Library of Heaven’s Path


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Traversing into another world, Zhang Xuan finds himself becoming an honorable teacher.

Along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind.

As long as it is something he has seen, regardless of whether it is a human or an object, a book on its weaknesses will be automatically compiled in the library.

Thus, he becomes formidable.

“Emperor Zhuoyang, why do you detest wearing your underwear so much? As an emperor, can’t you pay a little more attention to your image?”

“Fairy Linglong, you can always look for me if you find yourself unable to sleep at night. I am skilled in lullabies!”

“And you, Demon Lord Qiankun! Can you cut down on the garlic? Are you trying to kill me with that stench?”

This is an incredible story about teachers and students, g*ooming and guiding the greatest experts in the world!

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Thiên Đạo Đồ Thư Quán
Tian Dao Tu Shu Guan
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277 Reviews sorted by

xzpwnz rated it
December 25, 2016
Status: c139
Pretty hilarious. The main character is extremely shameless and uses misunderstandings to his advantage. A downside is that the plot moves slowly, going over details that may seem redundant, and the chapters become a bit shorter later on which makes it all the worse.

By the end of volume 1, you will see:

An elder accusing him for the previous owner of his body's mistakes and track record, but the main character will sway the crowd against the elder by appearing magnanimous and indifferent to worldly ridicule, while making the elder seem narrow-minded and leading the crowd to believe that the elder had falsified his test scores by making them 0 (while in fact the previous owner of his body was an idiot and actually did score the 0)

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December 24, 2016
Status: c6
The MC is totally thick skinned and acts aloof as he was not the original owner of the body he's in. Really love the novel and interested in how it will proceed.

The MC transmigrates into the body of someone who scored a Zero in Teacher Qualification Exam and almost drove a student to madness due to his instructions in Cultivation. He gets a Library of sorts which is basically a cheat that allows him to learn the weaknesses of the people he observes.

He needs to recruit a student lest he be expelled and gets one by cheating her. Due to a challenge with another teacher, he is able to improve the strength of another student's attack using his ability getting him as student as well. He also gets another student who gets h**ny as she cultivates whose faults he identifies using the ability. (She came to find a cure for the condition).

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Tras rated it
January 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Imagine someone with severe cognitive impairment becoming the smartest guy ever, only he's still just as s*upid. It's sort of like a moron controlling a smart person. That's basically the premise and not in a Rain Man kind of way, more of a 13 year old finding the cheat codes to the universe-kind of way.

I quite enjoyed the Master Teacher-continent and as soon as they left everything else just felt hollow, which is always the case when main characters "advance" to a higher world in these types of stories. In... more>> the early story there's several interesting occupations that the people there master, with everything between painting, black smithing and cultivation with the Master Teachers basically being teachers who's the master of several occupations as well as cultivation and teaching. However as soon as they leave the first world, nothing but cultivation matters except for a few exceptions.

Should've ended about halfway through and the earlier parts could've been shortened by at least 50% almost exclusively by removing repeating sentences where several characters as well as the narrator says almost the exact same thing. Seems like the author had planned to end it earlier but wanted to milk it for a thousand or so extra chapters.

I wanted to quit so many times, especially towards the end and god was it unfulfilling.

I wish I didn't hate not finishing books so much. <<less
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hatsunemiku1999 rated it
August 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed the book.

Though there are many cliches in the story such as the Zhang Xuan being OP and him travelling to many places and overcoming hurdles "easily", the primary setting and context of the story makes it vastly different from other wuxia novels.

