Stunning Edge


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When a cold and crafty girl travels into the body of a foolish, man-crazy, young female aristocrat, what will happen?

A young girl, Claire, falls off a horse while chasing his Royal Highness, the second prince, and falls unconscious. But when she finally opens her eyes, her gaze is ice cold.

Soon after, she shines a blinding light that astounds the whole kingdom.

In a world where power is based on magic and power, how would an airhead like her survive?

But, she soon stuns everyone by mastering both magic and Dou Qi, paving a new path for herself.

His Royal Highness, the second prince, was forced by the Emperor to go visit her but was told she was busy.

When he saw the “busy” miss drinking tea leisurely, ignoring him, the second prince’s handsome face twitched.

Her personal knight, Jean, had always looked down at her with disgust. But as he and many others watched her shine in glory and power, they couldn’t help but ask themselves, ‘Is this really the girl they knew?’

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jué Sè Fēng Máng
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation beauties
  2. Cultivation
  3. tending to my garden
  4. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  5. Fantasy Novels

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133 Reviews sorted by

ashaadni rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Finally done reading it. This isnt easy to finish. Its kind of like an adventure, comedic with a bit of romance in the mix. The best part was at the beginning of the story up until how she resolve the conflict btw the two temples and exect her revenge.

I recommend u to stop here. Hehhehe.

After that, it goes on a downward spiral with a longwinded unnecessary stories told. It was hard to read, digest and understand its relevance. My bad because I shud have stopped earlier but... more>> I choose not to as the love/romance was not concluded properly.

This is the typical novel where every handsome guys falls for the MC and omg it was hard to read without feeling like rolling your eyes to the ceiling. I was mad that the MC dont know who to choose. The romance part was very brief and not fun at all. Full of chasing and being confuse... Who she wants to be with. Cett. Waste of time. Dont read it if u like romance. U going to hate it. Another typical thing is where somehow actually the MC is a goddess in her pastlife.. Hmm... Not againnnn. (Eventhough I anticipated it already!)

I would'nt say its all bad. The beginning part was awesome actually. Just read it and stop when u feel it starts to feel like nonsense else u will regret it.. Hahaha. I guess all those good reviews were from ppl who didnt finish reading it yet or maybe I just dont know how to appreciate this genre? 😉

At some point the translation of characters name confused me a lot. But I push through it.

Anyhow thank u author and translator. You have worked hard. <<less
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Reimdesu rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c153
This is literally UNDERRATED

the female lead is strong, arrogant, and with a perfect balance of good and evil, you cannot hate her.

out of all the men that love her Feng Yixuan stands out the most. I took a peek at the last chapter and I'm both heartbroken and satisfied with the ending.
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introparadox rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: c8
We don't know who the MC originally was, though it's annoying it's not a problem, we know at least that she's cold and crafty, OK. Cold is good so far, but crafty, not even close. It's ok that she decided to play "I decide to change card", to justify her personality change a bit, but the problem is her intelligence and magic talent that she outright showed without taking any precautions just for the s*upid owe effect (it's too early for that, come on), shouldn't you read a bit about... more>> the norms and prepare before you talk sh*t, It turn out her talent is one in a millennium.

She entered the school to meet that guy that her grandfather said that she definitely absolutely must meet to be protected, but all he said is that guy, like what the FK acting all mysterious for, gave her at least some hints, would you. Then her arrogant sister followed her secretly to attack her, so instead of finding someone to help her or calling her guard, the MC told her sister, "Came out." Then goes on fighting showing her talent, that she's supposed to hide.

For me the MC is just clueless girl that has a cold look. <<less
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LucKei rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I actually enjoyed this novel. I finished reading this in MTL version. I also want to add that the MC is not that much of a Mary Sue-ish character. She's obviously powerful in the first chapters, but then she had also defeats and her cultivation period isn't as fast like on other novels. She has weaknesses as well, and she also knows how to rely on others. She also did not have that much of a 'harem.' Yes, a lot of people found her attractive and they even liked her but only two of them were likely the strong suitors. And I was really really happy to found out that my ship sailed! It was actually unexpected.


Although, a lot like her, only the white haired Divine Prince and the red-haired Feng Yixuan pursued her fully. She ended up with Feng Yixuan, and I honestly loved how good their development was.


Although, there was one arc I find a bit pointless and it made my head ache, maybe because I just read the MTL version.


