become one?! (Girlxgirl playing as a guy), "Tranny" is thrown around a bit in the beginning (brother is making fun of sister), another acts gay because it's "interesting" in the beginning and gets beaten for it in-game for hitting on MC/stress relief. All of it is taken as comedy, this was written during the age of things like yaoi paddles so take it all with a grain of salt please.

Now, the MC, Prince? He's OP but in the sort of way that's more about "I have OP equipment and know how to execute fictional attacks from games/novels/anime!". It does get explained as to why they have such godly equipment from the beginning, or even the fact why she can play as a guy in the first place, but it's done in a very.... cliche? Cheesy? Kinda way that if you're not good at suspending disbelief, it might be hard to swallow. Plot is a bit "prince and friends start their journey to becoming in game legends!" Before the 3rd novel gives it an overarching storyline.

Overall, would I recommend this? Yes, but only to certain people. If you've read the manga you can honestly skip the novel, a lot of it is very much the same though a bit better explained maybe. If you like SAO, early 2000's manga or just want a fun story to read you might enjoy this novel too. It might not stand the test of time since it doesn't age very well, but it's still a pretty fun story. As for the translations, these are some of the best I've ever seen. <<less
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Jul 05, 2016
Status: Completed

I've finished reading this and I'm disappointed, it was really quiet amazing in the beginning but then weird and unbelievable plot keep popping in the corner which IMO ruins the flow of the story.

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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
Aug 20, 2016
Status: v9v8
1/2 Prince was one of the first light novels I have read. It is also the only light novel I have read fan fiction for XD

Yu Wo has a very special sense of humor, and is very wacky! To others this might be a turn off, but it makes her one of my favorite authors instead. All of her stories make me laugh, even her lesser known tragedy. They also make me cry as well! I have a lot of fun reading her works all in all.

This story specifically, follows... more>> the perspective of a very energetic college student who takes care of her household in between schoolwork and gaming. So far in games she has always been a power-leveler relying on the aid of in-game husbands. She is made fun of for it by her brother and makes a bet with him that she can carry herself through the game without power-leveling. She makes a male character within the game and learns to fight for herself. She is very naive for the entire story and part of the charm is watching her grow and make mistakes.

There is a lot of romance in 1/2 Prince as well, heavily dosed with comedy. Male and Females in game try to court her to hilarious results as her transgender status was granted as a prize for first login, so she is the only trap within the game and they do not realize this 'hot bishie' is actually a girl!!

Also, what other story has a cannibalistic meatbun!!! <<less
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Apr 15, 2016
Status: --
wow the MC is a b*tch. Beating up people left and right and what's up with the nonsense that how people are in real life are less important than a game. This author has messed up values. Lol. Anyway, this novel looks like a a frustrated fujoshi's wetdream. It's a little bit pretentious but considering the humor, it's passable if you just want to kill time.
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Dec 03, 2016
Status: v9v8
Basically the exact same thing as the manga (down to pretty much even details). Usually, the novels go into greater length into most things, but it really doesn't feel that way here. Not that the manga is bad though.

Anyway, the "VRMMO" is used loosely as a setting, used mostly to have two different worlds for the characters (as well as plot for the later part).
Stats are basically just hinted at (not being strong enough to hurt a boss and the likes) after the first chapters, skills pop up everywhere at the start and are mostly just names for attacks later on, and so on.

The novel itself has two main parts, with the first 4 volumes being a fairly light and entertaining adventure in the other world.
Volume 5 serves as a transition, turning into a more serious mode.
Volumes 6 to 8 being the "serious" story, going as far as going for a philosophical essay about what it means to be human (having read Herbert's series "Destination: void" and the following books, it feels a bit light, but that's me having too high expectations for a light novel).

I enjoyed the first volumes a whole lot, decent comedy, interesting action scenes, and odd situations everywhere.
But after the switch, it made me feel like I was reading a completely different novel, and the plot for that part, while not bad in itself, doesn't really go well with the tone of the previous volumes.

