Wu Chang Jie


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A lineage of enmity, two lifetimes of love.

A hundred years in hell is not as bitter as love.

[Past Life] A gentle and strong Eldest Prince shou who turned evil in the end.

The Ninth Prince gong, who originally did not have a good heart, turned evil due to hatred.

Conclusion: It’s all the fault of the family of origin.

[Present Life] A white impermanence senior brother shou, who already doesn’t have any memories of the past.

A black impermanence junior brother gong, who has memories of the past and impure intention.

Conclusion: It’s all the fault of senior brother being too good.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Impermanence Calamity
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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Danmei
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  4. Novel interessanti da tradurre -Cinesi
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/26/21 Corgi Edits extras 3-6
09/02/21 Corgi Edits extra 1-3
08/11/21 Ari c280
08/11/21 Corgi Edits c271-280
08/10/21 Ari c279
08/09/21 Ari c278
08/08/21 Ari c277
08/06/21 Ari c276
08/06/21 Ari c275
08/05/21 Ari c274
08/04/21 Ari c273
07/30/21 Ari c272
07/30/21 Ari c271
07/28/21 Ari c270
07/27/21 Ari c269
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66 Reviews sorted by

New Natural_Sapphire rated it
May 9, 2024
Status: Completed
I know it’s wife chasing story and it was supposed to be the harder the chase the better, but some plots are very hard to stomach, especially the later parts. Like, MC didn’t hate his mother for being the one who started all those tragedies, killing his brother, framing ML, made ML’s mother die and pushing ML to road of no return, yet he hated ML for two lifetimes for rap!ng him?

Also, the author made it as if MC was like a saint who was so wrongly viewed by ML... more>> in his last life and seemed pitiful but what did MC expect if he hided all the things from ML? Did he expect for ML to gain enlightment and known everything in the world automatically? I don’t think it’s wrong for ML to take revenge on MC for what he thought MC did (minus the r@pe part tho, I think it would be better if he just killed MC and be done with it). It was somehow MC’s false for looking down on ML as a kid and never considered sharing important information with him. I think ML is the most pitiful one in the story. He loved someone he shouldn’t love and suffered for two life times. It was like ML was the one who came to face calamity in the world instead of MC being the one.

MC was always considerate of everyone, loved everyone and worried for everyone, everyone other than ML. Because he knew ML loved him and would never leave him whatever he did to him, he used ML again and again to save people he cared about, and never thought about how would those effect on ML. Even the villain ghost in the story was more loved by his lover then ML. Other than in the first life when they were young, MC has never done any good things for ML. I read this till the end hoping to see some love between them but disappointed when it ended with MC finally agreed to live with ML in exchange of ML’s two heavenly weapons. Bro’s life was too hard. <<less
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maimim rated it
May 17, 2021
Status: c241
EDIT: Changed my stance on the novel after reading further. Seriously, it's a roller coaster ride. I am honestly hoping the MC and ML's relationship just straight up fails. This is the first novel to make such an emotion emerge from me. Xie Bian's (Zong Ziheng's) past is extremely depressing due to a number of factors (which includes the ML), and I am amazed how he didn't break down much earlier. I have so much sympathy for him because almost the entire world was out to get him. Fan Wushe (Zong Zixiao), on the other hand, is way too possessive and clingy for my taste. I actually thought that if I were in Xie Bian's place, I'd probably commit su*cide (a second time) after regaining my memories and after learning that a ton of people were just after my golden core. I don't care if the ML suffered in hell for 100 years because he literally did that to himself and complains about it. I'd off myself just to get away from him because of how often he said, "I won't let you escape from me."

I just feel appalled about how fixated the ML is, after learning the truth of the MC's supposed "betrayal, " in wanting to go back to the past without fixing the major problems in their relationship. The ML humiliated the MC and r*ped him so much in the past life. You can't just go back to before that happened as though those events didn't exist. (Seriously, just let the MC go already if you really love him especially after he had begged multiple times!) The ML insists on following MC wherever he goes and claims he'll do and allow whatever the MC wants except being able to leave him. I lowkey want the MC to just find a different lover to spite the ML. Every time it is written that ML feels his heart hurting (because of the pain he himself inflicted on the MC), I feel completely indifferent. This scenario sounds a bit like

Rebirth: Degenerate s*ave Abuses Tyrant because the MC's half-brother in that novel literally tried to trap the MC by his side, claiming "Oh, I am the emperor now so I can make you happy." Only until the MC in R:DSAT was literally on his deathbed did the half-brother think, "I am causing him so much pain. I should let him go and give up 100 years of my happiness so that he'll only be happy in his next life."


