World of Cultivation


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An unknown disciple from a small sect battling against the strongest in the cultivation world! The long journey working at cultivation, the realization of destiny, and the chance to reach the apex of the world.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Zuo Mo is a zombie faced low level cultivator in a minor sect of a little world. Ever since he was picked up by the sect leader two years ago, he has no memories of his earlier life except a recurring nightmare. Navigating the rigid class structure and intricacies of the cultivation world, as one of the lowest possible of the lowest class, Zuo Mo’s dream is to earn money, and lots of it, through being a spiritual plant farmer. A chance occurrence reveals that someone powerful had changed Zuo’s features and erased his mind. The money grubbing zombie decides to set out on a journey of cultivation to find out answers. Fate colludes with chance, the drums of war are beating, the ghost of his past is coming…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tu Chân Thế Giới
Xiuzhen Shijie
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Recommendations
  2. ALLCN+
  3. NO Romance
  4. My next 5 out of 5 !!!
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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02/20/16 Dreams of Jianghu c161
02/19/16 Dreams of Jianghu c160
02/18/16 Dreams of Jianghu c159
02/17/16 Dreams of Jianghu c158
02/16/16 Dreams of Jianghu c157
02/15/16 Dreams of Jianghu c156
02/14/16 Dreams of Jianghu c155
02/13/16 Dreams of Jianghu c154
02/12/16 Dreams of Jianghu c153
02/11/16 Dreams of Jianghu c152
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Addictedtoreading rated it
August 31, 2022
Status: Completed
I've read this novel several times. I really like it.

I saw there quite a bit of 3 star reviews, so I decided to ad my review to the mix.

Zuo Mo is not your typical OP MC (though he becomes quite OP) who does everything. He can delegate things and leave things for his people to do. He acknowledges there are things that are not his strong points or don't interest him as much and leave them to others.

For example he acknowledges that the sword is not his strong point. He... more>> knows how to use it, but stops trying to improve himself with the sword, because there are other things he can do better and interest him more. It's the same for animal husbandry and leading his troops. His troops admire him very much and see him as an example, but he leaves leading them in fights to his general, Gongsun Cha.

MC often made me laugh, especially his conversations with Pu. At times he reminded me of Meng Hao of ISSTH with his love for jingshi (money) and the fact that in the beginning of the novel he immediately loses all his money to PU whenever he earns some.

I saw a reviewer who said that they liked Lin Qian more as a MC. I didn't like him very much, perhaps because he becomes the opponent of our MC and I did like MC. But I do agree that he is very OP from the beginning. If I did have to choose another MC for the novel I would rather choose Wei Sheng, Zuo Mo's shixiong from the same sect. Wei Sheng seems very nice, is very strong and dedicates his life to become stronger with the sword.

I liked that he brings the troops he gathered along on his travels and creates his own sect. It's a nice change from MC's who always travel alone (though I like those too).

MC has 5 "pets". They all travel with him.


MC gives his pets good food so they their strength keeps growing. However in the interactions with them you don't often see him treat them well. He is often teasing them.

Silly Bird - MC's first pet. A bird of very low grade when MC got her. She was his ride. She is a very proud bird. Because he feeds her good food she upgrades in a tempo similar to MC. When her intelligence grows she starts to find it beneath her to let MC ride her. She saved MC once when he was wounded by carrying him back to his sect and helps out every now and then. But she does not do much. She is like the mom of the other pets. She looks after them and saves them when necessary.

Lil' Pagoda - A soul-tethered talisman of MC with consciousnes. It is like a child and likes playing all day long. It can help MC keep formations and puppets working.

Lil' Black - A ling-worm. This worm can help find ling-veins. It also likes to play all day long.

Lil' Fire - A fire yao. Small yao that can fit in MC's hands. Also likes to play all day long

Tenth grade - a 5th grade butterfly. It wants to become a 10th grade animal and likes to practice to get stronger. However it is forced by Silly Bird to play with the 3 playful pets a lot.


Some spoilers


Someone cast some kind of spell on Zuo Mo, which made him lose his memories. Because of this his face looks like a zombie and people can't see his emotions on his face.

In the beginning of the novel Zuo Mo's soul is invaded by Pu, a yao, and a gravestone (Wei), which is a body armor as we later find out. Pu escaped with Wei from a prison that has held him for about 3.000 years. Pu is the only yao who survived from being imprisoned there. Al his friends have died. He is very weak when he escapes, so he enters MC's (who is very weak at that time) soul to hide.