The Divine Prince and Feng Yixuan aren't human. I forgot what existence they were. But I actually did not like that arc that much. The only thing I liked about that was that the MC became more vocal towards her feelings to Feng Yixuan. In that arc, it also lowkey explained how it was possible for Yixuan to fall in love with Claire/Aoshuang that quickly. Nevertheless, I still found it a bitof a filler and also cringey.


If you're someone who likes stories based on plot. Sequencing, etc. Then this story will probably fall on 2 or 3 out of 5 for you. Still, the story is a good read. I enjoyed it despite it being a bit of a headache so I'll still put 5 on it.
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ak4hoshi rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: c52
Just another Mary Sue story.

Some actions that would bother are passed of as jokes, like someone lifting up your skirt and sizing you up with a l*stful gaze. She's just too OP, too pretty, too smart, too loveable, too much for everybody else in this world. When the plot 'develops' it's just so fast you don't get any satisfaction from it, all the characters besides the MC just becomes fuel for her light, they have no depth as soon as they exchange words with her. Who doesn't like her will... more>> end up in the mud. And also, the MC is passed of as smart and cunning, but she's not really ??? She just acts cold, besides this she's no different than any other Mary Sue, and everytime some character says she's smart and all, what she actually said was something pretty obvious.

Also I'm not a fan of harem, and how every single slightly handsome and capable guy falls for her bothers me to no end.

(I laughed bcs I'm s*upid and kinda hypocritical, and the tl was quite good. That's why it got 2/5 *rated it wrong uwu*) <<less
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November 5, 2020
Status: Completed
The first half/arc/book was fantastic! 10/10 I liked the worldbuilding, translations, and the adventure of the MC. I describe this arc as the introduction and adventure to advancing her powers.

Ranting about plot points or lack of description about Arc 1:

Arc 1 was amazing with the introduction of characters.

... more>>

I loved the idea of the MC going on an adventuring party of the typical class types, ie the magicians, warriors, archers, summoner, assassin. But then after they finished exploring, they all disappear to "grow"??

No explanations of romance between Summer and Ben. Wtf happened to the relationship between MC and Walter. Wtf happened to Cliff at the ending of the story and just in general?? Wtf was even with the inclusion of the Desert person? Was he even necessary for the development of the story at all?

WTH was up with Gordan's betrayal?? I felt like it didn't make sense AT ALL. If he already knew that the MC was not the original, and just wanted her power, how tf is teaming up with pope/temple and destroying MC good?? MC advancements already gave you all this prestige, so why betray her? It would've helped if there was an explanation on what the pope said to convince Gordan to go against MC (it there was, I might have read over it too fast).

Where is the creator of the Golden Lotus technique at the end of the story?? What was his story and why tf does he need a successor? Where's Feng's mentor/gramps as well? Wth was the realm they got sent into? Why is there no other explanation in Camille's description?

There's no other mentioning of the Hidden Sect or that guy who wanted revenge for his master/elder.

There's no more explanation of the difference between Western and Eastern names. Especially how Eastern names are ancient or whatever.


The second arc/book was good. 8/10 I'll describe arc 2 starting around 232, because the first part was really about the fight between MC and the Temple. This arc is more developing of powers through other realms.

Rant about plot points of arc 2:

Arc 2 was interesting. There are more realms than what is known and MC travels to them to grow. It seemed a little weird for all the realms to appear one after the other. Felt like there was a lot of plot points and no continuity for the overall plot. It was like episodes of a story that felt like filler.


There is the mortal (start of novel) realm, god/divine realm, devil realm, demon/monster realm, chaos realm.

There wasn't even any mention of the realm that MC and ML traveled to with Golden Lotus and wind technique..

Translations became a mess because the original translator stopped. So much switching between demon and monster realm. So during this realm section of the story, it was a mess to read.

How is Lingyun and Feng the prince (or whatever) in these realms??? SPOILER for 3rd part: HOW CAN THEY BE THE RED AND WHITE LOTUS AND THEN BE THE PRINCE OF ANOTHER REALM?? Does this even make any sense!!...

Why would Marilyn become such a greedy angel?!?! Maybe it's actually a good plot, but it felt like it developed too fast without any notice. Suddenly it was Marilyn's POV and we realized she gets a rush from the power she now has. It's like Daenerys burning Kings Landing randomly after her whole character development to be a good queen.

