The Wife Of The Crimson Lion


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The Pantheon Empire, where the beastmen govern humans.

A small human woman appeared before Duke Hadeon Lark, a red lion beastman that stood at the pinnacle of power.

A woman known in society for her promiscuous scandals, Elysia Pearlman.

She asked him to make her his mistress,

And offered a contract in exchange for her body’s secret.

“You… d*mn it, what the hell is this?”

“As you can see, my flesh has the power to arouse beastmen.”

Intrigued by the human woman that willingly walked into the lion’s den to be taken advantage of, Hadeon laid down his conditions.


“Swear to God right here that you won’t meet another man while you are my mistress.”

“A, alright.”

“No, that’s not right.”

Hadeon grinned as he handed Elysia the veil he was holding.

“Make a formal oath to God. Before my eyes. We just happened to be in a church, after all.”

“M, make an oath?”

The sound of the old pews creaking echoed in the church.

“I, Elysia Pearlman.”

“…I, Elysia Pearlman…”

“Take the man whom God has paired me with, Hadeon Lark, as my unlawful paramour from this day forth.”

“Take the man God has paired… What?”

Before Elysia could protest, a low and powerful voice rang through the empty chapel.

“I, Elysia Pearlman, take the man whom God has paired me with, Hadeon Lark, as my unlawful paramour from this day forth, to unconditionally weep regardless of his mood, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, till death does us apart, and still belong to him even in death, to which I swear before God.”

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The Wife Of The Red Lion
붉은 사자의 아내
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    1 Review

    May 18, 2024
    Status: c7
    (My varied reactions...)

    Read the synopsis, and... "Eh? What?"

    Looked carefully at the genre tags; then went to TL site, looked carefully at the genre tags there too. "Strange, it definitely says 'Comedy', and not 'Angst' - heck, not even 'Drama'! Well, translators do sometimes fail at tagging in a rush to post new works."

    Looked carefully at the novel's cover: "Oh ML, what a big waxy grey chest you have taking up nearly all the space above your manspreading!... Okay, don't mock him; at least he's ginger and not another... more>> black-hair-red-eyes DukeoftheNorth."

    Heck, there's only seven chapters so far, might as well just read the thing to find out what's going on!

    *seven chapters later*

    "One feeble distressed female MC, persecuted and abused by utter garbage 'family', seeking 'refuge' in overbearing ML (AKA jumping from the frying pan into the fire)... If I'd just read this casually, I would absolutely think these tropes were being played straight, albeit written a bit weird. And yet...!"

    ... Nope, dangit, still too s*upid to guess: is this for real? A well-written parody of overused drama tropes? Something else entirely? I give up!

    Only one thing left to do, add it to my reading list while growling "Novel, you have successfully captured my attention!" <<less
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