There are 3 types of main creatures on this world, xiuzhe (they are not called human in the novel for a long time), yao and mo. 3000 years ago there was a large war between yao and xiuzhe, which the yao lost, though they still have their territories.

The xiuzhe cultivate ling, the yao cultivate their mind and the Mo their bodies.

A short time after the novel starts a new war begins between the xiuzhe and the yao. When there are signs a new war might begin Zuo Mo's sect decides to assimilate smaller sects into their own sect, to become stronger. MC is absent at that time (he is thrown inside a formation by the elders of the sect to learn the sword, which he evades). When he returns to the sect, the sect has completely changed, so it does not feel like his home anymore.

I kind of compare it with a merger of the company you work for. If you're not there during the merger, then everything will feel very different when you come back.

The war will start close to the sect Zuo Mo is in, so the sect decides to send MC to an island with a few other sect members to use as an escape route if necessary. When the sect decides to move away, they take a different route and MC and the other sect members on the Island are abandoned.

When they find out they are abandoned, most sect members decide to leave the island, 2 of them stay with him.

When the yao come to the island Zuo Mo and the 2 other sect members escape and travel over sea to another place. However they can't travel any further because a sect stops everyone from traveling through. They ask for payment if people want to pass, but MC doesn't dare to take to pay, though he does have the money, because he is afraid they will be killed if they show their wealth.

Thousands of others are also not able to pass. The sect has 1 jindan sect leader, and MC and others are in ningmai at that time. Jindan is considered much stronger so people don't dare to attack.

MC decides to create his own force and forcefully takes people in as his troops to fight the jindan sect leader. He inserts something in their soul to get them under his control. He appoints Gongsun Cha (a butcher:-)) as his general and gives him the order to increase the number of troops. Gongsun Cha shows great potential in becoming a general.

He builds a small city with all kinds of formations to fight the jindan with his troops and when the fight happens he manages to win. Because of this everyone can now leave the place they are in. He sets all the people he gathered free, but a large part of them decide to stay with him and follow him.

His people get into a fight at the first place they are resting with a few sect members of 1 of the sects and MC decides to attack the sect to prevent them from gathering others and attacking them. He now has experience in fighting a jindan (the sect has 4 jindan) and has faith in winning. They win the fight. 2 other sects who have friendly relations with the destoryed sect decide to attack MC and his troops, so MC decides to preemptively attack them too and wins those too.

When they leave and travel further someone alters the formation portal they travel through and they end up in a old battlefield from 20.000 years ago.

I won't spoil the rest of the story for now

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Bexder rated it
July 24, 2022
Status: Completed
I was honestly surprised by the quality of this novel. The first hundred chapters were a good starting point, slow-paced, and easy to get into the setting. Afterward, the pace started to gain momentum. I was honestly surprised by the novel elements of army and kingdom building in this one, it was quite enjoyable to read.
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Mr gentleman
Mr gentleman rated it
June 7, 2022
Status: c400
Was good for a few chapters until it became one of generic xianxia bs... more>>

The author seems to lose his touch after chapter 200. It feels like he doesn't know what he wants to do. Plot armor after plot armor....... and it continues. Tbh reading it feels like self torture rn more than anything else. It was really good the protagonist had an interesting personality. Money grubbing, intelligent and most importantly non-idiotic. But after chapter 200 after he leaves his sect he becomes another generic mu*der hobo protagonist. Although the author does try to bring up that money grubbing side of him some times, but it feels annoying not funny. And he has a lot of treasure's (or so we are told like pagoda and all) but everyone of them are useless or maybe author didn't have enough creativity to write something good. Side characters are....... tbh pretty good a lot better than many other cultivation novel out there. But it isn't enough. The plot is really poor. Author keeps bringing one absurd thing after another. And till now idk a s#it about protagonists power. Which path is he gonna take? What he gonna become? We don't know anything for all you know he'll gain another power up a new body in form of plot armor. So yeah a DISAPPOINTMENT.


On a side note the author have extreme foot fetish which can be seen from his writing and its disgusting <<less
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Town_villagerb rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: c561
Based on my review system I give it a 2.5 which means that it has a major flaw and other medium/small flaws making it a 2 star but there was potential hence the 2.5 star. I was original going to give it a 3.5 to a 4 sadly the major flaw showed its head.