If both were released as separate stories, I would probably have enjoyed it a lot more than I did, but the dissonance takes me off the story completely.

The characters are all mostly interesting, and they don't feel as trope-y as usual (probably because there are not that many translated chinese novels that are not either old chinese dynasties or xianxia in their settings).
For better or worse, it also tries to portray a wide palette of characters (including a mostly gay?), and manages to not make it too forced.

If you want a light story with interesting characters, read the first 4 volumes, it's really worth a shot, and if you feel that you are up for the change of tone, go ahead with the rest.
I sound hyper critical, but my "low" score is mostly because of that change of tone, the writing, characters and story (or stories) really make a good read.
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Oct 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this when I was a young teen years ago. Yu Wo is one of my favourite CN author but this is not her best work at all. In fact I'm pretty sure if I read it again now I will probably disliked it greatly due to the MC. As I recalled, I already disliked how MC toyed with the girls who liked her then. The final arc is also too ridiculous. It's a pity as this series actually started out great.
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Jul 31, 2018
Status: Completed
One of the best stories I have ever read!

Of course there are plot holes and other little tidbits of error here and there, but hey, as long as the characters are lovable and the plot is good enough, who cares! I absolutely adore the strong-willed MC and her hilarious interactions between the ML and her side kicks. This is a really fun read so throw common sense out the window! Think of it like a parody of those serious RPG novels and add in a little weird element to the... more>> mix and this novel will become enjoyable. I got in a few good laughs here and there, so definitely recommend giving this story a try to pass the time! <<less
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Apr 07, 2016
Status: --
One of my first reads. This novel is still one of my favorites due to, basically how easy and simple it is to read and follow along. If you have a novel that takes a while to update, this one is an amazing time filler.
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Sep 25, 2022
Status: Completed
    • Writing: This writer is an incredibly funny writer, though some of her style and her genderbender related humor has aged badly (sometimes offensively so). I do think the worldbuilding aspect of 1/2 Prince was a hugely ambitious undertaking so I'm less surprised in retrospect to see it fall flat in aspects. It has the ability to be so many things, but it never knew quite where it was going next. It's action, it's a romance, it's a fantasy adventure, it's a scifi revolution, etc., etc. Sometimes that ability to be any genre was exciting and sometimes it left me wondering how the heck we got here. The final arcs were especially buckwild, though that was also where a lot of the identity reveals and subsequent payoff happened. High risk, high reward?
    • Characters: One of the series' biggest strengths is its wide cast of weirdos that Prince gathers as his family, friends and allies. They walk the that line of being both interesting and flawed well, although I do think the author struggled juggling such a large cast later on. The sheer number of people who knew each other in real life as well was a bit hard to swallow occasionally, although admittedly fun. While Prince is very game-breaking (somewhat literally), enough of the conflict came from her hidden identity that I never minded it too much. I'd say if you can handle any given shonen protagonist, you can handle this.
    • Romance: The romance is more of a subplot, which I actually really liked, especially with so much else going on in the plot. They have their moments and it's cute enough even if we do have to suffer a love triangle
There's a certain shared experience I think, of catching up on the 1/2 Prince manga circa 2010 and going "now what?", only to find out there's a novel serialization and falling down the WN/LN rabbit hole. While it's definitely aged since then, I'd say the fun hijinks and memorable characters make it still worth a try.
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Fujaiya Sumyoshi
Fujaiya Sumy
Apr 03, 2021
Status: Completed
The ML is a strong female lead in the sense that she carries herself with oblivious (?) confidence. She unknowingly influences others (both in good and bad way), she's not unrealistically OP, rather her strength and weakness made the character Prince.

Most importantly, the love rivals/interests are there as a bonus, in fact the story doesn't solely depend on romance, it gradually matures with character development.

Overall, a good read if you're interested in video game genre.
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Jun 09, 2020
Status: --
I am totally bloody biased.

