Martial King’s Retired Life


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Starting from today, I am retired. But what should I be doing? I neither have the skills, nor the mind to do business, my only advantage is this pair of hands which have taken this world. What a headache…

Note: The usage of the term “retired” here doesn’t mean retiring from old age, work etc. It’s a specific term to refer to not involving oneself in the affairs of a certain society.

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74 Reviews sorted by

medo rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: v5c12

I read other reviews and decide to write one myself, so I will tell you what I like and dislike so far:

MKRL is very funny read, MC is OP, hide his strenght and his identity which I love the most, he is not arrogant, but he retired. In my option reasons are not convincing (he dont want to be sect master, cant marry his gugu, he dont want to accept his shifus debts?), but ok, it is still good read. It is funny mostly becouse of misunderstandings MC have with... more>> all side characters. Autor slowly get reader into every character which I like. He write in first (I) perspective and sometime likes to switch "I" from MC to other characters so we have extra stand point for viewing which is great. Story is not about culivating, allthought fighting is decribed like in the best martial arts novels. Author will slowly introduce martial sects, royal family, etc. So every character have backround story, except MC who have multiple backround stories (you wonder if he is only 28 years old), but still MC stays misterious like in begining of story (you will always discover something new about MC). In my opinion this series will become harem, when author decribe women, he goes into such details, I was wondering if I read some erot*c novel.

If you are looking for easy and funny read, pick this series.I have feeling translator will drop this series which would be big loss for english readers.

Translations is great, especially at the end of almost every chapter you have explaination for chinesse word play, which will give you insight of hoe funny it really is.I dont like translations are not stable, but maybe I am wrong..i read this translations in 5 days, and I moved to write this review.

I hope this can help you decide to read this series. Tnx <<less
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chencking rated it
September 13, 2018
Status: v5c0
The plot's simple and comedic. It's not deep. There are a few points of intrigue, but the novel has yet to stray from comedy. It's written for laughs, and the best way to decide if you'll like it is to try reading the first 2-3 chapters
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lolpker rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: v4c53
Absolutely hilarious. The MC is OP, however it barely shows except for a few fights in between the trolling he does.

Ming Feizhen (the MC) is a legend, he's perhaps not the most likeable character (he cheats, deceives, steals, etc...) but often gets caught and while attempting to shove the blame onto someone else, he only makes it worse for himself.
His pains and miseries are my joy, love the series, 5/5 would read again.
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Seregosa rated it
May 31, 2018
Status: v4c17
Haaah, well, what to say... Okay, let's try. The first and second novel was kind of nice, although there wasn't a lot of focus on the MC, there was at least quite a bit of comedy. So, up to there, the novel was worth a 4/5, it was quite funny and was interesting to read. However, it all took a huge turn as soon as we got to volume 3. The action and drama got really dragged out and exaggerated. It was to the point where we just had a... more>> lot of side-characters quibbling and fighting each other along with low-level schemes and extremely boring events. The MC didn't even show up for 10% of the chapters in volume 3. There wasn't a huge change in volume 4 either, although the first few chapters seemed a little bit better, the MC was still treated pretty much like a side-character. This author REALLY doesn't focus enough on the MC and it makes this novel a trainwreck of bad drama and dragged out crap that seems to be there just to have something worthless to write about.

Most of the parts with the MC was actually pretty great with some interesting parts and a lot of comedy, but since it barely made up for 10% of this novel, it wasn't really worth reading and after two volumes, I really just wanted to all to end. Might as well mention that the MC started acting like some kind of a superhero that has to save people at the last second. It's like he's just there to show up at the crucial moments after we've suffered through a few to a dozen of chapters or perhaps even more where there's only side-characters going at eachother.


Oh, and there's a lot of borderline yaoi in this novel in the name of comedy. The MC doesn't really have any motivation either, he's a really boring character in a way, it gets frustrating when he hides everything to the extent he does. It's worse that he's just 28 and probably has a few hundred years ahead of him as one of the absolute strongest in the entire world, so him retiring makes no real sense, I had expected him to be at least around 50-60, but nah, turns out he's just a young man.

The characters are almost all ret*rded, I'm serious about what I'm saying here. Like the emperor and empress who shouldn't be in power at all. They actually spared their son after he went ahead with full treason, just about usurped the throne, bribed everyone, poisoned everyone, killed a lot of people, teamed up with evil sects and almost killed the emperor and many more. A lot of people wanted him to die, but nah, he's their son so of course he gets off really lightly, partly thanks to that "innocent (ret*rded) " su xiao who is the main source of gay jokes in this novel. The sheer hypocrisy of this really got on my nerves, if it was anyone else, he wouldn't give a f*ck and would execute them for just one out of the dozens of crimes he committed, disgusting that a supposed emperor can't draw a line between work and private matters.