Summary of book- MC lost his memory and was brought into a smallish sect due to pity. He wants to be a good plant farmer and earn lots of money but sadly war is coming. MC stops... more>> farming and goes into combat pretty quickly so if u came for the farming aspect dont get your Hope's up.

As always my review contains spoilers if you dont want read my in depth explanation (more like rant) or read spoils just read the underline parts.

Major flaw- Author introduces lots of elements into the book but cant properly juggle them. This was originally just a medium flaw but it got to much and made me drop it and became a major flaw. So the explain what I mean the author while introduce a useful item spell power system character etc show how useful it is not only for MC level but a level above MC but then forgets about it. Take the seal soldier for example we get a tier 6 tier soldier after the cloud city arc and not is it tier 6 which is one rank away from divine it's mutated to a extremely strong tier 6 item that was able to instantly beast a peak Jihan (may have spelled the name wrong I'm just going to use numbers) a rank 4 cultivator yet after one use is completely forgotten. As for the scene that made me quit read is when he ranked up from rank 3 to rank 5 and got the 3rd best general mo body (body cultivation different from the ling cultivation that I talked about previously) when he had the 2nd best colonel skipping the brigadier rank. However the rank means nothing since the author doesnt give us a comparison from different mo bodys all. Why this is such a huge issue will be said in the next point.

Medium flaw on the verge of major flaw- Power system is not defined enough. So there is 3 different power systems technically 4 the 4th is when all three combine. You have ling cultivation system which the humans use the mind cultivation system which the yao use and the body cultivation system which the mo used. You also have essence like sword fist and saber essence to name a few. The problem is in the ling system from the first rank to the present rank, which is the 5th ranked, beside it being x times stronger there is no difference which is a big no no every rank up should mean some thing drastic has change like being able to use ling outside of your body being able to use ling 50 feet away from you getting a domain etc otherwise it would just be a level up not a ranks up (each ranks has multiple levels in it like the third rank has 3 levels). Not to mention even though MC has talent with spells for the ling path which is what he originally used for farming gets drop he doesnt continue using the sword which means the ling path doesnt get used anymore. The yao system uses mostly spells we dont even know what the rankings are in the yao system beside sky yao (which is his teacher rank) but we dont even know how strong that is. As for spells even though MC has great talent in them MC hardly ever uses it other than the waste beast nor has the author even mention the stars that are in his conscious since chapter I think 100 or the embryo cultavtion method. Making the yao path superficial. Then you have the author favorite the mo system based on the body however we dont see enemy's nor friends having a mo body so we cant even compare them other than an it being 3rd in its rank which mean absolutely nothing. Then you have essence which we do know the names of the rank but not what they do up until domain which is 4th rank but author doesnt explain it well I can take a guess based on other books I read. So one of the main draws of the book seeing him and his army grow stronger has no meaning since the power all the power systems are superficial.

Medium flaw-Plot convience/plot armor/luck you will see this a lot in eastern books especially chinese since resources are more important than talent in these kind of books. In the first 200 ish chapters the author skated the issue quite well by it actually making sense that he got the items in the way he did like the boat for example he needed a boat to escape towards the ocean from the yao army and one of the high ranking bandits he killed that a boat which makes since sense the bandit wanted to escape into the ocean now this may seem like common sense too you if you never read a chinese web novel but the amount of stuff the MC happens to need that drops into his lap with no good reason is ridiculous. However everything just gets handed to him for no good reason now for example he get teleported to a ancient battle field that is 10000 years old because someone mess with the formation cords on the teleport formation the battle field that no one has gone to and people each major race barely have records of that is completely sealed and no one has been able to get into convenient. This battlefield is filled with fiend energy which ine of his troops can use to cultivate (the mo) and his teacher has a method for the ling cultivators to use the fiend energy and transform it into ling energy then they go to the blood mist which has blood fiends who can be refine to soul energy that only the MC can do which happens to be good for MC general who is super weak because of his talent they also drop mo weapons and a totem fragment the mo weapons are super hard to get and are great for his mo troops while the totem fragments each have a conscious which would even be sold on the market because of how rare and useful they are. He then fights a super corpse which has shen energy and his suspect to be at minimum 5th rank (havent even come across 5th ranked people yet) and is most likely multiple level higher yet MC complain is able to stall him then the corpse decide to help mc? Because MC talked to him I guess and if MC dodnt have the corpse dude he would have died if he continue forward because they are too weak. Then he gets to the center and it has a super rare tier 5 material all over looking like a desert that jf sold would be by the gram. Then MC gets a fire sun seed which happens to unlock a super rare ruin that attract multiple rank 5 ling cultivaters and one of the 4 big sects real convient.

