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Humanity has been gradually transported to the Abyss by a bored god to compete against other races and monsters. The problem is… humanity failed. In a last desperate push, the strongest survivors chose a comrade to travel as far as possible back in time.

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Hwan Saeng Jwa
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193 Reviews sorted by

pexan rated it
May 4, 2019
Status: c82
It started with the tutorial which gave me goosebumps all the way through but then sadly after the tutorial ended it became very stale...

Cons :

-Confusing Translation

-After the tutorial there is nothing to be thrilled about, no sense of progression at all...

-I don't have problems with Strong MC's but I do not like bullsh*t power that defeats the purpose of everything been built in that specific story. For clarification let me give you an example:

... more>>

The MC immediately after finishing the tutorial goes towards killing the "World Calamities" with his tutorial powers... and these calamities nobody in the entire world was able to defeat them no matter how strong they are. He also kept killing (soloing vs many) people at the peak of the red zone and he is still not even maxed out on his red runes, while the author himself says that the difference between the people at the 0.01% next runes can demolish the people at the previous runes, now imagine 1 guy at the Red rune demolishing groups of people at 0.01 % of the next rune stage...........


Pros :

-MC actually acts like an Old man which is rare these days. He is the only reason that I regret not completing the novel for, he knows when to kill and when to restrain himself. He also always has the "bigger picture" in his head that he is aiming towards and never deviated. Truly rare MC.

-Creative systems like the Runes & Lords.

-The chapters are stale and boring with no progression but the story in itself is revolved around mystery, you actually want to know who is behind the scenes, who is the enemy, the story of the extinct races etc. Sadly you have to force yourself through some bullsh*t and boring scenes and arcs to find out. <<less
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nzz rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c398
Epic action sequences, and epic world building. Some novels don't stimulate a vivid imagination and are rather bland -- this is not one of those novels despite having a minimal writing style (the author is frugal with his words).

The biggest downside is that you can't read it a chapter at a time broken-up because of the complexity of what's going on and the style of writing by the author. Since the novel is completed with a 100 chapters left to be translated, I'll try to wait for the remaining 100... more>> to be translated before reading more. <<less
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wo1verine rated it
June 12, 2018
Status: c391
I downgraded it from an original 4+ to 3 since by the third level its become a bit too masochistic for my taste.I mean there should be some limit to breaking the skin n bones of someone over and over. But apart from that the novel does well overall in many places a few bits and peices could have been done a tad bit better but hey it is not a bad read in any way.

... more>>

MC becomes a new persona once the restraints go away in the orange zone. Some characters ends up dead every 30 or so episode which you may have liked so dont get too bummed out. It slows down on killing as the story progresses but only relatively. Any zone which looks decadent will always hide a backstabbing b##ch just when things start to get better its only new to read the first time around dunno why the author doesn't feel that way.


PS: Read through the tutorial phase to get a chance to see the fancy stuff. <<less
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Aqualaguna rated it
February 13, 2018
Status: c272
This story has good premise. With knowledge from future MC want change the outcome of the future.

But as story proceed, many character is changing is really frustrating to remember the name and how other character look like. Even the MC sometime I can't imagine how he is look like.

Author please make your story better explanation. Sometimes skipping chapter is necessary cause some chapter is boring as hell.
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Nino Sasou
nomadgigio rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: c2xx
One of the best korea novel. Good plot (without pitfall), no fussy MC, and writer style of writing is good. Unfortunately I couldn't enjoy this novel much because this novel lack breather. MC always in constant troubles, jump every floors without rest and never make a smiling face I guess.
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Maraderchik rated it
November 16, 2016
Status: c222
i like how author describe this world but sometimes it have lack of explanation for example "Orange zone" inhabitant.
I think something like "beast body" or so not enough for describe this, sounds same as Lovecraft "unimaginable horrors". Just put a bit more description and this will be much better. Pros and Cons (may contain spoilers)

+ Pros

-Pretty interest world, tower like climb through many place and finaly stuck in hell named "Abyss" feels like goes through 9 hell circles to arrive at place that's even worse.

-MC have ONLY 7 skills.
For example Death March (or other novel where MC totaly overpovered or overleveled) where MC have thousand skills but use just 3-10 of them.

-MC have no beast companion (i just hate them for some reason, so it's kinda biased).

-No Harem. Same as beast companion, only one good harem I saw in Mushoku Tensei -Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu.