Oh, and the MC doesn't want to kill people, so although he kills a few less noteworthy characters, he releases most of the more dangerous ones so that they can bring trouble later on in the "unlikely (lol) " event that they might somehow revive, run into some OP dude that wants to kill the MC and heals them or whatever other thing that can happen so that they'll come back. Because who wouldn't want that to happen.


So, this novel suffers from a severe case of s*upidity. The first two volumes might be worth reading, but I would stop after that and even so, you should skip all chapters that the MC isn't in, they're completely and utterly worthless. Actually, you could keep on reading after that too and just pick out the chapters where the MC is in, which would be just a few chapters for each volume, but then it would be kinda good. Oh, and do remember that everyone and their dogs treat the MC like walking tr*sh, except for a select few who knows that he's actually fairly powerful, but even they don't know how OP he is. Hell, even the readers have no idea. The cultivation system is also really sketchy at best, there's no mentioning of any ranks or anything, there's no cultivation system and we don't ever get proper explanations on how the cultivation works. We just know that there's something called internal cultivation and then there's external cultivation and then there's some techniques for both, the MC has practiced a lot of internal techniques from many different powers which is why he is OP. Now, what does that mean? No one has any clue, because absolutely nothing is mentioned. There are a few flashy skills, but even those aren't really explained much, we just know that they can make things explode, let the voice travel far or control someones actions or whatever.

Haah.. Really, volume 1 and 2 was reluctantly a 4/5 thanks to the fairly good comedy and that the author wasn't so focused on drama then. Volume 3 and 4 seems to be a 2/5, which means it's a pain to read and it makes you want to drop it after a while of enduring, even if it's not so bad that you drop it instantly, you just get more and more frustrated until you do. So, let's take both those and go for a 3/5 instead, for average. Nothing special here, the comedy is good, but the fact that the MC is barely relevant when he just about never shows up and that all the other scenes are crap makes sure that this will be a chore to read most of the time. Just skip all chapters without the MC or read a few sentences each chapter to get the gist of what is happening before skipping to the next chapter, rinse and repeat until you find the MC which gets rarer and rarer the further the novel progresses. <<less
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AwwGasm rated it
December 10, 2017
Status: v3c6
Decently funny but sometimes the MC and plot just don't make sense with how forced the 'I must not use my op stregnth' is.

Also the author is very hung up on forcing the the gay/yaoi undertone with the trap and even a reverse trap now. It got old after the 10th time and it's on the 999th iteration by now.
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xKoAloha rated it
October 1, 2017
Status: v2c21
Really funny story some chapters had me cracking up. I'd say the story is good and I'd like to see what happens in the future but if translator is under too much pressure then can't help it.
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Khaossaga rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: v2c21
The start is kind of slow but it picks up a bit. The series is kind of chill and there's a lot of set up for the comedy but it's hilarious when the punch line is delivered.
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vanrald08 rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: v2c21
Browsing thru NU, this title got my curiosity and after reading the description, I finally read it and I'm so glad that I did. For me this is not a generic xanxia/wuxia or whatever they call it (sorry don't know the difference), it's more like KonoSuba in a kung-fu world. It have more gags, 4th wall break and s*upidity (in a good way) than fighting/action. The gags made me laugh and everything on it is interesting.

If your looking for a light hearted, action, comedy chinese novel then give this one... more>> a try.

I rate this 5/5 (it's either 5 or 1 to me) <<less
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srrrahim rated it
August 26, 2017
Status: v4c5
MC is actually an OP Martial King in this world, but he choose to retired for certain reason.

This is better than I tought it is. Reason?

... more>>

1. TRAP. There is a lot of trap here lolz. I can`t even identify who is the heroine lolz.

2. Su Xiao

3. Su Xiao. I don`t care if Su xiao is a girl or boy. Just go to her Big Brother Ming~~~!

4. The Plot. We will graduatly know who is Ming Feizhen is at the end of every volume, and I bet the MC has a lot of name in jianghu

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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: v2c2
This is pretty enjoyable for a quick read as (for me) the chapters range from normal to short.

The MC is pretty laid back and kinda reminds me of Gintoki from Gintama. Sometimes those who smile the brightest usually has a tragic past.

Although the story is kinda simple/bland the interactions between each characters is interesting enough to offset it. The story pretty much gives you a tiny peek of background story of the characters from time to time which makes you want to read more as what the author usually give... more>> is not enough.

If I compare this to an anime the entire volume 1 would be enough for 1-2 episodes so it is pretty much a long prologue. So you should finish reading volume 1 first before making a judgement whether you like it or not rather than giving an early low rating.


around chapter 51

best part for me that made me want to read more

"Ming Feizhen wanted to retire.

But he didn't want to just retire.

He wanted everything that was caused by him, all the chaos caused by him and the people in a mess to come to an end. Lan Jun Zhu Kong created many issues during its existence, and has left behind many troublesome issues after it vanished. It may take him the remainder of his lifetime to resolve all the matters, but he has to do it.