Small issue Fight scenes aren't greatly described.

Small issue- MC doesnt even go to a city that hasn't been consider in a backwater region for since I stop read at chapter 561. Not much to explain all regions he has been at are backwater places and it's already halve way through the book cities are describe very well so the book doesnt feel very real and only revolves are MC.


The main pro of the book is that it's a typical chinese novel written way better. If you ever read a chinese web novel then you should know the main things that make the book arrogant young masters stealing plot convience/luck everything being s*upidly big and so on the author writes these tropes in a way that makes since like the arrogant bad guys are arrogant because they are sword cultivators and sword cultivators always completely wiped out the yao and mo and to cultivate a sword you can only cultivate a sword and nothing else. Not to mention the bad guys actually have a reason to pick a fight with the MC.

In short do I recommend this book honestly ya it was written well even though it didn't have a unique twist to it and I really enjoyed reading about the MC and his army it satisfies all the things I want in a book army smart MC that tries to be low key some city building some fights and a decent amount of focus on crafting at the beginning again the main reason I stop reading is because the author couldn't keep juggling all the thing that the MC can and would kinda forget about them. <<less
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March 25, 2021
Status: --
This story has many ups and downs. It is a bit disappointing where the writer lost focus throughout the whole ordeal. Many novel ideas came out but never follow up and completed.

The writer threw out many ideas throughout the process but then just left it behind like a kid finding a new toy and threw away the old ones. This in turn made the story very disappointing and makes the reader dejected and full of frustration of the idiocy of the writer. Many characters were emphasized and exaggerated but never... more>> heard again. The main plot became diluted. The levels of power quickly came very contradictory from the initial introduction. It's like through time, great powers diminished greatly and even went extinct. Then, somehow it popped up out of nowhere.

Now comes the translation part. They spent so much time rambling about stuff like a little kid who can never shut up. They spent so much time rambling on every chapter where they could've spent more time on grammars, spell check, and editing. The worst part is at start of a few chapters where they kept throwing out spoilers before the chapter started. What kind of shitheads would do that as a translator??!?!?! Don't even bother talking about professionalism, common sense failed epically. <<less
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March 2, 2021
Status: Completed
I feel like the author perhaps meant to make this a longer novel, the build up was good, the fight scenes started to get draggy and then the ending came out of nowhere.

A normal fight scene can span 5 chapters but the final battle didn’t even get a description? no one knows what happened to all the other side characters, there was no final feel good victory & how about the final mystery of the Shen device his dad made? What was it? it felt like the author got tired... more>> and decided to wrap up 20 chapters into 1...

the starting was really good though, descriptive, good pacing, the friendship. But what an unsatisfactory ending! <<less
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October 7, 2020
Status: complet
I just love it. Completely different from the other novels. Good characters and nice storyline. Totally worth reading.
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mio rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: c443
It started great, truly did!

but around chapter 300 it starts to fall apart. the author starts rushing things and clearly just wants to get it over with. amateurish mistakes like people flying "crushing the ground" as they charge start cropping up more and more often...

characters that should have been developed are slowly being abandoned, things that should have been explained start to get skipped, it's honestly only getting worse as I read on.

I've stopped reading as not to ruin the whole thing for me, at least now i've still got... more>> a few fond memories of the start. pretty sure the author either got tired of writing, but had to finish due to some contract, or just died and someone who can't write for sh*t took over. <<less
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blb91 rated it
August 7, 2020
Status: --
Xinxia often suffer from an overabundance of pointless action, contrasted with a lack of character development. This series has the exact same problems only reversed.

Too much action? Get rid of all the action! Tired of predictably arrogant heroes laughing in the face of death? Take this inconsistent amnesia-ridden coward! Faced with inconveniences or bullying? Grovel and beg! Faced with god-tier demons who threaten to eat your soul if you don't comply? Stand up and curse at them!

Of the initial story arc, combat composes 1% or less of the plot. The... more>> rest of the time the protagonist is just wallowing in artificial poverty. Below are some of the many problems this series suffers from.