Just like nekomemeow (and their review), it's been... nearly 10 years now since I read Half Prince? omg...
I fell in love with the manga adaptation first. Then became way too impatient and chased after the chapters month by month until it was completed. Half Prince was my first Chinese novel (without me even realizing lol... but like how? idk), no regrets. It made me even happier that this was a novel by a Taiwanese author. :")

Anyway, from the quirky world of Second Life to Prince's endless s*upidly dorky and bloody antics to illogical physics defying events and the emotional moments that sneak up on you and attack you with onions... I'm just gonna wrap this up by saying:

"It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life) "

This song pretty much sums up how Xiao Lan (the mc) lives her life. Long live, Prince!

P.S. I can never listen to this song without being reminded of Half Prince.
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Nov 24, 2019
Status: Completed
This is my first Chinese novel. Maybe I'm biased towards this novel but I feel this one has everything you look for in a novel. A strong comedy. A fluffy and fun romance. Lots of cries and a hilarious ending with a bit of sadness. Action and strategies. Definitely worth a try.
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Jun 21, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel could very well be called as my first love into the online novel because I stumbled upon half prince's manga at first but was unsatisfied that it wasn't completed at that time so I made a bit of a research of it and found princerevolution site and from that day onwards, I was HOOKED. believe it or not, it has been YEARS and honest, I think ive read half prince more than 10 times already, and I can still recall some specific fave moments in it but as... more>> some of the comments says... if this wasn't my first love, I probably would have ranked it lower because after reading it multiple of times already.. its natural to find its flaw without even me having the intention to. I guess its something that I cannot avoid hehee


BUT YEAH, the story starts off really strong and very funny and I really love the MC and I do shipped her and gui at the first sight wahahaha im just happy they ended up together at the end but what really bugs me was how the plot seemed kinda get uninteresting by the time our MC and the gang got the city because there suddenly a huge amount of characters showing up and everybody just has a lot of importance and it kinda wears down the importance of the people who originally was in our MC's team... or maybe its just me who are being biased lmao but really... I truly love the Odd squad being with themselves. Tho.... the story after that still very interesting but it can never outshine the period where our beloved MC formed the Odd squad and their adventures.


WELL... the story still get a 5 stars for me, for the sake of good memories of my ancient times HAHAHA and also for the sake of it being my first love ;3c

Good job to translators and many thanks for the awesome adventures!!! <3 <<less
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Jul 24, 2017
Status: Completed
This was the first translated wb I've had read, so this is a late review. I would've originally given this 4 stars, but parts of the story in the latter half got a little too cringy for me.

Towards the end of the novel, the plot got more and more ridiculous with AI and technology that it broke my immersion.


It's an over-the-top VRMMO story. The humor can be a bit hit or miss, but MC's personality and he Odd Squad strange composition sold the weird shenanigans for me. My favorite member was meatbun. All their adventuring was entertaining.
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Aug 07, 2016
Status: --
Half Prince was one of my very first novels with an strong female MC, one of the reasons I love it. The hilarious scenes, the reverse harem, the naivety of the MC... But I was disappointed by the latter half of the book. There was no consistency in the plot at all, numerous plotholes, quite a difference from the content before.

... more>>

I think it started to get strange after she saved her friends. Suddenly there was this story about the artificial intelligence, parallel to it also her love story and herreal life. There was too much going on at the same time and there was no fixed main point, even though the artificial intelligence story continued on with some strange love twists. To me it seems like the author had too many ideas and didn´t know how get them all under one cap. As a huge fan of this series I was quite disappointed by the turn of events, but as the fan I was still continued reading and got even more disappointed by the way her romance with Gui played out. It seemed so unrealistic and fake.

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Feb 04, 2016
Status: --
This is an amazing novel! The best VRMMO that I've ever read. So much better than all the others, especially Only Sense Online - Only Sense is quite silly compared to this. It is actually a fully translated novel, so the entire story can be read, and the plot indeed comes to a close in a very funny manner. Now I'm looking for something that's just as good or better. This incorporated wonderful aspects of Wuxia, Martial Arts, and Japanese Manwha/Anime traditions. Again, this is an exceptional read!!!
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