-Foe not too lazy or s*upid as hell, they respond to his activity in real time like "oh he kill one of the world greatest threat in 3 day huh, let's keep him alone for eternity and do nothing, ALWAYS higher-ups (in current location) threat him like problem and trying supress him. Im not trying to say it's always good reaction (end for them in positive condition) but at least they somehow response on MC action instead lazy lay on the couch and drink beer.


-Xianxia villains, and here I'm talking not about MC main foes in "color zone's" but about random small fry. Sometimes they just pop out from somewhere and trying fought MC for any reason, especially for authorities.

-A lot of "frowned" and "chuckles" and "grinded" idk this problem of author or translator xD

-No POV of his underling (or I just think these his underlings) Mihee, Sangjin
sometimes I just wanna know how they get what they have at this moment. But they just pop out with 10 thousand army or so.

All in all, if you didn't read many of korean novels and not yet fed up by this style, most likely you won't regret reading Reincarnator. BTW better wait while it would be completely translated.
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ValriaIness rated it
November 14, 2016
Status: c223
Rating: 7.8/10

Overall if you enjoy thriller, this book might be for you.

The book shows odd amount of reality for human psychology. I'm not saying it is accurate but in the psychology point of view, it does bring realism and I seriously enjoy it. The MC is much loveable to me. He is no a hero but strives to make it a better place.

The downside of this book is the writing style. Maybe it's not the type I read normally but I find it difficult to read. The fighting scenes sometimes... more>> very messy and difficult to pull out what is going on. The character development of the story is also lacking but it does not effect the main plot of the story.

Conclusion, this book shines a different light with dark elements but one point, you know MC is not going to die.... which is something to be expected. <<less
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CorpseDead rated it
November 5, 2016
Status: c176
This is a very good novel. Although since he has to go through seven leves and on all of them everything kind of happens in the same manner believe me you won't mind it. This novel is very entertaining and there are many twists and turns although they are little. Also I'm really looking forward to see when they will reach the Abyss.

There isn't any 'Romance' from the MC's point of view but I think that there are some who may be a potential lover in the future. Even though... more>> there isn't a tag like that. Well we will see it. If there will be then it will be after the Abyss I guess. But it's still really entertaining even without it.

Anyway I really enjoy seeing how he grows, gets his hands on new weapons, armors and skills, and I'm always looking forward to see how he solves the different kind of problems on different levels. Very minor spoiler, actually it doesn't even matter if you read this since you will learn of it in the first some chapters.

Well in this they have to get 'runes' from killing monsters or even people and consume that so that they will be stronger. Actually you can ascend whenever through the portal to the next level but if you don't fill up the runes to the next stage then it's very likely that you die.


A tiny bit of basic information about the ascending and the runes if you are interested in it. Nothing serious.

Well as of now I know of the colorless, red, orange, yellow +3 unknown and the last one is violet. The colorless is in the 'tutorial' part so it isn't counted in the seven. It's like the 0th level. When you reach 100% of red runes then you reach the next stage which is orange. Though you can't reach orange stage in the red zone, you can only reach 99.9% I guess.

On every level there is a portal which teleports you to the next level which is actually a diferrent world. You can go there but you can't come back! Well and in every level/world there is a new problem which the MC has to solve so that humanity will be stronger when the Abyss comes. I don't know what exactly is that Abyss yet but clearly there are very strong races which destroyed humanity and that's why our MC travelled back to the past.

On his own level our MC is usually unbeatable which I'm glad about but you don't have to worry about him being too op since he usually ascends and immadiately goes to do his thing with about 1% of the runes of his actual level. For example when he goes to orange zone he has 1% orange colored runes but he still fights with those that are 50%+ or even at 100%.. XD But if you like OP MC then he has those moments too so don't worry you will see things lke that too.

So the levels I know of are like this Colorless (0th), Red (1st), Orange (2nd), Yellow (3rd), Green (4th), Blue (5th), ? (6th), violet or purple (7th). Well I guess after he reaches the 7th level and solves the problem we will get to see the Abyss!


So come join this travel through struggling, fighting, on the road of evolution! This is like an advertis**ent.. XD Anyway I really recommend this novel and I really like it too. BTW the translation is good and quite fast too so come join! :D <<less
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SB001 rated it
October 4, 2016
Status: c205
This novel is unexpectedly really good, with a decisive MC who ruthlessly kills whoever stands in his path.

The main reason why I like this novel is because it depends very little on the 'plot Armour' or unrealistic luck rather it is more about how the main character uses his own strength and mind to overcome obstacles.