Relatively early on, the protag is marked as an incredibly valuable farmer, elemental genius, sword-essence genius, and unique pill-maker by his sect. Despite this he is given neither instruction or resources. He isn't even taught a single attack, or defense, nor assigned any guards. Even after "shocking" instructors with his aptitude and denying other lucrative recruitment offers from rival sects he is left completely to his own devices.

Other xinxia have the character skipping entire cultivation levels, paired with a deluge of new powers. Often this is used as an inferior substitute to story, plot, and character development. This series will leave you nostalgic for such developments. The protag doesn't even learn a single viable attack until you are dozens of chapters in.

The first "fight" is versus aphids. The "hero" fights literal aphids with his mind... and almost loses.

The second "fight" is versus worms. The "hero" fights literal worms... and only wins, because unlike the aphids, they don't fight back. Oh, and he still needs help to do this.

The third "fight" is versus another novice disciple from another sect. The "hero" has a "genius" idea. He decides to use all of his energy to the point of collapsing to break his enemies sword. Except he knows that it won't harm his enemy, only enrage them, and will leave himself unconscious and vulnerable after. He then has to be saved by the little girl he was supposed to be protecting.

As you can tell the main character isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Despite having natural aptitude for cultivation, his base intelligence is ret*rded.

Finally, there is the amnesia trope. The protag wants to get strong to regain his memories. That is the sum total of his character motivation.

Save yourself the time and pain, don't read this tr*sh. <<less
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Master10K rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Right after reading EoSP, I encounter another poverty stricken MC, whose constant struggles can be both amusing and annoying to read. But as the title states, this takes place within a world of cultivation and the amnesiac Zuo Mo gradually delves into every form of cultivation imaginable (elemental spells, sword techniques, pill concocting, beast taming, body cultivation, formations, etc.) Continuously ramping up from the 2nd volume onwards, but before that you'll have to suffer through the incredibly slow start. To then experience one of the few Xianxia novels that natural... more>> progress army building into kingdom building.

The world itself feels alive and I truly appreciated how it never felt like the world revolved around Zuo Mo (until the final stretch), as it spent a great deal of time fleshing out other characters. However the writing style and questionable translations, makes the reading experience needlessly difficult and the ending incredibly rushed. <<less
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July 4, 2020
Status: Completed
It's a great novel. The world building is simply too outstanding.

Although it is a slow paced story, persist reading and you'll eventually get hooked at the growth of each characters.

I really liked the trio, Wei Sheng, Luo Li and Zu Mo.
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aShinyVaporeon rated it
June 12, 2020
Status: Completed
I binge-read this one in a week. The translation quality is top-notch (some people don't like that the translator didn't completely translate all terms and left some in pinyin, just check the glossary, she defines all of them. Maybe I was just used to this already, I can manage because I know a little chinese) World-building is interesting.

The main character isn't a saint or a face-slapper, and has an average face. He's a stingy, likeable guy with some talent, a mystery past and capable friends and mentors. He's not without... more>> flaws, but he and many other characters definitely aren't flat and are pretty interesting.

There's little romance (like, very little. The focus is on MC's growth with his comrades).

The story develops well up until the very last arc, which was frankly disappointing. There was quite a lot of buildup, but the author seemed to rush the ending. It just wrapped up waaaaaaaaay too fast. (I'm also disappointed that some characters / elements didn't get more screen time & powerups)

A great read, not a typical xianxia. It's got some cracks, but I loved this novel. OP MC and some xianxia tropes, sure, but overall awesome read until the last hundred or so chapters. <<less
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berjkley rated it
June 5, 2020
Status: c152
The novel started fine, albeit slow paced, the earlier chapters were interesting and not so much filler words or events happening, then, the novel changed and became a tipical "I need to fill the word count" chinese webnovel, with chapters upon chapters expanding needlessly the same events.

It went from a very enjoyable read to "I just need to read the chapter tittle and briefly skin over" type of novel. Dropped after that, since altho I'm interested on the side characters, the effort isn't worth the amout of useless things to... more>> read. <<less
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BookWorm65 rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: c612
Rating: 3/5

I was expecting a lot of good things from this novel but it's a massive disappointment.

