Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World


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The world’s largest VRMMO, Conviction, was almost like a second world for humanity. It had integrated itself into the real world’s economy, with both corporations and individuals seeking their fortunes through the game.

In this game, Nie Yan prided himself on his Level 180 Thief. He could barely be considered among the top experts in the game. Though, that was the only thing he could take pride in. He was penniless and unable to advance in life; a situation he was forced into by the enemy of his father. If it weren’t for the little money he made by selling off items in Conviction, he would’ve barely been able to eat. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. He assassinated his father’s enemy. He lay dying shortly after being shot in the pursuit.

However, that wasn’t the end of his story. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chongsheng Zhi Zei Hang Tianxia
Chong Sheng Zhi Zei Xing Tian Xia
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145 Reviews sorted by

June 17, 2020
Status: c325
Re-reading it (till c153) makes me realise just how overly melodramatic this story is ALL THE TIME... Definitely another power trip fantasy which is getting really annoying lately. ?‍♂️

Re-read because I left it on hold at 325 & forgot pretty much everything that happened (I guess my standards improved lol)
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Omled rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: c325
Status: Dropped

Reason: Plotholes

- The main issue in this novel is plotholes. Imagine, a thief can utilize a crossbow, his crossbow can deal 300 damage per shot/bolt for a surprising 5 bolts released per trigger.

... more>> - Not to mention that the crossbow deals additional damage to leather armoured units, specifically speaking, the backlines classes like mages and priests.

Input some math in that and the minimum damage is no less than 1500 health points if no interferance factors where applied to it.

- The average health for backliners are no more than 1000 health points in ch. 325.

-- Guess what, he doesn't even use his crossbow to kill the backliners. I'm outta here. <<less
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LAFORGUS rated it
May 28, 2020
Status: --
Like the refreshing part about a different setup from all the cultivation novels I have been reading lately.

The Good:
    • Refreshing settings (an online game)
    • Brotherhood (I like MC's Buddies)
    • MMORPG History (Leveling skills, I like it)
    • Relationship (Love Interest Solved fast so we dont have to waste time with
      misunderstanding and Wife resurrections)
    • Badass Hero (he kick Serious Ass)

The Bad:
    • Repetitive Plot (farm, level, unlock plot armor, win, new enemy, repeat))
    • Dumb Enemies (enemies keep doing the same strategies over and over)
    • MMORPG game without any System Monitoring (Srly GMs? Some one is unlocking all stuff and you do nothing?)
    • Too many characters (hard to even remember, author forget about many people)
    • Insipid Romance (LI just become an Fan Service accessory, so we can read about s*x, nudity, etc. I would have liked more LI options)
    • Bad Villains (brainless of course)


Good read if you want to escape the usual cultivation world, beware of the long drowsy wall of descriptive text and rushed ending.

Romance is so-so,

since MC gets married to the only LI early (i say so, since they get together and never separate early in the game, no argument no jealous separation, no nothing) there is nothing much to look in the romance aspect.


If you have more Novels to read in Queue, please do so, and come back if you want a change of world.
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May 13, 2020
Status: c276
So far I've enjoyed reading this novel. There are a few small issues here and there such as the drop rates and his luck being ridiculous but it's fine, the faster the MC becomes strong the faster we get to the more challenging maps and fights.

other than that though I have two big issues with the novel so far:

... more>>

First of all the mages are so ridiculously overpowered I mean it's not fair. As soon as Nie Yan gets an op thief skill it allows him to go undetected for what, like a few seconds or stun the enemy. He calls those skills op but the mages are just broken. They get spells like divinity, which gives the mage unlimited mana, then there's magic ignition which boosts all magic effects by 400%, both of these spells easily last 1 minute and up to 3 minutes for magic ignition. This is when the player is Level 30, how long is it gonna last later on in the game. Then there's the Arcane mages who can learn arcane reset which is able to instantly remove the cooldown for all their spells, they can also aquire an arcane Fairy which, depending on Level 1-5, can grant increased mana, lowered casting time for spells, increased mana regeneration, and Level ignorance. Now where are the thief skils that can grant effects as overpowered as these?

Secondly, the way he acts around Xie Yao. He stares at her for no reason, asking her if she wants him to take her home, asking her if she wants to go to the changing rooms together with him, mentally undressing her in his mind. I realize that she also likes him and it's not much of an issue but Nie Yan shouldn't know that so I can't imagine thinking it would be a good idea to act like a f*cking pe*ophile around her. Isn't this how all the other young masters who want to possess her act around her which results in a cold response from her?

