Your Distance


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Distance is a social platform that (just like other social platforms) can display the distance between parties. Ting Shuang had chosen someone that was 287 kilometres away from him, thinking that it was very safe. After all, when there’s more than two hundred kilometres between them, they wouldn’t awkwardly chance upon each other in real life, right!

Unexpectedly… The next night, 287 kilometres suddenly became 4.8 kilometres???

And even more unexpectedly… In the afternoon of the third day, 4.8 kilometres suddenly became 3 metres???

3 metres?????


I’m having a lesson right now, doesn’t 3 meters mean that the person I was flirting with is in the classroom right now?

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144 Reviews sorted by

Simply_Strange rated it
December 28, 2023
Status: c27
DNF after chapter 27

This story is pretty sweet and lovely, but omg I'm so bored. Also, Ting throws so many tantrums for a 24 year old, it was rather annoying sometimes just how immature he acts.
BUT, insta-love (kinda), sweet moments, little angst thus far, and really cute dates -- so I wouldn't tell people NOT to read it, definitely give it a go if you need some fluff in your life.
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Karamel Makkiato
Karamel Makkiato rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: Completed
I didn't expect much from the novel but this is a healthy slow-burned fluff that made me smile or giggle all the way through my binge reading. Love how they don't hold each other back but let each other explore and succeed without possessiveness.
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December 9, 2023
Status: c59
Honestly, I thought at the beginning that this was a run-of-the-mill fluffy BL story but actually it's funny, cute, dramatic, and even surprisingly philosophical. It felt healing to read this, I like it so much more than I expected at the beginning.
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shuulys rated it
November 24, 2023
Status: Completed
A novel filled with fluff, communication, and growth. Super good!! The novel is written in a good pace and not dragged out at all. It has both character and couple development too! I really like how they grew as individuals and as a couple, especially our MC Ting Shuang. I won't spoil how the ML Bai Changyi assisted in Ting Shuang's character development but just know that meeting Bai Changyi and getting into a relationship with a mature partner is definitely one of the luckiest thing that happened to Ting... more>> Shuang. He really lucked out on this catch that even I got jealous.

(The following might be considered as spoilers!!)

One of the few things that I liked the most is how Bai Changyi was willing to go long distance for 2 occassions just so Ting Shuang and grow as a person. For him to do what he wants and needs to do, he was willing to stay in Germany to wait for his arrival back. The trust that he had and the unconditional support that he showed really shows how strong their relationship is and how much he loves Ting Shuang. Also, at the start Ting Shuang was a little 'immature' and behaves like a brat sometimes. That's also why I'm really happy when Bai Changyi remained patient infront of his temper and tried to resolve the issue between them through open communication. Whenever Ting Shuang has such a fit, he would ask things like 'Ting, what is wrong?' and tries to resolve whatever that is happening between them. I think that this really helped Ting Shuang to restraint his temper and prompt him to resolve issues in a more amicable way just like how he did with his dad.

Hais... I can happily say that he really is one of the best MLs I have ever read about 🤭 <<less
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Jiiemm rated it
November 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Alu feels sad to part with this story 🥹🥹

This story deserves a high ⭐️..

One of the reasons why I really love this story is the very wise character of Professor Bai 😭😭
He's a character who is truly worthy of being your companion for life 😭😭 He's sexy in a very expensive way. Elegant mischief, and elegant mischief..

Our sweet Ting, like the silly and stubborn shou, is a bit annoying, but the perfect match for our Professor Bai. They are perfect in a sweet way..

Really read it. This is a fitting and refreshing coming-of-age story. Too realistic but with epic drama.

I love this drama
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July 4, 2023
Status: c1
I love it, one of the sweetest and most romantic BL books I have read. The MC is young and a typical 24 Yr old with his imperfections and childish moments and our ML couldn't be anymore different, a professor and a responsible mature gentleman with his own set of principles and beliefs and when they come together it's simply magical.

What I loved most is how they express their love through everyday things, how patient and understanding they are with each other and the character growth of the MC wow...... more>> this is some of the best character development you'll find.

His growth, his maturity, the way he looks at the world and how he gets to learn more about the ML everyday, its just a pleasure to read. And his awkward moments, 🤣🤣these ones made the book 100 times funnier and better. I have never laughed out loud so much when reading a Korean novel😅

And I also love that the MC got time to travel by himself and experience diff things, I think this was crucial for his growth and for deciding what he would do infuture/ career.

However I really wish we had the ML pov I feel like we didn't really learn much about him, his own thoughts, and even snippets of his life, his interactions with his friends, his parents, and his lover... he's so diff from the MC, I think it would have been interesting to see the MC from the ML's point of view.

This was a beautiful story, and I'm so glad I decided to read it and I love the title too 'Your Distance' now those are 2 words I won't be forgetting in long while.

To the author, thank you for this beautiful story and to the translator thank you for making it possible for me and many others to get to know this beautiful story. <<less
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GhostFlute rated it
June 2, 2023
Status: c58
I skim-read the whole thing but I read carefully (every sentence) until ch 58 so that's what I'm putting in my review for honesty's sake.