I only gave Wu Chang Jie 4-stars due to the amount of bullsh*t the MC had and has to deal with. ML needs to do something extremely selfless for me to even think of not outright hating his character. The writing itself is really good though. The author is quite talented in stirring readers up.
49 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
dianxiamaria rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: c51
Hello, Turkish translator is here! I highly recommend you to read this masterpiece. The first danmei that I read was mdzs and the second one was tgcf. This is the third book that I read & translate. I hope you give it a chance and join this beautiful and splendid adventure.

Charachters : 8/10

Plot: 9/10

And I want to thank to Corgi and Ari for translating cognisably 💜🌸
31 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Rainbow Unicorn
Rainbow Unicorn rated it
August 31, 2021
Status: c261
Nah dropped this just right before it ended. I can't deal with this crap any longer. The first half was really good, all that plotting in the palace and stuff. I was really intrigued by that. My rating is only for the first half of the story and the hardworking translators.

... more>>

But ZZX is just. Nah bro. I totally can't find any likable traits for him at all. He's way too possessive and is always victimizing himself at some point. Not to mention how manipulative he is and turns the situation around and make ZZH seem like the bad guy. Also, I really didn't like the way the author tried to make ZZX pitiful in the end (maybe an attempt to make us like him more which is just... no. Didn't work. I still hate his guts. Oh, and not to mention how he tries to romanticize all those non-con moments they have and keep on reminding ZZH about those. Don't forget how he also says things like "Didn't you ever feel love for me when I forcibly pushed you down?" and crap. Just... what the hell. He is, by far, the worst character I've ever encountered. The rest of the novel is just a total letdown. I wondered why it had such low ratings and now I know why.

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aezar rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is truly interesting and well written IMO. It got me hooked 10 chapters in. I wish this novel got more recognition. It's also compelling how we can see the foil between MC and ml, I love the parallels and the way we can see two different mindsets. We have Xiebian who wants to live his current life because he thinks nothing good will come out of knowing his previous life, that your previous grudges should be forgotten, that knowing the past won't help you make difference in the... more>> present but will keep you stuck. Then we have Fan Wushe that proves this by making the same mistakes despite knowing his previous life. I'm excited to see how things end up between them and to see character development. <<less
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MeineMeow rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: Completed
SQC is my fave author. She’s the only dogblood’s troupe writer that I loved. Her writing style, which depict hot blooded fanatical love, punish the scumbag ML to pursue our MC, is top of the notch.

Never realize I will enjoy this kind of troupe before I read her work before. True, this is not for everyone’s taste. There’s r*pe, pushing MC to his boundaries, makes us curse and want to bury ML for his egotistical nature, and cheer when ML suffer then pursue our kind and gentle MC.

This is actually... more>> quite mild compare to SQC 188 series. WCJ laid it’s charm on the plot, not on the dogblood romance. The adventure, the mystery, the truth behind the absurd legend, and the translator effort to bring this hard to MTL novel to live, explain to us the myth behind WCJ plot, is makes me want to bow and kiss their feet.

Anyway, some people compare this to 2HA. I think they are not similar. Just because people more familiar with 2HA and WCJ written after it. If you read SQC previous work, you’ll understand that this is very similar with her prev works.

And another thing, SQC writing style also on the top notch for smut scene. Hail the translator once more for dig her car driving chapters from her weibo and bring it to us! <<less
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ricoerrr rated it
October 15, 2021
Status: Completed

mc: xie bi'an

ml: fan wushe


MC and ML used to be brothers and princes of the reigning dynasty in their past life. they were particularly close, but MC discovers a secret about the royal bloodline that forced ML into exile and fall from grace. as it turns out, ML is a bastard child and not a true son of the empror. ML is heartbroken and furious towards MC, thinking that this is a ploy to secure the throne. although MC didnt want to succeed as emperor, due to multiple infavourable cirucmstances (his own father trying to steal his core, trusted allies plotting behind his back, his mother pressuring him, etc), he is forced to upsurp the throne. ten years pass, and ML returns stronger yet blackened. he has two of the four heavenly treasures, and with them he reduces MC into a figurehead leader. MC understands that many people want his core, perhaps even ml, so he kills himself before anyone has the chance to steal it. ML goes on a rampage and tears open the netherworld trying to resurrect MC, but he is killed by the netherworld emperor.