I like the novel but I just find it hard to read a chapter when he's in school with Xie Yao without cringing myself to death.

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Subha Roy
Subha Roy rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: c764
If you leave out the logic then the story is good or it will hurt your head.

There had some decent points about the novel - like how the main character established a guild, characters development (though its boring because Mc's friends were always best) , like how he monopoly his business and lastly war (A mini spoiler - MC was always best in war. No one thought how he did this.)

Ok and there had also problem like how the Americans were shit?.

Ok, I will not say anything... more>> else. It was a good story and if you have time read it. <<less
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April 22, 2020
Status: Completed
I liked it. Maybe it could of used some more depth and the world building could of been better but to pass time this was a really good book. I don't regret reading it a bit. 4/5
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April 9, 2020
Status: Completed
It was a fun read but the ending was definitely rushed. My main criticism is how pathetic they are forcefully propping up these antagonists like they suddenly became strong just to have someone battle the MC.
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February 19, 2020
Status: Completed
I have stuck with this novel for the past 4 years! It’s been an off and on read for me since I had to wait for the website to give the updates as it goes! It’s a great read, but I do admit there are some stuff the author forgets and some forgotten characters on the way. However, everything ended on a good note. I’m satisfied after these 4 gruesome years of an off and on read ?
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atomsphere rated it
January 16, 2020
Status: c764
This could have been so much better without the memories sent back in time framing. It seems Mad Snail really has a thing for this kind of story, but it's not a good fit for every project. Also, the layering virtual reality with the real world was done kind of poorly. Since it's 2 types of reality layering, the author would have been better scrapping the time travel and using the ideas from it to make MC a little more dynamic.

Mostly though there's just a massive lack of interesting dialogue.... more>> I don't remember ToDG being this dry.

That said, there's some really nice ideas and world building buried in here. I rate it Mad Snail/Webnovel. <<less
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LordGrim102 rated it
November 17, 2019
Status: --
Games need game balance especially in MMORPG. I highly doubt that if this novel is a game in real world then it will be a crappy game with a broken game balance and drop rate chance and even allow p2w players to take advantage. Also it will be unpopular type.

If someone replaced the author that knows about game mechanics and game balance more then this novel will be above average among it's peers unlike how it is now below average.
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taba1212 rated it
November 6, 2019
Status: c866
It started fine, but as the story progresses it's becoming tr*sh.

Nie Yan, has lived 2 lifetimes and knew better how ruthless and cunning his enemies are however time and time again he's forgetting about it.

Chapter 865 is when it truly destroyed it for me.

One of his trusted guild members already advised it is a trap, but he still went in anyways.
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apsisodia rated it
August 26, 2019
Status: c410
Too much inconsistency in the novel. Just for the sake of giving powerful opponents to MC, the author writes bullshit. MC doesn't even get to use all of his skills and pet in the battle. Its been over 400 chapters and MC is only on level 60.

It was fun in the beginning but now it's getting irritating to read. Dungeons, levelling and setting up business storylines were interesting to read however there stronghold gibberish is boring.
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deniya rated it
May 26, 2019
Status: c625
The gameplay specifics is what I liked the most in this story: chests, travelling especially, a bit of PvP moments. But the basic game-mechanics that were applied as incredible exploits/cheats/bugs etc is laughable. It's just as if the MMO-genre in there has only been released (and it's not) and gamers are completely clueless about something like the option to shoot with magic/arrows from unreachable by mobs places (or like the basic mechanics from the real-world itself). The OP fairy is only just for the MC's friend which is also s*upid.... more>> Constant pointing out that comradery is all that great and OP while there's also the contracts becomes too annoying-unbelievable, basic PvP mechanics and senses being wondrous etc. The overall PvP action is too 'incredible' in here. Also the praisings are taking too much text, sidestories of the sidecharacters are mostly just to make the MC more incredible and lately that constant switching of all those sidecharacters just to constantly admire the MC over and over again... sigh.

But still was quite worthy to read just for the travelling and game areas and some more. <<less
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Vicaroon rated it
May 8, 2019
Status: c622
I like reading about VR novel and the VR element is there, which is great!

The MC is well-developed and doesn't seem too OP (He's OP-est in his class, but not the entire game).