Albeit the story does get repetitive when the MC stays to kill opposition... this novel does portray quite cruel depictions, however it is those that create a sense of desperation and the survival of the... more>> fittest attitude that the novel portrays very well. Added to the fact that there is no obvious plot holes such as being transported for no reason

It clearly states the annihilation of the human race as the cause for a gamble where Hansoo would go back in time to try and remedy this.


One of the reasons that the novel has me hooked is the potential of what could happen;

As Hansoo progresses further through the levels it is harder to predict what is going to happen and his greatest strength is the fact that he comes from the future, therefore there will be a point where the outcome will be completely different from what Hansoo experienced in the first timeline

So much is just waiting to be explored.

There is also a very good translation team translated this novel with good quality and fast releases. (THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK) <<less
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Bearcat rated it
August 21, 2016
Status: c185
This is probably the best "return to the past" type novel I've come across on this site so far. The plot is phenomenal and very fast paced. We're given just enough detail to make our imaginations wander, but sadly that's where the demerits come into play as well. The lack of detail.

Don't get me wrong, I devoured the sh*t out of this. I love it. But the author obviously doesn't like side characters or dialogue in general lol. Our MC, Hansoo, when asked about his motivations or plans for doing... more>> something totally batsh*t crazy (since 90% of what he does is inconceivable to the rest of the people around him) he just smirks or smiles at them and then doesn't say a damn thing. No explanations. So, consequently, we see very little character development on any of the side characters that grace the page for a few paragraphs here and there. If you happen to read this review, know that I gave it a 4 merely because of the plot and interesting world setting. Relationships, descriptive text about, well, anything in this novel, and dialogue are non-existent. Whenever it[dialogue] does show up, you feel slightly let down because Hansoo shuts everyone down or just shrugs everything off. He has this sense of urgency to him due to the time reboot aspect, but I don't think that it's okay to sacrifice all of the aforementioned in order to fulfill this one area.

If you read this novel, come in for the plot, but don't expect much in anything else. <<less
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Jamond Aroth
Jamond Aroth rated it
July 12, 2016
Status: c154
Reincarnator is one of the stories I enjoy the most out of everything on Novel Updates. It has good action, quite solid worldbuilding, a main character who I like, and really just rises far above the average. It is by no means a perfect story and there were a few chapters that honestly disappointed me. I think those instances can be attributed to being caught up on chapters though. I think this is without a doubt the type of addictive story where binge reading is far more enjoyable than being... more>> forced to wait for new chapters and the story most likely flows much better when you aren't forced to wait for new chapters. All in all, I'd recommend this story to almost anyone who enjoys fantasy/sci-fi. Oh and please keep in mind I'm writing this review at chapter 154, so there's still plenty more left to be translated. <<less
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Uggrock rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c125
eh, more interesting than most listings here, but does suffer some problems. Fight scenes kinda suck or sometimes are omitted entirely if the fight is considered trivial for the MC. The world system isn't particularly well explained and could be made to be much more fun and interesting. Pacing is a bit out of whack, and stuff that should be important isn't expanded on, the opposite is true as well.
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May 30, 2016
Status: c117
Very good until around c100: evolution of the story and the progression of the MC seem credible. If the novel has ended after the first stage (world tree) then I will rate 5 stars.

After it's too extravagant and there is not tension. For me, this part is far less interesting. So I rate 4 stars. I will go on reading waiting for the next stage.
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Chajupi rated it
February 26, 2016
Status: --
Whoa! Great, really really great novel!

Interesting plot and very good start. Just 39 chapters but I think it will be a good enjoyement to see where this novel take us! So I recommend this novel, try it you don’t regret it!

Just one thing, there are some change of point of view so sometimes it’s a little confusing to know with who we are but not really disturbing. With this and the fact it’s just the beginning it’s a 4/5. I’ll come back later and redo my review or give more... more>> details when there’ll be more chapter. <<less
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Nedrey rated it
February 25, 2016
Status: --
Update: Unfortunately, im gonna have to bring my rating down to 4 stars. The reason being, the story's become too predictable. Maybe this'll change after he meets his 3 friends, but anyways, this whole journey to meet up with his three friends has taken up a lot of chapters without a lot of excitement. The side characters are disappearing rather quickly too. I'm going to stop reading this until we get to the part where he meets up with his friends. Hands down the best read on the site for... more>> me at this moment. The premise of the story is really unique. Think X-Men: Days of Future Past (which, if you haven’t watched it, btw, is a very good movie – many many levels better than the original trilogy they came out with a decade ago), except BETTER! (Sorry Wolverine fans – it’s just THAT good) The MC isn’t a claw-slashing auto-regenerating super mutant that’s the epitome of manly-man-ness, but the thrill of following his story, in fact, feels even more exciting than that. Words that I can use to describe the MC are: smart (as in smart, and also knows how to handle people smart), efficient, merciless to enemies while fair to everyone else, determined, strong ofc, exciting, and mature (I despise immature MCs). If you’ve watched and still remember the premise of DoFP, then you should have a gist of one side of the story’s background and I can tell you it’s one hell of a fun ride; for those of you who don’t, all I can say is just sit back, read, and enjoy the rodeo.