A few unique characteristics of the story:

... more>>
  1. The artifact is a library.
  2. The existence of master teachers, a unique occupation
  3. No harem, though many of his students are attracted to him
  4. A goal in mind, which is the reason why he has to keep improving and cultivating to be stronger.
  5. A lot of face-slapping moments
  6. Really good writing and humor, thanks author and translator :)

I have read many wuxia novels where the MC has an artifact linked to their soul the moment they transmigrate but this is the first time I have seen it being a library. The fact that his improvement is linked to the reading/collection of books makes the story different from many others, though there is also his heaven's zhenqi which makes him much stronger. Furthermore, I love that his occupation is a master teacher, which aims to guide students to improve their cultivation and occupations. Compared to other wuxias where the MC just grows stronger on his/her own, this is more heartwarming, especially when he cares so much about his students. Furthermore, the essence of many wuxia novels is revenge. However, in this, the MC needs to grow stronger to survive, giving him a motivation that makes more sense than revenge. Lastly, this story has a LOT of moments where the MC says that he is humble, yet his actions are the opposite. Where he has the ability, but people are unaware and are critical/look down on him. When he shows his strength, others are flabbergasted and regret their actions.

All in all, the reason why I stayed was simply because the context of the story was interesting, paired with good writing and humor, it kept me engaged.

Is it cliche? Is it repetitive? Yes

But should you read it? Yes. Just give it a try and you might stay till the end like me :)


Lastly, I really supported Zhang Xuan and Luo Ruoxin. The addition of Luo QiQi in the side story was too extra.

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Veresta rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a must read if you want something light. At first, I didn't have expectations for the plot since the trend is just pure comedy and face slapping. But 1000+ chapters in and the author decided to blast a bomb of a plot twist. That didn't end there and author continues to write succeeding plot twists til the end and even side stories. The novel has its boring parts but this novel is a testament that you should ride the tiger until the end whenever you can.
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July 1, 2019
Status: c1612
don’t be fooled by the ugliness of the main character in the beginning, it’s a story about growth and it includes personality. Selfish greedy teacher will grow into a compassionate devoted absolute role model. I loved the cooperation and the sharing of knowledge and the confucianiste philosophy that is at the fondation of the master teacher story.

it is not just a fight and grow overpowered book, it carries deep values at its core

as he will learn more and more and teaches, he’ll become honestly devoted, way beyond his own interests... more>> and embody the values of confucianisme (thanks for the many enlightening translator notes) but hey, it’s a fun and imaginative story !

i had a hard time with the beginning because I disliked the MC, and I just followed because the witty part made it fun and the teaching part actually let me understand a lot of things about the genre. But as it goes on, it is ever changing, activities, cultivation, students and challenges keep our character moving on and also evolving as a better human being.

It’s on the long side of things, but it’s varied enough to keep me entertained for an incredible number of chapters, without skipping more than very few paragraphs here and there (and it’s far from being finished). I love the extra depth provided by the underlying philosophy. I love that the character is a teacher and not just another fighter, it’s full of smart, fun and action and riddles, and pretty much the best I've re So far in that register

ps :if you know something as good don’t hesitate to pm me ;) <<less
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thisworldofmine1 rated it
April 3, 2019
Status: c1618
It seemed like at first, it was just an OP MC going around subduing the world. But there's plot and background. There aren't useless characters and everyone comes up once or twice in different times of the novel. And the author's still a student, don't know about his grade, so it's understandable that it seems lacking at parts. Overall, it's a pretty ok novel, just a bit long...

Edit: I'd change it to a 2 out of 5 purely due to the fact that three last chapter just abruptly changed... more>> this novel into a

harem novel

. <<less
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tobin rated it
January 27, 2019
Status: c2286
Look, let's be real here, once you are 80 chapters into this you know exactly what to expect from the next several hundred. It is to the point that the twists are entirely predictable in most cases, but that is part of the fun of it. This is not a serious series, it is an Isekai power-trip fantasy comedy, and anyone expecting something different should look elsewhere. That said if you like the comedy contained within, don't worry, there is plenty where that came from. Over 1200 chapters in and... more>> I am still excited to find out what the next s*upidly overpowered ability he will have will be, and how it will stifle that overbearing superior who tries to strut his stuff.

Edit: The story developed quite a bit later on, to the point that I wasn't predicting every twist anymore, but the comedy was still going strong just as it had been all along. I will say it again, if you are into it in the first 80 or so chapters then you will like the next 2000. It is rare for me to be able to stick out a series as long as this one, but it just has that sort of draw to it where it is always a fun time and feels like the author is trying to 1-up himself. <<less
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zimorok rated it
December 31, 2018
Status: c325
WTF did I get myself into???