a hundred years later, both MC and ML reincarnate. ML retains his memories, but MC does not. they become disciples of a netherworld master, and together work as the two wuchang. MC is lead to unravel what happened with his past lives. as he regains his memories, he learns that his core is special because he is the reincarnation of a god, therefore his core has the potential to ascend anyone who consumes it. once word got out, everyone starts to hunt for him once again. in the aftermath, MC and ML separate for three years, and in that time, ML got roped into overthrowing the order of the three realms. he retrieves his two heavenly treasures, but the in the process he glimpses into mc's past life and finally realizes that he had misunderstood MC the whole time. trying to make up for all his wrongdoings, he sticks to MC and and agrees to save mc's friend who had been kidnapped and held hostage in hell. in the end, they save the three realms and reconcile.




first, regarding their reconciliation. this part makes me feel very complicated because theres actually two parts to it: forgiveness and actually falling in love, each with varying levels of tact in how it was handled. although I love that they did eventually reconcile I personally wasnt The Biggest Fan of how it played out. at some point (during the hell arc) wushe behaved like a grown man-child and latching onto the dage-didi relationship they shared in the past because he knows bi'an is weak for that. his infantile behavior was... weird, to say the least. but it completely shocked me that it actually... worked?? bi'an somehow took it upon himself to 'save' wushe, and the way to go about that was to.... admit guilt? there was some sort of mental gymnastics that im still trying to understand in which the whole reason bi'an decides to forgive wushe is because he feels guilty for being unable to save wushe from the demonic path, and guilty for wushe's suffering in hell. all of which are not convincing reasons for why bi'an needs to feel guilt in the first place, and yet! he believes he 'owes' it to wushe in this lifetime to make it up to him. to be fair, this happened when they were under the threat of wushe completely blackening again, so I understand the sense of urgency, but still.

the 'falling in love' portion is more subtle since it was background noise to all the action and drama that was happening. but I think one of the biggest catalyst (or my favourite at least) is in that dream where his heart yearns for a loving romantic relationship with wushe. they both knew by then, that he loves wushe; although supressed for a long time, it was never contested at all. ever since then, I think he became more attuned to his fears of losing wushe everytime wushe faces a life or death situation. he always loved and cared for wushe throughout both lifetimes, but first he needed to overcome the big hurdle which is forgiving wushe, before he can heal and allow romance into his life.

we get to see a bit into their domestic life in the extras where wushes still trying to curry favour and trying not to step on landmines, though its pretty obvious that theres still a power imbalance between the two. this is wushe, and it wouldnt be fair to his character if he wasnt a manipulative bastard even in his happily ever after.

second, regarding bi'ans past relationship with his parents. all the parental figures in this novel suck ass, big time (except for zhong kui). I really wasnt a fan of how bi'an was so filial to his father and mother to a fault, even though he knows theyre both terrible people. this is a character flaw that, while realistic, really annoyed me for some reason. his mother dragged by the nose to the throne that he didnt want, pitted him against his own brothers that he loved, and stomped on the things that he cared for. bi'an exhausting himself having to drag his ass all over the world trying to give his mother a 'proper burial' even though she played him like a chesspiece when she was alive is nauseating to read.

on the other hand, wushe's relationship with his parents werent any better at all. I dont really understand wushe's mommy complex and how his mom of all things is the reason why he decides to go apeshit. he kept repeating how bi'an ruined his mom's reputation blablahblah and I just ?? in the flashbacks she didnt appear often so I guess its hard to feel empathetic, but afaik there was nothing special about wushes mom so I just dont get it. plus the absolute cherry on top was how wushe still looks up to his dad, the emperor, the person who deadass had his mother jailed and humiliated, and somehow he didnt think to blame his father instead??? speechless.

and third, regarding the plot and storetelling. overall the story was pretty engaging and considering it had a whopping 280+ chapters none of it dragged at all. the author really made full use of all the mythical elements in a traditional xianxia story that illustrates a rich fantasy world. the story was very ambitious, I love the use of reincarnation and samsara cycles, the concept of the three realms, and how the story followed the characters through multiple lifetimes.