The setting of this story adds to its unique taste. As of chapter 39, the story is still in its early stages, but from what I’ve read, you can expect a lot of great things to come in the future. Like someone else has mentioned, the setting is kind of like a survival game to the extreme and the author plays this off really well. I don’t have the words to describe how awesome this story is, overall, but I can tell you this:

If you’re on the fence on this, GIVE IT A TRY! READ IT! Don’t miss out on what could be one of your favorite LNs. Also, LEAVE A RATING so more people become aware of this hidden gem.

A disclaimer: for those who don’t like anything darker than SAO, don’t read it – it’s nowhere as f*cked up as God & Devil World with that extreme of humanity, but it is still darker and more mature than SAO. <<less
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Sawin rated it
January 31, 2024
Status: c173
Honestly, don't bother unless you don't have anything better to do.

While beginning is really good - good plot, story building etc. It goes downhill later on. Author locked himself in a very bad writing style for novel - every new arc is basically blank state, with OP guys from previous arcs being whimps and basically everything they done before is meaningless.

Of course it doesn't apply to MC, which overpowers everyone who worked for their strenght for months/years within a week or two and have unique items which evolves with him... more>> getting stronger. Also everytime he have problem with something, given arc have perfect solution for given problem, taking off any sense of danger - it's like "of I'm lacking X, good thing this area have Y, which is perfect solution. I just need to do Z to unlock that".

Not to mention that, due to MC backstory, he already have solution to EVERYTHING upon arrival. Author tries to mess with it a bit, but it's just - "look MC isn't a God, he needs to struggle for one entire chapter!" kind of thing.

Author also have meaningless gigantomania - every enemy have to be tens/hundreds/thousands meters long/tall, but in most cases (only one arc does that well) everyone fights them like they are the same size. What's the point then?

It's not bad - maybe it'll get better later on, but at the point where I am right now it's straight up boring and repetetive. Making MC all-knowing, super OP guy is fun for a short while, but no for long novel <<less
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March 19, 2022
Status: c316
I like the idea and the changes brought about through the different stages. Just take your time in between and dont forcefully read it in one go and it can be an enjoyable experience.

But book 2 which starts at chapter 300... its so clear how the author contemplated a lot and flipped everything upside down to go on with the story. And I'm no fan of the character changes nor cringe titles like "dark king" and lunatic fanboys with chunibyo. This opening of book 2 killed whatever mood I had... more>> left to read on. <<less
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cpzombie rated it
January 20, 2022
Status: Completed
There are a ton of plot holes, the overall writing quality isn't the best, and the translation is bad (not MTL unreadable for the most part, definitely not good though)... but it's still worth reading if you like OP goal-oriented MCs. There are some rather dark parts too, which is always a plus
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November 12, 2021
Status: Completed
i liked it. Finished the whole story. Sometimes you can binge read it but there are periods where you need to take a break. Sometimes the actions scenes are too much.

The story is ok. Something weird happened at the last arc but the logic is still alive.

No romance for the whole story only at the final chapters. So as the novel ends a relationship kinda happens. Nothing cringe.

... more>> Lots of deaths. Lots of crimes and stuff. But not too focused on details.

Skill descriptions and fight scenes are ok.

The characters are ok. Some dumb. Some ok.

Overall for me I like it <<less
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August 26, 2021
Status: c400
being the first korean novel i've read and being the introduction to the world of webnovels, maybe I'm being a bit biased but it's a solid 4/5 stars. I do agree that MC does act like a robot, but coming into the later chapters, his behaviour is explained.

Size scales are a bit questionable, since Hansoo fights 'moon-like' and 'mountain sized' creatures but just pretend they're being compared to the smallest variation of that thing...

The dialogue is... it's not the worst and the characters do have personality, but it feels like... more>> most of the characters don't know how to talk to other people.

On another note, it was an enjoyable read. It's one of those novels where you know that it has flaws, but still enjoy it nonetheless.

It had a lot of potential in the premise, but it wasn't executed all that well. On terms of enjoyment, it was definitely 5/5 however, everything else is a 3 or 4 star at most <<less
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