Also, wtf was with the upgrade of Camille? First he's a scholar, then an assassin, then magically an important, powerful being?? And what was with his personality transformation. Too sudden from wanting praise to mystical being.


The third arc was tr*sh. 3/10 Translations stopped around the end of arc 2. So it was difficult to follow along with weird google translations and messed up pronouns of the characters that completely ruined the flow of the story.


Was there ANY point for the Star Academy???? Nothing in that realm helped the plot all that greatly. Also, WTF is with the romance for MC from Jonathan and Dittos (?) ???? Doesn't even make sense AT ALL. Why tf if Jonathan going to start liking MC, just because he saw a glimpse of her real female self?? I wish it went like

Jonathan: "So what if he's a woman? They're still the most powerful freshman in the academy and 2nd place for 8 star rank. It changes nothing."


What's the deal with the next realm anyways? No GOOD explanation for why White King overthrew heavenly king. Why would Jean/Jin Lin (?) even become the True King??

HOW did they all go back to the mortal realm like nothing happened?? How is Jean able to just leave his place as True King of that realm? WHY is Jonathan and Dittos in this realm when they were born and live in chaos realm - were they even aware other realms existed??


I liked that the story was actually finished and was completed. But the conclusion of the whole plot seemed lackluster. I thought there would be a bigger villain and conflict compared to how the story was set up in the beginning. <<less
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Tyarena rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: c212
Another typical transmigrated MC into the body of a waste and then became a super genius OP with extreme luck, good at everything including charming all the males around her. Everyone praised her as a genius, however her IQ was at most average towards the mid to the end of the novel. MC made the s*upidest mistakes. The plot lines derails off the track and confusing from middle onwards.

Does all the Chinese authors have the same exact checklist when they write novels? Because all the plots and characters are pretty... more>> much the same!

Character developments on the side characters only (maybe ML too but I am not even sure which is the real ML and this story is meant to focus on romance?) Romance was very minimal, slow and unsatisfactory as of chapter 212 (more than halfway through the story).
World building was only superficial. Eg lack of details.

Chapter 212, 3 of the characters and a country (or city?) suddenly have their names changed halfway through the chapter. What was up with that? That really pisses me off!

Translation was good in the beginning and then the quality veered off at a steep decline.

I am only giving it a one star because there were some amusing moments and it won't let me rate it as zero star. <<less
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happydot rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: --
The MC is pretty likable. She's a bit too OP, but her attitude towards everything is pretty interesting. The world building in the beginning was great, but as the story progresses, it gets incredibly messy. The author starts switching around the identities of the characters and the world building gets unnecessarily complicated.
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rhianirory rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: Completed
this was entertaining in the first half and confusing and very messy towards the end. The author makes sudden 90 degree turns in the plot and pulls things out of their a** at random. The translation was at a MTL level and there were several sentences that left me scratching my head and confused. Also the translator sometimes calls the female MC he and him instead of she and her, so that's confusing as well, since I then kept losing track of who was talking. A lot of unnecessary drama... more>> towards the end, which was really unsatisfactory. Translation aside, the beginning was about a 3.5 and the end was around a 2. <<less
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yuukii05 rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: c211
Why OOHHH WHY?! Would the others give this a bad review!!??

OK I already read all the chapters available here, what now? It's still not finished!!! It's far from being finished!!
help, is there another site? I really love the story, I also want to finish the story come on guys.

The story is Epic!! I love how it's not just typical reincarnation and cultivation story, so far up until the c211 all the characters they introduce have a role to play, not just a MOB, the evolution of every characters also are all on point!.

Give it a go Guys! It's not a shitty story, and It's not your typical "Revers Harem" type of story, you'll see some twists and turns about the story,
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polly81186 rated it
June 26, 2019
Status: c312
So I’m really close to finishing this and here’s a warning for when you reach the high 100s and so-on: the translations are BAD. The vocabulary is like that of an middle schooler and ‘he’ and ‘she’ gets switched around a lot. Most of the words (mostly adjectives) are repetitive. The transitions are kinda jittery and the wording is a bit vague.

Despite this, I’m still grateful for the translators for working on this novel. The English, no matter how bad, still allowed me to at least grasp what was happening.

To... more>> me, the plot was worth the read. There were a lot of challenges that the MC had to face and twists that completely changed the game.

This story had made me cry, laugh, and explode over its content. So many hours were spent reading this and I don’t regret a single second.