The beginning was very good and was slowly building up and you could see that the author was going for a something special but that was only true until the MC

leaves the Golden Crow City

. Here are my problems with the novel:

- MC gets crazy powerups. He learns a new power and he barely has time to learn it when he gets an even bigger powerup which leads me to
- How ridiculously lucky he is in getting the amazing powers and subordinates with exceptional talent in the exact skills he is lacking or needs
- MC never learns from the s*upid mistakes he made in the past. Whenever he is in a dangerous situation from doing something that he knew was s*upid, plot-armor will save him
- The biggest reason this novel turned to sh*t imo is that the MC went from someone who had unconventional talent and had to rely on different skills instead of talent/strength to win against enemies to someone who got handed top powers from multiple different systems. Quite frankly, he didn't even earn those powerups because they just became his due to the insane luck he has.
- This is kind of a culmination of the points above but things just go too smoothly for MC and his team. With the way that the fighting is presented, many of the MC's subordinates should have died and even some core side-characters but there are hardly any fights where there is a significant number of casualties on MC's side.

Now, I can see why people rate it so highly because this novel does do some things much better than an average xianxia, mainly being:

- Side characters are very relevant here (at least until the part I have read upto)
- None of the arrogant young master or 'junior, you dare' crap
- Enemies aren't s*upid
- Power levels actually have weight to them. MC cannot just simply fight above his level
- World isn't black and white

Unfortunately, the bad points are so bad that I do not get enjoyment in reading this novel anymore. All in all, I cannot believe this novel is rated 4.4/5.

Translation: Good and consistent throughout with few mistakes. Only problem I have with it is that the translator decided to leave some chinese terms as is. I wouldn't mind cultivation terms as chinese but simple terms like junior/senior brother/sister (in sect terms) or elder being left in chinese is really annoying.
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Meecosh rated it
March 21, 2020
Status: Completed
Enjoyable read! Yes, there are flaws, but 5 stars nonetheless. Just get through the Chinese terminology at the beginning:)

Amazing worldbuilding! Races, cultures - quite distinct and believable, although ... more>>

I didn't really get the yaomo origins. First FX says that they are born of nature and beasts, but later we learn that all the yaomo and xiuzhe are descendants of ancient tribes, which are very humanlike and are not distinguished by race.


Characters are awesome, Wei Sheng is my favorite.

Really liked the plotline of Illusionary formations, that was hilarious lmao, especially One Mole part hahaha.

Little ones are adooorable.

Some thoughts about ending SPOILER ALERT:


Yeah, it feels pretty rushed. Not the Lin Qian part, but the very end. I would like to see some slice of life chapters about characters. Instead of that shitty "let's build a house___the end" it would be better to see Zuo Mo visiting Wei Sheng with A Gui and kids for example. Or let us see a party, where everyone is having fun and relaxing. But it's still okay, I guess. I can imagine all that myself and I'm content anyway haha.


Well, it's really good if you want to easily pass time and enjoy covid-19 quarantine bingereading haha. Have fun! <<less
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Alucard885389 rated it
January 6, 2020
Status: --
Just completed the novel... Its good read but also lot of problems in the story. Story sometimes goes very slowly and and some times very fast. MC's background started as mysterious but later it becomes nothing. MC suddenly becomes talented and works hard with lots of luck but still antagonist becomes stronger than him. finally translation kept the Chinese words as it is in mostly causing too much confusion.. overall it's a fun ride..
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Lundynne rated it
December 11, 2019
Status: c800
This novel is probably my biggest disappointment ever since I started reading xianxia. The start is absolutely amazing: funny characters, everyone keeps trying to teach him the sword and he's just not interested, and then the breakout from their world is pretty interesting. For me it falls apart when the MC basically becomes a Mo, and all of a sudden is a gold battle general, and is really good at fighting. It just diverges completely from the beginning of the story. I basically forced myself to continue reading in the... more>> hopes that it would be as good as the beginning, but it never got there before I gave up. <<less
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Skiventzy rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: Completed
WoC has various inventive cultivation systems, great MC (s) and character development, together with adventure, discovery, humor and "band of brothers"-moments. I really enjoyed the first half of this novel, but the second half almost killed it for me. This review ended up much longer than intended. It turned out almost as a subjective novel guide. A word of warning, I think simple chapter numbers are not spoilers, so I will include them. If this bothers you, sorry, please refer to another review.