there were some things that I wish couldve been expanded on, especially regarding gods and the 'jiutian' realm. it was only teased a bit but I really wanted to read about bi'ans past life as a celestial being and how he got reincarnated as a human in the first place. especially since a good chunk of the story is about his special godly core. my personal guess is that hes going through a heavenly tribulation and got sent to the mortal realm to experience pain and suffering. in fact, I think all reincarnations involving gods are meant to be like that since bi'an, lan chuihan, and that one-armed guy all lead tragic lives yet it was implied they were all gods in a previous life. this was one thing that I really wanted to know more about, but alas : (

the other thing that I had a really big gripe was how some of the character motivations were not well written at all? or just very confusing? like the three side characters with the love triangle going on was the most ????? since I could not for the life of me emphasize with any of them lol. it all just felt flat and plot device for the sake of plot device.
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Reyleisha rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: c251-260
Rating: 3/5- I love the translator (Corgi Edits) more than this story. Excellent translation with fantastic footnotes and content warnings. This story however... uhm...

So I’m not a fan of this author in the first place but I did relatively enjoy her novel Professional Body Double (I was in the mood for dog blood) and because I’m a huge Xuanhuan/Xianxia fan I was looking forward to Wu Chang Jie. There was some reviews comparing this to ErHa and being a massive Meatbun Stan I really had high hopes for it.

That... more>> was a bad idea...

Wu Chang Jie would have been good if it was my first Xuanhuan/Xianxia novel, except it wasn’t. The writing is clunky, the characters are two dimensional and you can literally see where the author had massive author’s block as she wrote. I guess it’s true what they say about this specific author- it’s either you love her or hate her. I really can’t seem to enjoy her work (I’ve dropped two of her other novels, this being the 3rd now)

The flow is really bad and jumping between past and present but leaving no valid room to weave the surprises and villainous twists and turns caused the novel to feel very flat. Also it’s hard to get into the novel because the author uses executive info dumps to move the story forward. The foreshadowing is a few lines of plot between massive amounts of unnecessary information that I would forget anyway. It’s not like it would tie back and wow me in later chapters.

The premise was interesting but the characters struggled to carry this story forward and by the end of the novel I was frowning from annoyance and disinterest.

When I got chapter 247 literally felt the way Xie Bian felt when Fan Wushe apologised- Indifferent...

This author has a knack of always writing flimsy MCs and ridiculously sadistic MLs without clearly justifying their behaviour or keeping it consistent. It’s like their actions don’t match their personalities and you struggle to really care about them. You always feel like a bystander instead of feeling invested in their journey and choices. Instead of being able to empathise with her characters, whenever you try to feel for them you’re slapped with a WTF by their sheer s*upidity or inconsistency.

Like you can’t write characters that are unreasonably pitiful but have the fate of the heavens- it’s contrary. And if you think you’re going to get redemption for the abuser MC from the rapist ML (this seems to be this authors favorite type of character to write (gorgeous, lustful dumbhead) - haha! In this book you must wait all your of 230 chapters to get about 40 chapters worth of redemption. The punishment scale is uneven and the redemption unsatisfactory.

This shouldn’t be compared to other novels if you want to remotely enjoy it. I pushed so hard to keep reading and I truly love Corgi Edits and I will read anything they translate because the quality is fantastic.

If you aren’t looking for superb writing, well woven angst and plot, fantastically intricate and dynamic characters (main and side) then go for it. Or better yet, read this as a starter pack into Xuanhuan/Xianxia.

Alternatively give this a skip if you get annoyed fast by inconsistent and mind boggling characters who behave s*upidly but have “imperial destiny”. <<less
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Cabz00 rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
Will rate this novel and translation (Corgi and Ari) a full 5 🌟. This novel is somehow has a vibe of 2ha, lot of angst and pain🔪💔. Ziheng and Zixiao are both like Chu Wanning and Moran, both has a lot of misunderstanding from the past. So painful to continue yet so interesting 😭😭 since I don't understand Chinese, I'll gonna wait for the translated chapters, so blessed to have them.

Will edit the comment after finishing the novel.

P.S you must have a strong heart to be able to continue 😖😖

.............. more>> anyway, update after finishing like I said before...........

it's really like Chu Wanning and Moran all over again, atleast they were able to mend their relationship by the end of the novel. Not very satisfied with the ending tho, it's kinda like rush or something... hmm. But anyway, the translation is Lite *thumbs up* I like how Corgi did it, 10 chapters per update hihi, just wished it can be viewed in a Page than PDF. Kinda hard reading in a PDF when you use mobile phone and it moves a lot. Xie Bian and Wu She's past was all pa-pa-pa (lol), there was also the pa-pa-pa in their current life but it was only done like.... compared to their past life (intense gazing).

legit, it has a mixture vibe with 2ha, that and this is a very recommended novel. <<less
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FrostyDragon rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: c280
Warning: scum gong, gaslighting, dubcon, r*pe (and it's graphic), HE for victim and his abuser, torture (physically and mentally), depictions of s*xual humiliation (on top of the r*pe), the gong is NOT a nice person for most of the story. Also massive knives and angst.