No comments on the s*x scene or whatever because China banned those chapters. So if you are looking for those kind of elements, I'm sorry.

... more>> Now what I don't like:

Plot inconsistency. There are some parts that contradicted/didn't make sense with what he said in previous chapters. (Ex: the Golden Dragon pet he had has growth rate 15 in the beginning then later it's 25??) (ex: MC learned a Steal skill rank 16 (max rank) and he's the only one with the max rank. Author boasted that with that skill he can basically steal everything from players and monsters, "making them vomit with blood", yet I've never seen him use this skill to steal from other players even though there are plenty opportunities for him to use it)

Too verbose. Every 1-2 dialogue he'd spend 3 sentences analyze the conversation, it's so annoying. I like reading where the dialogue is shown all at once then you can analyze however you want it. Here's how the author wrote it, just for example:

MC:"How are you?"

Girl:"I'm fine. Thanks."

The MC wanted to know the girl's well-being, therefore he sincerely asked how she feels. The girl appreciated the MC gesture. In return, she answered politely.

Overall, it's a good read if you like VR novel. But I wouldn't recommend it to other people. <<less
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N0r rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: --
The plot is interesting and the characters are written just barely passably, but their interactions just make no sense except in the context of a power fantasy. Additionally, the world building is abysmal. If Conviction released in the real world it would undoubtedly flop. It's hard to appreciate the novel when there are such massive gaping holes in the game design. The pacing is also very bad, leading to confusion about the scale of time and numerous contradictions. One of the biggest annoyances is the way that the universe seems... more>> to be doing its best to put the MC on a pedestal and make his life as easy as possible. The wish fulfillment is definitely excessive.

I'd still say that it's worth a read, you might get engaged enough to overlook its shortcomings. <<less
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potxki rated it
August 7, 2018
Status: c442
At this point, after reading a handful of LNs that are more or less in the same vein as this, I recalibrated my brain so now my greatest expectation when starting an LN recommended on this site is its capacity to entertain me (it's the only the redeeming quality that can make me continue reading a story peppered with one-dimensional characters, predictable plotlines, and misogynistic crap. Well, unless it contains blatant disregard to an actual r*pe that happened in the story and the MC being a dickwad just to be... more>> an unnecessary plot point. Not that high of a mountain to climb, I know, but I'm desperate for more reading materials and sometimes it's cathartic to read a story about a person having great luck and things going smooth in ther life for once, and this is free, so.) yeah, this one delivered in the entertaining front so, 4-star from me. The MC is actually likeable, made me invested about his life and all. He actually worked hard for his OPness because all his memories would have been useless otherwise. His mercenary squad is hilarious, I live for their interactions. I'm looking forward to reading more from this story. <<less
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Jthorin rated it
August 6, 2018
Status: c442
As a person that loves reading game novels, this story is just one of the best I have come across. The plot in both reality and the game are just incredibly interesting.
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anjaana7877 rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c995
Its amazing how the author put everything together to blend the virtual and real elements in an acceptable way. The story progress in an interesting fashion and there aren't any major loopholes or discouraging factors to make you stop reading the novel. I found it very refreshing to find such novel and was worth reading.

It was one of few novels where I felt like it would have been good if there were more chapters.
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Arosecj rated it
July 20, 2017
Status: c234
I love it. Nie Yan, also known as Nirvana Flame, goes back in time. With the skills of a gamer who's played the same game for years, he is back at the games beginning. He decides to use his knowledge to build a foundation of wealth, fame, and power so that his father can successfully start up his future business, and prevent his version 1''s tragedy. With friends he comes to know as brothers, he leads his guild to unheard of heights... All for the people he loves. Add in... more>> the fact he has a certain special someone he's waiting for in-game, and you've got yourself a heart pounding series with a logical main character who leads with emotion despite having such a head on his shoulders, a rare kind of hero known as a leader. <<less
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ZeeDoppelganger rated it
May 23, 2017
Status: c179
Rebirth, Virtual Reality MMORPG, Knowledge of the Future, what's not to love? Hell I'd love to be Nie Yan in this kind of situation, hell I'd probably do a lot of the things he's doing with what I know of the present and use it to reshape the past how I see fit. Never underestimate someone from the future, they know a lot of stuff :D I'm already catching up with the latest released chapters and I'm very eager for more and can't wait to keep up with the adventure~♥
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