Dragon Life


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I used to be a human girl, I can’t recall my name nor how I looked. All because I’ve turned into a dragon. What’s more, in a certain kingdom I am considered a sacred dragon. My diet consists of humans. It seems that after eating a human, that human’s magical power is what sustains me.

I’m a type of dragon called an “Earth Dragon”, which for generations have formed contracts with humans in a certain kingdom, leading that kingdom to victory in wars against other kingdoms. I don’t care about that any of that. I just want to live in peace. However before long my human eating escapades branded me as a “man-eating dragon”.

Growing tired of killing those sent to vanquish me, I decided to entered human society, I ending up serving in the castle, where tasty looking humans abounded.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Doragon • Raifu
Related Series
Demon Noble Girl ~Story of a Careless Demon~ (7)
Dragon Dragon Dragon (3)
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At the Northern Fort (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female Protagonists / gender-bender male to female...
  2. Reincarnated Isekai--Female Protag with Strong Mag...
  4. Female MC
  5. Nonhuman MCs done RIGHT

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/20/16 Dragon MT c31 part2
06/14/16 Dragon MT c31 part1
06/10/16 Dragon MT c30
05/28/16 Dragon MT c29
05/14/16 Dragon MT c28 part2
05/09/16 Dragon MT c28 part1
04/11/16 Dragon MT c27 part2
04/05/16 Dragon MT c27 part1
04/01/16 Dragon MT c26 part2
03/31/16 Dragon MT c26 part1
03/28/16 Dragon MT c25
03/21/16 Dragon MT c24
03/19/16 Dragon MT c23
03/15/16 Dragon MT c22 part2
03/14/16 Dragon MT c22 part1
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33 Reviews sorted by

1Sami rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: c25
I feel like the POV is off. It's from the MCs POV but it feels different. Probably because her train of thought is unusual. I don't like how she can't decide whether or not to refer to herself as a human or dragon. She kinda jumps around.
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Vi2 rated it
July 12, 2018
Status: c62 part1
I created an account just because I love this novel so much...I really love the main character especially. Sure, it has its flaws, and I should probably give it a lower rating, but I enjoy and love it enough that I'd give it 5 stars. The character relationships are also quite fun. I'm not usually into romance, but I will disclose that the romance in this one had me squealing and laughing. I feel that this story will stick with me for a long time.
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Haxagen rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: ch 54
There enough details in there to make it a nice slice-of-life story, while also not skipping out on action and simply badass moments like dragon transformation in public. However, it's also slightly disappointing since the MC is hinted to possibly die at the end of this series, which makes it difficult to read on, and one of the only reasons why I did not rate 5 out of 5 stars.

Also, translator-sans are doing a great job, but releases are too slow. Rip my patience to read more.
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Wyntile rated it
November 26, 2017
Status: c52
I was really tempted to give it a 2 out of 5, due to that one moment in this novel where the author suddenly decided to screw everything up (If you know what I mean, it's the "war" arc) - but considering the overall progression of the story to where I currently am at now, I decided to give it an average at best.

Dragon Life follows the usual style of isekai novels, but as the synopsis says, the heroine is a dragon instead of a human. After reading this, this... more>> novel is leaps better than Kumo Desu-ga (a novel in which I will never make sense of EVER) in both terms of translation quality and story content... where unlike other novels this one has romance. Heaps and heaps of romance. Given that all of the animal-reincarnated novels I've read so far are really boring, Dragon Life isn't one of those and is rather fun to read. But if you're expecting a novel where the heroine ends up being the top dog or use her powers all the time, then generally this novel isn't for you.

But man... I swear everything was perfect until the war arc. It's like the moment where the main character of a story ends up finally achieving his ultimate power after many years of training - but for some reason the author decides to suddenly write bad and present this milestone moment in the most crappiest way possible. *sigh* <<less
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RedsFable rated it
September 13, 2017
Status: c51
Pretty unique read.

When I started this I was a little wary of the whole non-human protag as that can go crappy fast but Dragon Life is a fun read and I recommend this to any who love the whole, "Do not interfere in the matters of Dragons for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup." philosophy.
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Myross17 rated it
July 13, 2017
Status: c47
This story is interesting. I mean, she still have a vague memory of her human self but she still eat humans, and then, she also eat Captain or drink his blood hahaha

I like how naive and innocent she is but I hate how dense she is when it comes to the feelings of captain. I mean, she don't want to fall in love 'cos she is a dragon when she already heard the love story of those past contractor and earth dragon =___=

I also like the sweetness of captain hahaha... more>> he likes her before he even learned that she is a dragon but because he is obsessed in dragon, the time he learned about her identity, he became possessive xD

This story is really fluffy and cute *thumbs up* and sort of gore hahaha <<less
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RenTheWitch rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: c30
i LOVE this story, its fun, fluffy, I love it <3 and the MC rocks
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Adastria Lillith
elhessan rated it
May 31, 2016
Status: c1
A hilarious and light hearted novel about a dragon with human soul inside. Even the story is kind of light, but the potential plot is interesting, with the possibility of a great war and unknown enemy, I hope the author doesn't fail the expectations. The romance inside is truly hilarious one. Although I kind of hate a dense protagonist, but really, this dragon is super dense. Perhaps because of its (or her) thick scales, the feeling doesn't get through? Fufufu.. Poor captain..

In the end, it's a light reading for you... more>> to read in your spare time. I recommend this one. <<less
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Squelsh rated it
August 15, 2023
Status: c91
Are you interested in reading a novel about a man eating dragon? Then do not read this.

1st it is not finished, abandoned by author.


This is a novel about a late teenage girl (high school) who is lied to, blackmailed. Gaslit and guilt tripped into accepting responsibility, consequences and repercussions for the ideals and decisions of other people. Basically brainwashed into being a suicide soldier who sacrifices her life for others. Luckily ’survives’ the first time but at the last few chapters she is being manipulated into making anther sacrificial decision.

Man eating disappears quickly and is only vaguely described most times it is.


Another novel where the summary and first 15-20 chapters are Nothing like the rest.
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Livvie101 rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: c1
I was really hoping for a good dragon story but all I found was childlike characters with zero personality and plots that just don't make any sense.

Most of the things I have read here have me questioning who came up with this plot, and let's not forget the inconsistencies and the glaring plot holes.

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, unless you don't mind wasting your time.
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Klarel rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: c84
The story started out pretty interesting, but the inability of the main character to take action for herself ruins the story. There's a lot of extremely unnecessary drama simply caused by her s*upidity.
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Jezvee rated it
March 29, 2017
Status: c42
The story has a lot of fluff and I like the MC. I like novels with female MCs that aren't human and this is one of the better one. I like the MC's interactions with the male lead, it's so cute. It's a fun read that you don't have to over think about. I also don't think the MC is dense, rather just when she notices something that would be troublesome or she doesn't want to believe she just ignores it.

I also really like when she goes badass dragon mode.
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
nhanat rated it
December 16, 2015
Status: --
the first few chapter not so interesting, but when the romance is blossoming, the male lead was so adorable >.<
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