This is one of the overrated novel where people say it da bomb but in reality, a total sh!t. Get real Mr Author!!

Initially I read the bad comment and so to myself, how bad can it be? And now I totally regret it!

... more>> The MC is supposed to be the Master of Master Teacher yet he know nothing. Totally depending on his cheat.

Arrogant, no style and the worst part it, he can even solve a basic misunderstanding without using violence.

This is currently the most hypocrite MC that I know so far. Keep demanding a ridiculous sh!t as payment for everything he do to others yet want everything for free when he need something from others.

All side character will totally turn dumb and s*upid when confronting MC just because the Author want him to be cool. The worst part is, side character will keep repeating the same sh!t over and over again for a minimum of 2 chapters! Dont let the chapter count to fool you.

my recommendation: Please just drop this Mr Author!

Just kill the MC! It is totally easy to do it. Make other people refuse his demand at the cost of some suffering (or die). Repeat the process over and over again when eventually people will no longer care about his godly reputation and skill. Over time, people will just ignore him. His student will automatically turn to sh!t since everything they do is solved by violence <<less
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Leilacus rated it
December 12, 2018
Status: c482
It had a good start but as the story progresses, it has become repetitive and very shameless. The pattern just repeats itself every arc.

It's still okay if you wanna kill time but don't expect too much from this story.
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Elementarteilchen rated it
October 23, 2018
Status: c702
This was one of my guilty pleasures. I know it is bad, but it was still very enjoyable.

I loved the overpowered MC. His cultivation and face slapping scenes were sometimes so ridiculously op, I had to laugh out loud :P

I'm not sure, if the author was serious with some op face slapping events in the novel or if this was just for comedies sake though :D

... more>> Why am I giving just 2 stars?

Because it gets repetitive and dull in the later chapters. I'm especially talking about the tests for his various occupations to advance his master teacher level.

Don't misunderstand. I enjoyed even this events a long time, until it got boring, because of the repetitiveness. At some point it felt more like a chore.

I saw previous reviews mentioned this (they dropped this novel around chapter 300 or even earlier), but I thought to myself: "Well it is kind of repetitive (anyway, it isn't THAT repetitive), but I enjoy it regardeless". After I read 300 more chapter I have to change my viewpoint. The occupations he has to take a test in are increasing in numbers and there are more and more tests, that felt like literally "copy pasted" tests from previous chapters. Just with increased difficulty.

In the later chapters it is like this: He did all his occupation tests and advanced to a new master teacher level, so he travels to a higher domain, which he take similar tests all over again a few chapters later.

At this point I thought, where is the plot. How many chapter until he takes another similar "copy and pasted" occupation tests. I want more stories in between his occupations, like in the earlier chapters, but even then somehow the occupation tests really felt like filler now and he has to take a lot more until he reaches the highest master teacher level. I can't take this anymore :D

It was like the occupation tests are the center and main part of this novel. It was like the tests are the plot. It was like everything else is just the subplot. It should be the other way around.

Also don't expect deep relationship developments and character growth. He is a teacher and the novel is about teaching. Don't expect more than this. Read it for the face slapping moments until it gets too repetitive and boring. If you like OP characters I think you will be enjoying this novel for a few hundred chapters like I did. <<less
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Naeddyr rated it
May 10, 2018
Status: --
Repetitive to the extreme, this martial xianxia parody will string you along with true farce, for a while

MC reincarnates into the body of a dead good-for-nothing and gets OP while slapping other people in their face in the figurative sense. Yes, the preceding sentence sounds familiar to you, although, as always, the details are different, and somewhat more so in this case. For one, our MC is a man, reincarnating as a completely failed teacher working at a school for cultivators, and the whole thing is an utterly farcical parody.