So, you have been warned and should proceed with caution. You might think that you can handle anything if you've already read 2Ha, and I don't think WCJ is worse, but the noncon is more graphic, there's less humor and fluffy parts, and the characters suffer... more>> a lot.

So you thought Mo Ran and Chu Wan Ning suffered? I guarantee you haven't read how much a character can suffer until you've read this novel. The MC suffers. The ML suffers. The side-couples (there are several) suffers. The villains suffer and become bad guys because of how much they suffer.

You thought the big bad from 2Ha had a compelling reason for his atrocities? WCJ will show you how much an innocent character can suffer until he turns to evil, because fate is cruel and right and wrong are twisted ideals that don't protect decent people.

Unlike 2Ha, which I frequently got impatient with and where I eventually skipped a lot because there were too many side stories, I was hooked on WCJ from beginning to end. I didn't want it to end, I wanted more time with Xie Bian An and Fan Wu She, I wanted more time to dive into all the pain and to experience to CP finally being together after all their tribulations. I especially wanted more Lan Chui Han and Jiang Qu Lian.

I wanted justice for Ah Yun and more time to explore his backstory.

I'm 100% not okay with what happened to Ah Yun and Lan Jiang - it reminded me of the side characters in SVSSS (especially the Shen Jiu extra, Tianlang-Jun x Su Xiyan and Zhuzhi-lang). I'm in denial and hope the extras can give me some comfort, because that storyline hurt way more than it had any right to.

What's good about WCJ:

    • World building: heavily based on Chinese mythology and so I'm sure a lot of things went over my head, but it was great - not too many info dumps, not too complicated, compelling enough to keep me interested.
    • Plot: great. Love/hate relationship, major misunderstanding but it made sense and never got s*upid, good villains, morally grey characters, MC was a sweetheart that I could root for, but also fatally flawed. Never boring at any point.
    • Characters: besides a few villains who didn't get fleshed out well enough to work, the characters were great. A few were really memorable. There were a lot though and not everyone got the time to shine.
    • Themes: It's a compelling story about how to move on from hurt and abuse, and the point about how getting revenge and inflicting pain on those who hurt you only caused more harm was good and worked in the context of the story.
    • Heartbreak level: 10/10
MC/shou: I liked Zong Zi Heng/Xie Bi An a lot, and I actually respected him as a character (well, most of the time). He almost became a saintly Gary Stu, but was held back and kept being interesting because he did make a few terrible mistakes. He was prideful (although he didn't show it much, it guided his actions), stubborn, bad at communicating and terrible at acknowledging and expressing his feelings at crucial times. His filial piety made sense in context, but lead him to some terrible life choices that he ought to have regretted but stubbornly held on to.

There were times where


I wanted to shake him and make him take responsibility for the mess in the past. He was a victim of his shitty parents and terrible circumstances, but he did have several chances to try and help Zong Zi Xiao. He could have told him the painful truth when he found out about how awful Zong Ming He was and how Shen Shi Yao was scheming on his behalf. Instead of trusting his terrible mom he should have taken ZZX away to safety. When ZMH found out the truth about ZZX and ambushed them, he should have fought side by side with ZZX and fled with him.

When that didn't happen, he should have sought out ZZX when he emerged as the Supreme Demon, instead of fighting him he should have admitted that he messed up and ask ZZX to forgive him. Maybe the outcome would have been the same, but then at least he would have tried.

I don't blame him for keeping silent after the r*pe. It was a conscious choice on his part and the only 'revenge' he inflicted on his abuser - thanks to him ZZX suffered for over 100 years thinking that the person he loved the most was a powerhungry schemer who betrayed him and his mother.

It's obvious that ZZH was very resentful of ZZX, and he did have a right to be.


ML/gong: Many readers don't seem to like him because of his attitude and behavior. If you want a reformed gong like in 2Ha, who turns into a heroic, selfless character - then WCJ likely isn't for you. Zong Zi Xiao/Fan Wu She is a rude, arrogant brat with a possessiveness that can be considered toxic even before he turns evil. He doesn't become an actual good person later on, although he does realize his mistakes and become a bit better. Personally I don't need my main characters to be 100% likable, and for those who do - why on earth did you pick up a novel that centers around and abusive romance?!