This is Ming Feizhen's retired life."

Though I know its probably too far in the future but still makes me want to read more.

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Sebastian rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: v2c1
Lighthearted and funny, you don't need to take a lot of it seriously but it still has enough plot to hook you in and some foreshadowing, it is worth giving a chance.
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deadmoo53 rated it
February 8, 2023
Status: v12c43
Fantastic novel. It's a slow paced story, so if that's not your cup of tea, then I wouldn't recommend it. It's a mix of slice of life, comedy, and wild martial arts fights with the occasional moment of heavy shit. MC is pretty OP, which leads to a more casual story and pacing with MC and the other characters cracking jokes and getting into silly hijinks. There are a lot of puns, which the quality translation does a very good job of communicating properly to keep the essence of the... more>> original language. As the story goes on and the plot slowly develops, there are some more serious moments, but it still sticks to a more light-hearted style overall, which makes the serious moments hit a little better in my opinion.

If you're trawling around looking for a high chapter count, easy-going wuxia novel to fill the days, it's an excellent choice to read. <<less
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ryzesalvatore rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: v5
The author describes how curvaceous, voluptuous, and sexually attractive a woman is every single time a woman appears. Even a 13 year old girl wasn't left unscathed. It makes sense in some way considering how pe*verted the MC is, but you don't have to do it every single time, do you? It makes the MC looks like a moron that can only think with his d*ck. Imagine staring at your superior's chest and describing how big and soft those twin peaks are in the middle of an urgent meeting.
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Shamima rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: c21
Excellent novel I must say... Strategy, power, everything is good.. the story line is different than other novel in general where MC just level up in each battle miraculously.. romance part is good too, n romantic narration is very attractive.. but slow paced n without anything explicit (there should be some proper n quality explicit romantic features not r*pe).. sometimes narration is little too much.. but over all the plot is excellent.. different definitely
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shscs911 rated it
August 31, 2019
Status: --
Really loved it. Has the right mix of humour and intrigue to keep you guessing.
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AdvonKoulthar rated it
January 22, 2019
Status: v5c57
There's not much of an overarching plot, but as a character driven piece, that's absolutely fine. I can see how the humor might not appeal to others, but for the most part it keeps the jokes fresh and the situations silly. A thoroughly enjoyable work that I look forward to reading more of.
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ichibaka rated it
January 18, 2019
Status: prologue
Currently on translated v5 ch56

This novel is pure comedy gold from the MC's perspective. The backstory of his dark history take a major plot of events that pull him into current events of his retired life. Don't expect anything major from the description of the martial arts jargons though, too many to count unless you are into those stuffs, but the novel doesn't go too deep into them anyway.

The characters are not one dimensional, and they are not there to prop up and make the MC looks good.

Don't take the... more>> novel too seriously and just enjoy the MC's antic for the comedy it is and you'll enjoy the ride. His cussings during his monologues always make me crack up. <<less
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KittenLasers rated it
December 16, 2018
Status: v5c42
I'm quite fond of this light novel. The world building and characters are written okay. I've seen some complaining that the comedy is down right bad, but I the comedy never struck me as something that was meant to make me laugh. If it was trying to, then it obviously failed, but I think it was there to keep a light hearted atmosphere and provide moderate entertainment, which it succeeded in. The writing is good enough to be enjoyed. It isn't a masterpiece which I would endlessly praise, but it... more>> did it's job in keeping me entertained. Overall, my impression is that it is generally meant to be light hearted in nature but also interweave a moderate amount of proper storytelling, doing well in keeping a mix in things to keep it interesting. Of course, if you're a light novel snob who only wants the finest of writing, then I wouldn't fervently recommend it, but it 100% is worth a try to see if it suits your tastes or not. <<less
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timma rated it
October 4, 2018
Status: v4c7
This series is pretty good. Surprised of the lack of Slice of Life tag, because that's how it reads in my opinion.

The MC does pretty good as far as staying in character. (Wanting to hide so no one recognizes him).

Translation is pretty good.

... more>> Lost the will to continue around v4. Honestly I feel like v3 dragged a good bit, but overall I'd still say I enjoyed it.

I recommend this to potential readers:

read a chapter or two. If you're in the mood for this you'll know it, so continue, if not save it for later. You aren't going to get in the mood by forcing yourself through it. <<less
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AutumnSnowz rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: v3c27
So far I really enjoyed this novel. I pretty sure this has harem in it but I really enjoy the romance in here with each girls. They don't just suddenly fall in love with him after the first moment of meeting. So far they haven't completely falling for him yet but there's a lot of hint they are going to eventually. There's a build up to the romance if there is any romance that will develop. The story itself is funny and each character actually has peaonality and not one... more>> demension. Over all so far I would rate this 5 star. <<less
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