Zhang... more>> Xuan receives one of the most extreme cheats I have yet to see in the form of access to a magical super-library in his mind that allows him to basically filter all of the knowledge he or a book has for secrets and a sort of True Path. After skimming various manuals for different kinds of cultivation techniques, he is able to create the perfect cultivation technique with ridiculously fast results; he knows all of his enemies' weaknesses; he can cure a person without any previous skill in medicine, he can tell what an object is by merely touching it. Express elevator to the top, no charge. He gains everything at breakneck speed, starting with new students, and then accumulating a long roster of victims.

I mentioned face-slapping. I might have understated it a bit. Imagine this as an episodic serial, where you have a monster of the week and the heroes beat it down, and it's a boring series, so about 80% of each episode is only the beating. This is like that, except Zhang Xuan humiliates the assigned enemy of the week through his sudden power-ups, recent social standing or new high-ranked acquaintances.

Over and over and over and over again.

After a while I had to stop and read some other, pioneering reviews to confirm my fear, and yep, this seems to be it. This is the whole thing. Zhang Xuan wakens some jealousy, skepticism or scorn in some unlucky person in the story, and then bam, circumstances and his cheat conspire to utterly humiliate them in some way.

Edible as a small portion at the start, but I couldn't continue. <<less
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Kvothe_the_wind rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: c600
Here's an example of an ordinary day for the MC:

-The MC goes to buy groceries, he sees a homeless man and gives him charity. The man then gives him a skill book as a thank you. To the man the book is worthless because he can't practice the skill but the MC finds out the skill is very powerful. After that he passes by a stall and with his ability discovers a rare artefact disgised as worthless junk. He buys it. He sees three man harassing a woman. He helps... more>> and the woman falls for him. She is the daughter of the king. He finally buys his groceries and goes home.

The story is good but everything happens so fast. Only a few months have passed since the start of the story and the MC has done so many things and went from lvl 2 to lvl 67 when normally it takes a year to go from lvl 2 to lvl 3. If the story took place over 10 years instead of 4 months it would be much better. The MC is a teacher and it's a job you have to take your time to mold your students into becoming experts. So much happens in too little time.

I like the library in his mind. The fact it is able to see flaws is good. What I don't like is how easy for the MC to correct those flaws. If only he had to work hard to gain powerful techniquesby eliminating the flaws one by one the story would have been much better. I don't feel like the MC is talented, his cheat is just too powerful.

Some say the story is repetitive and they're right. But what storyisn't repetitive? The MC always fights for the same reason and the bad guys are the same everyime. At least in this story the MC doesn't fight to the death every two chapters. The confrontrtions are related to the different occupations (alchemy, formation, blacksmith,...) and not always deadly. If a character loses ace he tries to make the MC loses face, not kill him.

This story has many flaws so it is not one of the best novel but I enjoyed reading it and will continue when new chapters are translated. Just try it for 20 ~30 chapters and if you don't like it you won't like it even after reading more chapters. But if you like it, you'll enjoy it for a log time. <<less
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Nikhilzzz rated it
March 16, 2018
Status: c568
What a load of baloney... The story concept is so repetitive. Intially I read till 200 chapters then I said " it's getting so repetitive". So I dropped it then after a few months, seeing so much hype, I started reading it again till 500 then it HIT me just read the CHAPTER NAME and that's it you know the full story of that chapter as there are nothing more than face slapping in all story and bunch of lines of the crowd criticising the MC for first part and... more>> then in-shock till the end and then again bunch of more lines to admire him. Final Moral just read the chapter name.

Maybe in future at the 1001th chapter I am gonna read the title and the story for last two chapters and still feel the same way then goodbye to this "library", will join others. Lol <<less
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Sordahon rated it
January 23, 2018
Status: c823
Started out good with that cheat but quickly decilined and at c514 I cough blood whenever I see cliche moment where he does impossible, and it became annoying to read honestly, I don't think it will become better when this novel is all about cliche events and meteoric rise trough cheat, and MC never had a setback to be honest, no mistakes, and cultivation system is dumb and all over the place, person who can punch with few hundred thousand kg of force can't jump 100m? They live only 100... more>> years? And normal mortals live like 50years, cultivation barely increases that, all those pseudo abilities are s*upid too, like eye of insight which is like identify ability but works only on similar stage, heart of tranquil water is just being calm, illustrous facade routing army under unflinching gaze sh*t like that, and the name is similar to what it's named officialy, there is ancient language of cows, bloodline domination, some unique bodies where you breaktrough ranks even though you don't follow cultivation manual - no idea if they get perfect path in that or something random. Formations/devices/pills/herbs/poisons/appraising and other stuff has dumb grades where you need cultivation to get skills for those occupations, like there is system that helps but no one notices it, and we have arrogance, disdain, contempt, understimating, cold sweats, coughing blood, and trembling from anything, don't bother.