Characters will come and go as the story progresses, but the ones that stay truly gained a place in my heart.

This includes the mom and teacher, I got really attached to those two. ;-;


It’s good if you want something to read over a period of days or even weeks. This novel definitely becomes plot-heavy and not everything is sunshine and rainbows. The MC may be overpowered at the beginning but she will still suffer, pick herself up, and grow.

I recommend this to avid readers. It’s very long and if you don’t have enough interest or dedication, you’ll definitely drop it. Read this if you’re prepared to go on a lonnng journey. <<less
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NaoRui04 rated it
January 25, 2019
Status: c107
I like the story plot and everything but there are something that lacks common sense and reality.

While reading this I felt like there was lack of character development and got confused abt the MC personality

... more>>

I was confused why the dragon listening to everything the MC says while the MC only asked for 3 wish??? And I know the dragon is trying learn but isn’t the dragon being too obedient

The MC is kind hearted and evil but there is some confusion about her personality. Feel like the MC’s personality keep changing a little as the novel goes on. Feel like she is kind of losing her indifference attitude without any reason or event.

they also keep repeating the same thing about her especially the dark magician ‘since when were you nice’ he keep repeating similar lines

The healer prince had character development, he is showing more genuine and sincere smile because of the MC who he still doesn’t know he had taken an interest to. The confusing thing is that the healer prince attitude toward the MC change. When he goes to the MC’s house to confirm if she is the one causing the abnormal lightening, his attitude was more warmer as if he really liked her but when she got stab because her friend got controlled by the shadow it felt like his feeling toward her has decreased??! He also showed kind of jealousy toward Jean but now he doesn’t

there is also time where some characters just disappear and reappear (character is in the scene but completely forgotten until they are needed)

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meowcchiato rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: c211
Stunning edge is a worthwhile read.

In the first half of this novel - it seems like a typical run of the mill face slapping reverse harem Mary Sue with a lack luster execution that fails to distinguish it in the transmigration genre. Hence which explains the majority of low reviews for those who have read only up to 50~90 - frankly i'd agree with the 2~3 star reviews if not for the novels redeeming turning point. Let this novel prove itself - if you reach the half way mark (~180... more>> chaps), you will realise it is so much more.


There is grief, loss, blood vendetta and shocking revelations of betrayal


It's a jam packed, quick paced and very eventful journey for the main character as she meets friends along the way i.e. Poor innocent individuals to bully or to add to her harem (you won't be bored)

The overall story telling is above average with arguably ridiculous developments that allow the main character to narrowly escape death or increase her cultivation strength - pretty much because of the Mary Sue halo and plot armor. The novel itself devotedly revolves around the main character however does have character development for a few side kicks allowing a more 3D feel of the story.

All in all, the novel is worth picking up - mainly because of its turning point that does what many novels don't dare do or completely skip over

the death of pivotal characters

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PiCrazy31415 rated it
March 17, 2018
Status: Completed
Ugh to be honest I'm pretty conflicted about this novel. It's amazing and I love it but it also makes me really really frustrated.

This is a classic female transmigration story, which I am a big fan of, but this story doesn't tell you the background of the original past life of the MC at the beginning. Actually, they don't really even tell you until like the last 5 chapters, and it's honestly still pretty confusing. There isn't too much action/fighting/cultivation process, which is new and interesting, instead focusing on "plot"... more>> and romance, I guess. The new MC is cold but kind and OP, which is my total favorite.

Frustration: There are so many good dedicated people who love the MC, so why not POLYANDRY? Pls. I honestly felt so bad for the guys who helped her all the way and just get discarded. Poor Leng. Poor Walter. Poor Jean. Poor Camille. Especially poor Shui Wenmo, sorry dude (tho not with the MC). I mean I definitely shipped Feng with QAS all the way, but the poor guys should also have a chance right? Right?? There were also just so many hidden stories that we had to wait forever for them to unravel, and each of the guys had some sort of tragic background that they all forgot or hid (also what was Camille even regretting all the time? I knew his background at the end but still didn't understand w/e). It was all super dramatic, which for me somewhat took away from the fun of it.

The feels were pretty real with this novel at certain points. There's some very emotional betrayal, some very emotional sacrifices, and some very strange sudden rescues, which nonetheless were satisfying. Would recommend. <<less
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New Moon
New Moon rated it
December 7, 2017
Status: c160

Cool novel I love it MC is strong cold ruthless. I like how caring and protected is MC toward her family especially her mother. I crying a lot when her mother die protected MC from scoundrel grandpa who was selfish.