The drama in the second half of the novel should have been anticipated and spread out more throughout, because like this the story overall feels like a nothing-burger with some last-second drama sprinkled on top. But this didn't impact my rating too badly because the overall quality of the writing (and translation) is so high that even if, for the most part, nothing really happens, it's... more>> still an enjoyable read.

What I liked the characterization of the protagonists. The MC starts off as a brat, which is perfectly understandeable when you've been together with someone who's used to put up with you and never takes the time to sit you down and make you see reason. However, faced with a more matured partner who contributes the most to the relationship, MC naturally starts to become self-conscious and grows a conscience. That was quite nice to read and accompany the MC in this journey felt like an emotional test for me too, for me to face my own behavioural shortcomings in similar situations.

The ML starts off as a very mature, selfless person and he grows into a slightly more selfish person throughout the novel. Selfish in this case is not an insult, but it's positive. Everyone needs to claim some things/moments/little pleasures of life for themselves from time to time, and I'm glad ML came to the understanding that a relationship is not living solely for his partner, but is more of a compromise, meaning his partner sometimes needs to give way, and if his partner is too young to understand this, he needs to be more firm, put his foot down and just make his partner meet him in the middle.

So many authors paint an initial picture of a protagonist just to develop the character all wonky and janky. For example the MC of This Venerable One Really Didn't Abandon My Familiar is supposed to be a lofty, millenia-old cultivator who's reserved and mature but behaves nothing like that, or the MCs of Cherry Blossoms Upon and Kaleidoscope of Death which do a whole 180 at the end of the novel. This fortunately doesn't happen in this story, which hugely helped my enjoyment of it despite the lack of substantial plot.

Overall a lovely read, full of little gems such as the bitter feelings that come with separation, questions about the meaning/worth of formal education, and family bonds. <<less
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Saphie rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: Completed
Oh my goooood! This was so good, so nice to read, so soft and fluffy. Admittedly, I had no intention of reading it as I immediately left on chapter 1 seeing the recommendations (not really fond of the ones in the recommendation) So I stopped immediately. Are a few days of not being able to read something, I figured that i'll just read this and did not disappoint!

Although it really has traces of the recommendation novels, it was not as unbearable to read. The exes barely even showed... more>> up and I really like the two. Good read. <<less
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ryzll rated it
April 11, 2023
Status: Completed
one of the few with the most drastic character growth MC I've seen and one of the most tolerable ML I've seen

because there's so much gap in the age and also because it's a teacher-student relationship, expect that some dramas will be exerted

but it's especially sweet, expect: the candy sweetness of crush, the rush sweetness of blooming love, the bitter sweetness of challenges, the heartwarming sweetness of love and tolerance, and the calm sweetness of a natural couple with a hint of everlasting love
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sbob rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Smiling and laughing through almost every chapter (other than the serious bits).

Really love these two together. Second re-read, still as good. You can see the MC growing and maturing in his thought process and controlling his temper better, thinking through his actions. Really growing throughout the novel. Difference in this second read is that I realise the groundwork for his character was already there with his divorced parents childhood and having to fend for himself while pursuing an education, deciding to study in that area due to familial responsibilities. He... more>> was even able to take a step back and think even in his early tantrums. Made me like him even more.

Their dynamics is SO CUTE and FUNNY and ahhhh the fluff. The chapter endings with the witty twists from ML and MC.. So good. So well-written. How they met, how they realised, what they did after realising, the many pits and discoveries, dating sweet moments. 💯 I laughed so much through this. Especially when ML’s parents met MC. So funny. The portrayal of the age gap situation is quite realistic, and everything generally progressed at an excellent pace.

My only only gripe if I had to nitpick is


what in the action movie happened in the second half?? LOL. When he manipulated the robot arm to swing? Catch? Him when he escaped from the building was hilariously shocking to me both times I read it.


Will definitely read again. And again. <<less
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casmonido rated it
February 24, 2023
Status: c1
I initially thought MC was quite mature for how young he was but he keeps getting brattier... I mean ok but I'm not here for second hand embarrassment

And ML is also... fine = not someone I hate, but also very much not my type (he's a "strict teacher" type)
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October 21, 2022
Status: --
I excpected somelight romance, the second handed embarass**ent killed me literally I couldnt continue reading with how reckless MC is and how too unreasonable ML is, I feel so suffocated I dont know what I hated more the MC or the ml, MC more I think, the author especially made him dumb enough to change a normal lubricant with a stimulant unknowingly just to spite the ml, and why couldnt he use a cond*m too ? I dont get the fixed positions all chinese novel have, why cant MC top... more>> ml? They take wife and husband too seriously, like is his d*ck not functioning porperly, I dont think it is acceptable that they dish it but cant take it themselves, MC has the right too, this is why I hate age differences too much, the MC looks too dump and small next to ML with his many excperiences in life <<less
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Kassandra rated it
May 27, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the best novels who have a great, great, great romance!