@edit: This novel is number 1 novel ever about being hypocrite, instead of fighting (which is one of main goals of cultivation) they bicker like morons using rules and seniority rules made by cretins to take advantage of people, most famous/respected people are full of sh*t yet they are f*cking scared of fighting weaker people due to rules they themselves break/bend constantly. <<less
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Railman rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c350
Woah! I made it to 350! What an achievement, considering how excruciatingly painful reading every chapters were. Seriously though, spare yourself some dignity and never read this. Its repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, did I say repetitive? Yup thats all this is a 500+ chapter sh*tfest
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MichaelJ rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: c57
Well the plot's not bad but the thing that I cant stand is the use of ! In nearly every dialogue, its like they are shouting every time they talk even when its totally unnecessary. Not only this novel but others as well, like Night Ranger, Warlock of the Magnus World, Monster paradise (this one's little better) etc etc.

I know its not the translators I checked the raws, and it seems that in chinese this is actually not big deal (maybe their away of phrasing or wording?) but to... more>> me it really makes it hard to enjoy and have a smooth read.

Btw Release that Witch is a perfect example of what a normal reading should be, try comparing the two and you'll see <<less
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Leosinurat rated it
October 4, 2017
Status: c323
1 star,

this story start with a normal stereotype go to another world with op skill. Nothing wrong in this side I rate this 4 because it's normal to choose popular genre or starting point.

Then there is a problem

... more>>

MC then know that he is being poisoned then trying to find the cure by traveling around. But everytime it would encounter a super duper not my problem situation and the MC is trying to solve it entire chapter


The problem is very not logical, if you use your brain properly you don't have to make every problem is a face slapping.

It's okay to do so but not okay if you make it in every fcking problem that you don't need to solve because they are not your fcking problem.

You won't need to gather the metal ore and purifying it and make it into a sword, you just need to buy the fcking sword

How the f*ck you don't know about a chloroform if you know how to cure an impossible to cure illness?

And why did you need to be so stingy when you can make a money just by making a painting

And so on and so on

If you are someone that don't want someone use an ineffective way to solve problem just to do slap a face don't read it

It will only make you think the writer is an idiot but you must respect the author <<less
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Narmi rated it
September 9, 2017
Status: c291
It's a fun read, but conflicts have become repetitive. They center around the MC insulting his opponent in one way or another, not realizing what he said was extremely insulting, and getting annoyed someone dares challenge him. Most of the opponents are prideful/arrogant guys who vastly underestimate the MC because of his age/poor clothes/ignorance. Usually they're also rich and spoiled. A crowd gathers, the MC beats his opponent, everyone is amazed at how unconventional/talented the MC is, rinse and repeat.

The MC is also just going through life bumbling around. It... more>> seems like he hasn't learned how society works, which is weird because he's literally got a library in his head. A lot of his mistakes are things that you wouldn't say to someone in this life too. He really needs to read a few books on social etiquette at some point.

I do enjoy reading about the world the author has built, it feels very fleshed out and real. The supporting characters are great too, especially when the MC is teaching them. Watching the MC master the nine professions is half the fun of the series. <<less
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pomoli rated it
August 27, 2017
Status: --

  • Xuanhuan GTO vibe, somewhat.
  • Main character is bearable and good. No psycho here.
  • Good ideas for the lore.
  • Emphasis on diverse subjects, like painting or tea making.

  • Too much prideful morons as enemies.
  • Too repetitive.
  • No romance (even subtle romance would have been good). Though no romance is sometime better than most romances I see in Chinese WN.
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