As for those readers who complain that ZZX didn't suffer enough or that XBA forgave him too easily - did we read the same story or do you just have sadistic tendencies and zero capacity for empathy? The ML literally


went to hell for his crimes. He suffered unspeakable torture for 100 years, to the point where he only got through it with some sanity intact because of his deep obsessive love for ZZH. Before that, he had everything taken away from him at the age of 14, he watched his mother's closest friend betray him and his mother, found out that his entire life was based on a lie, his 'father' turned against him, he watched his mother die in front of him, his real father turned out to be a monster, he had to flee for his life and live alone and ostracized for 10 years. All that time and afterwards he had every reason to believe that the cause of all this was because his beloved older brother betrayed him. That the person he loved the most turned his back on him for the sake of the throne, even though he had explicitly stated that he was willing to give up the throne for ZZH's sake.


Imagine what that does to a person. Sure, hurting someone else because your own life sucks is never a good solution, but humans tend to lash out when they're in pain. Getting revenge is a very human impulse, it's completely understandable that he reacted that way.

Should he have reformed when he returned as Fan Wu She? Yes. But how could he do that when


1) he hadn't learned to let go of his own resentment (understandable that he held on to it after hellish torture for 100 years), and 2) as soon as XBA was in danger, FWS had more reason to try and get the Heavenly Talisman to become powerful enough to protect him.


ZZH complains of how no one treated him sincerely, but this was exactly ZZX's experience as well.

For people complaining about the ending, they overlook the fact that XBA loves FWS. It's interesting how despite having no memories of the past, XBA


falls in love pretty quickly and deeply enough that he can't let go of his feelings even after believing that FWS wasn't sincere and didn't actually love him. My theory is that he simply is as obsessed with his Xiao Jiu as FWS/ZZX is with him, but he's able to handle it a lot better - and also he's deeply traumatized by the way ZZX hurt him.

It's shown repeatedly in the past and present that his love for Xiao Jiu is the one thing he can never let go of. He can't bear for Xiao Jiu to be in any kind of pain, and despite everything ZZX/FWS has put him through, his brotherly love for Xiao Jiu turns into a romantic love in the present life.


There's nothing remotely healthy about the romance, but the author doesn't romanticize the abuse. Even if at times the MC enjoys the noncon (it's implied a few times, but not stated explicitly), this doesn't make the r*pe okay, and the MC is completely clear about that. He doesn't get Stockholm Syndrome, he never makes excuses for the gong, and he's not okay with having his consent taken away. The psychological factor of r*pe is always present and shown to have a real impact on him. There's a clear difference between the intimacy he explicitly consents to (or doesn't reject) and the intimacy that's forced on him. The ending is the one XBA neeeds after everything he's been through.

About the side characters: There's a big group of villains, some work really well and should have taken up more space, some point. JQL is a fascinating character, and LCH had a compelling story that I wish the writer would have shown more of.

The story was really rushed at times, and some parts should have been fleshed out more. But generally it was very good. <<less
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peppergum rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: c264
All 280+ chapters could be summarized in the following:

  1. ML manipulates MC and abuses him without bothering to investigate clearly suspicious circumstances that'd shed light to previous tragedies
  2. MC, despite being incredibly powerful, falls for every single possible trap within a ten mile radius while everyone around him are screaming and crying "Wait! This seems suspicious!"
That's it. That's the whole story. Jiang Qu Lian was the only character who made sense to me lmao. Wu Chang Jie can't be comparable in quality to 2ha because every tragedy in this story was sooo... more>> avoidable. And MC's aware of his own s*upidity too, so he just constantly laments and blames himself, which is even more annoying. Not even gonna get into how absolutely evil the ML is.

On the flip side, SQC's a great emotional writer so despite my dislike for MC + ML, I still ended up finishing it within a week. It's like she knows how badly you crave closure so she constantly dangles it in front of you like a carrot while beating your ass with a stick made of melodramatic plotlines. <<less
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PinkyPeri rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: c100
I'm currently reading Corgi edits and being blessed with 10 chapters update at once 🥰 thank you so much and always waiting for your updates ❤️and cant wait to see my white orchid gentleman Xie Bian get eaten by his didi in this life too heehee cough*
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vixcturi rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: --
I just cannot with this novel anymore. I am just confused by the high ratings of this novel.