I hope for more chapters. I love this novel very much. I read this novel 4 times.

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Kurobito rated it
December 4, 2017
Status: Completed
How I rate this novel:

translation: 3.5/5

storyline 2.5/5

okay, so here's the reason why the storyline to me was only half of the total 5 marks. It was like sitting on a bullet train that stopped inconsistently. The flow of the story was all too abrupt. All of the sudden before you know it, the story tells you it's half a month or a year ago. It feels like sitting in car driving fast on a bumpy road. Not only that, the love story in this novel is not well develop and... more>> there was a slight similarities with TWILIGHT (and you guys know how the romance in Twilight is like so I can forget about elaborating it). This story is by far a novel I half regretted reading it (whether it's the raws or the translated)

The only thing I enjoy about this novel.... is..... is... hmm I can't even remember or is it non-existent? :/ I just continue read just for the sake of finishing it I guess? <<less
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Myross17 rated it
September 24, 2017
Status: --
Not bad. It's not a story that It'll became your favorite but not also the worst. I rate it five star because the 3 star is for the author and the flow of story while 2 star for the translator.

At first, you'll thought the setting of the story is kinda western victorian age but as the story progress, you'll end up in chinese historical setting. For example, you'll thought the energy that they absorb them to help them level up was a mana like in some fantasy novel but you'll... more>> be amaze that it will end up in some cultivation something with lightning tribulation every time the MC level up.

At first, your interest is there like their adventure as an adventurer or mercenary group but once they separate their way, MC will end up in a place of 'survival of the fittest' like some chinese novel to level up their cultivation.

There is also some cases about Gods war and such, and how s*upid her family is


Her grandfather will sell her to the temple of light and will kill her with his own hand so, that the Hill clan will survive. He knew from the start that MC use the body of his granddaughter but he never say anything 'cos he thinks that she still some use for his benefit.

Her mother also died in his hand for saving MC despite knowing that she is not her real child. This part makes me cry


Anyways, the story has lot of twists and turns. A rollercoaster story that you have no idea what is next to happen <<less
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MondoX rated it
May 30, 2017
Status: c146
I am disappointment by the MC, especially how her ruthlessness has been exaggerated. Supposedly, she was so scary, that those that transport souls in the realm of the death were afraid to anger her. I like both ruthless and do-gooder main characters, but she was portrayed as an unforgiving and ruthless person, so I was expecting an MC like GD:BBM (which I love). Through her inner monologue, she claims she is not a forgiving person, but she has given those trying to kill her, or go against her several chances.... more>> She forgave one character for being disloyal, and the character claimed he will be loyal to her. Later, she finds out the person she forgave for disloyalty is also working for someone else, and she never mentions that there might be a conflict of interest or the characters is not as loyal as he claimed, and as yet to cut ties with the other party.

The story is not bad, and it has many funny moments, especially most of her companions. The sad part is the author focuses on the most boring companion than any other companion. For now is mostly her and the boring companion, so I feel it is the perfect time to drop it. <<less
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February 7, 2017
Status: --
Enjoyable, if unsubstantial.

The plot isn't very complex and lacks surprises or creativity. Reading, you pretty much know what you are going to get. Pretty much pop flick style, enjoyable, but nothing else.

The characters also lacks complexity and nuances, especially the secondary ones. A word or two can adequately describe them. They aren't detestable or infuriating, but there is just nothing more.

... more>> The description is rather minimal and generic.

And it doesn't go deeply into the themes it touches, like religion. It uses them more as motivations for the events that is happening.

Overall, a rather average work. It is something enjoyable enough but offers nothing more than that. <<less
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aviserised rated it
January 30, 2017
Status: c102 part2
Its okay, its not terrible and thats all it's got going for it. The pacing isnt that great, world building is practically non-exsistent. But what really bites are the characters, I get that its a harem, but dang I could careless with what happens to them. One of them could die, and I wouldnt even notice. Maybe I would be a little happier at least then I wouldnt need to pause and try to remember which character is which. I'm very relectant to actualy finish this, since I honestly have... more>> no attachment to the MC or any other character. And for me, having a character or characters that I like or invested in, make want to finish a story.

Honestly its not bad but its not good either. So yeah kudos to the translators, because they dic a good job. But yeah hard pass on this one <<less
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