WoC starts slow and takes its time to... more>> get going. This peaceful Wu Kong Sword Sect-period is later romanticized by the novel characters, and the readers can easily relate. Here the novel also introduces a fresh idea of ling plant farming, with a comprehensive set of cultivation-science and business models related to it. The ling plant farming experiences are essential for the MC, Zuo Mo, who is a multitasking hero. He is forced to simultaneously try out different business ventures, cultivation techniques and martial arts. The poor guy just wants to farm. In this novel period perhaps half of the essential MC-friends are introduced and the dialogues are fun. The initial Wu Kong Sword Sect-arc finishes at ch.167.

Overall, I was impressed how well the story was written for the first 300 chapters. Personally for me, the best fight and story climax is finished at ch.302. There is an additional mini-payoff close by, at ch.364. After this point in the story, WoC begins to have increasing world building and politics. More characters also requires more concentration from the reader. Around ch.400 I also realized why WoC has the pretentious name "World of Cultivation". It's a justifiable name, because there are a number of cultivation systems described in detail and they also evolve in this novel. They are well thought of and linked to one another. This story also covers historical events in the novel universe and it creates respectable framework for the whole story.

By ch.520 the discovery phase WoC is practically over and the struggle for existence begins in the bigger world. In the second half of the novel, the best climax is reached at ch.656, after a long battle. Until this point, I was still impressed with the story, but I was beginning to have reading fatigue. Arguably, this is a relatively good place to skip the rest and just read the very last chapter. Why? There are only 259 chapters left...

Because the remainder is clearly the worst quarter of the novel. The author began to hurry his writing. His heavy buildups received increasingly lackluster payoffs, or were dropped. Some essential characters have less attention. The amount of politics around ch.700 was almost too much for me. If you are a trooper and can blow through it, the last climax of the novel is at ch.851. Here ends the longest battle in this novel. The battle is a MC-team effort, so it is pretty gratifying. The novel translator says it best, the later chapters are an epilogue for the story. The final chapter tries to bring all the story lines together. It is a rushed ending.

The translator reveals to us an interesting confession from the WoC author: he does not think he is not good at writing fighting scenes. That is somewhat true. I think in WoC it is because the author chose to have the MC cultivate and have breakthroughs during his fights, in the style of Dragon Ball Z. With stronger opponents he has to have heavier breakthroughs and his friends have to gang up against that single strong opponent, essentially: "please wait, while the MC is uploading an update, he will knock you down shortly". The face is thick on this MC.

Finally, I find it funny to compare WoC to the popular ISSTH. For me, both stories peak at around 300 first chapters. That is the biggest similarity, but there are also other things, for example, Zuo Mo is clearly less aggressive and better in business than Meng Hao, or is he? Zuo Mo is a better alchemist and body cultivator, or is he? Which story has a better mystery or tragic romantic interest? There are many similarities, but maybe it goes with the genre. In any case, I have a bias for WoC. In terms of the world building, story, cultivation (+farming), MC pets, supportive characters (+antagonists) and character development... it is an increasingly clear victory for WoC. I would like to change my WoC rating to 4/5, but I can't change my first choice later.. weird. <<less
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pandoravanity rated it
August 7, 2019
Status: c915
Hilarious at times and different from your usual plot of loner and mainstream chinese novel MC. Don't expect this to be one man show. His sidekicks is amazing. In fact, his sidekick is like the mainstream MC. He is just the ugly dried up scalping zombie thst got stuck down the mainstream mc's way. HaHaHa, This is the first time I don't feel bored reading about their actions. Especially Zou Mo's is just a magnet that attract cunning manipulative old Antique cultivators but beware! Zou Mo Ge (big bro) demand... more>> his rent 300%!. Each side character is develop well and we can symphatize with them, even the antagonist. What I love most is how woman or man is the same here... no difference in treatment or conduct. They cultivate, they fight and they rule without any gender bias. NO HAREM involved. So no cringeworthy harem moments. You may think it will go that way but no, the MC and the additional women around him either become Very loyal subordinate, friends or frenemys. No love involve so the woman around him all have their own roles not just there to look pretty and be protected.

The only harem exist here is Zou Mo x jingshi (Money) and Zou MoXold thoundsand years old antique characters (pu yao, wei and more) <<less
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merethought19 rated it
July 24, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel had a lot of good points as the other reviews said. MC is hardworking and clever. I just like this guy. I also love the fact that there wasn't a million of women trying to gain his love.

My only problem with this is the anticlimactic ending of most of the "main" fights. Plus, there were a lot of side stories/questions that was just dropped and some of it felt rushed when they try explain it in the end.

All in all, it's a good novel to read.
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