When I first read it, I was thinking it reminded me a bit of MDZS & 2HA, but the more I read this novel, the more I felt I was losing brain cells & quickly realised this novel definitely is no comparison to the former titles I mentioned.

Translation is top tier but the novels literary quality is abysmal.

  • The MC is just pure tr*sh. Weak and useless; may as well just call him the typical BL archetype of useless & dainty. (I felt like kicking him so much eventually after reading his nonsense & the way he was characterized by the author).
  • The ML is r*pe crazed and has zero good qualities about him. I honestly just cannot with him. (Definitely kicked him in my head).
  • The plot is just totally boring & dreary. The flash backs were a bit more interesting but most of the novel is set in the present which was dull to say the least. FYI though, anything that is usually related to mythos about the Black & White Impertinence in a series will usually bore me & this was no exception.
  • A truck ton of info dump- a long strung series of useless information nobody cares about, nobody remembers & never shows up again. What is up with this author & info dumps? It really puts a reader to sleep.
  • Like most BL novels, this one just cannot escape meddling authors who force the universe of the story/plot into creating scenes of love between the ML & MC... every opportunity they get, they just cannot resist the urge to bend space & time & a brain to somehow get sexy times going... even in moments where it would not make sense, or the plot didn't even allow for that situation to have occurred. I'm over it.
All in all, your either going to love this novel or hate it... Its getting a 1 star from me.
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goingtherouxit rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: c100
*Currently on chapter 100 but I had to leave a review- no spoilers*

Wow this novel has really shocked me so far. I was originally cautious to start this because of the tags, however I'm so glad I did! The novel being based on black and white impermanence is what drew me in, but the storyline kept me invested. The way the story ties the past and present timelines together is really captivating. It kind of feels like a puzzle that the author has set up, and when the pieces fall... more>> into place you feel like 'ah, how did I not realised that?'. I'm really enjoying it so far!

I really want to thank corgi edits for their beautiful translation! The translation is delightful to read. It feels like I'm reading the novel along with corgi edits. I love their little comments, they always make me laugh. The quality of the research they put into making sure the readers understand all the references and the great care they take with the translation is enough for me to recommend this novel. I wish there was another way for me to contact corgi edits, but if you ever read this thanks so much for all your hard work! <<less
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Swtea14 rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: c110
Really enjoying the story. Thank you to both translators for their hard work!

Pitiful, sweet Ziheng... I hope he gets his happy ending.

Will write a longer review after I finish the whole novel.
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Ninjagal rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Binge read it. And maaaaan the knife, the s*upidity that comes when you're crazily in love. All the problems literally stemmed from being in love and crazy over someone. Technically all the pairs have a yandere in the CP. Except for the tragic hetero one. But haha I originally thought there's gonna be a side CP between CuiJudge and Shizun but I guess I was wrong.

I'm invested in the sideCP though. The secondary one appearing at the very end. Like the translator, I wish they can get their own brand... more>> of HE.

Also while ML's suffering was glossed over, I feel I wanna see him grovel some more. Really, not the childlike one, but in as much as we want ppp, he needs to have some serious restraint until MC actually agrees. But if you based it off from MC's dreams, he's just one giant ball of denial. Liking it but not really saying it...

Also can I Say.... I need an uncensored version of horseback riding... Riding.... Someone pls make a fanfic!

Thank you for the quality translations. Some of the idioms got glossed over. No small, no big (means disrespectful, not seeing anyone as higher or lower than you)

I love the story. It's 👍 <<less
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nabz_01 rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay I finished it.

Do I like the story? Um, it was alright, but nothing grand.

Spoilers AHEAD!!!

Throughout the entire story, I felt sorry for Xie Bian/Zong Ziheng about the sh*t he had to go through for two lifetimes. Actually, I was hoping that he leaves the ML in the end because Fan Wushe/ Zong Zixiao somewhat stayed the same. His yandere nature was still there, which annoyed the f**k out of me. The world building was alright, side characters were quite decent too but nothing special. The ending felt a bit... more>> rushed especially when Xie Bian and Fan Wushe had to fight with Xu Zhinan who wanted to rule the entire cultivation world. Xu Zhinan's death was fast-paced too. This story had quite predictable twists, but idk man I just don't feel that special about it. I just felt like the writer wrote everything fast just to finish the story.