It's specially emitting a green light in my eyes.

Basically the plot is;

... more>> Ting Shuang broke up with his long-time boyfriend because he found out he was being cheated on.

And he's been wreck, so his half-brother visited him and urged him to date. His half-brother downloaded an app (Distance) for him and there he found, Bai Changyi.

They unexpectedly matched and their love story started there.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE ROMANCE HERE! Their relationship was just so green flag for me.

Bai Changyi is older than Ting Shuang, so he's really mature and understanding (which I really like).

Ting Shuang is the younger one, so expect him to be impulsive and green. BUT! There's growth here, you'll see.

Conflict is just family drama, thankfully. Won't detailed it much but...


I really don't like his half-brother, Zhu Wenjia.

I won't forgive Zhu Wenjia for what he did. He didn't even realize the consequences of his actions, of how it would affect Ting Shuang. If he, at least once treated Ting as a brother, he should have thought of it or maybe it would crossed his mind.

He's downright selfish. And after he grew up, unsurprisingly he still didn't change.

I won't forget his actions towards Ting just for his own selfish desire.


This novel is recommended. Really fluffy and sweet. It also has a bit comedic undertone which I also love.


It also have some nsfw scenes. ;)

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Ppkk85 rated it
May 4, 2022
Status: Completed
Overall a short and good read, nothing memorable. No hard ache, just very realistic guy meet guy, and let's just date and be together. I guess I like story with more of a chase and tease, but this is not bad either.
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FrostyDragon rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Not the most exciting story, but it's sweet and funny. The characters are endearing and it's nice to read about a relationship that just develops naturally without much drama. The CP have a quirky dynamic due to the age difference and the ML being the MC's university professor, but it's cute. Nice read.
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Live2Read rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I would challenge someone to find any fault with this novel... It was that good! A breath of fresh of air from reading those meaningless novels. You can only gain something reading this.

I felt unsure about the story in the beginning as I felt it had no plot, but nonetheless it is not inferior in any way to those novels that have a fix plot.

Seriously, you have to read this.
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rebelakuma101 rated it
January 22, 2022
Status: c90
Wow, what a ride!

I am truly and extremely grateful that I stumbled upon this wonderful gem. This is just my 3rd novel since I am kind of a novice in reading these kinds of novels (just started this type of hobby few weeks ago hehehe) but the experience left a memorable and deep impression to me of having a meaningful relationship overcoming obstacles like age, gender, orientations in life, etc.. of course, the characters also faced those dilemmas but the way they handled are very relatable.

Needless to say, I just... more>> simply adore the relationship between Ting Shuang and Bai Changyi! Honestly, their interactions are just so engaging. There's also a huge amount of good laughs, a bunch of embarrassing moments that will make you chuckle and countless of sweet moments that will make you grin from ear to ear.

On another note, I know there are some few distaste towards Ting Shuang's immature side (and much more when he suddenly acted so mature in the last few chapters!) but I guess I'm just okay with it since if I have a boyfriend like Bai Changyi, I would also act spoiled (all the time hahahaha). Anyway, must be a matter of preference but I never found Ting Shuang's character to be annoying at all. He's flirty, yes. Stubborn, wild, lazy, unorganized... in short, the total opposite of our mature, calm, collected and "SUPERMAN" Bai Changyi. But their personalities just mesh up so well despite the differences. They complement each other so well that I just enjoy their dynamics.

This novel is highly recommendable for everyone! Truthfully, I was hesitant to read this at first because of the 90sh chapters since I personally don't like reading long chapters for I can easily get bored. But fortunately, there's never a dull chapter in the entirety of the novel. And I even end up finishing it in a matter of few days which is so unlike me. So yeah, please do give this novel a try. And I bet that you will also feel like raising your standards to look for a man like Bai Changyi in real life hahahahaha. <<less
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Purpleland citizen
Purpleland citizen rated it
January 15, 2022
Status: weibo extra 1
Fluff beyond fluff... when you don’t feel like thinking much and just filling your head with fluff, this novel is what you need. Someone said the ML is too perfect.... might be but not on the annoying side.
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fujayshi rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: --
Felt a need to write a review on this one because of how amazing this is. Honestly one of the best books I've read so far.

I loved how they were honestly so different like in terms of character and especially age but they made their relationship work. The understanding, maturity and especially the character growth is what hit me the most because I was portrayed really well and I can really feel it. I'm not really good with words so I'll just say: GO FKN READ IT RIGHT NOW
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Nouf457 rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: Completed
Finally a novel about growth, muturity and communication between MC & ML, and the best of it there's no angst, no misunderstandings, just a fluffy relaxing feel-good story about a lovey-dovey couple and the way they influence each other and grow together. I really recommend it to anyone who wants a simple, angst free and sweet story👍🏻.

I gave it 10/10 ⭐.

The translation is amazing. Thanks for the good work.
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