I gave Wu Chang Jie 3-stars because of the amount bullsh*t Xie Bian/Zong Ziheng had and has to deal with. The ML was pretty unlikeable, even till the end. Hopefully, the extras show some change in his character. The translators did a good job translating, so thanks to Ari and Corgi both. Their footnotes are really helpful to get the gist of the story. <<less
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Sonata123 rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: c263
The book is actually very well written and even better translated. But I can't help, it leaves a bad taste with me. The gong is extremely dislikeable. Really, I can't find anything good to say about him. He has no redeeming qualities. All right, he is persistent - and that's it. The whole thing feels like: you can r*pe, abuse, kill, whatever - but if you keep clinging and proclaiming your 'love' you will be forgiven. I really find it kinda disgusting.

The shou is... bland? weak? I am usually very... more>> passionate about suffering characters but Xie Bi An, I can't even make myself care. <<less
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melongoh rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c245
This is really one of SQC's masterpieces. I love angsty novels with happy endings and am rooting for a happy ending for this couple Xie Bi An and Fan Wu She. At this point in time, the novel is not completed yet and I am eagerly waiting daily for the updates in Chinese raw.

It is a story about a pair of star-crossed lovers and their love-hate relationship that spanned 2 lifetimes. Their first lifetime ended in a tragedy, and it didn't seem to end there. I cried buckets of tears... more>> when Song Zi Heng died. The cleavers come down fast and hard and I just had to have a strong stomach to take them. Sometimes I feel that their tragedy was due to their stubbornness to communicate with each other, but isn't this human nature ? I find the battles among the immortal clans, cultivators and the Ghost King very comical though, it's like they are stealing and snatching magical weapons while trying to win the battles. <<less
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Lahell rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: c231-233
I'm so glad I found randomly this novel!

It's so so so good and hits a lot of my favourite tropes. Beware of the tags though!

The beginning may be a bit confusing because there are a lot of new concepts for most, especially about the Chinese folklore of afterlife, hell, souls etc.
But I found that after you get a basic grasp of it (you don't need to do a huge research on Wikipedia, translator notes are enough) everything reads smoothly.

One thing I love is how flashbacks of the first life are written, they are not draggy at all. You'll look forward to them!

MC, ML and every character are well rounded and three dimensional.
The plot is very good so far, not overly complicated but still intricate.

I'm looking forward to read the ending!
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Seryiena rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: Completed
This book is the 2nd one I can't put down after SVSS. The tags given for this series might be a turn-off but the angst and pain in it is worth it. To be honest I'm pretty much okay with any tags but still will raise an eyebrow at certain... uh, kinks? Like, looking at you, SVSS -laughs-

I love the main CP very, very much. The suffering and obsession delivered in the series is simply delicious. Still, not gonna lie that I do want to smack both FWS and XBA... more>> on the head and told them to just get one time to sit down and have a proper talk instead of doing those (spoiler on story so will not say it here XD). I think the amount of thing FWS going through 'there' is equal to what he inflicted on XBA (just gonna use their current instead of past life's names here). Sure, if it were to put on a scale, XBA will probably be more intense but over 'there' for FWS? Physical-wise? Check. Mentality? Check. Imagine going through 'those' 24 hours a day for a hundred years. I'm really amazed he didn't break. The never-give-up, desperate call for XBA during that time make my heart ache. Serves you right for treating XBA like that in your previous life though, FWS.

The relationship between main CP hurts. The story hurts. The long awaited moment where the truth revealed, and in such manner, hurts. But the story towards the end is kinda rushed in my opinion. Side CP's story is ended just like that with no mention of the related characters to them (eg. the father who worried about his son). Redemption on FWS side is a must, of course, but even with what he has gone through, XBA is somehow... too soft? I admit I feel disappointed that they reconcile just like that. Even after knowing what FWS had gone through 'there' and XBA please have mercy on him, I want to see a harsher treatment before they can go lovey dovey and all. But in the end there are still a little bit of wariness on XBA side so I guess it's fine. I'll just use my imagination to make-up some situation for my own satisfaction. Lol XD

All in all, I really enjoy this series. The implementation of various mythology is great and the angst served is enough for me to have my fill. Thank you very much for the awesome translation by Ari and Corgi Edits as well as footnotes (in which Corgi Edits's pointing at FWS are simply hilarious XD) which helps me to understand more of the terms used in story. I'm going to read more works by SQC. Expecting nothing the same of WCJ but at least I now have one author to add on 'favorite angst author'. Hehe. <<less
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